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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1892)
tke sax ccxxn Rmm u a. HAJUUBOK, - MMH-AJKA Bistort reveals the astonishing fact that the beet and most ind ulgent govern ments have been soonest overthrown by the miaguied and ever-restless populace. A strong tyranical government has al ways over-awed the demagogee and dis turbers, and tte masses have submitted to onpressioo without a murmur. But when the government has relaxed dis turbers arose, as it were from the very ground, and in a short time the multi tudes rallied to them, and the ruler9 were overthrown. The eighth Henry met with no opposition, though he lopped oft a lord's head before break fast, or killed a hundred people because some one said that one of them had ne glected to sny that he was bigger than the Pope; but an soon as the gentle Charles showed that he had a tender heart and a little conscience the people arose and fought him off the throne, in to exile, and would not even be satis fied with that, but dragged him back to the block and chopped off his head. In France it was just the same. Louis Fourteenth was a despot acd tyrant, and the people all bowed to the dust and kissed the prints of his horse's hoofs, and laughed and shouted "vive !e Roy" as they were led to the scaffold, iiut bis unfortunate successor, Louis Sixteenth, undertook to remedy some of the abuses and relieve some of the bur dens of, the people, and he never had a minutes peace until his head rolled out from under the guillotine, while his mis or able subjects shouted and danced with delight. It is hoped and confidently Ijelieved that advanced thought and broader education have brought men to a position where they can be governed by their own concent, but it is a question which is yet to be settled by the result in this country. The first century was no fair test, for when men are poor and hurrassed with danger tbey are glad to lind protection of almost any kind, at utmost any cost, but now our people are rich and strong, prosperous and self-re-.iant and the severe te6t is just ahead. If the republican legislature was ex travagant in its oppropriations, as the independent speakers claim, how was it with the independent legislature which appropriated half a million dollars more than the most extravagant repub lican legislature had ever done? When we elect reformers we are justified in expecting that thay will at least be as honest and economical as the un re formed and unregrenerate "tbeives and robbers," whom they displace. If we wanted imre money expended we could have just elected a democratic legisla ture. The last session of congress de monstrated the ability of the democrats to dissipate public money. Since the republican party assumed control of the general government more than 10,000,000 laborers have CGme to this country from foreign lands. Yet so wise and benificent has been the legislation that wages have not been xept up, but are more than a third high er now than they were before the advent of this vast army of toilers. In Europe they have not increased, though the number of working men bos diminished. This is of itself proof positive that the republican party has earnestly sought to improve the condition of the working man, and had sufficient wisdom to do it. There seems to be plenty of money to be bad if you have anything to give up for it or any security. Hanks are full of it and are loaning freely. It would not help us any if they had mil lions of dollars. We could not wrest it from them without giving them some thing in return. Experience has taught most of us that the amount of money the other fellow has does not affect us very much. A Week has elapsed since Mr. Mc Keighan, the independent candidate for c .ingress, and Mr. Bryan, the demo cratic candidate for congress, held their union meeting, love feast and mutual dmiration society at Hastings, and all this time we have been trying to figure rut what interest they could have in Mch other. What relation are the in dependents to the democrats anyway? Tins has been the nioeet, cleanest l ampaign we have ever witnessed in .Vjbratka. The republican would not my anything about the personal char acter of their apponents, and the oppo- ition could not say anything derogatory lo the republican candidates. There is no further quest ran in re card to Whitelaw Reid's ability to write a letter of acceptance. He was a long lime at it, but the result fully justified the effort. Is the national banking system any worse now than it was when Gen. Van Wyck was on earth the first time? Mortgages are a sign of prosperity, The independent party has prospered on them, and now that the are being paid off that party is getting as