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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1891)
liJl-)"'.'' erald. rr 1 Ji. FIFTH YE All. PLATl'SMOULM, NW1RASKA. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 19 189! xamn on i , n mm K. x 4 7 Royal Baking Powder Leads All. "The!;v; To-vtW h absolutely ptireV for I have ro fo'iiv.l it m hi t:iy 1: m.i.-l: both for them and the U. S. G"vr-:-i; i:t. 'ii.e Royal Hale- R. HEIffOEN'S DISAPPEARANCE, All EfCi-in 10 Fit d Hitn Hnvo 7hu l ur Pi oveil I- mile. ing I'uwi'.i'i 1 reliable liuhiii,; lw i.,i;c cv.' "All rhr;Wy; ! haver pr.-vci. i healthful .tki In- I. It is jurxst i .: any J5.iUi.ij ! "!. "v:,!. Z,afr Che mist -in ci, A'te '.' p::rot -;ul most :; .. ::r:fr, wi. n." .''" .S. (lurcriinicnt. L') I !.....; :-v.ihtr.i;tal it l.t;;u rfwi-.tly i' !-' ::t'i;.i s-.ilXUiiice. ! ' : . J:i-.:;;li of , .' i I !:.:v I liov.'t'.'iltjc. v.. :.(., im. iv '. . 'Agriculture, ::, D. C. ..1 i.i Lhown to be 23 per : ; 1 v. ,y..i ; ; ! r.v. v r ' i' v. jri .'. . f 1 ' : . 1 lie 5van;,iii 11 i--- cent. (jrcatLi- l'..a,t l'J.w:. "As a result I :,- ;.:vcj'J::a:!un I fnul the Royal Baking J'owdcr fi.f i'l;, ".or tj l!ic others. It i pure, contains none but ingredients, and is of greatest btrenijth. "F. ::. valadi;, 'Tublic Analyst, Ontario, Damin.r. of Cauda." The latest investigations by the .United States and Canada:. Governments show the Royal Bak ing Powder superior to all others in leavening Statements by other manufacturers to the con" ( A Soeinl Evnt. '.aH evening Miss Gertrude Hilton t'tilci tainrd Iiit miijr friends nt her home. The fore pa't Messrs. J.C. mid C. II. Petersen I Hf ,. ,.v,.njn)s XV;m pent liij iii rc iiiurcl f r. nit Ouiiilia lnt cvciiin , ri-ndc-i iti iiiiific and (lerlii- iiltcr miikiiitf rn oxuMiclril m-iireli I ,ilt jOMHi j,fu.r wiii li 11 rocistl Kiinic tlinii;;liut Uu- cily with iKidclii ile . f p,-0j.r.Hhiyc hinli (ilaycd Clue fin t(i the wlu-ifalioiilf of their I Tin- kinir nri.e. wliiih conxiMed itiii-Hiii lirotlier. One man wan , HiVer l.uller ditdiew lined with found, however, that flated t ! 1 ;i t he ;u, vv , ,c. nwardel Mi SitnpHiiii couvei-.-eil willi him helween the (.,., Hull,,;,,-,.; Mim K,,,0 I1011..4 of It and f p. in. Monday and! I;v,.,s l Wendle losler eanied (Inn Mr. I'eleri-en Hlated that he an-J ,,1; ,K. )())),y trophies which eon tieipaled ejoiii'.-; Kitilh via the I.'. I'. Li.u .1 of a wheislone. road thai evening. Ml . J. C. 1'i-K r- j eonipany hi olu- lip in the ten f.ta'.ed that he was inrlined l (' Ti'tiil liouivof Ih'c niht eaeh not leli ve that ihi hlalemeiit i for-;t-t t i it 1o uich Mif Hilton renuine, in view' of which the m;ll,y j,py yc;i;fi lo come. Mir natural infeivire would h that Mr. W:M xv. ,(-ei.ienl of n veral vain-,1'eii-i veil Mi (,lnn:ari'.y, hut l 1 nhle jn .Menlf an a token of the vr jthirtx: ' ; . 1 ' de ' 'e or Kiil'lieient I),.,.,,, j,, svj,-, held. TIiohc irau-'e can lie arriiied for Kiich jiietioa. While it n;pe.irn that the l'irel ..,tioiial hank J:an a niorta-e of ifi.tK) against Imm flock of eroccrii'M, and while there are a few other credl'.oi'H, then; U not the A ft B AH 1 ()Ui: FALL AM) WiNTEIt SKHK - - O1 - DRY - GOODS - AND la ITcvr C ;mplct3 in ell roa--trnnta, preunt were: (lertrude Hilton, Ivlith ratleifou, K'ofc J I y fin, Ite.