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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1898)
"Hi 7 AMERICAN 1 Inl "AMMfh'A It AMI- KU ANW,'' Wt il..t U A .. Als.u,or th fn.4 Md,. with. M ooi.tal fmalfr OMAHA, NKH1UHKA, HiltAV, MlVt MIUJi I'M k I IV I. O.NT. j A M Kt.Y NKWM'AI'r.K. I. . . .. -i - m DID TUKEY HYPNOTIZE IT? Board of Education ? lories Which flay Contain Hore Truth Than Poetry. That there la need for aome radical diMiget tn the Jaw governing .ha board of education In cltlea ?f too mul lopolttan clan in Nebraska H urtiir nt 10 tvaryotm who will taka th lieu b'u to cxomlno Hitc the aubjad. The pifaeni achcol H.fcrfi of Omaha w corn-po-ad of fifteen n ember who rr 'bet nl at largo frnm the freeholder il.a city, ench t en a tor a, term of thica year, fiva of whom ara clotted avery yoa,r, Under tha law thin t)oitrii U charged with tha dlburement of al nioat half million dollar annually of the public aehool fund. Tlicy alao hava within thclr control and aupervla loa over 1 1, 600,000 worth of property which must he kept In repair and prop erly Improved, and tbay ara charged with th almost constant employment of ovar i"0 persona who must bo paid from tho public; school fund. In addi tion to tbl they must purehaaa all aup- plle audi a book, stationery, roal and averytblng required for the main tenanca of tha school of tha city, all of whli-n they must d 0 without remu- deration for their Yet avery , vftii iIih Mi riifiililn for nrwlllom on tha Umard In tho varlou partly are audi Vpohat an outsider would Ihlnk thara wa a princely salary attached. Tbea man nr often compelled to neglect, their bualrie to at land lha board rnadlngx, Wa have known nun to ax pend m much tm W and ftven f 100 t w ur (heir election on thl Itourd, j and w hav haard member comment on thn amount. It, coat them to b elect ed end deIara that they ara determ ined to Krt It back In aoma way. Under th law thera I no leKltlmata way In which they can relmbur themwdvoa, and If they ara thu Inclined H I but, natural to Infer that, they mut rort to llleifltfmata mean, Imrlna: tha paat year or two thera haa been otna fat contract Kiven out f lha hoard of education of Omaha, among thorn being tha purchaae of text hooka, In which titers 1 atd to hava tumn a "raka off" of nearly 15,000, To what, purp'wa and to whom thl amount wa paid thl paper ha no poaltlva knowledgn, hut tha pairm of tha public, achoola ar Inclined to be ftomewhat, uaplclou, In tb purchaaa of twiw M0 or 1,000 ahada tree for tha aebool ground It will b remembered that tha hoard paid 75 cent per trea, whlla tha park pur ched better tre and had them et out In tha park for Je than 20 cent per trea, It will ha hard to make pao pla believe that there I nothing u pb'lon about thl tranaocllon. Again, It ha been going tha round of public golp that merrier of tha board hflva offered to aaeura eonlraei for repair of varlou kind on th acliool building if tha proponed con tractor would pay a certain per cent upon tha amount recejyd for tha work, I'erhapa thl pereentaga wa to relm bura for campaign axpenaea, ft I alo ald that many of tha teacher In tha public whool have purchased ihelr poaltion and hold them through tha diplomatic, u of money among member of tha txwrd and other who might hara oma hiflii enca in awurlng their election, and continuance upon tha pay roll and In aom caaea tha aama tea her are tab) to ma utterly Incompetent. If auch thing are going on the people ahould know It. It may lm that Utla In an other way of rwovi-rlntf "campaign "xpcnxi'" wlih Intnrmit. In th piinhain' of rrnl intato thern am "prHl di-al which will no doubt bear InvcKtlgMtlim, Onn caan In par ticular, la that of th pitrchflKB of a ncliool alta In tho Flmt ward. Thl projxrty had Iwn offrd to a prpvlou board for $H,000 and th ownor of th properly had had It HhIH with mil ftati a(?cnia for aal at that fiajuro, Yt thl am property, throuh th manipulation of A. V. Tukoy and oth er, wn aold to th acbwd dltttrlrt of Omaha for 1 12,600, Omaha, citizen ar naturally Inclined