lean as the kine, in the vision, that represented the even years' famine. If Iqkatics Doumrclt had not lived so high while in Omaha, the gloomy nightmare, called the independent plat form, would never have troubled his slumbers. He should abandon the practice of eating mince pie before retiring. Yaural Serrlcea. WASiiiXGToy, D C, Oct S Funeral exercises over the remains of Mrs. Har rison previous to the removal to In dianapolis for ijf terim-nt were held m the east room of the white house at 10 o'clock yesterday morning. They were brief and simple, in accordance with the wishes of the president and family often expressed, that there be no at tempt at display. An hour before the services began, the ea-sket was brought down stairs from the room iu which Mrs. Harrison died, and placed in the center of the room. The body laid with the head to the south. At each end of the casket stood an immense sage palm, whose graceful waving branches reached nearly to the ceiling. When the doors were thrown open to receive the first arrivals, the scene was strikingly beautiful. The chandeliers cast a Hood of mellow light, the win dows having been darkened The sev. eral mantel pieces were banked with ferns and Hanked at each and by a larg er palm. It wanted a few minutes only of 10 o.clock when ex-Secretary Blaine, fol lowing close behind Mrs. Blaine and Miss llaltie Blaine, entered the white house. It was his first visit since be fore that memorable day when lie sent his resignation as secretary of state to the president The Blaines were seat ed in the second row of seats, just be hind the row reserved fer the supreme court Singly and in groups of two and three the people came to pay their last tribute to the first lady of the land. There were many persons of distinct ion and there were many who had no other claim on the dead woman than love for the remeniberance of some kindly act done by her. At 10 o'clock the honorary pall bearers in double file, each dressed in somber black, made their appearance, Vice President Mor ton and Secretary John W. Foster, headed the line, while following them iuthe order named, came .-ecretary 1 lkins and Attorney General Miller, Postmaster General Wannarcaker and (secretary Tracy, Secretary Noble and Secretary Rusk. Those present, barely 200 in number were almost exclusively the official family of the president and those whose relation with the family put thwn on the footing of domestic iriends. When the prelators had resumed their seats in silence Dr. Hamlin, the pastor of the church of the Covenant, read the opening passage of scripture: "In my Father's house are many mansions," and other selected passages. This was followed by a brief prayer, the 1 ord's prayer, which all present re peated in low tones afler the ollieiating clergyman. Then Dr. Bartle t read from the scriptures p ssages appropri ate to the occasion. The choir of St. John's church, stationed in the adjoin ing room, then sang the hymn, "Abide with me, fast falls the evening tide." The combat deepens, Lord with me abide." The strains were softened by distance, lending added path03 and solemnity to the scene. , After prayer by Dr. llaralin, the choir sang the first two stanza? of Cardinal Newman's beautiful hymn, which Mrs. Harrison so much admired: "Lead, kindly light; Lead thou me on." Itwss just 10:40 o'clock when the services concluded. They had lasted barely forty minutes. The honorary pall bearers, preceding the casket formed a passageway on the main portico of the mansion and stood with uncovered heads wtiile the eight body bearers bore it to the hearse. The funeral procession then passed to the Pennsylvania railroad station. Another Association. Memphis, Tonn., Oct 28. Delegates representing over 800 train dispatchers from all parts of the United States, Cauda and Mexico, met here and orga nized the Train dispatcher's National Protective associatiou. W. W. Alcott of Arkansas was e'ected temporary chairman, and O. L. Eraly, temporary secretary. The question of embodying the protection feature in the order of the constitution was defeated. The new association is an outgrowth of the order of train dispatchers, some of the members of which left the order be cause of a split at the recent meeting of the order in New Orleans. The Fund Released. Dublin, Oct. 28 Timothy Hairing ton, the Parnellite leader and member of parliament of Dublin harbor, has given notice that he accepts the pro nnntinn of Archbishon Croke. that the r ' Paris fund should be released from the custody of the bankers, in whos arge it iia tie and IiaIiI hv riisintpreat. nar. ties in behalf of the Irish national cause until a decision Is arrived at as to the disposal of the fund. 1 his apparent tupminatlnnfif t.)iA nrnlnno-eri