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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1891)
f r' fhitsmouth Daily Ilerall KNOTTS DROS, Publishers nil! cvwv Ihii-i k.y. mill ili!jr fieri , K'Mm.": , t'i(. i''.:til tia:nith. Neb. eHwiKf tc iiittni.' tf,l rulltil l!..'H. Hid M1., , i"' w- iv.rnrr "Venn ' iivinnn. li t-mi.U if o , c:ii v- ir, . ft Khiim. .. .... n'yf, oh" yr. ll'r III U-i :Mtt. . . t.ittr It. ft'lvallln c py, l!ir.'H mtnrli, in H-tvum''. TKIIMH TOR IIA1U nir cop otn j ';ir i a-lv i; en tiioe.i.y ir !;. l c.irrii' n ei'py, it tii'inil1 , .f l s , 31 . 73 . 40 Ji'.OO . I'. .. 6f THURSDAY. NOVKMI'-KK M, lS'Jl. but to pive to them freely of tlr"'r own bounty. Lftull the people Cm joice. " In tentimony whereof I have here unto set my hand inul enured to be ufiixed the prcat ceal of the Male. Done lit Lincoln till H: day of November, in the year of .our Lord one tlioinand t-llit hundred nnd ...... ..r iii xtate the twentv- Bf.'i. ...'..i f .he in.leoen.lence of the republicans I'ttit'-d States the one hundred ui:l ivtivnth. Jlv the Governor: "m;ai.. John M.Tiiavkk. Joh.nC Au.iiX. See'y of State. victory in Ohio n-V' to me to-be very Hi;;ni!icunt. 'iTtf repilhlicnn ',r!yir-!'v-1 '"'y '')r riK1,t nml justice in naiii.nal, and tbey wrre rev,.Y,, d with 'ctory." Mr. White's rr. :s""m 4' will eominetid itcelf to o!' '"' v iit, every day pi i . pie of every p'dilh-il iip-d. The fact that the o'.dy pla where the t trilT im ma i " the ii-Mio ave 11 victory certainly doc. tmr .indicate that that int-ne 1.4 unfavorabic It! the republican party. Inter Occaii FACTS AEOUT COILS. tha Put Dl-hri; I rrnm Thura ! rail of lHilcniut C.arnift. Iloils are eatiM-d by perai.i, bnt It U not fully determined j 11st how 1'ie conns find notes, but they uru probably re- I , 1 .1. ..u..i. - I t , It vrititi buiiju(;n rvjiiiu fi im in .1 .i.miii ur j other Injury to tho shin. The pun wliieh i Is lirliur"e.l la full of pent!-. A Might I Eiucktsn's Arnica Salve. Tim Hkht Sai.vk in the world for Cut nruiieti, Ulcer, Suit lilt. urn. K.V t Sorf,Ti tti r. CIihim'iI IUihU, t'liillilnint. (urtm, unit ull Skin Xrnptioii", nml P'wi- tivi ly eurt-x Pun. tr no py rfipnred. In KHirMtit.n (I to uive dnti-tMciiiiii. ot 11101117 refunded. Pri. c '.:, r. nt per boi Kor (tnle by V. 0. Krit kc & Co. Injury In the vicinity of any of the fc'lumii of tho body tliron ;h which' have pold Lly'rt Crrani li.din iiijtiui iiiii-i- 31-. ii.-., mii iiuve re- MO0KLIGHT ON THS L$KZ. ToxsiCA ir iitrsuin about the miiiie despotic come that U.ilma ccda diil. It i probable that there will be nunc trouble iinlcs-t be con form more Htrictly to the principle.- of a democratic form of Koveru-tuent. THE PRESIDENT'S THANKSGIVING PKOIM TI0N. I5v the pri-ide:it u' the United HateHof America: A proclamalioii. It i- n very tjl.i 1 iueid'yit of the tiarveloiiH prosperity which hut erttvifd the year r.r.w drawing to .1 Cloe tuat in itcipi-f ni and te.iTin Uig touch hat been felt by till our f), iu,!i-. It has been a. wivle tin our country, an I fo special that every koine ha.i f.-It iiK cmtifortiifjf iu.r.i ence. It irf too i., to be the wo: 1, f 111:1:1'.- power and t 10 paiii :u!.ir 1 be tin; ib-vii"? of in'iid. To C d, the beneli e:it and id! w!.- wh) tnaV.e- the labor- of nfu to 1 e fruitful, redeem th.-ir lo-.