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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1893)
THE AMERICAN' TUT. NAV.Vli lWlU.ANT Minis! tv-rvkv, Sfttltttt Wfcl wl K 4Jhtftft4, tin, f lf It A lil tiM l t, Ti I w lik K f cetsrt !tiSn .. !' In h Nn4th li. trw , : iHiiim44 i n ill i.t I lu-w 4 bt,M i hf4k tn. New Y.t Witrtt f,rw ; m n llltru if the fiHti.tlv fis hnt ! t),l How I'fvvmU Mww, th I'liMitl huh sc. I oiln r imiintit. 11 tivslls thiil Hit i-Mvrl vn,l Vims Itud, rl.- Im theory iMi.t.t, hern lh MnHr Merfltiiso filil tut hear W'tirt Ire l Jmr l ttt Im. folk lay therM Ci'iiMoUniUin, snert'Miif to Trustm.' fHifsl that nx-erosine the IwwntMil In ItWt, Of Hi ijine nations who M ntiii were tlier irntliixl three wer tvjmbHon, Imt nit the riwli juit on Hi colnrw of Italy In honor f the twenty-nfll. mmlrprwrr w klmr 1 1 nut .wrt mrrUg, juit a the Hrltinh Make afterward t New York, whet ones the j.rtson ships of the Revolution 1st, fltiMiuti out tlm Iiimik or nM.inif ton In her Artworks tlisi.lsjr, ami Just as other foreiro hti took tmrt In tmr Decorstiou ilny ceremonies. (Secretary Hortiort well nay! that tho To)ho from IIainitou Heads, whim tho twwels of nlno nations, in two parallel column. steamou lit a prescribed rate, 11 nntler the command, by courtesy, of an American ofllccr, formed "a scene that hat no parallel in history." Yet oven this scene was surpassed in tigKont ivoiiesa by tho land purado in New York, which, "while it was tho most iguificant act of good will to the Amer ican people and American Institutions, was also the crowning lesson of the re view. And what was that all important les son? The secretary thus expresses it: "Every thoughtful observer was im pressed with the idea that if our men should over come to blows with their friends who were behind them in line they could never hope to win except with a fair supply of ships and guns. Tho stalwart Russians, with their sturdy tramp; the business looking Britons, keeping step to 'God Have the Queen;' the quick stepping Frenchmen; tho Uor- , mans, with their nutty uniforms; the Italians, and indeed all tho detachment s, were drilled and disciplined into fight ing machines. Never was such a sight witnessed before as tho sailors of nino different nations marching together, and iievtir was anything better calculated to Impress uion those who saw them tho lesson that the American sailor can keep his place upon tho seas only when his government is behind him," This, after all, should bo an abiding moral of the nuireant for our country men. It taught not only the beauty of peace, but tho duty in peace to prepare ....... Tt .11 ft,n ,1.,,,t.ft tUl Wl AV VTItO '"Oft " 1 "I lw U"UM, that while 70 years before Itussia, Prus sia and Austria had entered into a futllo combination to reduce tho BpmilHh American colonies because they had set themselves up as independent republics, hero wore Russia and Germany joining their ships with thoso of republican Franco and tho Houth American repub lics. It was still more suggestive to And tlm armed forces of Hussta and England marching ono after another in the samo streets and in the same column and tho armed forces of Franco and Germany in like comradcHhlpf while as to tho inter mingled forces of England and America, the sight of them prompted Hecretary Herbert to say that "Great Uritain never formally renounced tho right of search, on account of which tho warof lHlij was fought, until IH.'iH, but tho two countries have mudo peace at last, mutual good will and respect have been testified in many ways and never more significant ly than at this naval review," Yet it is not the peace note with which the secrelury closes, lie Insists, as his conclusion, Hint in splto of Geneva arbi trations and l'arls Arbitrations, wo have not yet found a safeguard against war, "Tho Geneva arbitration was achieved only after the terrific battles of our civil war had demonstrated to tho world t ho lighting capacity of our citizen soldiery, If America would keep her own peace with all tho nations of the earth and maintain her place in tho vanguard of civilization, she must be at all times pre pared for war, This is tho lesson of history emphasized by tho rendezvous and tho review," Wo may add that such lessons were wholly additional to the original purpose of tho ceremony, which was to furnish some distinctly naval pageant as the fittest jmwnIIiIo form of publlo festival in honor of the greatest of voyages. Indeed It may fairly he said that tin full benefits of this memorable jingeunt were not universally recognized when It was planned. Even Mr, Herbert him self, ulthoiigh a member of tho house naval committee, voted against the Joint resolution of congress wfcli'li directed it to bo hold, but as its possibilities gradu ally became apparent he headed the suc cessful effort at a subsequent somhIoii to increaso the appropriation for it to the amount needed. The advantage derived from bringing our own new ships to gether for the first time In considerable numbers has been exceedingly great, and it has been Increased by giving them the opportunity to compare tle'timelvcs not only witli each other, but with tho picked warships of eight ot her nal Ions. Btill the great benefit of the review, according to Hecretary Herbert, has been in teaching what remains for tho coun try to do In llsuaval preparations. New York Hun. A Hiinl Ntiat Vur m SiiihII Klrd. A curiosity worthy of its place in the local museum was a bird's nest made wholly of long spiral steel shavings, without tho least particle of vegetablo fiber, It was found in Bwltzerlaud at a place which is tho center of a largo watch manufacturing district. Cham bers' Journal. Ti i t i ii y ,.. t 1. . -jUitH.t U.' I-,- (MS tt- t I S : Vi I ll!f.s f I 4 I ti n I !. itii'it IV." I .l l I. ,!?, t..- li. .(, t !?! u n. t- -n l Mi It A t .' I t I'l I Mr, linn"! 