to auk; "Into ...... t,,.t lt,1 f V. ,1tly,n'A wt' It la pnwtlhlw that thl fl.BOO helped to make up "enmpafgn pxpene?" Tbero ha been MM In tho dlatrUt court of FtiuiKla county a petition An mnndln? tho re'onvcyancc of tW property back to the original owner and tho payment back of th otilnal piirchaxfl money, Ko doubt tbla will brlrm to IlKht 'im o,tiftHnatfI frana aiilon which the peopl fmxht to : know about. The can In In ehargc of Attorney II. A. Meyer, old Tukey hypnotlx tlm board? The total annual taxation derived from laxailon of Omaha property hot h city, county and atate, nMdc from special taxe, I but lltlbt over $H't0, oeo and tha expetiltur of thl money ,N mi,., u, thn tnt, rooniy and muiiblpal department of tho govern ment, who aro paid aalarle by th pw pla for liwiking after their IntareaU, Thl paper bellevca that a laborer I worthy of hi hfr and that any per on employed by lha peoplft to fran act thalr bimlnea ahmild recelva prop er remuneration for their ervlce, Tha board of aducatlon of Omaha ought to be amenabla to practically tha aama law and recelva Juat compensation allka with other department of lha city government. Tha member of tha city council ra under bond for the faithful perform ance of their dull. They employ lea help during the yer and hv far le reajwitiNlblllty, Tha lard of county i- pervlaor snd tha city council together hava far lex renponxibllity than tha board of education, Therefora the; r ult ha heart that a nelww Jot of men hav been abided on the board from Ima to time becauxa men of good bul- neK abllHIe could not afford to take tha plaea to tha neglect of their own prlvata bualne; and m Jong a lha law remain a It now I wa rnn axpact nothing better, Tha patron of tha achoola hava practically no rcdra for any wrong that may t commit ted, Our leglalntor ought to ea to It that tha law I o changed that tha people' right hall ha fully protaetad and any wrong doing punlahed. IiKCKIT. When He?, John JIu wa um monad to attend lha council t Con Hanca, lie got & written tnamant from tht Kmperor that he would glva him a afe-prMidnct. Tha conduct w given but It wuh mt afa, Tha em peror wa told by tho lending paplat, when ha wlahel to hava Huh pro tected, that It. In not nacraattry to keep faith with heretic, and then tho em peror fell Into Una and helped to pro ecute tha reformer. The pope may ho whlaperlng now to tha gnanlih oi- i!lr Ihut H la hot ir.f t li VT ffttOt Mh h'fHlia. id to hill Ib'iu .ff a ft a Untc r!fi;a raw d ib" ink 1rn)-ly lht mn who h n aeiit homa M tbtr mmm, th nie,.n, my !. able tell th 'P bow ftsiht iretl, and how to di In klintt ordrr and ! ablo to row not kwplni hi wmd but obeed tha IkIi of tha pupa'a f.lloer. f ill al way N looked at a a knaxa or a (mil. V. H. I MICitOOItAIMia. I'rutentnnl ara making advance In Pari, and that people may yet get out of tie tlarknaa of Uomanlam. Ho many of tla Jtallan ara aoitght after by (he ProleMnnt. the Human Catholic chnicli I now attempting to reach litem. Jr tha bualnea mn of Manila want lha R. C. order ent off tha Inland, ara they nhurpcr than the bualne men of tha United State? Tho ItortWinlMl ara placing every Una they posalbly can In newapaper to advertlae and aid their corporation, Iet tha antJ-pnpn.1 pica follow tha ame tt'an, Th Irla't mnv not fancy thl, and many of the lt,iliar. hava no reaped vhatever f tr the po a' church, They tl'tck ha g 'In too much and keep too much of It, Tha Itoman Catholic would he glad If they could manipulate tha Methodlat look Concern printing plant. Will lha laymen and minister of that de nomination let them do H? If lha pla t of killing th aoldler tiff mav cauae McKinley to do tha Henry IV, ad, after tha next election, many p;ipli will amlle, although they have John Ireland working for priv ilege, J Andrew, principal of the Chicago NchooM, brm or I h lnmed. Now wa will tha eoinpoli.!on of the principal. Vet he may hava hi friend o tiuratie another coin" to get, even mill the papal gang In t ie windy city, the luiblln of America, H;ia fn o'.e listened to hear any