-e by hla jracc, and tlie iin-a' of who-e foveruin i-tis i.r.ich beyond the Ciouhtf f nsati a it i beyond bin de.-Tt:, tin; and r.ili tilde f the people of t.ii favored nation re justly due. Now, therefore, I, Benjamin Barrinon, president of the United tates of Atii'-ricn, do liereby ap point Thursday, the '.'Hill day of Kovetnbcr prereiit, to be a day of joyful thankivin;: to Go 1 for the bounties of hit providence, for the f race in which we ore permitted to tfljoy them, and for the preserva tion of those in.-titulions oi civil and reliio'i liberty which He cave our father the wisdom to devise and rstablirh and us the courage to prefer e. Aniou the ppropriule ob.-. rv.mce of I'ue day lit lest if toil, ttui i-iiiji 111 lor: piit lic congregation, the renewal of fcnnily t en about cmr Ani'Tican resided and thoughtful helpfid esH towards thofc who su'ier lack f the body or of the spirit. la t-ftimony whereof I have hereunto Bet my hand and caused Hie eeal of the United Stale to be nixed. Done at the city of Washing-ton, this Lilh day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand iht hundrrd and r.incty-ouc, and f the independence of the United States the otic hundred uud i-ix-leenth. BXNJAMtN llAKklOX. By the I'renideul: JMt.H G. ELAIMB, Secretary of State! THE GOVERNOR THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION. Now, more than ever have the people of N'i;ra: I:a i::o?t conin C:njj reasons f ir lifting their bear. in gratit.ide i' ':: Supreme Kuli r f the univerve for the untold b! H tin'rsthey have enjoyed during the jear which is i,o drawing to a close. The dis.:htrotis e.'fect of t !: c 5rout'.nsr!::ch s.T.ictcd some pert :o::s i the ;!'.': a yi ar a;;o I..1.0 b. 11 followed by t!i.- iuiishiiie of proF ferity. i be window of heaven were opened; the rain came nnd ow the earth ha responded with a most abundant increase; the la torn of the husbandmen have been lort lavi:;h'.y icv;-. VJ; the f.ilds have been almost weighed down with grain-the trees i'h fruit the grHniri are now fnll to re pletion; now flgor and enerjjy have teen infused into department of human efforts; joy nit in the heart f til rwfnpl vtiir(j there S lamentation a year ai'o: ceneral heul,!i prevail und peace reiu within ottr borders. It is most be -oming, us well no ILe pci .'01 mauce of scared dutr, tiiut al! fhor.ld manifest in a public manner their nppreciatio f f at'd tin ir gratitude fjr thene pricelesh bh cf in-s. Now, therefore, 1, Jchn X. Thayer, goyemor f the stato Nebraska, do hereby designate Thursday, the 'X day ol the puf( tit month, us n day f thanksgiving and praise to the Mostliih for Mi. J.itherly cre er u nn! for Ui.t tender 1 11-rcii s. I most earne.-dly request ail the peop'e of this couuirmwealih to abstain from nil eeular ettiploy uieut on that day and assemble in their several placen of public wor ship and offer up thanksgiving and ong of praise to If is holy name. la accordance with thin beauti rulcustom families will be reunited, aocial and fraternal influences will prevail and the hearts of all nhouM be made glad. I bep those with nn abtridauce ot to (orget tiie poor aud Lredy, Norwiril-TANDINii the valuable a-sistance reudcre 1 by drover Cleveland in the la-t state cam ;aig 1, the Tammany crowd are airain beginning their old time onnositiou to him. If thi contin- tl -s to be inanife.'t hi party not nominate him in in the nui'iinm! ;i:r.i 1.1:. r.fl clitlU 1 li: n-'iii: l.iii'l iim ii-11 i-ili-ri bluiiiU r 1 y; I t'.irn:: I v in- (li. MiiliT-, I r t - irruy, A M'l it! 1 1.1 M iiiim-t r. - li i-ni-l h! i.T ii'iii i.'