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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1893)
B THE AMERICAN, IXOQUKNT MR. FROWN. w ' ' 1 ,. r .n t 1" ' 1 W . '-k ,M . I i iij I M ft i i t-H. ,. !..,,'.,'. i Itt vi.i.) u '! a im p t t ii'w n l ina i-it i .i j. ea t ral Miiiimh 't nil twMean OatWiH" U.U, Urn! that U-Hifl ffcttlO fie lef! Wa ! tvviif niri) la tiU hem ad tt t(ns'iittml tbriv, nl hr thtr jjrrw t manhunt) hr Iwamr a R.tiian t 'at hell t LM, to Um jfrl-f and mw hU taOir-r, for lie Of ral Sherman tail he miUI f-athi r ! folloar4 tilin i hi prat than e him KitHtir a, Rinuan pi Itwi. (Ap UmJ An J h aid, t that he fell Inclined U ixp aom i if the doings f tht Uman Oat hid lea itui tiii IHp lain war. lrtmtn Sherman a a grt Man; lip iwr a mil. Ui vleUwy, hut I say It in truth here tonight that his km ha brought disgrace ujsn hi tiante. ( AiUum.) When a man leads our armies U) victory, and it th gteal and grand man that tieneral Sherman was, yon kimt it U a sadness to hi heart whrn bis son becomes a sworn Jly of a foreign power. And Roman tm Is not only a itloul power, but it ta foreign political power. The ixiih it a foreigner; the professors in their chwls, thoir collrgoa, and tho univor lti almobt to a man ara foreignors; nearly all of tholr prioata are for oitfuom, their church Is dominated by aafowlirn InflnitnrHA! tlw l.nrUlnl Inn of their church ih a foreign legMaHum aim uie ut-inun lhi none church (a a foreign political power. (Applauao.) Father Sherman aaya they have ten millions of people in this country. Well, we will accept that for all pur imaea tonight. I don't think they have got that many, but we will say ton million. Then there are ten million subjects of a foreign power in this country, and the Buectea of Romanlam depend upon tho close and specific obedience upon tho part of tho people. Our nation depends upon tho Intelll- lenceiuul the virtue of our citizens, (AppfaiiHe.) There lu not an Intelligent person hero tonight but can aeo in a moment that here ia an lrreprosalblo con ft ie t to n in 11 1 it m'subjecta to a fore I g n power, tho aucceaa of which depends pon olora and apoolfled ohedltsnco In land where every man la a ruler iaana cair aucoeaa depends upon tho In ttilllgenco and the virtue of our people. Ono side or the other must be subdued; ono or tho other must prevail, and there la a conflict In our midst that will 0 on, and mual go on, until It la settled ono way or tho other, and as J look into your facoa here tonight and i fool and real lao tho enthusiasm of your hearts upon this question, I believe It "will be iettled In tho right direction. IJLoud and continued applause.) Father Sherman eloea a very silly thing when ho comet to any city and places himself on exhibition, and culls attention to himself because he la the sson of a great man; so far as tho truth la concerned, so far as the statements ;are concerned, It don't make any differ Hneo whether hla father was a general in the army or a cobbler, his statements must stand or fall upon their own werlt, and he must atand or fall as a iroan pon his own merit, and not upon the merit of his father. (Applause.) Ha itands as the representative of a system,, and that system must bo judged According to Its merits, and he must neither stand or fall with that system according to tho merits that It may have. So I think it la well for ua to cxamlno this question upon Its own tmorits, for Catholicism Is a jwlltlcal -power claiming here the courtesies