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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1898)
THE. AMERICAN. 1 V t Mi H. what mwm n iW Yrjr Iim Home Will I akeT hi Tovmlry atK, Krrp It - linker. Mm 1 bel fct HW IWtl U I sniaeea) 1 Bill V ltjU Mate tret, rl late HV1 Met If JM U la Keasso Ben. ttturetloB .(.lis ft ! tW nt ix. . , MUlB fetal t WMitroIlM OetBtie aatnorUlee. t rrtutir ooafeea tbt it caiaoiiee ttee lfor Ifct r"tf t fbibb. I would M mob administer W't Baeat to 0 dt oo to CufcolM wtt aa Uelr rhlidrea to rlle orboolB. rattier Walker. Tbo public acbooli aave m1iot Brlblog bat B fodleso teneratloB ot tMevee and blae.gtiarde Fatbor Vrbauer. It will bt B gtorloui dor In this tountry when under tbo laws tbo school system will bo shivered to plerea. Catbollo TeleirrapB. Tbo public schoole Bro nnreerleo of flee; tbr iro irodlees end anlcM bub pressed will prove tbo damnatloa of tbla country. Pother Wolkor. Wo matt toko part In tno oleetloBB. move In a solid ntMi In overy atato against tha party pledged to attain tbo lntRTlty of tba publlo schoole. McCloakay. Tbo common schools of tbla country aro alnka of moral pollution and nor ertea of bell. Chicago Tablet Tbo tlma la not far away when tbo Roman Catholic Church of tba Re public of the United Btatea, at the order of tha Pope, will refuso to pay their acbool tax. and will eend bullota to tbo breasta of tha government arenta rather than pay lu It will coma quickly at the click of a trigger, and will be obeyed, of courae, ai com ing from Almighty God. Mgr. Capol. "Wo bate Protestantism; wa deteat It with our whole heart and aoul." Catholic Visitor. "No man ha a right to chootia Wa religion." Areribishop Hughe In Freeman's Journal, Jan. 2V, 1888. "If Catholics ever gain sufficient nu merical majority In thla country, re llgloua freedom la t an end." Cath oltc Shepherd of tha Valley, Nor. 13, 1861. "Protestantism, of every form, baa not, and never ran have any right where Catholicity Is triumphant. "Dr. 0. A. nrownaon'a Catbollo Review, Juno. 1861. "Wo have taken thla principle for a basla: That the Catholic religion with all Ita rights, ought to be exclusively dominant, In such sort, that every other worship shall be banished and Interdicted." Plus IX. In his allocu tion to a Consistory of Cardinals, September, 1861. "Protestantism why, wa should draw and quarter It, and hang up tbo crow'a meat. Wa would tear It with plr.cera and Are It with hot Ironsl rill It with molten lesa and sink It In hell Ore one hundred fathoms deep." father Phelan, Editor Western Watch man. "Religious liberty la merely endur ed until the opposite side can be car ried Into effect, without peril to the Catholic Church." Dlshop O'Con nor. The Roman Catholic li to wield bla vote for the purpose of securing Catb ollo ascendency In this country." Father Hecker, In tha Catholic World, July, 1870. "Undoubtedly It Is the Intention of the Pops to possess this country. In this Intention ho Is aided by tha Jes uits and Catholic prelate and priests." Drowoson'a Catbollo nerlew, July, 1864. When b Catholic candidate li on a ticket and bis opponent li a non Catholic, let the Catbollo candidate bava the vote, no matter what h rep resents." Catbollo Review, July, 1804. "In case of conflicting laws between the two powers, the lawa of tbo church must prevail over tbo state." -Plus IX, Syllabus 1861. "Wo hold tha stare to be only an Inferior court, receiving Its authority from the church and liable to have Ita decrees reversed upon appeal," Brownaon's Essays, p. 282. "Wa do not accept thla government or bold It to be any government at all, or aa capable of performing any of the proper functions of government.. If the American government Is to bestie talned and preserved at all, It must be by the rejection of the principles of the Reformation (that Is, the gov ernment by the people), and tba ao ceptaoca of the Catholic nrtnninle, which la the government of the popo." Catholic World, September, 1871. "I acknowledge no civil power." Cardinal Manning, speaking In tho name of the Pope, 8. R. S 1878. "The Pope, as the bead and mouth piece of tha Catholic Church, admin isters Its discipline and Issues orders to which every Catholic nnder pain of aln must yield obedle ."Cath olic World, of August, 1868. "In 1900 Roma will tako this coun try and keep It." Prleat Hecker. "The will of the Pope Is tbo supremo law of all lands." rcb bishop Ire land. We bava plenty of tho laaua of Jan uary 28, containing tbo exposure of Rome's plot to take tbla country by tb sword. Ten for 80 cents; fifty for $1.26; 100 for 2. 