f (tie Itoman fatholic ten or Hpain ruin on rtcconnt of the dying of many A, P, A., who were In the war, and j who have, alnce that time, nen riuwd by the devoted Water of Charity, the vvaiit of the pope, who lament the (hnmblng hi beloved daughter, Hpatn, haa been getting? Kmjeror W." am may do a good thing for ll-e world yet, If ho Inter fere In ilo ebctlon of a new pooa ha may eontlnrm tha good work that, many from (termany hava done, If h will e that a popa fa placed there, who will dlwband tha Jenlt. aoelety, ha will ben:;i all nation, and If tha Jettnlt rtppoaa and fight, bt all tha natln glva thern all lha oppoftloti they want. Kellglmi I mn thing, politic I an other, and Jeanitfeim la another, Wa hava mora ttJmorir that lha fllhla I th bot'k that I caiialng tha prle(4 to (cove tha Ionian Catholic cliiiti It, It mlfbf ba k good Idea If lha papal iburcb vould naa It ft llttla mora, o that thla may not ba tha caa, What w rutiMt dc In tha f'nlted Mtati fa to keep the l!lbla In ayery publle achoo', and have rtafa law o that if lha majority tif tha peopla In a given dfwtrtcr, want a chapter of tha Ulhla read, without not or comment, no o.ta will be able to atop It, If thl muxt conlinua to b a land of liberty, thl ahottld ha tha courtw taken, A 1 '! 1 11 A IHO CHOWO, When llev, John lua wa trim) for preaching orthodox Chrfwtlanjty, ba w aummoned Ixffora council at Cojmtanea, ThTa were 8'X) prelate, ZOO prince, noble, royal atnbaaaador nd delegate of c.ltle. Among tha dignltarle I,i00 prleau, 2,400 knight, and tha total number of granger In tha city aometltne axceded 50,000, And tha big crowd with many Ito- manlat condemned tha man l(aua ha did not leva tha Hilda and praach popery, Thara ha been a Mg crowd of popo lover In tha Manila hay and about Kitntlago, and tha hand of juatlca eem to hava been laid very heavily upon them, Tha dwlalon at thl tlrn wa an InjiiMtica to Hu, to Iv 11 rope to lover of frea apnwcfi, and to tha Ima atudent of Herlpture, and tha big crowd I nrw getting It In tha neck Aa long a tha aama aplrlt I contin ued by thl Itoman Catholic church, aha will ba rnetad oit tha ima kind of medicine to taka. W. R. J. fflASOINS KILLED BY ROMANISTS The Grand Lodjce In Cuba Murdered, and Their Wives and Children Hunted with Bloodhounds. A recent laaua tif lha New York Journal glv the following account of the' wholeaaln (laughter of tha mem ber of tha Orand lndga of Cuba, at Santiago, twenly-nlna year ago; "Oneida, N. Y July 20,-Caplaln W, Hector tlale, of thl place, I a mem ber 0 Oneldtt t-odga, No, 270, A, Y, and A, M , and one of II paat maatera, V'eKierday ha aald; "Now that tha day of retribution ha come to Hantlago da Culm, avery Frea Mon In lha country will rejoice, b eauaa of (he manaacra, thlrly year ago, of the Maaonle Orand Iodga of Hantl ago and lha aiihawiiicti! (reatnient of the ftldow and orphan of (ha mem ber, "In 11h the Orand (da met at Hanflago, a had been t cunlotn. It had never been disturbed by tha gov erntrienl, but on tha night beforalha meeting if wa given out that rret would be mada, and if realatari'-a wara offered the building and everyone In It would be burned by die troop. "In vOw of thf threat the meeting wax held with open door, yd the fra ten, ,;y men r arr"Kt4, and thr' hour after vunrlaa tha next morning they were all taken ontaide the elty and abof, "Next, the fiimilie of theae mur dered Mnaon were placed on trial (nf the alleged acta of their husband, father and brother, The result wa that, their property wax confiscated, they were declared pauper, and tha popuboa wa forbidden, on pnfti of luiprlaonrnent, to give any of them axKlntania, Theaa fa mil fa, deprived . "1 , ' , .it tfO! CATION' IN HAWAII, (etwecfi Hawaii and lha lately con- toteretj tpanlah (aland, write A, Tol- man Hrnlih In tha Independent, (her I a xtrlklog contraat of educational coridltlon. Tha mlxlur of population in Hawaii la greater than In Cuba, and greater a regard diversity than In lha Philip pine, American form but Utile mora than per cent, of th total; and If th KngMah