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About Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1898)
TEMIW TT" ELY PLATTSMOUTH, NKB.. KM IlKll !). 1S)8. VOL. VI II. NO. 10. THK NRWS RHtatitdhnd Nor. ft. IMI. 'consolidated Jan. 1.181)5. THE MKItALO, hMtabliHlitMl April 10. 1GL 1 n n I H a I. to -n -Aw gmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmg 1 Everything New j" ..Nothing Carried Over, fm K. FOX has one of the most : complete stocks of Holiday Goods ZZZ ever shown in Plattsmouth. His store is new and you run no chance ZZZ of getting last year's goods. He has Holiday Goods of every de 5 scription, for both young and old p and... i His Prices 2 Are Reasonable 2 If you cannot be suited here, it is useless to look elsewhere, as the mZ stock is complete. Here are a few appropriate... Christmas g: HJlllOteo Books, Doll Heads, Doll Bodies, Chinaware, Wagons, Sleds, Dolls and Doll Furniture, Albums, Photograph Kodak Autograph, rr: Medallions, Toys, Fancy Candies, ST: Bibles and Testaments, ZZ: Prayer Books, Episcopal and Catholic. , g: Ladies' and Gents' Pocketbooks, Cyclone Cameras, Magazine Cameras holding- 12 plates, p Christmas Cards, Fancy Vases, Picture Frames, Games, There are many other articles not 5 enumerated here. Call and look 5 over the stock. We will treat you fair,'' both in quality of goods and prices. . k. fox. i ST 418 Main Street, PLATTSMOUTH iiiiiiiUaiuiuimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUUiaiUi w SB ONLY A FEW WOEDS. THE MORE YOU SAY, THE LESS PEOPLE REMEMBER. JOE & FRANK, The People's Clothiers, Will sell Overcoats, Suits, Underwear, Shirts, Ties, Hats and Caps at Prices that no other house in America can beat. Please step in and take a look at our Stock and Prices before you buy. Have you seen our 50c All Wool Fleece-Lined Underwear? JOE & FRANK, Waterman block, - Plattsmouth, Neb TO BRING GILUffT BACK Kansas Cattle Plunger Will Have to Face the Music Governor of Mexico For Hi Return to Knnsna Kegarillraa of the Kxtradi tton Uwi-Utath of a Recluse at St. Joe Who la Thought to Have Kenidett Here at Oue Time Other New. Denver. 9qc. 8. A special to tho News from Las Vegas. N. M , says: D. II. Howard, a catt'.e dealer ol Abilene, Kan., who ia $40,000 short on Gillett. the Kansas plunder, passed through Las Vegas this morning en route from Mexico to Topeka, where he will ask the governor to issue rcquisi ion pa per J for the transfer of Gillett Into the custody of the Kansas state authorities. Howard and two detectives have been on Gillett'a trull for ten days. They dibcovered his whereabouts in Chihuahua City. With him is the Fort Worth attorney, Troxall, who helped him in his flight. G.llett would have been promptly arrested but for the defective extradi tion laws. It was considered best to leave the two detectives to shadow them until such time as matters could be arranged to capture and extradite him without the possibility of a hitch in the proceedings. Governor Ahu- ma da was called upon. Howard says the governor treated him most kindly and after hearing hi9 statement and the story of Gillett's conduct very strongly intimated that, notwithstand ing the extradition law9, properly executed legal documents on behalf 01 the American authorities would letch Gillett back to Kansr.s. Lonely Death of Reclame. St. Joseph, Mo. , Dec. 8. William Owens, who came here from Omaha three years ago, lies dead at the morgue in this city, and if his body is not claimed soon it will be given to a medical college for dissection. He had a large sum of money at the time of his death, but it cannot be found. I Owens was 50 years old and a recluse. He lived alone in a lodging bouse while he was