600 for $7.60; 1,000 for $10. Have you sent any of that num ber to your friends? You should! They should not sleep longer. Luke Linden, Ml )h., Fob., 21, Dear Sir: I rrcelvcd your Atlas of tho World and I am well pleased; far beyond m expeditions, JOHN COLLING No nian's Influence Is so small b what be could make It tell against Roma. ti a ( i tf t..i'fH i ttttt k.-aa tlx ft i t'M fe't a4 tp 0 t4;tUl rn list tr,.f hi tetita H't 1-14 tt ike tan is' ma t4 aita ho tf a ism o 4 ail it.t .t. iu , !) it a mi ta'ik ik )'$ t wr4 ' Heasm. tat )ar tt t aa af'',l -m Mi ot smrkM. eea is tn tr ikit rri tt 4t tttnr-4 t t Ote ftmiwMl(-a 4 4 r Oe tiaste r(1 t Hi Ul 0 rt jfUfa ant in .utu. Ttie ! l jlwtM, hr fr Artm of In H la Osm emfiii4 into a an4. btr nt hMrl, (he Aut AllrHOelt nt4 txik ni,i ih Nlil MlcroW ad all 1 h q.tfMtoa i. rn Oils N a rUn bv hl. a lh pl.t Mill ntttinti to bae Ihrir r n4 rtrhana thrtr mtitntwi, u tmily nb-nmyf'-phitailplphla Hm4, One of the ni'.l tirloua ftn with rrasrd to snske I thai Ihrlr eyes are never rlual. ttlff-pliig or lng. alive or drsd, Ihey are always lle open. This I lirteiixe there are no eyrlliU. The rye Is proteited nly by a strong scale, whlt h tornis a pert ot the epldernisl envelope, and le raet off In a piece with that every time the reptile moults. Thin eye piste Is as rlear and transparent as (Ihhs, and allows the mutt perfect vIhIoii, while at the same time It Is so hard and tough as to perfectly protect the deli cate organ within from the thorns and twigs among which, In flight from ene mies or In pursuit of prey, the reptile so often hurriedly glides, as any close observer or the habits of the snake can readily (Uncover. Anuthrr IntmnnU fare. A physician suys that scute Insom nia may be promptly rured by the practice of deep breathing. Draw Into the lunga as much air as possible, and do not exhale It until obliged to, and then aa slowly as possible. It Is some what of a task when the night la op pressively warm, but If persisted In Is fairly sure to relieve that hyperaemla of the brain which every-day folk call wakefulness, The tricks of the sleep less to Induce sleep are many, but none Is found to be more Immediately efficacious than this plan of forcing the lungs to tske the burden off the brain and nerves, Hoston Transcript. I'nier lloriealiaei. A comparatively resilient shoe for horses hss been constructed from com pressed paper. The Invention tins re ceived some attention In Clermany, where several successful experiments In connection with It have been car ried out. The matter Is now coming Into prominence In this country. It Is claimed that such shoe ore cheap er and In every way better for the horse than are Iron ones; needing no nailing to the hoof, being fixed there, In fact, with a strong glue; costing less and wearing nearly as long. Where the Ovn U lieepent, A little more than thirty miles from tba coast of Japan the 1'aclflo ocean bas been found to be more than 4,643 fathoma deep. Borne officers who were surveying for a telegraph cable found their wire broke at this depth without reaching the bottom. This Is said to be the deepest sounding ever made, and la ao deep that the two highest mountains In Japan, placed one over tbo other In this abyss, would leave the summit of the upper one two-thirds of a mile below the surface of the wa ter, fllve This to Vour Teseher. To the Editor-Here Is a little prob lem I wish you would ask some one to solve for me: A man has two lots of 60 apples. The first lot he sells 6 ap ples for 