and (brman resident b add ed, thera I atlll only nuclen of 10 per cent, having xlwllar atiteeedent, Much, however, I American preatlge in tha and that a ytem tf re ho'd riKleied on our own I In full opera tion, and avery fhlld In (be (aland, of whatever nationality, learn lo read and npeak Kngliah, That lha Ian- guaga Iihm not, lien forced upon tha peipla I evident, from tha fact that tha public, achool for tha native, fn which tha Hawaiian langoag wa Hed, hav rWoma axfind by tha pra ferenra of fh natlv fmr (ha Kngllah m boo!. Tha Honolulu public high ehooJ oc tuple rlna building In tha mfdat of ampla ground adorned with rar plant and beautiful flower bed, Tha hoo ha ela(l and adantlfja c(airc and aaplre to afnlfatfon with tha f'nlveraity fit California , Ilealde the government ehol (her ara many prlvata academic and aemlnarle, mtuh reaembllng lhoe of iha I'nl'ed rKatea, Th ffinlh lalanda, alao, have achool ayatenm, that of (Niba making nuba an effect on paper, Although tha achool In thl Inland ara r1ad a public and prlvata, they are virtually all church whoof Jmrch and atata lielng ma In Hpnnlh territory. Oral Instruction prevail o gen-rlly In Catholic chda thai attandane upon them and good Instruction of It kind tif home, food, anchor and (ha menu of obtaining (hem, nud forbidden (o (cava tno Jurisdiction tif Hantlago d Cuba, aought aliellcr In tha wHida, "Th Inhitmanllle and larbnrlil'a whb h thea women and children wera anbjecled lo passe belief. They wera charged with all aorta of robberle In order (o hava them chased with blood hound, T'lVsa chaae wera followed by a mob, and when a victim waa caught aha wa tortured until aha con fccd or died. Their bodle, after (hc fb-ndlsh torture, wera left on tha ground In horrible mutilation. "An nflimpt wa (nada at tha (Ima to fiiduea our government lo Inlereedn for Iheaa bdplex iifferer, but It cama to riolhlng. fn JH'i9 fbera wera 300 of ihdn, and In 170 thirty or forty atlll survived, Tha other died from starvation or wera killed by blood hound. "In 1X71 when tha crew of tho Vlr- git.ln wa captured and mnrTt'A, tha crew of tha rlpatilah vead, tha Tw I midnight, when they had all Un jbich have lorS Malory of cullura jdrinkliot freely of wine, a parly wa and of pioiia rev .enc It" . p,irab!y aa I formed It, ionil with l.lfHitttoHinta Hie ! ia(ed with that, chnrcb, I remntrider of theita survivor of the Orand tfi nuwancra, The hunt waa described as loo horrlhle to relale, ' Afier It wa over an American ioiimuI belonging to tha fraternity went Into the wood and arrange) for the burial ; of nlr who bad been fiiwdereij, am) found seven oiber not yd. dead, but suffering and mutHai'-d, Tbejn re more rnnrder than rhoae of the Maine to b avenged in thla war,"- Kunmn yreemaon, ara perfectly compatiid degree of llllxiraey, I'rolonged war ha Interfered wiilrl,.,. ,hl(ri,h mlit radrxiMa th roiitlna ttl dvll admlnlatraliori, and no latfl report of education hv ben circulated In ! there wera 3,nw) rhlidreii reprfted In public eioola, and 21,140 in prlvaia ochooi, or 4 p r cent of tha iapulatlon a gairit ra tio of 10 (o ! per cent In eduiatlng eonnffle, In ail (ha large cllie pub lic a-hot d wera maintained for (be bia'k, For tha year namel the gov ernment contributed ttl' for the public adtool, a Iarg proportion of whldr went to tha salaried olhYr. That l, from firf to last, (ha bam of lha pnbll'! aervba, It ond and aim ba been to provld an Irowne fr gov. ' ernment dependdK. j Hut It must be remembered that r,s per cent, of iha population belong t tha whlla race and (KiiNca undying tradltfori that link them to the glory and cullura of tha pant, Prlvaia - cldlc, especially the conom)c oi eiy Ot( P dad Economical of Havana and Hantlago, hava been atlva In promot Ing aducatlon. Thera ara dai at doail preparing a'uderit for Havana nnlvaralty, whldr ha no mean reputa tion, fn JX&5 It reported 671 matrlcu (et nirrdeni and 655 non matricu lated, A large proportion of tha pro feor ara natlva (ubn. Tha -vereaf arraignment o Hpanlsh rul that ba recemly appeared I