and tho attention of church when It is not entitled to them. If It has come among us as a church and is wielding a -political power and dictating, or at tempting to dictate our legislation, It Is time for vis to call a halt and say to them that no church can live among ww and receive the courtesies of a church whllo, in fact, It U a political power. -As to whethef or not Romanism is a political power, wo must judge accord ing to the teachings of Romanlam. "When we know what a church teaches, we know what It is. When wo know 'the principles of ft political party, we know what merit to accord to it. Wo know some of the teachings of the canon laws. They have been published published in our papers, read In Ber renous and announcod in lectures, and It ta not necessary ft r mo to repeat ihem. We read in their canon laws that all fciuraan power lies under the wpe; that the -civil power ia subordinate to the aplritual power; that the pope is the vlce-gerent of God among men, and tthat he rules kings and nations by divine right, and that all common wealths, rulers and legislators must raubmit to the will of the pope. It teachea that the pope may annul atate Jawa, and set anldo the laws of any nations which are objectionable to the Homan Catholic church. It claims the right to examine all tbooks before they are published and withhold Hum from publication If It ees fit. It claims the right to control the whole school system. The church i -n it .. a. i ) k rt A tf1 il t law ,. r I ill r- f i i 1 t-t a. '.) H -a .i. ,1.. at i,Hl'i'.i iMvl '9 i. i 11m o 1 ! lUi t t ui ! tftt, aM 'a .t jji: "!' pnattii 1? r ti!itl h ' 'tut n4lWi'if)il r''t. r 4i ! 1 " a fin tfaw ipi H l't ll.l. TV. . k t-a In. iki ..-.. timiaily n-m afchh ItnlieaM ttvat Ibv nanj U i ii-.(liti-1iy ft j!ltil m'jfatiiatii'tt. At (hi point ( nt a-k a vry lvt tant qiw&tlon; fan ft gr1 h wan lathi!i Kt a In) at ritl to the t'i,il Stti-V it 'i it tf "N.v. no," ami "Y ).,l In the light of thewi U-at-hing. Ihoy tent h that any tthltgatlon U which Rome U net a parly U mill and Void. They Um h that the fimt alltlantHi of Roman I'atiiolitit ia duo to Romn am) the rhvmh. Klint, lant and always they U h. Ii ttiHt the alleglanee of Rt- man Catholic is due to the nit ami the church, and 1 want to ak ytu if, In the light of that fact, any Roman Catholic can bo a loyal cltUcn? (Cries of "No, no.") Tho council of Constance decreed that no fahh was to l kept with here tics, and that decree of (Tonstanco la on record as a part of their law Unlay. And there Is no faith to bo kept with ft heretical nutlon, or a heretic of any kind. Then these Roman Catholics say that whatever sin they coin mil tho priest can forgive them, so If a Roman Catholic should violate his oath to the United StateB how quickly th priest could forgive him. (Applause.) I ask again, what assurance can a Roman Cawholio give of his alleglanco to this nation, or any other nation on tho face of the earth? He la first and always a Reman Catholic. Did you notice the letter of authority that the pope sent to Satolll? Just at tho close of that letter ho said to him: "Whatever penalties you lnfllot, and what sentences you pronounce we will sustain, ctmstilHtitm and npoalolk utith ority to the contrary noUrithnUtmlivg.." And what did that mean? It simply meant that the power of popery was be hind Satolll to enforce his commands and make his acts binding even though tho constitution of tho United States, and of tho states of tho Union wero op posed to