-'Hii.' Walker, J.ucile 'iinpHon, Maltie Smith, Alice Murray. 1'ranciH ll.illanee, Ivl SlilcH, (ilea Carrulh, KIM'SS (iOllllS We are hhowin n handi-'oiiie line of CAMKI.S IIAIU PLAIDS, JJKOAI) CLOTH, ILANNKI.S, SKICtiKS, lIIOMv'IKTTA?. leant 'o .i.i that the ae.-cM would' C'oolide, Tom Miller mid Wcndlc l-'oster, Itert Holinen, Will A full line of colorings and blackf, irary have been declared by the official authorities falsifications of the official reports. A. SALSDURY : D-K-N T-I S T : GOU A.l I'OKC KI.AI.V CKOWNH. Dr. Bit Inxiiyi !! ii .ifUc !' Hit- utnl tx I I - euahle It i in to meet ell olilifations promptly im he han ahviiyH dune heretofore1. It hart heen intimated that dome.-tic trotihh-H may have driven him lo loavc, hut this in largely Hpee liouandt' e i ho lie miuce- .lent faclH develop we hhoiild not he warranted in drawing that euii cliixion. lielore Omaha last evo- ni'i';' the I'e.ei-en lir-nhcrH !elt a photograph e.i'! full deKcription with the chief of police P '! in the event that he Iish heen foully tleall willi which in 1: pr i 'aide -the 1 1C H will mo I I) ! u '. We arc reiie!iied ly the Pelernen hrolherrt to ( tele that Int1 grocery Cut to llrown Si IlarrettV nod jret a )UIi,H s fo. u ely coni'i cled ly window ulaHHamUlop up that hole K j.,,.,..,, wiM j.,,,,,!,,,,,. llt U,c la your iiuime. i i , , ... ,. ' - l.,iiiK' rt.liid, I' 1 Ur ttiliier.n will le- An honext Swede tell hir idory 1 reive Ihe came p.'oiii ;i mid cordial hi ulaiii lint iiiiiiiiHlakahh1 ti I"" iC.Klllllillll I I 1 LI t I 1 tl Hi t.l'lll Hi" I I irded JollllHOII. DMininivwt A fj-owl I.adieH Jerny vent at 2."c. I.adieH line Jercey vent ami panlH I white or natural j;ray at HOc enrll Lndie natural Gray Wool VVftsani I'ants at 30e. Kegular 75c iindae wear. Full lincH of Ladies Fine wl ribbed umler wear in white, curttf na! and black. Complete linen of Chitd'ri under, wear in natural, scarlet and while at prices ah low an the lowest. t ifkhoTf A. 1. tin One wot.ld think that after the !'L.XKKIS AM) (OMKHtlS lu licroun and wholly unfounded Slock complete and prices lower attempt ti.e Journal recently made than ever. to work up 11 Hentiment apiinM certainly keep tneir (inj;erH out of CLOUDS ilD SliilVVLS. the hie; but it appears tnal ine News is denirouM of experimenting' I "T" f 1LWK never hl.oWII to 11 bllle in the mailer. We state for l the sati-faction of our friend that fv Call hiieeiul attention to tHUM lill t.f If III I 1 1. ..... I... ..,.1.1 . lA... G..I.. Work U Soerinltv. "I ' ' . " .Ve H.rm heretofore -'.-ckl.Mj lil.K-k I UtisMMiuib, Kfb. t coj(j lin( ( n,u croup. 1 pive lirr 4V.V ) n t-asiMionliil 01 i iiamoeriaiii i t'our.b Kerned v, nn1 in live minutes ' lepil business to-day. I.iles I live lier one more Hy this , Ctll. t;,.,",.,,! ciilK.I at TUB UlLU- time t-he had 1t eolith up the i Kiilheriiiir in Ihe throat. Then she I oflice last eveni;i. w. nt lo i-leep and i lept ood for The (). 