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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1892)
The Sioux County Journal V"OXj- THE SIOUX COUNTY a J. Simmon. Editor and Proprietor. K. K.4 M. V R. H.Timr table. (,..inp Wot. (joiiiK KKxt. 5, lnU"l.. 5o. I, mi.-.l HARRISON MARKET, 3Ml l-r llll-IH-l fcl 1i1iH Uwii T mi-nci 4"l 1 ' '.w i r. .V) " 15 4't 4 SO a-ort- p r liuiiflrcd t Brt' j !- Ji tif li-U ri"l -rlml'I"! - JUT liUTnlrfl t... Mat... - 1'iT bulifl Bstl.r -r fe- I'r ,,,JZ Poullrj 'T ! Ouioi)-p-'r B . B,:j!h-It - ifwI-P"r '"'''l -nntnc Jh t hi. ft . 3 M 15 K. i orm U J every Tlmr!ay. -I'mest line of t iain ill town at the IniK store. Vie you statiduin up for Sioux oiintv hv v orking for new settlers' Highest market prices paid for beat UKA.NT UrTillllK. liev. Julian came up Saturday and :ld quarterly meeting Sunday and left Monday evening. Rev. (Jlatncr will prefu h at Iilar. xt Sun lay at 2 o'clock p. ni.,andat arrison at . p. ill. ThoW. C. T. U. will meet ut the siilen. e of Mrs. Surah I in vis on next tiirday afternoon at '2 o'clock, p. in. -Mrs. II. A. ('umiiiigliaiii is stilus r winter goods and niilleiu-ry at cost. .Hat residence and secure a hurgaiu. -On hist Saturday the workmen came ii.l commenced the erection uf the How h elevator. It is rapidly K0iK l soon be ready to receive grain. U'Mhkk. First-class native lumber shingles constantly on hand nt mv oil East Boggy, 13 miles east of lirnwn. J. K. Ahndi. V The building ut Ardmore will 1 pdy for occupuncy the first of the l:k and II. W. MacLachlan is .repar- E 'u lbin business there as soon as sible. k--Tlie democratic leaders are trying to it up a scare over the prohibition .pies- Id. riint matter was prettj' thorough- Jj-.posej of two years ago and no one II attempt to bring it up very boon. I At the meetlntr last Saturday niL'ht uigements were made to organi.e a Another meeting will he held on urday evening at TlIE JolhsaI, oflict- all interested are invited to attend. The little girl of Mr. und .Mrs, (J. W. which was so ill is runidly im- ig. A gathering formed in her I and when that broke sho was Uy relieved and will .soon he all . Thomas brought us a load of P1 last Friday. There are a number have promised to bring us wood on pint and they would oblige us if they at once for now is the the time we it. mies Nolan, of Itawhide, W'yo., bor, fall with him on Sunday, li'ig his collar bone quite badly. H to Harrison on Monday and went ft Kobinson that evening to have surgeon set the bone. 'ote tho republican ticket for the fates thereon are men of ability (fill work for the interests of the kml not give it a black eye by bowl- lain ity and thereby keep peopie itul from coming into it. ie trouble lias been experienced it tars in whit" to "P :.. to niar-f ,ot.t r..m this Place jeportafrum the eas - - ; - I drop in Pyices- W Sun' George Williams, sou was riding a horse at Will1" (j. J. Xmubrunnen, at Pleas- llie Wvo,. when trie Horse inrew ... broke one of tlie bones m his 1,.- ,l ....llf llm rllu.e. . . I ,1 MN .'I ' . s.v ugut nome mt mgui ..ui. tya set the boaes ami at last ac- 10 was doing well. jor Tadilock, accompanied by Sw B. S. VutWock, and C. 11. H Reat rice wivs in Harrison for a llBMtes Tuesuiv evening, tie was m and lured a special to bring Nrias lie hotl an appoiutment to VQ'NetU Wednesday evening and visit tikis pUice and meet the By a WlcU in, tlio arrangement A arrive Iwrc until after six danhebai, to be. io. Cluilron )m the regular train lie could 3!,JiPi't time.. Ue wiiil, the prcw rligiiblicaa success W good awl Sr IOr every Jay., Senator Pad- R( t,he esple ajail all who well, pleased with, bina. 1 ;M,tiy well over the state 11, u,uii),ben- oC s icecbes and ftsdlni. ,trX m wli oc- liMMiilan( Nolii-e. Till: lH,ok, show 1 . ,. I .. a large .....,i...r in .l.