him. (Applause.) And when a class of men are sworn to' support popery, and aro sworn to be loyal to Romanism first, last and always, I can see no possible way for them to bo loyal oltlseu. ,of thu -United States. (Ap plauseWe lct men to office and the jBrsl thing they do is to take an outh U dupiHirt thott$Uutlon of tho statu- find of thir Unk($ States, and when we ".loot a Romanist and ho comes up before the officer and awears to sup port that constitution, I want to know how much It means, when he has a mental reservation, as long as It does not conflict with my allegiance to Rome. How much does It mean when Rome Is a political power and may make war, and It does make war? Here only two or three years ago tho popo set aside seven millions of dollars for war pur poses. When there is a political party in the Held a political power here that holds the allegiance of all its members in this way, I say they cannot very well be loyal citizens of this gov ernment, and cannot and ought not to hold office among ua. (Applause.) Father Sherman spent a good deal of his time telling you how many Roman Catholics foughton the battle Held, and how gome of them blod and died, but ho didn't tell you that Roman Catholics shed the blood of our "Martyred Presi dent," Abraham Lincoln. (Applause ) He didn't tell you that far more than half of the deserters that left the army during the war of the rebellion were Roman Catholics, and that the pope sent a letter with hla blessing to Jeff Davis. He failed to tell you that. . There Is ono great difuoulty with us In this country; there are so many of our people who say, "There are a great many of these Roman Catholics who will not finally hold to the church; If there should oomo any great test, In the end they will bo loyal to tho country." And let mo say to you that la one of tho weaknesses of some of our Protestant ministers. They will preach a sermon on Romanism, and wind it up by saying that in tho end a great num ber of Roman Catholics would not hold to the church If thore should come any great test. To bo Continued. A Pitiful Case. An old man attended at the North London police court on Saturday and desired to thank the magistrate for as sistance given him In obtaining a sum of money. Tho man Is elghty-flvo years of ago, and his equally aged wlfo saved about 'M, and when she died It was found she had bequeathed tho whole of the money to tho Roman Cathol Ic church In Tottenham Court-road, for the purpose of setting up a statue to St. Joseph. Tho wishes of thedetseased were carried out, but the husband thought it hard that he should not have been consultod in the matter, more especially as he was very poor, 4 i VI, i. ;' -i , t-n (to,'.-, lit ; I'll k (1 I'l. I tin t 1 11 I in t, i ff (-.' A ! ii iiti ti i hp Vii i fjini' 14 l-i m'.l t t -..1 l ki ,i 11 I li V I t i ' S. . V t t.r k iip ur tlti.t l U'P J H-AH t. t in V H.. i, . a,.M 0-t ! pi U t Situ if H In t ih i ' iif . Mml t? at ! !,. th? Mi.n. ! aa i iui.i, 4u'n fii tliim'.l iit t Wi'Mm Ma , ('! "t t'i auw St imu'iI U ly 'ain It,- fcVA, . . -... , IWHtbaa Olftf Italia! IntmoOlaMy following the tljm. mt'M ii Ui ?uvnie Oram! Oift(fn tmlgr In Minnipn!i tal wet k h M trmf t'ablmt f Ami't tma thatigu Knitfht Uelil their atittual ennveittion fir th rliM'thm if ottHvra, and the ftd lowing grtilUmen ilet,tl: (Vtmntamler In chief, J, M. Ranker, of Hdglnaw, Mli-h,! tlert-timimamler, J. It, Stnythe, of I Crse, Wis.! iN-cre-tary of State, M. U ?.wk, Dmaha, Neb, I aenUry of war, Isham