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About Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1898)
or V jiji SO Til K THE IIKUALII. KKtul)lihJ..l April 10, iWll. ( OonhOlldatod Jan. 1.10... PLATTSMOUTH, NKI5., MAHC1I J), 18)S. VOL. VI. NCUi2. Ii LIIILt CHILD BURNED 10 DEATH s A V v M H ps h v V -r 9 i WE MEAN BUSINESS! A Splendid Line of New, Fresh ( irct nes ..Just Received at.. L. B. EGENBER GBR'S Also a Fine Line of Dry Goods and Notions. REMEMBER VVo ro not Sellrng Sugar at Lc ss Than Cost in order to Make up on something else, but wo hi; 11 --very thing on ii CLOSE M AUG1N mid every Department. Call And See 310 Main St. L. IslFJMJMMmJMMtlJmrMMmjMJJMlliIIlj'!millJ JBEACON OPilop For- Sale bv SMITH Talk About Diamonds Their brilliant glitter scarce outrivals the polish you can put on a Murzluffshoe. Good leather, well-tanned leather, that's the reason. It does more than thine it wears, it tits, it "feels pood" whether you walk across the street or across the continent. It's a shiner, a stayer, a soother. Costs money V Of course not as much as you'd think, though. I'ut one on and give its tongue a chance to talk. You'll do the talking after you've worn a pair and we'll sell a lot more. Joseph Fctzcr, North Side Main Street. -5- 6 WHITEBREAST COAL YAF MMOI.N AVE. AMI M Kltl.K MS, 11. !. SOKNNUHSKN, Manager. .j. i Large Supply of all the I JEST GRADES HARD COAL SOFT Including the Famous Missouri, Illinois, Jackson Hill and Canon City Lump, Always on hand Also a quantity of cheaper tirades of NUT COAL. We also keep on hand all kinds of Wood. All or ders promptly delivered. Leave orders at grocery store of A. H. Weckbach & Co. 4 ; i r PUTTING UP A PRESCRIPTION Is careful work. Decrepit, aged drugs won't do. They must be young and fresh full of life and strength for the sick. They must be pure and they must be carefully put together. We make a specialty of putting up prescriptions we can do it better than the man who doesn't make a specialty ' of it. If you want careful, thoughtful work, come to r . G. Fricko & Co s. We alto keep here the choicest toilet supplies, and other requisites, i a- d quote prices that cannot be dis- counted in the country., ! F. G. FRICKE & CO., SOUTH SIXTH STHtCET. isi. m m 23 you will liml ISA I !(JA I NS i u jj Our Goods. B. EGENBERGER. isi. A FRIEND OF THE FAMILY. FOLEY'S HOEIEY and TAR IS THE GREAT THROAT end LUNG REMEDY- &, I'ARMELE. (Special notices under this head will be chnriteu for at the rute of hi cent per word eiic-h Insertion.) HI I St' KLLA SK(I IS. SEWING All kinds of plain ami lancv sewing, dressmaking, repiiirinfj of cents' r:ml hoys' clothes clone at the rooms ol Mrs. Orilla nian, over Coates' hardware More, -IIS Main street. FOR SALE A pood house ith tight rooms and all kinds of lruit. (inod barn, well and cistern, three lots. Apply at this w ANTED To trade. A Rood gold watch for an organ. Enquire at the News nthec. w ANTED Active, sober an.l trustworthy man to travel throuuh this section. Salar .'." a month, payable weekly, and expenses; splendid opportunity. Address SHElM" company. lU'-O Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. w ANTED. Hoarders, at tlie corner of Sixth and Granite. 3-h-liw. LOST A silk umbrella with the name "llovey"' engraved on handle. Finder will please leave same at this ottice. ;OK KENT- House and ."i acres. House and one acre. K. l Wixi-iiam. d :i-w 1 AGENTS WANTED For War in Cuba. by Senior (Juesada, Cuban representative at Washington. Endorsed bv Cuban patriots. In tremendous demand. A bonanza tor agents. Only Jl.fiO. lig book, big commissions. Every body wants the only endorsed, reliable book. Outtits free. Credit given. Freight pai l. Drop all trash, and make $.5 K) a month with War in Cuba. Address today. The National liook Con cern, :ir2-3.V5 Dearborn St., Chicago. Love Is Blind to all the faults of the loved one in everything but untidy or soiie i linen A dainty women draws the line on that. Tc lcok imm.icuiai-tlv neat and presentable, and have your collar, cu IV or shit t irreproachable in color and linUh, briDg it to I'luttsmoutli Ci1y Steani Liu: drv. GEORGE K. STAATS, South Sixth St. HARD COAL. Missour Coi, (ien.iii'e Cr.non C;i ' i-OR CASH. l.!?ve o -r a( V. s. vvnMc'r. W. J WHITE. H.q.BARR ..JUSTICE OF THE PEACE.. : : F"ire Insurance at Actual Cost. Collec : : ections Given Special Attention. l.'