contra. versv over the disposition of the fund causes general satisiaction in lrisn circles. A Kecked Steamer. Dublin, Oct. 28. Six persons have luu.n HpAwnoH hv t.ha rpk of thfl utanm. UTCU V " HV- J " " inula T.nntrh Ktrftnirford. Ireland. The Annie plied between Liverpool . . -I t l- I . ana towns on uie luugu biiu was upwi kit a aiiHrion alnrm in the nhallnw water. The crew made a vain effort to save themselves, but were drowned before help could reach them. Connty Democracy Dead. New York, Oct. 28 Tne county dem.racv is dead. In a meeting which lasted over seven hours, it was decided m wit hdraw the whole ticket. There mr twentv member! of the committee of thirty present, and on the vote eleven stood for withdrawal or me ucicet ana nine niralnst. The withdrawal of the count r ticket was precipitated by the action of the election commissioners In refusing to allow the national electors' names to be printed on the county temocracy Diana.. Washington, D. C, Oct. 88. Mrs. Harrison died at 1:40 yesterday morn ing. Dr. Scott, Mrs. Harrison's venerable father was the only member of the family, now in Washington not present when she died. Dr. Gardner was in an adjoining room and was not present hen his patient passed into the dark valley. From 1 o'clock Mrs. Harrison was to all intents a corpse, her breathing being hardly perceptible, and her respiration gradually decreased until 1:10, when she passed away. Her death was as peaceful as a child in sweet repose. President Harrison was at the rijrht side of his wife in a reclining position from 1 o'clock, when Dr. Gardner noti fied the family that the end was close at hand. In this po.-ition he remained until 1:10 when life was thought to be extinct and Lieutenant Parker, who was at the beside, called in Dr. Gard ner and the experienced eye of the ph sician so; n determined that Mrs. Har rison was no more. The president gave way to an almost inauJible outburst of trief. but soon suppressed his emotion and endeavored to console Mrs. McKee, his daughter. All the members of the family re mained in the room for probably fifteen r twenty minutes after the deatn and then, overcome by grief, they repaired :o their respective rooms and were ilone in their great sorrow. The first intelligence of Mrs. Harri son's death was communicated to the newspaper reporters, who were grouped in a room assigned to the clerical force of the executive mansion, by Mr. Mont gomery, an employ. lie then notified Ihe press assoc ations simultaneously !hat death occurred at 1:13, bat at this njunction Private Secretary Halford, Alio witnessed Mrs. Harrison's death, (aid that the exact time was 1 :10, and t wa3 so communicated. Lieutenant i'arker was also, present when Mrs. Harrison passed awav, and he said in peaking to the newspaper men that it jeeurred without a struggle. Private Secretary Halford immediately notilied til the cabinent officers who are now jut of town of Mrs. Harrison's death Mrs. Harrison will be buried Tliur?- lay morning iu Crown Hill cemetery n Indianapolis. I-ervices will be held n the White House Wednesday morn ng. After Dr. Gardner left the man- lion the newspaper men followed and it 2:1:0 o'clock the doors were closed ind the lights extinguished. Private secretary Halford, Lieutenant Parkers md Mrs. Montgomery were the only K-rsons longer to remain. They uere iiisy in sending telegrams to close friends, and in making other arrange ments incident to the funeral. Inspecting lliivenport. Nmv YoiiK, Oct. 2. The coneres- tional committee now investiiratinir th methods of Chief Federal Inspector of ejections jonn l mvenport continued their work of investigation yesterday morning. Stephen A. Walker, ex United States district attorney, w;i3 the irst witness, and he testified that Mr. Davenport during the election of lfjS8 s as in the habit of holding prisoners in ixorbitant sums of bail, and that he nas also in the habit of filling out warrants of the district attorney which leheld signed and authorized arrests without consulting the district attorney. For Ihe Monetary Conference. Washington, D. C, Oct. 20. Mr. Eugene Davis, private secretary of Sen ltor Jones, has been selected as official stenographer of the international mone tary conference, lie will leave for Brussels in company with Senator Tones and Mr. Henry W. Cannon, two Df the United States commissioners, on the Etruria. These gentlemeu will spend several days in London and Pr s before proceeding to Brussels. This will leave only Messrs. Allison. Drewa and McCarry to meet in this city No vember 10 to confer with Secretary of the Treasury Foster, prior to sailing on Hie lzin. The conference is called to assemble in Brussels on November 22. As tlm proceedings will be conducted in the French language and not in Fnghsh as' originally contemplated, a cable mess age has been sent to Cooledge, our min- isterin Paris; asking him to secure the lerviqes of one of the olhcial stenogra phers of the corps legislation one can be obtained, who is conpetent to trans late the proceedings into English for the benefit of the United states com-missioners. Cholera in Vienna, Vienna. Oct. 2d. There were eight new cases of cholera and four deaths from the disease in Vienna yes terday. Great anxiety prevails and tiie authorities are adopting the most stringent methods to prevent the dis ea e from spreading. Hearing Postponed. Alhany, X. V., Oct. 2C.