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About Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1898)
SMl 1 3 FT. ERALBo TM K NEWS. EHtnblHlu'd Nov.ft.lH'd. I t.0flHOi,fifti,i fIin 1 Iht, THK II Kit A Lit, KHtubllHhed April 10, f OonHOlldatoil Jan. 1. !... PL ATTSMO U T H , NKH., MARCH 5, 1893. VOL. VI. i WE MEAN BUSINESS! A Splendid Line of New, Fresh Groceries ..Just Received at.. L. B. EGBNBER GER'S Also a Fine Line of Dry Goods and Notions. REMEMBER Wo ore not Soiling Sugar at Less Than jj Cost in order to Mako uj on something clso, but wo ecll ; very- thing on n CLOSU MARGIN and every Department. Call And See 310 Main St. L. For Coughs, Croup, Hoarseness, La Grippe, Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption, For Sale by SMITH J 4 4 4 4 i 4 4 4 4 4 4 i Talk About Diamonds Their brilliant glitter scarce outrivals' the polish you can put on a MurzlutT shoe. Good leather, well-tanned leather, that's the reason. It does more than shine it wears, it fits, it "feels good" whether you walk across the street or across the continent. It's a shiner, t stayer, a soother. Costs money? Of course not as much as you'd think, though. Put one on and give its tongue a chance to talk. You'll do the talkiug after you've worn a pair and we'll sell a lot more. WHITEBPEAST ! COAL YARD A LINCOLN AVE. ANI J M1K11LE ST&, .J. 4 II. M. SOENN1CIISEN, Manager. 4 f 9 Large Supply of all the 4 BEST GRADES 4 I hard COAL soft! Including the Famous f Missouri, Illinois, Jackson Ilill and Canon City Lump, C Always on hand Also a quantity of X- cheaper Grades of NUT COAL. We also .J. 6 keep on hand a'.l ki;.ds of Wood. All or- . ders promptly delivered. I.eavj orders A at grocery store of A. II. Weckbach & Co. PUTTING UP A PRESCRIPTION Is careful work. Decrepit, aged drugs won't do. They must be young1 anrl fresh full of life and strength for tbe sick. They mus-t be pure and they must be carefully put together. We make a specialty of putting up prescriptions we can do it better than the man who doesn't make a specialty of it. If you want careful, thoughtful work, come to F. G. Fricke & Co's. We also keep here the choicest toilet supplies, and other requisites, and quote prices that cannot bo dis counted in the country. P. G. FRICKE & CO., SOOTH SIXTH STKKKT. m pi. m Hi you will find RARGAINS in Our Goods. B. EGENBERGER. TAKE.... BS3 r oaey s Horsey and Tar IT IS THE GREAT THROAT and LUNC REFEDY. & I'ARMELE. WANT. (Special notices under this head will bt charged for at the rate of H cent per word each Insertion.) M ISt'KLLAN KOl'S. SEWING All kinds of plain aixl lancv sewintr. dressmaking, repairing of gents' and liny' clothes done at the rooms of Mrs. Oril'a Shi-r-man, over C'oates' hardware store, -lis Main street. FOR SALE A Rood house with eipht rooms and all kinds .if Iruit. Good ham, well and cistern, three lots, Apply at this ottue. WANTED To trade. A rond pold watch for an organ. Enquire at t lie News ollice. WANTED Active, sober and trustworthy man to travel through tnis section. Salary SCi a month, payable weekly, and expenses; s plendid opportunity. Address S1IEP13 company, luiO Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS WANTED For War in Cuba, by Senior Ouesada, Cuban representative at Washington. Endorsed by Cuban patriots. In tremendous demand. A bonanza for agents. Only $1.50. Ilijr book, bijj commissions. Every body wants the only endorsed, reliable book. Outfits free. Oredit given. Freight paid. Urop all trash, and make $3M a month with War in Cuba. Address today. The National book Con cern, 352-3ot Dearborn St., Chicago. COPVR.Gr.T iB0& Love Is Blind to all the faults of the loved one in everything but untidy or soiled linen. A dainty wnmen draws the line on that. Tc 1 ok immnculaetly neat and presentable, and have your collar, cuff or shirt irreproachable in color and tinih, bring it to Plattsmouth City Steam Laundry. GEORGE K. ST A ATS, South Sixth St. . Annual Sales over 6,000,000 Boxes FOE BILIOUS A2TD KESVOUS DISOSDEKS suoh as 'Wind and Tain in the Stomach. Giddiness. Fulness after rivals. Head ache. Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushings of lleat, Xioss of Appetito. CVvstivenoss. Blotches on the Skin. Ci'l Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Prihtful Dreams and all Kervous and Treniblins Sensations, i THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE BELIEF IN TWEXTT MINUTES. Every sufferer will acknowledge them to bo A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECH IM S P1LI.S, taken as direct ed, will quickly restore Females to com plete health. They rroniptly remove obstmctionsorirreularities of the sys tem and cure Mck Headache. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN, OR CHILDREN Oeecham's Pills aro Without a Rival And have the L ARC EST SALE nfanv Pal Ant- f I. a lV'hl ,1 ... ... 