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About Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1898)
The Semi-Weekly News-Herald PUBLISHED ON TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS ... BY THE . . . NKVVS rUDMSIIING COMPANY, DAILY KUITIOiN. Oim V!ir, in advance W 00 Six Months 2 50 On Week 10 fcinglo Copies, 5 SEMI-WEE KLT EDITION. One Year, in advance II 00 Six Months, 50 T-'-'-p LARGEST GIRGULATION or any Cass County Paper. NOriCK TO TUB PUBLIC. Commencing with Decemher 1 Mr. John E Marshall rnnewa his business relation with TllK NkWS. Having previously been in the employ of The News for several yeara ho needa no introduotion to the business men of Plattamouth. Mr. Marshall will call upon you and is authorized to contract advertising and represent TllK News and any courtesies shown him will be appreciated by the publishers. Asa cattle feeding country Nebraska is the banner state. There are more cittle being fed this winter than ever before. Now thiit thoyhiiipo ne islands ae oura, despite the efforts of Editor Green of the Jcu- nrtl to the contrary, This News would ai-k our neighbors whether they would accept a lucrative otlice in the new possessions. Tilt: crus ido agHinst the . 1890 fake exposition is growing rapidly and now includes nearly every town in the state. Nino out of every ten men op pose it. If tho thing can succeed under such strong opposition it de serves to do so. But it can't. Now we find llichmond, Virginia, full of aspirations to become a ship building center. President Trigg, of the llichmond Locomotive works, se cured contracts for a million dollar's worth of torpedo boats and torpedo boat destroyer,", lie has already or ganized a $300,000 stock company to equip a shipbuilding plant in which to build these vessels, and it is hoped that it will become the nucleus of, a great shipbuilding plant capable of constructing the largest and most powei ful ships of war and of commerce. Editor Kosewatkh of The Bee has been in Washington this week in the interest of the 1890 Omaha expo sition fake, and the Washington dis patches today state that the scheme is looked upon with favor by the official at the national capital. The Bee be ing one of the leading newspapers of the state aud getting its patronage largely from the smaller towns it ap pears to The News that Mr. Rosewa- ter is making a grave mistake by booming a project that will take all the money from the legitimate chan nels of trade. The merchants of every town and city outside of Omaha look with die favo" on the project for an exposition at Om ha next year. Now, THE News will watch with interest the contest between Dive Mercer and his hve coheague9 over an appropria tion that a government exhibit may be maintained at the secoi d exposi- ti on. Dave is a good rounder and stands close to Tom Peed, but the money proposed to be squandered from the pockets of Uncle Sam for the bene fit of Pete Her and bis saloons will bt- dragon's teeth whose progeny will arise to curse the man who helped to send them forth on their mission. The News trusts the iicoming leg islature will organize quickly, repeal a number of obnoxius pop laws, appro priate sufficient funds to maintain the st ite institutions properly the coming two years, pass resolutions requestiug Smythe to recover funds lost to the state by defalcations of pop officials, and especially to require Messrs. Beal and Mutz to disgorge the thous sands of state money drawn by them under the sanction of Holcomb but in defiance of the constitution, and then adjourn within sixty days from the opening day. The people of Nebraska want a business-like management of their affairs in contrast to the hypo critical, hysterical dress parade of Hol comb, Smythe, Jake Wolf and others. The people in the interior of the country are beginning to realize that their interest is just as great, their employment just as extensive, and their prosperity es greatly promoted, in tho construction of our own ships with which to do our carrying, as are the the seaboard cities and people. Shipbuilding is a national industry, the benefit accrues to the people in the. agricultural and mining sections of the countr3r, as much as they do in the manufacturing and sea-washed sections of the nation. And in no na tional industry is this more easily demonstrable than in shipbuilding. The Norsemen who swept all before them in their conquering and uncon quered command of the sea, whose blood still flows through the veins of the hardy followers of the sea, in all of the countries that border on the North Bea and tho Baltic, left their impress more marked and their chief characteristic moro pronounced, among the British Islanders, than elsewhere, and to this may be attrib uted the great qualities which have made Great Britain