1). C c'.uli mectd ut Kock- and vomited; then Mie went oat K " to I id iiml slept (Kd lor the re- Mrs. Morgan Waybriht left this nuiiiiner of the ni"ht. She trot the -,.:., f.,r A-litand for a Lriei . croup the second nielli and 1 nave' " I l,..r tin. untiii' ri.itu-ilv with the Mime ! ' MIPS SCHt'YLLK, TKIMMKK. ijood recti Us. 1 write this becaiiHe Clara Green, who liiisheen abroad Uioni'ht there ininht be some ;"?' f(ir ,ir;l( treatment, returned I in 1 1n1 sain need ami noi mhw uie true merits of this wonderful medi cine. IIIAKI.KS j, 1 IUI.', I)es Moines. Iowa ") cent bottle for sale by F. (i. Fricke & Co. ' w ' JAWSOrf A PEARCE have kixi:ivi:i IWIr Fn't 'ti.. 'ii' J" I . I'jsi 'I'll 'Pitll' iixi t lot ui nr luL.". r.Mi liit tiki u lllll If t. IUr h lull IlUt el t'Ul'V A' tl Hlltllnt'l d'-r I rli fl .ttH-k i'Hl li tfueril III-!! riffw rull'-r H'iIk In 0uuU ! 7.S rt 1m iilijinifil. -1 i' ..i.-S - ' r "nH V ; OOI.I) Au rollCLAlX Clto-ANS Britlje work ami tlnu gulil wtrk a SPECIALTY. PB. RTI'If ATS I.O''t mmtll nliin nt. lbttUi'otVfU lot ilif.i.rtitirHArtir.t.Mii o !. & A. MAItSIIAI.U Fitufmlil '''. TTORNEV A. N. FCLI.IVAN. ttnn fj ' I w. WIM c y .r..imit B'trt.tlii n all 1 1 t'r I In lil'. li'lif II. UDlMi lii M'U, I "lil . I lllnlilll, Ni I'. VT t ,it.-l a nfiivr. r l ii' lf hi -minry "' I In (Hi tin I II V. with lulu1 I" 'fl r , HI In ti ' ( "fikli s n i vWr i w - It lloii.f. t tiller, . HAM I I II I'll:, lift run- buckwheat Hour for sale nt Heist 1 mill. tl Wonccrful Sucres. Twovenrsao the Mailer Prop. Co.'ordiTfl their Imf.les by the box -now they buy ly tin1 carlal. ....,..i., llui ... i.,ltfir:..irl Ulli,lU..flll reuieth.-M thev iircpare is llallerV ' K'ev. Hritt ill lill t!ie p.ulpit next Sarraparilhi A Hurdock which is ' Sunday as u.-ltal. tin1 mort won. lei lot hlooil pnrilier kmi vii. N.i ilni'.';;ist lifhilalci to this morning. Ilertie Irish ittid Mm. M. M. Murphy were passengers for Oma ha this iiioruia;, II. S Hrhrgs, manngecf the Koyct' Coiiiedy Cn was a pleasant caller ut Tilt: llDKALU oflice to day. Rev. Dr. Mrilt and wife were pa reugers iliirf nioriiin for Masliugs, where they gn on a business, trip. Mr. ICickhoil is as goo 1 a citizen as any man in Cass county and in con Hid 'ring the source whence these alt icks originated and the motive which prompted lliein, he deem, il wholly unnecessary lo recognize them bv tiaviii'' no fin- iher att.-ntion to the mailer. When the time arrives for him to be installed in his oflice he will produce positive proof of liii- citi.''uship, in the event lhat re sponsible parties, being actuated by honorable motives), question his eligibility. Th Chli.Tt'io QunHtiite. The Chicago Lady Ouartette was irreeleil by a large and appreciative audience last evening mm to k.ij that they gave good satisfaiHion would be but u mild expression, as was evidenced by the frequent and sometime- Kpontaneous outbursts of applause that greeted utmost every production. The readings of Miss Cope were especially good. her articulation being almost faultless