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About Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1895)
PERSONAL, POLITICAL AND PERTINENT. The Scribner News flouts tbe follow ing banner at the head of its editorial column, which, by the way, is all lipht: - -. ; For President : : WILLIAM .1. BHYAv : Of Nebraska. : PLATFORM: : Sixt en to one. without any more : : delay or damphoolishness. : The Iowa river bottoms are full of wild grapes now, and several parties from this city are bringing home large quantities. .Liberal prizes are offered for the best, ball game at the G. A. 11. district reunion at Wabash August 20th. and Harry GreeD received a card from Mike Cavey this morning inquiring whether or not Plattsmouth would be represented. The saddest exhibition of the weak ness of human nature has occuued in Indiana, where the gold brick em ployed was made of mud and not even gilded. Under the new banking law, which went into effect Thursday, banks are allowed thirty days in which to get a nice neatly printed charter from the banking board. The laws passed by the last legisla ture without an emergency clause went into effect Thursday. William Lackey, a fourteen-year-old boy, was drowned in the Missouri river near South Omaha last week. while in bathing. The body has not yet been recovered. The failure of the Western Manu facturing company has brought about ?t strange condition of affairs at the penitentiary. Most of the convicts are idle and to keep them from falling victims of the scourge of idle confine ment they are taken out and compelled to walk for two hours in the morning and two in afternoon. There is no punishment like idle confinement. Nebraska City News. Whenever we can help it we avoid all business dealings with the man who (ooks as if he had just been invited to gk?vup and make an address in Sunday school. If the mn called to act on the jury that tries Holmes are to be rejected if they have read the newspapers there is a very fair prospect of Holmes never coming to trial at all. One don't like to admit it, but it's a fact that the growing corn all over Cass county was injured a good deal by hot, dry weather in the past two weeks. The Home for the Friendless at Lin coln has recently come into possession of several thousand dollars left it by Mrs. Handly of lirownville, who died in 1892. Her relatives fought the case from one court to another, and it was only a few days ago that the supreme court affirmed the will. From now on caterers who serve butterine on their tables will have to keep notices posted to that effect or run the chances of being fined for vio lating the law. A pear tree at Saylor Springs, 111., that h.'.s been bearing pears for eight years is said to be hanging full of ap ples this season. Even nature is yearning for a change since Altgeld became governor of Illinois. State Journal. Tbe farmer in Cass county who doesn't get something of a crop of corn this year must be greatly at fault, and to all appearances 40 to 60 bushels will be the rule, while less than the first figure will be the rare exception. One good corn crop is all that is needed. It.iH already in sight. Once let it be garnered and disposed of and the farmers of Nebraska will forget that they ever suffered the ravages of drouth. The corn crop promises to lift the whole state of Nebraska out of the slough of depression. Norfolk News: The man or news paper that tells the simple truth about the crops of northern Nebraska this year, is labeled an agricultural liar by those not familiar with the plain, un varnished facts. NOT NEW. "Talk about these horseless ve hicles," said Uncle Si," I seen 'em long ago." "Why, pa?" began Aunt Mandy. "Oh, but I did. Don't you remember tbe old ox cart we rode to our weddin' in?" The taking of the recent Iowa cen sus developed the finding of rive cen tenarians, the oldest being a colored woman at Keokuk, aged 119. She was horn a slave in Virginia. In fact four of the five centenarians were born in Virginia. A lawyer in a court room may call a man a liar, scoundrel, villian or a thief and no one makes a complaint when court adjourns. If a newspaper prints such reflections on a man's character, there is a libel suit or a dead editor. This is probably owing to the fact that people believe what the editor says; what the lawyer says cuts no ice. Conductor Terry of the M. I'. says there is a larger acreage of oats on his run between this city and Lincoln than there has been for five years. Farmers are all harvesting and the