in this city and was found dying there by the city physician. He said he had.sold a farm in JNebras-Ka before he came. here and had several thousand dollars at the same time. Since he died the bank9 have been searched but the money cannot be found. Owen said he had two broth ers in this state and one in Iowa, but would not give.their address. A man by the name of William Owens at one time resided out on the Platte bottom, leaving here about ten years ago and those who remember him think it probable that he is the man whose death ia mentioned in the above telegram. He had a brother in the employ of the Burlington as engi neer at the same time. First Special Pension Kills. Washington. Dec. 8. The first of the sjecial pension bills growing out of the Spanish-American war to be in troduced at the present session is that of Representative Gillett of Massachu- seeta to pension the widow of Captain Dickinson, Seventeenth United States infantry, mortally wounded during the fight at El Caney on July 1 last. Other bills of this character coming over from last session are those to pen sion the mother of W7orth tsagley, tne naval ensign, who lost his life on the torpedo boat Winslow during- the bombardment of Cardenas, and to pen sion tha widow of Captain Gridley, commanding Admiral Dewey's nag- ship Olympia, during the battle of Manila. All bills relating to the Spanish- American war goes to the pensions committee, as the committee on in valid pensions which handles the great bulk of pension affairs, is re stricted to the civil, war. Chairman Rav of the committee on invalid pen sions said today that he did not look for any general pension legislation growing out of the recent war. Floor Trust Not Complete. New Yobk, Dec. 8. The Times tomorrow will sav: Thamas Mclntyre of the Arm of Mclntyre & Ward well returned from Europe by the steam ship Majestic yesterday. Mr. Mcln tyre tacitly admitted that his mission abroad was to. endeavor to effect a consolidation of the milling interests. He declined positively to make a statement as to his success or failure or to endorse assertions made in this regard by friends or others. Some insisted that if Mr. Mclntyre had gained his point with the English shareholders of the Pillsbury-Wash burn company he would hasten to an nounce it. Others said that it was a significant fact that members of Mr. Mclntvre's firm 6aid on Wednesday that he had not by cable informed them if he had been successful and that no word had come from the Pills-bury- Washburn people. if he carries his plan tnrough be will unite interests which have a daily output of 95,000 barrels of flour and which in the twentv-four hours use up 600,000 bushels of grain. The capital ization of the concerns is over SoO, 000,000. Health of Troops Improves. Washington, Dec, 8. A most gratifying improvement in the health 'of toe troops stationed in Cuba and ' Porto Rico is exhibited by the reports to tha war department from tha com j matiding cflhrera. The Ions? dally li-ita of sick and defeased soldiers have, shrunken and are nrnc-tim- enlhely missing. It is ror o'ted tul iy from General Henry at San .luaii that then; have been no deaths uii t i'.her I). "com ber 6 or December 7 a'n'mg t Ix' Unite! States troops it Porto Rico. R. p v from tho troops ntS-intiago :ie almost as encouraging nnd even in tlm Philip pines the conditions havo materi Uy improved. AVIll Hut DIhcunm th. War. Washington, Do". 