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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1891)
d uy nerai VUJL 1 v.-:,' FIFTH YEAR. ii V '': PLArrjMoar.i, nsiraska. Wednesday wovexs6r s mi NUMBER 57 Y ) I 1) 0 f. oya! B; eads 1 "The Roy;i! for I have s f.i tlicin .'.:..l 1 i:,k- I' m. ' . i. reiu.,. I'..:.. v it: "A! 1. 1. ; . , . an-. 1)..:..:. cent, (yi ; tlu..i .". .; "As a rtaiili of v,;y Cakia l'uvvdcr far conlaiiu lion;: but .. CrcaU-'. utrcath. T. "i'ul'i Ai.u.'j:.', Ontario, Djiuiu.n of Canada." The latent investigations by the United States ana C-r.atli:::. Governments show the Royal Bak ing IV.vd.r superior to all others in leavening :iigt!. !u!ci:i:u!c ly ether manufacturers to the con t;y heve lec:: declared by the official authorities alsiicalLns of the ofj'icial reports. W. SALSBURY D-I'-N'-T-I-S-T COLD AXI I'UKL'EtAI.X CKOWNH. Dr.H.rlxwitva Htn-iihrilr loi Ilia pnUik.i el llUI'llHI llf tft-tll Fine Gold Work a Specialty, xkwiiiid Block . llatiimoutli, Neb. OtKWlM WPON A PEARCE IIAVB kEfKIVKO ikrlr r'l mm., ism 1 ril'li' 1 . t'i n1 quill" twiiliit il nr Imi.lm cmi lmi Imla lu rilmw ai d Ic I. I lirjf H lull hue baby h "xl mill In m drrl irlrMt ll iH k nul hs 4tund llirli irw mil. r lwi lu 40aud ( "ft r l irliNiii-il, MISS SCHUYLER, TRIMMER. , QOI.U At ruUCKLAIN CIIOWNS Uriilgu work nd tine uld work t SPECIALTY. OK. T VIVA I'M UK'Al.MWolt olhrf l, cUicUckIvd lurllii pmiileMtrik'Uin ul lieili, C A. MAIISHALU Fitjfi-rald V"' ft TTOKN IlV A. N. BULL1VAN. Attomcjr m-l.sw. Will (ii innipt nOMillm (o kll lii-Hif- r'll rul t-1 In liiin. lifTlra to llnlilll llliM'K. hHl Mile, riHll'iniililll, Nrl). Wnl"i1 n hpi l. rl ulilf m nl.iry 7i In wi 1111 ul Irv llh 11 i n f. in inur . hi In h' n n vrllnii llou. rfi-rrnitn. lill lS. Ni-w Viirk. A ri-m til Willis Nrw 1 II MAkirALll'MfcH, lick Many old soldiers, who contracted chronic diarrhoea while iij the ervice, h'jve since been permanent ly cared of it by Clinmihcrlnit.'g Colic, Cholera and (linrrhoeii Kern edy. For eale by P. (j. I ricke & Co. Nolle to Ladles I hnre on hand a fine lot of rib bo !i A ml tips which I will kcII at the lowest prices fociifh. I have my Roods at J. Finley Johnson bard ware store where 1 nuiy be found every day front 1:00 lo r;(!0 p. in. MKs. J. V. JOHXttON. fihiloh's rutnrrh n-nu dv iosl Itlve cure Caturrh. Diphthrrln and Cnnker mouth, For sale by F. (J. 1V1 t Vc& Co. Some of the most slartlinar, In trrstiiifj discoveries of the life and customs of buried Ktrypt ar now beinj made through exlensiverxca vattions. These discoveries are exiitiiiif a (treat interest. Many discoveries ore, however, beinj made in our country that arc re inarltnhle, 81110110- whlcli we nay mention that of Waller's Pniu Para lyser which effects entire relief, anil V in autuiy cases n complete cure ol th;H terrible (liseio-e rheiimatitiiii, "S. nttd which also relieves j.nin of all viuds, Por sale by all ilriiRiHta For bale. A base burner with oven for iale cheap, itf WldK ii lvOOT. Wlnfloay Eamtt'a fUsa at firawa A ;!::;; Powder All. a'jsMutely purest m.K.Ic both for 'I'.x 13ak : :s; .i..I r.iu.t ; : : i I c. D. .vv; ::cnt. A it '-' :.r..:o. :. ..f I . U. to by 23 per i .:vc;;;-;-.itioi;j I find the Royal p :ut tj tlic othcis. It is pure, .cl-; j:r.c i.: jriiicaU, and in of X. VALADE, Onti Waahinuton. i A special I'ulluiail car passed Jmowu to have had in his pos thro' tS:c city last cvrl:: contain- scorioii iii the iiciiiiiboilioml of fZC) ing '1 representative citizens ( money. 