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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1898)
TH Q A M R I Q A fxi . SOVt Vl MM tOW tat it. t MlMtNil IMS, IMNI, invm tn ( umiiMti x.iy t l iiii ,( f ,-ii fMiK.u a ' k'm at t t a In I . . ( .' ..!. ( I l it 4 N : t I t t ' 1 4 l.M livMt ,1. h it is l. . (i t 11 !... .1 fci I' t - . , , , i ( tfca ' tl. ' 1 I I" ' P l 1 . I !.. I !1 l-t M, , i.,,, at tl p I . ,1 ', (.! mi I it, a t.i. rnfJ Ht tilt ii I- l'f if ( , l )(! il IK ni.l!i( I h I ) 1 ,-.( . Utti in frits.!, tn tk i lfe .f ..vK. (tlK M l ho! tf lnnt Mm t.i lif . ( will ! nut I't tin j mi ,: l lt,i j(.ju1i.. mhnS t lUi-j 't i,M. ,., nntln( nut f j"ltif ti iikki 11 'n 11, tni On" ( III I. ' f I I Ik! .1 . ... !.,, 4 d III . , ,. , , Y . It W. f;.iM... !. IWIHI Frntih miliiii an.) it,. Ixoiimi ti nf ilia IVlltn)..-, nihI In tii .il rl'ilili''l in lini Mr IUu, lii lil " ban t liln" sli Mnklu llmlatu of h Kitonun if .iii;ihii. f lii vlii III from iln'niiiiig. onfi liar a diiinKm limn waHiiJ tutu tin- atT iiiil ai'i'i-aii'il A ititmlwr f ! tiiltn liMiil by an, I (ti riit un lu n with lha utlniol linllfTi u n. r, tuit no nn rlril lo ri'iMiia Mm A fimrt of In quiry urn hilil, lint aa on rimiilnmlnn no rroaa wna fniitiil on Ma neck, a vcr dlit aa qulikly wkiimI iihiii liy th vlllaana, who dmliirail that lha man waa ,Miii mil lii a lira lis tiait no rroaa upon lilt iii'ck," Tim Holinmlan fluher man alirlnka from analclilui drown lull man from th walPia, fear lug that th walrr ili'iiion wonlil tnk way h la lurk In fl-ihltiK, Am) ilrown him at tho Drat npiMirlutilly, 'I'll la la llngiTliiR nurvlval of I lie amlint alKn!fl''aiirf of I lil auiirrilltlon, Ilia rmilanatlim lie In at that th wadT a.ilrlt la nalurally ungry nt bring (liniiollnd of Ita vlclim. and hrnorforih bean a apci'lal rn!c agnliiat tha tinliirhy pvraon who luu dsretl to frualrala him, Tbiia, wlitm noma una la drowt)d In Qprmany, the remark l nmila: "The rlvr aplrlt rlaliua hla yrarly aacrlfle," or "The nix baa tnki'ii him." Out of ICtirope, lao, the eiTlilciiinl drowning of prr on la aiirllnilcd to a alnillar aplture, nd the Hliimrae drrmla the I'nufc. or water aplrlt, Hint ai'lr.c lialhrra and draga Hu m under to hla dwelling, The Bloux Indiana have a alinllur fanry, nd tell how turn liMve linen drownad by tlnk-Tahft. the water monater. For the tenia renaon, It epprara, the XaiutrliHilnlH, far from helping, t man out of the water, would drown him by force, If nwueil by any chance no one would receive him Into hla hnima or give him food, The Chlneae reluc tance to aave 11 nmn from drowning rlaea from quite different benef it being auppoaed that the aplrlt of a lierann who lina met hla (lenlti In IhU way rontlniiea to flit along the eurfgee df the water until It haa rniued by drowning lha death of a fellow-creature. A Chinaman, therefore, who at tempta to reacue another from drown ing la ronaldered lo Incur the haired of the uneaay aplrlt, which la dealroua, even at (he expenee of a man'a life, to wcape from Ita wandering. floaton (llolie, HAD HEARD DIVINK PATTI. Why Nherman HI I M it I 'am (u Ut IIUni'liH H.ii.i-iiII Ming. An actor at one of the local theittera telle a alory ot liu blunt old (leneral Hherman declined to hear Itlnnche Itooaevelt alng. The general'a kind heart and helpful nature led him to atretch out the hand of encoiirugemnt to many a atruggllng aaplrant for dra matic and mimical honoii, Hut bla protegee anmctlmca were not aelectnj with a due regard for their artlatlo capabilities, Among olhera, he be aUiwed hla friendly Intereat upon MUa Itmiaevelt, who, fifteen yrara ago or more went to New York to alng In light opera. Hhe Itmtltuled a weekly niualcale at her hotel, preceding her appearance, One of thcae (leneral Hherman waa ei peeled lo attend aa the gueat of hlgheat honor, The boura went by and the hoaleaa waa In da palr, for ih general did not arrive, lethargy