7. D 'iimcrai ie leaders in the liouso of represent. iti vc s.tid today that th; urgoncy deficiency bill, which comes up tomorrow, would not be tho text for anv coiioorted dis cussion of th-3 war. R Mircs-entntive Silvers of Texas, the ranking demo cratic member of tho appropriations committee, t-ays he framed the bill and will help to p ips it. Representa tive Uailey says any di cus-ion on ti e conduct of tho war wou.d more prop erly corao later on the proposition t increase the regular :w try. A t cmiplete Surprint-. From Wednesday's Daily One of the m j-t complete turpri-es of the soason was that given Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson at their pleasant home on North Seventh street last evening. A party was planned iy Mrs. Johnson's lady friei ds for her birthday, which occurred about two weeks ago, but owing to the sevoie snow storm was oeJerred uiun iasi evening. The crowd luet at the home of Mrs. McElwain's and went to Mrs Johm-on's in a body. They orried well-filled baskets and during the evening an elegant lunch was spread. Mrs. Johnson was the recipient of a beautiful iardineer as a token of the esteem in which she is held. Ii---v. K. M. Dungan presented it to her in n nice speech and Mrs. Johnson accepted in a few well chosen words. The evening was most pleas in tly spent in social conversation, there being in attendance a largo number of pioneer citizens. The following were among those in attendance: Messrs. and Mesdames J. W. Bridge, H. J. Streight, If.. M. Dungun, A. R. Todd, Longenhagen, D. R. Welunan, Frank Boyd, Chas.IIiatt, R 1). Blunt, Mesdames McEiwain, W. M. Turner, A. Stultz.Schultz, Vermilyea, Sehildk neet, Lloyd, Lake, Thrasher, Mc MakeD, Morrow, Melvin, Dodge, L. B. Egenberger, Grey, M. A. Dicksen, Barstow, Forbes and Rnzzell. Chinese Lily bulbs, and other bulbs for sale cheap right now at L. A. Moore's green house. Ilis fine chris anthemns are coming on nicely, .and will be worth going miles to &ee. In biliousness, Herbine, by expell ing from the body the excess of i.ile and acids, improves iho assimiiati ve processes, puriSes the blood, and tone. up and strengthens the entire system. Price 50 cts. F. G. Fric'ie & Co. There's no better hour made than ETe.isel's "Plansifter," manufactured in this city. Ask your grocer for it, and thereby get the best i-nd su- porta, home industry at the t-ame litre, which builds up th- tow n. The lad'es of the Preshy.erian church are working actively to make their "Christmas Market" to be held on the 12 and 13 of December a t-uc cess. A program will be given each evening in connection with the "Mar ket." Have you a cold'. A dose of Bal lard's Horehound Syrup at bed time will remove it. Price -Ho cts and .jo cts. F. G. Fricke & Co. Read the advertisements in the News and trade only with those peo ple who solicit your patronage. These are the live merchants that do busi ness on the principle rf quick sales and small profits. for Ilorirtifc. Benj. Ingerson, of Hutto, Ind., says he had not spoken above a whis per for months, and one bottl3 of Foley's Honey and Tar restored his voice. It is used very largely by- speakers and singers The Q. Z. society will hold their regular business and social meeting with Capitola Black at Curtis Moore's Saturday evening December 10. A full attendance is desired. TO CUKE A COLO IS ONK l)AV Take Laxative Bromo Qum ine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The eenuine has L. B. Q- on each tablet. Oysters! Oyntert-! By the the can, or served in any style at Schiappacas-e's. The person who disturbed the con gregation last Sunday by coughing, is requested to call on F. G. Fricke & Co. and get a bottle of Foley's II jney and Tar, which always gives relief. ..A GREAT.. Holidau Millinery Sale To Continue to Jan. 1. i ' MRS UTTERBACK has inaugurated a Spe cial Millinery Sale, to continue durin? the Ilolidays, and having an exce'Ient new stock from which to select, you can make na mistake