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About Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1895)
,4 in THE TAYLORS GUILTY OF THE MURDER OF THE MEEKS FAMILY. It Took tbe Jury bat a Short Tim to Come to m Conclusion Intense Excite ment in tbe Coart Arguments of tbe Attorneys for Defense and Prosecution Very Strong Much Feeling Displayed by the Taylors. Jury Says They Are Guilty. Carrolltox, Mo., Aug. 8. At 2:20 o'clock this afternoon the Taylor jury returned a verdict of guilty of murder in the Srst degree, amid the most in tense excitement. Carrollton, Mo., Aug. 8. "When court opened this morning1 the room was crowded to the doors with the neighbors and friends of Colonel J. H. Hale, who was booked to make the first address. The Taylor children had been left at home, but lined up before the iury were the two defend ants, their wives and mothers and old man Taylor. Colonel Hale began by calling at tention to the address of Mr. Minnis, which he characterized as brilliant, but calculated to inflame the worst passions of men. 'While he was speak ing, little Nellie Meeks entered the court room with her foster mother, Mrs. Pierce. 'When she saw Grandma Meeks she climbed into her lap and then went over to Ben Pierce and sat on his knee, facing the jury. The colonel called attention to his declining years and said that he would not a&k for an acquittal if he did not belie ve his clients deserved it. lie en deavored to show that the Taylors after the murder showed no evidences whatever of having handled bloody bodies. lie said that Nellie Meeks should have been put on the witness stand, for no one now known could tell as much as she about it. "When Nellie was rescued from her living grave in the straw stack and went to tbe Carter house, the Carters under stood her, and why should not the jury understand hei? It is clear that she would tell something that would not help the case against the Taylors. He took the evidence relating to the blood on the wagon and picked it to pieces, showing that the blood was simply supposition and that it might just as welt have been red paint, and probably was. Colonel Hale, referring to the testi mony relating to the harrowing about the straw stack, said that the corn was in good condition for the harrow and tried to convince the jury that it was a perfectly natural thing for George Taylor to do as a farmer, and that the harrow had been driven to the stack and then to the house. The speaker drew certain supposi tious cases of circumstantial evidence which authorized conviction, none of them at all resembling the Taylor case, in order to make clear to the jury just what circumstantial evidence was. He pleaded for mercy for the Taylors on behalf of tlieir wives, their children and their hemes, while Bill Taylor and his wife snd mother wept. "Oh, God. an awfu thing it is to see the hu man soul ip'.ce flight!" he said. "What will be te" fate of these young wives if you lake the lives of their husband-? The finger of scorn will be posited at their children." In referring to little Nellie Meeks, the speaker said: "She was the daugh ter of a convict and her associations were of the worst. Then her father was taken away from her and she was thrown into the hands of Ben Pierce, who will take good care of her, and she will grow up into a good woman. he will not suffer the finger of scorn because her father was murdered, rather will she have the sympathy of all mankind. She does not need ven geance nor dees she need your sym pathy." Colonel Hale closed with an earnest plea for the lives of his clients. MR. EEESXEHEX S SUMMING UP. It was 10 o'clock when T. M. Bres nehen, the leading attorney for the state, arose to close the case. He said that he had been taunted for receiving a fee for prosecuting the Taylors. He thought it as honorable, to say the least, as accepting fees for defeating justice. "I told yor, jentlemen, be fore this case opened," he went on, "that if the evidence I should present did not convict the Taylors I should not come before you at this time and ak for their just punishment. I am here and ask for their convi -tion at your hards. I will show you the mo tives that prompted this crime and the threats against the poor victim of it. I will show you beyond a reasonable doubt, by a chain of circumstantial evidence in which there is not a link missing, that the Taylor brothers mur derfd Gus Meeks and his family on .lenkin lull on the night of May 10 or the morning of May 11. It was a butchery, li were flattery to call Jit simole murder and its details are very horrible. I will show you that these men. William and George Taylor, are the butchers of the Meeks family, and I demand their punishment." Mr. Bresneben next made a teiTible ;:rraignment of the Taylors. As he lalked Bill sat white and nervous. ieorcre's face was fiery, and Mrs. Bill Th y lor t lips trembled and she had I'ilicr.lTv to kfep from weeping. lie snowed the absolute certainty of the ('st;nii.Tiy as goinc to shov,- the guilt f t Ta--lors. The told of the om-7;i-v.