2 cents, which amounts to 24 emits. The swond lot he divides Into two parts of 30 each; the first part be sells 2 for 1 cent 16 cents, and the aecond part 3 for 1 cont-10 cents, which amounts to 25 rents. Why the difference In the price received for the two lots of apples 7-ICx, A Tree f topi""' Tba I'uke of Devonshire owns the greatest curiosity In England. It Is known as the weeping tree, This Imi tation tree Is made of copper and Is so dexterously contrived and cunningly painted that at a careless glance one does not distinguish It from a real tree, It drips water on tourists who wander neath Its shade, King llnmlierl of Itly. Tho king of Italy l the only vegeta rian among European monarchs, and tha only king now living who waa ever wounded In battle. In the battle of Custom bo was attacked by an Aua trlan officer, who Inflicted a eevero gosh with bis sabre and wonld prob ably have killed blm bad not assist ance arrived, Walking vs. Cycling. When a man walks a mile be takes, on an average, 2,263 ateps, lifting the weight of bis body with each step. When he rides a bicycle of the average gear he covers a mile with the equiv alent of only 627 steps, requires no force, bears no burden, and covera the same distance In less than one-third of tbe time. STn Pairs. Mrs. Edward Harris of Richmond, Mo., has given birth to seven pairs of twins. They are all living a t m i .'. .! a aifU.., u. li Msr K ... W I - . . i . 1 ft. M A . Im ..- -I " .. . t , i t a i -' i. , .,..-. n t et.4 t" i t i la 4- , l-il V..-fc i'( I.I- f. U.ll I ' ., .( , . .... t l M J. . I in i t K.t il I H . ,1 the "I I I . IB .! I .. . ' ... 4ilnl ! m !.. ' Ritw,ihtf IKr I ,ll llil d i (h. 4 1 t-l . l ! .. M- Wt a i it..., I i a I in..., n nl I' ' I m 1.4 w M Hn M ti .. w ). hi I..I ti ..l M On !( Ii.. a i, t-4 1 1 . ll- atm I -I I'l.ta a i,i, a l, a it. a , d t I '' . !.' (I mm p I . li I. l a ' llir M llf l l i a I I.k a AM i ( ii, h aM ! H.i-'l In )) ant.n-l n..llil..n M lli lr ! iifimlia a.iiu IViiini Nvla-k al'h ltil li- iinn mi ll mt aal.l'a al lh rale ft li n lr ! r aniium Inim i lul l ( ir wiit, li amn nh imw l an.l iii litliir with an niimiii) s fir Hniiiiim fun In Irn -r rtil if Hi iti rii, I'l.iiniiH itii r.r a il.. tw iiii li liaa a ei-l ll n nim anl.l ri l pilr tin t Ih. t. fi n.laiila iili.ill miv th aiiitii. an, I In l. (, mil HniiMif lint ih.- anl,l n.itiiM Im auM l.t a.ilt-rv lli nnmitiit fniiii-l i1m, an. I llml iinm llic .1.' f n.l. Hi lw- .LI. ii 1 1.. I n( all rilit, llilo nii.l In I . r . In ri'al falulu, ami fur nlhi-r r.iilllnl.l.. Iilli'f Vmi ai- mIii lii'i.-liv nntinp.1 I tin I vmi hiuI i'iii li itf fun irt riMniti.. tn ntiM,r nii lil iH'lltliin en nr lHfure lli ll'ih liny llf IVnllllMT VHi. tiiilfl ut timiiliii. NrliriiiiKti NuN'i'nilirr II h, !'. JAM KM l lUiuWNl ; Hy V. A HVI'MK- IIH I'liiliillrT. Ilia Allm lii'l'. I Me. M. Nil. I'.V.. W. A. RAUNnRUM. Atlorlii-y, Mnrrliants National Hunk. NDTICK TO NM.ti:8IICNT MC- KKNHANT. To ll. M. Kiiy, Ural Hint rani mini un known, Hiimin 1-Hy. hla lfi, i:iln l(ii-VfM ( 'iiniilii'll nml Jiinii'H l.i'Wla, nnii-ri'Hlili'iit ili'fi'inliinla: Vou lire liiTi-by riolllli-il Unit on llin 2fiih ilny nf Oi'liiliir, A. I., IW, Hurry J. 'I' Willi Ink. I I it 1 11 1 1 fT Iiit.-Iii, llli-il lila p.ll linn In lhi IMxIrlit i'iiiiH nf IhiiikIiis ('iiinly, Ni-liniMkii. nsiilnal (1. M I'uy, Ural nml n-nl iintni unknown, Himnn Kiiy. hla w iri-. Kiln KiM-vra ('iiiiiiIh II, Jhiiii'N Irf-wla nml An.lrrw J. iMirliuul, llin iilijoct nil priiyi-r of which la to fcircclnan inm ccrliiln Ihx ciTllMinlH ilitlcil Novi-mlicr inili, imi'l, iiimi th fiillowlna ilcacrllicil rent ih i ii t , in-wll : Tlin chhI onp-hiiir of I iik lot twenty llirca '.':() In aurilnn I',, inwnalilp ir. rutiKH 1:1 fiiKt, hII alliuitcil In 1 i hi k In a roiiniy, nml HimIh of Ni'liriiaku, iiinn which llicin la now line tho amn nf with Ihtcr- eal nl tin. rule of ten per cent tier nn nmn from (iclolier 3rd, Ikms, fur which aiiin, wild Intereal nml coals InKdhcr Willi mi uttnriicy's fee iininiinlliin In ten per cent of llin