.l.Voo ' : Acres of School Lands for Lease. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Reading Rooms and Dispensary, Drew IJuildin?, l'Litt sinoii tli, Open fr.j:n 1 J a. ni. to a p. in. and 7 t j U p. m. Service each Sunday. 11 a. ni. r: . i' Condensed Smoke J.r "klr.r: all Meats. Im-t- '"cious flavor. Keeps s X and free from In 75 cent bottle will o rounds. Sold by all ?. Made by E. 11. Ulysses, Neb. bv F. G. Fricke & Co. Ponbln th PIraiui'r of .1 Iriv-. A lino carriage doubles the plcajiirjci i i: riv ln. Inteiidins bnycra of carriajTf s er liur nesis can save dullars by sr-ntiii::? larrrr. froo cat alog-uc of tlio Elkhart Carriage and Harness llfg. Co., Elkhart, Ind. WRI For S. While Pl;tyinc About .'t Bon fire Last Xi'rht. IIIiKSUI I I:RIX(;S VHRI IM HXSH I In t Death Came to the t'hllti'H IClif Today at lO O'llotk Tlie Mother Alno Itadlv l: uriKil A HiK i:iiMin-H4 TrannN-r. The home of August Itichtor, night watch rn in at the .-hops, was thrown in inou. nir.g lnt evening over the death of their bright little three-year-old daughter, Emma. L-st night about 7 o'clock Emma, with the other children of the h ' UM-hoM and hiiiio neighbor ch.ldren, h td built a little bonfire of straw and weeds in the dooryar-d near t lie hoe. The other children were carrying little bits of straw to keep the lire going while Emma was pok iig at tbc burning mass with a stick. A gust f wit d whipped the child's drcj-s over the lire and instantly she wa wrapped in li.iiucs. The screams of the fated child and her companions brought the mother to the scene, who attempted to ave lier li'.tle one by re moving the clothing. "JJnek" Neligh, who was ;ns.-ii;g the house, seeing the child's preuicaiiicnt, teok oil his coat, v. rapped it about h -r and smothered the llames, not, however, before the clot h ing had been nearly l.iurned oil ami the body burned ii'.most to a crisp. The De.-h hunj from tin: little arms in shreds, the face burned almost beyond recognition ai d the was badly burned intci nally from inhaling the llames. Emma was carried into the house by tenJer h ; nds at:d medical aid sum moned. Dr. SchildKnecht, on arriving at the heme, realized at once that she was beyond till human power to t.avo, and directed his efforts to the relief of her sufferings as far as possi ble until death would come to give her relief. During the night she was al ternately rational and delirious. Sometimes she would talk of her burn ing clothes, at othe rs she would call cheerfully to her companions as she was wont to do in her childish play, while again her scre tins were fairly heartrending. The agonied parents u niched over the little suffeter and ten lei ly ministered to her till the end came, at 10 o'clock this morning. In trying to temove the clothing from the little girl the mother's hands and face and neck we! e b;.dly burned, and she will be unable to attend to her household duties for many days. The funeral will occur tomorrow Wednesday at 2 o'clock, from the family residence on Lincoln avenue, sou 'h west of the shops. A SilO.OOO Transftr. J. V. Egenberger today traded his Vienna bakery and store building to Wici. Mot row for his line farm near Murray. The transfer involves prop erty to the value of $10,000. Mr. Mor row took possession of the bakery to day, and the late owner, Mr. Egenber ger, will devote his time in future to his coal and feed business. lTj has be. ri feeding the p.ole in the past, and the IShw.s trusts that he will be as Mice j?sf ul in feeding the other cat tie iu the future. Till-: News also virh;s Mr. Moi'iovv sueee.-s in hi.s new bi bine-s ii.-ld, and bid.- him and his family e. ruial welcome to our business and social circle-.' Ni-v Hoarding Hon?. Wm. A. l'ete.son has ope'ied a boat ding house at the comer i f Vine anil Fourth streets, ouposit.j the court house, and is prepared to fu: ni.-h ii'SL class accommodations to tweve or lii teen bcai ders at the most reas nab.e riles. Mrs. l'ete:sn is known as a mo-it excello.'