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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1893)
Hi-IE AMERICAN. 4 afiMt ijuvr V il t' M III. OMAHA. M I KASK A, I'KltvW. JIM lv, t m 1 3 POLITICAL ROMANISM! tUJUHvOUS riAGl't.SrOTOX TUE BODY rOLITIC 1hi tmhiiati tiatuilM M.itntti Ihp Alarm and lfcfi-ml Ihf t merit an I'ndecllif Aw lathm, It Ik an old la In human n ft t I r Mint i h" n tad men eouKpiiv, gil nun nii' combine. It I the conspiracy of the llnninn ;aey, no o'ii, iLfiaM, mt elite vous, devilish hih! treasonable that has led to tho organisation of tho American Protective Aoelation, V In the, attitude of that semi-political, lioman Catholic institution that make It possible niul necessary. It I the aggression of HomnnisU that I causing lt rapid growth. For a long time the people did not know, or wore clow to believe that tho liomish papacy was seeking to dominate civil and political affairs in tho republic. Hut they arc becoming aroused. They now see that Homo it tho enemy of our public schools and our free institutions. Wo are lie ginning to tako papal system for what it is. We sco that it Is tho same old unscrupulous foo she has always been, of civil and religious liberty. Tho tocsin of alarm against her en croachments hag sounded, and tho hosts are gathering from near and far. We propose to protect our government, our In stitutions and our land. We are determined to resist tho invasion of tho popo, tho priests and their emissaries. We aro organizing for that purjioso, and our organi zation is tho American Protec- tivo Association. It is not a political party, but has its mem bers in all parties. It asks the support of no party, and makes no pledges to any party. We are called together , by common interest, cemented by common danger, prompted by patriotic motives, controlled by tho great principles of liberty, convinced of the justieo of our movement, animated with hope and confident of success. Tho A, P. A. does not exist for snmll or saltish purposes. It lays no plans . against Individuals, or trade or commerce. It orders no strike , nor boycotts. It stands on tho broad principles of Protestant Ism, the brotherhood of mankind, tho equal rights of all, and gov ernment by tho people, lUt mombers believe in American homo rule, and tho complete ex clusion of IComo rule. They be lieve In protecting our public schools from all intor-mcddllng of Home's bachelor priesthood, In tho exclusion of low class immi gration, and In tho prevention of tho naturalization of foreigners for at least fifteen years after they como here. They protest against any ecclesiastic body, as such, interfering with the duties and privileges of citizenship. They mean to maintain our laws, liberties and institutions in- violate, that they may bequeath them, as an untarnished Inheritance, their children and their children's v . .. . 'cunaren, ; Let Jt bo observed that tho A. P, A. Is not arrayed against the runk and file of the Catholic people as a people, it is their best friend, though Jthey know it not. It stands to protect their liber ties from the priestly despotism of the papacy, though they are not conscious of it. For, mark It, if official Catholi cism gets the ascendancy it so covets and seeks diligently after, all the peo ple, Catholic as well as Protestant, will suffer. Where priestcraft rules, and tho clergy have Immunity from law, there tho people are driven like cattle, robbed, peeled and reduced to uncon scious serfdom. Go to Homiin Catholic countries and see how it is with the ruled people. In French Canada, where priests rule, seventy-llvo out of every hundred are Illiterate; in Hun gary, fifty-one; in Chill, seventy-three J", Poland, ninety-one; in Venezuela, (fl')'(ty; in ify, ninety Hrazll, eighty-four; in Mex- ninety-three, and so on In every country where tho papacy and tho priests have their way, What guar antee Is thero that it would bo any bettor here if their rule was once fas tened upon the republic? Tho day will come, do doubt, when tho Intelligent cfAldrcn of obHeijulous Cut holies will glad there was an A. P. A. to resist ?tho political machinations of jirlests and prelates. For them the association is a God-send in the "nick of time." Wo meet with Catholic people who will not believe that their church is scheming to subvert our civil govern ment. Wo don't wonder at that, As a people they are ignorant of the plans y their own religious leaders. They 'jKQ not expected to know or concern UK luaizii vn mjwuv vuui vil V uiiiuu b. Bishops and priests take no council of t he people; tboro Is only ono thing they !, ' '!,( . ( . a4 I'M i t.x,- . ! it ()'. M Hi Uo j iiidf lt! .Silnl i f H hihlul. i ! ) t,S III.'