-Governor Flower yesterday morning postponed the hearing iu the extradition case of Charles A. White, charged with grand larceny in Wyoming, until today at 11 o'clock at the Windsor hotel N York. ' ew Anotlnr lolll.i n, Ciiicaoo, HI., Oct. 20.-L8UJ last night a gravel train on the Montrose division of the Chicago & Northwestern railroad collided with an extra freight at Palatine, twenty six miles rrorn tbii city. Henry Barron, engineer of the gravel train, and Ed. Johnson, a brake man on the grave train, were killed George Jubain, engineer on the freight train, had his arm broken. The offl clals of the road in this city wm ; talk about the aceldent, and It is no. known what caused it Vti Trxnr Trala. Tm.vAPOLi.Oct29.-Th funeral train bearing the remans of Mr. II r- rlsou, arrived here this mom am i,.ff therouteafter daylicht at all stations people gathered to see the tram got Tty seemed actuausu. " -much by curiosity as by a desire to tes tify their sympathy with the president in his sorrow, and nearly all stoo l witn bowed, uncovered heads as the train passed. Masses of people gathered at tn sta tion here when the tram came to a stop and all stood reverently with bowed heads as the solemn cortege emerd from the station and took pla v-s in the waiting carriages. The Pre.-bvletian church, in which the itinera: service, were held, was b-'antifuily d.-crated chiefly in festoons and rosefes of black and ieved here and there will, loops of simlax. White ehrysaiithe mums and potted pi mts were placw on each side of the pulpit. Milwaukee Swept ttjr rirr- Milwavku-, Oct. 2'J-This city night was visited by the devastat ing fire in her history. Four lives were lost and possiblv more. Conservative iueurance men etima' the loss at not less than V' nM. The llames, which started at the l'n ion Oil company's build ng on V.-- Water street, near i street, lam;eo by a furious gale, swept eastward across towards the Menominee riv..r and nothing could slay their resistless rush. 1 1) narnite was used, but w ithoii' effect. Mighty billows of llames swept over blocks of uuildiugH, jumped acrow streets ami leaped over the river. Thou sands of people viewed the grand spec tacle. All sorts of conveyances were hurry ing about the Third ward, loaded with the belongings of people on whose hon e the llames were rushing. The entire tire department were pow erless. Chicago, Ilacine and other cities were asked for assistance and h) 10 o'clock engines and firemen fro i out of town were beginning to arrive. More than eleven blocks of solid territory, including mueli of the mos' extensive wholesale district, has beei. burned over. Nearly seventy building.-two-thirds of which were frame res . dents, faded into smoke as fast a: tissue paper. The l'fegldent'a Sail Farewell. IsDUNol'ALls, Oct. 2'J Just befort his departure the pr sideut gave to tht press a note to the public, of which tht following is a copy: "My Dear Old Friends and Neigh bors: I cannot leave you without say ing that the tender and gracious sym pathy which you have today shown foi me and for my children, and n icl more, the touching evidence you havt given of your love lor our dear wift and mother, have deeply moved oui hearts. We yearn to tarry with yn and to rest near the hallowed ipr where your loving hands Jiaye laid oil; dead, but rcy little grandchildren watch in wondering silenco for our re turn and need our care, and some pub iic business will not longer wait tipoi, my sorrow. May a gracious Codkcq aud bless you all. Must grate! ulh yours, 1!i:n.jamin Hakhinon". ' Tile National W. C. T. U, Dknvki:, Oct. 2!l.-The Nationa .Women's Christian Temperance Unioi met here Tuesday in annual session Misa Francis E. Willard presided, am delivered her annual address covering Hie work of the union for the past year 'peaking of the work locjineand mak ing sundiy suggestions for the futher am of the ohject of the association Miss Willard recommends to local unions to petition their respective leg islatures to establish a home fur drunk ards with a view to their ret; ,iat.i..u Touching the cures for dnmkeimrs: she expressed earnest belief in u,, efficacy of science in that direction She suggested that the union establish such institutions to be run not a: money making concerns. Freight Traliw Collide. Tonic Haiti; Ind., Oct. 2'.t.