-l,r,,Uent i.ii sul iscnption m oilier acnrnts ami all are urge. to ...u .1110 niea .s,,f,iias,10swl,. Most 01 mes.. accounts are small l,t !,. but in the; "gre".aU- they amount to hundieds of dollars to us. Im not wait f,,r fmther noti. . hut . all and settle up or send u re mittance f,- the amount. Vour prompt attention to tin, matter "ill ! appreciated by Tuk I'l l;!.NIll li. l'KUSONAI.. J. H. t'ook was in town l.isl Monday Mr. and .Mrs. I). H. Oriswold Suhdav at 1 hadron. S.'llt John Ma. k called and contribute. on subscription on Siit urday. S. L Ulerv arrived home Monday after an absence of some weeks. J. J. Zuinbruniien cam.; down from Pleasant Hidge Sunday night. P. IJ. Higelow orders Till: llX.r. siMit to his mother at Newton, Iowa, Win. Nicholson, of Cook jire.-in.-t was in Harrison the lirst of the week. Major Powers came up from t 'hadron ste rday to visit a couple of days. Mis. ( '. ('. Jameson came upfront 1 hadron Monday to visit her parents. A. K. llew, i;. (;. Hough and L. J. Siiniiions were at. I 'hadron Tuesday night. County Treasurer (lnvhart came over 1 1' .in Montrose Friday and remained until Saturday. Mrs. S. I.. Fiery left, for Cottonwood precinct last Saturday where she will teach school. E. Cowlishaw came in from Indian creek Monday and remembered the print er substantially. Isaac Bergman, of Cheyenne, V.'yo., was in Harrison, Friday, taking subscrip tion for Ben Butler's works. Miss Pontius left Monday evening for Sturgis, S. I)., where she will take a course ill short hand and type writing. J. A. 'ampliell, of (he Modern Wood men of America, an old acquaintance of the editor of Till-: Jot KSAL, was in town Saturday. John Pieterson was over from Indian creek Monday and called and gave us some cash on subscription. He says tin crops in that locality are good this year. Old rianers for sale, at THE Jotrnal oflire. a cents er dozen. Walter Pitt and AV. E. Moore cap inred a LTiiv wolf a few miles norm 01 town one day last week. Happy and content is a home with The Rochester:" a lamp with the light ! of Hie morning. For Catalogue, write Rochester Lamp Co., New YorK. -The new house of J. H. Cook at the Agate Springs stock farm is being pushed along as rapidly at posiblo. The plaster on Monday, but the my va.a ss,vmi" - - plasterer received a telegram announcing .i, ,i..mII. of his mother .nd. necessary. When completed it will be the linest residence in the county, Ketn addressed an audience of about rHvaf the court house last Tuesday. He devoted the most of the time to an attempted explanation of his record and a. discussion ot 11.0 matna, h"-""" '"' which he oll'ei'ed .....,.. tr to clear no remeuies. up his record on the Hver and harbor bill he said that the bill as passed by tl.e house was about $48 -,,00 000, that U senate increased it 7 0(H) 000 after which a conference com mittee reduced it 3,000,000 and then it issed. The facts 01 me imiwei .."' .i.n,nrmiic house passed the bill ap- ,,,. 