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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1898)
Sioux County Journal, I HE VOL. XI. HIERISOlNr, NEBRASKA, THUBSDAY, SEPT. 8, 1898. 3STO. 7. Cur Motfo--"NO QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT IS SETTLED RIGHT."--Hon. William J. Dryan. The Sioux County Journal. I EST AEMfcHEP Subscription Frit, fl.OO OFFICIAL PAPER OF G'.OUX COUNTY. t.'eo. II. Canon, K.lHcir. Entered at t;i llamaon )at office a ftcund clam mutter. .TornxAL standi fairly ani nquarclu on the Chicago platform, but will not hesitate to tvj'port and work for tho dcction of candidates for the rariovs office to be voted for this fall no matter, irhetter then are Democrat, Populist or free silver Republicans, if endorsed by all the reform par tics, conditional, however, that the advocate bi-mctallim the income tax law,-opposition to national banks of wve, are opposed to the retirement of the greenbacks and treasury notes, favor government control of railroads, telegraph and tele phone lines and the establish ment of pokt'tl savings hank ing system, and 'also are op posed to the iesueinj of nation al bonds in time of peace. FUSION MTATE TICKET. For Governor: HON. W. A. POYNTER. For Ltont. tiovernor: HON'. A. F.. OILBLKT. For Sec. of State: 110S. W. F. VORTER. Tor Ktate Trpniirrr: HON. J. B. MKSERVE. for Kuite Auditor: Hon. J. W. CORNELL. Kor Attorney General : HON. C. J. SMYTH. For Com. 1'iib. Laud Buildings: HON. J. V. WOLFE, ror Supt. Public Instruction : 110N. W. R. JACKSON'. i'ur ("onifr. 6th Diiitlwt. HON. W. H. GREEN. Kor Xpnntor lth HenatorlHl Itlntrlct. Hon. OTTO MUTZ. Rev. Wilford Woodruff, presulent of tlte morman church died in Han Francis co, Sept. 2nd. Congressman Green and Judge Brown the republican candidate will hold joint debate at Cliadron, Sept. ltith. According to the best authority ob tainable the wheat crop of the United KUtes this year is 730,000,000, bushels' or 138,220,000 bmhels more this year than last. The only daily paper in Chicago to Biipiwrt Secretary Alger, in his mis management 'and treatment of our nick and wounded soldiers during the campaign aguinst Spain, l the Chicago Inter Ocean, and it denominates all its contemporary in the white city as yellow journals. The middle-of tho-road populist nation al convention held at Cincinnati the 5th inst have nominated a presidential tick et for 1900. Wbartoo Barker of Phila delphia received the nomination for tlM head of the ticket and Ignatiotis IJonnley for Vice president. The Marion Butler part of the convention bolted, and have issued a address to the populist voters of the United States. One of the principle issues of this fall's campaign is good stat govern ment. The question in whether the reform administration is butter than republican rule. Another question is, whether the present stale olllcers have proven them- Helves worthy of continued public contl denes. The records are the best evidence and they are nnen to piibtli; inp tion. Every voter should ruad carefully, in vstiitate throughly, "prove all things nd hold fast that which is pood," and lion, Thomas F. Fayard a great statesman and diplomat is said to be dieing at Dedliam. Mas. When state treasurer Jleserve was inducted into office Jan, 3, 197 he dis covered his predecessor had left him a shortage of "i.7fM),Cfi, for whii.h Mr. Bart ley now languishes in jail. According to the duly World-Heral the 3rd Nebr. volunteer, now stationed at Jacksonville, Fa., are preparing to embark for Havana, where the 7th army corps, of which they area jiart will do garrison duly in Havana province. Will the politician?, or the people rule at the representative convention nl Crawford next Sat urd;ij-y Tho JoCRJTAL serves notice ou Inn personal of timt convention and fUo the people of Dawes and Sherridan counties that they can't alford to ignore the rights of Sioux county til is year. About all the headers of (he republi can party can nay about Hon. W. A. Poynter is that be is a farmer and a tem perance man and that ho is a populist. Well if he is a populist the principals he advocates are democratic and there is little dilfurerence between a Thorn is Jef ferson populist or a Thomas JelTursoo democrat. Under the fusion state administration more fees were accounted for hy secre tary of