yield is excellent both as to quality and quantity. Nebraska City Press. Wheat is an average yield, some of the other important crops are above the average, and corn, the most im portant of them all, is far above, in its present condition, and a month hence it will be entirely out of danger. The agriculturlst;is in luck this year, and his good fortune will be a great item in the country's prosperity. A farmer in an Oregon paper says: "Every year I hear of caterpillars de stroy ing whole orchards, and there is nothing that can be disposed of more easily. I bore a bole'in the tree deep enough to reach the sap, till it with sulphur and then plug it up. The re suit is magical. The sap takes the sulphur to every branch and twig and the caterpillars die at once. I gather the insects up by the pint under trees that have become infested with them before I noticed it and destroyed them. I have never known the rem edy to fail, and I never knew a tree to be injured by it, ami I have pursued this course for years." Take a dollar bill, fold its length wise and double it, fold it several times each way, and you will see it in crease. Take the silver dollar ana drop it on the floor and it will ring. Give the ring to your best girl and send the dollar to your printer. A Kansas genius claims that grass hoppers can be manufactured into a very good imitation of butter. This adds a new terror to housekeeping. Shall we have to boil our butter, too, before using V A western Nebraska paper says: "It is an amusing sight this summer tosee some of our farmers chasing a cul tivator down a long row of corn attired in a swallow tailed coat, a Fedora tiat. plaited shirt, picadilly collar, four in hand tie and a pair of patent leather shoes, being tbe full dress suit of some eastern dude and contributed to the sufferers of Nebraska last winter." The lightning cut a queer freak at Mrs. Gyger's place this week that goes to disapprove the saying that "light ning never strikes twice in the same place." During the thunder shower Sunday morning lightning struck a large cottonwood tree quite close to the house and about noon on Monday struck the same tree again. The in mates of tbe house were considerably shocked by the lightning but were not injured. Elmwood Leader. Judge Gildersleeve, in the superior court of New York yesterday signed a decree granting Mrs. Ollie Corbett an absolute divorce from her husband, Pugilist James J. Corbett. Tbe de cree provides that Corbett shall pay his wife $5,200 a year alimony. In case Mrs. Corbett remarries, she will forfeit the alimony. She is authorized to re sume her maiden name of Ollie Lake and can remarry. Corbett cancot re marry until his wife is dead. Attorney Allen Ueeson was in town yesterday in tbe interest of his candi dacy for the office of county judge, lie called at the Courier office and re futed the statement that he bad prom ised Mr. Barr that he would not be a candidate. He also says that the re port that be is up for trade in the in terest of other candidates is untrue, and that be will use every honorable means to procure the nomination. As the Courier, through erroneous in formation, has given publicity to such a report, we are free to make amends and state that our informant has erred. Louisville Courier. The state banking board has sent out blanks to every bank in the state so that application can be made under the new law for charters. Applica tions must be made within sixty days; and as the work of making out tbe charters will consume considerable time, bankers are requested to apply as soon as possible. Peter Malone was arrested Saturday at Eagle by bank officials, charging him with obtaining money under false pretenses. The case is set for hearing August 27th before Justice Peterson. Mrs. T. DeWitt Talmage, wife of the celebrated Brooklyn divine, died Monday morning at her home in Dansville, New York. A Mr. Teegarden of Weeping Water has announced his desire to become clerk of Cass county. Tbe News pre dicts that tbe gentleman will want to change bis name to squash or perhaps fish before snow Hies, as he will find political aspirations of even a Tee garden man meet the same fate as a potato patch in a dry season. Ne braska City News. The Omaha jail now contains six men charged with murder and one charged with manslaughter, in addi tion to the various other criminals. That isn't so slow for the Nebraska metropolis. An inter-state Chautauqua is being held this week at Salem, Neb. Eight thousand people were drenched with rain by