1 1 i in. -1 . t li I 'Uti-I .t!.jw i4 I !i Xhr ,Hmlii , liii 1 1 n V i Wll An i !H)til lb 1 l St Ih '!. HIU Stl' l'-'. !' H . Mi'-f lw f-n llMnliinjt ,,r H!tii in a n iin , lip prii'.i'. lv bi'w wp fiT ,Vb i to n tmbtat. elv Hie i-f 1W )- no Ml to ti ll lti Ul. lit i-.-i'lnp tlm duns! tipn a isii.tK lirstims in V In thi' tvsr of His iMsbli'l.itK'iil snl sft-r srd piiw.bil l ib pHvp a lisntifiil Iropii'sl mmg lilM if liin plmudk'A 11 lu x! msdo an nltm k ott a tmntWr if piMn-Jt, and lnn bt s tii wn M'iflil her wM"lan.ulitvire--iits livof the 'tnstoril tnle h ( in Hie aiisrium, N'Vi-rsl oilier depriliHiin er ronmittted, and hi eooiinhlp ws iskln pnirstios to ruterniiimts pv fry valuable bird In the establishment wiien two festive copper rrawliM over I he t rnnsoin and put an end t n his cnlcula Hons, lie was rsrried Iwi k to Kueger's, but soon pffivtiil his mcaim and made it lively for the siiuirtvla in tho Capitol square. A small regiment of small Ixiyt were in pursuit of tho animal, which with an all imjiortant air mounted the Washington monument and soon sat complacently on the top of Geov's head, eying his pursuers with an expression of mingled defiance and curiosity. Ho was finally captured. Richmond Times. Npnhr anil tlm King. All aro not kingly who wear a crown. At a court concert the Duchess of Gotha expressed in the curtost style her disap proval of tho loud playing of Si-ohr, the groat violinist and composer. While he was playing she sent a chamberlain to request him not to make so much noise. Tho king of Wnrtemberg was in the habit of amusing himself at a court con cert by playing cards. Bpohr, being in vited to play before tho king, informed the chamberlain thut he must decline the honor unless the king abstained from card playing. The chamberlain was hor rifled, but the violinist insisted, and tho king conceded the point. But in order that the royal time might not bo wholly occupied In listening, he stipulated that tho two pieces set down in the pro gramme for Spohr should follow each other. Nevertheless his majesty showed that tho violinist s demand had ru filed the royal temper. Etiquette prescribed that tho king should give tho signal for ap plauding. At tho conclusion of each piece tho king gavo no signal and a sol emn silence reigned in tho salon. Tho king had his small revengo. The king of Bavaria was a gentleman, At a court concert ho noticed that the usher had neglected to place a seat for Mine, Bpohr, an excellent harpist, who was to Accompany her husband The king placed his throne chair on the plat form and with the mild Insistence of a gentleman compelled tho lady to sit in it. Youth's Companion. The ICverlHtlng "Why." There is an ocean of the unfathomable in every raindrop, and God says today as ho said in tho time of Job, "If you can not understand ono drop of rain, do not be surprised if my deulings with you are inexplicable." Why does that uged man, decrepit, beggared, vicious, sick of tho world and tho world sick of him, live on, while hero is a man in midlife, con secrated to God, hardworking, useful in every resjs'ct, who dies? Why does that old gossip, gadding along the street about everybody's business but hor own, have such good health, while tho Chris tian mother with a flock of little ones about her whom she is preparing for use fulness and for heaven tho mother who you think could not bo spared an hour from that household why does she lio down and dlo with a cancer? Why does thut man, selfish to tho core, go on adding fortune to fori una, consuming everything on himself, continue to pros per, whllo that man who has been giving 10 per cent of all his income to God ami tho church goes into bankruptcy? Be fore wo make stark fools of ourselves let us stop pressing this everlasting "why." Dr. Talmageln Ladies' Homo Journal. V'lilni(liiii a Clly of ('Iiui-oIik. Thero is no city in the United (States which might bo called the city of churches with more appropriateness than Washington. They are not partic ularly largo or imposing, theso Wash ington churches, but there is an im mense number of them. As a mutter of fact, tho capital contains nearly 200 churches. Tho Methodist denomination claims 62. Tho Baptists come next with 49, then the Episcopalians with 20 unci tho l'resbyteiians with SI. Tho Roman Catholics have 111, the Lutherans 10, tho CongregatlonallHts 4, tho Hebrews and the Christians U each and tho Unitarians, tho Universalis! and tho Bwodenbor glans 1 each. Besides these thero ure half a dozen nonsectarlan bodies. Washington Letter. Ilii('t I'lir Mm I'.Hif I ImIi liAiigiiuge. If we reverence our mother tongue as wo ought, wo will bo on our guard not to Insult it by violating its rules. We will not say, "You hadu t ought to do this," or, "Ho ain't a-golu to do that." Wo will avoid that last and worst error of tho vulgar, tho double negative. We will be above nil placing moods and tenses and putting the nominative case where the objective belongs by right. Harper's Bazar. Mony Nnvi'il, Minify I hiiikiI. Mrs. Climber My dour, Mrs. Highunp has had her portrait painted by a cele brated artist, and 1 haven't had a thing but common, ordinary, everyday photo graphs to show. Husband (a wise man) Huh! The idea of advertising to the whole world that her complexion is so bad it won't stand tho camera!--New York Weekly. COUNTY COURT RULES-i t I 10 '! I kill - t . ' in All i . iv ..o.4 4 I, 1 1 o .MK Hi lk 111 II Mt ,il lWS I f : !. til ,'4 tfll ti A Id U M. IS f II j illicit l I. t li ll tll.iill1 n!1 i kt! UK lit I !. IM' lwrt IUlt I St M'tlfc 't l H tit tkt ttl hv r-iM ( 4 Itm ttl lil. ti ti.