-4nt iiacd of God rai&inc" little N-il:e a fe living witness. II:s aru in -t; faf-ecTed trie jury tronrly. ile ihu:: 'Tiiv df'f?n rannnt br;be t hose :h --rv traevs, ihos? v-boti Tack?. or in. csjTiTjT. ff: tv-. roc or ht,!- . ' ' TI kiCW C"Vr - j . i mm ,- r -r; V- -" r rvmm a r r A vara .-w tx a frti'.r e.-x- ' "i 'fcj-a - tv. rT..-I t it.t v--' ., a'j; e'.v.! t ih t-T.rt. l e Jirt 1. I .vi for acquittal, but thought the jury would be out for one or two days. Judge Brinkley, for the defense, said he did not exect acquittal, but rather a disagreement. T. M. Bresnehan, prosecuting at torney of Linn county, said: "If that jury is an honest one. as I truly be lieve they are, they will convict Will iam and George Taylor of the murder of the Meeks family, and that speed ily." As the Taylors passed down the court house steps after the trial a re porter walked with them and asked -Bill: "Well, what do you think of it now?" "I have had no reason to change my mind," was the reply. "If we get justice we will be acquitted." George, who walked behind, was sullen and refused to say anything." NO DOUBT ABOUT APPLES The Crop Will Be tbe Largest tn Tears and of the Very Finest Quality. Chicago, Aug. 3. At the annual meeting of the National Apple Ship pers association, with delegates pres ent representing all apple growing states from Maine to Colorado, it was announced that the July report of the department of agriculture indicating a short apple crop is entirely incorrect and misleading. Local information in their possession shows that in New England the crop is one of reasonable proportions, and in New York, while light in ome districts, the aggregate exceeds last year, both in quantity and quality. West of the Allegheny moun tains the crop is declared the largest grown in any recent year and much larsrer and of better quality than that of last year, the only section being in limiteddistriets of Ohio and Michigan and in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Those in attendance at the meeting unite in declaring the outlook to be for the largest aggregate crop of best quality in recent years. Will Visit 1'resideut Cleveland Washington. Aug. 3. Mrs. Hatch tvill visit Gray Gables to interview the president in behalf of her son, Clyde Mattox, who is to be executed at Wich ita October 11. She is encouraged to believe that she will secure an audi ence with the president, by letters she has received here from personal friends of Mr. Cleveland's, and it is be lieved that the president will hear what she may have to say in behalf of her son. Taylor's Bondsmen Much Worried. Sioux Crrr, Iowa, Aug. 3. Reports from South Dakota are that the sure ties of W. W. Taylor, the defaulting ex-state treasurer, are considerably worried by their principal's delay in turninir his nrooertv over to them to J secure them against loss on his bond. They are threatened with executions on the judgments against them. Japan Inclined to Resist. Washington, Aug. 3. The diplo matic corps is watching with interest the settlement of the question of the evacuation of Port Arthur by the Jap anese nnder tbe demand of Russia, France and Germany that the entire Liao Tung peninsula be evacuated without reference to China's fulfill ment of her part of the Shimonoseki treaty obligations. It is believed that Japan will not accede without a vig orous protest. Coxey Nominated for Governor. Colt:.mbus, Ohio, Aug. 3. The whole forenoon to-day in the Populist state convention was spent in tearing to pieces the platform reported last night by the committee on resolutions. Jacob S. Coxey of Massillon was nom inated for g-overnor. Mrs. Frey Stricken Wltb Paralysis. Sedalla, Mo., Aug. 3. A telegram was received in this city summoning a physician to attend Mrs. J. J. Frey of Topeka, Kan., who had been stricken with paralysis at Colorado Springs. Her husband is general manager of the Santa Fe and is absent in Europe. NEWS IN BRIEF. Coinage last month amounted to 53,22o.00 of which nearly $3,0)0,000 was gold Diplomats in Washington are very much interested in the Port Arthur entanglements. Secretary Morton has been informed that Germany has established a new form of live stock quarantine. Permission to see the North Atlantic squadron's maneuvers has been denied to officers of foreign governments. Missouri will sue Iowa to bring about a legal settlement of the bound ary dispute. Kansas City primaries chose silver delegates to the Jackson County con vention. Thousands of dollars damage has been done by the Missouri river at Sioux City. Iowa. Comptroller of the Currency Eckels says that free silver sentiment is dying out in Illinois. l!en Howell, who is charged with aiding Cherokee J Jill to escape from jail, has been arrested. Reports from the flooded districts in the West show that great damage was done to property. President Thomp.