!-. I '.. t! i ll. u ' . j and U I !!. ! f ii.-tt , !! , jit.ti"1 kll' n fu-nh b-il tin ir e fl t I, nr. tt I'lvti ) vf (t .. .t j if I. 1 1 i k, no- know nt it Tlu' mv k ) t ih liii" , mxl Ij; iiorMtc tuRke prii'liy dominance y. Tiny mv afraid of tin ir pi I. ct. A few month i Mr, Ple-Un, priem irom ?m. itMii, pft ai t.eii in in city A funeral otstlen of n Unit her ptlent. In that H.hllVM he llliflHl Proledlanli mid jrloliliid the piiect bmil. He ill at one plaee In bU IN" mark: "The fate of thl cmintry and of thl jH-ople 1 in the lmiuU ,.f the prii nthitoil." V that intended for prophecy, for threat, for Intlmldntlon, or was It Impudenee, priestly bravado and old Imehelor conceit,?, ttml pity the Hople hoso Jirlosts biv Phelan; "Like priest, like peo ple." Hueheloi'd aw dangerous men, and none the less so because they wear gowns and pose in secret confessionals. Tho Idea that such a class of men, from Phelan to the pope, should have con trol of tho method and means of educa tion, and should bo obeyed as the oraclo of God, is simply nionstrotls. The pre tentions, tho assumption, tho schemes, the conspiracies of the whole confed erated priesthood, in society and in the state, must be resisted and defeated. We must do It for ourselves and for tho peonlo now under their dominance, This Is a free country. It was made such by our Intelligent, heroic liberty loving, Protestant ancestry, There Is the widest Iberty for men to organize parties, sects, societies and orders secular and religious, Under this Protestant liberty, Homnn Catholics have established within this country various orders and societies. These are tho Jesuits, Franciscans, orders of monks und nuns, Knights of Father Matthew, Hibernians, Knights of St. Patrick, Kt. Paul's Cadets, Knights of tho Hud Branch, Knights of Kt, Peter, Knights of Colutnsklll, Clnn-rm-Gael, and still others. Into these no Prot estants arc admitted, none Indeed who do not take communion at the ulturs of the Hoinish churches. And nobody objects to them having these organiza tions. No ono seeks to break them up. But strange as It may seem, as soon as people other than Homan Catholics choose to organize an association from which Homanlsts are excluded, then thero Is a hue and cry utnotig the Cath olics, That tho priests should denounce It would bo expected, for ofllciul Home denounces all secret societies, from tho noble order of Free Masons to tho humblest. This organization bus no fight against tho Catholic church, as far as it is a religion, but against tho Catholic church ns a meddler In poli tics and tho government, it will fight to the desperate i nd. It realizes that eternal vigilance is tho price of civil and religious liberty. It proposes to be true to tho stars and stripes, and to every principle and institution of our free, popular Protestant government. It will resist every encroachment upon tho snmo by political and ecclesiastical foo. It will resists an enemy of our government every man who is first a "Be to tiepoor'Me onie wAunstan. -S-. nyXrJl2m. And AauJt their noses to tAo grandad ( J,, uZ -rM- l J matter, stMo soumuilliey." Bums. y'MrS?MZ I w i tt,.ti- t' i-..ii;.-, st t' if i )..! .' t-l !'