mid her gestures perfect. la the event that Ihey desire to impenr in l'lattsiiiouth agnin then i-t little doubt that Ihey will be greeled by a full house. The fiidiis of Jhe Kpiscopul church will net a ha idsome mm for their worthy pastor ami are lo he congratulated upon the suc cess that has attended their efforts. large a lino in th;s department. i i - i- i'iv.r1 ju ciiii attention lo our rirgi assortment oi ueemrf Military uiid lli Coat hliapes tiimnietl with Mink, fcea', Abtraelia, MulTiilooii uikI Coney furj. Our line of Pliish Saeimes aro elienper than e.-cr belore. FuD lines of Children? nnd Misses ('lonks nnd JacketH. ONK DOOR EAST FIRST NATIONAL. lloii.f. . tiller. .. KAMI I V 1 '''' N' M.IUV old Wildiers.wl and ic oi Iiun J chrome diarrhoea it tm ,b locoiilracleil while in tlie rifoiiuri'ii'! this remedy. I til r.tie i.mi'iM. Heart ili.". ::: i" lO'Midly nipjretl t.i be incurable, but when pinviy treated a lai 'e portion ol cases v.t be en : 1 1 1. 'I tins M rr . I ill nil a II lii'h, of, Intl., mid Mrs. Mary I.. I', of Ovid. Mirh., were rin d nlt'-r Milii i ine "J mmih. S. (I C. I. Jones, of Iiipepcr.denre, la.' it lar;;-e s'.ockhoh'cr in list1 I'la'.ls. Itioilt!! g.'.M un'l eleeTic lighi plant was a p!ea-a:il called nt TltL IH.i-'A:.;! sa:;ci:r:i l.r t eve.ilug. A. C. Wright, who ha.s been ab- senl lur i o ir' tone iiikJ in tlie em ploy if the p'pTibiican executive crmmiMca of Ohio, came in la:-l evenin;' and will tal. i . t ......... . i ... t... .. i . 1 1 1 II I"' I, lill' i- i. ..iil Min in., , ,,. , i .1 rays thai Dr. Miles' New IK art Cure 'u Ih's M-ctmn of the country for the which erred the former, "mu kei ' preseut. woH.iettt ft ii hi v.yc" Levi I.i!;iiii I A ,1!lIf o( rolir0(j,.tn(tvcs of lluchaiiau, M'icli., who bail heart , . .. , . li. case (or Ml years. say s two.llles fr"' various sugar making indus iiintl.1 him "(eel like a ncV man." i tries of America au 1 other nations Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure it sold i il IIR III,' thi r e die til w ncrvice. h'tve since been ifrmaiient-! and ruaranteetl by (1. Fricke fc ... . . . . I. a. . IJ. .. ' I lycHre'l ol it ly I liaioilierlaiu s Colic, Cholera nnd diarrhoea Kcm- For pale by F. (. Fricke & Lo. edy. No ice to Ladle I have on hand a line lot of rib Foiih and lips which I will fell at the lowest prices foriish. I have tiiy goods nt J. Finley Johnstnis hard ware stole where I tuny be lottnd every day from !: to r,iO p. m. - , M i.'s. J. F. Johnson. iShJoh's ciilnrrli rrmedv a posh llive cure Calurih, Diphllierin and Clinker iiiottih. For ule by F. (J. Fricke & Co. Some of the most slsrtling, In tersling discoveries of the life nnd riisioms of Ouried Fgypt tire now tiein ; made throne li intensive rxcn Viiitious. These discoverii s nre rxciliog u great interest, ."laity f cjlsc.yvcrica nre, honeer, beiiijj I mu'iif in our couiilr- filature re- 'Vuirl vlle, among txhielt we may " 1 ,' 4',M''7 H't of Haller s I'ain Para. v r vhiih Ifects etilire rv lief, nnd . 'many cases a cotrph-le cure ol Co. liuokol wonderful tcslimoiu ils Inc. 1 IS ill ' If 1. ' .. . ....... i i.. .i .i llllll lllll'JH tnriii.