I), Fuller, of Chicago, III,; aecrvtary of treasury, A, ,1. Doner, Httglnaw, Mich,; treasurer, M. K. llryant, tf Mlnmftadla, Minn.', chaplain, W. J. It. Traynor, of Detroit, Mich.; adjutant general, ,laa. Mt Naughton, of Kansas City, Kan.; aur geou general, Dr.' H. P. Reynttlds, of Chicago, 111.; qunrUrmaster general, Hugh A. McDonald, Cambridge, Mans.; commissary general, H. It. Johnston, MlnneaiHilts, Minn,; judge advocate, M. A. Waleott, Uv Cnsse, Wis.: re cruillng olllcer, It, It. McMUlen, of Chicago, 111. All officers weie immediately In stalled by Past Supremo Commander In Chief Reynolds, of Chicago, and each entered uon tho active discharge of their duties for the coming year. The American Orange Knights la an order growing out of tho Loyal Orango Institution and has Its origin among tho American Orangemen, and is thoroughly American in every degree. It is a mutual assessment Insurance order based upon a plan somewhat slm liar to that of tho A. O. U. W., except that it provides for a reserve fund to bo used In case of emergency. The order la Incorporated under tho laws of tho state of Michigan and Is gradually spreading out over several state as may bo seen hy tho fact that there wore delegates present from Nebraska, Mln nesota, Wisconsin, Kiuisas, Illinois, Mlchlgan,Pennsylvanla,MHsachusetta, and other states. Wherever Its objects and principles aro known and under' stood It cannot fall to attra6t tho attention of all pttirtotjoally Intoned citizens. ' i ........ THKKKhave been repeated requests for Information regarding the number of members of the 0. U. A. M. In Omaha, South Omaha and Douglas county. There Is a disposition to organ lo a lodge In Omaha. Will all 0. U. A. M. pleaso send tholr names and addrono to this office. FOR SALE. Good fl room house on lot GOx 150, near Hanscom Park. Good well. Cheap If taken before July 1st. Inquire southeast corner Sixteenth and Leavenworth. The Only Train for St. Louis which carries a dining car leaves Omaha via the Burlington Route at 9:4.1 p. hi, and reaches St. Loul early the next afternoon. Through sleeper Omaha toHt. Louis. City Ticket Office, 1U24 Farrian St. Tn is Amkkican can bo had at alt news stands In the United State. Friends, buy them. Wanted. A homo, by a boy I I years old. En quire at this office. You should all remember that C. P. Shaw, 018 S. Kith St., has ab ways on hand, Vegetable, In sosson; also a lull line of Staple Grocer! ts. Do not forget m when down town. EDLINQ BROS., 308 North 16th Strset, Hatters and Gents Furnisher. Men's Shoos, gloves, eto. A "dollar's worth for a dollar." American Bakery, 1818 8t. Mary's Avenue, Wagon Delivery. , Go to I) ball's for tine cnndles, 1518 Douglas St. 8. R. Patten, dentist building, telephone 61 oora 848 nie For fine watch repairing go to John Rudd, 805 N. lttth. McArthur sells Shoes. 725 8. 27th Street, near No. 5 Erv glne House. i Go to 2223 Ieavenworth for estimates on carpenter work. tf DlIXKMIKCK & CO. We have just received a beautiful as sortment of Windsor Ties which we will exchange for from 3c to $1.00. Also a lot of socks that we offer at 124c per pair, tho best you ever bought for the money. Wo are clearing out a lot of shlrta at 2fc, 80c and M)o,, big value, and still have very cholco styles at 75e. $1.00 and $1.25. One good value In underwear Is shown In the quantity sold going like hot cakes-jomo and get some at BALDWIN'S, 1315-17 N. 24th St. SIGHT IS PfllCEUSS, 1M a. l kiln JitHtneU t I fitted With fl' b prnpl whil attiiW n king tt fttist t ". t a rnc jbs M rs ant tuj wmk U tbt rlrtittni-all, tnt.