40H.OOO.OOO including nro- proj'"."'a .s,--, . visions for numerous little streams and useless harbors. The senate changed it so that many of those were stricken out and reasonable provisions made for the important work, but in the aggregate the c mount was increased but little, and 1 Missed it. In conference committee the democrats would not admit of their pets being left out and an agreement was dually reached and the bill passed. In ri,ilin the senate when the bill came up Senator Paddock voted to reduce the appropria tion one-half. Who is the best reformer, Kem or Paddock. The former howls for reform and the latter votes for it. Host Line to the Last. T.,i:.rt.... T?., It At P T?. J ZZZZZiZZ ,er traiues witlvout change from Newcastle, AVyoiuing and (..'rawford, Nebraska, direct to Lincoln, Nebraska, making connection at that point with their own through trains for Denver, Cheyenne, and all points west, and for Kansas ('ity, St. Joseph, St. Louis, Omaha, Peoria, Chi cago, and all poiuts east. Remember this is tli only line by which you can take sleeping car from Crawford in the evening arriving in Lin coln and Omiilia. the next afternoon, and m Chicago, Peoria and St. Louif) the fol lowing morning. For further information and tickets ap ply to nearest agent of QucUutou IbuJift H.iiSoisr, ISTEB., 1892. False !u One, False in All. i -Juil- Powers. s ll. .... - i.. .4 ' 1 nu.iy .inernoon, imagined that hoi ,. . . - .. ....use iasi I ma.l.j a great pon.t against Hon. O. M. Kem I wiKjii lie state., that there were tSfitiiii- '''"is lileil in tins land di.slri. 1 and J i"'. , , " ' r !'t 01 V,M "nilr were j held hy non-resident, of this Kt:.t li,. 11... u,e register ol tins land district. Col. mnnrkuhk-wmn. the ist year. TheSkmi 1 ami. w itli him to verify his slate-j Wkf.kl) J.ii ii.v.u. now liaving Hie largest ineiils. ami they came as near the truth ! cir. nlatio.i of am- 1:iHt in the mi.l west. 111 the matter as most Kulical federal j This 11 Hollar's worth will cam- von olli. e holders do when they feel ohli-ed ! tlirou-li the Kreat fall caii.).ali?.i. mi.l all loffoonthe stuniD and trv tn U-l : 1 1 I ii,r,.i. 11.,. . i...,;... ...... u .. those oppose tin-Ill, We I.UVe not ' He lime to canvass the district. Imt , ........T-.11 s nuesiiaiion reveals llie lart I na. ineie are at Pstst ten IiuiIk-i- claims I lie-Hi l(V non-resaien's ol 1 be st-,i i Bowen precinct of this county, the and descriptions of which are as follows: Edward A. AVeir, Woburn. Mass. ,SWl S-e. 1 -:!-:!. Hannah Avers, Minnesota, AV and - SWSec. 4-:il-M. l.lwellvn R. Powell, Butte, Montana SE) S,-c, ll.:u-5. Wilhain A. Nelson, Custer City, S I) NWi Sec -:) 1 -.-,11. AlU-rt Marsteller, i larthei'iL', Peiiu.. NEi Sec. 'Mil-oil. ' " El. Sierer. Iiennison, Iowa, NWI See. .".'-;! 1 -oil. R. -Mather, Cedar Rapids, low;, SWJ H N' Sic. Mrs. M, Collins. Oregon, SE See, ' Hi-oil. James H. Pierce. Hot Springs. S. I).. M.f Se. . iri-;i:2-:,7. Samuel W. Cox, Tacoina, AVashiugton. NEj Sec '2l-:t'-."i7. There are lourteen jirecincts m the l oimty and four counties in the district. If the average in the dilferent precincts in this county would Ik; one-half of what nuinlier of non-resident holders are in this precinct there would he 50 in this county alone. The Judge called atten tion to the fact that Mr. Ken 1 failed to write to the land ollices of this congres sional district to obtain information in regard to this matter, but judging from the above showing, if he had obtained information from the f hadron land ollice, it would have been erroneous. The Judge either willfully or maliciously bed or the records ol the ollice could not be depended upon in this matter." The above is taken from the last issue of the Iiukiii'ihlviii. As records are pretty :iod evidence let us see what the records sa' The following is from the ( 'hadron LAND OFFICE RECOUPS: Timber Culture Entry No. Olio", cover ing the SWJ Sec. 1, T. 31 N. It., 50, AV. made Aug. i, by Edward A. AVeir, post ollice address of record Harrison, Nebr. Timber Culture Entry No. VJ'-i, cover ing the Wi NWi and Wi SAViSee. 