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About Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1898)
The Semi Weekly News-Herald PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS BY Tilt NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY, M. u. j-ulu, EuiiuK. DAILY EDITION. Qno Year, in advance, 15 00 Six Months z U )ne Week, Single Copies, SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION. One Year, in advance, . . . Six Months, 10 5 81 00 50 T,,.E LARGEST CIRCULATION Of any Cass County Paper. Attorney Genkkal Smyth in his motion for a now trial in tho B irt'ey case makes a strong: showing' in favor of tho theory that the jury has been tampered with, and every taxpayer not having a financial interest in tho defense, will hopo to boo Judge I'owell grant a new trial. THE gold reserve in tho national troasury is now over $200,000,000 and no bonds have been Bold, either. How do the popocratic prophets liko it V Their silver prophesoios aro of the same cloth as those which said Mc Kinley would have to issue bonds to keep gold, in tho treasury. Theke hasn't been a revolution in Central America for ten days, but wre are promised a big one right away which win involve costa inca, non- duras, iNicaragua,fcalvadorand L-uate- mala. The latin Americans have a habit of boiling over and lighting like pirates over trival matters. Judge Newell's name is mentioned of lato by his friends for tho mayor alty, and with his former experience in the ex cutivo chair he would make a most acceptable ollicor. F. II. Steimker, a man of storling integrity and sound judgmont,is also mentioned for the same position. Either of these gentlemen could be elected. John O. Yeiseb, who is better known as "HelloYeiser" since he got tangled up with tho telephone com pany, imagines he is candidate for gov ernor of the pop cohorts. John's high opinion of Yeisercuufortunately is not shared by tho general public and his boom will never get farther along than the kindergarten stage. THE New York Journal has become so unreliable a newspaper that it seems strange anyone should care to read the worthless sheet. The World- Herald of Omaha, which reprints its bogus Havanna dispatches that are written in New York, is so utterly unreliable that people who care to know the real conditions of affairs, must look to the State Journal or Bee for information. Your Uncle Sam has as good credit as any nation on the globe since he re fused to scale his debts and try to pay in a depreciated dollar. lie has a few hundred million now ready to use without issuing any bonds, and for tho first time in four years, the monthly balance sheet at the treasury shows an income a few millions larger than our expenses. We are all right when republicans are on deck with a tariff and honest money policy to en force. If Spain needs a little disci pline, Uncle Sam is tho fellow to ad minister it, and we shall only be glad of a good excuse for taking decisive action against the cruel Spaniards. Tiie government continues'to talk peace while night is turned into day at every ordnance factory, in an effort to put all of the twenty-four hours in. in the manufacture of powder and mu nitions of war. Tha investigations of the causes of the Maine disaster move slowly along while the Spaniards fume about what they will and won't do. War has not been declared except by the Yellow Kid Journal of New York, and it may not occur. If it does come, however, the United States will be found in perfect readiness to face any emergency. The policy of the presi dent has been safe and conservative and deserves tho unanimous support of the whole people. The Nebraskan who went to Massa chusetts and begun the manufacture of shredded wheat for the esthetic Bostonians, has made a fortune out of the venture, and now in memory of tho state which gave him a start in the world, he is turning his attention to a new product called shredded corn, which is said to be very fine. We certainly shall not envy him his wealth if he thereby doubles the con sumption of our chief staple as a table food product. The heart of the grain is extracted, and the balance is put through a steaming process and shredded. From the heart of "the grain, a fine article of oil