- rr i )li4 Si ttl " I It l IM i'l tilth tot .! (l . II t .. Ii-t Hin t th All i (ll t i t. l.i itK militti J hr Icttn. MIhM fm mum 11 rt-ili H hmlli- j llltllllTtl, i Mli All i Kilt t A Mint Ik 1 ilili t In litvMt.1 i atiwlliri'dll diii liH noli' llif nHle tktnf U llnir mhvm h i l i-niU-J. m tur n 11 h rtmti lill ini r t ln-t . Istnult v- til I mi f.n I hp t.n.frnii In in r lh. 1 he IiIihmi " h U)r 111 omnwMie tl m. till. 1 li- murnltis Inmr ill l fnmi f W i Ml. to 10 t . M. l liv lnotnilid limit 1 ilrvuti J tt'iUI I mot lull, tli'tiitirtvr, ami ilitmill fn wt for tlmldRf. ('.'ml I Tiiimitlimii.ilriiniitri.iiit iletNiilt riiMMi uhleh Iivii in-vliiusly on It n-iiiiltir ljr ml ttftimfi'rml on llieo)- mli r to tliU ilny. Sth Afti rr', a mutliin or demurrer Iiiui mm il tlH'tlmi' tor wlili li II lmt, II tin mil Ihm'hIIimI ii i until a iimtlon I fileil mtl tl.H'ki'teil iy li v tit tin- court, and lueh tio- tlic to tlm imrty a Ike court may order at tlm time leave I Riven to II let lie unit Ion. Will. IUimiiinw! net fur a certain tlm, can not Im trHiitif erred to another (ly or hour, u n Irim the tratmf or onler I made at tlm hour Die mutter la net for hcnrliiK. except under Uule IU, loth. Kuril ilny rI 9:(a. m., the btiRlniMtauf the hour will be called. llt li. The mut ter will be heard In t lie or Uer In which lliey are enU'red on thucaluudcr unlcH all iiurtle ureuent and luteri'sted con tent lu a dllTereiil HrriiiiKeinent, or tu case ol urgent neceHslty, iiiiAi, or CASKS TO-DAY. 12th. The Irlul of ciiboh will commence at 10:00 o'clock, a. in., and continue until 6:00 o'clock p. m., with a reef from 1S:0U a. m., until 1:90 p. in. Kucli cuse Is entitled to be called at the time set or within ten minutes Iberuuftor; either to be procuuded with, or a further order to be mudo. Kor thin purpose do party will be required to wall longer thuo ten minutes for tho eppoHite purty or other business, except for ui'Konl reasons. The trial of a case will be Hiispeitded at any tlmo for UilspurpoHU. In case the court finds that any rule herein will work an unforeseen hardship, tho court roHorvea the rlKlit to suspend the rule for the special cuso. Sheriff's Sale. ltv virtue of an order of sale IsNtied out of thi) DlHlrle.teourt of HimikIiih county, Neb,, and to mo directed, I will on the 27U day of June, A, 11, ism. at le o'i'lork a, in. ot said In v. nt tlm 10 A ST frontdoor of tlm eounlv court house, In the city ot Omaha, HiiUKliia county, INehiUHkii, sell at iiulille iiui'llon the property (leiM'riiitiu in suiu oruer oi saiu fllllllWH. till-Wlt! Lot number fourteen (14) in liloek utimmir four (4 In Kniinl.e s 'i hli il lul lit lull to the city of Omaha, lu the county of DoukIus, and Hl iLleof NiiliiuHka. Niild tiroiiert v to lie solii subjiiel to a certain morttfimo In the sum of two inousiinu, seven nuniireu aiiu uny uoi I ii is (,7i"U,ui) lu favor of the A imitIciiii I.oun and Trust t!omuanv. and to satisfy Ki-nilni lrU J. Himiett the sum of four liuudind, seventy and S4-HI0 dollars (W7D.S4) Judxiiiciit, with In terest thereon at rale of ten (111) per cent per milium from May nth, ism: to satisfy the Nebraska avlnus and Kxehanxe Hunk the Mil tu of one hundred, live and M-ltHl dollar lllaA.ATil Jiiilmni'iit, with Interest thereon at rate of ten (HMper cent, per Milium from Oc tober Utli, IHHD: to satisfy OuotKe A. Iloiin liind the niiiii of live hundred, tweiitv-two and ill-Kin dollar (."ia.lll) Judument, with In- leresl tneceon at ruin or seven in per cent per annum from Heplemlier 1, lsstl) to sat isfy J), K. MiiHliuil the sum ot one hundred ilollurs (lli.ii) JudKhient, with Interest thereon at raUi of seven (7) per cent per an num rroin nniy inn, isim; hi Huiisiy i nuries Mi'Klnuev the sum of nine-nix mill .etl-lOU dollars iffHI.liili Judgment, with Interest there on at rule or seven (71 per cent per iiiiniiuj rrom nniy tun, isikii to satisry t luirnm jih Kliinev iliiisiini of iiIiiiIv-nU and .tsl-ltio dol lars il.(Kll JiiilKinenl, with Interest thereon lit rate of seven 7) per cent per annum from May Hid, Isihii to satisfy John A, Wakefield the sum of three hundred, forty-two and in itio dollar (tM'l.Vi) Judgment, with Interest thereon at ruin of ten till) per cent per an num from Muv, 'ltd. I Mil 1 : to satisfy tho sum of firiv-onn and ti:t-Itsi -dollars iM.IM) costs. Willi interest I Hereon iroia tne win uuy ot May, A. It, ls2, touother with accruliiK cost aeeordins ti u Jiiilumenl. rendernd hy iihiiIIm- trlet court of mil 1 1 1 HoukIu county, at lis May term. A, II, IsiU, In a certain action then and them peudliiK, wherein Frederick J, Unmet I was e a nl IT and h rank K, llworak. Joseph llworak iiml oilier with defendunts. Umalia, iMeliraskii, nniy 4, isra, OKOKtAo A. IIKNNKTT. (1-2H-1 Sheriff of IiuiikIun county, Nebraska. MontKoniury, tJharlton and Hall, m toi neys. Sheriff's bale. Ily virtue of tin order of sulti Issued out of tint district (,'ourt for llouKlus County, Ne braska, and to me directed, 1 will on I lie lltli day t,f July, A. It., isti:i, at in o'eluck a. m. ol said duy, Ml. tlm KAHT front door of the ('ounly Court. House, In the (Jlty of Omulia, notiKiiis i iiiiiity, ieiiiiiKii, sell at puiilie it 1 1 1 -1 litii the nroiierty described In said order of sale as fuDoWM. lo-wll.: l.ols number six till and seven (71 III blis'k six till In lloyd's addlllon to the city of Omaha, us surveyed, iilulteil and recorded, all In HoiiKlas i (Hint y, stale of Nelu aska, said properly to be sold to satisfy Minerva (', Coilelt, admlnlslralrlx of the eslale of Hlllliim W. (iirli'll. deceased, the sum of elulit hundred, Nlxlv-two miiiI tlil-lun dollars UNtitlii) JimIkiih'IiI with InO'iest thereon ut i iiin nr i IhIm iS) per cent per nullum from Kebru'iry 1st, IstrJ, and I weuty-etcht, and 70 ne dollurs ilJs.Tni costs, with Interesl. Ihereon from Hie 1st duy of February, A. I. IWI2, to- ueiher with aecriilnu costs lu'eordlns to a Judidiient rendered by the District court of saiu nouidus county, at Its I'eliruary term, A. Ii, ism, in h certain action then and there pendiiiK, wherein Minerva ('. Corlelt, ad