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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1898)
r The Sioux County Journal, HIRiRISOIBr. EBISICA., THITJHSIDir, SEPT. 15, 1898. 3ST0.8. . lw u uuta i lun is tvtH stir LCD UNTIL IT IS SETTLED RIGHT. Subscription Price, fl.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. i)m. D. Canon. Editor. Enteral at the Harrison Kt office aa aecoud claw matter. The Jovksal stands fairly and squarely on the Chicago platform, but will not hesitate to support and work for the election of candidates for the various offices to be voted for this fall no matter, whether they are Democrats, Poimliit or free silver Republicans, if endorsed by all tlie reform par- ties, conditional, however, that tliey advocate bimetallism the income tax law, opposition to national bonis of issue, are opposed to the retirement of the greenbacks and treasury notes, favor government control of railroads, telegraph and tele phone lines and the establish ment of postal savings bank ing system, and also are op posed to the issueing of nation al bonds in time of peace. FUSION STATE TICKET. for Goi? rnnr : HON. W. A. POYNTER. For l.kot. llnvr-rnnr: HON'. A. K GILBERT. For Si"C. of Mat: HON. W. F. PORTER. For stt Treasurer: HON. J. R. MKSKRVE, for 'tutu Ati'lttor: Hon. J. W. CORNELL. For AUr; v (. mural: 110X.C. J. SMYTH. For C om, Hub. l.iuxl" A lulldlnRi: HON. J. V. WOLFE. ForSupt. I'utillr Instruction: HON. W. R. JACKSON. Far Congress, flth DUtlsct. HON. W. H. OREEN. For Senator 14th iinritiUirlttl Iitrlct 110N. OTTO MUTZ. For Iloprenontatlve, 63 District, HON. LEWIS GERLACIL The Empress of Astria, was assassinat ed at Geneva Switzerland, on the 10th insL, by a Italian anarchist. LI Hung Chang, the Chinese premier lias been dismissed by the Emperor (or having plaid into the hands of Russia, The nearer election day rolls around the more the gold organs try to make the people believe free silver is dead but it dont work. Arkansas went democratic as usual Sept. 6th. , The populists lost heavily, only electing one representative, where in the last election. 1896 they elected 10 r 13. The three silver parties of Colorado have decided to unite on a state ticket this fall. That means that the McKin leyites will be defeated at the polls without a doubt November 8th. The subjects of the Ottoman empire, on the island of Crete have breken loose again, murdering 800 or 400 christians, subjects of Greece and burning the Span ish, German and English consulates. Martial law has been declared. The Vermont state election which took place on Sept 6th, shows demo cratic gains of about 10 per cent. The democrats made a gain of 22 represen tatives in the legislature over the lHttS lection. Or in '06 tbey elected II repre sented and this fall they succeded In electing 38. President McKinlev and his cabinet deeided the fate of the Philipine islands oa toe 18th Inst At the cabinet meet ing it wa desided to retain the Luson island leaving Spain in possession of the rest conditioned however that a liberal government be given to the lahabitanta. BeakUs Spain must sell the island lo an? foreign power without the consert of the United States government. HON-LEWIS GERLACH, OF HAARRISON WAS NOMINATED AT CRAWFORD LAST SATURDAY SEPT. ioth. The nomination of Sioux county's can didate, Hon. Lewis Gerlach, by the Democratic and Populist representative conventions held at Crawford last Satm day the 10th inst, was an honor well be stowed. And in so doing the Journal believes wise judgement was displayed, not because the candidate was a Sioux county man though this county, of right was entitled to that place on the ticket but because, Hon. Lewis Gerlach is a gentleman, who's reputation, either in politics or business is above reproach, and the Journal respectfully duties any body to point to a single instance, where Mr. GeVlach has, knowingly or other wise miritreated a friend or neighbor, and at all times respects and honors his poli tical enemies with gentlemanly conduct. In fact he is an ideal gentleman in every way morally, socially, intelectually and we know be is politically; he is respect ed and esteemed by every body having the good fortune to make his acquaint ance, it is sale