.. li nvnii i t!., i . ihi it niht, ,i i , i i 'i'tiiih , t-j li'-rtj Him iMM!iHn t.i nU Amu 1 H tt I,il ii l'i: !!. I. ! ! I 1 i n. ' 'Hiii'V r!iii ttie In ill ti (Miiitinut Hie fiste ftlnl Viit i-.M. i Win lit, mwl .H k t. rnfiiiiv tlt a-tumed I it tit. . liijf ii! it niln, matter of duty, af. ty siul lo.i alty, to kin p eiUl ii.ntiil j HiMif. y mid Michael t'w j: tm out of tinman IVHiniie haint, It til bn-ui, ht up l foiv Juntiiv Multn'! itiiul mV Ui futtit ti'lilly, openly; not ltbf.r itt.trbing eK-l'il.nt Slatier)' elulw mul K'i, but with prlui ipli . j mei iiisj; at the Alhamtiia n Friday fact. rvon, argument and twllot. If this (irt'anl?ation wlU K defeated tt 111 be with it face to the foe. Hut II Is net afraid of defeat. It cannot U lieve that our civilization I going to halt and lake a backward movement. supivmaey would inipiwe iinn us the principle, method, p-nrii-tloiis, disabilities and Inquisition of lh middle age. Protestantism I'ltce led us from all that, and we shall never go back. Hut mark this, wc dare not sit down like optimists, when we know the cmissirieM of the poiKj are planning scheming and working to subvert our government, and In Its stead, to elabor ate and build up a system that shall be subscrvlant only to the interest of tho papacy. It is no time to falter, to bo half hearted and indifferent when Homnn ONE OF A VE11V Catholics tire not only planning, but to an alarming degree, succeeding. Al ready they have captured every strat egic point In the United States; they have subjugated our cities, they have throttled our newspapers; they have debauched our politicians: they bave robbed our treasuries; they have stab bed our common schools, und are ad vancing to complete control In this nation as fast as thev can, Tho conflict is not simply coming,, but. Is now on. Every man, every Protestant, should come to the front, take a position, and stand up, for his principles, his faith and his country. Don't bo a trimmer, a craven, a coward. Get down off the fence on one side or the other. Are you the son of Protestant ancestry? If so, don't piove unworthy of them. It is coining to be Home or anti-Home. The contest deepens, you hear the sound of It on every hand; It is talked on the streets. Politicians in their speeches, though they try hard, can't ignore It. It will face you In tho caucus, In tho convention, In tho can vass and at tho polls. The slogan of tho Uoman Catholic Is: "For the church and the holy father," Let the Protestant rallying shout be: "For God and home, native land and liberty." Lulht ru n Emnyi liM. TWO IU:tlSlONS. A Judge In Wasliiiilngton, Ii. ('. and a Jiulire In Syracuse, X. V. While Bishop McNainura was scat tering his bills here to announce his coming lectures on Homanism, ns I have said in a previous letter, the three lads whom he had employed for this work were arrested. This was a part of the pope's plan to prevent the light from coming to the eyes of his dupes. The charge was "distributing hand bills on, the streets." They were tried i ? u lll"':!l '4 Mi! ' ... ! t:.m it 4 ' i ) ! tit ii , ' I I,. I. t ) I, IX I VI I iifi ft n . ! Se turn l tin- fj i M i, . IhMII II.- )'i i H i' I.i(H i,g i X'...i,,-,1 ,J Vt.i ml. . t'l.un h ttiln-J bil J po! !it tMurt Ji t r.i tiijjlit. Jvnttery and hi wife, the Yx-nun,' were on hand and they li teid d to a lecture fruin ,1utUv Mul hollHinl that they ought to remember for some time, Ho said. "1 am an old man, Mr, Mattery, mid 1 have seen foi tj or fifty men of your Kind. Mr, Mattery, with all due respi-et to you, for no one will accuse me of lut ing over religious or a bigot, and it Is my observation and my judgment that when a man leaves a church and then runs minimi nnd tries to besmirch it that that man Is a fraud every lime, as ho is not sincre, he U not honest, ho la not manly." Then turning to tho offenders the justice said: "Tho Idea of Billy Hen nessey and Mike Casey going there as tho representatives of the holy Homan church and making fools of themselves NUMEROUS CLASS. They ought to bo ashamed of them selves," He then told them that the interruption of any public meeting Is the violation of an ordinance. Tho challenge to debate, he said, was ex teiuled to priests or bishops, because Slattery was perfectly safe in tho challenge. No clergyman would be little himself by paying any attention to It. But Hennessey and Casey were neither priests nor bishops and It was an assumption on their part to attempt to say anything in tho