is extracted and the residue is used for stock feed. The Review of Reviews which, bar ring the Cosmopolitan, was the only standard magazine in this country that apparently espoused the cause of Bryan and IG to 1 in 1896, lays down its arms and confesses that for all practical purposes the gold standard is as firmly fixed and as permanently a part of the republic as the Missis sippi river and the Rocky mountains, and that the whole civilized world is committed to it, and that further kicking is useless. The sane portion of tho people oi tno country win nave . ... . I H 1 I come to the samo conclusion before the campaign of 1900. As the Review nf Reviews outs it. "The question is nettled " Ex. I IS OUT OF POLITICS. Tho fact of D. S. Guild, chief of tho supply dopirtment of tho H. Sc M., having bconj mentioned as a candi- dato for mnyor of this city, is deemed of 6umciont lmp0rt for ;tho manage I merit in Urnana to wrlto ilr. Ci. a very cloar statement about what they thought oi politics nnd tho candidacy of men in their employ for political nreferuiont, "The Burlington has gone out of politics" is a statement we have often hoard, but from a perusal of the letter referred to, wo aro forced to believe tho management is in earnest this time. Among othor things tho letter says: 'lhe dividing or your tirno with engrossing political aJrairs wo could not afTord, however much wo might personally onjoy ovidonco of you ability to secure and hold public con fidence." The strictures placed upon thoso who aspire to political preferment in dicatns very clearly, that a resignatio of a man's position would bo expected from the company whenever a noini nation was sought for. It looks to us a if thocompany mightbo going too fari its rule, and was not allowing its lowe ollicials enough liborty of action, bu maybe experience has taught th management the course they now seek to.follow, is the best, and we shall note results later on. Mr. (luild, therefore, will not allow his namo used at all. Members of school board and social or family f fairs the management explicitly states is not of their concern. Captaix Palmek and some VVyom in friends are in Washington trvin to got Fort Custer rehabilitated. naving Deen uisoanoed a year ago According to the dispatches from r i a . . - wasningion tnese gentlemen are fearful of an Indian outbreak up that way, and want protection. To a west erner this looks liko a good joke, as the Indians in the reservation u there are nenrer civilized and are fa more law-abiding than the averaer Wyoming cow-boys who go to make up a large part of tho population of that part of Wyoming. Nebraska is in as much danger from the Indian up near Pender who are engaged in cultivating the soil as tho Sherida people are from their neighbors. A fort may be a good thing to have around, but the danger from India outbreaks is too absurd to talk about seriously in the west. The report of the secretary of the treasury shows that between Novem ber 1, 18J3, and February 1, 1898, 37, 735,572 standard silver dollars were coined by the United States. This means that after the Sherman act was repealed, in the very time the cheap money people have been conducting a big campaign for the restora tion of silver to its old place,' wo have coined more than fou times as many dollars as the govern ment did in its entire history up to 1S73. The government is using more silver all the time than it did before the "crime," but the miners are dig ging it out of the hills so fast that the price connot catch its breath. The 16 to 1 people are working at the wrong end of the proposition in all of their efforts to restore the party. Jf they really want 16 to 1 restored they had better go out to tho mountains and stop up tho mines that have been mak ing the trouble. State Journal. INFORMATION AND OPINIONS. Watersweet, Mich., was almost des troyed by fire yesterday. Its name was no protection. Senator Thurston and a party of Washington law-makers have gone to Cuba to look into the Maine disaster for themselves. Wiid ducks are said to be very plen tiful and a number of hunters that returned have today brought with them heavily laden game bags. Ne braska City News. Since the great Burlington route has about completed