-. and Btlnl ft,. t.f i hatgv. JttHN lU'PD, m N. tut K M, Q & u js w 3 w T3 rt O O q jjj O J At SWARTZ, McKELVY & CRANE, 314 South 15th Street. PRINTERS 4& : STATIONERS. IVrlodli'nlH, llliink Honks, and all kinds of lllli'c Htiiill, Jul) pl'llilliitf. ciiiImwnIiik and etmravhitf, VitH Hi.R THK AMPUIftAN and I1H1T IM II AMKKU'AN (iTI.KN. To The World's Fair. Save time and avoid tho crowd In tho city hy buying tickets over tho "Great Rock Island Route" and stop off at Knglcwood near the World's Fair gato. Klectrlc lino from the "Rock Island" dejMit direct to tho gate. Time, ten miuHlt'A, Fare, rent. You can check your baggage to Fnglewood and avoid trouble and save expense, as Englewood Is In the great suburban hotel dist rict near the fair, and you can have your btignge sent to your quar ters at oiire, Remember, tho Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific is the World's Falrljno for reasons given above. JOIW SrcilAHTfAN, General Ticket and Passenger Agent, Talking of run on banks, why, not any of them was a circumstance to the run on Dress Goods at 1315 N 2Hh Bt, That store laid out a table of goods at 5o a yard that simply opened tho purse strings of every ono that camo in and there wore many, It will be filled up again and again for a few days longer with big bargains, At tho same time they are showing and selling lota of novelties In wash fabrics very choice Do not forget the name and tho pi at to tal t then, everybody knows it, HALDWIN'S, 1315-17 N. 21th St, Tho A. B. 0. Investment Bonds pay $,100 In from ono to five years. $5 pur chnwo and $1 a month afterwards until paid. Best paying Investment extant, A rustling agent wanted in every town and county. For full particulars apply tO illV, AMKKIOAN IJONf) tJO,, 530 and 531 Pax ton Block, Omaha, Neb. F. 8. Tjiomphon, General Agent for Douglas County, -. Park Forest Sunday school gave n literary programme In Its new chapel, Thirteenth and Dominion streets, last Friday evening, It was highly enjoyed by those present. Rev. J, M, Wilson was present and spoke some words of encouragement, For Sale. A good manufacturing bakery at half price for cost. Doing good business, Rent very low, Reason, 111 health. Apply at this office, Big bargain. Water Rents Due July 1st. Payable at office Bee building, Flvo per cent discount If paid on or before July 1st. Failure to receive bill will not entitle anyone to discount after July 1st. Office open till 8 p, m. Wednesday and Saturdays till July 1st, . Tnko your repairing to The Drum mond Carriage Co., lth and Harney 8t. Opp. the County Jail. "A Dollar's Worth for a Dollar." Watches, $1,00 per week. A, P. A, Buttons 40c to $1,50. Jr. O. U. A. M. Plns75o to $2.50, P. O. S. of A. Pins $1.00 to $1.50, Orango Pins $1,00 to $1.50, at JNO. HALL'S, 507 N Kith Street. One hontitlful Citron ii Panel given with every down Cabinets at Hughes hit ndberg's studio, 205 North !th street. tf Dim- 1,'t; l d-Kltiu kVmiil.l ull r,,,i.,lu,n when tl.n'V wiinf, ii rww hut. or an iild (inn rprnilnxl tn ai.II sin im Wn ulll give them good satisfaction. NEBRASKA BAT M F'G CO., Over 207 North 17th St. AnVKIlTISKMrNTB llltu.ftj.d In TllH American aro sure to brlnga profitable return to the advertiser. Americans, watch the columns of this paper I Well assorted soHd srohl. filled and silver watches at John Huim'fl 305 North 10th St. Lobock-Linn (Mm in,t.a t , f. M hi' 1 WIHH rA,; AM lilMI,.