-A ter rific collision between two Jlig Fom freight trains occurred yesterday morn Ing on the Wabash river bridge here Ihe shack broke the bridge and piled I wo engines and a dozen ears, , loaded with live sUick, into Ihe water Kngineer Westry Allison of nla ea,t bound train lies dead beneaih th, engine, Two other trainmen were hurt. Delayed l.y, Broken IMpe Coi UMins, O., Oct. 2.-The'funeral cram bearing the remains of Mrs liar . ison remained here a quarter of an """"""'eaK in ine steam under th par n...o t...i was quiet on board the train and line wui nlln..o.i ,. "I,u -kvrviiier it. New York'. . ,Ar" 0,IK. 2!-0ct.-The registration .n this city continues heavy. The tola for three days is 272,133. Shot hy Moonnii Inert. Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 2'.l-.j j Spurrior, a deputy United States' rev enue collector who una , , "" 'u'i5caiea. and shot by moonshiners some dava ann 1, . " itvih lllgm. Htrom at Cli learn Oiiicaoo, 0ct.2!t.-A terrific sale tuna l.l. i .. . i , . - uiunniK iii in is section all day yes terday and la t eVmillirr In kl. .1... It reached fifty-nine miles per hour the hardest blow of years. Consider! iiiinur uaniHfr mam itn buildings In Ihe and last mgl.t, with ton fire alarms ..u.uWweui sections within an hour Mid four of the best companies out, ol lixly gone to Milwaukee, Chicago lire- man unUi,t ... . i ," " -''v r ou7- A one of the Maze got beyond control howsver. pipes All no lei Beraptar. Amrn. X. Y, Oct. p-?11" Curtis lVrry has been recaptured and is now safe v.-.iiiina dungeon cell In burn i-r.-.'i. The celebrated train, w s -ap om bis cell, en joyed hiJ 1! ' "e1 freedom for eight hours, when lie was again thrust back into contin-inent more secure than ever before. Perry was found at 1 :30 o'clock hiding in the marble shop. The stow away, who started in a race for liberty, closely pursued by several prison guards, ran into the t?ilor shop, where he was met by one cf the watchers, who thrust a bullseye lantern and a re volver in his face. Perry at once with drew, but in his precipitate retreat he rushed directly into the hands ol Keeper Smith. The desperado did not surrender immediately, but made an attempt to kill the keeper with a largt stone, which he hurled at Smith, strik ing him on the leg. Smith rt taliattd by striking Perry on the head with cane. Tin ended the scrimmage, anc the bold express robber was carried t a cell from which it is unlikely he wil. ever escapa Perry was same to tin last, and remarked as he was be ing 'locked up that tie would make an other attempt to escape aa soon n3 hi was able, Tilal l"o"tpon. cl. Aliiany, X. V., Oct. 23. When th criminal charge against Charles F. Peel came up iu police court the counse posecuting did not appear and Mr. Mee gan the counsel for the defense askei that the charge be dismissed. The re quest was acceded to but later Mr. Chast as prosecuting attorney, aske 1 that in ste d ilisiiiissiug the case it be put over . .1 t he week after election. Jostle ittman then mado his decisioi in a.'i. , iiii-o with .Mr. Chase's wishes This is the sixth postponement that tin Peck case has had in the variou. courts. When Mr. Meegan heard of thii change he hurried back to court ant made objection. The police justkt then sent for Mr. Chase and there wai quite a spirited argument. Mr. Meegai argued that the case was already befort the upper court, the grand jury haviui found an indictment. This was a su perfluous movement and he ne 1 tt dismiss because two iulicuienU of i similar nature could not le found. Mi Chase said thai it was not known w hat the indictment of the grand jury con taiued. Mr. Meegan said that is it wa so, he would subpoena the district at torney to tell. Mr. Chase did not an swer this argument, and tiie court fin ally dismissed the case. Swept by a Hurricane. Xi:w OiiLKAN.e, La , Oct, 23. Tin Italian steamship Soterl from Ct-lbia Spanish Honduras, arrived jesterdaj afternoon. She repot u that a terrifih hurricane swept the coast of Spanlsl Honduras on October 12, causing mucl damage to fiuit, ruining banana plan talions, blowing vessels ashore and des troying many houses. At Jiuatan many houses were blowi down, including the Johusville church 'J he schooner Honduras from Jlelize Honduras, for I'Ula, with elghteer passengers, was cought in the storn and dismasted. She drifted helplessly, fortwo days, and was picked up and towed into l tilia. The passengers anc crew were without food or water foi two days when rescued. This was tht most severe hurricane ever experiencee on the cost of Spanish Honduras. The loss of life and the value of pro pert, destroyed will not be known lot Boiiio time. l ook. Like Unh ide. Atlantic Citv, X. Oct 5.