fell upon the anaemblage, which the playing and alnglng of mediocre people could not dlaalpate. After midnight the grim old warrior, wrapped In a long military cape, ap peared on the aiene, and joy beamed on Mlaa Rooaevelt'a handaome face, "Oh, general," the aaid Impulsively, "I've refuaed to alng until you came, What would you IlkeT" "Nothing," he anawered laconically. The Imly'a face fell. "You aee," he continued, "I have been down at the Academy thla evening llatenlng to I "alt I aa Marguer ite, and I don't want the memory dla turbed before I go to my dreame." It waa rather tough, but Mlaa Roote velt took It good-humoifidly, for ahe knew tlwit the old general had no thought of being ungallant when he aald juat what he meant In bla own delightfully blunt fashion, la Indiana KUawlmra, "In the beginning," aald the corn fed phlloeopher, "man la much coucerned that hla little wlfu'a heart shall always be light. Later, he paya more atten tion to the weight of the blacult." In dlanapoll Journal, Mlaa of Ihe Tenant. According to the latest available ststlsilcs the United States has this year canned 4,500.000 cases of tonia toea. Ls than fifty years ago peo ple did not know tomatoes were good to eat. Really Woodar. "What a pity, Kloaey, It Is that you can't dance In better time, when you've fcot such lovely clocks on your stockings." ! t I i . It r H IV WSI I.; i-t r i'i . ni:m la Jr n 4 I a la !'. - n m Mk it M I 4 1 1 m ! N"t f'4 I ( ! (to 4 f !.(! . Mii. tKr r mi-. "t t lfc I. !. fcfl In l 1 if .I.IK f,i f,t,V f ;ul ft tii I u mi l mm I t i I U Uim A mi ii 11. . t.t iM, of (l.h 'M I lh) tii tr!f III in i ir... u ,.f (hp !.( It. Bh ' I in k m ukrn f.m ihr mif ti iir- itiKlnnlli Of lh if itm ft lilt , ..'t nil'l mil l lull I l l tl l tlit In rlal an. ihf lo f,)iii,t In it. P B1 ,,Bl iht flub n1...,. ,.k ... f 11 in a n m in Mm nh, and the prl.e la rifu;,iii, y the iiianttly brought III l'" the fl-li iiotii'ia Hrirn tialica a lli.iirtii, (a a fair rlr Imring Ibe aaidlne itiniii almiit 3H wnnirn and f fty men anxbnialy await the arrival of (lie riiat boat. If there are no fluh I here la no wmk fur them, When the newa arrtvea that the boaia have their welcome rntgnea the women. In their il-t ot cntie iiiHiiitiica, ruxh to the can nery like a flock of frightened aheep. and each takea her plnce In the great room where the finh undergo their flrnt preparation. Here the aardlnca are epreud upon the talilu and aprlnkleJ with aalt. Then they are cleaned, and when that operation la flnlahed they are eorted by little boya and carried Into another part of the establleh ment, where they are put In pickle. After thla the flub, are waahed and placed one by one, with great care, upon the neta, called "grille," and put out to dry In the onen air. It the weather la wet or even foggy thla op- erallon la Impoaalble, and tha flah bon to draw. Helle M. Uraln In Worn epoll and become wortbleaa. except for'n' ,lon, Companion. fertlllaer. The tlna In which the ear-1 dlnea are then packed are carried iO, STRANGE BRAIN WOUND. the oiling room, where the laat ma-1 nlpulatlon conalaia of filling them with '" Who la Alive Ieilte a Oil. It la In thla part of the eatahllah-1 Kamarkable Injury, menl that the tomato aauce and the' The hoapltal recorda of the recent aplcea are placed In the boxea which war have directed a good deal of at give to the French preparation of tentlon to the caeca of brain wounda ardlnea their unlveraal renown. In from which the patlcnla aurvlved, and any of the above Important eutabllah- the fact him been act down to the credit menta the aardlnea are prepared and exported ten houra after coming out of the water, Oourmeta ahould never eat newly prepared aardlnea. They have neliher the perfume nor tha fla vor of Hume which have Iain In the boxea for a yenr. EXCITED AT THE THEATER. California Woman Overcome bf Hit Wuea of Nancy ftrkee. Ai preaontod by good playera, tha