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About Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1895)
I OUEHAJJ i s n ..X H 1LJ VOL. 14, NO. 31. PTjATTS MOUTH. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JULY 25. 181)5. 2l flrt rjnit yeah, pl.Ul IF PAID IN AD VAN CE. F LA TJSMO TH WEEKLY u . - v : X I. t, f BICYCLES DID IT. A Young Lady of This City Becomes Sadly Demented. ATTENDED THE BICYCLE EACES Aud Hit Siii-e Talked of Scarcely Auy thine Hut Bicycles Democratic Count' Conventions Called ."Must lie a ."Mistake. Insane Over Hicycle Kaclnc. Miss Lena Ploeger. a young lady about nineteen years of age, has be come insane, and, from the facts learned, it appears that bicycles are the cause of her insanity. Miss Ploeger is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Ploeger. who reside on Wintersteen hill. The family has lived in Plattsn.outh about twelve years, and have the reputation of be ing respectable German people. Miss Lena was employed all last winter and this spring at Jake Heiurich's restau rant. About a month ago she went to woik for Srttn'l Thomas, a farmer residing on Four Mile creek, west of this city. Last Thursday the Thomas family were in town aud attended the bicycle races at the fair grounds, Mi;s Ploeger accompanied them. Mr. Thomas' son Louie, was one of the participants in the races. It was noticed then that the girl appeared very much excited and nervous, but as she bad never before attended a bicycle race, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas attributed her strange actions to this fact. After the races the Thomas family returned home, and the following day the family became suspicious of the girl, as she acted very strangely. Mrs. Thomas told Lena to peel some onions for dinner ttiat day, and the girl pre pared about ' peck of that vegetable for the noon-day meal. Mrs. Thomas censured her fr this and. the girl be gan cring and said she would go home if scolded again. Shortly afterward, Lena packed up her things and said she was coming to town. Louie Thomas met her as she was starting, and said that he would bring her to town in the buggy if she wanted to go home. Miss I'ioeger was brought to this city and remained home until Sun day afternoon, when she left her par ents and said she was going out to Thomas' again. She was seen in town by heveral people, who noticed her s'range actions. , She invited a re porter for The Jouknal to accom pany her out to Thoinas saying they were going to have a thousand dollars' worth of ice cream. She also wanted the reporter to "take in" the bicycle races at the fair grounds. The Jour nal man thought the girl acted alittle queer, and informed Chief Dunn, who started out to the Thomas farm after her. He found her several miles out and brought Iter to this city, where she was placed in jail in charge of a lady attendant. On Monday the insane commission pronounced the gitl insane, andordered her sent to the asylum at Lincoln. It is a very sad affair, as the girl has always lorne a good reputation, and her friends hope that she may soon lecover her reason. Democrat ! Convention tailed. The democratic committee for Cass county met in Judge Archer's oflice in this citv on Saturday last at tvo o'clock and was called to order by Chairman Archer. - A fair representation was present. It whs determined to hold the dele gate convention at Union on Tuesday, August 20, at 1 o'clock p. m., and the nominating convention in Plattsmouth on S', October 12, the repre sentation to each convention to be one delegate for each twenty votes cast for H.D. Travis for county attorney last year. The August convention is called to select twenty-oue delegates to at tend the state convention to be held at Omaha on '24th of August. Most lie a Mistake. A farmer who was in from Cedar Creek Monday reports that last w eek one day, two men called at a farm house near the Becker school house, nroute home from Plattsmouth and on of them begged some bread and Gutter for the two, sayiug that they were hungry. While they were eating their lunch the woman inquired if they knew anything about the shoot ing affair near Louisville, when the 4nan who had been doing the talking .said: "Yes, I am the man that did the shooting, and they tried to put me in jail for It." The circumstance is the talk of the neighborhood. It is thought the man must be out of his head or extremely stingy. Farmers who are as well fixed as Henry Gable do not generally go about begging bread. Increase in Acreage. Lincoln Journal. The faith of farmers in Nebraska as an agricultural state is shown in the acreage for the year 1894. Reports of county clerks to Auditor Moore are very incomplete, thirty-four counties making ho report whatever on corn, wheat and oats, and a greater number have failed to report on other crops. Improved land is reported at an in crease of 533,429 acres over last year, and the assessed valuation of improved