.IM: lii ifwif u-i K.l uii;Ul r.-il ct.-r nnC T'.:e . : w.u ilii'.I.y Iimiwii iv!t Jjln.'it.ay, W .1. .1 nun- liiTu- t lir In mi inT far 11 a .1 y . The kumih 11.' tuiirjiir..-.- nS-r lliu cliriant ImU. Ui.D (1a.' in; licit tUn,u:;li lliu ruu:,nn i mi lif A fii.l i:i..i:i i-liruli-il iilcnc ttifnwnt:r:fr:i 'i je r.i-lic . f.-it Hi it I.' nil.l lir- .:. 1 X I . i y Iii-h i-,-l tn t'i" tviiii r tlmt ua'iki'. Aliji- .n't iu la, r 11 1:-: : n 1 '!'!'! l-r Ia: An1! tliriji ."i k;--i it lRTi,;,.ii'i' v.'n !i!;n it. 4. I. K. I.K ill'lx.ll til I'llil'l.lllTa' Jul. runt. will L'X-Si"N TOK l'AY.xn pays that there t-iioui 1 be no 1 abt that it w.H the tarilf issue that defeated dovernor Cimpbc'd. He think: the a.-:un aiu'e of the ch-ctioii fd a republican M iulnr would be a 1 ;:f Lcivut le.-t;.non;:d of their lojalty to the liom-tt dollar, but .1 the Major made the li-l.ton the tarilf i.-siic th'-y certainly iudorted bill by Ibis election. Sr:.XATOK I' i wise in coun seling the postponement of further silver leg'otation until uu interna tional arrangement can be entered into. No one nation can restore silver tn it old equality with gold a a medium of exchange. Ti e United State ha been trying to do lb: since lTS nnd ha failed. It will doubtless soon be to the inte rct of the. other great nation to lend u a band in this task. Whin thi co-operation comes the job will be comparatively ca-y. Globe Democrat. SHALL WE MANUFACTURE? As the years roll by the fai t i tcadsly gaining ground that the U'e-tein a well 11 the L.istern states are ndapted to manufactur ing; and at tlii period several industries have been located in Nebraska and the public spirited business men nre throwing out grappling hook for a still further diversification of industry. And the fact that Out far such attempt' have been eminently successful, together with the abundant assur ance that our soil i- admirably adapted to the production of raw material, should furnihh an incen tive to persevere and furnish assur ance that within a few yeara manu facturing might be made a paying industr). Now what cities will re ceive the greatest advantages ac cruing from these industries? Ti e only answer is, those that secure their location. Forward move ment of thi kind have resulted in the establishment of indusirie nt (ir.-nd Island, Beatrice, Fremont, Ke. i ney and other tons, of 110 better 'a 'ilitii-s than possessed by rialtsmouth and if our bminei-s men would awaken to a realization of the import of this exten sion of industry and fd iuhi i tip iiii 14 dcici milieu unu persistent attempt to succeed, there need be little fear that we shall Ueep up with the procession. In a Strri-t (.'nr. Tlicro was 11 typical bit of (Js taown In n r vent tin -ills nt i i 11 Lro-mlyii tireet cur. Two fashionably ilrc-il wmaen. 'r:lle.TS to lit ; j.T, llli 1 l-nell with h t'tild on h'-r l"p. fo'tn l tV'iii b.' n-atm-iVs in a crowib-il ear. Tii" imti'l n l:ie bhl" i veit boy oil one l.inyH Sci fell a vi'-bui to th eo'i'i'-lr: if t'i (i.ll'lty I. ".I" lll.llilell Wl'll l ten C'liU uti.l rift brown e.M K nn t'i'f title r, an i to ill'; '11111:1111 sri i-f.ieti'in of t'n? fireutu u pretty lit: ! Uirtatioa v.eiiton. I'artlitT l.p the ear en tin o'.lier M'l" A plunii, ro-y cii'-el:ed in:.