ministratrix of Hie est ii I ii of Wlllliim W. Corlelt, deceased, was plalntllf, and Mary J. iieaity, i uiKiueu n. t.iarKson and others were defendanls. Omaha. Nebrask ii. .liuieSlli, 1si:i. OKOKOIC A. IIKNNKTT, Sherllf of IIoiikIiis County, Nebraska. llrcckenrldKc liieckenrlduu it Crofoot, at toi neys, tl-ll-ft Sheriff's Sale. Ily vlrl lie of an order of Male Issued nut of the district court of llotitrlus county, Ne braska, noil to me directed, 1 will, on llie nth day of July, A. It. Istiu, at In o'clock a. m. or sum uuy, ai, me r.Af r mini uoor or tne County court bouse, In the city of Omuliu, lioiikdiis county, Nebraska, sell at null Ic uui'llou the iiriipeily described in sulci order of sale us follows, lu-wll : I, ul nineteen (III) In block fifteen (ire In Omaha llelirhl addition to the city of iniiilin, In llouulus county, ishi In of Ne- brusku: said property to be sold to satisfy I ,i u I h llrudforil the sum of elKht hundred iiml forty-one dollars iStil.eth Judsmenl wit Ii Interest thereon at riito or leniiui percent, per annum from May 1st, sti:ij to Mitlsfy A I v 1 1 1 CmiiiiIi'I s and Arthur licmlnuMou, h'm riusleen, the sum of three hundred thirty- two mid US-Hill dollars (MXMWi ludKment wit h Inlerest thereon ut. rate of elht (Si per cent, per annum from May 1st, lsti;i; to siiiisfvibe sum of llilrly-nlne and 0:1-Kxi dollar iif.ltl.lKIl osls with Interest. Ihereon from the 1st day Muy, IMi:i, until piild, toelber with uccrulm; osls iiitiiiiIIiik to a I ii 1 1 lt 1 1 it ' n I rendered by I he district court of said I lunulas county, at Its May term, A. II. sti;i. In a ccrtulii Ht ton then and there peudlui!. wherein Louis llrudforil was plaint I IT. und Wlllliini W. Hiilen iiml others were defendants. Omulia, Nebruskii, Muy AH Ii. sti;i. UKOHOK A. HKNNETT. fl-2-5 HherltTof I lunulas Count v. Neb. Moutsomery, tbarlton & Hull, attorneys. HhS Ki t j-, . , i ,.. . r ,. ., , , . , . i .1 !'-.-. ft I IK , . ' ' i -. . i V.i'-u . ,. . . ,i , ft m ' I I ft , i ! - ft , . , . ft. ft, m f l ft R , - , ft , I. ft,.,-tv, ..ft , .ft , , ft. .1 , I . I ft ft, tt It I , ft , 4 1 1 (fcftwl .'l.t 1ft !- I. ft I. .ft '4 k .'I ft ft - -I , .. -.t ... . ft '.. '. M ft t ,Ht,ft Ift ft - ftt ftlft .,lftft , ' . ft I I ' I ft , ... A -. ft .1 tK i . l. .In ,- .. t, ! i. . . I.. ,1 ftft,( .tftft ftl . t I , 41 ft. ,-l iHr 1 .',, ft ,l I -;,ft, n ll.ft- ft l( t4 l..ft,ft l-,,iftft ,,.M. ft !-ft,ftl ft. II l 1, ' I,, ftl., I. U. . ft ..1 lilM.ft.t. ftlv. I ft .r f -1 - -ftft.'l ftrf ft ,,, ft,,, , tft ft , , II . -ft.' i ft, I l..tft Iftft .1 l)i, i'I . I- ft I, ft l I l.ri K Iftl ! Iftl W. t ' l...i.ft-ft. It 111 I . i.ftft ftrt ft'l ftftft iftft ft,! , f, ,,,. , l, , ftftft,,ftl,ft ftftft ftftftlftftfti- l-ift' 1, .1 ft,-.! ftft". I. it ftO IM ft, ,.lftft ,-.,-,-1 ft -i ft ' I . e fti ft ft,, i ,t,, 1 1 ft i . im . ,i,f I,., ftftli .tf 94, ftftiftft, ftftftlft,Kft IAft,t ftl i.rtl ll," il f ,, l,(,ft,ftftft,, ,,ft, I. .... ill f,-ii i.m fctftftl m ! .1 i .i- II SI M llh im. tft-. OiH HI liftli ,- i . 1,1 ft. x i ii 1,1 im j l,,ft,ftftl ft.ftft, I , ,i ,,n, t wli l'ii ,,ftU( Ifttfttiftr. & ll,,fti lft, ftl.r me nl ,! hee.tfftittl.iii m,il M ,1..lli l ! V,i )IK llll. tft iftl Ih, Iftutt i lt .it ft. H ft,.i p t , frftfttn ii-iftim i mi, l-'U I,, .ftll.lft JiH Mill! l.- -,M ,,t ft-ft-hH Sftr met 4 ! il.,llfttft ,... whs 1,1. n n tftftxi si taift ,, , m ,;. t Cft-nl IM' lieimHl flftlle Iftlitftislt Will, ts'li: 1,1 ft! lr Hi, ,,. H.iiii i, m,, I ': t', I. ,li,iift .; e cfti. mil, ini,i,i ii,, nft, ii f, in,, Hie ih ilni ,,f , Imiftiv A tl wil. I.ftlli t Oh M.viiiiii iftftftia ,ii,nlin ii a lii.U'en'iit r n i. Iftill) tlift. IM-Ill, t I .nut if m.l IshikIs loiiiiiir. l ll Irl'iiiRiy itrm. A, ! ln. In MCft-itfttn .1l,.ii lln n mut ilnm im-ihIh,. uliereln Mil nuiie SnMiii; Itnuk, i elv,.iii- tlnii, plntmiS ami .1 . . 1 1 ti t kWHll. I iik i id 1 1 ft 1 1 ami nili.-rn wen- ill ti nilHelx, Ulimhs. NchlSftklt. .Illlie I Mil, tsilit l.liilJl.t: A IIKNNKTT. SlierltTnf Oimnlsft t iiillil y. Nelirska. J. I". Nexlii. Nitiirtiev. S l A SlienH's Sale. Ily virtue of n unlet of b tftsiieil out if the Ulstrlil Court of ISmiwoik tinnily. Ne lirnsk. and to me tlllivlft'd, I mill on llie Mill iUt of .1 i 1 v . A. II, It'll. Bt III o'rliti'k. a. in. of siilil ilny. at the Kast front disirnf tlm omit y Court lloiiti'. in tlm city or Omulia. lVouitliis Cininty, Nelirnsku, sell at public auction the iuiiierty doscrllM'd In ald order of sale a follows, to-w It : Lot forty i4oi In 8. K. Koircr' Okahom. n Nildlt Ion to the ell y of Omulia, a mirveyed, pluttft'd unit recorded, all In HoukIiis couniy. stale of Nebraska, said (ruperty to lie sold lo sutlNfy Julia Thomiis the sum of two thousand, one hundred and five dollars lf!.n.i.lll with Interest Ihereon ut rule of ten (Im per cent per annum from feiitenilu-r 21st, ism. and Hfty-elKlil und ls-mo dollurs (f."s.lsi costs, wllh liiteti'SI thereon from the '.'1st duy of Kcptcincber, A. I. 1HHI. together with HccriiliiK ciiHtH accordlns to a tudifmcnl rendi'iTil by the district court of lloiiKla county, at It September term. A. II. lsti;i, In a certain union men anil there pcnuinif, wherein John I ). Thomas was nlalntllT. ami John I'. Thomas and others were defendants. Omaha. Nebraska, June Sth, ism. OKoKUK A, HKNNETT, SherllTof DoiiKlas County, Nebraska, Hradlcy & HeLaniutre, attorneys. H-ll-H Sheriffs Sale. Ily virtue of an order of sale Issued out of the District Court of liimnliis count v. Ne braska, and tome directed, J will, on tho lltli day of July. A. I) Istia. at 10 o'clock a. in. of said duy. ut the EAST front door of tbu County (inert House, In Hie city of Omulia, HoukIus county, Nebraska, sell at public auction the property described in said order of sale, as follows, to-wlt : All of lot one (I) In block one hundred and nine (imn. In Dundee I'lace. an