-on of the National Lead company says he never saw such crops in the West. Judge Taylor of Torre Ilauie, Ind., decided that the Nicholson temper ance law is inoperative. Sheri3 Tamsen snd ex-keepers of the Ludlow street jail. New York, were indicted for allowing three pris oners to escape, A London sport offers to back Peter Jack ot: against Corbett. Fitzxiraraor.s will do his final train ing at Oorpn Christi and Corbett at 7Nfc.Il Actonkv In vite Un lei States circuit court acre Caswell decided that judg ii)fxi svl.t the 'Frisco took priority c-tt all raortirafe-, and that the r 7 rat;, pay them in fulL .W u-e.ral Caaa poa has iasnd a proc'a v abCute!T prohibiting the pb-Ir'..x- cf m about the war in .b if it U not cf ofhclal origin. Th ant j-o.evmT-7rvt law are J. -"m ;rr. tt. dr-puty fuitel State : r : mi ! a nrek "hf riff, was aaa- aajk'el fr: a-i.'.i.Nh hv three Creek lud.ti ft.r Oktiiu. jcr Crrelc rutli Jn THE TOWN ENGULFED SOCORRO. NEW MEXICO. BADLY WRECKED BY WATER. Waves From tbe Mountains Wipe Oat Many Lives Three Feet of Bashing Water Rons Madly Through the Princi pal Streets, Carrying Away Fifty Houses Vivid Lightning, Crashing Thunder and Blinding Storm. Clond-Barst In New Mexico. Socorbo, N. M., Aug. 2. A tremen dous roaring startled the people of Socorro Tuesday afternoon about 4 o'clock. Shortly after huge waves of water came rushing down an arroyo, which drains the eastern slope of the Magdalena mountains, and almost en circles the town. ; At first it was hoped that the flood would be confined to the lower -portion of the city, but soon the water came over above the town and three feet of water began to rush through the principal streets. It en gulfed women and children, mingled with the crashing of falling houses and dying wail? of souls swept into eternity. For two hours the work of destruction continued, the horror be ing increased by vivid lightning,crash ing thunder and blinding rain. All night long homeless people were being brought in and cared for. Yes terday morning a scene of desolation was presented. The majority of the business houses escaped heavy damage or destruction, but hundreds of poor people lost everj-thing, being home less and without money, and almost naked. More -than fifty houses are known to have been destroyed, while almost every residence in the city is damaged. Since the water receded many adobe houses have fallen and many others must be abandoned. Two bodies recovered have been identified as members of the Duran f amily.several of whom are missing. Four more bodies were taken out and identified as those of the Durans, making six recovered. Other bodies are reported as being seen, but owing to the treacherous nature of the ground they cannot be reached. The destructive waters spread over the entire city and carried death everywhere. Many are missing. Reports coming from towns north and south of here tell of heavy losses. For twelve miles south destruction of property was terrible, frame houses and crops being entirely swept away. The Santa Fe tracks were washed out botween here and San Antonio m sev eral places. NEW SILVER MOVE. The Financial Policy of the Present Ad ministration to Be Attacked. Chicago, Aug 2. A special to the Post from Washington says: ''Politics in the state of Virginia are beginning to assume a new phase, and the silver members are all preparing for a form of campaign which they believe will have the effect of changing the char acter of the present controversy be tween the factions of the party. They propose partially to abandon free coin age as the leading issue of the cam paign and to place the sound money men upon the defensive by attacking what they regard as the most I vulnerable points in the sound j money doctrine. To do this they propose to use the president s message to the last congress upon the financial question, the report of Secretary Car lisle upon the same subject and the bill which Mr. Carlisle prepared and .submitted to the house, together with the bill which was afterward sub stituted for the Carlisle bill by the banking and currency committee, to show that the administration and its followers would retire all of the greenbacks, the treasury notes, and ultimately the