25c. at all Drug Stores. nil: PERKINS HOUSH, F. R. GUTHMANN, Prop. Rates $1 and Sl.50 per Day Centrally Located and Com fortably Furnished. PL TTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA It Hi B r. ri AGHH AITKR ASSETS. Kr the Scth Thomas Clock Co ni jinny. WANTS Tllli COUXTY TO PAY Tilt? Town Clock .Judgment Im What Ilf'H After The ComiiilHHionerH Olxlur. air of til. I'uJIlfootH. A. W. Afco of 0'den, Utah, attor torrjoy for tlio Suth Thomas Clock compmy, is in the city today and has heon in consultation with the com missioueits rtirdin tho ay for the court houso cl ck, a judgment having been rendered in favor of that com pany against the county by a roversal in the supreme court of tho findings of the lower court. Mr. Ageo wants the commissioners to put up, but an attorney of this city having offered to beat the company in a new suit for a fee of &'2), the county board is hesita ting what to do in tho promises, whether to pr.y this unjust claim, or go into the courts aain and tmtko an other effort to secure justice for the county. Till: Nkws would sutrsrest 1 the county stand out for its rights . nd deft :it if pr.sibie this outrageous clai in. I )l ;l IIKll l- I t UHt . . The opera houto wr.s comfortably uilea ajrain last evening- to listen to tho rendition of the two farce com edies, "That Ka-cal Pat" and "The Two I'uddifoots." Those taking pari had gained a little more confidence and trod the stage "as if to the manor born." The comedies in themselves are most arnu.-ii a:.d the different parts were taken with a spirit and vim that was a revelation to the audi ence, many of whom were unaware that so much dramatic talent existed in Plattsmouth. Tli .3 sum realized from tho sale of tickets will materially increase the finances of the city library, which is sadly in need of books and periodicals. Very much of tho success of this splendid entertainment is due to the untiriny efforts of Miss Ollie Jones, the city librarian. To particularize regard ing the performers in this en tertain men t would perhaps be partial. The dramatis l'Oisonae consisted of Messrs. Cuy Livingston, Lee Atwood, iYank Van Horn, Uemie Uiatt, Misses Rose Ilyers, Lulu Liest and Phyllis Petts, wiih black face c-peeialties by Mr. Toiiff". The event was every way successful and let us hope these tal ented .young' people will favor us again with some funny and interesting per formance. A I'ire Alarm Last night about S o'clock a fire alarm was turned in and the depart ment responded promptly and hurried to the scene from whence the alarm emanateu. It proved to be a burning dwelling- owned by Joe Sherry, near the west Fourth ward school house. I'he dwelling was unoccupied, save by i horse and a mule. The brave lad dies rescued the mule and put out the lire just as it burned out the south end not of th3 horse, but the house. Tlie re was no insurance and not mucn lo.-s. '1 he origin of the fire is ui known. Keturn Tlniiikn. C. U. Stephens, P. V. McCulley,.T o? . MuCullty. Mrs. Daniel Thon venal and Mrs. Peterman request The Nkws to express their thanks to their friends md neighbors for their kind services during the illness, demise and burial of their late beloved sister and com panion, Mrs. Stephens. May the Lord's richest blessings be their por tion through life. Still Continue to IJo Good. The Christian church was again crowded to listen to the elegant ser mon conducted by Rev. Lemon and at the close three people went forward and confessed their sins. At the close of th-j service five were baptized. The g-allary has been enlarged and wi.l be able to accomodate the large crowd that wi.i be present to light. n; Ilatt-h to Hit Coast. The Pu -iiiigu n route has met with the cut rate of the Canadian Paeitc and has cut its rates to the south west. Beginning next Sunday tickets may bo purchased here for Portland, Seattle o.- Taeoma for $J0 on the re b ite plan. A party of three or more traveling on ono ticket wili get the liat rate of 820. Matrimonial. Mr. Alfretto Xiekels and Miss K-ith-erine Klaurens were married Wednes day at S p. m. at the home of the groom's parents near Murray, Rev. J. D. Oldham officiating. After congratu lations were extended a sumptuous supper was served. The Nkavs ex tends congratulations and best wishes. t w Improvements. Tlie Pearl Sloara laundry has just received one of the latest pattern bosom, collar and cuff ironers from Chicago, and is better prepared than ever to do nice work. Remember Pearl Steam liundrv. Main street. Mat ch 4 Mad March Party Kings' Daughters At Mrs. Agnew's Admission 15 cents. Everybody invited. Doublet tiji- . vl ;. ?rlv. . A lino carriage doubles t ho ph-usii re of d riv ias. Intending- buyers of carriages or har ness cm savo dollars hv sr-rnlin- for the larp-o. free cat.