from the alumnu of the unlvrrity, Or, Antonio Ootiralo Per, who, In tha August numler of tha Nlndaanth Century give a vivid ld of tha nature at tha Rpanldr reprennton, Tb Inhabltanl of Cuba, ha say, havr been kept fn Ignorance, Quit recently tha rector of Havana university and tha dlrador of tha attperlor cnltcge f,f Hie Island, wera ordered to cnd Madrid an nually, Hat of all text-hooka adopted In put. He m MM'! ( nifllte tie it tiOiHi MttiinOit'd lit Ihint waa op- nw i lo tho t htixtun i iiiiin or tit HpanlKti aittbftttf t'litil th lt r, kiIhmI f.oi Witn tan fully fl miilne.l and all atlutloii to niudrii Idea, lilw'ttj, fhdi M tidelK a, els', Wl ti in k out In reteit (o kIhi fit in I'orto Ilb'O la an liifertor copy of Cub. Yiamg men tif i tin caM by fnmllle hi iti ih lr aeiit lo Pari or lo Catholic (ollegc In iha Onlieil H'Mtf for a portion of (heir training, bill (he p'Krer t;loe leatn Hula mora than lha catechism and lha creed It will dot m ay to In f nue KriKlifch idea Inlu (h"a peopla, hiii k of whom ara centurla of 11 lu preiedeiit. who lova authority, If It. be mild, and whoaa paaalon fr Ulicrty I at preMtit Hill mora (ban tha spirit of resistance to hated ayatem. Thn Philippine Island preaerit con ditlon of poptibitltin Moiriawhat anal okoiin to lloaie o Hawaii, Healde lha mall reiderii Hpanlsh population, t on slating of lha army and navy, civil of ficer, wilealaatb and a fw mr i bant, thera ar 100,000 China, who mimopoil. the thief Induatrlea, Ilia bulk a tha Inhnbltant ara Malay and wgrwa. Nominally 6,000.001 of the native, or l0 per cent, ore CaUio lli. Kducallon I In th hand of tha monaarlc orders, and In aplta of lh rwent uprising against them, II I matter if record that they havi? given many wo-loii n-at het and preaohera to th work of Improving end t lviiir, Ing iha native, It la not to Ji aup tioaed. however, (hat Ihero Ij any audi I .... .. :dwp arot vhhi attacnme.i!. io irm !""" , ,,"r' t' 'i'heso biland-r aa la tha Mho ciiae In Cuba and Porto RU-.o, The nwniUm of future educational effort In thewe (veral lulatida la al ready hdn- pfad upon our govern mi ni; hut at prenent no course can bo def)f,ed, Tho ttement tbll Hllgbah ttdiool are lo lat opened f n Hatitlago, at once, rt'M not Imply any effort to rd a government system, Thl I ,md ara not jd under our control, ni, when I hey ara It will leJ A wiao p(y to conanit (heir own preferam . mnH m iltU,milff rmUH, a 3 'that of (be education of children, with a high pedant mW,n will, nridoubt 'eitiv. antet wllb ardor InUr tbena field, tla work there. Meanwhile, tha Influ ence of a new dvll order and tha de mand of commercial fntwrcouraa will he powerful IrxeMive toward a na order of ed'cailori, CH IHHT'H f KltlNIl COMINO AM AN WALK. I lad purport - contlfdie without il.yerg. ncy. Tin Hdlotl "f Scripture directly and rtrnpo ttlonably le n i g on th. t;n.- of Child i"mil ro vtnt, of lild, t hern are an abundanea net yt, hroi'gH forward. Put I am i trotigiy in prs-ed wi'h fr,a convlntlon that I nImhiM in ' J ' I r. article dt,Iltig with n.rr.e of tic ntiiiiient or claim da rfu.ed froir the r'tip -lire hi i.ut Ad vent brethren, in ip rt of (tr futura and vciy wtr iomiiig of our lAird. If ,iii he perai'Ud to fun her hava rspci in lit American I lll reaiima tr y former mi thud of d'uJ'ng wPh tha iiit.jci t I hae ja rh..p l; ;f d abmsad th kind liidnlg aa of the g(,o editor of our truly d gf nuindy American japer, f have beard It ;ild, and hava ern It In print lo the cflcet that wa atwot ciinabiten'.ly watdi, ? hava In tereft In looking for nti event that 1 u, u,ui rt'iln a rr t to ba known whdb r It shall tr-ni-pire to.lay i.r a thou- ii.nd year hence. With th early dladpica, tuning le ior or dirtfrmt on!d I th' em wlih 'hem ip ei,ni of our ford'i ntiiift tp"(ully prodi'cii, jf, Christ' set jii I Kiriiiiic; ia m!,1 to (.the (daca, If toMcuunty tf iha t ine -.f nti vent, diy.'vi It of MiU't'-d, i to th. tlnia of thu tinntnt, then uj till row, ac cri;t,g to tU pliilowiphy of oma rf our i.dliiK Advm t)ietlun, watching (Ccntiaucd on 8 )