laud showB a corresponding increase of over $400,000. The exact acreage cannot be ob tained. Only tifty-six counties re ported this year, three less than last year, yet an increase is noted in the acreage of almost every product except wheat, which is less than last year. Corn, oats, barley, rye and millet show a large increase. There was no report last year on al falfa, sugar beets or potatoes, but this year a dozen or two counties report an aggregate of 2,269 acres of beets, 4,794 acres or alfalfa and 10,070 acres of potatoes. Hut the most peculiar part of this year's report from the fifty-six counties is a decrease in fruit and forest trees, which is not believed to be true and is accounted for from the fact that some counties which reported last year did not send in returns this year. The increase of grape vines is 111,550. Otoe county reports 11.774 forest trees. A Refractory Prisoner. The Council Bluffs Globe says: 'Sheriff liazen this morning released Anna Wright, placing her in charge of her mother, who resides in the coun try. Anna was recently returned from Mitchelville, where the authorities re ported they were unable to conquer her. She had beeu confined in a cell since the third of July. She had been at the institution since January 27, 1S92, and is now 17. years of age. On the date in question she was corrected for not properly doing the work as signed her in the laundry department. Anna seized the attendant and hurled her half way down the stairs, resulting in one sprained ankle. A second as sistant was seized by the thumb and that member was dislocated. The su perintendent then came to the rescue. Anna tackled him, seizing him by the whiskers, blacking one eye and caus ing his proboscis to lone a large amount of claret. A half-dozen parties then seized and placed her in a cell." A "fiulitfE" Youug Couple. Mr. Horace Howard and Mrs. Ella Delaney came up from Otoe county last Saturday, and made a call at the oifice of Couuty Judge Ransey. When the couple came out of the court house both were in smiles, as the gentleman carried a marriage license in his inside pocket. They proceeded to the office of Justice Archer, and made known to that official their desire to get "hitched." Looking over his glasses, the judge beheld a rural-looking gen tleman and an elderly-appearing lady. That didn't cut much of a figure with his honor, however, and in no time the couple were "jined." Mr. Howard is sixty years of age, while his bride- is thirty-seven, but they were just as happy as though they were "young folks." A DfeHerved Tribute. The Rapid City (S. D.) Daily Jour nal of the 19th inst. says that the funeral of the late Rudolph Schnasse, mention of whose death was made in thes columns, was attended by the largest number of people in the his tory of that town on a like occasion. The members of the fire department attended in a body and friends came many miles to show their sympathy and respect, 'lbe floral offerings were very beautiful and Rev. Haner of the Presbyterian church of that city paid a well-deserved tribute to the memory of the young man. Taken to the Asylum. Miss Lena Ploeger, the young lady who was Monday adjudged insane, was taken up to Lincoln on Tuesda by Sheriff Eikenbary. She was ac companied by her father and mother. A large crowd of curious people were at the depot when the traiu pulled in and Miss Ploeger seemed to recognize her acquaintances and shook hands with them before getting on the train. The unfortunate girl was the object of much sympathy from the crowd. The" Plan Sifter" Hour is tne popular brand. Ask for it from vour grocer. QTRTPTI V 11 IT ,,'jwentback on his part of the agree- 1 Lj I 11 11. ment, and, of course, Holloway got Plattsmouth Wins a Good Share of the Prizes Thursday. BICYCLE MEET A BIG SUCCESS. About Five Hundred I'eople Were In At tendance Attliland'a First Public Speech Doing lu the Dis trict Court Note. The Bicycle Meet No withstanding the threatening weather. Thursday, fully five hundred people attended the first bicycle meet on the local club's new race track. It is said that the number of carriages there exceeded those at either the Omaha or Council Bluffs meets. The high wind that prevailed prevented any records being broken, but the time made in several of the races was very good. Plattsmouth people are very well satisfied with the result of the races, as two first prizes were captured by local riders, while three second and two third aud two fourth prizes were also won by members of the Platts mouth wheel club. Several collisions occurred, in which one or two wheels were badly smashed and the riders considerably shaken up, but no one was seriously injured. J. L. Livesey, the official handi capper of the state, who placed the men in the five mile handicap race, made a big mistake when he gave Car riher 300 yards. Had his handicap been cut down to about 75 yards, the scratch men would have stood some