01110117 whom were t-'cnsilorn Man-j To whatever cause his disappear-di-rsiiii and I'uddock, John M.Thurs- UIRt. ,M;,y he nlti ibuled, all concede ton, K. Kosewuttr, Gov. T. J. Majors n,ui he in nurely unable lo comma enrottte for Washington, where they nicate, or lie would noli.'y his family will appear before the iiiitional re- 0(i alleviate their anxiely. Mr. publican commilteewhich meets in ivtcrsen is not a man that would that city the Zri nst , for the pur- ,;,, L. j,, quesiionable Hocicty and p H; of preHt'iiliiiff Omaha and lier attractions in a convention city with 11 view of having the convon - tiou held in Omaha. The commit. tee will npnrc 110 pains to present Oinahiiui her best lijrlit and tlicy confidently hope to have thcii re- (pest g;rnnteil. An honest Swede tells his story in plain but unmistakable Ian Kuajre for the benefit of the public. One of my children took a severe cold and not the croup. 1 pive her n tcaspooiiful of Chamberlain Couh Keuiedy, and in live minutes lates I unve her one more. J ly this time she had to cough up Hie rrnilifriiiir in the tliriinl. Then hlie went to sleep and slept good lor , in. yesterday. It appears that the tifteen minutes. Then she got tin . M. flyer had just pulled out and vomited; then she went back ,, le f.M;rinoit A Chester nccoin to bed nnd slept cood lor the re-; , . ., , . niainner of the night. She got the . "'odaliou had side tracked was croup the second niuht and 1 gave loading freight preparatory to Icav- her the same, remedy with the same good results. I write this because 1 ituilli'llt llllTI llli'rlil Iij uftllll if 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a I. it... Ul UK' HillH M ( 11 illlll IKK ft IIOW IDC ) trui mrritrt of tlii uoiidt rlul uudi- cim. CllAKIXrt A. Tnu.HHi;i;, i ii'm ,iuiiiii. i.iwti. .di c'ii I'oi'.ie for sale by V. O. Fricke Si Co. 1'ure buckwheat Hour for sale nt Hcisc l's mill. tl Wonderful Suoecss. Two years ago the llaller Prop. Co.' ordered their bullies by the box now they buy by the carload. Among the popular and siicceseful remedies they prepare is Mailer's Snrsaparilla fc Hurdock which is the most wonderful blood purifier known. No druggist hesilutcs to recommend this remedy. For sale by druggist Eas Just opened up a full line of ladles, Gents and Childrens all wool underwear and be fore you buj your Fall or Winter goods. Don't fall to call and seo our prices. We beat 'em all. Have you seen those nob by Misses Caps, all pretty shades, 55, 65 and 75 cenU caca? A MYSTER.OUS DlbATPEA RANG E The Wheraiib iu't o Rnnmim Petersen UriUno wn-Foul Piy rsu' pooled Our usually tjm'ft little city has been mil led up somewhat by tin.' rtiid ten dirtiippe.iniiice of Ras mus Petersen. Mr. Pcler.ieu wont to Omaha 011 the 7: la liyiu Monday morning, expecting to return on tin; I ilu tr.iin in the cvciiiu g, luit im yjt lie Ii.h nut rcturnf. I 11. nl no kiiowli'dc can Il- obliiini'il us to liirt w'in'.'t' Hi- 1 1 iv iliniii r at a relative's in Onialia Monday and tr.nnaeli' 1 liu-i le.