murder acene In the dramatized ver alon of "Oliver Tw let" la almost enough to upaet the nnrvea of an experienced theater-goer, Nance O'Ncll and Mc- Kee Rankin were the leading actor In a production of the play at the Co luinbla theater, Hun Kranclaco, lint week, and among the apoctaton wax Mra. Oeorge C. Wlllard, accompanied by her hiiahnnd, Dlckena' Immortal chapter read once, la forever Imprint ed on the memory, but the utter brut ality, mlaery and wretchediieaa of the eeena when enacted on the alage are accentuated many fold, eapecltilly at Ihe point where Nancy crcepa on the atage after Hill gykea baa at ruck the blow. At that moment In tha Ron Frnneleeo theater the audience, which waa atralnlna ever en.. t mi., no word, no movements of the supreme young actress, was distracted and al most terrified by the hysterical femin ine voice of Mra, Wlllard crying pile otialy: "Oh, God! Oh, don't kill her! Don't kill her! Thla Is too cruel I" The speaker'a emotion overcame her and aha could no longer articulate words, (the stood upright, ten Me, moaning, sobbing, her arms stretched in suppll cation toward the atage. Her excite ment waa conlagloua, Gaapa and aobs were heard from all parts of the house, In one of the boxes a woman fainted. In a few seconds the acene ended, the curtain fell and the lights went up. Meantime Mrs. Wlllard had been led by her husband to tha lobby, where after a time she regained some meas ure of composure and went home. MANY MILES OF GOLDEN HAIR Cro ruing llry linlore lloaatait Chora Ulrl In lloaloii. iy s Envied by all In tbs Castle Squars II. ll,wtn I. Marl. (1I...-I ' chorus girl, who according to careful estimates has 200 miles of beautiful golden balr. It claims attention not only from the quantity, but from Ita exquisite texture and color. There 1 1 no hint of bleaching; fluid about tl.i strands. They are aa fine as ginaannr and glint like the purest gold. Em! to end those golden halra nieamire a,) proximately 200 miles, or l.OOO.OJO feet Figure It out yourself. There are upor Miss Bttiart'a head about 123 equar Incbes of hslr bearlng scalp. The ban Is very abundant, and counts on an average 1,660 hairs to the square Inch The hair averages about five feet 'n length; taking the length at even five feet and the actual number of hairs ai 211,200, you see the 200 miles of tu.i and a few Inches to spare. Mla.i Stuart Is hardly flvo feet In height, so that the hair falls tn a golden shower about her shoulders. Mad It If armoiile. "You didn't tauten your esuuy with a blue ribbon, as you usually do," sai l the editor of the magazine. "No," nn swered the contributor. "My sen" nt harmony wouldn't permit It. Thla ! an article on the management of tin war. I tied it with rep tape." Wash iogton Star. 4.i ., . i ',,1 at4 ttUI l m; 1 !.. It " , 1 l-t Mil iliilii kaliixl f ' i t a .li- lig t rtiiB. A i..l la l lai( u ink 1 ft fn.m want litres, hHli ate Irt I a m r.e r dt ,,1,1 i.( tn a.-i ni'i in ill rrii.,n mm imi artanfril i.i (( fi ae,i Ueih if lime I hit ranelHu. i month r a iir ilta tnea ldi BtaJe ii-, twiiv ir thlh a k. mtf rrm tpl. Plm ih i ipirai I t I he I ,ig 1, ,,, Kn r n a , f 111- j rfiinia, nor lniitn,i nf Ihe thaiair of Ihe g'fta. a ilouhle 'ii'ilM aaalla her at nui h drawing 1 hla ronlrlh- ii- 11111 a lime ll I tie iiiimi an-i 1 tint 111 nf the a. Inn. e Make a aintug bag of miltalile nmlt-tul, ireloiine, it. 11 -Im. raiitau or linen. Kiiilinilder it with hi Ilia la, a iwmingram or nthi-r aulialile denlun, and flnixh II with atout draw atrlnga of broad rllilMin. Klice It la to hang In the alikromn for long a time It khould be made hut Merely durable and aervlcealile, but alwn dainty and attractive. Wrap eai'h article In t Inane paper, uxlng many llnta; mark It with the name of the donor, and tie It aecurely with narrow ribbon of a contract Init color, leaving one end long eiioiiuli to be uaed In drawing It out. Pack the parcela