- Dullilops' Hardwaro, Cutlery AND TOOLS THY UQ ONCK fOrf LUCK, HOt DoiirIm St, Telephone 279 OMAHA. NEB. t40e THE CROSS JJiJh GUN CO., .Kn,'JJhJ.'l't! Guns, Ammunition, Base Ball, Tennis, Bicycles, AMI (IKfuritAI, ATHLETIC GOODS. WHITNEY' Fine Summer 103 South 16th Street. Hunt's linn Itiemlit !lf, Hlilr-her litr-n, I'lecatlllla ton tip, tfitrk r st wlntt color 1 this Is 101 eseellent Slten for ..... vDO.LJw VVIilll.s A, M. (!, and I), -ww A few more pairs of those Kimnla f.'alf Mala. ()oe top, St, T m - I.OtllS toe tl), Wtll'tll (ti.llf) will C'll'MI tlllllrl Olll. St 'XfXZS mJmJ A Pair. Wo (men a (food tpiaflly of Tun tml Uwu, H, luls toe tip, rr f Whll'll WH W'll III, .... . j J Zj m mJ mmJ Von can't nt a better niton for t,li iioewy, 4 WK HAVK HOMK VKUY i. I rf'J '''Itn'Y'V'nTtTsa FIN 15 STYLIW A viiry (Inn HIiieherOxfortf.chtNitilalMoloc, A. II, (j and ) wlililm, at yi.w a pulr, A II ii Omit Oxford, idioeidate eolnf, s(iritr lee, tip, (I, I) and Kwltli.lis, furfJ.wia pair, Ww Itava a linn (ylulil, Tan .fulleflt. Opfa tee, llp,l,!S0 nlwt a (Inn l(ti(.la Kid Jiilliit M, tiiirn um, puiJitii ioailtcr tip, a(, Mm nmn price, i.via pair, WM. N. WHITNEY. Opposite Postofflce. 103 South Fifteenth Street WE ARE THE PEOPLE! W. R. BENNE COMPANY Give Us a Trial and you will Always Trade with Us. 000DS IN ALL THE DEPARTMENTS AT BED HOCK PRICES. (Iiii)d HUm He pt'f lb, first elans Idea at U per lb, Soda Oaekars at, (V, " Oyster (JriMltiirs atliw " Ntihepp's (ita'tmntit m, se per package, Quail o u at, e, Ouaknr Out at V pnr piteM'tft, Oil Surdities ftl,(; per can, Muiitard Siirdlni'K atfi! ptircatt, Salmon at, !"'. pur ean, MiM'leiinll at I.'": pur I'uu, (.'allfitrnla Pears at Ifsi per can, Whlta OJwrlM at lfi pr can, In our Dry (Hood and Citrjict Dopftrttnenfj w aro oUrni extraordinary miinn. Hdfore jptirclmfiitig Itijict fiir good and get prices, W, R. BENNETT CO., fB02-40-0-IOf2 OAPITOL A VBNUB. The Popular clothing HOUSE. JULIUS FURTH-ioojkiojstajet, rsowistTOM, OMAHA, NED, Orders by mall Solicited and Satisfaction Guaranteed. SUPERIOR WORE. REASONABLE MEBRASKA STEAM LAUNDRY COM 0w s. E. Corner xGth and Howard Streets. GOOD WORK. PROMPT DELIVERY. PMIiNOtl, OIIVK U TrtlAL, The Cabinet Billable GaattJIrift stove I Warranted for Three Years, It fa tho Most Perfect gasoline stove made. W. F. STOKTZKL. 7H H. JOIh. Is agent for tho west. Kat By hall's delicious Cream Candles. 151. Douglas St, Hardwaro Co., C.H. FOR BY, MANlTFAOTlMtKIt OF TRUNKS. and rftAvruva 0439, REPAIRING DONE. Douglai St. OMAHA, NtB. -a mo aiisst roti- WINCHESTER RIFLES SHOT GUNS S in LADIES -vivuiw Ti JULIETTES Tie ttl frtm (oll,W a tUnn l.le7 ariK.ifiritillV wild rof, ln,ld'M ati,vn, wf lntvtt faytls' Onford at Urn, .a.tXiMu ivt, iiu ut ftw ptir, f.iKlMw' HiiwU,Oitfor("t at m,tti aitdl,l vtii and (y'ltlldrttfi's 'fan tMfirdaH4 tint Mprlnif llml, f I. will pity ymi Ui svamlns gimit ael priim, pN'hes M.wut ptir tisn, (lrtn Oaiff at IVtn pur cart, Vtft l'liiiil I7i? " Aprlnela at l?'4ti pwrrian, SiiwirlttK Ntttip at V; pr al, Hiniii f,aitndry Stap, bar tot'm, tm loat at Ifm pn lb, tltiiiH Japan Ta at 5!fit! pf lb, Splendid Valija Ta at, put (b, Oruitbud Java Vtttttm at I? pt lb, 0.,i,d UloViitttm Mm put lb, Mfttsha and Java Mm, 1nt PRICES, 8EHD FOR CATALOGUE, This Is!tlt a-liat wn yinrniiii, Tbs N. briijba attain Is Mm l,HMT ril'KAM l,A(IM Imr In (lie "ll v anfl prompt aiuniUori ft our patron la Mm liitlbllna of a larna Intuition, WYMAN'S BOOKS, STATIONERY and PERIODICALS. 310 N, 10th Strftst, OMAHA.