Sunday's storm. Over at West Side, Iowa, the ether day, Mr. Corn and Miss Wheat were joined in the wholy bonds of matri mony, bv ltev. Cottonwood. After the ceremony the choir very appropriately sang, "What Will the Harvest He." There were four rounds in the fight between Mr. and Mrs. Corbett. First, matrimony; second, acrimony; third, testimony; fourth, alimony. This last is a "knock-out" for Jim. New York Record. The Falls City News says that "over in Kansas the newspapers have de cided not to mention the name of a candidate unless he so announces him self through their columns. This is proper. It is but right that the public should know who the candidates are thereby enabling it to make a wise and judicious selection. As a party ex pediency, no convention should enter tain the name of a man who has failed to herald his candidancy through pub lic print. A qualified man can have no objection to this, and if he is dis qualified for any cause he can rely upon it that bis sins will be found out in time to avert a calamity." Nowhere in Nebraska had irrigation been carried on so successfully or on so large a scale as in the Platte valley between Alliance and Ogalalla. Be sides tbe Belmont canal, which is 42 miles long, there are a number of other canals to the east of- it, and all com bined they irrigate now, or will irri gate in the near future, about 100,000 acres of land upon which magnificent crops can be raised and upon which, in fact, great crops were raised last year, even during the drouth. Alli ance Grip. During the summer of 1SSS, says the Ashland Breeze, Mr. Van Tassell,wife and daughter boarded at the Clifton house while Mr. Van Tassell worked on Mr. Shedd's building. Ho was a good looking man, with long yellow whiskers. The girl at that time was about twelve years old. She disap peared in 1S92 and is supposed to have been a victim of Holmes. Oulte Correct. The Plattsmouth Tribune boasts of being an "all home printed" paper. Suppose it is. Out of thirty-four col umns of reading matter but twelve columns are of home production and the other twenty-two columns are edited by "Mr. Plate Matter." Now, just where the difference comes in as to whether one gets their patent pages printed away from home or has the plates shipped in and prints them at home, we cannot see. Surely it is not of enough import to crow about. While we hope to see the new Omaha institution prosper and would not throw a straw in its way, yet we do not like to see it misrepresent. As far as actual home print is concerned either The Journal or News dis count the Tribune for matter actually produced at home, and yet they make no such claims. Louisville Courier. Victory For a Krewery. Judge Cole in the district court of Washington, I). C, Saturday granted the Anheuser-Busch Brewing associa tion of St. Louis an injunction to res train John Boyd Thatcher, one of thtj members of the Chicago World's Fair Board of Awards, from making or pub lishing the awards on tbe first analysis of the beer of tbe association and re quiring them to accept trie second analysis of the chemist. The dispute has been a long one. Prof. Wiley, the chemist of the Agricultural depart-- merit, who made the analysis, acknowl edged that a mistake had been made at first, but the commission refused to change tbe award, asserting that it had no authority to do so. Recourse was then had to tbe courts by tbe brewers. Does Your Breath Come in Duchess Trousers? Many get theirs that way. C. E. Wescott & Son in sales have passed the lineof 4,000pairsof Duchess Trousers. Everybody happy in Duchess Trous ers. C. E. Wescott & Son sells them, and everyone who tries them is sure to buy none other. Nance county reports some good oat fields. Ben Bateman threshed fortv- five bushels to the acre and Williami?,60686?1? Present lheir claims for examina Dawson fifty. S. B. Turner harvester! luiij-uve uuaueis ui uauey to me acrts A HSIIIN' Wunst we went a Renin' me An' my Pa aa' Ma all three When they was a picnic, 'way Out to Ilant'h's Wood, one day. An' they was a crick out there. Where the fishes is, an' where Little hoys 'taint big an' strong Hetter have their folks along : My l'a he 1st fished and fished. An' my Ma be said tdie wlsdied Me an' her was home; an' l'a Said he vihed o worse'n Ma. l'a said if you talk er fay Anything, er sneeze, er play, Ilaint no flVj, alive or dead , Ever KOln to bite! he said. Purt' night dark in town when we (lot back home; an' Ma. says (die, Now she'll have a fish f er hore : An' she buyed one at