meeting. The men were discharged. About Justice Mulholland's religion we are not positively Informed, except as he himself volunteers to tell us that ho Is not "ovcr-rellglous." However, his name and his decision combine to help us out. Here is a case where a geiitleinun and his wife undertake to deliver a course of lectures. When they are disturbed by two men who de sire to break up the meetings and these two disturbers aro arrested and brought before tho magistrate for punishment, what happens? Tho accusing witnesses are lectured by "his honor" and told that they are frauds, Insincere, dis honest and unmanly, while tho accused ore dismissed after being told that they had disgraced themselves by going to hear such frauds, and attempting to vindicate the "holy Homan church." Evidently the A. P. A. has not yet struck Syracuse, and just us evidently there is great need of its work there. Chase Hoys, Washington, I). C, In i'utv'uitk American. His Challenge. I challenge to public discussion uy I bishop, priest, jesuit, ' Person who will produce authority as a repre sentative of the Human Catholic church on the following articles: I wTUl affirm and prove, 1. TRyit tho teachings and dograu- of V m ' n ' fti S ti.-. I i. . ,i tmt I n pt Ai'-'tii nn n - t.ti, ! '! j! n,.) ; Its Ui" J -!i! M,.i tn-ii.'iji 1 1 ! i ( ! iti MHili t l.'ii t) i ir i.tit- itUltKH. TliHl the U' iun I'atlieiie hw h n A met lean .!. 4. That Ihe Kiuimn fatboiic titer art hy have Wi n ttiMrurtin,? fur jiar Oh Ir follower In an i ft. Ml to (ruin cui ttvl .f tt,i foil mm. nt at the jmii. That her jil ley lia li n, and Milt 1, the eotoril.allen of her -op!e In th large oitle. That, a a result, the Ijrge cities of the eaM and west liave Ihh'H for vear under contrtil of the lioman Oathollc ehuix h. .'. That lioman atholic church ruk has tended to the Increase of illiteracy and crime. Without such i-esults her power cannot lie. sustained. 6. That the lioman Catholic church dogmas and teachings arc opposed to any and every form of lilieral govern ment that comes from tho Kople qpart from her dictatorship. . That the Uoman Catholic chm-ch Is a foreign political as well as a relig ious organization, and therefore a dan gerous menace to American liberal Institutions. 8. That the Homan Catholic church Is not tho christian church of tho Bible but that she Is a counterfeit wholly condemned by the Holy scriptures. i). That the attempted Interference of tho lioman Catholic church with this government Is treasonable to our constitution. Waltkh Simh, THIN (I.OIDS. Tlmy I leal Above Our Nation's Hurlon In Plain Skill. The saloon power and tho power of tho papal hierarchy aro tho twlnclouds that lloat aliove our nation's horizon. You need no magnifying glass to dis cover them, nor can their danger 1m; unduly magnified. I propose to write of foreign, rellgo-political power, with headquarters ut Homo, and planting itself at Washington a menace to the republic. Tho hierarchy is a growing power in our national capltol, and In the growing cities of the nation. It has long been her boast that she will nnd must rule America. Her hand today deposits the ballots that govern our greatest cities, and her influence Is a growing power in state and national administration. We Americans are large-hearted, generous and unsuspect ing. So long has tho or'y of "wolf" falls upon our ears that, Samson-like, wo sleep serenely and 'dream, whilst lieing shorn of our strength. The Philistines are at our doors. TH" secular press very largelv '""' 's afraid to say a word t1,u It freelv t"--"-b t Sabbath , .no" Lord of tho Sabbath, but it crouches at tho feet of this intolerant rellgio-political power, with its million imported ballots. Even the religious press is slow to interpret tho baud writing on the wall, and sleeps under the gooting influence of a sweet lullaby. We all heartily and honestly disclaim ii' t- V i - , t i . ... . .; jb. et., lV:.. t, ... i. ., J J.!.-- ,.t I) . J S.,, , t l!. &. ,i! II Hi nvtl , ,,. J. II, -.1 ,i. H t ftftiixt tS. ii m4 l'."H ttmii Hi.Vi.I.h jf ilti our Ih luoKM jliot!. t...!l'j il!ti tmtiUlrt.tH p lUIh fct ti.l j., (, !!... J,,4ij and In tl, nr. in, o' f c-.j, ,, 5,i tlf rt I and .f I..h1, pr.-t. -ot. i (. a rMh.ti.. i tact ttint t.j in (! i mir (arc nd growing Citii4 ,n,t,T tlirir ooiilm!. th.j ... U. k, t,n he niotiey nl the imitil. i!ity; whii.t in th tat and in the l'nti . stale lin y tnanagw to draw largviy nptm the public treas ury for the tiprl of tin Ir peeUrlnn lm.tHuti.uu. of (he y,.iHy appropria tion from the treiiiry of tho nation for the mipimrt of Indian ehnoU, much men. goes um ho K.-inan Cat holloa than to all the schiHilsol all the Protectant denomination. It should tie known to every citizen that the general bodies of the loading churches of the country call for the adoption of an amendment to the iiutlonal constitution forbidding the appropriation of public money to any and all sectarian purposes. A league embracing representative jteo pie all over the country and of all creeds and parties has been formed to labor for the adoption of this amend ment. Nor wiil its adoption bo resisted by anylxidy except the friends of this foreign rollglo-polltieal power. It Is gratifying that tho secret orders of the country aro awaken ing to tho attitude of tho papacy toward them all, except such as aro In their own communion. They havo orders of their own. Your correspondent has never boon in any secret order, and has always accorded to every man tho same right which ho claims for himself in that regard. To bo or not to bo in any order, loyalty to which does not conflict with loyalty to tho church and to tho flag, Is a question of (indi vidual liberty. It is givetj out officially this week, in tho public press, from Mgr. Satolll, lit tho university in this city, in reply to a letter from tho inspector general of tho KnlihtsVot I'ytblns: . "That a permanent committee of bishops hus boon appointed to study tho question of the Knights of Pythias and similar societies. At present this ordor Is not under tho ban of tho church. If those who belong to it presont them selves for tho reception of sacra ments, tho judgment as to their admission is loft to tho confessor, As to those who do not bolong to tho society, tho direction of tho church is that they should bo deterred from joining it pending tho study of the question." Such is at present tho situation. Mgr. Satolll does not propose to give any decision beforo having re ceived the report of tho aforesaid committee. Jesuitical adroitness cannot blind tho average American citi zen. We aro not amonir the 1 literates of Italy or Ireland, or of any country kept In darkness by the papacy. Tho A. P. A. Ameri can Protective Association a new organization having a million voters, chlelly in the northwest, and adding about a thousand a day, lives solely to guard American Institutions. Clergy men, with other professional and busi ness men, nutivo and adopted, and of all parties and sects, swell Its ranks. A Homan Catholic making loyalty to tho United States paramount to loyalty to tho hierarchy, can be a member of It, It is said. Its work is done quietly, with no sounding of trumpets. Tho American citizen who Is not loynl to American Institutions ought to find a homo elsewhere than under our flag. With the saloon wo will havo to bear until we can root It out; but at any price, we will preserve and defend tho principles of freedom nnd Intelligence and public virtue all over tho land. That order of General Dlx: "If any man pulls down tho flag, shoot him on the spotl" still thrills the heart of tho nation north and south, east and west. Truly, etc., B., In tho Lutheran Obmrvtr. Washington, D. C, April 8, im. Ex-Priest McGlynn on Homs","' "Have no fear for mo. t,lfV tho malignity of Home. I ,Ve tll0' warn ing now thut If tlv atuniPt to hound me with th, "''U of wllb they are such -8lorf 1 oxpose them. I .lave only toW things which politicians and well informed peoplo have known In the past, but I give them warning that I am full of knowledge of events the tale of which will make the country too hot to hols' them. They had better let me aione.H Ono besujifu! Catena Panel given with every .Ibzen Cabinets at Hughes street tf t-