-11 J. Nelson of San Francisco, a guest ol iheManhatan house, was found deac In his room. He had been asphyxiated by escaping gas. A letter found among his effects asked that J p Eldredgo of Westchester be notiiieo should anything happen to him. Tin person referred to was notified, but hai not yet responded. Nelson was about U years old, and from his appearand a man of means and prominence. U spoke of John Wanatnaker, the post master general, and other prominent men, aud claimed close friendship wito Itallroad Wreek CmcAno, 111., Oct. 21). The DanvIIk "press on the Chicago & Eastern 1 Hi- nh Va d' w u M Ml nt ,''ty u utl and Wallace street at ll:3j lait ar0.'-re In swUchaCAt,,tIn'i,Ca!'8fl', 7abroke.i .moki j; "Mat nl ty. but ih. th" """u l' l'i safe- was wronir umn,,... "jiumg bne.idVof the car and ,", 7 ?U !"rcked si u , "l.b !r ( beneath broken sides and ends o,l,ar0,n lhe sudden ... "a.rthe car. s wonder t at more 0?, U,M U U e not klll.dWwirrht APlHen,ir ims whose residenclS 'L11. U,e tamed ot ."."'"" oe asrer. other, we e conveyed Z u6- Th hospital. tuUTeel to the county Tt. "a"l"",BhAI,. ocletv h'; a' ZJ: '.T V" Aeronautic 000 marker?"" U,e UK Of W, ball be dcvoTed to tu.T "" Doses. ti. i ' . clMtlfle pur. meter. In dlam.Wr w ,V. U ,,,Un 2.528 cubic V.?P . ---. j un na iu. i. : . - ussa for militar. " purposes. Uobe NEBRASKA The Catholic-"; building a parsonage. All Nebraska turned Christopher Columbia. For the first tin wara lias a satifatj vu cr:t. ijlllB. i.eorge llogner of i over Uw pouuds of gral his vineyard this fall Harry the little son 0. of Xemalia tad two tot, spade wielded by i;au '- "rPI 8l!0 circulatou in the state ol even 30 and the countr, nouuees in several t.i... 1 ing iniU has the clianc. J mtilraa mrinni. I l I """ "uc iu mat city North Xebraska i. the. rumors of another I J The red men In that local wiin calamity and ghost n A six monthx of Friend was fatally burJ by one of the older chiiaJ to the bed on winch the J mieves are da business up jn Knot, slock owners have orn. lynciimg uee is promiM 1 luiure. Frank Snetlien r,f t tendered his resiffnt; naMiiier nt tlu l.'i- - . that city, and will try U Arizona. Ihe Northwest v.iJ .'v.i1 in Asaociaiion will hold tln.r at Messenger s gruve.on; in Sheridan county, ext' the middle of July. l he police iikIto v plains that there is too l:u in mot tiijr. ii nas own m nas naa a case fmm .i.. ""y. nonesiuonar of cost! llie sanity of Judm U county has been establish uouui. J lie attorneys bi arrest are not satiiit . tanity of the commission A Iriglesby of Ilonwr L .Mexico Thursday, and wj with him a train had nfJ ready has I,2'X) in lilt feJ expeeu to have about 3; William IMev. livmn Princeton, sustained u lire. While threshing his separator cainrht fin. ly destroyed, with 22 Lvxafl The Wilcox J'ost m many farmers are counts making from sixty to bushels per acre, and (rod the fields they will not Le The Clearwater Mcssen Klines has left at this otVu of what Nebraska rut branch of atra:'SCHrlentr. two feet long on which w line apples. L. Smith of (lenoa it bushels of fall wheal from acres last week; also 1, oats from thirty acres. lis tend a sample of tins ri World's fair A Sa;py county man H an old well where coal h manv years ago and fount the product to warrant kai that portion of the eaiM of twenty years. if. C. Forney of Minis unite a painful accident while unloaklng some m from a wagon, he became mid fell to the gronna, u ing on him, fracturing to Tim state nonvention ! society icople was held week. It found, orttioiif countrv on the verge ol and noUilng less than A all secret society cnanwi cure. I th. Vnrthwest News I fied man has been iuuuT I nliAllttfSS urai svLiie wmii j ol Cuatiron. i'"" -j m,..t h .v laid down fence because he was ti for an Indian outbreak Dan Sloan of Will nalnfnl accident last incr a load of luinlKT 11 the little finger on mi" anol.t under the rope;1' age was applied totijH being that the nrsip severed from the hano A party at Ashland l,r,a met with nt.ite " ....,lioi in i.aarlv tiUWi ICDUHW " J , uartv. There were party, two women M'' i... i- I lia hO(V oneofthoboys - downwbetiuevooa- .w- llie tU2i "Ot)'" - - throwing the womer of them very cut In Mrs-1I"K,,'waO bo!1 Unit1 was considerably Three young 0 'rg.Lti'. ' .... . l itert Tanner, ,ji years of age, 'V tliey could be bet their own hook, parU unknown"" UlleTedaWlP,l.i61 the parental iw - br the return of" . J of locking f0"' tJ will bring tnern - , LesUr nl .aatrdaV. I arm a"- for 'running ",0'i,iiwJ " .i. father 0 iJ DOOM ii am - . g