-ilouo of tho Elkhart Carriage and Harness Mfg. Co., Elkhart, lud. KOl'K IILl KhSMOYIMi. About every other fellow in and around Rock llluffs is to havo new neighbor-H this spring. Albert Churchill has moved to Thayer county and Fay Minor moves to tho farm left by Mr. Churchill. Sam Schwab moves to Plattsmouth and Win. Hull moves onto Sam's farm. C. M. (Jravea and Wilbor Carroll with their families move to Seattlo, Wash. Will Craves moves into tho houso vacated by tho former. Thomas Moore moves into tho Fickler neighborhood and George Libbin moves onto his own frrm Leroy Glasscock moves from Platts mouth into tho houso with Charles Welch, and Win. Campbell moves into the houso with Mrs. W. W. Gravos Ed Spencer moves into tho house va cated by James Ilogett and Mrs. 15 ites moves into tho house left by Spencer Carter Lucas moves to Omaha and Will Collins moves into tho Lucas house. Joseph Shera moves back into his et'iro building, and Jamos Holmes moves into tho house vacated by Mr Shera. James Baker moves off of the Roberts farm into his own house James Jloggett moves onto the farm of Otto McNur'.in, three miles south west of Murray. James Wilson moves to tho Indian reservation, and Jimes Moore to tho .ciota bott"in, on tin W filling- Wakr, J iim-s G su mover to O.naha, and James Jcems to 1 'laits- moulh. If anyone con boat this job of James moving-, we would like to see the list that you will do it with. J IM. Mad March Party at Mrs. Agnew's tonight, J'lfttsunt i'etex Dr. and Mrs. Shipman entertained the M. W. W. club last evening in a most delightful and hospitable man ner. Tho rooms were prettily decor ated with pinli roses and pottod plants and elegant refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Misses Shipman and Thomas. The g-uests dispersed at a late- hour expressing great pleasure at the delightful even ing- and graceful hospitality of their ontertairers. Tne Pr auen verein was pleasantly entertained by Mis. L. C. Brinkman yesterday afternoon. A large number of ladies taking- advantage of the pleasant day to be present sewing, visiting- and discussing-. The dainty i c freshments served by tho hostess made the afternoon pass most pleas antly. The fo lowing were present: Mesdames Heitzhausen, Spies, Mumm, Schmidtmau, EH tiger, Thierolf,Horn, Koehnke, Eidmany, Droeg;e, Kunlz man, Suennichsen, Wurl, Kleitsch and Weber. Madge March party tonight. Wide Awake House. John Hatt, the butcher and grocer, is always wide awake and up-to-date on business. Besides run ning-a first class meat market he keeps a choice line of staple and fancy groceries. The latest addition to his business is a fine invoice of hand decorated glass ware. Look in at his show window and see a fine d is play of gold decorated glassware, then go in and make a pur chase of this fine ware for the house hold or for your best g-irl. Beside having a fine line of this elegant table ware, Mr. Ilatt carries a full supply of fresh and salt meats, staple and fancy groceries, vegetables and country produce. He has a neat, well kept place and always treats his cus tomers right. Tonight Made March party. Crystal Springs Hairy. Milk, as pure as gold from the "Klondike," delivered to any part of the city. Satisfaction guaranteed. Your patronage solicited. Leave orders at News office, or at Bennett & Tutt's grocery store. S. II. Fisher. Prop. Friday, March 4. Mad March party you can't forget it at Mrs. Agncws. under the au spices of the King's daughters. Ad mission lo cents, refreshment free, and a delightful evening thrown in. lfO Knraril SJOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its staires, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tlie only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by build ing up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. Trie proprietors have so much faith in its curative pow.-rs that they orter One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send tor list of testimonials. Address. F.J. henev Co., Toledo. O. ISSold by Druggists 7fc Hard and Soft Coal. John Waterman is sole agent for the famous Mebdota soft coal. Also carries the bet grades of hard coal, wood, lumber, laths, shingles, lime, cement, etc. If you :ire going to build, it will pay you tosee Water man. Office at the rear of Water man block on Fifth street. What pleasure is there in life with a headache, corn-tip ition and billious ness? Thousands experience them who could become perfectly healthy using Pe Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills. F. G. Fricke & Co. TO Ct'RK A COLO IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 2-ic. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. Chas. D. Ilaworth, a prominent Green woodite, was circulating about Plattsmouth today. A Narrow F.nrnpe. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Groton, S. IX, Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs, cough set in and finally terminated in Consumption. Four Doctors gave mo up saying 1 could live but a short time, I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on oarth, I would meot my absont ones above. My husband was advised to to get Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God I am saved and now a well and healthy wo man." Trial bottlos free at F. G. Fricko fc Co's drug store. Regular size 50e and $1.00 guaranteed or price refunded. The Sure I, a (irippe Cure. There is no use suffering from this dreadful malady if you will only get tho right remedy. You aro having paio all through your body, your liver is out of order, have no appetite, no life or ambition, havo a bad cold, in fact aro coinpletelj used up. Electric Bitters are the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure relief. TI105 act directly on your livor,stomach and kidneys, tone up the whole system and m . ke you feel like a new teing. TI.ey ;ire gu'iratiieed to cure or price refunded, l .it F. G. Fiietee fc Co's. drug sto. e, only 50 cents per bottle. I'earl Steam Laundry. B. F. Goodman has his new laundry filly equipped with latest devices, now in running order, and asks a share of your patronage. His work is his best advertisement, and if you try the new laundry there will be no longer any excuse for sendingngoods away. Nothing too good for our patrons is our motto. Work called for and delivered. Huckleu's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe ver sores, letter, chappep.hands, chil blains, corns, and all skin eruptions. and positively cures piles, or no nay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Pyice 2o cents per box. For sale by F. G. Fricke. WHITE'S OPERA HOUSL, W. .. WHITIZ. Junntfcr. ONE NIGHT ONLY Saturday, Marcli 5, The Talented Dramatic Reader of Denver, Mattic Ouinn Carey, Will Give One of Her Charminof Entertainments Admission, 25 Cents. No Extra Charge for Reserved Seats. FURNITURE UNDERTAKING Iouse Furnishings, STOVES, RANGES. Our stock is complete In all lines . fl we nvite our friends to look it over. Wv. wll n 'cavor to please you. Call and see us. STR01GHT C SATTLER, (Successors to Lctry Boeck. ) PLATTSMOUTH, - NEt JAMES W. SAGE, THE Leading Liveryman. The be?t of rizs furnlsheJ at a:l hour and ir.s prices are a'.ways reasonaL'e. T hen os-t convenient boarding stab'.e for far mers in the city. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB HARD COAL. Missour Coal, Genuine Canon City Coa fOR CASH. !.s o'der at F. c;. WHte' W. J WHITE. H. D. BARR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE.. : : Fire Insurance at Actual Cost. Collec :: ectiuns (iiven Special Attention. 'uO.'jUJ ' : Acres of School Lands for Lease. CHRISTIAN SCCENCE Reading Rooms and Dispensary, Drew Uuilding-, Plattsnioutb, tb. Open from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. and 7 to 9 p. m. Service each Sunday, 11 a. m. Wright's Condensed Smoke for Smoking all Meats. Im parts a delicious flavor. Keeps Meat Sweet and free from In sects. A 75 cent bottle will smoke 250 pounds. Sold by all Drueeists. Made by H. H. WRIGHT & Co., Ulysses, Neb. For Sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. ft iAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA step We have just received the nobbiest line of Spring Neckwear Hats and Caps Ever shown JOB The lcoflc's Clothiers. P. S. We are just receiving a grand line of Spring Suits and Pants, at popular prices. That's why you should step in a minute. fill 1 v. ' The Maine Disaster has caused. What will be the out come of it? Time will tell. In the meantime share part of your attention with us, for we have a pleasant surprise in store for you in the shape of the finest line of VESTING TOP SHOES That American Skill and icpenuity can produce. 'Tis true we don't sell everything from a beefsteak to a yard of calico, we give our-undivided attention to SHOES-GOOD SHOES And forty yi:.r- rxp-,,-i-n c sn s with l-vp -v p: i that 'e v our (store. Some fetor-.- j. el fan y orit-e- Tc th-ir u o-to-date tfood, but we make a unifor m ,rolit on ail line, cvDm-queritly we will save you 25 or 50 cents on every pair of our new Si'UlXG, BLACK or COLORED slioes They are beauties and have such pretty Coin Toes, but they won't cost as much coin as you might think. Come, let us dress your feet properly and you will get Ease, Pleasure and Satisfaction. 1 ROBERT SHERWOOD, .. THE LEADERS .. IN THE GROCERY TRADE -ARE A. H. WECKBACH & CO. THEY carry the largest and most complete line in Cas9 'county. cEvery thing fresh and new. They pay cash for our goods and give their custo mors the advantage of special discounts. A complete line of canned goods always in stock. The only place in the city where you Jean get alt kinds of fresh Cheese. Call and see us. A. H. WECKBACH & iii (I Minute Why ? ' 99 in Plattsmouth, FRJkNK mr mrm'-mrmr mr mr WHAT Excitement What Talk FOOT MILLINER E., Waterman BIk.