care fully In the bag, heavier onea at the bottom, and let the long rlbbona hang out nlde at the top. Glfta appropriate for apeclal day a, atuh aa the Invalid! birthday, July 4, April 1, Knitter Bun day, Feb. 22, a "very weary day," a "atormy Sunday," etc., muy be desig nated by tiny carda attached to their rlbbona. Moat of the glfta, however, ahould be left without datea In order that the Invalid may have the prlvllcne onp ,n while of deciding which rib- of the Maimer bullet, It la well known among aurgeona, however, that an In Jury to the brain from any cauae la not neceaanrlly fit til, and an admlrnlila llliiHlrntlon la to be found In the per on of a mechanic now employed In one of the fouudrlea ot thla illy, aayi the Now Orleana Tlmoa-Democrat, He la aomcwhat aenaltlve over the mat ter, ao hla namn need not be men tioned, but the clrcumnlancea were theae: Rome yeara ago, while working at a lathe In Birmingham, a piece of machinery broke mid he waa at ruck on the aide of the head, juat above the ear, by a flying bolt. The blow frac- lured the akull and the trated the brain Itxelf to Iron pene a depth of about two Inchea, The man fell aa If ahot and lay uncnnacloua for aeveral weeka. Hla death waa hourly antici pated, but to the aurprlae of every body he regained hla aenaea and alow ty recovered, It waa found that he had forgotten certain thing, and for a while he had great difficulty In koep Ing hla balance while walking, but thla waa eventually overcome, and he la at (ireaent apparently aa well aa ever. There la a frightful Indentation at the place of tha Injury, but hla fucultlea general health aeem to be wholly unimpuirea. "ine caae ia a very re markable one," said a surgeon, "and proves that a man may lose a con siderable portion of actual brain tissue without being any worse for the ex perience." lingular rack "The singular fact that people ar about half an Inch taller In the morn ing than they are in the afternoon has enabled many a fellow to slip Into the army," said an officer who has seen a good deal of recruiting service. "Time and again when the examlnatlona were being conducted at a tolerably early hour, men have been passed In my presence who were barely tip 0 the regulation height. In fact, they were under It a shsde and the thlckne- of a sheet of cardboard would have result ed In throwing them out, I am per fectly confident that If these same men had been remeasured Just before taps In the evening they would have fallen so far short that they would never by l Mill,- k I....- . t.A BHy POeillll 1 1 J mil una mug, I b'"? U f" 'h"t mn Can FUt nearly an Inch to his height by ataylng In bed for a couple of days rnd mean while taking aeveral hot baths, but I have never ecn the thing tried. The average morning ind evening varia tion I have found by a good deal of ex perimenting on myself and others to be a little less than half an Inch." Mlntes llarrad tint of S liool. . The use of slates has been forbid den In the acboola of Zurich, Switzer land, and pen, Ink and paper have been substituted, even In the lowest forms. The reasons given are that the UgH gray marks of the pencil cannot be fol lowed without straining the eyes; that the pressure which it is necessary to exert upon the pencil lessens the fa cility of the hand and renders an easy, flowing handwriting more difficult to attain, and that the use of the slate Is not conducive to cleanly work. Ketlieil to Null. "My motto," said the new boarder, "la pay aa you go." The landlady ahook her bead. "It wouldn't do in my busl nesa." she said. "A man might hang around a month and then forget his motto. My motto la pay Saturday night or go." New York World. J rCT I xMS as I Our B00I5 Catalogue. ANTI-ROMAN BOOKS. FIFTY YKAK3 IN HIE CHURCH OF ROME," by Ref. Chaa Chlnl- quy; cloth, 2.00. "THE PRIEST. THE WOMAN AND THE CONFESSIONAL," by ReT Chaa. Chlnlquy; cloth, $1.00. "CONVENT LIFE UNVEILED," by Kdllh O'Qorman; cloth, $1.00 "AMERICANISM OR ROMANISM WHICH V by J. T. Christian; cloth. ft.OO. "DEEDS OF DARKNESS," ly Rev. J G. White; cloth, $1.25, ROMANISM AND THE REFORMA TION, by ReT. Oulneaa; cloth, 11.00. ROMANISM AND TUB REPUBLIC, by I. J. Lansing, fl.OJ REV. MOTHER ROSE, by Bishop J. V. McNamara; paper, 26c HORRORS OF THE CONFESSIONAL, by Rev. R. L. Koatello; paper, 60c 8ECRETS OF THE JESUITS, by Rev T. E. Ley den; paper, 80c, SECRET CONFESSION TO k PRIEST by Rer. T. E. Leyden; paper, 80c. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. PEOPLES' ATLAS OF THE WORLD. Contains luteat Information and maps of Cuba and the Klondike Gold Rotlon; paper, 60c IF CHRIST CAME TO CONGRESS, by Hon. M. W. Howard; paper, 60c AMERICA'S SUCCESSFUL MEN, vols.; cloth $6.00. PLAIN HOME TALK. OR MEDICAL COMMON SENSE, by Dr. Foot; cloth. Popular Edition, f 1.60. PHOTOORAPIIIO HISTORY OF TUB WORLD'S FAIR; Illustrated; cloth, $1.60. THE STENOGRAPHER; cloth, 76c LIFE OF JAMES O. BLAINE; Buck ram Cloth, fl.EO. IS MARRIAdB A FAILURE T Pop ular Edition; paper, 66c Tha abort ar some of tha beat and most popular publications, and the cloth bound book! will be aa ornament In any library. Boot on receipt of price. Addresa, Got Price Book Store, 1 THE POPULAR LINE TO LEAOVILLE, GLENWUOO SPRINGS ASPEN, GRAND JUNCTICi AND CRIPPLE CREEK Reaches all the prlnolpnl towns and mln Inaj camps In Oolorado, Otiih and New Mexico. PASSES THROUGH SALT LAKE CITY EN R0UTI TO AND f ROM PACIFIC COAST. THE TOURIST'S FAVORITE LINE TO ALL MOUNTAIN RESORTS, AU through trslnaeiilpriid wMli Pullman false) and Toiirlut Blrfplliij Car, Fur elegantly llltutrutod dntcrlptlrc books (rm of coat, aildrrss ' I T. JEFFCRY, A t. HUGHES. I. K. HOOPER, rraHudOM'llrr. Tnflelliupr. GrtlMt.iri DENVER, COLORADO. To Care Coiiatlpatlnn KorTr. Take CuK.-iirpts !nilv f'ntlmrtlc. lnoorSSo, It U. V. C. full to cum, UrtiuKiKia refund money Doat Tubarro hpil aaa kmoaa I oar life iwajr. To quit toWoo enklly find forever, be mag netto. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To- Bao, the wonderworker, that makes weak men strong. All dnifs-lsta, W)c or II. Cure ftuarno-, toed Dool-'n and sample free. Address Sterling Uu u . Chicsvo or New York; lilt B! . MUlC LIJB 01 ' 11$ Mill DO YOU WANT . Bishop Coxes Satolli Hsrirutn Tho Jesuit Party Exposed and Expounded, Mn a irrir-i of . igl.t lYttrn wriitrii ly 11181101 A. CLKVE LAND COXK,, New York, to Hi I'l AUcgnt. Tliis little ninj'lili't containa 72 pngoi of excellent patriotic lite future. 20 Cents per S tilc Copy, pOitpiid $10 per lOO Copies, F. O. B. ncc, Cash Must Accompay all 'Orders. AMSRJCAH FUBUSHWGlCO. HIS WORST BLOW BISHOF J. V. MCNftMftRft, The Converted Prlost, has brought through Proas DIs New Book, entitled "Rev. Mother Rose. A Bishop and Two Priests." . , Price fn Paper Cover 25 cts. Sent by Mail, CONVENT AND SECRETS CONFESSIONAL. BY R. L. KOSTELO. Tbis book U ono of latust additions to tha Anti-Roman literature, but Is amonif the bast that has yet been wrltton. It deals with tho onnfess'on il and other practices of the Roman Catholic Church, as well as tha political Intrigues of the Jeatil'i, In a clear, comtlae manner. Iht beck Is now on sale, In papor cover at HQ OENTQ. bjr AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., 1615 Howard Street, . OMAHA. NEB. AmericaroSsimi or nIomaimDsim Which? L Hits 4 r JTT 1 S.. 5' 1 "Tho book in of great value We will send thla book po.pald on send "THB AMERICAN" ONE YEAR .... 1 1 ?l : 1 y f -a ' - , ,.,-r..i AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., OMAHA, NEB. Letters in American Politics YEf FOR ME! FIV- JOHN T.CHRISTIAN.DX Cloth. " 280 Pages PRICE $1.00 AQENTS WANTUI J HORRORS a "I'loiuroiique and ablo." y "-Tito Coiigrctjtttitui-w, "It otijjht to lo put In our tivii schools as a vxt-lxxik." Jforth Carolina JSupv, 'Wealcyan MrtJiodUit. receipt of price; or, for 1200 we will together with the book.