show of winning. Bert Crawford of this city, another 300 yard man, would undoubtedly have finished first in the five-mile handicap race had he not col lided with another rider and lost con siderable time. At the time of the ac cident he wassetting akillingpace for Carriher, and he has demonstrated on several occasions that he could have kept it up until the finish. The following is a summary of the events: One mile, open Ten starters. Ed wood, Omaha, first; Tom Patterson, Piattsmoutb,secoud; Hollo way, Platts mouth, third; Gadke, Omaha, fourth. Time, 2:53 4-5. One mile, novice Seven starters. Crawford, Plattsmouth, first. Clark, Omaha, second; Edwards, Omaha, thiru. Time, 2:4G 2 5. One-third Seven starters. Fredrickson, Omaha, first; Patterson, Plattsmouth, second; Edwood, Omaha, third. Time, 0:4G 1-5. Three mile lap race Four starters. Holloway, Plattsmouth, first; Carriher, Union, second; Fredrickson, Omaha, third; Patterson, l'lattsmouth, fourth. Time, S:40. Roys' two-thirds mile race Four starters. Urown, Omaha. first, Thomas. Plattsmouth, second; Kelly, Omaha, third. Time, 1:39. Five mile, handicap Fifteen starters. Carriher, Union, 300 yards, first; Fredrickson, Omaha, scratch, second; Holloway, l'lattsmouth, scratch, third; Burdick, Omaha, 225 yards, fourth; Crawford, Plattsmouth, 300 yards, fifth; Biown, Omaha, 350 yards, sixth. Time, 12:57. NOTES OF THE MEET. Messrs. C. W. Banning. Lester Stone and W. H. McBride were up from Ne hawka to see the races Thursday. They remained over night. Bert Crawford, the butcher-boy, will make one of the speediest riders in the state. He has only been riding a few month, yet he demonstrated laBt week that he can "trot with the best of 'em." The wheel club should make haste to arrange for another bicycle meet. It's a good thing. It brings to Platts mouth from other parts of the county a splendid class of people, and while here they trade more or less. The merchants of Plattsmouth doubtless realize now that a bicycle meet means an increase of business for that day, and they will need no urging to support such meetings here after by offering liberal prizes. It is reported that Edghill, the Omaha kid who won the big six-day race in the Coliseum last month, "killed" himself, as far as racing is concerned, in his wonderful effort. There are a number of Western Union boys in Omaha who can now beat him. In the five-mile handicap it was un derstood thatFredrickson and Gadke were each to set the pace for one mile, while Holloway would set the pace for three miles. Fredrickson, as usual, the worst of it. In District Court. Judge Chapman Friday morning de cided two important cases. Sometime ago the property of Elias Sage, a fruit farm comprising some twenty-nine acres, was included in the assessments ; for this city. Mr. Sage protested j against this, claiming that his land was outside the city limits, and. there fore, could not be assessed as city property. A verdict was rendered in favor of Mr. Sage. The foreclosure suit of the Platts mouth Building and Loan association vs. John L. Minor, involvingtheMinor property in South Park, was decided in favor of plaintiff. The case of Addison C. Beach vs. Eugene L. Reed, et al, an action for correcting title to some property near Weeping Water, was last Saturday de cided in favor of plaintiff. The attachment and garnishee case of Arthur Murphy, vs. Kilpatrick Bios. & Collins, was decided in plaintiff's favor. Reed. Murdock & Co. vs. August Panska, et al., an action appealed from county court, was decided in tavor of plaintiff. Former Ilatiiituth Girl .Married. The Detroit Free Press of the 21st inst contains the following account of the marriage of a former well-known young lady of this city: "A very quiet wedding occurred at Wyandotte yes terday, the contracting parties being Miss Cora Wayniau. of Wyandotte, and Reuben Daniels, of Ford City, Fa. The wedding occurred shortly before 4 o'clock at the home of the bride's par ents, on Riddle avenue. Rev. G. W. Bloodgood, rector of St. Stephen's Episcopal church, officiated. The room in which the wedding occurred was tastefully decorated with cut flowers and potted plants. The bride was given away by her father, John Way man. She was dressed in a neat fit ting gown of lavendarsilk with French lace trimmings. Mr. Daniels is an engineer in the emplov of the Pitts burg Plate Glass Works. The young couple left for their home in Pittsburg last night." Aftlilnml's Firt I'ublic Speech. During the snmmer of 1S65 Gov. Saunders visited Ashland; and as it was a rare thing for the frontiersmen of those days to see a governor, the people for miles around turned out to make bis acquaintance. As an as semblage of Americans cannot be happy unless they hear a speech, the governor was invited to orate. But here a dilemma presented itself. There was no hotel, house, or oth'er building of sufficient capacity to hold the audience. A happy thonght oc curred to