-s a-. lin-'.-,i:.' ii ..1 ., n! . .1 ..).! ,v .1 iii... t Ulier at li p. ill. Hi li'U llus pl,ire: lor tin.' imou- of vV. A. Miiii'.', l '' C'lllM!'il l.ltllf.'-, VVll.'l"!' Ill' l')i'l-Il'd I to pin iii. if e a Mo.'ii of (.'in . H in .Is, in lend in; lo ret urn to 1'asloti ! iNe OallahiT's belore tailing the (i:l ) tram lor 1'l.ilisiuniilli. A telephone from W. A. Miller nt 1 11. in. to-day said that he liul seen nothiujr of liiin. mid 1'axtou A (hillaher teslii'y that lie (ailed to return to their place of business ns he anticipated, neither wis he lit the station to t.n.e the (J. 10 train. There is considerable speculation n to the cause of his disappear ance, lie has been subject to heart disease for some time, which, together with the fact that he has been leelinj; unwell lor several days, is suyesteil us a probable index to the mailer. Tin' reviiiliu opinion, however, is that he has been foully dealt with. In lo Council IllulTs he probably passed under the viaduct on Teuili Direct, from Marey to Harney Btreels, where foul play would le easily iiccomjilisiieil iiml detection remlri eil extremely (loulitiul. lie ; jf j,e j i 'onlined on account of ' ealttiess there is billed itibl that he ( l;ut (,veu frcjbly detained. Ilia ) (rioll, ,erPi uni jjr,. peterHcn "especially, arc very much cine ter.u'.I and very anxious that the truth be known. Messrs J. C. and Chris Petersen took the early train for Omaha this iiinriiiiipf and no iiuins will be snared to uncertain us to his whereaboiils. A fOKMLH HI.AIlaMuUlH MAN. Killed at Filrmount in a Wrack on the B A M. Hoatl. A disnslrous wreck is reported to have occurred at Fairmont at 7::M) a. , hig. The switch hail been left open ' ,,.,.,, ,., ;,,,.,.,. (lf n,.,,!,... . ' nwiii ami a through frci-lit daHlird into the ro;ir of the Clu nur fri.iht. Drakimuu JlulU-n, tlio I man responsible- ior the accident, was instantly killed. F. M. Lt.ini- houxc, conductor was horribly man gleil and dn'il an hour later. Mr, I iariihoiiHC will bu remi'in bered cs u dinner resident of Plaits- iiioiith, he linviipr b"cn employed U4 baggage master of the U. & M, making his home here. Co to lirown A I'.arrett's find pet 11 wiiiilow glass una slop up thut hole in your uouse. u A LIST OP MISHAPS. AT TUB mors. Curtia Moore had the misfortune yesterday to lose three of his fingers while at work in the Ik A'M. hops. Ilia hand was immediately dressed by lr. Livingston and though his Injury is every pninful and the losa of his finger will prove aerioils, lie is feeling aa well to-day a might be expected. AT THECOUKT IIOUBR. A piumcr from Omaha, who recently began wo,k on the court house was seriously aul pi i ha j, s fatally injured at p, in. yesterday. I!c attempted to assist in the unloading of a box of p'nte glass, weighing ll(X) pounds, a id by becoming over balanced the box fell across his hip .crushing it and probably injurying liiin Intern ally. At thia writieg he npptura to be resting better but there is no certainty that lie will recover. The county court docket hna been unavoidably crowd.'d out of to day'! issue, but it will appear tomorrow. Com minvionr'N Proeeerllnyi. Platthmoutii Nov. 9.