by calling upon her. The sale will include all Trimmed Hats And Other G00J3 Every lady buying eoods to the amount of one dollar will be given a chance on a goid watch. Call and see it MRS. 0. F. UTTERBACK, WdrBankf Cast County, Plattsmouth, Neb r r r . . . r o a me nest noon I l. u. )mm (in s a 3 VII J Cheapest. imuuuituiiaiiUiiiiUiiiiiiaiiiiauuuuiiuimiAUiiiiiiuuuuiiaiiuuuuiiuiiuuuAiuiiuiiuiiuuauuuuuiia You cannot go to the Omaha Exposition any more, so spend your time with us. We have the Greatest Ex position of... 2k cn r - t- f c ' t c o isooable Dry Goods EVER BROUGHT TO PLATTSMOUTH. Soecial Sale on Dress Goods.. ...15c, 19c, 29c, 35c and 39c. See our New Black Crepons, at one-half Omaha Prices. New Silks, New Dress Goods, New Trimmings, New Flannelette Wrappers Spend joitr money with us and yet value reeered. J'e cannot aj'ont to mis lead our patrons. Even hodtj knows what kind o' goods ice sell. Have you seen our Line of... Fisr Collarettes, from $2.75 up. Muffs and Fur Trimmings, .... Ili ,-l selection in town New Hosiery. U nderwear, ....I'i Cotton find Wool Utiion SuiU Cotton Blankets, .....'")c, 4Sc, ')', 7')c nuiJ h'i- Cotton Flannel, . ..For iniltnn-i, !-.. I74-' Outing Flannels, 5c. Get a new Oilcloth and Binding for your Stoves.. fd'.'ctiou in town from up Get our Prices on CARPETS... i! woo'. iVr-t Kxtrsi-biipor "-ply :tll-'Aiinl t:irw:l DiaJi' for 0i. Suu our new ii; o-: M; que' U Axrniriatur hik Vi-lvt-t CurpoH. They at e b. guiles till cho:ip;r tnriii ye-:ir no iidvunce on our foou.-t. Get our Prices on all kinds of Shoes... ....Tin: Hot .-ui'l L,;m--' st assortment of Shooi a rid w-irm KIippi;rrf w. tuivo ovor .shown. Tho: ;s ;nnl IVt.rils I'I 1 1110 with School Shoe. Don't faii to see our new stock of Lamps w y" ""mh " ' t-'-f" A rit-; for IJuttci ick I'nttorns, Gago Down Cornets and IJudd'd Bithy Shoi;.-i..J - aiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiuiuimmmaiiumiiiiuaiaiaim Ma m m M . i i m m, iiuj IQd f:t- lii. M m i r- . !1 S OOTS Largest Assortment In the City,.. 0, eV:...,.:, CALF, at $3.25, is custom made, full stock and is as good as we could make for $5.00. KIP, at $2.50, is all solid and no shoddy. We also have them for $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00. GRAIN LEATHER, at $2.75, is as near waterproof as can be made. FELT Boots and First Quality Overs, at $2.25, can't be beat. Full line KNITTED SOX and OVERS at Prices to Please. Warm Shoes and Slippers. Men's Flannei and Tuft-Lined, at $2.00 and $2.50. Children's Felt Shoes, 65c. Ladies' Felt Shoes, 85c up. FELT SLIPPERS, 65c up. Our Felt Goods department is overflowing with WARM ARTICLES and it will pay you to see 'em. Don't Forget Us on Fancy Felt Slippers for Xmas. They make Appropriate Presents. NO HUMBUGGERY orjin ' nnd O vera i t crs mm- ROBT SHERWOOD 0 0. ,ii 1st sal m I2l, 21 J2, m J2I m 0 is! Plattsmouth Coal Yard IS THE PLACE TO JiUY HARD COAL, CANON CITY, SOFT COAL ALL GRADE'S OF WOOD. Hay, Com, Oats and all Kinds or F.-td Constantly on Hand. EGENBEKGSR S TROOP, THIRD AND MAIN-STj. FURNITURE AND UN DERTAKING House Furnishings, STOVES, RANGES. On r stock is complete In all lines and we invite our friend to look It over. We will r-n If-avor to please you. Call And see u. STREIGHT 0 SATTLER, (Successors to Eetry Boeck. PLATTSMOUTH NEB HARVEY HOLLOWAY Contractor "'" '.Builder. Contracts taken for the erection ol Residences Earn9 and any kind cf carpenter work, in anv part of the county. Call on or address.... HARVEY HOLLOWAV, I'latt.moDth, Neb THE PERKINS HOUSE. F. R. GUTHMANN, Prop. Rates 51 and 51.50 -Dsr Dab Centrally Located and Com fortably Furnished. PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEB