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About Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1898)
ELY New lAEE ELAJLD H JLLd LVJL JL THK NF.vs. F.Ktablnl.rd Nov.MMO ' ConHolldated THK MKUALI, hMtublihliuU April It). I I Jan. 1. lHWi. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB.. DECKMIJKU 2. 1808. VOL VIII. NO.. as2 ONLY A FEW WORDS. THE MORE YOU SAY, THE LESS PEOPLE REMEMBER. JOE & FRANK, The People's Clothiers, Will sell Overcoats, Suits, Underwear, Shirts, Ties, Hats and Caps at Prices that no other house in America can beat. Please step in and take a look at our Stock and Prices before you buy. Have you seen our 50c All Wool Fleece-Li n ed U nderwear ? JOB & FRANK, Waterman block, - Plattsmouth, Neb SEE ipn -m irn rn rD nr rcn rsi rcn rsi fSl Irl frl TtpI rrFr3fi3lr3fi3fr3lSrr3rni l(HJ llllllllgLiLllillLlLllt.llJtli II ii "- I !fil nr ri ri r7n r?51 i7n rfl ITS fr3 173 fi3 frelff2ff3fiHf3Ir3.lMI iUU i'"n"w-i''i'--ii. ii iiii - '-t' 1 1 Geriny & Co.. Have an Elegant new line of Jf all Paper, in all the late pat terns. It will pay you to go where yon have a hg line to se lect from one that's new. GERING & CO. Carry a stock of awfully cheap Blank Books. They have the best Hritiiiff Tablet in the city for 5 cents. GERING & CO. Are the only people in Platts mouth who carry an assortment of Lowney's unrivaled Chocolates and Allegretti's Creams and Choc olate confectionery. GERING & CO. Have a Compound Syrup of Tar and irild Cherry that ought to be in every household, to cure bad colds and lung trouble before seri ous complications arise from de lay. Many a doctor bill might be saved if 3 cm kept our Tar and Wild Cherry Compound in the house. 9 t t f ? Gering & Co., Dx-irivo-ists and Stationers, North Si'de Main Street, PLATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA. T THE LEADERS (5ILLETT JNTIIE TOILS Kansas "Cattle King" Reported to Have Been Captured. IN THE GROCERY TRADE ARE A. H. WECKBACH & CO. mhpv .n.N,t tKa inr.TP. anrt m3t comnlete line in Cass county. Every - tiiLi tti i j vnu r 1 ui- f-ov. h npu: Thflv n.iv cash for our sroods and eive their custo ..nonta.Ta of anftial discounts. A comolete line of canned xroods JIUrS LUO llUOUj,v v w K w r ways in stock. The only place ia the city where you can pet all kinds of -gsh Cheese. Call ana see u. L H. WECKBACH & . Waterman Blk. Was Carry In a Ur( Amount of Money When Captured Shafter U Greatly Annoyed Over Sampson's Keport Oos Not Care to Kciorrect the Controversy Other News of Interest. Kansas City. Dec. 1. It was ru mored at the stock yards this afternoon that Grant C. Gillett, the absconding cattle kins, had been captured in Mexico and $100,000 in cash recovered. The report is generally discredited. Charles A. Shaeffer, president 01 the F. George Holmes Commission a. 1 . coin p iny, swore out a warrant neru to day charging Gillett with having ob tained $19,500 by false pretenses, xoe warrant was placed in the bands oi an oflicer and the latter left the city to night. M. A. Fike, attorney for the Holmes company, tonight made this statement: 'Gillett is under arrert in Mexico. Anomcerhas gone for him and we will get him back, we hope, at a very early date." Id other quarters it is stated aimo&i ... . i Ml. I f in a positively mat uuieu ia ku " Mexico, but that he is in custody on American soil, that he has a large sum of money in his possession and that his captors are negotiating with his creditors here to exact a stated percentage of the money as their price for turning Gillett and the funds over to his creditors. It was stated quite positively her tonight that Gillett was under arrost at Chihauhau, Mex., but the state ment could not be confirmed and at a lato hour the Journal received a dis patch from Jefe Politico, published at Chihauhau, stating that so far as known Gillett was not in custody there. Ueneral Shatter Is Annoyed. New York, Dec. 1. General W. R, Shafter was today shown a copy oi Admiral Sampson's report on the op erations of the United States fleet at Santiago after the destruction of the Spanish fleet, in which the admiral denounced the suggestions which he attributed to General Shafter, that the navy was unwilliDg to assist the A.Antf-k t Via army in lorcing an euirnum u ." harbor. General Shafter did not conceal the fact that Admiral Sampson's criticisms annoyed him greatly. "This controversy has been iougni over before." he said. "The records sneak for themselves. My letters and disnatches to Admiral Sampson as toll the storv. I HUU - have nothing to add to them. The treneral went over the news nanor svnoosis of the Admiral's report i i and pointed out that the correspond ence given therein showed that he hH pannaatad Admiral Sampson to send a representative to tne cere monies of the surrender of Santiago .nri that. Via did not siffn the terms of surrender himself. "As I did not sign them," he said, I certainly would not consent for Ad miral Sampson to do so," INVESTIGATORS RETURN HOME. Their Experience With Witnesses Is of an Unsatisfactory Nature. Washington, Dec. I. A majority of the War Investigating commission arrived here today after a visit to New York and Boston. Ex-Governor Woodburv and Dr. Conner were left to conclude the work in Boston. The commission will resume its sittings here tomorrow. The commissioners are anxious to . I secure a statement irom uenerm Brooke covering his connection with the Chickamauga Park camp and they are hopeful that he will return to this country to testify. The returning members report that it was very dim- cult to secure witnesses in either New York or Boston, the persons summoned generally manifesting a disposition not to press charges. Rostom. Dec. 1. The hearing of tbe War Investigation board was con tinued today. Dr. Edward H. Brad ford of Boston, who superintended the landing of troops brought to Boston by the vessels of the Volunteer Aid asso ciation, was questioned about the case f Lieutenant Tiffany, it appeared io be the doctor's opinion that had Lieu tenant Tiffany been sent to a pospital instead of being given in care oi hia friends his life might have been saved. Being an oflicer and on a furlough when he reached Boston, Lieutenant Tiffany was not subject to orders by r. Bradford. Mason Deuies the Charge W. G. Mason, the nlht operator at Julian, writes and complains about un Item than appeared in The News of the 1st inst, in which it saya that he had "a fighting jag on." He denies that he was drinking and says tnat he had just grounds for the trouble that he got into and was compelled to interview ih police judge. The News does not know that Mr. Mason was drinking, what led up to the trouble or why he pleaded guilty and paid a fine. The News is pleased to make any correction at any time for Mr. Mason or anyone else that may feel that it has stated other than facts. Nebraska City News. lOO for Letters About Nebraska. The Burlington Route (II. & M. R. It.) offers thirteen prizes ranging from $5 to $25, and aggregating one hundred dollars for thirteen letters, which, in the opinion of a competent committee, are best calculated to en courage immigration eo Nebraska. Every contestant, whether or not his cotribution is awarded a prize, will receive the "Corn Belt," a hand- nome sixteen-page monthly publica tion, for six months, freo of charge. The contest is open to all. Details can bo obtained by addressing J. Francis, G. P. A., Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb. The new millinery store in the Union block, under Miss Tucker's management, is up to date. Don't fail to call. ' Something to Depend Un. Mr. James Jones, of the drug firm of Jones & Son. Cowdeu, 111., in speak ing of Dr. King's New Discovery, says that last winter h's wife was attacked with la grippe, and her case grew so serious that physicians atCowden and Pana could do nothing for her. It seemed to develop . into hasty con sumption. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in store, and eelling lots of it. he took a botte home, and to the surprise of all she began to get better from first dose, and half dozen dollar bottles cured her sound and well. Dr. Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds is guaran teed to do this good work, lry it. Free trial bottles at F. G. Fricke's drug store. 5 A Correction. The "ad" of Bennett & Tutt which appeared in The News a few days ago gave 56c the price potatoes, when it should have been 45c. They still have potatoes for sale at the latter price. The Pearl Steam Laundry is cen trally located, and, while we have not imported any experts from the Philip pines, yet we will warrant all work first-class. Give the Pearl, under the new management, a trial and you will be pleased with the result. Geo. K. Staats, Manager. TO CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine haB L. B. Q. on each tablet Bread. Morning's bread hereafter may be obtained at Zuckweiler & Lutz, Jona than Hatt's, Dovey's and Fair store. How to Prevent a Cold. After exposure, or when you feel a cold coming on, take a dose of Foley's Honey and Tar. It never fails. K G. Fricke & Co. Oysters! Oysters! Bythsthecan, or served in any style at Schiappaasse's. Ton Can't Afford to Chance It. A heavy cold may lead to pneumonia or consumption. Foley's Honey and Tar taken in time afiords perfect se curity from serious . results. F. G. Fricke & Co. Those wishing hair chains or hair wo.k of any kind done, will please lAave their orders with Miss Adams at Dovevr store. Mrs. A. h. knee. Di W Populist Brines Contest. Beatrice, Neb.. Dec. 1. Captain H. Ashby, populist, has begun con- i.:t. nrrvBPil intra against W. E. Chit- )rHon republican member-elect of the legislature. Ashby makes the, nf hia contest th claim that Chittenden had not resigned his seat in the legislature when he was candi date for re-election and that therefore he was not a legal nominee. Deposi tions in the contest are being taken in Judee Enlow's court for the purpose of ma iri nor mfiord on which to go be- lore the legislature. M Title's Attention. Business meeting of the castle will be held at Dr. Cook's office Friday evening at 8 o'loclc. Hy order oi ite gent. TTTTTTTTTTTT ntTTTITtHTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT A. ii Up 'to -Date Meat Market Where everything is nice and clean M. and a full line of Fresh Meats is car 9t ried in stock, is the place to do your buying. Such a place is the Excelsior Meat Market M. L. JOHNSON. PROP. He Is a butcher who has had much experience in purchasing meat and he buys only the best... Bulk Oysters, Game and Fish In Season.. .. Try Him For Holiday Meats. An Elegant Line of Millinery NEWEST STYLES IK Dress Hats, Street Hats, Ostrich and Coque Feathers, Up-to-Date Ornaments. Special attention is called to our It of Every Shade, and in Plaids and Polka Dot. for Millinery and Dress Trimmings. MRS. 0. F. UTTERBACK, User Cas ffsuty, Plattsmsuth. Neb smnmmmmmmmmn m m ,mmmmrommmmm wn& I E. 6. DOVeil k SO I The licst (iooils Arc ihc 9 Cheapest. You cannot go to the Omaha Exposition any more, so spend your time with us. We have the Greatest tix- 5 position of... Seasonable Dry EVER BROUGHT TO PLATTSMOUTH. Good s Special Sale on Dress Goods.. ...I5c, 19c, 29c, 35c and 39c. See our New Black Crepons, at one-half Omaha Prices. New Silks, EE New Dress Goods, E New Trimmings, r New Flannelette Wrappers h HHMMHMBBHBaMVssMssMSiBMMMSssaasBBBHSi) E Have you seen our Line of... S Fur Collarettes, from $2.75 up. Xpeinl jor 1110ic ir'nli its uid (c calui' ' '. JTc cannot (ijj'ord In -lead our jalrons. I!ren; hodij knows irlnit kiml (j ood s ire sell. -(S --o - . a Muffs and Fur Trimmings, .... Most selection in town New Hosiery. Underwear, In Cotton and Wool Union Suits Cotton Blankets, :::, is-, .':, 7'.- Cotton Flannel, ... For in i 1 1 1 11 v I Outing Flannels, 5c. Get a new Oilcloth and Binding for your Stoves.. Best selection in town from lirc up SF Get our Prices on CARPETS... All wool, 50c. Best Extra-super 2-ply all-wool (;arpt nui.le U,r :- . T?...wv,la Mnnnollps Avminstftr iind Velvet f'arpots. Tlicy an- !,. :inin :.!! s-. than last year no advance on our poods. C: Get our Prices on all kinds of Shoes... The Best and Largest assortment of Shoes and warm s.ipperr- v." dav v.-r ' Tablets and Pencils FHKH with School Shoes. 5F Don't fail to see our new stock of Lamps (w. i n,,. 1 jgi--Affents for Butterick Patterns, Gage Down Corsets and I'.udd's B;i.y Sl.o . -M m m m m m m m m m m m m m m School Shoes Good and Cheap. m look: out m m m m m m m m m m m ii m That your children are well shod, for it might save DIPH THERIA entering your family. Dry feet save Doctor bills. BEWARE that you are not BAMBOOZLED again and buy your Shoed at the Old Roliable Regular Shoe Store. THE TIME IS NEAR when we will have wet, sloppy weather and that's what tests a shoe, so be careful you don't get 'em with paper insoles and counters or they will surely collapse. Take our advice, let us help you select you shoe and you will come out winner. WE'VE GOT 'EM! What? Why, SCHOOL SHOES, of course GOOD AND STRONG at 95c, $1.00, $1.10, $1.25, $1.35 and $1.50. In all shapes, styles and varieties of leather and warranted to be SOLID LEATHER throughout and sewed up FREE OF CHARGE should they ever rip. We have a CURIOSITY in shape of a SEAMLESS SHOE for YOUTH'S, BOYS and MEN which can NEVER RIP. SEE 'EM. REPAIRING. 121 0 lei! m el, m led. RO SHERWOOD FOOT MILLINER m m. H m 0 m. w 0 m 0 0 0 0 Plattsmouth Coal Yard IS THE PLACE TO BUY HARD COAL, CANON CITY, SOFT COAL ALL GRADES OF WOOD. Hay, Corn, Oats and all Kinds of Feed Constantly on Hand. EGENBERGER & TROOP, THIRD AND MAIN-STS. FURNITURE and UN DERTAKING House Furnishings. STOVES, RANGES. Our stock Is oomplete In all Hues and we iDTite our friends to look It over. We will endearor to please you. Call and see us. STREIGHT & SATTLER, (Successors to Hetry Boeok. ) PLATTSMOUTH NEB HARVEY HOLLOWAY Con t ru clor J3uilclci Contracts taken tt tf e v.c.X. -n .1 K-.-.i-Jcu-.t- Barns and any k:n-i cf cart;tL.ii-r wr, in anv part of the county. C:!1 u:i or aJJrc HARVEY HOLLOWAY, rutomoiilh. St-h THE PERKINS HOUSI F. R. GUTHMANK, Prop. Rates $1 and $1.50 cer Day Centrally Located and Com fortably Furniebed. PLATTSMOUTH, - - XE1J