a fine depot in Omnha, the Union Pacific has awak ened to the situation and will at once begin the erection of a fine building on the north side side of the tracks nearby. The other eastern lines will probablj enter the U. P. depot, since they cross the river on the U. P. bridge, and will make it practically a Union station. Jim Dahlman's resignation from a $2,000 do-nothing job on the state rail way commission is again rumored Dahlman's resignation is one of those things that will be accepted as a re ality when it is accepted by the state authorities. Ex. Edmisten, the pop candidate for governor, is not very well thought of at home where he is best known. This reformer owns nearly one thous and acres of land out on Wood river which he has under the ditoh. He rents the land at regular rates and when dry weather sets in, it is said that he extorts enormous water rents from his tenants before he will allow any water onto the land. This infor mation is given us by a populist. Ed- misten wouid be a sweet candidate in the interest of reform. Professor Bossey was recently elected associate member of the academie Internationale de geogra phic botanique, Paris. This society is the leading one of its kind in the world. The election of Dr. Bessey was unknown to him until their publi- cation arrived in America. State journal The city conventions will have to be held before March 18, as that i3 the last day tho names can bo ccrti lied to tho clerk and get a placo on tho ticket. Tho night operator at Hamburg, la., was hold up Monday night by a gang of tramps and relieved of his watch and flslb in money. Mrs. N. II. Larsh and David Brown roturned last eveniner from Platts mouth, where the former purchased tho Ervin farm near Union, which is said to bo one of the best farms in Cass county. Nebraska City News. A Plattsmouth man recently pur- chased a piece of city property for $150. Wednesday, when ho went to make his last payment thereon ho discovered there woro two mortgages on the property one for $400 and one for $1,300. Ho is now waiting for tho title to clear up. NO LOVE NOK IE A It OK STAIN. F. J. Coates in Monday evening's News says ''it is easy to talk of war; it will cost us a million of men and untold wealth to conquer Spain." In reply will say we know this and are ready to take the responsibility. War is dreaded by all, but when Spain re fuses to pay tho damage done to our navy by blowing up one of our best vessels and sending 258 souls into eternity, what else can we do but go to punish these treacherous devils? Or are wo dongo like to say to Spain, "We forgive you, but please do not hurt us hereafter;," No, a thousind times nol Tho American people are not built that way. Surely, it is not our fault to be dragged into war with Spain. This government has been ever lenient toward Spain in order to keep out of war. In fact, too lenient. Had wo acknowledged the belliger ency of the Cubans, the latter would have driven the Spaniards out of Cuba s me time ago, and Cuba would bo free. Instead of hel ping the Cubans, we spent thousands of dollars to keep help away from this country. And at the same lime fully knowing that the Americans in the revolutionary war gladly acceoted aid from the French. L-ifayette, with his ship-loads of sol diers, ammunition and provisions, was gladly and thankfully received by Washington and the American people and we thank Lafayette today for the assistance he gave the country. In his memory they will build a monument at Washington or New York. We agree with Mr. Coates the French generals, such as Nye, Mc Donald, Lannes, Murat and others were brave men. We had just such generals in our late war, such as Gen e al Lee, Sherman, Sheridan, Custer, and a great many more, who, if alive, would lead the Americans to victory once more and would not be afraid to fight the Spaniards. If war must come we will have able leaders who will offer their services, besides, Mr. Coates, the Spanish nation today is not what it was in Napoleon's time, at that time, Spain was a power ful nation and had plenty of money and credit, today Spain has no money or credit. Tn fact, she is unable to pay her Cuban soldiers their misera ble monthly wages. The French went into Spanish terri