addit ion to the city of Omulia, a surveyed, plaited and rei'orded, all In IIoukIiis county, stale of Nebraska, siilil nroucrtv to lie sold to sat sfv .1. W. Hopkins the sum of seven hundred, tliirty-nliieand Hll-llHI dollar (S7W.81II Jutlite tnent, with Interest thereon ut rale of eluht (S per cent per annum from February (li b, IHIU, und to satisfy the Hum of thirty-seven and l):i-l(Kl dollars (I7. IKI) costs with Interest thereon from the nth day of February, A. II. Isil.'l, until paid, tone! her Wil li accruliiK costs, iii'i'ordlnii to a luduinent rendered liv the dist rict court of suid HoukIus county, at Its Kebruary term A. 1). lstiil, lu a certain act ion tlien anil there pending wherein J. W. Hop- kids is plaint! it. anil noyt ri. smii ii anil tuu I'utrlck I, und Company aro defendant. umalia, nenraska, .nine s, ihh.i. tt-U-fl UKOKUK A. HKNNETT, fherlfTof DoukIiw County, Nebraska. Sheriff's Sale. liv virtue nf an order of sale Issued out of the district court of I lunulas county, Ne braska, and tu me directed, 1 will, en the nth day of July, A. II, IHlill, at It) o'clock a, m. of said day, at the Knt front door of the county court house. In the city of Omulia, llouKlus county, noiiruska. sen at puiilie auction the nroiierty described In said order of sale as follows, to-wlt: but three till In liloek four (41 In Walnut Hill, an addition to Hie city of Omulia, all In IIoukIiis county, state of Nebraska; said property U) be sold to satisfy Samuel 11. Mercer the sum of fourteen hundred thirty nine and ls loo dollar (l4:ili.;nn Jiiilninenl. With Interest thereon at rat (HI) per cent, per annum from Kebruary tltb, IH!i:; ttisut Isfy .lames Norton A Hon the sum of nlnelv-slx dollar (ftt'.HI.lilli Jinliciiieiil, with Interest thorn on at rule of seven (7 per cent, per annum from May Ulh, lK; to nul lsfy I he sum of Ihlrty-seven kml 0.1-It") ilollurs ((il7.ftll costs, Willi I ii if rum iiiereon rrom tne inn uay or Kebruary. A. I), IHIHI. tokether with uccruiiiK cost accordltiK lo it Judgment, rendered by the district court or sum Uoiikiu county at Its Kebruary term, A, 1). lsii:i. In u ccrtulii action then and there pcmlltiK, wherein Humiiel H. Mercer wus tilulntllT, und T, M. Trevett and others were defendunts. Omulia, Nebruska, Muy lii'lli. isici. IlKOUtiK A. liKNNRrr, HlierlfTof HoukIus County. Nebruska. Alliert Hwurly.lundur, atuirney. S-2-ft SherifTt Sale. Ilv virtue of an order of sale Issued out of the District court of DoiikIus county, Ne bruska. and to me directed. 1 will, on tlm lst h duy of July, A. D. lstiil, at 1(1 o'clock a. m, of said day, ut the KAHT front door of the couniy court house. In the city of Omulia, Doilklas county, Nebruska, sell at public auction Iheproperty described lu ald order of sale a follows, towlt: but one III. In block seven (7). and south ten (Kll feetof lot two CI) In block seven (7i, all In llarbiieh' Second addition to the city of Omaliu, Doiikla county, suite of Ne bruska, sum nroneriy in li sold to satisfy Joseph K. Held the sum of two hundred, mcvciii v-clKht and :i7-Iini dollars (.'?. :i7i Judgment, wllh Interest Ihereon from Hep lemlier in, isirj, ami toNutisry tneHuin or one hundred, sixty-two and s-iuedoilur ttWVW cost, witli Interest thereon from the bull duy of HcpO'iuhcr. A. D. IslcJ, iimetlier wit Ii uccruiiiK costs ui'i'iirdlim to a jiiilument, rendered by I he illsl rlct court of said DoiikIus county, at lis l ebriuiry term, A. D, lsn;i, lu a certain itciion tnen and there pemiluK, wherein Joseph K. Heed wus plulnllfT, and M utile K, Curr defendant, Omaha, Nebraska. June l.'illi. IStill. (iKoHtjK A. HKNNETT, HherlfT of Douulus County. Nebraska. J. W. Wesl.illorncy, fl-KI-ft Notice to Non-Resident. 'I'o Hlnl II. Chunmuii. Kllubeth J. Chun- mini, Jumes C. Mitchell and lllrd Cliupmuii, lion-rrslilent defendants. i oil will take notice Hint on the 7lh duvof liiiie, isil.'l, Henry Hchmldt. iiliilntlll herein. filed hi petition In the district court of Doimlus county, Nebraska.. ukaliiHt lllril H, Cliupmuii, Kll.ubelh J, Cliupmuii, Hlnl ( hup man unit James ('. Mllchell, the obect and prayer of which I to quiet, the 111 Ut In the plulutllT to Hie followliik descrllied reul suite sitiiuleii in HoukIus county, ,eliraska, to-wlt: Lot five itii In block one hundred and elifhiy-seven (IsTlof the idly of Omaha. I -lit i in i it aiso pray ror a decree enjoininit Hie defendant or those clalmliiK under t. Iii-iii from ii-irrllnti or clulmlnit title to suld premises, und forciwts of suit. ion lire reii in reii to unswer said Del I lion on or before the iTtli day of July, ssi;i. I'uieii .nun' I'm, imi,i. IIKNItY HCHMIDT. I'lulutlfT. Hy Huunder. Mucfarliind k Dickey, bis attorneys. ti-iM Sale Under Adjustor't Lien. Notice Is hereby iriven that, the under signed. Kil. M. Hrown,,'wlll sell at. puiilie unction for cash In band to the lilkhest. bid der on the "Hi day of July, Istu, bet ween the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. ami 4ii'i'liN-k p.m., at No. Mill .Miami Street. In I becll y of Omuliu, lu Doiil'Ius I'liillil V. In the Mule of Nebruskii. One Houn Mure pony, wclvrht ubout seven ll mm li il poiinits. uliolil rourteen hiimls liluli. leiter"A" brand on left hip und letter".!" on left shoulder: sale made under and bv virtue of ad.lustor's lien for fceillntr, rarlmt'for and keepliin said pony for one Albert Sldner, the owner thereof: the Hiimunt due for keolnvr suld iinlmul lit iluteof. lime ltllh. lt'.U. theiluie of Hist publlcntlon of this nollco. In thirty- live ilollurs. which suld sum IsowliiKby suld Albert Sldner lo the underslitiied and Is un paid. II-HKI KD. M. 11KOWN. J vi SI ll . ft .i I j ft...4ft.. ... , I ft I . -. ft I V.ft.ftft , , 4 r ,1 , . t i. ft 1 ... I' . ft I I ft -. I. ft 1. . ., t-i ft. tft ., tl I 1,1 . -, ..I I i I , ,.t , ft. .1 . ft 'ift ft t , C 1 .it. ,..,. . I I I , I.