state, I'orter in 19 months than were turned into tho state treat. ury by all the republican secretaries in the pat 20 years. The above may seem to be a sweeping statement, but the record is what talks; the voters of Sioux couoty sli 'iibl inf.irin Hum selves, write to Mr. I'ortor, Iij will send you a statement of facts. Following is the co-it per year to mai'jtain and keep up land aud naval forces of Enroie: Germany, army and navy $145,800,000 France, ' Italy. Hungaria, " Orent Britian" Russia, ' 170,000,000 152,000,000 77,230,000 20i, 199,000 25H,000,000 Total $911,449,000 The numlier of men couixsing the army and navies of the above six great powers are renpectively; Germany, (507,308, France, 539.2C0, Iialv, 2tC,2;j., Auhtria, 277,192 Russia, 1,743,244, G. Britain 220,199 Total No. Soldiers. .3,623,438 The Omaha Bee and Lincon State Journal two daily papers, who went after the World-Herald of Omaha for printing so much of what they term fake news regarding the sick and suffer ing of our soldier boys, mad a bad hit when they did so. The World- Herald took their own papers and proved conclusively that they beloged to the sarao class of newspaper publishers as tho Chicago Tribune and News, the Minneapolis Journal and Tribune, the N. Y. World, Times, and Herald, all ad ministration or gold orgaus who have published pages, telling about the Buff ering and distress of the soldiers in camp and battle field and they attribute it to the mismanagement of secretary Alger. Hence tho Journal and Bee are as much yellow Journals as the World-Herald or the other metropolitan papers mentioned Yes, the World-Herald is enough for a whole state full of such dalies as the Omaha Bee and Lincoln State Journal Tha Journal noticed in the Cliadron News of Sept. 2nd a call for a representa tive Democratic convention, signed by C. C. Patterson of Rusbville, state com miltman. Tti9 strange thing about it is, the editor of the Journal by the way is a democrat and runs a democrat pap er but have never been requested to publish a call, cither by Mr. Satterleo who claimed to us that lie had the authority to make the call, neither by Mr. Patterson, nnd we notica also that the Hay Springs Leader, nor the limn ing ford Herald, both democratic and neither have published the call hence it looks as If there was a nigger in the woodpile at Chadron. Even if it were a legitimate call it has been so arrang ed that a county convention could not be called in any of the counties in this district should the chairman of the democratic county committees so desire. The parties, whoever they may be may think they are playing a smart, yankee trick, but it will react. Snap conven tions and bossism In this day and age of the world is loosing its power and the time is coming when that class of politicians will be relegated to the rear. The Journal does not pretend to place the blame either on Mr, Satterlee or Mr. Patterson, but it evident to us that it is a scheme to rtefent the will of tho people by Homo onn. WHY DO'NT YOU bUKS(!IUT!F. FOR THE JOURNAL? Subscribe for the JOURNAL l-tl MS CAUL J" "THE STYLISH PATTERN." Ar tistic Jisha-nabV.' Orifcioal. Pcrfeet- ? Fittit.?. Prices lOfiua 1 scents, fi None h'xhrr. None teller at any price Come reliable mcrcriai.t sells them In T near!' every city cr town. A'.k for R thetn, or they can fce r.-d by nil from us ia eit.i her Kjw York or Chicago. i Stamp kken. Latct Fashion Sheet sent tipn tctiipt ct cue cent to pay if 5 MSMVAE ? B.i;Mr;t belles' m?j3:'nc pofclii&cd. J TnvaLitle lot tl-r hen.e. Fwhicns of 1 the day, Vl-jme Literature, Household J "hint VaV Vmk, Current Topics, 2 Fiction, zM for only 60 cents a year, In i ciudinga f ree patfcr;i, ycur own selec J tion any time. Gen i t-vo2-cent stamps 1 for sample crpy. .iureu TKS McCALL COMTAKY, 1 , M2-J4; We't H'.'a Slrtet, New Yorl I JC9 Filth Avenue, Chicago. 