tory to conauer the country. It is different with us, we don't want to conquer Spain, consequently if they want to fight us they will have to cume here. All we want is a free Cuba for the Cubans, and that we will have, and next we want pay for the damages done to the Maine and pay for the poor widows and orphans left to mourn the untimely death of their husbands and fathers. This is all we want Mr. Coates, and I use the words of Gen eral Jackson; "By the eternal we will have it." To close I will say to Mr Coates, Dongoo will have to to take a back seat, or, gopher-like, dig a hole in the ground and pull the earth after them, if war would break out. Conrad Sciilatek. IJootlrgger Released. Spuing field, Neb., Feb. 2S. George Schular, the bootlegger who was tried in the county court of thi county last week and found guilty and who finally pleaded guilty to the charge of selling liquor without a li cense and was fined $250 and costs by County Judge Howard and oent to the Douglas county jail to work out his fine, was released Saturday afternoon by District Judge Keyeor, who claims that Judge Howard had no legal right to impose more than $100 fine and even then could not sentence him to jail. The temperance people of the village are much excited over the case, as they advanced $50 to the Om aha detective for conviction. There s strong talk of taking the law into their own hands and appointing a committee to wait on such men as Schular and give them so many hours to vacate. Schular used to run a salo n at Cedar Creek. Hard and Soft Coal. John Waterman is sole agent for tho famous Mendota soft coal. Also carries the best grades of hard coal. wood, lumber, laths, shingles, lime, cement, etc. If you are going to build, " it will pay you to see Water man. Office at the rear of Water man block on Fifth street. Crystal Springs Dairy. Milk, as pure as gold from the 'Klondike," delivered to any part of the city. Satisfaction guaranteed. Your patronage solicited. Leave orders at News, office, or at Bennett & Tutt's grocery store. S. H. Fisher, Prop. Foley's Honey and Tar.' Cough Syrup wherever introduced is considered the most Ipleasanfand ef fective remedy for all throat and lung complaints. It is the only prominent cough remedy tnatf contains no piates and that can safely be given to children. Smith & Parmele. Splendid PEARLMAN'S IMMENSE STOCK OF Furniture, Stoves and House Furnishings Wn,. .A .,ai., k, ra . . "oods for which he paid Think What This Means It means heavy discounts. -It means lower freight rates. It means that his competitors can not meet him on prices, neither can they meet him on a marvelous assortment of ever7 thing' in his line. His Leader in Stoves Is the" old reliable "Charter Oak," with its fifteen years' guaranty, and its half a hundred designs. No house in Cass county ever carried half so large a stock. He can suit every taste. Three hundred easy chairs to select from. Bed room suites and parlor suites from the lowest price to those fit for a queen. The Prices Is where Pearlman shines, and explains his wonderful business success. He pays no rent, his expenses are low, and withdiis cash discounts and car load rates he takes the lead and keeps it. It Will Surprise You To call and see his wonderful stock, and get his prices, which are from ten to twenty-five per cent lower than can be had in Omaha. Remember the place. I. PEARLMAN, Opposite the Court House. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Take Off the Horns. The undersigned is now ready with a good portable chute and tools, to re move the weapons of horned cattle at 10 cents par head for a herd of cattle, 25 cents for a sirgle animal. It never gets to cold to dehorn cattle. Any time after fly-time, until the first week in April is tho right time. Af ter that it is too late. If those who wish to have such-wok done will ad dress me at Rock Bluffs, Neb., they villbe promptly answered. S. L. Furlong. Farmers all know that new varie ties of seeds for planting are often re quired to replace those that have run low in quality. Especially is this true of potatoes, which yield well for a few years and then fail. Messrs. Gunson, Brown & Co., the great seed propaga tors, of Rochester. N. Y., are prepared to