-. I !,:.. ,(. ft... t. I ' till I ft ! ftft "tVtft ft. t. 1 l ,, .. ft , ..... t, . f - tft ft- -4 Iftft,, ' it l.i. . lltft- t,i,t,t. 4 ft. .4 1 l.'tn ti tit. it, 1 1, , .t ! i t t. ft i ,1 i,, , ,J !. ftl.ft k ft ft "ft- tft. I ft, ft., ft ft,,.. , . -ft, ft. 1 ; -14 -Ii !.. it i tfttM l ., tit , ,t : ! ,, . t ftft 1 (. , ft .. If, Itfttftftfttrtts ft ft., I. , ft t , ' t.I l.-l- t.,1,. t ft. 1 1 ftft. t.ft ft) It, ftlft -rttft !'! ft. ti 4 I'ft'l - I l I ' ftftf I ft ftft t ! i fc.,,.,1,, ft- ift, (ft,, ,,,; ,4 ftft,,.t.ft fttftfttl .,,ft ! t , l-tft r, t Ift ,t,1 t,iftt. ft, t tt ,. l.t.ft k ftftft ! ' I Im 4 t - ttt, !.,,, ft tt-1,1 11 l.-ftft tftl ll,r ft HI ft oil Itt Iftftttlftt imii'll fttt ,l . I'ft ftft. ft ft.,-,1 1, h ll.ft- . ll. tlt ot Jfttftt, A It nl I- ,. I. t lit ,,i,lrtt III lli,t I 44 ti-imt !,,. ,t I tftt- ,ftft,ft,l ,,ft,, ll.-ltft., IH ll.ft I '11 .( I fttitftiltlt ItiHIft Iftft i.tftM 1 Nt ti ftk at ftft-!l fttftitl tft nl t-ftlftt- ttl .tftl,it,' I t.,n l.t It., 1, 1, l.t I i.lil. n, t,t r ftfttt 4 t..te It ll.i ltft.1 iv ftt 4ft- tftftftft1! t tiwftllwtt kftlit ft ftftft til I. 'It. !! tftlftiiHtl.l ftltftt, tftftfttftfttftft ! In Sin Ili.-ii-mi.l turn I, ut,. lift 4 llittl ftlft ftftll.l ftftft. !" ,. ,ftl ft l,tt,i IH ly tHt til knit lOft'tllt Bft.l t li lit. I. . Hit,, ftftftlft th Hilft tft.ftl ftttt unlit iitttmtittft l lltr Hit' ,tf I Ittil t-fti fftt-t ,1-1,1 tft. t ltilllftt fetftlii lite i'l-4 .1st , tt (,l itils't, A ll lKI ttnlll ,l,l U,. Il.f tin I In l niifti t,t Bi Hittl t.ft titi il.,llm ft S'1 lltfitiftift ul In, r on ftslit Jii.l ft' it,, n 1 . unit lite .s iiilmr i.fti HiiikIi. NetUKftk Vtv JV lH l.lnlo.K A HtNNI-rT. Slieiiffttf I s.tit Uft I tmnl j . Ni l.iftftkn IV4t-r I,. IbimiBft. SII..IH. y s-.ti ii MieriM's Ssle. Ity virtue ef n urtli r nf nsle Ifttximl mil of I lie dlftlilcl limn if ISiiinlsftftii.umv, Ne lilHftks. Slid to lite dllfti I W ill llll Hie l!."lll dsy of June, A. Ii. I-"1 mi HI oVIift k A. H of ssld dsy. l Hie I AM' froiil itistr nf Hie county court luune. In Hut city nf Uinnli. Ikuiitbis t'liinilv. Nelirnsk. mil at puhllc mirlltui the iinict-ty dem rllsil In "Hid onler of sale s follows. In-w It : The liudlvltleil one-llilnl iSluf otoneil, two ('.'I. tliire i. ll, leu (im. eleven ill) ami twelve ilJiln blis'k ten (III) In Diftlbl and I viuiin Mililltloii In the city ot Omlia, ltiiiiilas couniy, slate nf Nelirsska: ssld iruM ity to be sold In siitlsfy Wlllluui K. Morris and HerlH'rt J. Davis, partner under Hie tlrm liHlue of Morris Davis, Hie sum of two hundred fuiiy-Hve and SH-IHI dollurs iKMAXn .luilmuent, and thirty-six ami es-lee dollar iftVlit.iwi costs with Interest on said amount at ten (llll per cent tier milium from Ibi'ilth duy of Kebruary. A D. Iswi, lom'llier with uccruliift costs accordlns to a Juilitmeiit rt'tidered by the dlst rlct court of suld I lunu las county at Its Kebruary term, A. D. 1SU1I, Inacerlain ml Ion I hen and there pendlnit, wherein W llllum It. Morrl and Herbert. J. Davis were plulntllf, and Christian Andru- en wus defendant. Omuliu, Nebraska. Muy2.Mli. 10.1. l.KoltltK A. HKNNETT. SlierllTof Douslus County, Nebraska. Morrl Ik Heekniun, attorney. o-iiil-ft SherilT's Sale. Under and bv virtue of an execut ion Issued by Krank K, MooreK, clerk of the district court within und for Douglas ounty. Ne braska, upon u .liiilmuenl rendered on Hie lMh dav of Novembi r. ISWi. In the county court wl't.bln and for suld couniy. In fuvorof Humiiel A. Slouiun and huiiiiihi, I'., ii. ener- wood and J. tl. Hullsliury, a truiiMcript of which ludiruieiit wus on tun 41 ll duv ot De- cemlHir, lstiil, duly Hied and docketed In the district court wliiiin and ror sum couniy, i have levied upon I he followliin descrllied real estate a I lie property of the said K. II, Hherwood, to-wlt: The west onu-thlrd (w H) of lot t hree (.'!) and all of lot four (4 In block seventy-seven (771 In the city of Omaha, I lunulas county, Nebruska: and 1 will on the 27th day of June, A.D. Istm, at 10 o'clock a. m, of suld day, si the KAST front door of the. county court house In the city of Omaha, llouKlus county, Nebraska, sell suld reul estate at public auction to the blithest bid der for cash to satisfy mild execution, the amount, due thereon Iii'Imk three hundred twenty-nine and tm-l(K) dollar (f'r.'ll.Olil Judu ment, les two hundred dollar i2iKi.(Hl), iiuld July'tillrd, ISIII; three and 75 KKI dollurs ifl.751 cost, with I ii Ic rest, on suld amount at I be rule or ten (llll per (Mint, per annum from llie iruh day of November. A.D, isiie, until paid, and also the further sum of one and lifi-lo) diil I ii im itl.tlM the cutis of Increase on said JuilKhictil, and the accruliiK cost en said execution. , Omaha, Nebraska. May ai, isici. UKOKflE A. HKNNETT. HlierlfTof DoukIum Couniy, Nebraska. J, V. West, attorney, ivati-o Sheriff's Sale. Under und by virtue of nn execution Is ued l)y Frank E. Moon,s, Clerk of the Dis trict Court, within and for I lunulas county, Nebraska, upon liidument rendered lu the couniy court of suld couniy, on the 7th duy of April, 111,1, In favor of John 11. Wat kin and (Jeoi'Ke A. lloukiund, co-partner doliiK biiNliies under the 11 rm name and style of J II. Wutklii fc Co., and aitainst Albert .liiimut and Fred Kiiilu well, (Im pleaded with (,'. ilminut) a trunscrlpt of which ludKiiieiil were on the lllh duy of April, istill, duly tiled and docketed In the district court, within and for suld county, I have levied upon the following land and tenement us the property of Hie suld Fred Itad.uwelt. to-wlt: I,ot, four I4itn block Mix (ill in Shell' Hecond addition to the city of Omaha, In the county of DoiikIu und slutti of Nebraska, and I will on the Ifith day of .lune, Ihii.i, ul, llio'clock ii.m.of siilil duy at tho EAST front door of the county court house, lu tbecity of Oiiiuhu, Doiudas imunty, Nebraska, sell