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Marks 'ffflT Copvriomt Ac. A nyone nendlnij a ketrh nnd !nrrltion mty fintckiy aaoortnln our opinion fre wuelhor an IriTenttnn is probably rmtentahln. OooHnunlrft-HonpBtHctlyftnnfld-ntlul. ll&ndhnokon PutonU ent free. Olrtiwt imiht for nwurtng jitMit. I'atnntJi taJum throunh Munn A. to. recoiT ipTiat notice, without ch arqe. In tlio Scientific American. A tianrtnomcly MtHtrsted wnekljr. I.rirrt rtr oiilntlrm of anr wisntiBc lournst. Term. 18 a ynar ; fimr nmntLi, II. Bold by all newMlwUWi. MUNN & Co.3S,B,M"'' New York Braocb OfHoa, f V St.. WublnglMi, D. C. has demonstrated ten thousand times tbat it la almoit infallible FOR WOMAN'S PECULIAR WEAKNESSES, IrrcirDlarltlea and derangements. It has become Uie lradiug remedy for tbla class of troublaa. It exerts a wonderfully bealinir, strewrtbim Inf and soothing influence upon the menatrnal ornna. It cures ' 'whites' ' and falline of the womb. It stops flooding and reliares sup- creased and painful fuanatraatlon. (or Change of Life it Is the beat medicine made. It is beneficial during pregnancy, snd helps to bring children Into homes barren for yearn. It invigorates, stimu lates, atrengthens tha whole ays tem. Tim great remedy la offered to all afflicted women. Why wilt any woman ssfler another minute with certain relief within reach T Wine of Cardui only coats 11.00 per 4 bottle at your drug ators. Tor adrirr, n coin WTUiHnj tptHal Mrf Urms, atUtrr$t llSfte tymptov. th$ 'Lo44tl AdviMort lttjxirtmeiU," The Chattanooga Mt& icitu Co., Chattanooga, Tknn. Rtv. I. W. SMITH. Camden, S. C. ssri: "Mi wits uses Wins of Csrtful si hosts lor tailing ol the womb ana' It enttrtif cures ksr." Horse OwnorsLTry GOMBAULT'Q Caustic Balsam 1 Kfi ipttij and fMlUn tsrs n aarrat. Itf.f ItL IflTPtf evrr nucd. Takes I tie tiliwHi of all llnimenu lor t. Ha c:r omcro aeUon. tcm"f all llunchf. "T riomlali'i tmn Ifwaes and tit. uiERS.r.rt;.:ii all cAOTcr.y na snaiain. impjMttHt wt Vfuawric&r oi rfri bottle anld la wnnanl"1 to 're istlafactioa Prirs 01.60 Vt bnttlo. iint h einrasa. ehai " ier I'miio. m m it, w ehaivr. nnlrt, wlihlulMln-citaos f.r it. is. tend fur dcnripuva circulars. TflK I,AWBK)C;i Wlf.MAMm.Cleelaiiey O. Mr A NY LADY can gel a valuable socrst Ikat seal bm fUS, aa a rabtat aaUU lot N asakk Mm. V. M. APP. CO. M VTKT. TItKi'rr. WT. T.Q1HB. MO. N 'nong "IS WB'NOZI 'Sinillgxl Cl ll. ijamtteo -lwai s mm 4Lf 'i. uwn .i,win M-'l..".!.,!. I" Ji limn-, ,uea( si ao tiQ I -f 111 J I Jna, TKAtmwtfueM, .tu, O IIMuAW Beautiful Easter LUlles or Talry Lllliea. Florida in the home of the famous j Easter Lily. During the blooming sea- bon, in some places, the ground is almost white with their beautiful, lily white flowers, and thousand of them are picked by the colored children and carried to mark,. Before cotuieg north I had a fine lot of the lily bulbs dug, and brought them with me; thesy make love ly house plants and are sure to bloom. Any one who would like two or three of these lily bulbs can have them by send ing a stamp to pay postage. You are indeed very welcome to send as I can get more when I return to Florida next fall. Address Mrs. F. A. Warner Saginaw. Cant Side, Michigan. The PoopIe'H Independent Party Rep. rcseutative Convention. The Peoplti'9 lnuepmJent Pnrtr of tho 53rd Reprcentntlve District Is hereby re quested to send delegates to a convention of M party to be held In Crawford, Oawes county, Nebraska, on the 10th day of Sept- ember, A. I). lSSiS. Said convention to con vene at 1:00 o'clock p. m. of sukl d;iy. The object of said convention Is to nominate a enndidute for repre.ientntlve from said dis trict and to trunsact uch other business as may properly come before it. The counties of said district are entitled to Hie same reproontatlon as in the state convention recently held. It is recommend ed that no proxies be allowed and that the delegates preout cast the entlro votfl to which tlicir ro.spoctive counties are entitl ed to. W. II. WESTOVEIt, Cbalriuaii. STOCK IlltAXDS. THE JornvAL will piibitsh your brand, Hte the follo'.vliu?, for ti :0O, per year. KucU ad- uitioual brand 7iS ccnu. Kvery farmer or ranchmen in Sioujs and adjoining counties should advertise tbeir brands in TiikJocr NALas it circulates all over the state. It may be the means of saving money for you. FRANK JIl'TTO. On left side of cattle and on left shoulder ol homes. Range on Antelope creek I'. O., Cbilohrist, Sioux Co., Neb. ( HAKLF.8 BIEHI.K. On 1-Jt aide or hip of cattle, On left uUoulder of horses, i lltange on tbo head 01 Warbonnet Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Nob. S. W.CARKY. JOn left shoulder of cattle and lhorses. IRi iiireon Little CottomvooU. I'O. ., Crawford Nebr. Final Proof Setucs. All persons having final proof notions In this paper will receive a marked copy of the puper and are rcqnested to examine theU notice and U any errors exist report the name to this olllco at once. ShfrlfTs Sale. Ily virtue of an order of sale Issncd by the Clerk of the llt.Tct Court of the county of ! Sioux, and state of Nebraska, npon a decree rendered bv anid Court in favor of The Farmers Trust Company, a corporation, i plaintiffs, and the said David Anderon and j Bora Anderson, t" defendants, I will on the ; Srd day of September, A. I). 