-1 . Hoard met ptimuiiit to ndjour ini'iit. I'reseiit. A. H. Todd, A. C. Lnder and Jacob Tiilsch, County Couiiiiissioiier 1, Hird Crirtchlielil, couuly clerk. M iniiles of ctobor session reail anil approved when the iollowiii I business wan transacted in regular form: 4 I ll.i-dnfs p.'rlai ninfjf t'i court I lioiine was nili'iideil '.n and bmiri! adjiMiriii'iI till to morrow. Nov 'inber 10. Hoard met, full hoard p'rcscnl, when tin bills were com-idi'i i d tin'oe.t in limit )'.ou.-e. 'lln priipo.-iiiou 1 1 in ! by I'laUMi' ciij- lo pay towards payi'iy I n cloeli ' was nt i i jiii d, and con I tract was iet in i'i r. iclieri-liiiili. a;'' . it (irSi'ili Tiinma t'loi-lt coin- pany, for tower striking clock with Urn pound bi'll at V.i-l.liO and a con tract entered into for saiil work. Hoard adjourned till to-morrow. Hoard ini'i, full boanl present, when the following was done to wit: Appointment of I). Woodurd, constable for Weeping Water city was made upon petition, and bond approved. Hoard ordered that the county clerk draw warrants to judges and clerks of election for amount equal to twenty-live cents per hour for time consumed while sitting 011 election boards, and allowing three judges for each precinct and vot ing district and live judge for each ward in Platlsmoulh city where registration is required. Kill of Dr. J. II. Hall for medical service on rreI M0II111 was r?-co . sideivd a. ul refused payment. I'poii petilioa a Oruggisi's per mit was granted to I,. K. Myers of Cedar Creek formic year. 1 he following claims were al low d 011 the general fund. I' I' II ti 1 mi)iI r. nil nu ii .1 C Kirk iiunry 'ins 1IH11: p in it !l M l tl ! 1 ml "I ju 'vi' i.rni'e .. II .1 S'lriulll i iiiuiR'il Kn!iiit'. K I'nlunr mils t . pAUp"r SUmlf Urn liul' tu ii.iinvrr WllC eiil i hiiiviMii JiiiIk" "(lire J Triini'li csoli 11.1I1I lit r or 'i I .Mlilrr n.illiiK c'ni' clii'tl, ullke t Ui It'll bill l)its v l'iil"iiinn it frt lie. rjr llmrl, m In In c linty IT "i, I) A a 111 brll liiilrx iliKi-st 3 CO U It JonM ifpuJiiiiK J H i m s'iiiiiIit I'm in ls t iiimr 19 w I H Mu Ii v & 111 111 Ue o pisir 31 On Ky un In k Urfoiid nil pilnuuei. 20 no A N Hiilliysn 20 1 Mill Oriiiit ' " 20 cm Unlit I). inn lly wiliiiin fwel )rtr .... 4 no W Wriilsi run 1 imil u( 1 fllee in m ; K a rvo m Imi in poor in". Jnai'i A r-!'. Irani for cni'it 5H i A II I mill aljry ami cXiK'iie W Ui I Till-rli I I mi A C l.o irr ' 6.1 30 Mull I I'-r'ns il f.o Hnj prl. mm 3.1 Oil C nt bill Mnle 'Ill'Ulla. til ur M U S ro Inn 11 ill klilK b.iH .1 b net i ' it K Wrii'ui ci,i h in 1,1 .inr in fill Nrbl.t k k I'lri'll iiisI.'ii lnt 27 SO W .1 M I, Mr n-iil i t Ii i llurci uit. . ltt Ui txh Imlt Hm .lull iiit-ra TCI il W .Ni lil" illlli uu t rxprim I 1(0 I ft 0 1 rr'i oen rirc luii boollu ... A a Kuiittt, pr ii, Ii v.. lot 3i, I'lii lll i K"i lib! r il ,,. t So I'liiini'li' .1 S v. 1 1 v t ry lo on K W l n.'H.rnlli.ty pliy I Ihii 43 00 lllid i lib 1. In .a. 1 1' i II ii 1 1 t Ii .... 