suld real estate at public auction to the hliihest bidder for rush, to satisfy suld execution, the amount due thereon beluv In Hie unifri'Kutc fifteen hun dred seven und Htl-liKI dollur (f l,'i07.tlllMlam uifi's, twelve and 2li-liXl dollar (f 12.211) cost with Inlerest, on suld amount at eight (Hi per cent, per annum from the 7th day of April, lstiil, until pitld, and also the further sum of t wo and 7u-ll dollar (f!,?0) Hie cost of increase on suld JiiilKinenls, and the uc crulnKcosts on suld execution, Omulia, Nebraska May 2T, isil.'l. ft 2H-fl tlKOIt'iK A. HKNNETT, Sheriff of Douirla County, Nebraska. Lake, Hamilton A Maxwell, attorneys, Sheriff's Sale. Ily virtue of un order of sale Issued out of Hie district court of DoiikIu county, Ne bruska, and to me directed. I will on tlicL'mli duy of June, A. D, Imi.i. at HI o'cliH'k A, M. of said day, at the KAST front d-ir of the county court house, In the city of Omuliu, HOUKIU county, fftciintHku, sell at puunc be pi of sale as follows, to-wlt: The east one-third (KSIof lot three CI) In block one hundred and thirty-six mill), In the city of Omaha, all In DoiikIiin county, sl ule of Nchrusku, said properly to lie sold to satisfy John Nlcbolus llrown the Rum of twenty six thoiisunil, live hundred, thirteen mule-Ion dollurs ntl'l.rdll.lUi JudKiuent with Interest on J.1.iHi7.ll4 thereof at rule of seven (7) per cent per annum, and on Ifimfk.-'tK thereof at rate of ten (10) per cent per annum, all from February nth, IslU: to sat isfy Frank C. Moruiin Ibesuinof live thoiis unil seven hundred, ninety-six dollar (.'i,1!KI,(l) .ludKment, Willi interest Ihereon ut rule of rlifht (H) percent per annum from Feliruury lllh, sn;i; to satisfy the sum of seventy-one und ss-lmi ilollurs (fU.ssi costs, with Interest thereon from Hie nth duy of Feliruury, A. I). Ih'.i;i, ttiKcther with ac cruliiK coils iii'ciuilliiK to a .liiilKmenl ren dered by the district court of suld DoiikIu couniy, at it February term A. D. Iswi, In a ccrtulii action then and there -ml I n ir . wherein John Nicholas Hrown was pliilnlllf, and Frank C. MorKun, OeorKe D. Aipiuwall and others wore defendants. Omulia, Nchrusku, May 17, lvi:i. (iKoltt.K A. IIKNNKTT. fl-l!l-ft Sheriff of DoukIus Couniy, Nebraska. Lake, Hamilton ft Maxwell, attorney. Notice to Creditors. Statb or Nkioiaska, i DoukIus Couniy, f H' In the Couniy Court of DoiikIu County, Nebruska, May 2sth. A. D. Istm. In the matter of the estate of Jumes Frewen : The creditor of suid estate and all other person Interested In suld matter will take notice that the creditors of said estate will up peur before thin court nn the asihduy of July. ls',1,1. on the 'lh duy of September. Ism. on the'isth duy of Noii inber. IMW, at Id o'clis-k a. M., each duy. for the purpose of presentliiK their claims for exaiiilniitloii, uil.luit meiit und allowance. Six month ure allowed for Hie creditor to present t heir claim and one year for the administrator to settle said es tate, from Hiii 2iltb duy of Muy, IstU; this notice will lie published lu Tnic Amkiim an for four weeks successively, prior to llieiMh duv of July. Ii'.'.l. All I'laiim not tiled on or ls'fore the Jsth duy of November, tssy, will Im forever burred finiu conslderutlon In tho Html settlement of said estate. Witness my bund and tittle lu I seal tbls2nth day of May, lsiu. IstCAuf J. W. F.I.I.FK. B-l-4 County JuiIk'b - .t. . .1 ,f . ,..t , ft ft r.ft t . . 1 v ft ft - t ,t ft, , t ,v, ,- ft ft ft ft (--tftftft ftft t ft ft ft-. t I' -tt, t . l ft ... : " l ft 'ft -t. S .t.ft ftl ,1, ft t. - .. ft X i - -t t ,1, - t t , t t ft ft .tl ft 4 ut ft ftfttt . t t - - t tt .,ft. 1 ,- t ti it t. t. it ft, i -ft ft t I t ,.tfti I-, ttft-f- t 'fttt ft. , I-, t t t. tt l. ; .1. . t, 1. t , l - , l , ft. 4 v . ,-t i - ft, t.t. tj t-.tfttft. ft, I '.ft, -ft ' . ",.! ft 1 t ft ft t. , , t . ft (..-,1 i l ft' ft t -I ft-fY.-ftft ftft tl H tttft ft-r.ftttft-4 fttl I -t lft ft .-l -ft- ,1 l tftl - -1 tl r ftft.4 I., I... t . ,''t ... ft. 1. I. 1..- , 1, ft , H .lit tt h I ft , I ft ft, ,1 - ft III im 11 I rft-4 w ,it ftt li nt.4 it, ftl-t- iiti l li,ftl frttftift-! t'l ftfttt ftfttftM IftJ. I..t,ft1 fttft. 1 Hftf tl,. ft i.t.t .. i,.ftti. t t-ft N.t i i t. itii. i,-fti tt"4 ,1 t 1 1.. , I, l v ft ft, t 4 ft...ft f , ..,,1, tt II- lift ftlft. . .1. tft ft ii ftt il tft, A ftft, 4 I!..,--tft ft,- t , 1 it, tl.., iftttl. t Iftft ftlft.ftftft ftit.. i It, .4 J.,!. A M- itifttftt ii4 tuiftf1tft .4 1,,ftiiftft j tftt. ft. It , ftt All'f ftVle-t-l, ft i, .,4 41 tt tu tftl 44 ft It ft tftt, 1 1.,, ftiittt ftftf fit i t, titittiltft 4 tt4 t it l.t t ftl,.li,ft .ilftj,tftftt ttt'lt ,,. ttl ult lt,1t it-ftl Iftirtft-Yitft ttl ifttlt tftf 1 11 1,1 ftft -t ii fttl fftr t tltttnttl tltui tft ttftftttlf eilt l.ii , .i,t ,,i,p 4 w .in tt..ilftifti l ftiftftia ii l, it-tft tft ! il.etftiftti ftuftftt ItHt tMh .Iftft .( . Itltltti v, A H I"! i,l o ttftl,, l.sft llo-f mil, titiitiiti t'.Hift tt,iitft1iiiii Iftft ft ItttU'tt't nl tft t-il t ll.t ,1l-i, l, i ,-,ni ,4 ftsiii tt.tttt'Uft ,-ftftttttl v l lis tftlitiiifttf Ift-rtit, A ll ktA In ii ilsin i t inn iltt ti ntl Hint' (ft- titi . tt fttli. fi in J . ftl, ti A M. shnnti, ittinittisn .ti,liS si,,! Mlrlmel m, Mntv A t ftt nntt ol li.'tft wt'ift. ii.f..ftiitiil Hinntia, Srltin-kii Muy .Ulh 1i IttulittK A M1NMTT, MieriSnf Is, tu' I i.imiy. Ni liftit. I"lnk T. Haiiftt.iii, ii..ini y. S 3 Sbrnfl't Sale In puriiii!iii' iul bv Inue of a ludirnient lid On nf nt Hie IlKl r lit I tint! of Isnilsa cniiiily. Slate ef Neti . n-nilerft tl nn (lie 2Mh of March A. It Hu, In a certain nciem il wlieifin Ainlrew Mc Hrltle t. iilninlllT ami l.ii.ive W, Mi'lnllre, l.yill It. M, I nil re anil ntlieiii were di feiiiUtilftt. autl of n Onler nf Sle Isslleil tbenilll mil of Hlil Dlfttllrt t tiurl, lifnlliiil time lln- ;ih ilny of Julie. A. It, I ii I. and