to say that neighbor Gerlach has'nt an entmv. so far as we know in the wide world. The Journal believes now, as stated in these columns about six weeks ago, that there is no man in this district bis peer and that no mistake could possibly be made as a result of his nomination. The closing of the polls November 8th, will verify the correctness our state ment. If Mr. Gerlach is elected nad there is not a shadow of a doubt but that he will he will without doubt distinguish him self down at Lincoln this next winter on the floor of the house. In the nomina tion of Mi Gerlach the three refrom parties have a candidate to whom they .n point with pride in his sterling worth and ability. Soon as Mr. Oerlach's opponent has been nominated he will commence the campaign and, if his opponent wishes he will make a joint debate campaign. The W. C. T. U. intends to have a grand celebration at Chicago on the 25th of this month it being the birthday of Francis Williard. The population of the United States is 2-4 million more than Germany and 33 million more than England, not counting the colonial possessions of either. The democrats demanded an "income tnx" as a war revenue measure. The Republicans denied this to the people, but take everything used by the labor ing man. The republican administration must have nearly worn their finger nails off trying to dig the last penny out of the state treasury before they were forced to get out by an honest set of officials. J. Pierpoint Morgan is now trying to form a coffin trsut He doubtless ex pects, after Nov. 8th, republican candi dates will all be dead enough to burry, and he will be doing a rushing business then. In the office of public lands and build ings for the last 18 months under repub lican rule was like this: Receipts of the office (Repub) 1313,073.03 (Demo-pop)671,733.54 In favor of Reform Rule 1358,060,49 We noticed in the Sunday World-Herald an account of the representative con vention held at Crawford last Saturday. The correspondent whoever he is says, victory in this district is an assured fact, and he estimates Hon. Lewis Oer lach's majority will be 800. During the republican administration in Nebraska, state warrants were from 5 to 7 per cent, below par. During 18 months of reform administration, state warrants are at a premium of per rent., thus making a saving to the state in 18 months of 173.250 from the state treasurers ofllce alone. During the campaign of 1806 the re publican party leaders were telling the voters of this state that the credit of Nebraska would be destroyed and that capital would cease to come in and what was herJ would be driven out. But, instead of drivjog capital out, P. D. Armour has put up a 13,000,000 packing house in S. Omaha and besides there has been millions of dollars invested in Ne braska since then. The fact of the matter lit that since '98, the republicans cannot point to a single instance where money or business institutions have been driven out as a result of Demo-pop state rule. The increase in the state debt under republican rule for two yearn '03-6 is 11,275,131 36, and the actual decrease in the state debt under the demo-pop rule for 23 months is, 1771.200 53, hence the difference iu favor of the reform state administration is 12,046,934 89. If the above is true (and it must be as It is offi cial), can it be possible that the people of this state would be willing to return that same party that increased their tax es over a million and a quarter of dollars besides stealing over half that mucb more? The Journal believes the people in Nebraska as a whole are like individuals and will not permit the republican party to have another opportunity to steal them blind the second time. If the re form administration has been able in so short space of time to wipe out three quarters of a million dollars in state debt without even raisin? the taxes of the people, then why should not the fu sion state ticket be re-elected this fall? they are all clean, honest, upright men. Two years more of the reform adminis tration in this state and its financial con dition will be in the best shape since the state was admitted to the Unoin. Some Republicans are like the Chicago editorial writer who was ordered by hit