silver dollars, thus causing a contraction of the currency by the withdrawal from circulation of more than $300,000,000. They will further attempt to show that the definition of sound money given by the advocates of sound finance means gold coin and national bank notes." SWAMPED BY A FRESHET. Mountain Cloudbursts in Colorado Derail a Freight Train. Cripple Creek. Col., Aug. 2. A freight train on the Florence and Cripple Creek railroad was caught in a freshet and derailed near Adelaide. A succession of cloud-bursts occurred at the head of Eight Mile creek, about twelve or fifteen miles north of Adel aide. Engineer Ben Gove and Fireman Maurice Lyons saw the water coming down the creek. Lyons managed to escape by climbing up the side of the mountain. Gove is supposed to have been drowned. Brakeman Dolan is known to have lost his life in the water. The flood struck the town of Adelaide, doing great damage. The hotel is said to have been swept away, and Mrs. Carr, Lee Tracey and a man named Watson drowned. Six persons are known to have been drowned at Adelaide, and two others are reported missing. The railroad for ten miles near Wilbur has been washed away. It will be at least a week before the railway can be re paired, 'and the damage is estimated at 5100,000. More destruction is reported at Camp McCourt. Claim for S25.000 Damages. IIoxoi.rLr, July 53. James Durrell, held a prisoner for seven weeks after ii & - ii i , , , . i , j vne ism uuioreaK. nas niea, xnrougn United States Minister Willis, a claim for S23,OOo damages for false imprison ment. Ten Thousand Men Locked Out. Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 2. There were fifty factories represented at the green glas conference yesterday. It was dicided to refuse the demand of the UnitKi Gteen Glass Workers' league for a restoration of the fourteen per cent cut made in 1S94, and to declare a lockout in all union factories, thus throwing out 10,ioo men. Urtre Away Non-Union Men. j Bi vr:rin.TH. W. 'a., Aug. 2. Non . union men are biug forced to leave ' the cal lieM by the strikers who threaten personal violence to those vho won't quit work. FAIR. if 4U- V Settl. Meeting and Endorse the Indian Agent. Bancroft, Neb., August 2. At a meeting at the Omaha agency resolu tions were adopted and accepted by the settlers sustaining Captain Beck in his action and declaring that they have always found him to be honorable and just in what dealings they have had with him. T. R. Ashley of Decatur, a large leaser of Indian lands, was elect ed secretary of the meeting. Mr. Tib bies, chairman of the meeting, then opened the meeting by an informal talk and said that the conduct of Cap tain Beck as agent of the Omahas was just and honorable. He had never heard of any complaints in his neigh borhood by white settlers, and further remarkedthat the Pender people ac cuse the renters of Omaha lands of con spiracy against Pender and its good in terests, which was false in every res pect. He said the renters of the Flour noy lands have been notified time and time again that they are in the wrong. Other renters made speeches, after which the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: First, We whose names are hereunto affixed hold Indian lands upon the Omaha reservation under leases recom mended by Captain Beck, United States Indian agent, and under regulations prescribed by the Indian department at Washington. Second, That many of us prior to the enactment of the law under which said leases are made held private leases with the individual Indians not approved bv the Indian agent, and upon receiving the printed notices which were served to all renters by Captain Beck to vacate the premises or take leases through him under the law of the government and the rules and regulations of the department, at once cancelled our in dividual leases and took leases as di rected by said notice. Third That in the procurement of said leases through Captain Beck we have each received from him courteous, fair, just and honorable treatment, and we can see no reason why the Indians or leasers can complain at the treat ment of Captain Beck. Fourth That so far as our knowl edge extends we know of no complaint from persons holding under leases recommended by Captain Beck, and that complaint only comes from those who are unwilling to take leases under the recommendation of Captain Beck and the laws of the department. SHADY BOND DEALS. Money Used to Secure the Purchase of Some Kansas Securities. Topzka, Kan., Aug. 2. Before the permanent school fund investigation committee yesterday afternoon, N. D. McGinley, for a time bond clerk in the office of the state superintendent of public instruction during the Republi