furnish on order the very best vari ties of new seeds of all kinds for tho farm. Apply forsamples and descrip tion to ' C. W. Sherman, Ag February Excursions. Opportunities for visiting the south during this month, via tho Louisville & Nashville railroad, aro as follows: Home-seeker's excursions on first and third Tuesday at about one fare for the round trip. Florida Chautauqua at DeFuniak Springs begins on the 14th inst. Splen did programme, beautiful place, low rates. Mardi Gras at Mobile and New Or leans on 22d. Tickets at half rates. For full particulars, write to C. P. Atmore, General Passenger Agent, Louisville, Ky., Geo. B. Horner, D. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. Dr. Marshall, Graduate Dentist. Dr. Marshall, fine gold work. Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain crowns. Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work Dr. Marshall, teeth without plates. Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fillings. Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates. Dr. Marshall, perfect fitting plates. Dr. Marshall, all work warranted. All the latest amjliances for fir6t class dental work. A GOOD LETTER. From the Clerk of the Circuit Court. Fernandina, Fla., Feb. 28, 1896. Mu. George Suhrek, Druggist,City. Dear George: Please send a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I would not feel easy if I knew there whs none of this valuable Remedy in the house. I have given it a fair test and consider it one of the very best remedies for croup that I have ever found. One dose has always been sufficient, although I use it freely. Any cold my children contract yields very readily to this medicine. I can conscientiously recommend it for croup and colds in children. Yours respectfully, Geo. E. Wolff. Sold by all druggist. It l'ays to Get theIJest. W. E. and C. E. Crabill are deliver ing the best of milk to their customers in all parts of the city. Try our sys tem of bottle delivery. raalns f 1,,1.. f spot cash at the factory. R1 EPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE GERMAN BANK Charter No. 471, at Murdock. in the State ot Ne braska, at the close ol business rcb. i, lr,'.s. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $ 14,022 41 Banking-house, furniture and fix tures 1.500 00 Current expenses and taxes paid 512 30 Due from national, state and private banks and bankers 1,472 62 Cash 2,221 2H Total $19,728 61 LIABILITIES. Capitol stock paid in $ 5.000 00 Undivided protits 1,495 0: Individual deposits subject to check... 6,345 89 Time certificates of deposit 6,USj 67 Bills payable f00 00 Total $19,728 61 State of Nebraska, ) Cass County. f I, H. R. Neitzel, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state meat is true to the best of my knowledge and be lief. H. K. Neitzel, Cashier. Attest: Arthur Rikli, Director. Louis Neitzel. Director. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day ot March. 1898. O. P. Stewart, Justice of the Peace. vM44 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE -O' Designs Copyrights &c. Anvone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion frse whether an Invention Is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents Bent free. Oldest agency for securingpatents. Patents taken through Munn St, Co. receive tptcial notice, without charge. In tho Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Lsrjrest cir culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, $3 a year: four months, f L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.36,Broad New YorSr Branch Office. 625 F St, Washington. I). C. Camp'exicn Pressrved DR. MC BRA'S VIOLA CREAM Removes Freckles, Plmple, Liver -Moles, Blackheads, Snnbtsrn and Tan, and re stores the skin to its oripi- clear nnd heiilthy com iks. Vy''if' plexion. Snperiortoall face'.?'' - -preparations and perfectly harmless. At all dm ggists, or mailed f or 5 C cts. Send for circular. VIOLA 8KIN 80AP I Blmpl; Ineomparabl u a .Wa pnrifvinK Soap, onfqnfclptl for the toilet, and without a rival for the Dorter,. AMolutdr pur. and dt-licateir medi tated. At drugiKtx, Price 25 Cnt. The Q. C. BITTNER CO., Toledo, O. nn I i 1 1 ri uv. titthi hi' iiv . tt Beware the S Sa , t s .r---- . March