-. of two year, a c ::i.roi la!'ly cl ad but i vi leaily poor ciiil'l. Htixi'l n.:ain-t li'T uu it In r and ltd Ii iritrly vate!i"il tiie pair. At n cer'ain itl:et tlie innttier of tin hi V f .rimleil to et"p. "Kiss the baby," the .:irl, lis s!ie stood tin: little Miow o:t In feet, luean it!S ' f tt".no lie. (ioV.i u ILiir, und h i turned t j oliey. At tint t!i(wnt, however, the other Utile jirlt making ber way out with lu r motlier, v.-ns exactly nlm-ast of biin, nnj Master J 'due Eyes, fimlin this littl: face Is-fore, promptly U stowel a sonnd iti', iiearty suiaek ujsin it. A;nl every Is sly tun led, while tlin J rinee was lid out, tiie ls-g-.-ir maid wotnleriu'ly went her way, nnd the iii.-npioiiit?il princ-sn, who hud leaned forward for the royal sahite, bnrii d ber face in In r luuther's cloak, learning tli" early in life t'u'j bit ter tnitii that the kisi is not always for the (iitt who eJiK-cU iL lliu Tuint of View In New York Timea. perms nre ptven opportunity for cn trnnee, is often followed by enlur'e- ineut of liie lami.T. An injury to tho j lace for Im.tnnce. will cause l.'ie rrlanila j ef the neck nml Jaw tn swell. Soino j times from inflamed tonsils (,'erms Und ! access anil are can led by thelympltaties ! alon;f t'i some point where they ob 1 struct the bloodvessels and form u tiny clot vvliieli cives tho in-rms. a ehaace to I feed mid grow ujion dead ! In this way develop a Imil. ' consumption an; hlmilarly taken tn tho luiifrs Komelimes. Iailar;ed lyinpliatio phinds nlsml tlie r.eik or el.sewhera I Vould receive iittenlion Is-eausc tliey mu.y .to soiuet.nn:; else. they often take on tubereulii.isdejrefienition nnd after awhile reach t'.ie liin; It Isbefl t' have th'j glands removed by gurery v. h'.!.' the enlargement is still sli;;ht pland below planj pi ay bo found a.Tcclcd nnd tiieoX-ra-tfon conv; to be quite a serious one. It Is very rara tlnd t'.iev can be eared by tiny remedy. -A simple enlargement of tho glauUs can ihomelimes b; driven away by nr-cni?. but tiie orf.eiiie may develop a iii i rder worM than tha ca lurked elands.-Dr. J. II. Kello,. l.un::sA for C.7 i . comifieiKleil us use in more than a hundred special cases of catarrh. The unanimous niifwer to our in quiries is.'dt's the best remedy that I ha ve ever used." Our experience is, that where parties continued its never hiibs to cure J. II. Montgomery, A Co., Iniggi.-ts, In -corah, Iowa. When I beiran ttsinir ICly's Cream blood nnd I l5lll!" my catatrb was so bad I bod lierms of I'eadacbe the whole time nnd dis- cnnrireu h lar;-e nmouiit nt liltliy mutter. That ha almost entirely disappeared and have not bad lieinl. nche science.. J. Soiiiiners.Stephiiey, Conn. It will cost you notl) surely do ) uu good, if C uu It, I iild or anv tr Throat, Cliet or I. tin:. New Discovery fo Loughs and t uld. is gn.'t. t-ive relief, rir money v.