can administration which preceded the Populist rule, and since then agent in the sale of securities, gave sensational testimony concerning negotiations for the sale of bonds of various Western counties,tothe state school fund com missioners. He said that he sold Harper, Hamilton and Wichita county bonds to the Populist board. Tlie Wichita county bonds amounted to 35,000, and it was not until after he had divided his commission with three Populists whom he believed were in the con fidence of the board that he was able to make the sale. Two of the three were O. O. Oshorn, son of R. R. Osborn. secretcry of state (a member of the board), and Grant Gaines, bond clerk and a brother of II. N. Gaines, state superintendent of public instruction (another member of the board). The name of the third person he professed not to know. In all he paid $1,100 to make the Wichita county sale go through. He testified, also, that he paid money to Grant Gaines and O. O. Osborn to help in the sale of the Ham ilton county bonds late in 1894, about which such a scandal was raised at the time. LIONIZING DURRANT. Foolish Women Make a Hero of the Pris oner In San Francisco. Sax Fraxcisco, Aug. 2. Two addi tional jurors were secured yesterday to try Theodore Durrant for the mur der of Blanche Lamont. The third panel of seventy-five names having been exhausted, an order was issued for a venire of 150 new names. The additional jurors secured are M. R. Dempster, a commission merchant.and Nathan Crocker, contractor. Four jurors in all have so far been secured. Counsel for both the prosecution and defense are pleased at the character of the men thus far chosen to try the case. Instead of being driven, as hereto fore, from the county jail to the city hall in the sheriff's private buggy, Durrant was conveyed in the ordinary prison van with the less notable pris oners. He still continues to be the subject of much hero worship. As he was leaving the court room a well dressed and handsome woman rushed toward him with endearing words, and attempted to embrace him. The sheriff protected Durrant from this admirer, and also refuses to deliver the quantities of flowers sent to his cell by strangers. For Kissing Another Man's Wife, Wichita, Kan., Aug. 2. John Pul liam, one of the wealthiest farmers in this county, was arrested to-day on a complaint sworn out by a neighbor, G. W. Wentz, which charges that "on July 30 defendant disturbed his peace by kissing his wife, Martha Wentz, in a loud, boisterous, felonious, malicious and unseemly manner, against the peace and dignity of the state and contrary to the statutes thereof.' NEWS IN BRIEF. Mississippi Populists met at Jackson and nominated a state ticket. Secretary Carlisle will spend part of his vacation sailing on the lakes. Fourteen more negro colonists have reached Eagle Pass from Mexico. The operation of the new mineral law is proving very unsatisfactory. The agricultural department is going . to experiment with flax growing, i Ship registry taxes for lat year were 55-.,-.,,'34, against J12Mn ihe year ; previous. t9W an GHASTLY NAERATIVE A GREWSOME STORY OF SUI CIDE AND SWINDLING. Holmes, tbe Alleged Murderer, Tells of Pletzel's Death He Relates In Detail How the Matter Was Worked Up to Collect the Insurance Money Does Mot Admit that He Was Responsible for Pletzel's Death. The Story Told by Holmes. Philadelphia., July 31. An entirely new statement has just been made by H. H. Holmes, the supposed murderer of the Pietzel children. In it the man of many crimes gives in detail his ver sion of how Pietzel came by his death last September, and also states his (Holmes) connection with the tragedy. Holmes says that on Saturday night preceding the death of Pietzel the lat ter came to his house on North Eleventh street, where he was staying with "Mrs. Howard." Pietzel told Holmes a heartrending story of his pecuniary difficulties and of the sick ness of his daughter in St. Louis. "I must have money," he said, or words to that effect, "to send to my wife in St. Louis." Holmes remonstrated with Pietzel as to his spendthrift habits, and spoke substantially to him as follows: "Then you have been a good friend of mine; I'll admit it. I have made lots of money through you, but I can not keep this thing up. Where is that S50 I gave you the other day? If you don't quit drinking you and I will have to separate." This conversation is said to have been carried on along Eleventh street the men walking north until Morris Btreet was reached. When they ar rived av the corner Pietzel exclaimed: "I am of no benefit to anyone. I will soon get rid of my difficulties. Life has become a nuisance to me."' Holmes then avers that he jokingly remarked: "Well, your body is as good as any other, but I would not advise you to do anything rash." Holmes accounts for making this re mark by saying that he and Pietzel had under consideration the defraud ing of the Fidelity Mutual Insurance company. Holmes says Pietzel then became angry and again vowed that he would commit suicide. Holmes then explains that Pietzel left him with the intention of going home. Holmes says he gave Pietzel no money that night, but promised to meet him at the Callowhill street house the fol lowing morning. It was about 10 o'clock the follow ing day (Sunday), Holmes goes on to say, that he went to visit Pietzel at the Callowhill street house. When he reached the place no one apparently was about. Holmes sat in the kitchen for almost twenty minutes waiting for Pietzel to appear. The latter, Holmes supposed, had gone out for breakfast. Time wore on, and "Ben" wasnot to be seen. The conspirator then says that he became anxious about his friend's whereabouts and began to search the house for Pietzel. "As I arose to go upstairs," says the criminal, "I noticed a note lying on the counter in the front part of the house. It was addressed to me." Then Holmes explains that he opened the note. It directed him to go up to the second floor and to open a closet, in which he would find a large blue bottle containing another letter addressed to him. Holmes fol lowed the directions. He found the note in the bottle as described, and was horrified when he read it. It was from Benjamin Piet zel, and advised that his dead body could be found in the house. The let ter pleaded that Holmes look after rietzel's children and suggested that there would be no difficulty in getting the insurance money from the Fidelity company now that the dead body of Pietzel could be produced in evidence. Holmes then told his friend of the appearance of the corpse, and said he sat in the room with the body for over an hour. He was dazed, and hardly knew what course to pursue. He final ly made up his mind that since Pietzel had taken his life there would be no harm in destroying any evidence of suicide, that he might be able to get the insurance on Pietzel's life without any difficulty. Holmes has confessed that he there upon dragged the dead body to the sec ond floor, laid the corpse on the floor, pried open the mouth of the dead man with a pencil, and poured in a quantity of explosive chemicals. He then, he says, placed a lighted match to the man's mouth when the explo sion which so horribly disfigured the corpse followed. To give the more forcible impression that Pietzel came to his death by an acci dental explosion, Holmes stated to his friend that he got a pipe of Pietzel's, filled it with tobacco, lighted it, and then blew out the flame after the to bacco had been partially consumed and placed the pipe beside the dead man's body. It was nearly 4 o'clock in the after noon before he left the Callowhill street house. He put on a hat of Pietzel's to Dartially conceal his iden tity and placed his hat, which was a felt, under his coat. He and his wife. Holmes alleges, left for Chicago that night. A California Legislator Skips. Saj? Francisco, July 30. H. L. Langenour, a member of the state legislature who disappeared from Woodland last week, after drawing 810,000 from a local bank, is said to have gone to Chicago with a young woman of Sacramento. He was elected to the assembly last fall. - Recenliy he came into possession of a large for tune, but unfortunate business invest ments are said to have involved him. Lived Over Five Score Tears. Burling a mk, Kan., July 30. An drew Franklin, alias Andrew McKee of this city, died this afternoon, aged 105 years. He was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, on December 25, 1791. He was in the war of 11?, Mexican, and 10-64. Mr. Franklin cast hi first vote for James MadUon for president, and has voted at every presidential election since. A Tlfd VWIts Cripple Creek. CnirrLK Cr.n k. Col., July 2. This camp wa visitrd by a flood about 4 o'clock jrterdy afternoon. A sccre of stores were fltHxied. KANSAS INDIANS. They Drive OS a Sheriff and Posse Frm. the Reservation. Tor-EKA, Kan., July 30. Sheriff Nay lor of Jackson county arrived here last evening and reported that he and a posse of deputies, accompanied by Indian police, were driven by fifty armed Pottawatomie Indians from the reservation when they went there to arrest red men for refusing to allow lessees of reservation lands to make hay. It was reported that the sheriff would ask the governor for state troops to aid him in enforcing the law, but . he left this morning without doing so. There is a question about the right of the governor to send state