ilecren, iiliilntlff prnys for a decree hut he hits n Ural Hen upon hii Id I on I ealiila, Ihnl the ilefeiuliin " niy the aiime, ii ml In defmill thereof Mint the nii Id properly lie aold to anllnfy Mm iiiiioiiiii fmiiid due, nml Mint iiion aula thereof llin dcfendmit he delnirreil of nil rlKhl, Mile mid lotereal III Mil III roll I fn. lute, mid for other eipiltiilile relief. Yoll lire iiIho hereliy nolllleij Mint yoll mid I'Hih of you llin reiiilred to iiiihwit an Id pel II Ion on or hefore Mm laih duy of I eeeiiilier, IH1IH, Hiiiod nt iiimihn, NehniNkn, Novetnlier III), h!l. HAttltV .1. TWINTINd, Hy W. A. HAI'NKKKH, I'lillnllff. Ills Attorney, lmr, IK, No. 1 12. W. A. BAtlNDKIlfl. Attorney, Merchants National Bank, NOTICPJ TO NON-UKHMMCNT FKN1ANT. To Ail W. lirlKKa, Wllllnm If. Heck, Aleminder M Kerrla, Kiilo M, Mull li nil the I 'uil In rut Nitlliniiil Hunk of l'orlliind, Maine, non-realdenl ilifi'inliiiiln; You urn hereliy iiotlllod Ihnl on Mie 27th lift y of (iclolier, A. If., IKiiH, Jiimes I.. Hrowne, iiliilnllff herein, (lied hla pell. lion In llin lilNlrlct Court of liouifhi I'niinly, Ni'linixkn, iiKnlnat (irlnndo H. Wood, Aaii W, IIiIkkn, Wllllnm II. Heck, Alcumiilcr M. l-'errla. Kntn M. Hull, Mm I'orllmiil Nuiliiniil llmik of I'ortliind, Miilne, et ul,, Mm ohjecl nml pmyer of which In lo forecloan one pertain Ins cor. llllciiln iluled Novemher KM h, IHIi;l, lipnti Mm following deNcrllied real ealaln, to wll : Tha undivided twelve-lhlrleeulliN (U of Null lot twelva (ll! of tn lot llvn, In seel Inn 15, townahlii in, hhik VA east, slluatnd In I'oiikIhs ('ounty, Nohraakii. iiiioii which there la now due Mm sum of $.111. Ih), with Inlereat ul the rule of ten per cent per milium from Oetnlior !lrd. Isiis, for which Norn, wllh Inlero.t nml funis loKeiher with nn nltorney'D fmi Hmoiiiilliiic to left per cent of Mm decree, pliilnllff prnys fur u ilecren Ihnt ha hits a drat lien upon nnlil rnul caliitn, that Mis (tefeiiilmits ahull pay Mm Name, nml In default thereof Mint Mm Niild properly ha aold to aallafy Mm nniount found dun, nml Mini iifion Nitln thereof Mm defendanlN ha flehnrreii of all Hk'iI, til In nml IntnreNt In Niild rent entuln, ami for olher euultnhla relief. You are nlan Imrehy nollfleil Mint you nnd eneli of you are required o nnawor mild iiotlllon on or heforn Mm 121 h ilny (if lieci-mher, I MM. Puled nt Omnhii, NnliriiHkfi, November llh, lull. JAM KH U HIKiWNK, Hy W, A. BAI'SueJIIH, I'lnliiilif. Ilia Attorney, line, m, No, HH. W, A, MAt'NI'KIIH, Merchunls Nntlonal Hunk Ilhlg, BIIRnil'TH HA 1,1", Hy virtue of nn iiIIiin order of sain la. Niieil out of the Idalrlct cuurt fur Moiik las i on n I v. Nehraakn, and In inn direct ' il. I will, (in Mm il S day o' Novemli r, A. I. lw, ten o'clock n m, of an 1. 1 day, nt Mm en at front duo, -if Mm counly omul hoiian, In the fit y . imalin, liniiif I ii n counly, Nolirnaka, ao Ht puhllc nuc llon to III" hlitheat hldder for ciiah, Han properly deserlheil In anld order of aula UN fnllowa, tiewlt: l,nt four (I), hlock threa hundred nml slsteen Cllfll, in the orlnlmil plat of Mm city of Mini tin, nn aurveved, plntleil nnd recorded nnd nil le luir lninl"d In 1'ous In h county, aliiln of Nehrnaka. Hnld jiroperly to hn aold to snllafy I In rry J. Twlntlng, plntnllff herein, tha Niim of Flfly-alx nml 7H-UKI ((ifl,7H) (Jol Inrs JudKmeiit, wllh Inlereat Mmrenn nt Mm rat of ten (Hi) per cent per annum from Hoptemher 27, 1M7, together with sn stlorney'a fea of flvn nnd A7-100 (ri.S7) (lol liira which aald amounts nrn a ftrat lien upon nld nhovn deacrlhed property, To antlafy the further sum of flfly-flve and Wl-Kin IW.WD dollnrs coals herein, to gether with secrulng coNta, nccordlng to a Judgment rendered hy the dlnlrlct court of mild nought county, mate of Nnhrns ka, at Ha Heptemher term A. I. 1!7, In a eerlnln action then and there pend ing, wherein Hurry J. Twlntlng la plain tiff and Mm American Nntlonl Hunk of fimiiha Nehraakn, a coriiorntlnn or ennlBcrl under the Inwa of th United Htnlea, Rnmuet H Curtis and Kate Illrd Curlln aro flufendnnta. Utnitha. ehraka Oetihertlat IWiS JOHN W. MTKINAI.T), HherlfT of liougliiN county, Nehrnka, W. A. BnunderN, atlorney for rinlntlff. Twlntlng vn. Am. Nut. Hunk et. nl. I oe, 61, No. 229, Ks. 1 p. 212. ' (, For fifty centa we will send you a copy of tba Atlaa of tbe World, con taining tha latest and most accurate mans of Cuba and tbe Klondike coun- ' try, besides a great deal of useful and . valuable Information. American Pub. 1 Co., Omaha. atMa viu i HMi at MiMin tHN M a .i i ,. .. I-- V a . ..