- I I Mil in. i ' i ru ,, and which also relieves pit in of ull Kinds. Fi r i ale by all cii ugisli. For rent the west id of a good atore room 3t Window Bajrctt'a A router GokPKH. luit at Brawa Has just opened up a full line of, Gents and Chlldrens all wool underwear anJ be fore you luy your Fall or Winter good3. Don't fall to call and eco our prices. We beat 'em ail. Have you seen those nob by LIIsscs Caps, all pretty ehadt'S, 55, C and ?S cents L'.!rCi..g Ne.TSnnit tor tiitVilti- tageous lucalions to eslublish works. They ull want a portion of the broad fiirth ait the attractive mibsidy-induccmcnt, nnd expect a rash Hiibscriptiou besides. Lincoln Xewtt. There in little doubt that the Omaha delegation will wield an Influence before the republican national committee as it is coiu jtosed of the representative citizens of the utaie. The Chicago paper apcuk in coiiiplimentary terms of the delegation nnd give extended jaccouuUof iuterview held with them. In a recent publication of the con a ty court docket Till! UlirtAUi i:iaiic a lyiogra)hicaI error l.i spelling the word "overwhel mid." The Jour nal of yesterday in erilio'sing us for the error makes oiiceoually 114 bud, for instance, "overtt lieniiu;;." We nre aware that such errors creep Into all newspapers occasionally, nil J we should t;ot Hprn!. of tl !a er ror were it not that the Journal put Its linger in the fire on ita own accord' It must tuiiely place the paper in a very ludicroua and In cxcuaable poaitiou. Flnx In Nithrii Its. Within the next lew years seeitil luaitufactining establislmtetils for ar;i v."! .' i ma '. front i!.i; iintl hemp r'lould be hii'ated i it i Nebraska. There is no oucstion that our soil is admirably adapted lo the pro d K'l'on of the r.nv materials mid nil that is needed to insure the hi.t'.ioti of these Indusliies is p.oper encouragement from our c:ii..ens. Jm McB TLt'WJb-TTSr, JEWELER Headquarter for everything in thodineo WATCHES, DIAMONDS, FANCY AND DRONZ1 CLOOICS, OPTICAL GOODS, OP ICR A GLASSES, FANCY SILVERWARE, SOLID GOLD JEWELR7 A BIG S10GK CF HOLIDAY GC0D3 AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Repairing of FINE WATCHES n Specialty and all Work Wnrranted. 3. A.. Ivl'SXjVT'-IiT, THE LEADINO JEVVf.LXH , At R A rffi'Xy$ I'lt-lUiriOuUi, Neb Attention, t SA.iUai. The regular monthly biisiness meeting of the Epworth Ix'ague, , which wan )ostoned one week on tiecoiint ol the district convention at Weeping Water, will be held' Friday evening, Nov. 20, at the resi dence of Archibald Adams, corner Silh and Marble afreets. A full . . r-. . -. il &UH CIUIMNO LIST. Hon. Orlando Teftt hm merited I ,, v.... ,.,.,. , . i. .he thanks of the republicans id "tV a" "i "i Cass county for Ills faithful nml i it ;;. U' " ,,.,...,l K k..';'! ..-..-' ealous work tluring the campaign I ioWaMto u. .ia r ici I l!nui.ii. .... has just closed. He linn long since been regarded as n man of good executive ability, sterling republicanism nnd unswerving in tegrity and as he closes his work for this campaign he has fully uns tained his former reputation. Mrs. J. 1). Simpon, of this city, is i , . . i . ., ... atiendaucc is dv'shvd as there is o.gau,...,g a nass ... w.cai nun in business of importance to come ....V. n ... it ... 