chief to write an article against the silverites and brought out two or three columns of abuse and mud-slincintr. The chief called him upon the carpet and proceeded to read him a lecture, and began by saying: "See, here, what we want is argument, not abuse;" and the reply was: "D n it, abuse is the only argument we've got." A CRITICAL TIME DUItINO THE BATTXE SANTIAGO. OF Sick or Well, a Rush Night And Day. The pftckf-rs at the Battle or SiwUusro de Cuba wre nil Iimws. TUelr heroic Efforts In put ting Amimltiou and Uatlous to the front saved the day. B. E, Butler, of pack-train No. 8, Writ inrr frc.m K-int imrn Tfe fiiha tn -Tiil'- 23d. savs: . "'I; "We all had diarrhoea in more or lens violent form, and when we landed we had no time to see a doctor for it was a case of rush and rush night and day to keep the troops supplied with amu nition and rations, but thanks to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy, we were able to keep at work and health; in fact, I sincerly be lieve that at one critical time this medi cine was the indirect saviour of our army, for if the packers bad been unable to work there would have been no wo of getting supplies to the front. There were no roads that a wagon train could use. My comrade and myself had the good fortune to lay in a supply of this medicine for our pack-train before we left Tampa and I know in four cases it absolutely saved life." The above letter was written to the manufactures of this medicine, the Chamberlain Medicine Co. , Des Moines, Iowa. For sale by Dr. J. E. Phinney. How to Tell To-Morrow'a Weuther A short, clear, entertaining and valuable lesson for amateur weather observers is given in the September Ladift Home Journal in the form of a series of pictures of clouds, with brief explanatory notes. The page is well worth examining and saving, for there is nothing in the article which would not be understood by anybody, even a child and a little close study will make one qualified to form better opinions than ever before as to what the weather will be. WHY DO NT YOU SUBSCRIBE FOR THE JOURNAL? 50 YEARS' XPCRIINCE f Tradc Mahhs reeeC1 DCSUANS CoavmaMT Ac. Anraae MO dim a sketch and daaartntlnn mar qaioair as uw uin ear opinion ire wiuuor i Invention H probably i IUMI m DTYlhaMV '.-"- r fHB ikon wnnnnii Knott r annua vntiKj. ti Patent. Uaaa itnuh Mann a 5l mh Til IM UNMM I mmmmm tnr Turing MIAMI. sjnetal oatles, wttkoal Am In tSe Sdtcffllc Jttttlcca A haadeaaetr lltaatralad weaklr- bwfatt Hr enlattrm of ahr tSimtXo loams! TVm. tl a T 7- Subscribe for the JOURNAL! Beuutirul Easter Llllles or Fairy Lllllcs. Florida is the home of the famous Easter Lily. During the blooming sea son, in some places, the ground is almost white with their beautiful, lily white flowers, and thousand of them are picked by the colored children and carried to & market. Before comiBir north I had a. fine lot of the lily bulbs dug, and brought them with me; they make love ly house plants and are sure to bloom. Any one who would like two or three of these lily bulbs can have them by send ing a stamp to pay postage. You are indeed very welcome to send as I can get more when I return to Florida next fall. Address Mrs. F. A. Warner Saginaw. East Side, Michigan. The People's Independent Party Rep resentative Con rent Ion. The People's Independent Party of the Sard Representative District 1 hereby re quested to send delegates to a convention of said party to be hi-ld in Crawford, Dawes county, Nebraska, on the lOtli day of Sept. ember, A. 1). ms. Said convention to con. vene at 1:00 o'clock p. m. of said day. The object of snlit convention is to nominate a candidate for representative from suld dis trict and to transact mien other business as may properly come before it. The counties of said district are entitled to the same representation as in the state convention recently held. It is recommend ed that no proxies be allowed and that the delegates present cast the entire vote to which their respective counties are entitl ed to. W. II. W1MTOVEK. Chairman. STOCK BRANDS. Tll Journal will publish your brand, ike the following, for tfl :00. ner vear. Kaon ad ditional brand 75 cents, livery tanner or ranchmen in Sioux and adlolnlns counties should advertise