( -4 '! el I Il I I I W .... I ... . . r ll'l, v ..... a r.a ) i i l I Il ,.,! ! I'.ai- 4 aM .-I i-. i t- i '! 4 yyi a-4 a. an. ,a w l a,, -.a,! tl il.' It'll 4.1 rf awfr.i .-W K M,.ftr;4 leal a t- U'l !-.l ...4. (v.ali.'f that Iv.ft eat a iwii.iiie-i a.'l ea ! . 1 1 1. I awl 'a m I l l . I .ii I , i i r ... , . .. In- i. ,. at, l If en fall le i1 ii i a i. , e.m ! nil 4a ni.i.i pa, al ' a a an. aal eirt at i-i'ia-n ta ,.i tta Ilia t.lii "I .t 4 ill ..a tut an aa a '. t oil a'l iiiiii'ii r..i.i an.-. n..i n .t.-l-ir aa le ll-ia i'.miiI titan .i-w t'Tajw4, M the n, IKal all lealleia I'-i laletea Irt aai I eaiaia map t- Snailr a.lim 4 nail1 intvii r mr n IS I IVe jMtaa NOllfl) nr AUTtrtm iK tNiHUi IHH.sTIOS Take hell. thai en Ilia Bull ilav nf June, l Ilia alio I. a if In. ei .l a I l,.n ef II I 'atlei.tii," cm tiatiin 1I11I4 iiiaanla.-l aa nil. I In (ha I'ffiii nf Mia tanmty link ef ienaln ceiinti, irl.ialia T lie tHni pal 'la. of l.iiiineaa i.f hi. k la Ilia rlt of im.ali Nrttaaka, Hie N-noial mini" of I lie aame la 1,1 iln a gcneial ilium lug. lull iHiailng. alan paiiitlna an I ma 11 it fai Ititliig anj nllier liiiaineaa nf Ilka nn tine Tim amount nf rapltal aln. k la linimiii illil'lcl III aharea nf lnt'in aa. h. In I paid fur al Ilia Hum nf l-.nain a ami In l nun aaaeaaal.le HIim k may laaua tn payment ( liiaterlnl ir Inlair. Thla cm ihii altmi cnmmenci liiiatneaa nn Jiiiiii S-ili, IWih, an I In eniillinie fur (. llml nf nfly iaia thereafter Tfir Ii 1 u liral aniuiiiil of Imtelilfrilneaa nr lliitilllly In which Mm inriairallun may n'i lo. I lla. If la all aminml inual In two-lhlrda of Mia paid lip capital ntm k. me iimoera 1 y men inn puaineaa nr inm eurpurnllnn la tn m cmiiliiclrd are preal. ileiil, c pn-alilenl, Ireaanrrr, aacrelnry nml getieial lununger, ami a laiard of Min e illreclora. II. TAIILTIIN. 11 w. ouKHt-., MKoltUI'. I'. liHWAl.T. lMrei'tors, W. A. HAl'N DKHH, AlUirney, Merchants National llsnk lllds. NOT I rlt TO NOM-HK" HK.NT HKKKNU ANTS -Tot hrlatlna I.'lloiiiuiedleu Slid Mr l.'ltniiiiiicdtrti, her liiiahand Hrat ai d teat name uukeowo, noii-rralJunt OoffuU aela: You am hereby notlfled that nn tha I"lh liny of June. IMM, 'ainea l Hrowne, tin plaint Iff herein, tiled lilt pel II Ion In Ilia HIn trict tkiorl for HoiisIhs rnuiity, Nnhraaka, aralnal Chrlilloa l.'lliiiiimedleii and Mr, l.'llon ineilleii. her lnnlianil Aral and real name unknown and othera di fendanla, tha 1 Joct and prayer of which In to forecloaa one certain las eerl'dcta dated November 25i h, lmi. upon the fullowlug deicrldrd r al a-tatn, to-ill: The w.t onr-hHlf IW. 4I of lot seven (7) In block four 14) In Hhlnn's Klrat addlilun 10 Mm c ly of On. aha liouKlas county, Na'. ra.ka. 1 hare l now dim uuun raid eeruflcNl the an in of $.1411011 wllh Internal at the ml- of ten tun per rent per annum rrotn 01 lunar iirn, I Ml 7. fur which aula, wllh I11U rest and eoala liiKCtl.e r wllb sn attorn 'ea Hiniiiinllns 'o U u p' r cent of the decree plulnlllf pinys for a (Iri rea that ha hna a Nrt lien upon aald real tataln, that the (lefeniltinlN ahall pny the an a. and In defaul Hierei f thai Mm aula' properly he wild toaa lafy ttmaiiiouiit found due, n: that upon snle Mien ot Mm defend ants ha del itrrcd if all rlst. Iltln and Inter, eat In aahl real m lnUn and for olher riiil' a liln relief. You ara alto hora-iy Mitllled that you and each of )ou are ruiulrfd lo ami wit mid pe. lit Ion nn or hefore the 17th clny of Oi'loher. IKlS. Hated st Omaha. Ni'hraaka, Srplntiilier Ulh, ISMS. JAMr'.HL PUOWNR I'lalntlff, ll W. A. Saundets hli