Winds! Escape the rigors of the winds this month by going1 south over the Louisville & Naohville Rail road. This line has a perfect through-car service from cities of the north to all winter re sorts in Georg-ia, Florida, and along the Gulf Coast in Texas, Mexico and California. The Florida Chautauqua now in session at DeFuniak Springs; six weeks with the best lec tures and entertainers, in a climate which is simply per fect. Very low rates for round trip tickets, on sale daily. Homeseekers' Excursions on the first and third Tuesday. Tickets at about half rates. For full particulars write to C. P. Atmore, G. P. A., Louisville, Ky., Geo. B. Horner, D. P. A., St- Louis, Ma BELDING BROS. & Co., Silk Manufacturers, Jftsa. Jas. S. Kirlt A Co., Chlcayo, Ills. CJe.vtlemen: Wo have plvrn your "WhIUi Cloud" soap a thorough t'8t In washing pieces of llrn-ii r-rrilrollTel wit h our "New Irocss" KnihrolUiry Silks ami liml It entirely satisfactory. Wo tak pleasure In n-wmi-mending It aa a superior artlclo for luiiiidi rluK lino embroidery. Yours truly, (S.gncl) Heldino Uuoh. A. Co. Refering to the above, we deem it important to state that this letter was entirely unsolicited by us. White Cloud Soap now has the highest authority as its endorser as being superior for fine laundry work. For the bath and toilet it also ranks first as a pure white floating soap. JAS. Established 1839. LarjreFt soap manufac'.i'rv-- W. P 'ermanently cured by using DIt. WHITEHALL'S KHKUMATIC CUHK. Tim iirisf tlm lwf-. Knltl liv lriifTfT?uta nn n T.rmitivi trim r;i fit' Irir f.O ri'nfs su hit oox. aampio sent ireo on mention 01 tins pumieauon. THE DIt. WHITEHALL MEGltLMlNE CO., South Bend, Ind 19 bays a Fins Violin ar il t'o'tirklotn Outfit fr'ully UaarantMii. fl C9 buys a Mandoline, , Rirdseye Maple, Mahogany or Rose wood Finish. Fully bays An American guaranteed to stand. strings, in Mahogany or Rose wood finish. SEND FOR CATALOGUE OF SHEET MUSIC SO buys a $100 Organ. limball Pianos 1 Oigans ON EASY PAYMENTS. ".u!-rs, iitllo used, for $50, Writs for CaUlofiiM Md out JR., n and prolong life, fef V. GIVES : i J RELIEF. l fata, Ttpv f 0 ess? MM f-v.?f i?tA Ft'srJ A'-A s.-iv-r.i V.'-. v w in ImM' 0 h Wj "No matter what the matter is, one will do you good, and you can get ten for five cents. A new ftyle jwknt contafninc ten nrPANS rAncxp.s at 8oineirui? sLorAs fo r kite cwts. inn low r - n CM. wae iozn z me nve-cont nrun i ih?hh'p, iaduiu)i a i;o nrut l'ji iitu v.nuo. iwrv uicait.-u': WHEN IN NEED OF Printed tat -Toner y vou should no: ail TO CALL ON THE NEWS Having Just Received a Large Amount of Hew Stock we are Prepared to do all kind9 of Printing on Short Notice. Society Printing We are prepared to do in the latest and most approved style and at reasonable rates. Commercial Printing Such as Note Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Statements, Bill Heads, etc. We are also prepared to do all kinds of Poster work in good style and on short notice. OFFIGE : NO. 305 .... HARTMAN BLOCK Pattsmouth.l gib JAS. S. KIRK 8c CO.. Soap Manufacturers. TO S. KIRK & CO., Chicago. n v 'f.rll. lano. a V"-; gnaranteed. Gnitar, Steel $00, $80 to $100. Isrmi. FACTO 11 1 PBIC.ES. 1513 Delias Street, m-- a. in a rrr nrUn ( without (rltuw) In now for ml - e'i Nri is ;m?:u;r i.r lUf; j r tn eoonom can r. j una ijy man ry (w u't.n I rty ifrht -n ivn iiiiuc n.jji; Hit; world wns r lA-tx. first- NATIONAL BANK OF i'L,TT.S VOTTII, NEB.; PAID UP CAPITAL, $50,000 Offers the very bes!rfaci!ities for the prompt transaction of Legitimate Banking Business. STOQKS, bonds, jrold. government arjd lor al securities Doujibt and sold. Deposits re ceived and interest allowed on the certfi cates. Drafts drawn, availaole in any part of the U. S. ani all the principle towns of Europe. Collection made and promptly remitted. Uizhest market price paid for county warrants, state and county bonds. DIRECTORS: II. N. Dovcy, I). Hawkswc rth. S. Vauh V. E. White, G. K. Dovey. eo.E. Dovcy. Pres., S. Waugh, Cashier, II. N. Dovey. Ast. Cashier. Plattsmouth Coal Yard IS THE PLACE TO BUY HARD COAL, CANON CITY, SOFT COAL ALL GRADES OF WOOD. Hay, Corn, Oats and all Kinds of F-? d Constantly on Hand. EGENBERGER & TROOP, - THIRD AND MAIN-STS. tew 0"AHA, KEB.