supreme in the arena of the world for centuries. Let us dwell upon these thoughts, while preparing to in vdo the sea, and to take our pr per rank am ag the na tions of the world, as a maritime power. I IT A LEGAL IlALLOT? . Numerous election contests have been instituted by republican candi dates defeated in the recent election by narrow margins in which the va lidity of tho pictorial ballot is qucs tioned, says the Omaba Bee. In these contests it is urged that the ballot law in force in Nebraska was designed to give and does give undue advantage to the candidate who has his nomina tion certified in the name of two or more parties. Tho official ballot for 1898, while os tensibly presenting the candidates of six different parties, in reality con tained only four tickets, one of them printed three different times under three different headings and the bal lots marked for three pn ties have all been counted as one. Worse than this, ballot marked for three tickets at tho same time have been counted for the fusion candidates even where, as in some it stances, one or two of the columns did not contain all the names in the other. That this is emphatically unfair to the candidate put in nomination by one political patty is manifest to ev eryone, but the injustice is inht rent in the ballot law. VVhi ebuchan odious s y stent should unquestionably be abol ished by the legislature, it-t d f cts a e so giaring that any court would be fully justified in declaring it invalid on the grouud thai it denies the right of every candid te for office to seek the suffrages of the electors on a plane of equality with every othercan didate. Admitting that the present ballot is essential to tho continuance of the fusion agreement, the fusion scheme is such a palpable fraud upon the voters that it can find no legal grounds for its defense. The question whether the present pictorial ballot is a legal ballot in volves therefore more than a legal technicality. It goes to the very root of popular self-government. It calls for the most careful investigation in the light, of all the constitutional guaranties of untrammelled voting and government by majorities and an au thoritative interpretation by the court of last resort, whose decision may oe recognized as final on the subject. A MAl has just been printed by the state board of labor and industrial statistics which is one of the most comprehensive tabulations ever turned out by the labor bureau. It contains figures showing the value of commod ities marketed by each county during the year 1897. The total value ef the surplus is shown to be $140,772,494.42. This report is evidently very distaste ful to the calamity howlers who have always contended thai farming did not pay in Nebraska. The report is a great advertisement for Nebraska's resources. Of ALL the republican aspirants for speaker of the house and president, of the senate there is not one but would m ike able and efficient officers. How ever, our man Pollard is the choice of Cass county republicans for speaker and his chances for securing the cov eted position are good. It is the duty of every citizen to stand up for their home town. The way to do his is to patronize iho home merchants. Platismouth is one of the nest towns in the state and if her peo ple will oull together it can be made still better. It is said that the loss of life in the New Eoylaud coast blizzard exceed the number of Americans killed in the war with Spun. But then the honor was not so great to the New Engl nd states. The Omaha newspapers seem to have the Iock jaw in relation to the 1899 exposition. They are between two fires, as it were. INFORMATION AND OPINION. Boards of education in a number of cities have taken a stand against the plan of raising money among the school children for building monu ments or for other philanthropic pur poses. The schemes presented be came so numerous and caused so much disatisfaction that the authorities fael they must take this position. No doubt the pupils and parents will haartily endorse the 6tand. Aside from the impropriety of making the school a contributor to the various ob jects the taking up of collections is known to have caused much uneasiness of mind and even heartburns among parents and pupils who were not able to give as liberally as others. It is time to quit. Beatrice Express. There was a big cleaning up oi rab bits in the neighborhood of Glenwood, la., last Tuesday, there being a con test between the gun club of that place and a picked up crowd. Two hundred bunnies were slain, the picked crowd getting 125 and gun club seventy-five. A big supper was given at the expense of the latter the following evening. Colonel William J. Bryan has re turned to his regiment at Savannah, after visiting at his home in Lincoln s-inee election day. He has entirely recovered from hia recent attack of fever and is in good spirits. The Falls City Journal has on its regular staff a wood engraver who illustrates articles and advertisements in the paper to good advantage. The J virnal enjoys the distinction of being the only country pa'per in Nebraska which employs an artist in this line. Gaillard Hunt is collecting mate rials for an exhaustive life of General Garfield. He has been cordially fur thered In hia purpose by the widow and children of General Garfield, and hi book will illume much that has been shadowy and mysterious in Gar field's career after he was nominated to tho presidency and up to tho day of his death. A number of democrats of Augusta, Ga., have organized a Roosevelt club, os one of them explained it, "because we admire the man because he wen to the front and fought like a patriot for his flag and for hia country. We admire his bravery, his devotion and his ability." Senator Harris, of tfnneas, attributes the defeat of the popjlist, party in tbHt state to good crop, good prices, pood times generally, nnd a good nntional administration. A p rty that depend. for perpetuity uion the reverse of th-8 conditions is certain y not en titled to ci me t lif- very often. The Japanese census gives 45.000 000 peop!e. The e art- 220 iowi s with v r 11 0,000 people. Tokyo has a p opula tion of 1,300 OnO Y-'hohama ai d Kobe have 18 ,000 and 185,000. All the Nebraska people sincerely sympathize with the blizzai d-hwept and snow-blockaded citizens of New England, New York and Pennslvania. Nebraska ocrafionally has a heavy snowfall and considerable drifting snow, but this state has never had anything approaching this week's ter rible 6torms on the north Atlantic coast. Nebraska has had ten days of sleighing and about the best winter weather any people have ever known, but the people of the east have been compelled to suffer terrible hardships and loss of life. Nebraska occupies tho right and the best place on the map of the world. C. L. Graves' Union Ledger is one of the best local newspapers of the county. Besides running a newspaper Charley practices law on the side. About one-half of the $100,000 need ed for the Waring memoriai has been subscribed in New York. The fund is a fitting tribute to the late Colonel Waring, whose life was devoted to sanitary science. The income of the fund is to be paid to Mrs. Waring and daughter during their lifetime; after that it will be devoted to ''instruction in municipal affairs" in such manner as Columbia college may determine. The ladies of the Presbyterian church aro working actively to make their "Christmas Market" to be held on the 12 and 13 of December a suc cess. A program will be given each evening in connection with the "Mar ket." Teachers Meeting:. The next regular teachers' meeting of the Platismouth district will be held Saturday afternoon, December 10. The following subjects wilt be discussed: Language work in the various grades Mabel Whipple. Uses and peculiarities of the "participle" and the ' infinitive" Claud Palmer. Discussion- Mrs. E. L. Hartman. What is being done in your district in the in terest ot the Pupils Reading Circles? Minute report from teachers prisent. No Humbug. Foley'- H n--y and i'nr does no elaim to perform mi-Hcles. It d-es not claim to cure all cass f c nsump tion or asthma, but P does. ol nm to give contort and relief in dvneed stages of th'-se . disea.-i s and to usually cure ea:lv stages. It is certa nly worth trying by those afflicted t r threatened with these dread diseases. Notice to Taxpayers. The county commissioners will be in session after November 10 until all delinquent taxes in this county are disposed of, Everyone who is back is requested to call at once and make arrangements for a settlement or else the same will be sold. By order oi County Commissioners. A Valuable Prescription. Editor Morrison of Worthingtonv Indiana, Sun, writes: "You have a valuable prescription in electric bit ters, and I can cheerfully recommend it for constipation and sick headache and as a general system tonic it has no equal." Mrs. Annie Stehle, 2025 Cottaee Grove Avenue. Chicago, was all run down, could not eat nor digest food, had a backache which never left her and felt tired and weary, but six bottles of electric bitters restored her health and renewed her strength. Price 50 cents and $1.00 Get a bottle at P. G. Fricke's drug store, ft Dean Guessing Contest. A. Clark, the grocer, hua a jar of beans in his show window and the per son t.Uissing nearest the number of beans contained in the jar will receive as a prize a fine lamp. The contest will close January 1, 1899. Irel. . Morning's bread hereafter may be obtained at Zuckweiler & Lutz, Jona than Hatt's, Dovey's and Fair store. There are few ailmeots so uncom fortable as Diles, but they can easily be cured by using Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment. Relief follows its use, and any one suffering from pi es can not afford to neglect to give it a trial. Price, 50 cents in bottles, tubes 75 cts. F. F. Fricke & Co. The advertising columns of the News show who the live merchants are, and where to e to get bargains in everything1 needed for the family. It will pay you to read them and trade at home. For broken limbs, chilblains, burns. scalds, bruised shins, sore throat, and sores of every kind, apply Dillard's Snow Liniment. It will give immedi ate relief and heal any wound. Price 25 cts and SO cts. F. G. Pricks fc Co. UK WANTS MnKR MOW 1 1 1 J II xui irj iliuiiw iiiuiiiii Samuel J. Kraynbuhl Goes After the Burlington Once Alore. Wants lay Kor Ills Hoy's Services irntll lie Is of Asrt The Case of A. It. Smllh vs. The I'iallsiuoath Water Compa ..y to Be Submitted In Supreme Court Other News of Interest. From Monday's Daily. M. O'Donohoe went out to Central City this morning where he is at'orney for plaintiff gaiust the Burlington railroad It is Samuel J. Kraynbuhl vs. Tho Burlington & Missou i River ra'.lroid, arid it will be remem lured that Matthew Gei ing and M. O'Dono hoe got a judgment to $ j.i 0J g iii st toe company in this cae at Central City last May. The iaint;ffi son lost a foot in the turn-table belong u-r to the Burlington at P.jlmer ana ti e above judgment was for dainag s. K' ayiiliub! now brings suit '-v tli he of the b-'y 's mm v ces r m i h- ti in o' the accident un it ho is twenty one years of aye, whicti w 1 eoe a period of sixteen year-, he being five years, od wtien lht accident happened. M itth. w Gerinf will assist Mr O D.mohoe in the case. Smlih v. the Water Company. Attorney Allen Beeton went to Lin coln this moining and tomorrow will submit the f m us t-aud bar cat-e in the supreme court. Tnis case will he remembered as a very hotly contested one and was tried in the district court here in 1S95, the title of which was A. B. Smith vs. The Plattsmoutb Water company. Smith sought to enjoin the water company from getting its t-upply of water by running pipes through his land and changing the course of a stream, but after an exciting contest resulted in a victory for the company. The case was taken to the supreme court and the decision in the latter tribunal will be awaited with interest. Church Rededicated. , There werequite interesting services held at the German Presbyterian chuich Sunday, the occasion being the reded ication of thechurch and whut is known as missionary fe ist. The dedication services were held in the ; morning and the missionary services in the afternoon iind evening, the lal- j ter beiug devoted to home and foreign , missions and earnest end interesting talks were given on them. j Rev. Ratz was 'assisted by Rev. j Daniel Grieder of Omiha, Rev. J. ! Bantley of Hick d Rev. A. C. Stark of Habtings. Rev. Grieder will j be remembered hy Platt&mon: h peo- j pie, having served the chuich here j one year, ine services were aivenaea by large congregations. A critical"time During the Battle of Santiago. SICK OR WELL, A RUSH NIGHT AND DAY. riir l'arkf th Mr t h- ICmiiI- of Sh 1. 1 in go le Cuba were nil II-r-n. Ttfir H nnc Kf fitrt In Getting Ammunition and Ital Iim to the Front Saved Ihf Day P. E. Rutler. of pac t ain No. 3, writing f om S-inti.-'Uo de ('ua. on Jui -3, sny-- "We all h d hoea in more l-!s violent form, nnd when we landed we hal no time to see a doctor, for it ws a c ise of rush nnd rush night and day to keep ttie troops supplied with amunition and rations, but. thanks to Chamberlain's Colic, Ch 'leia mid Diarrhoea R -medv, we were able to keep at, work and keep our health; in fact, I sineerly believe that at owe critical time this medicine was the indirect savior of our army, for if the packers had been unable to work there would hive been no way of getting supplies to the front. There were no roads that a wagon train could use. My comrade and myself hud the good fortune to lay in a sup ply of tnis medicine for our pMck-train before we left Tampa, and I know in four cases it absolutely saved life." The above letter was written to the manufacturers of this medicine, the Chamberlain Medicine Co., De Moins, Iowa. For sale by all druggists. Conflagration Narrowly Averted. Early this morning Fred Muster, who acts as bar tender in F. G. Ezen berger's saloon, attempted to light the gasoline burner which is used 1o heat a water tank, when the fluid caught fire in tome manner and the flames shot up the wall Betting fire to everything hanging on the wall, among which was his license. The flames were extinguished by throwing an. overcoat around the burner, but the coat was bndly used up. Insure in the German American. Fred Ebinjrer, Auent. N&W : ftDVkRTlS&M&iHTS. riTi;WivT fails to Restore Graj te,jV5 lilt? to iti Youthful Color. JAMES W. SAGE, THE Leading Liveryman. r tc be3t of rigs furnished at alt hour 'and liis prices are always reasonable. Themost convenient boarding stable for far mers In tha cltv. NEB IfLATrSMDUTH i. o you ....If you do, we can do nothing for you, but we can pave the way whereby you can fjain a portion of it. lYal the remainder of this "ad," take advantage of our reduced prices this fall and save from $1.00 to $20.00 on your purchases. Then put out at compound interest what you have, saved and buy a quarter section of land in a few years. We are jinr to jrive you 25 per cent, off on all floods you purchase of us between Dec. 1 and Jan. 1. We are tfoiii"; to ;ivc a Sterling Silver Thimble to every lady making a cash purchase of $1.00 or more. We can show you the best selected line of Holiday Goods to be found in the county. We are prepared to offer you articles ranin in price from 25c to SHM.OM, all of which "would make suitable Christmas (lifts. Take advantage of our prices and befriend your pocket-book. Jno. T. Coleman, t'lf THE JEWELER. PLATTSMOUTH. Go to tho Drug Store of A. W. ATWOOD, (Successor to Smith & Parniule) for P-iro Drugs, Patent Medicines, Stationery and Cigars, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dyes, Paint, Hair and Tootli Brushes, Toilet Articles, l'ei fumery. Soaps, Sponges, ;uid all Varieties of Druggists' Sundries. Window Glass and Wall Paper, Humphrey's, Lu tie's and Munion's Hoinoer-p-ith ic Remedies, Pure California Wices and Liquors or Medicinal uses. Id fr.ct, everything usually kept for Sale in first-clas! Drug Stores. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. South Side Main Street, Platismouth, Neb. COCOA and CtlOCOLflTES I FOR EATING. DRINKING, i. CODKIMO. BAKING a? Vli', (V SjA J . Nn A)v-fm ti. Purify of Material and V j i I I JU. J jjl Celicioasness "flarerl'nwcelled. vv V.' TOR SALE AT CUR STORES AND BY NxV"- W . S- CRUCERS Wliselef & Wilson Sewing Machine Rotary Motion acd Ball Bearings FiRST- MATiONAL BANK OF VL TT'GUTI1, XEB. PAID UP CAPITAL, SSO.OOO Offers the very best facilities lor the ' prompt transaction, of Legitini3te Banking Business. TOCKS, boads, irold. government :md lot a', securities oouzht and soM. Deuosits re ceived and interest allowed on the certti ctttes. Drafts ttrawn, available Id any part of the U. S. ani all the principle towns of Europe. Collection made and promptly remitted Highest market price paid for county warrants, state and county bonds. DIRECTORS: H. N. Dovey, D. Hawksworth. S. Waugh, F. E. White. G. E. Dovey. Geo. E. Dovey, Pres., S. Waugh, Cashier. H. N. Dovev. Csfur. The NEWS i3ch is U e bo-t equipped iob oCS. e n Cascoutnv. First ciass 0 ! work dona on short nouoe. 7- vt- -..a j.- . s -i ' Al Sc BEST frlWN Warn, tiis Earth? Special Announcement ON DW0T6 The Larger Stock in the City. We havo a largo assortment of the met beautiful Iirnpn that money will buy, at half the price paid last year. Also a fine line of J irdiniers wo aro displaying in our window. We sell them at very low prices. Flower Pots of all Sizes. What we consider would make a present most acceptable or anybody is one of -our finely decorated Chamber Sets. Prices range from S.'J.OO upwards. Grcceries-Don't Fcrget us When it Com?s to Them We havo as fine a line of d id fruits as you ever i-,uw. Also all the best br uifls of e-.nne l fruits ai d vegitablei. A few specials are: Libbv's Mineo M a', Ma In S.y r u p. Sweet a-d S uf Pickle-, D.u, C !- and Wo invite your .atr nag'. BENNETT & TUTT, No '04 Main stiuskt No Cheap Goods No shi.d'ly v-rtrc, which wo aro rn irking 'Spocia' Low P' ice-;. ;' Yve n :ve it. tin-. m-r:antil3 bu-iness in I'lattsmo'Jlb fr tho oasv two.ity- -ight yiarr and have established a reputation for.... The Best Goods at ti:e.. ..Lovsst Possible Prices. This is our motto, our invariable rule, and we do not propo-tj to depart from it now. Our Spring r-tock is larger and more com plete this year than ever. We are so'f? wrents in Plntt rnouthfor the celebrated "Black Cat" brand Triple Knee Stock in 3. Come in and see us will treat you rijrht. and DRY GOODS AVD CttOCETtlJSS J3ettei rJTIai J:Cvei. Oi OOVOO( S. E.HALL ..HAVE THE ONLY.. Stove for Early Autumn, As well as winter, Weather, the work. A full line of all Hardware. in Work and Roofing A Specialty. Our Low Prices have built up a jood trade, which we will maintain by continuing the same. 'Remember the place. . . . - S. E. HALL & SON, ..Practical Tinsmiths.. South Sixth Street, - - Plattsmouth, Neb. PP JU Pi. A TTS MOUTH, N l.U It A K A. TV 1RIPLE father Stocking rfffix 0 XWti Make -Ati) 'Li ZiVW 1- M'l'T.. - :a5 )OoOO ' I It's Cheap and does kinds of Stoves and "a . , . . SON