4 fA. ... A. VI t .-.2- Spcclm nCiie, S. II. Cliliord, New C.W 1 e, W i i-,nn troubled with tieurulgin niii'; rlii'ionat i-ill. Ids i5u::.1'.r Xf'A lia-' ordered, his liver Was ntieeted to a . lihn uiilig d?gree, nppt-tite fell attxf and he was ierribly reduced in flaa . nnd Klientrth- Fhree bottle ! Electric HUteva cured him. FldwHi-d. hlifp'n'rd, lhirrisburji, . I!' , h nl n n"uff ,nrf.11 lf belore the meeting. At the M. E. Churuh. Servirea at the First M. li. church next Sunday as usual. Subject for the iiHMjiiing sermon "Samson' Kiddle," nnd in the evening the doctor will preuch a sermon to the young men. A cordial invitatiou iii extended to all. Htrtiineulal music nt Nebraska City. . of eight ye?' binding. Used',1 She ia recognized here ns one of ! three bottleH of'.1''1'.0 1,,ittcr ." ourleadinginusieuin nndcourtesie i ccn b""'-H Hu extended her by resident of Ne- K&Ci d'er r V ?' ".n hraska City will be fully merited, j CgeVeversoVesm From report gleaned from the Ne-1 ; d he wha incurable. One brnuttn f'itv IVi-hm mIii lit ...... .1 I Electric Kitten nnd one tin Hoc '.Inii'jA C.I..... .... . . V 'iivr cureu nun eiuir. Oliltuaiy. Di Els The little infant child of Mr. and Mra. S. P. Vanattn died last evening. Mrs. Vnnnaltii ia ulso reported vrry low, life for a lime being dispnred of, but tit this writing it is thought she will recover. Fx-Senntor Saunders, who accom panied the Omaha delegation that wiM ap cur before the national re ommitli'c on the twenty third for the purpose of aecurlng the republican convention for Oma ha, I a fntheier-in-hiw of Kumell Ilarriuou. with the encouragement richly de served. Aa winter nrproachea, nnd the cold waves dashe down upon ua, it would accni that if ever Hie. ttig nal service was of tiny benefit it would bo right now, and yet the Hags, nre not displayed hardly once n we.-k. Flvideutlv, some' otic must be at fault. We me informed Hint the S. S. Department has the weadier report aent to the poHt muster daily, nnd of course at tome expense, which is needless, if no use is made of them, but posnilly the service cuti be Improved. Why will you cough when Sh. loh' cure w ill give immediate rr Fef. Price 10 ct.., ft) cti. and St 1 For aalc by F. U. Fricke 4 Cm ly. Sold by F. O. Fricke A Co. L.UI or Liutr Remaining unclaimed in th postonice at IMnttHinouth, Nov. 19 for the week ending Nov. 12 , 1801; A0:lnr. r Mull "t(iiie, Frank 0 oil. Jim Il mum, Win lliilisriiun, Wm llrrDK, John lli lli'iiliiiiK, A 1 "l -le. Hiik XiHctoloiiky, iAm Hair, Olio MhiT, W in N in n initio, FuKtu fin llt, Vmliou FittilriilmrK, Wm Pejlirri, Jacou Cruly, .'dim si-ii'k, ilcniy. lOiiiniii'n, M Vi lK, lei.T Wuhuix, 1 uuiila Person calling for the nbova will please nay "udvei tiaed," II. J.STkKKiHT, P. M. Mrs. L. lientley, of Malvern, Ij, who haa been taking legrotia in painting d Mrs. O. II. Suyder, r turocd Lome laat tveuiug. t 7