some one. The mill yard was suggested as the place. The gov ernor and his auditors walked down and a rostrum was soon constructed of saw logs, which the speaker mounted, while the audience seated themselves on other logs, and then aud there listened to the first public speech de livnrtd in the town. Summer Breeze. The Indian War lfrln. A special from IWatello, Idaho, in Wednesday morning's pipers says: " The Iudian war has broken out in earnest. Bannock Indians have killed a settler, his wife and child, in the Salt river valley and the white men pursuing the murderers, killed six of the redskins. v "Union Pacific Engineer Robert Fitzpatrick. who pulled the north bound freight into Pocatello at six o'clock last evening, brings the story of the conflict iu the Salt river valley. "The excitement among the settlers in Northwestern Wyoming over the threatened uprising of the Bannock aud Shoshone Indians is growing more intense every day." Redaction In State l-vy. County Clerk Frank Oickson was up to Lincoln Thursday, and while there secured a reduction of the state levy for Cass county, which is appreciated by the tax-payers. Last year the levy was seven mills, and the clerk has secured a reduction of a half mill. This means a reduction of $3,000 for the county this year. The race between Lee Allison's running team and a bicyclist named Thornton was booked to occur at Shen andoah last evening. The distance to be run is ten miles, and the race was undoubtedly a very interesting one. Several people from this city went over yesterday morning, among them being Harvey .Holloway, Sam Patterson and Will Hyers. Subscribe for the Weekly Jo cr-nal-$1 per year, if paid in advance. Democratic County Convention. There will bo a delegate convention of the democrat party of Cass county, held at Union on Tuesday, August 20, 1895, at 1 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of choosing twenty-one delegates to the democratic state convention to be held in Omaha, Nebraska, on August 22, 1895, and to choose delegates to the judicial convention to be called. The primaries will be held in the different waids and precincts at the usual places, on Saturday, August 17, 1S95, at S o'clock p. ni. for the purpose of choosing delegates to the conven tion at Union and also to choose dele gates to a county nominating conven tion to be called later. The basis of representation is one delegate for each twenty votes, or major fraction thereof cast for Harvey D. Travis for county attorney in 1S94, this basis to govern each convention. It is recommended that the delegates present cast the full vote of the ward or precinct and no proxies be allowed. The different wards and precincts are entitled to delegates as follows: Plattsmouth City, 1st (Elmwood 5 ward 4: South Bend 3 Second ward J, Weeping Water i Third ward t Center 5 Fourth ward 5' Louisville 5 Fifth ward a Eight Mile Grove C Weeping Water City lAvoca 5 First ward l'Xehawka 3 Second ward li Mt. Pleasant 4 Third ward ljLiberty 6 Tipton i Plattsmouth 10 Greenwood 3 Rock Mutt's, 1st diet. 4 SaltCreek S Kocfc Blufts, 2d dist. 3 Stove Creek...: 51 M. AucnEK, Chairman. Chas. Grimes, Secretary. AKOUNI) IHK COCTItT KOOMS. A. B. Dickson was appointed ad ministrator of the John Hetrick estate in county court Monday. A. N. Sullivan last Tuesday filed a suit in Justice Archer's court against Julius II. Langhorst for $15 for legal services. Miss Tillie Bauer vs. Geo. L. Metz, a suit to recover the sum of $107.00 alleged to be due for rent was decided in Justice Archer's court Tuesday. Judgment for plaintiff in the sum of $31.40. . Judge - Ramsey issued marriage licenses Tuesday to the follov;ing: Mr. John Knox and Miss Sarah Simpson; Mr. Charles Lovell and Miss Minnie Rauth. The latter couple residesouth of this city. The Denson vs. Denson case has been grinding away all day in county court. The attorneys have been argu ing the matter all day, and are still "at it" as The Journal goes to press. The arguments will brobably be fin ished late this afternoon. Mike Duperella, the insane Polander who was sent up to the asylum from this city a few wpeks ago, escaped from that institution the other night and was found wandering around near Weeping Water Monday. He was placed in jail there and was taken back to Lincoln yesterday afternoon by Sheriff Eikenbary. Sheriff Eikenbary reports that the twelve-year-old boy, Otto Finda, who was taken up to the reform school the other day, is the most delighted in mate of that institution. Military drills are participated in by theloys twice a week, aud Otto was just in time to get into the ranks. It is safe to say the reform school management need have no fears of the boy escaping. He comes nearer enjoying "home" life now than he ever did here. Geo. E. Sayles, the Cedar Creek mer chant, had a little dispute last Satur day with J. F. Barnes, the B. & M. station agent at that place, in which the latter received