the store. Nen at suit er, Pa he won't Eat no fish, an' says he don't Like 'em an' he pounded me When I choked Ma. didn't her James Wbitcomb Kiley. Will t'rotecute Sliauk. World Herald. General Superintendent Nicholas, Superintendent Sutherland and Super intendent Canada of the special ser vice of the Union Pacific have gone to Grand Island, where they will prose cute G. W. Shank, charged with at tempting to steal 1,000 tons of Union Pacific rails. Saturday night Shank engaged a number of teams and began loading the rails on the wagons and was going to ship them to Chicago, where he had sold them to the Block Pollack Iron company and some of them to F. L. Patrick of Itockport, Ind., who is building a small road. The scheme was a most gigantic one, and for pure nerve, Mr. Canada says he has never seen it equalled in the twenty-five years he has had to do with criminals. Shank proposed to ship these rails to the towns and where he had sold them for S1G in Chicago $17.. 50 in Ilockport, and already about $-500 had been advanced, says the Union Pacific officials. He was ob served just in time to prevent a suc cessful carrying out of the deal. It is believed that there are others mixed up in the deal. I). McIIugh, practical horse-shoer, makes a specialty of road work and bad feet on horses. 1 warrant my work to give satisfaction. Half Kates to liuston. August 1U to 24 Burlington Itoute agents in Nebraska and Kansas will sell rouud trip tickets to Boston at the one-way rate, lleturn limit, Oct. 0th. THE TRAIN TO TAKE: The Knights Templar official train, having on board Grand Commander Finch and escort, will leave Omaha via the Burlington Route at 4:45 p. m.. rhursday, August 22d, after arrival of all trains from the west. Through to Boston without change. Seven hours stopover at Niagara Falls. Tickets and sleeping car reserva tions on application to any agent of this or any connecting line. Send for free folder giving full in formation. J. Francis, (I. P. & T. A., Omaha. A colored man at Port Jervis fell eighty feet on his head and wasn't hurt. Truth is funnier than funny stories. But this may not seem strange to those who are. acquainted with the "staying" qualities of the average negro's head. Special Notice. The 24th annual camp meeting of the state Holiness association will be held at Bennett, Neb., Aug. 16-2G. Ilev. G. W. Wilson of Des Moines, la., and Rev. 1. F. Bresee, D. I)., of Los Angeles, both members of the Na tional Holiness association, will con duct the meeting, lteduced rates on all railroads. For further particulars write to the secretary, II. G. Wilcox, Beatrice, Neb. Leave yourorders for job work with TnK Journal, an artistic job guar anteed. A Prominent liolenale Cirocer of Omaha Neb., Writ en: To the afflicted: Several years ago 1 discovered a slight falling and bleedingof thelower bowel which increased and became very distressing. I made inquiry as totbe nature of the disease and learned that I bad a somewhat aggravated case of Hemorrhoids or Piles. Was told of several remedies and used them as di rected, obtaining thereby some tem porary relief. Not being satisfied with such slight relief I cast about for a per manent cure; when a friend directed the use of the famous Magnet Pile Killek. I used it. Immediate relief fronf pain followed, and soon a com plete cure was affected. Very respectfully, OscAn Allen. For sale by Gering & Co. Subscribe for tbe Weekly Jour nal $1 per year, if paid in advance. Notice to Creditors. State op Nebraska, I t'AS9 COUNIT, . ) 8 ' In the matter of the estate of Henry J. Mea nings, deceased: SJOTICE is hereby Riven that the claims and demands of all persons against Henry J. Hod n in c.u, deceased, late of said county and state, will be received, examined and adjusted b&- the county court at tbe court bouse in Platts; mouth, on the 1st day of February. A. !., lsytiT ;ft ten o'clock in the forenoon, and that six uonttis from and after 1st day of August, A. Ik.. is the time Hunted for creditors of said i i nun ilihi r i m w a r. n a Given under my hand this 25th day of July, 32-4 u, A.11SEY, County Judge. What More Could You Ask ? PEARLMAN, ' The House Furnisher, Offers to buyers the chance to secure the VERY BEST in his line which the market affords, and AT PRICES WHICH ABSOLUTELY DEFY COMPETITION. Til E fact that my stock is the Biggest and Best in all Cass county, deserves the attention of people desiring something in the FURNITURE line. The three floors of my store building are full to overflowing with