171 OJ laid' un l.ii !-. ... .... 3: November, 1-. I V vo"il. "'t.ilf StiuDdr 4 3 l C W SMMii r. k K0 21 :i 2 0 2 Ki i n: b II, siair Ituilrra K a M nr. MHlr V1 Mmiir rl at A M t l. lk, 111 I llll', b'l'HK & n'llll lull etc i.Vt bill, s ale it SI. nil r Vta tUcn Cury.rurr Mi. IWikiui ... ltOMIM). I. Nsil;i'l. iuil .... '.Vritrril In l Hcrnppr l.'n, iml.e it Kl'uli iMI rwi gt ml A C Muyr, iimrynr 1 1 l ie W 11m, lr Iuk rimil Kit saiiKHiu, , KTH'I, " I W lU-nJ'-e. plkn fur r ind , runn, E It Todd, moving MTspar. dlM 13 n it i imi k rtsi). Ho't& Kam' t. Iiiiu Is-r HnulU I'Utta I. Uliilirr Co. lumber , 1'Ji T". 21 8.1 a .5 J on IS M 1 III IT W 2 uu 1 oo 2 89 30 10 405 IT V I'll. Murtoa, ualoading 11111 I TI C l) imudiu id. IiMur bil.ljim vxi 40 l!rkuii St iphrr. luinbrr tu so II A Watunuaii & Hon, lumber 1 It 1 lilhsll VullT. lumbar 4a (Ml (Hi i'ii, 'i hflilcr no rnuntT Una. 7l 5 l.f.ildili'.v. t I nk & I o. IiiiiiImt rl. 11W 10 IHUHT lliil.-SK li NI rUKU. ' X II Aagiud. blaikainillilig U Oft Warrsnls for the above and all election warrants are now ready. The following bills were refused: Mrmin A. lliirrs't. ini illrlna to poor s I, ivtri t n. n vii- lo inHir J M smririorii. Gti I owuil, l lI'iktli R .'rrrl.. IlikDCK'iTtiii-ini n. County Clerk. : a qi . in no . id . 10 Oil . ti MM Our local coiitemporarica have announced that add'iio.ia arc to be made to 'die editorial staff of 'Jllli IIiIUALn, and rather than permit un erroneous linprcstoii lo be creutt d, we wish to stale that Mr. Ccrgu v.'ill probably lie employed for a short lime to assist in the local work nnd do a little outside soliciting i the interests of the 'paper. i -FRED HER nUll l-'A l,L AM) WINTJEit Si Ot K - - OJF - DRY - GOODS - AND 7a ITcvr C.ra'Dlcto in all 3DoraTKicnt3, Dill s (.(HIDS We are showinga linndsome line i f CAMKI.S HA IK Pi.AID.i, HK'OADCI.OTII, II.ANNKI.S, SKIiGlCS, IIMNKIKTTAS. full line of colorings and blacks. ItbtXKKTS AM) (0MI0IMS Stock complete and prices lower than ever. GLORIAS ilNID Sll&WLS. HAVE never shown so large aline in this department.. We call special attention to our l trg'i assortment of Reefert Military unci Jlip Coat shapes trimmed" with Mink, eal, Astracktav MiiiTaloon and Coney furs. Our line of Plush Siicojicu aro cheaper thaji ecr Leiore. Fl) lines of CliilJrens and Misses Cloaks ami Jackcto. r. ONF. DOOR EAST yf3jf. A BIG STOCK OF HOLIDAY QC0D3 AT THE LOWEST PKICES. Repairing of FINE WATCH ICS n Specialty : und all Work Warranted, i IB. A- M'ELWAIIT, THE LTADINQ JEVVELtrt , 41C Main Streot, A Curd. Editor IIUKALD: Pleaso permit my wife and I to express through the columns of your piper our sin cere thanks to our unknown shop fri. nds for the testimonial ol their i.'