troops to the reservation, as it is under the lurisdiction of the federal courts. The trouble has arisen over a sec tion of reservation land which a partyof white men claim to have leased from the Indian agent. Last Saturday the white men began making hay and an Indian named Matarashan and several others drove them away. Warrants were put in the hands of the Indian police to be served and Sheriff Nay lor and a posse accompanied them. When the party reached the reservation they were met by Matarashan and about fifty followers all heavily armed. They refused to be arrested and the sheriff and party were oblighed to leave. END OF THE SILVER TALK, Messers. Hon and Harvey Wind Vp Their Long Debate. Chicago, July 31. The last day of the Harvey-Horr silver siege opened yesterday afternoon. The day's at tacks were directed at the question of the feasibility of independent action by the United States on the remone tization of silver and its free and un limited coinage at a ratio of J6 to 1 with gold, regardless of the action of other nations. Mr. Harvey argued for such action, Mr. Horr against it. The debate closed by Mr. Horr prestnting Mr. Harvey with two coins of two different metals because Mr. Harvey was a bimetallist. The debat ers then thanked each other for the courteous treatment shown by both and the debate came to an end. It should be said that the attendance at the session of the discussion was by card only and was limited to the ca pacity of the hall, which was about 200. The space was ; generally fully occupied. A WOMAN PUNISHED. s7b.e Recreant Wife of a New Yorker Mobbed on Her Return Home. Watebtowx, N. Y., July 20. Mrs. Hattie Covey, wife of Bert Covey of JayviHe, eloped June 22 with John Kirch, superintendent of a sawmill leaving one child. Saturday night Mrs. Covey returned home. She was told to leave town by the first train Monday morning, and did so, but went to Har risonville for legal advice. Armed with a peace warrant the wo man returned to Jayville where her parents live, and was met at the door by a crowd of men, women and boys, who stripped her of her clothing and beat her so badly that she may die. No arrests have been made. Jayville is a small backwoods village, consisting mostly of huts. NEWS NOTES. Mrs. Wilhelmine Ganz, an aged widow, committed suicide by hanging herself near SS. Peter and Paul's cem etery, St. Louis. The copper output of the United States for 1894 is estimated at 193,000, 000 pounds. Ex-Congressman DeForest says with the financial issue before the people the sound money men can have but one candidate for the presidency President Cleveland. The department of justice had its dignity shocked by numerous applica tions for the place of the late United States Marshal Stowe of the Indian Territory, who died Saturday. Four horses were killed by lightning at Smithton, Mo. Durrant had the production of a play based on the Emanuel church murders enjoined. The courts have given the Topeka Daily Press a chance to settle its diffi culties before appointing a receiver. It comes out now that Stambuloff predicted his death months ago. General Alfaro has fortified the height of Guaranda, Ecuador, and a battle is expected soon. The warehouse of the Bonded SDirit Company at Hamburg was burned, causing a loss of i, 000,000 marks. Citizens of Xevada, Mo., have re fused to grant a bonus to the El Dorado Springs road. Governor Culberson's edict, adverse to pugilistic encounters in the state of Texas, does not seem to have had much effect on the sports, who take a deep interest in pugilism. They all believe implicity in Dan Stuart's ability to bring" off the big fight at Dallas. The Chickamauga Park association has received notice of the contemplated attendance of twenty governors of states with their staffs at the dedica tion, September 18, 19 and 20. J. AV. Wills of Centralia. Mo., was fined $350 and costs for forcing Editor Rodemire of that town to sign a re traction of an article attacking Wills and a Mrs. Sadler. A new bank has been organized at Ilarwood, Vernon county. Ma, with a paid up capital stock of 810,000. The stockholders are some of the most in fluential men of the county. Susie Kiley, an unmarried white woman, was arrested at South McAl ester. In L Ter., for cutting the throti of and burying her new born infant in a cot n field. The free silver Democrats of Aud rain, Buchanan. Clinton and Salice counties, elected delegate to the t'ate convention. Resolutions for free sil ver coinage wr adopted. Ten thousand peop'e at Seattle. Wiih., vrittie"l tb? inauguration! of work on ti-e Lake Wahiu?loa cansL j Goveruo Mc irw, ex 4 remor Nerap e j and othr- nok. The wirk wi'i t M''w)aDJ will le ia prufcrt six, year.