18SW, at the hour ! of 2 o'clock p. rn. of said day at the east front door ol the eourt house In Harrison, ' in said county, offer and sell the following 'described real estate to-wit: The South east quarter of Section Twenty-eight, Town ship Thirty -live, Kango lifty-four, in Rioux coiiuty, Mebraska, at public auction to the highest bidder for canh, to satisfy said ord er of sale in the sura of S417.5, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent, per an num from the 9th day of May, lbiW, and coets and accruing costs. (2-6) THOMA8 :iOLLT, Sheriff of said Counyt. Notice to Non-Uesldcnt and Uu known Defendants. Matbcw Klley, Jane Ulley his wife and the unknown heirs of Joshua ltaker, deceased, defendonts, will take notice that on August Uth, INK, The Western Security Company, a corporation of Windham, Connecticut, plaintiff herein, tiled its petition in the District Court of Woux couuty, Nebraska, against aaid defendants, the object and praver ol which la to foreclose a certain mortgage made and executed by defend anU, Matbew Klley and Jane Ulley his wife to the said The Western Security Company, the legal holder aud owner thereof, upon the 8 K'4 of Section 3.1, Township 83, Range 54, IniSionx county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of one certain promlsarV note tor STiO.00, due Hcptembcr 11th, IHfl:?, witU inter est thereon at 7 per cent, pur annum from September 11th, 1HKH. Default has beeu made in the payment of said note and inter est and In the terms and conditions of said mortgage. There is and will be duo and owing to plaintiff on said promisory note with interest thereon to September 19th, M.m, it being the Drat day of the next term of aaid Court, 4I3.M and taxes to the amount of 173.00, wbtch tuxes plaintiff Is compelled to pay to protect Its inoi lgai;i Mwurlty ; for which sum plaintiff pr.iys di i-rt'e that said 'IclmuliUits lie required to pay the uin and that In default them f, naid pn'MimM limy lie sold to Siillary the muo'tnt found doe tbervoit and costs." Von i,re reipilred to answer said is'liflon on or before Scptetne cr vaii, inw. Hie Wettern f ccurlty ( mpuny, rliiitiiiff. (S-7) Hy AtviN T. Lakh, its Attorney, CU U J UJ u " THESE WILL BE WAR. If yuo don't believe what he says go to the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE and take a look at those 500 pairs of Boots & Shoes just arrived last Tuesday, and you will see he is warring with every store in the north-west. You can buy foot-wear of him cheaper than at any other store in Harrison. Fresh Garde also, Head-quarters for HARD-WARE, TIN-WARE, DRY-GOODS and GROCERIES, FLOUR and FEED and everythiug needful & useful. LEWIS GERLACH, Prop. the COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1688.1 Harrison, l'resident. D. H. GRI3WOLD, CuhUr. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Business. CORRESPONDENTS! American Exchange National Bank, New York, Omaha National Bank, Omaha, FmsT National Bank, Cliadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. CeTDRAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. tafs.; 21 i3 C ii !t 4 3og Jg eZ. . H WIS U .rlil US B tu S u. a as W 5 g H 5 . PS!SSD r i U THE EREAT ilti X wffl H'p:'-, Z b-Vtfc. l!lrvt.'.nMB.!-.ifM'.irt r '""r- -". til ' ? '' i'-. it I'.cw-tw. vni supp-irt. QXewTimr. "Id inc lal c IhKe oadstomi. r huti " je THE UZW TOwSE, SG L, GELACK, Says its so. oris for Nebraska. C. W. Carra, Vice-Presldeat. 3 S 5 -9 Sale. os vi taw 3it e So Ll 'SB -sal S.wts afS E q La 2.2 2 m " b Z " c " a s . S Z O iS.SlplJlWlliilllll'y 55 -Ijesajr ri&'ffini:lME it mmnUli S a - Cl eS I f SaT 03W MACUIHE I A FRANK, TEARLlSS FORCEFUL ttPPCSEST OF mil Ave., CHJCACO "J - 4 1 " -I t : '! "t Si 1 1 -4 J -J I i 4 . i ,1 A 4 .V 4 1 "4- r tbta vote for his own iaturcnU. I li'J " ' i'r t