A norm y 118-4 lino. S.V No. SS. XV. A. HAI'IMIIKKH, Atkrney, Men-hams National llsnk flldg. NOTICR TO NON WKSIilKNT IiKKKNI). A NTS, To F'.dwlna Chndwlvk, non-rntldent ds feridant 1 You sin herely rot I nod that on ths Kid day of HepininlM'r. Inm. Jumea l llrownn, the ulnlnllff herein. Sled his petlllon In tha I Un met court of HoniiU- county, NchrnNkH, ssalnat Kdatna Child e,k, Hie oliject ami prayer 1 f which are to ft racliwa mm certs'n lax rertlflcaln dated Novemher IHih, IMDI uron ths following dracrlln d real estate, to wit: I otntnedll In hlock t.wo(2i In ft, V. Smith's sdiHHnn to Hie city of Omaha, HoularoUT ly, Nchraaka, There la now dun on std eertlflraln ths sum Of lUII) 10 with li.ti real at Mm rntedf ten er rent per annum from Hcptrmhar 24, I Win for w Ii li li an 111. with Intercut and eoita toKltmr with an at orrieya fn amounting to lea per rent of ths (Inert , plnlnllff prays fur ad' ciee that, he hss a rlril linn upon said rial rata'a that the defendants Nhall pay ths Nine, and In default thereof that thn aald Sri party he aold lo aat'afy the aa ounl found lie, and Mini up k aula thereof tha defend snla ha debarred of all rlyht. t tin and In terest in aa d mat eslate, and for 01 her t till able rnllef, You are riiilradti snawer said pel 1 1 Inn on or tiefora me dial day nf Octolier, ISM Omaha, Neh Mrpieu her gl, nhs, JAMCS I, MIluWNK, Plalnllff. Hy W A, aaum era hi attornev, ai 4 Doe, OA No S. V. A. HAtJMlKltM, AtUirney, Merchants Nsltonsl llsnk It I U at NtrriCR TO NON HKHIHKNT HKr"ENI). A NTS 1 ToAlenanderM Kerrlaind Kiiirns J. Kerrli liiin-realilenl defeiidHnlNl Vi 11 ara hrrchy nollSed that nn ths &td day of HaptemtH'r A II laws. Jaitma I,, llrownn. plitlbtlff herein Sled hla petition In the dis trict court of fioovlua county, Nnhraaka, ngnlnat Aleminder M, Kerr la and Ktiima ) ('errla, do'cnilar t, ti n nh,ct and prayer of shlch la to torecloan onncertaln taseert'H rale dated Novemlinr I li.h pii,, upon tha to lowlliS deacrllied real utiite, loall: The north orie-lh Irit (N, '-ftof l.ot etyht ) In hlock el lit y nine mill In he rlt y of Omaha, all allualed In llotiyUa counly, Nehraaka, There la now dun upon auld crrllMcale lli urn of Html HI wllh line real at tha rain of It n per cent pi r am urn fro n ecplemhcr ZM, n',in, for which aiim, wllh Inten at and roam tiiliclher wllh nn 111 or 111 ya fee ariimiiitltia; 10 Ion per Rent of 1 he ii en a p alni'ff praya for adecrrn that ha I aa a lint lien upon auld roiil eamla, 1)1 at Mm di fendanla ahall pay theaanm, U' d In default thereof that llm auld properly hn aold to aallafy the amount found dun, and t at upon anl thereof the defendanla ha deharri d of all rlKht. title and Inlereat In aald real eatale. and for othai null able relief, Vou ara also hereby notified that you and eat h of you ara rniulred to gnawer aald petition on ur Irafuis Ins alatdny of October, lew", Hated at Omaha, Nebraaka, NepUimUr 1, 1H7, JAMK.s I,. HKOWNK, Plaintiff, By W A Saunders, his attorney, iHic.M. No. 4. H it 4 The Only Railroad to I'hlrairo, With a Day Light Train: Leave Omaha 6:40 A. M. every day arriving at Chicago tho same evening at 8:15 where close connec tions aro made with all lines beyond. This train Is M years ahead of the Times and Is proving Immensely l'epular with Omaha pooplo Other flying trains leave for Chicago at 4 :o5 and 8:65 i M. dally. City Ticket Ortloo 1401 Farnam Bt., "The North-Western Line. " Kdueata Vnnr llnwela Willi ('Hatnrrta. Calhsrtlr, cure cnnatlpallnn forever ' Vk),2Sc. II C O i 6 " , meiau return! money Popular IMical, 1 1 SraviWe tmi (orfBiioaUVpfk-A Isflol M !or Kvcrjo-i It lit Mt et ittlBBttt kieti a i LJ'iV nriLV toun ont at txik. in one lahgc volume. tr i ptMAMi m thih cattail mi vising sn nsi. SARt I rrlBOtltC PlSIAMI Of Alt el IS MI Ml fMlla, laf lllOika "rtlVMP fO, BOTH Hill t at,- rum tua amT comhuv simswis issnaa, smui m bisii:a:.i in mi rfii:Nltt:;i ! r, WntOVtMtNT (If BASSIAi.I, A WHK llNI trtl MISKHO AND All WHO HltPl I VII 10 II, APPEHDIXSS f fa-taiaa tan TOO ateaniatne l lel.J and tail af aiaia S4l taiaaic Is aiMil teS 7 1 TP J)7 1 " ,,w rMiea i'f Una l- ail the aal Ufarl I. n II flim In tlMaighfia tiJ f Alii iLa.a eaiueat,anirn,.iHr,ianl.rialy .taleilheia. lOriUATSI. 