4, T. 31 N. R., 5li W. made Oct. 17, by Hannah Ayers, post ollice address of record, Harrison, Nebr. Timber Culture Entry No. 582, cover ing the SEi Sec. 11, T. 01 N. R 50 W. made June 15, liM, by LhvellynL. Pow ell, post office address of record. Cliadron, Nebr. Timber Culture Entry No. StUB, cover- ,, s-nTi r, nrt m ST Ti ?. nig tlie in vvj oec. 4.. ot ... n., ..u made March 8, 1880, by AVilliam A. Nel son, post office address of record, Rush- ville, Nebr.; cancelled by relinquishment July, 31, 1389. Commuted to cash by George AV. Stevens, April 9, 1890. Timber Culture Entry No. 1121, cover ing the NEi Sec. 2, T. 31 N. R..56W. made April 1, 1889, by Albert Marsteller, post ollice address of record, Harrison, Nebr. Timber Culture Entry No. 1355. cover ing the SAVi Sec. 15, 31 N. R..56AV. made Aug. 9, 1889, by Edward Sierer post office address of record, Denison, Iowa. Timber Culture Entry No. 1413, cover ing tne bJii sec. 1, x. t n. k., , vv. made Sept. 16, 1889, by Almeda L. Col lins, post office address of record, Harri son, Nebr. Timber Culture Entry No. 1531, cover ing the NJ SWi and Si NAVi Sec. 29, T. 33 N. R., 56 AV. made January 37, 1890, hy Robert Mather, post ollice address of record, Chadron, Nebr. Timber Culture Entry No. 795. cover ing the NEi Sec. 15. T. 32 N. R..57AV, made Oct. 17, 1888, James H. Pierce, post office address of record, Harrison, Nebr. Timber Culture Entry No. 6732, cover ing the NE4 Sec. 24, T. 32 N. It, 57 AV. made March 2, 1887, by Samuel AV. Cox, nost ollice address ot record, Harrison, Nebr. I, A. J. Handlan, Chief Clerk of the United States Imd Office, at Cliadron, Nebr., do solemnly swear that the above is a true and correct transcript of the records of this office in the matter of the cases above referred to. A. J. HAN'MLAK State of Nebraska, ) uu County gf Dawes. ) ' " Sworn to and suliscrilied in my pres ence this 29th day of October, 1892. sEf,.l O. T. II. Baboock, 1 Notary Public In addition to this there has been 71 InniT under tlie timber cul- I I 1111 M " "- ' tare act anu ot tnese an uuu oi were residents of the district. Who told the truth in the matter, Powers or the Iiikpi'ii'knl. You Cau Win 00O bv estimating tho plurality of the total popular vote,, or nearest to it,,, which either Harrison or Cleveland will receive. For uarticulars. sea this week's fhwtty Slonj Pimm. w. M-toy, mi IW" .1 i,tuiiihi. A Wonderful Offer. It is this: We will m-iu! vou TiiKi:'.n- i:i:hl( Joiiinal froai now until Ji.n. i. 11, for One Dollar. K.-meiuljer we give von two l.aners each we. k Tu,stl.. ;.iiil kri. All tUe fc-kictaidifc- new ami markets twice a we., making it almost as as dailv. ..... '.. with Hie news 11 half a week earlier llie ll-f.isliknmi u-eekii.-M v, ...., ,.,..,,,. news wli.-n you ean (?.-t it fresh from 1 he win Ut the lirie". We have our Own tel.;. t-'raph wires, un.l eorresjioiiileiiU all over the country. 11 takes money to k-1 news, und we are sj.emlin!? it. We can afford il because our circulation has iua.lrujiled the past year. c hu e a few of our Stanley Hooks left. Will send paper to Jan. I. IkM, and the li,k prepaid for $1.10, or if you send us your own mid iinoi her new name wilh we will send yon the hook free. This will be your last chance to et this real book. Weive the paper and onr Oxford Uible for $-.7."). We iri.e you the X. V. Wecklj' Tribune a year and the Jol'KNAL to Jan. 1, W','4, for 11.25. ll.'sTiihir price of Tribune is gl.liil. Or ii yon send your own and another new inline with we will send you the Tribune a year free lion't delay but send us your orders at ouee, as the sooner, t lie more papers you Will get. NKI!!.VSK. STATK Jol'ltN 41,, Lincoln, Neb. B. E, Bl!i;WSTKIt, President. C F. Coffee, Vice Pres. D. II. GRISWOLD, Cashier. Commercial Bank. LWOHPOHATED.J General Banking Business -TRANSACTED. - Harrison, Nehraska jr. W. SMITH, Boot and Shoe REPAIRER, Shop With H. A. Cunningham. CHARGES REASONABLE. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Wells Drilled Reasonable rates in any locality and to any depth. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call on or Address Scott & Bohnert, harhisox .... nehhaska. AVE ARE AUTHORIZED 1IV THE OMAHA WEEKLY World-Herald TO RECKIVK Subscriptions for 1893. Any One Subscribing jtow j WILL receive it the ( BALANCE OF THIS YEAR ) Free ! 64 Columns a Weekr- , Price ONE DOLLAR, Dr. Leonhardt Limits his practice to diseases of the Nervous System, (Such as Loss of Memory, Feeling, Mo tion and Will-power, Cramps, Fits, Gen eral Nervousness, and all forms of Neuralgia.) HEART, (As shown by Shortness of Breath, Pain, Palpitation, Fluttering and Nvinib- j ness in region of the Heart,) BLOOD, (Such as Skin Diseases, Ulcers, Exces sive Paleuess or Redness of the Face, Faintness, Lizziness, etc.) CONSULTATION FREE! ADDRESS WITH STAWPHTv.-rsa DR. LEONHARDT, 1.45? O T. - LIIMUUL1H, ivtu. ,4,'Jliiuttam tilii9s,Hti;. J. E. Kl-FTKUKK. F. H. STli ATT. J. I. Strattos. Sioux County Lumber Co. HAXt FAtTl HKUS ' Lumber, Lath and! Shingles. A flood Supply of Native Luiulr Always on I hind. LIMilKK HKI.IVF.liKU AT Till: Mill. I Hi IX HAl'.llISON. MILL NEAR FIVE POINTS. QI LUVAX A 'OM.FA, Lawy. is. Will i ractick is all the local, si ate and f.sleral courts and I'. S. Ijoid onice. LEGAL PAPERS CAREFULLY DRAWN. J $ t t S t Ollice-in Court House, HAllltlSOX .... NKIlliASKA We Are Still Here AMI II AVE V STOCK OF (IOOOS, Ready to Supply the Wants of People of SIOUX COUNTY riu the GROCERIES, DEY GOODS- BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, CLOTHING, ETC. Our Stock of Shelf and Heavy Hard ware is Complete and we Have WAGONS and Farm Machinery in Season. Our Prices are Down to the Lowest Notch. GRISWOLD & MARSTELLER. GEO. H. TURNER, DBALBB I1T (general Merchandise, Groceries, Dry Goods, Furnishing: Goods, Flour and Feed :and a Hardware, Tinware, Barbed Wire and Machinery. Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Wind Mills, Pumps and Buggies. When in town call and see our goods and get our prices. Respectful ly, GEO. H. TURNER. "Seeing is Believing. must be simple; not eood. bimftle, words mean much, but will impress the truth tough and seamless, and it is absolutely safe and unbreakable. Like Aladdin's of M, it is indeed a "wonderful lamp," for its mar- veloiis bgct ts purer and. softer than electric light Look for this stanin Tub RocMster. ana me iiyie you waul, seua to us tor our nene 1 usiftrit vtunrUQ. Iind we will send you a lamp safely by express your. lwice ot osw 1j IVMittiei from Oie Largest Lamp Stare in the World.. ' usro. 8. V. A. HESTER, IKAI.KJ! IN Lumber, Grain Lime and Coal. jSash, Doors, Blinds. Hair i and Cement. i I A Complete Stock Aivva s on Hand, l. e. beijien & SON. 1 Wagon and Carriage Makers. liepairitei done on short notice. lool work and reasonable eharaes. shop south of lix'ei-y ... hai:i:i-s... NEB. line of: full line op: if And a rood lamp when it is not simple it isj Jieautttut, Uooa these" to see " The Rochester ' more forcibly. AH metal, made in three pieces only, brighter than gas light and more cheerful than either. Rochester. If the limn WW hi t tN mam BOCHBSXEIl LAHtP CO., 42 tuk Place, Hew Tack Hy.