.t cook, having had charge of tiri culinary deparlmcnt at th Hotel Hilev for a number of ve.irs. School lioarri Meeting- j he board met in regular session last i ight, all the members present. Bills were allowed and the welfare of the schools discussed. A small appropri ation was made to have a nice cut of tho high school building made to be placed in tho Campbell Illustrated Journal, which publication is giving a write-up of the city. ( District Court Alice C. Watson vs. Henry W. Wat son. Plaintiff asks for injunction res training defendant from disposing of certain personal property pending proceedings in divorce. Sarah Waugh, as receiver, vs. Wm. D. Davis et al. Appointment of re ceiver denied as prajed for. Court convened at 2 o'clock and took the ca-o of Decker vs. Decker. Is your liver tired? does it fail to do duty? If so, don't neglect its call for help. A lew doses of Ilerbine may save you a spell of sickness. Ilerbine is the only perfect liver mediciue. It cures Cnills and Fever. 75c. For Sale. A six-year-old iron gray mare, weight about 1,400 and very geutle. Also a two-year-old mule colt, and twenty-five head of May pigs. Mi:s. E. E. Guumvix, On Louisville road, eight miles west of Plattsmouth. 1 ;i rm For Sale. Two hundred acres, good buildings, land all under cultivation, -close to Alvo. A bargain. For particulars call on or address J. H. Thrasher, Plattsmouth, Neb. ' THE LEADERS lfl inest Have purchased an Elegant Line of Goods for their... Spring and 3 tun in er Trade. Their goods will be in next week, the Nicest and Latest of every thing. COME AND SEE US ... TUCKER SISTERS. Interest in the wtir with Spain has been supplemented by tho local hostil ities which broke out this morning on Main street. Stocks and bonds have not been affected as yet, but the price of arnica and sticking plaster have advanced several points. It is to tie regretted that with so much war news to satisfy o:dinary belligerents, it see ms necessary to break out here at home. Thete are three little things which do more work than any other three little things created they are the ant, the bee and DoWltt's Little Early Kisers, tho last being the famous lit tie pills for stomach and liver trou bles. b G. Fricke & Co. Miss Buttcrfield of Omaha will look after the artistic decoi alions of the in terior of the Nebraska building at the Trans - Mississippi exposition. This means that our building will be one of the nicest on the grounds so far as interior is concerned. Last night duting services at the Christian church a little dcg, running about the room, fell into tho immer sion pool. His whines and yelps at tracted attention, and services were temporarily suspended while a good brother rescued the perishing. Kemoval. On Wednesday, March 9, I will re move my stock of line jewelry, watches, clicks, silverware and diamonds to the Ililey hotel building in the room formerly occupied by the Woman's Exchange, two doors south of the postoflice. Would be pleased to have all my old customers call, and. as many new ones as are looking for fine goods in my line at low prices. Iles pecifuily, John T. Coleman. We are anxious to do a little good in this world and can think cf no pleasanter or better way to doit than bv re commending One Minute Cough Cure as a preventive of pneumonia, ' co sumption ana other serious lung troub'es that follow neglected colds. ' F. G. Fricke & Co. New I iiiprovcmt-rits. The Pearl Steam laundry has just received one of the latest p ittern boorn, collar and culT ironers from Chicago, and is belter prepared than ever to do nice work. Ilemembi?!' Pearl Steam lundrv. Main street. There is no remedy cqu to Ilerbine for tbe cure of constipation, sick headache, indigestion, vertigo, loss of memory, uncertain appitite unre.-tful sleep or skin eruptions, If you want a perfect ton ;c for the liver, Ilerbine will not disippoint you. An adjourned meeting of the Ladies ;.nd Knignts of Security will be held tonight at their hall at 7:C0 o'clock sharp. K. 13. WINDHAM, Mks. Nellie Smith, Pres. Stc'y- The interest still maintains in the revival services at the Christian church. Three seeke s were convert ed and six converts were baptized last night and more baptisms are promised at tonight's service. Subject for this evening's discourse, "Excuses." A thrill of terror is experienced when a brassy C' ugh of croup sounds through the house at night. But the terror sjon changes to relief after One Minute Cough Cure has been administered. S ife and harmless for children. F. G. Fricke Sc Co. There's no better flour made than Feist l's" Plansifter," manufactured in this city. Ask your grocer for it, and thereby get the best and sup port a home industry at the same time, which builds up the town. Huokleu'B Arnica Salve. The best salvo in the -world for