98 ciinomoi. BOO ZLtVITnATIOIva. tha Saalnmy nf la im iif Slasi aaS nf W nimni The OrlalH nf l.lfet Man frem tha faai IHaraaea nl Iraerral I rMcllimat 1 hire I Iraaal I ol..r l'lal.a f pal anS act rial Otaanai Mar 11 llliialraltuna Hf .il lrr l..rn el i li 1iaa-U-l.Ha I nlurlliyea Sr ( ulnr I'liulearaeht, In I lia I alula. aa klai Aro You WoH ? ill UKal.TIi tn a raw . tii aotii'iallr llaliti'.l, linae fnrliiliali'tr Itim rn-niai-il from l-lilli an apl In lie r kli'M nf ihrir iii-ritace. II la an i'ay l.i inae nr iiimii. nalo II lliai In. hi I. tl.iaiaia lie III lluli i il If He r eaia a iiie rli.niall Inloaril how l.t naliilalii II. 1 till all ran an Vr a.lina "I'laln llnaia alS" mi the riii- n' ili raiH'.t'rriira In itlrt.imraalli-a, eni'Mtia tni-ai eailna, P-a ami i-oSoa ilrlnhlitK, toe nan ami aliitaa nt all nlmHi-a, Ilia U'l Imiilta of i lillilri n, Hie l.ri-vali'in-a nf errnra nf a is 'na nndermlna ulanr nf inanlnMUl a i hapii r "liarant r read atiil lim iloil Imieaaorly 1 Urn llii ie in ...i rima ilceanf aSulta, the IiiIkmi o lialill in men nnlil lai-liul In winiii ii, eie , l ie,, ami llij alb Ciaerfiil i iiaii.iiia nf ataiteitf liereli many ef tha at nf Imih aeiea ara SiniiiinI pi "anelal ataria. tlnn." Thla cliaiter ahnwa why thmmliiliai i.miia: Inlka $n aalray. Imw nriwilliilliui liaa iBMnme l.rei a nl, alir It will nut ilnan, Imar lla liani-rul illaeaaoa ara rnnieted to Ilia ''InnoceHl' Miual atari Una anil tnni'iriiiil (aula In knoa. ... Tha rioulia f a mad rliaaa for wealth, nf nrer. work, liver at ml r, falluroa In Imatneaa, tha fail that health Ii Hie Imala of arallh net eon rrri- and lHa name ami rSooia ef Imrrllile melancholy -Hum ara all uiattera It would ba well fur yuu lu UilnS uier. Aro You III? TIIKNinuaralndrrilararaman f tun am nut amlnni Pi learn in Il iniiia liuiil, wlial'a Ilia natter ami witara Hi tie nnnii, Vtliiiher II, Imi "only a rnlil," a rlirmiln catarrh, ur anriieililiii nmra aerlnua Ihat haa 'aelllr4 on the liinia" lu lirnm liltla nr c-ooauiiiptli.o, ilia aniiin-r ymi find (ml Imw wtliiiii l la, and aliat lu (In fur yniiraelf the Inner. If ynn liinii narn "iinw in nva wiiii mm una" Ilia cm lb r futt sit una iiiiwIi'ilKi' lli.'liiiiirir iniiaiu uvn. Or. iiihv Im vour iiarllcnlae weak flint la In Ilia Iln r, il ifli ur inwi-ia, 'Jhen ynu ran itiaka rm nif.tNka In liHrriliia llin Iw-at nettindiuf resulalttis llmaa vital tutu Umw. If ynil ira full nf arhea, pallia, neuralgia ur rheiiina. ilain, II . Illau'ely pr In lunk up Ih" way tuaiiaa lli.-ui "If. Surely ini i n'l want tn Inuli i t llin lii.nb Inm ayiiirilniiia nf llrlahl'a Slaenae, nr ntlier He ilrunllve illMa-a nf lim "a-enlto-iirlnary orsana," and run lienor lieemna rxinod on am Ii uuiiaa aa aunurrliii'a.arrli't ura ami wurM fnrmauf eiiuiaaloiia illaraara "hy Ilia liunk" than hy eu riii.ii. D.a ami, led will read Willi aililltf all annul lni.uteii( y, liarreiiiiiiai, itlaaaia uf wniin n, nrriuiia diaeaara, ,arela, iiaralyala, akin Slaeaaea, aorof Hla. He i et, frin,llu, una hunk laiiioit invor "all Ilia Ilia that Bnah la lielr In," and llii rofura lit ttimirf HtHUm-lum, Itr, Ana tlillhnrtMrM IA tittHnunntmnit ttmt tunptir Wider (ii "'. , ." '' font I" f'l I" '" miy nintult him In iimnn or hn Imrr, u ithnut W'irv, and Uia UUlry will ka amwori'd Ut Ilia Peat if bla ahlllty. I f, VtaiWw M IIK UWH fnVT TTTT VIiT ynnslresdy lisvs "somethlna tlks It" or "Jttat sasnnd." llnndrada have A A 11 1 Ii IV declared lliat It la jinitlinr In tmrlf," and fur nmid of sll oilier worka, I IdNT TlTH'n li'T'hiil thla wark IsiirTnred for lis men fnlrlnarntiierff and wlliliy, Slid rva) IV7IV A A'VIHJlJl iliairlbuli'il In (iieniortn lo Silvniiiae iroirleiary liiedlrlnea, I'li'yrif ( .Mf A T vlt'f moat eiiihuaiaaiie kind frmn nil rtmnlrlrn w liars Knsllah Is spa. 1 IjDI IrtlWll l'l'kari, would, eyenlnaalllyna,iM)iiiai.aofllilaai.a, IMfnltM'XW.TOV A T