new goods, and everything goes at "depression" prices. Call and see for yourself. I. PEARLMAN, The House Furnisher, Opposite Court House, Plattsmouth. Buv e 5. WHITE, Every purchase made at his store is a guarantee that you obtained the best and most goods V C P. J. HANSEN, DEALER IN STAPLE and FANCY Groceries, Crockery - AX 1 Glassware. FLOTTR AND FEED A Special tv. One door North of Postoffice First National Bank PLATTSMOUTH, NKH. Capital, paid up $50,000 OFFICERS: George E. Dovey . .. President F. E. White Vice president S. Waugh Cashier II. N. Dovey Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS: George E. Dovey, F. E. White, S. Waugh and II. N. D. llawksworth Dovey. Careful attention given to the interests of customers. Collections made and promptly remitted for. Highest market price paid for county warrants and state and county bonds Arnold's Erono-Csieiy. Splendid etirativp nnont foe Nervoua or Sick Headache. Brain F.xhHiiAtion, Sleepiest if. .special or penerp.l MeuriilRitt; also fir liheu mutism, (uut, iviauey uisoraRi-a, aciu pepsin, Aniemiu. Antilot for Alcuhblit and other excesses, Price, 10. 25nd&0ceiit:j. Effervescent. THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 151 S. Western Avenue- CHICA5 $500 Hew. ill WE will yay the a'ove rcwart" Tcr any case oi Liver Complaint Dys.opsirt, hick Headache In digestion Coutipuii-.m i r Costiveuess we cannot cure with West'-; Writable Liver Fills, when the directions are f.lnctl complied with. The aie purely Veectrble, end never fail to pive sa. isiaction. Sugar Contra. La rec boxes, 25 cents Beware of counterfeits and imitations. Thesren uine manufactured only bv THE JOHN C. WEST COMPANY. CHICAGO. ILI F. G. Frlcke & Co, druggists. e. 11 ndiu, m.d. The Good Samnrltan's WORLD HERBAL DISPENSARY OF MEDICINE MU OF GILEAD NERVINE, For Young and Middle Aged Men. 'Infallible remedy for Youthful Errors and later Excesses. Melancholy, Mental Depression, Nervous DebJity. Palpitation of the Heart, Had Dreams, Dizziness. Night Losses. Falling Sickness and Fits. Hysteria. Syncope. St. Vitus Dance, and Kheumati.-iin. Hiive cured over -UHI ease". From one to three bottles restores viror and bealtn. Send J.VnO for a bottle by P. O. money order. Address u. w. iANGi.r, sr. ., Council Hlults, low" F. S. -A Written Guarantee given each ji ebaser to refund money unless cured. r A C r i o & o e o o o o O o Your Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions General Mdse. OF: The Old Reliable Pioneer Merchant for the least money. 04 The Plattsmouth Mills, C. HEISEH. Prop. This Mill has been rebuilt, and furnished with Machinery of the best manufacture in the world. Their "Plansifter" Flour, Has no Superior in America. GIv j it trial and be convinced. H. D. TRAVIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS. OFFICK Kooiim 1 and 3, Union Itl'k, Plat tsmou til. ... Neb. JOHN WATERMAN, DKALKll IN Lumber and Coal. Menlotacoal 4. 5 Hard coal ' 9.00 Canon City coal 7. to Dr. Agnes Y. Swetland, HOMEOPATH1ST. pedal attention to Obstetrics, IMscaeeg cf Women and Woman's Surgeij. Office : ,mZ:$:zs Omaha, Neb Dr. Alfred Shipman, i Office in Riley Hotel, Main Street entrance. Residence one bloc k south Telephone No. 95. of M. P. depot. FAT PEOP!E ! Park Obemitt Pills will reduce your weight PERMANENTLY from 1-' to 23 pounds a month. NO STARVING, sickness or injury; NO PL'U LICITY. They build up the health and beauti fy tbe complexion, leaving NO WKINkLK or flabbluess. STOUT ABDOMENS and difficult breathing surely relieved. NO EXPERIMENT, but a scientific and positive relief, adopted only after years of experience. All orders applied direct from our office. Price 2.0l per tacxage or three packages for $3.00 by mail postpaid. Testimonials and particulars sealed 2 t ents. 3A11 correspondence strictly confidential. Park Remedy Co., Boston, Mass G. W. P7TNGLE, M. D. 'I'tie Good NantaritaiHs WORLD HERBAL DISPENSARY OF MEDICINE Glean Sweep for the Blood! The Good Samaritan has been a craci itii-inoi- of medicine 2 years and has cured over a thousand cases of SYPHILISamI SCROFULA XSo need of goin? Jo the Hot Spriugs of Arkansas or elsewhere when you can be cured at-home of the Worst iilood Poison man or woman ever became a rietimoi', without the use of mercury, arsenic or any other mineral poison. Send f 10.00 toy P. O. money order tor a bottle of luedicine. It only nnjeures from 1 to :i boA to cure a disease, from oi week; t-" $' standing-. Address , '""' I-AffitK. 31, Hi i 'onnciLru-j Km J . Yif""- .. .; Q'