cuts, burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe ver sores tetter, chappep hands, chil blains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or mooey refunded. Pyice 25 cents per box. For sale -by F. G. Fricke. Millinery, Hi i $ a i Patterson.. ft .. Kunsman .... SELL The Best Meats I At Lowest Prices. j Note the following Large hams, p -r lb !lc ft Bacon, per lb S'jc Choice breakfast bacon l'ic jjf Choice home-made bologna (not St made from horse-meat Mjc FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING ouse Furnishings. STOVES, RANGES. our stock Is coniulete hi till lines ''t wo In vite our friends to look It over. Wi wll I'u leavor to please yon. Call and see us. STREZGHT C SATTLER, (Successors to L.o.ry Hoeck. ) I'l.AT'i -MO!TTU. - NRr HIE PERKINS HOUSE, F. R. GUTHM ANN, Prop. Rates Si ana S1.50 per Day Centrally Located and Com fortably Furnished. TTSMOTITfl, NEBRASKA Annual Sales overs, 000,000 Boxes FOE BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISOEDEES such as "Wind and Tain in tho Stomach. Giddiness. Fulness after meals. Head ache. Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushincs of Heat, Loss of Appetite. Costivenss. Blotches on the Skin. Cold Chills. Dis turbed Sleep. Trihtful Dreams and all Kervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIEST DOSE WILL GIVE BELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Everr sufferer will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECH AM'S PILES, taken as direct ed, will quickly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem and cure feick Headache. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham's Pills are Without a Rival And bave the LARGEST SALE of any Patent Medicine In the World. 23c at all Drug Stores. Slanj People Cannot Drink Coffee at nignt. It spoils their sleep. You cun drink Grain-O when you please and sleep like a top. Ftr Grain-O dos not stimulate; it nour ishes, cheers and feeds. Yet it looks and tastes like the best coffee. For nervous persons, young people aid children, Grain-O is the perfect drink. Made from pure grains. Get a pack age from your grocer today. Try it in place of coffee. 15 and 2ec. Choice Home Made Itread. Mrs. Morning's Light, Cream, Graham, Rye, Boston Brown, Salt Rising, Glutin or any other kind of bread, also tea rolls, cookies, cakes, doughnuts, coffee bread, hominy, mince meat and all other home cook ing, is being delivered to all p;irts of the city. Stop the wagon or go to Halt's market if you wish any. We are prepared to furnish everything suitable for toa parties, surprise par ties, receptions, etc. Satisfaction as sured. Give us a trial. f' ft-r.t m r.c ( mi i . r" f ' 1)0 II! Why We have just received the nobbiest line of Spring Neckwear Hats and Caps Ever shown P. S. We are just receiving a grand line of Spring Suits and Pants, at popular prices. That's why you should step in a minute. .s- - i l. 1. XJV, i 1 'f-li- ,: k- i -. i.. mi mm v V The iSIaine Disaster lias caused. What will be the out come of it? Time will tell. In the meantime share part of your attention with us, for we have a pleasant SURPRISE in store for you in the shape of the finest line of VESTING TOP SHOES That American Skill and ingenuity can produce. 'Tis true we don 't sell everything from a beefsteak to a yard of calico, we give our undivided attention to SHOES-GOOD SHOES And forty years experience goes with every pr;ir that leaves our store. Some stores get fancy prices for their up-to-date goods, but we make a unifo m profit on all lines, consequently we will save you 25 or 50 cents on every pair of our new.Sl'KlNO, BLACK or coloiied SHOES They are beauties and have such pretty Coin Toes, but they won't cost as much coin as you might think. Come, let us dress your feet properly and you will get Ease, Pleasure and Satisfaction. ROBERT SHERWOOD, THE LEADERS N THE GROCERY TRADE :ARE: A. H. WECKBACH & CO. fTHHEY carry the largest and most complete line in Cass 'county. cEvery thing fresh and new. They pay cash for our goods and g've their custo mor3 the advantage of special discounts. A complete line of canned gooda always in stock. The only place in the city where you Jean get all kinds of fresh Cheese. Call and see us. A. H. WECKBACH & ' . r ' r , . r ml mi m cm I m I mr mi mi mrmi m Minute 99 in Plattsmouth. WHAT Excitement What Talk !lJ, M P FOOT MILLINER Waterman BIk.