the worst of it. Barnes came to this city and swore out a warrant for the arrest of Sayles, and Sheriff Eikenbary went out to Cedar Creek on Monday and brought him to this city where he was arraigned before Justice Archer. He decided to plead guilty of assault and battery, and received a fine of $1 aud costs which was paid, and the prisoner re leased. Occasioned No Trouble. Sheriff Eikenbary reports lhat Miss Lena Ploeger,the young lady whom he took to the asylum Tuesday, occas ioned him no trouble whatever. She seemed to think she was going to a bi cycle race, and would nod and speak pleasantly to every one who passed her iu the train. She also gave num erous invitations-to those near her to partakw of some ice cream, saying that she had 10,000 gallons. It is thought that, with proper treatment she will recover her reason. The Weekly Journal will be sent to any postoffice in the United States one year for one dollar, in advance. GUN WAS LOADED. A Boy Nearly Kills a Horse at the Jones Livery Stables. D0NELAN APPOINTED RECEIVER r The Weeping Water liank Squabble De- cided in District Court A Burglar Robs an Elm wood Editor Miscellaneous Affairs. ' I The Gun Was Loaded. Will Carmack, a young lad employed at Jones' livery stable, came near slaughtering a mare Wednesday. He was watering the animal at a trough in the barn and held a 44 calibre Smith & Wesson revolver in his hand. Will was endeavoring to make a trade with the owner of the gun, and wa3 snap ping the hammer, when he noticed several shells in the cylinder. The owner of the gun said they were emp ties, so Will pulled the trigger again. A terrific report followed, and when the smoke had cleared away and the boy had come down from the vicinity of the ceiling the horse that he was watering was lying on the floor. The bullet had entered the neck on one side and passing clear through, had crashed through several board parti tions. The animal was believed to be dead, or dying, by the bystanders, and Will was told to put the poor beast out of its suffering. He had jast cocked the hammer to finish the work, when the horse started to kick and soon jumped upon its feet again. The horse now bids fair to recover and Will is congratulating himself that he will not have to work several weeks without pay. Dr. Barnes cow has the gun locked up, and- young Carmack has lost all desire to trade for a pistol. The Petition Granted. In district court chambers Judge Chapman last Thursday granted the petition filed by J. II. Haldeman and other depositors of the Commercial banh-of Weeping Water, removing the receiver, II. II. Noies, of Beatrice, and appointing John A. Donelan in his stead. The court said that Xoies, it appeared, was actually serving wit h out bond, as he and hi3 bondsmen were practically execution-proof. The court gave Noies fifteen days in which to turn over the property and effects of the bank to his successor, with no power to act in the meantime. The case came here from the supreme court under the old law, which gives the dis trict and supreme court concurrent jurisdiction, on the application of complainants. This decision will be very satisfactory to nearly all the par ties at interest residing in this county, and will compel the delinquents to come to time. A Burglar at Elinuood. A special to the Lincoln Journal from Elmwood says; "Elmwood was visited Tuesday night by a sneak thief who entered the house of Editor A. U. Mayfield of the Echo, securing $10 in money, which belonged to the A. O. U. W. He had two shot-guns within easy reach, but the thief deftly re moved them to the yard, where they were found next morning. Jim Dur bin's house was also entered and his knife, watch and eight cents in money were taken. He also attempted to enter the houses of John Clements, Rev. Campbell, E. M. Jacobs and sev eral others, but was frightened away before securing anything. The man was seen by several persons, and is described as a short, heavy-set man, wearing a straw hat and a black suit of clothes. He is supposed to have been crazy, or he would have known better than to have tried to rob an ed itor and a preacher." Ram Into a Tree. The passenger train on the Lincoln branch of the Missouri Pacific ran into a tree west of Weeping Water Thurs day night, which had been blown across the track during the storm, and escaped any injury save knocking ont seven or eight windows in the rear coach. The passengers therein were badly frightened. The way the pilot of the engine struck the tree was all that saved it from going into the ditch. Nebraska City News. Killed Seven Horses. A special from Elmwood says: "Tay Ri chards, a -farmer living two miles east and four miles north of Elmwood, had seven head of horses killed at ore stroke of lightning Thursday night during a severe thunder shower. Tha horses were turned loose in a pasture." Farm Loans made at lowest rates. T. H. Pollock, over First Nat Jl bank. J h .f h - r I.' t