It) iiiedliii'lft-il, I will, on the lsth duy of July, A. D. Isu.t. at In o'clis k a. m. nf said day, Nt the KAST fit ut I ilisir of tlm i tiiinty Court House, in the city nf Omaha, DoiikIu county. Neliruska, sell at luibllo auction, to Hie hlKbest bldtler for casli, tlm fulliitt IliK tlt'n'rlliecl lands and ti nemelils. alt Ituuteil In the County of IkiuKlas, and StaUl of Nebruska, to-wlt : I ot number nine (til In bbs'k nuiuls'r one hundred and ten tlioi. In Dundee I'liu'o, an mill It Inn to the city of Omaha, all lu DoiikIu Ctiuiil y, Stale of Neliraska. Suld intM'rly tit l sold to satisfy Andrew Mcllrlde the niiiii of two HiousHtiil five hundred seven and S4-IIK) dollars (::. ii Mi with Interest Ihereon at rate ofscven (7l iM'rcent per annum from February lllh, I suit, tti satisfy Maud II I'lidilis'k. tint sum of three hundred, forty-ttvtt and 52-l(t dollar with Interest thereon nt rate of elKht. (Si per cent per annum from Muy lltli, Isui, until nn it i . mm nn v-uiree ami in- list ooiiur (,V.;i.lK costs, with Interest thereon from the tub day of February, A. D. lstiil, toKether with accruliiK cost uccoriiniK to a juiiKmonr. reiiilered bv the District Court, of suld DoiikIu County, at Its Feliruury term. A. D, ku;i. In a certain action then and there tiond- InK wherein Andrew Mcllrlde was pliilntlfT and OeorKe W. Met n tire, l.ydlu It. Mclntlrw and other were defendunts. Omuliu, Nebruska, June inth. ISIKI, HKoltOK A. HKNNETT, HlierlfTof HiiukIus County. Nebruska. J. E. Nevln. attorney. 0-ltl-n Notice to Creditors. Htath ok Nkiiiiassa, I Doiiffla (.'ounly, I In 1 1 1 1 1 county court of DoiikIu county, Neliruska. June7th. A. 1). lstiil. In tJie matter of the estate of Minerva A. Iliilley: The creditor of said estate and all other person Inlc rcNtcd In suld inuller will tukit notice t hai t he creilltiir of suld est ule wilt1 appear before till court on the 2st,h day of AiiKiist. IHliil; on the 271 h day of OcIoIht, lstiil, and im tlm 2Plli day of DccemlHr. I MM, at 10 o'clock a. m.. each day. for the purpose ef pri'senl Iiik their claim for examination, ad justment, and allowance. Six month are allowed for the creditor to present their claim and one year for Hie administratrix to settle suld i stale from the 21 h duy of AiikusI, lstiil. This not Ice will be published lu, Tus Amkiikian for four week successively, prior to the 2th day of Auitust. ISKI, All claim not tiled on or before the day of December, lktiil, will lie forever barred from consideration lu the tl n ul net tletnent of Klild estate. WIl iics my hand and oltlclal leal this 7tli duy of June, IHliil. Iskai.I J. W.EI.LKH, ft-1 11-4 County JiiiIko. CHRIST. HAM AN. Watchmaker and Jeweler, Fine Watch Uepaiking a 8i'kcialt 612 8outh 16 Htroot. RAILWAY TIME CARD Leave Omaha i.M pin 10.15 am Itl.lA am ll. A Nf 11. Dipot loth and Miihoii HI. ., DcnvcrTimilt'd dully ... .... DendwiHid Ex pre Denver Kx press CIiIcuko Special from Ih'n,. , . Lincoln 1,1 m. (except Hun), . IIUStlllK IttM'lll O , H. A o. I)epot, Kith and MusonJSI ...... I'll li'UKO lillnltell CIiIciiko KxpriiH CIiIcuko Kxpres . ...ChlcaKo Ii town'iil ArriveJ Imahs "4 J pm 411ft pin U ilfi ant I2.:i am II. aiu pm H.m am SMI pm Leave Omaha Arrive Omaha fi.'ttium S im am 4.21) pin .() pm ArrlviT Omuha 4.4.1 pm ti.fte am 12.4(1 pm JV.Ml pm lil'UVes Omaha H.M) am K. ('., Ht. J. A (I. II. I Depul loth and Mason His, ..Kan. City l)uv Kxeres. .. (t lie put ll 40 am. 0.4.1 Din k.C. nlKhl ex. via It. I', Trail. IMA pmiHt. I,, nlshtex. vlut'i). HIiiIThNi Jiot l,eave l!Nlt)N I'AClKltl. iArrlvni Omaha lOnloii He pot tilth and Murcyl Omulia 7.1W am li.fHi am 2.11 pm S ite pm 4 II pm 8.4l pm n 4,1 am 7.2d am s lu am H.2.1 urn am 4.KI pm ft.ii-'i pm pm Leaves Omaha Ileatrlce Kxpres ,. 6.40 pm 4 " pm 7.l pin 4.2e put 12, ;m pm 10.40 am 7. Ul urn S. 15 am It 20 am lo in am 12. -tft put 5 im pm S. Ill put II.. 'id pill Denver r,xpr, ,, ,, . Overland I' Iyer Denver Fast Mall ..... 11. S, A K. Ex. (except Hun) I'ucltlc Kxpres .Council HlufT Local. 'Arrive Depot I'.nh and Murcy St. I Omaha ".US pmi CIiIcuko Limited I Villain 11. im mill Chlciilo Kxpres 5.NI pm Leave I C, A N. W. i Arrlveii Omaha I (Via II. I'. Truusfer) I Omulia 1(1.40 ami. . Atlantic Express, daily ll 20 am A 10 pm ll 20 pm 2.11 pm ..K pm H 20 pm'CblciiKO Kp , dully ex. Sun 4.0.1 pm ,t hiciiKo .1 in 1 1 ftl, uully. 711 lim . Overland l.lmlted. dullv 7.2(1 am Carroll !'ul, dully ex. S"un Leave I C St. I'., M A O. Arrive Omulia 'Depot 1Mb und Webster St.! Omaha H Id mn I. 11 pm II. 4.1 pm 1.1,1 pm Leave j Omuliu 9.W mn D im am ft.iK) pm iS, 4.1 pm H im am 1,1'avo I Omulia I Sioux City Accommodutlou I 0 IU pm . H. C. Kxprcftut icxcept, Sun) .12.(0 pm St. l'aul I.lmlU'd 9 2.1 am Huncroft I'uss. (except Sunn H.4.1 am V.. E A MO. VaLLEV. Deisit lllh und WehstcrSts. Deudwisid Expritss . ... (Kx.Suti Wyo. Kx.iKx. Mnn) .....Norfolk (Except Sun.).... St. l'aul Express ..Lincoln Kx. (ex. Sunday).. SlOt'X (MTV A I'ACIKIO ! Arrive I Omulia I il.'Jo pin .1 .20 pm 10.2.1 am H.2.1 aiu ilo.iVani I Arrive I Omaha f d ie pm 10.14) am Depot loth A Murcy Sis. Jo ami. ...Sioux City I'tisseiiKcr. l.itTi pmi. .St. 1 ii u I r.xpress Leaves Omnha .( IIICAliO. U. I. A .....lArrlvea Via V. 1'. Transfer. I Omaha KAST 10.(10 am .. Atlantic Kxpres. dully ., 4 .40 pmi, . Vestibule 1. 1 in lied, dally , H ill pm . . . NlKhl Express, dully 7.10 pm Kansas C, .d Co. It., ex. Sun. W UST Via I" I'. Transfer. S .10 ain;Co. llluirs and K. C.,ex. Sun. 1.21) pmiCblcaKo and Denver, daily (1.30 pm 1.10 pm S..V) am 8. 4.1 am 7.IK1 pm 4 iW pm Leaves Omulia MISSOl'KI PACIFIC. lArrlve Depot bull ami Mnm St. Omaha 10 in pm 1.10 pmi. 5.10 pm. Leave I Omaha I 4.nepmT .. .St. Louis Ex. dully. . ...St. l.ouls Ex. dully... Nebraska Local 7.00 am 4.31 pm 9 20 am WAHASIl. I Arrive (Via I". I'. Transfer) Omaha . Sl. Louis Ex., dally .... 12.3Ttpiu . ft ft , 1 . 4 I.