their brands la TheJook- nal as it- circulates all over the state. It muy be the means of saving money for yon. FRANK NUTTO. On left aide of eattle and on left shoo lder ot bone. HangeoaAatsiofe creak , I'. O., Cbilcbrlst, Slonx Co., Neb. CIIARI.KS BIE1ILE. On left side or hip of cattle, I On left shoulder of horsea. I Mange on the head oi Warbonnet crwk Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb. S. W.CAREY. I On left shoulder of cattle horses. and ItaiiKeon Little Cottonwood. i'O. ., Crawford Nebr. Final Proof; Hetices. All persons baring final proof notices in this paper will receive a marked copy of the paper and are reqnested to examine theic notice and If any errors exist report tbe same to this office at ouce. bat demonstrated tan thousand lat It is almost lntaulbla rOK WOMAN'S PECULIAR WEAKNESSES, Irrernlaritles and derangemente. It bas become the leading remady for this class of troubles. It eisrta a wonderfully baaling, strsnithsn lng and soothing; Inflnanca npon the manatrual organs. It cores "whiUa" and falling of the womb. It stops flooding and relieves sup- pnesed and painful msnstrnatlon. For Change of life it is the beat medicine mad. It ta beneficial daring pregnancy, and helps to bring children into homes barren lor tears. It (nvlgoratM, stimu lates, strengthens the whole sys tem. This great remedy Is offered to all afflicted woman. Why will aay woman snfler another minute with certain relief within reach T Wine of Cardnl only cost fl.W per bottle at year drug store. fnr tdritt, n ttm reewlrwi tperlal wes terns, adOrnt, flvint firm "". Ih "taH' Adviury Dninftmml," rk't'aatfcmasaaJfsaV iriM tie., Caawaneeoo, TVaa. t. . W. IIIITMSiwJtJ, I. C., MTU "j wife eaes Wine ol Csriiil heaje tar taWiw el the weiak m4 It wrerl ner." TAsT FOLKS HefeMa UlnM J ft math. Me THERE WILL BE If yuo don't believe what he says go to the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE and take a look at those 500 pairs of Boots Shoes just arrived you will see he is warring with every store in the north-west. You can buy foot-wear of him cheaper than at any other store in Harrison. Fresh Garden Seeds for Sale. acn Head-quarters for HARD-WARE, TIN-WARE, DRY-GOODS and ttlOUi GROCERIES, FLOUR and FEED and everythiug needful & useful. LEWIS GERLACH, Prop. THE COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED Harrison, Nebraska. B. E. Buwstm, President. D. H. ORISWOLD, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50000. Transacts a General Banking Business co&RisporiDmst America Exchange" National Bahk, New York, Omaha National Bark, Omaha, First National Bank, Chadron, Interest Paid on Time Deposits. tarDBATTB SOLD ON ALL PABTS OF KUBOFK. 8 llfrfsf. 4 a er l BBS 9 2 e i. 3 s 3 8 is If k m Hid 2 111 ....THE iifl. Weekly Inter Ocean LARGEST CIRCUL&TIOH OF ART POLITICAL PAPER IH THE WEST It it radically Republican, advocating .. - B tn cardinal doctrines ot mat parry with ability and tumtHtomJtJtMJ tuc uia-ciri v INTER OCEAN 8UPPLIEI ALL im, ml I - Ste rw - - - It Is Morally Clean and as a Family THE N EW8AHD BUT CURRENT LITIRATU WI i TS The Literature ot IU column la equal to that ot the beat maga zine. It lilaterettlng to the chil dren a well aa the discussions of all questions of the with Kc ideas and aiDiratlooe- m qitnirt literature ana pcuues worn l9 Prlne of Dally by mall Mil rrleenf HnntaT bjrmall... TI I DaJlv sad Snnrlar tnr mall THE INTER OCEAN Is a VESTERNNEWSPAPE3. I and while it brines to the family THE NEW C . x THE WORLD and rives its readers the best ant ami 1 ss)t0 0f Bll9alMlBe)IMe)le)Bewv QYPHILISrS aaaf rseMfslsreslM. Tmllwl I itVI. Pates una. huh s L GEIiCII, Says its so. last Tuesday, and 1888.1 a f. Cora, VioePrevJtet. Cashier. ."llOi'SI ? r . - -1 1i J am I 17lfl. ; " - , :':. - - . . . -. . . , . , - : i f i f 3ii .mm sax b f i - - 2 s re s a s-ftn m 8w 5ts?s?i-s2g3- .y tf iftiiSl fit 'pv 31 i;H ilia? . Ji m mi Urn 1 j B 2 ' ' g i v ,f.uui n tan ai-rray est nuw w v for fair and honest reports- of all po-S litical moveroentsJJlJJJi - Paper Is Without I Pur. parent. day, of w w tawu '! , it is in UXtmmT r k ? 'J Tettera ptopk I . . . ' SHBr -,M j t' 7 L 1 V '' i mwmmmweaaaaz ' rANYUn . rV- ' U X ; ,7 KtA' .-JJ- -pi tMN.I '.V L