M""n nf eisaaas, irerpptrifn, Sialora, tinw, tillliiri, critical, hare I M I I Hi J.J.v il I'fivcn flatlerliiK amluraeuirnt) ruimrkubly few i.rllli al, 4 j POPULAR ED ITION, Cloth Dlndlng, Prepaid by Mall, 8 1 .60 American Publishing (p. Fifty Years in the Church of Rome f' V ' W'' V p S BV. KKV. C1IAKI.F.S CHINIQUV, TOQETUKR WITH THE AMERICAN For the Balance of 1898, for The price of the bok alone at retail Is t'l .2.1, hut you ifnt Sutb the hnolc and tho paiwr for!2 00. Send In yourorilers ACCOMl'ANIKI) HY THKCASU to AM Kill CAN riJIUalSIIINO COMPANY, lefts Howard Streot. OMAHA, NEB. Is Marriage a SOCIAL L trim at Science I aUaU4AU a it mat irniui, aa. I I. raeiB. 0 (NnaTt Yof Vaf Tti Kanw Vaist 11 1 (! Orwtf fY Ktrrilr. Ttlt Yi4 I- lii'W t.l I rnaaan Mm Ut il IIIAM J 1na Mir mi t- Imw fiilat in-.r 111 itmrnnsm , Ilia r I'sbi s? - i,i ,i ,4,, lll Xt'illUN li.iw tn Iiim tin in wnlnail imittj Tub t mi M I -a l.w .i w fniiiful ninI iniiltijlvi TllHI HP.! S - ItuW tlrl'jr "imiili,,llli t ll 1.1 U'J lllk III HUM Imw Ul rtir life Mul ml Weill Tut hi si in Imw lopil will npnlu eimmlily i 1 UK ll HI .1T Ili W .l illll wnalml itn rgY. All Im wmil kiiiiwliil,-.! tlmt Is iif liiiwt wmtll I iinl It tn lr ria tca 1tm llmtin Tnlk,' l,tssijsm , psirtitrt, M lii.i"iii rii-is, flMera til. Il,aaa BMIH flB 1MB M ( (Kiakws nmat. Ma at aat.iMel la anaa Itanlralaf lot KNamilAting tha aVaaa,.,)) SygiaiMt ratH fig In tat a ) lefMIt nf Ik4 Aro You Cngagod? nil niitunt lo pe aa "t, lu'ihaiia Writ, iVii't Imii i, ami leak nn niixakn. it la a .r in t In and an itlnli'iili lu (ot mil, ImhI li la eon wurlk While In ''lie amn vmi ara rtalil laifnra ua u al.iml " 'Hn ra at liu iHH.k an hi'ttiful la rnal'lllig yuu tn ai leri Wlatly a "I'laln llmiie Talk ' Ins ran learn antnrltiliit Irian uilier'a lulitakoa. Ilia lliiiury nf Mar. nana nf all kllnla, la all i niuiirtia.liia riirl nna eaaerlmenla Snma sallnea hate naile, are lonl ami iim,l,'rn, Imiliaruiiaaml i lillli il, ln'l ua lo k nu alial In Itu Iheannial hnliinralllv uriiwli . nut nf uiiaatlifloil uatiira ami mairlaa" InliinU, Hie hlntury nf firoailiiiimn, lia jiri'iali iii e, allitreiueiiiii,iiaiianra, romilia, iimi-rluriaiif roltulona atnl aM-eiliiiin tnanta. tine ami rntillnl the itntuuiaiil iMluii-kll Hear Ulit haara frultrul In Imll. tli. ylitalla In aiulit, Oa tlai nllier Immt iliaitera nil ailaillun In n' ttlafa-. iihyaleal, ini'iiial ami Niafiii'llii'- nn early ti, luii'miarrtauii, rliiieini'iita, rtiv, no , abl Itieri'Nili.r la Inaka a aiiii4 maleh, aeliui fur Iminn ami nff. aiirlna, liiavntil "Luoiri-r atNii'fu'a,'' and to caiapa UiS rat trap ami Niltrry klmla uf marrlafa. Are You Married? mrv.r. are ihaa- tera piimlly lurlul In ftliuwliitf yna "hliw In lie linnuy I hough man lea." taui itiatlliil lu-n. Iilc Irutilil yi-l aiulit .eiler If t hi-1 knrw m In a.1,'1-1 il 1'in a Ilea in . ii oi her, ami wuuM liy Iniia tlcraf ami runt an ot In rant rtla Tlu-y lit lu nun! lial 'I li.Hi Iimnn Talk" Saa almiii Hoi irtia rlilloaoily nl Inti-r-mitae, ll""lialr. I ri lailnna uf lb a i ,"ifu'li,i1iii-rn a nil ln-altli ami rvtl nt perveratnna, "Ilia wnrniwond thai ml. Ulna anrlnl llln," on-, hi- Miuiy alii (H"l n u'li a.H.lai noli la llin rhiter "il liarrrnni aa al-li b haa l,n-B tlio niiina nf an al Juy In ninny a liHilli-u pair, rlillna H-i m t illtM-uvfr ami ri'iuuvn llin nliiui', otiii-ra hi a Sa utiliue newwyn fur niarrii-i) efi'iile" tr'-atlna nre'iual Il i, ali-i'tiliia aiiail, rii-1'an, Inmii ratluu, eatuuay, la. illfforeiii-n, pri vi ntlori, r uriHeem'!', fmi'l fur pri-g. Haul women, i In- .lnal I'.ii nf i hilit-iunkliia, why . ,M,',, .- .,, mi . .ii.., ,ii,rimiin rrN Hiiiir in ill", , . mi ."iff. Ill abort, to. li anil a, ,ii, in lu-allalii lu lalk Willi II. ata huine iifiyal. lana rorii-i-fiiliia niany Selti-ala nura lluiia tlial in rilrt tin in ami llial I In y ri ulr iii l la iimii rataiiif. ami which tbla lumk will rnliy'ilrri llmta aniail rmiiit Ui mil nn jut thn iwnwloa ly rfplulnf Taa (( (-AiUf- tit mfiprlul Ullttltn rmiUry, f jtf I ' $2.00 Failure? $1.00 mm