...i..u i.. ..i-riuf.iii i ii ii its some. It HIllllTrj III i,iv ri iii'"!, ii it. ....I iiml owing to nn nccummtihMton of Ice chairs and I can assure them tnai when sittiuir in one of the chairs i after the work of the day is done no matter whether it be in speculating as to the cause which led to the overthrow of a dynasty, tlic rise or f ill of a nation, the growth of a lit erature, the spread of a religion or the direction toward which things appear to be drifting, I shall always have room in my memory for a grateful f emcmbratice of the gift of my unknown friends. Yourn very truly, T. T. Wilkinson and Wikk. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. 8. T- Von.itta, a son. Mcaars Harry nnd Will !lwland were passenger 8 for Omaha to day. jjcnmmpie imsbevn ttppointed janitor ior wumicw court bouse. Orlando Ti;(It,chairmnii of the re publican central committee i fn the city to-t Jay. The "Chicago Ladies Quartette,'' came In this moriiiiic. Don't f.i.i --.. a hear them at the Waterman to-nloht f r ir . , . Mrs.J. W. Dakcn, who has been vluillmr 1i .,.,.11...- TM... i. i ctice, re- turned home to Omahu this morn- Inir MA N i:.ii;inv i:tt A good Ladies Jersy vest nt ""ci . Ladies fine Jersey vest and. pants li white or natural grays at Title each Ladies natural Gray Wool Vests an4 Pants at aOc. Kegular 75c under- wear. Full lines of Ladies Fine wo) ribbed under wear in while, cardi nal and black. Complete lines of Child's under wear in natural, scarlet nnd white at prices ah low as the lowest FIRST NATIONAL.. nlnfiMA I JEWELER Headquarter for Everything in the line ol. DIAMONDS, FANCY AND BRONZ1 CLOCKS, ! OPTICAL GOODS, OPERA GLASSES, FANCY SILVERWARE, SOLID GOLD JEWELRT Plattsmoutti, Nelx OUR CtUBINO LIST, ll'ilns VaniuiiMainl ii II '.I I hi tin 1,1 .1- mill M K ll I li ILirni'i'i M e: . in sort II rn I'H ll.iX r li ul II K- l.n liiiip r' Wn'kiv innl "Kii.x i. a Iuwa M.ila Ui isut iiml IIkkai.I) . -i II . 4 .. 4 HO " 4 r .. 'i OJ A Broken Leg Last Monday evening Jacob Jones,. upon the back steps at the board ing house of Mrs. Molly Hrren, accidentally fell, breaking hia er just below the knee. Mr. Joiicb recently came tr 4j place from Winterset, la. I ,.. elderly gentleman, bci- fifty years of age, wind Mn Vfnder hia injuries more aer h would have been a u person. e it ' -.paeJrrran Cae. Clifford; New Castle WI. .. j troubled with lK'uruliri and .neumatiKtu, Ii'm stomach wan dia ordercu, Ki a 'liver -was affected to an t lnrniin'' degwrvappptite fell away nnd lie vas 4"rribl reduced in llesfi and strength. Jl"? libtUoa..f J Electric Hitter's ctiml him. tti i . -"j, jiarrisutir4L l llM lliiil a riiniiimr m, l; . j.owaro snen herd. , . ,t . "r """"II inn i"m years- Htntding. three bottles of Electrie Itii s of Eleetri,' imi..,. M-ycn botjljM Huekleu'a Arnic. J in Speaker, Catawba, ()., i,d liii. 1.11,,-rt fever notes on his l-g, doctora. i. , i "Mil out pifj 1 , 1 , .'!cn Ka,v "iivd tin, I IV. hlll.l llV 1 ' l.'! .1 . i'-. ,. . un" ,nrvox ituckv eiitinv '7 I'lirHBiHt'o Wl,.:il . " cougn when Snt i" w'11 ivp "'ntcdinfe rrv ?,cl' nee JO cts.. m et u.,.i V f,i rr t ' f ! I I.'' ''I " i'.; .. lea- i v i ' 1 - - v. rrtcne & Co.