-ill! back. Sufferers, from i. found it jllM the thing nt its use bad n speedy iiiei ' covi rv, Trv a sample I' t . expense and y?, bow r,i(iii ;r thine; ii i. in die ,it l.'i. l i'irlu' A t, More, Large sie Inc. und 4. THE TARIFF ISSUE A WINNER Mr. Frederick Taylor, vdio Is classed a "a prominent repub li -an" by the New York Herald, bus written nn open letter regarding the recent elections, and he thinks that McKinleyisiii did it Mr. Tay lor ha studied the elections to little purpose if lie thinks that the Melvinlcy tariff wa nnywhsre repudiated tin's fall. The one stale where it was on trial was Ohio, nnd there Major McKiuley and Governor I Campbell both nrnde it the one paramount issue. On that issue McKinlcy won. Where else wa this law raised lis an issuer Not in New York, where republican defeat was most humili utiitg, ami wnere mr. lnyior is among those wlio are trying to dia C ver why republican remain' d at i.oine o.i eh clioii day. The tariff wa not ni.".Ie an Issu? state by wither parly. K - p iblk-.tin abtihe J Tammany and I)ernocrats abused I'lalt Tiie people bad no digni fied i.'sue to make a fi-bt for, and thougaiid cf lliem rem. lined at home. In Iowa nnd Massachusetts the tariff wan also Ignored and if Mr. Taylor can find that the M'Kin I-y tariff caused republican defeat be give the people credit for little judgement. Ju contrast to Mr. Taylor's visw ia one by the Hon. Andrew I). White, which (mown iTiueJi more common ac:ihe. Mr. White sayn: "The Why Cit Mor TIimh tVjitiitilri 'i' U a iii.iiii-.ractured prmhict fur which a Luge amontit cf raw material is require 1. Tll5 Iiiatiuf:U'titn of meat if a pmcM of trniiMfortuiu the veetablu tiroli in. fats and earboliyilrai'-s of grass ami pr.dn into the nnimal protein atnl tat of K-ef, pirk and mutton. Tlis sains principle applies in tho prod art ioa of milk, e??s snd otiier animal fotsls. Ia the ui't economical feeding of ntihnaU it takes a number of piuadi of hay or corn to mske a kjuiiJ of bii.-f or pork. In other words, let the farmer muke ani mal protein anl fat from vig' tahlo m.t terials in the best way be can and still h must ronsnm a Urs quantity of sou proitnet to proaace a saiail smonnt of aniiusl food. Ilenre animal foods are costhpr than vegetablo. This ia the simple explanation of ths fact that in t:i'st parts of Uie World meat Is tho food of only the well to do, whilo tiie poor urn almost entirely uu veetaliln food. Thus ordinary peopli in Europe eat littles meat, and in India nnd China tli' r have tiono nt ail. It i hard enonli lor them to pet tiio nutri ment they need In veetahltt forms. Me.ita tii"V ratinot ulTorJ. 1'rofeK ,t At water ia O ntury. About PronoDctfttltia, Tlie dlctionnries are lint reason enonpli for liny one'a iniil.hi;; liiuiflf ntterly anion? LU fellows. On tlia same prinripl" we In America eontinito -.... -I. -l-.i-W,---. - B - .. W - KI-UU1D 1 llftU OS l. UiMlU :i- ple npen their eyes by nsying ''Schedule." When wa nre in England ws may ay "toiit insad of "Uuiz" for "tongtip," but tlie win Acierican will go with all hit countrymen in ancb a matter when be Is at borne. Very few people, either Er.jjlinh or American, ever say "dynty," "con k.iljution," and so ou, and yet that la und: ulitedly ths way wo onp,ht b pro Q"uue ta..-"j if j e s 'i-o by the autboiitira. It la betur tn bs idinraatlc, either in writing or ijieakinj, than to bo jiiFt rit by tho book. Coa ton Transcript. To Much fur llallvt O'.J Dirkey S., a very wealthy bnt fry ii. .crate East ItaLa ue rtbant in Lou- doll, tuok :s pair of ainicsw and set aVuit exaumiiii a lare mnp of India, thor ini in of whii ii wns illustrated with drawin'.'s of the wild and doinentic ani inalu of t lei country, bud leflly Dicksy dit ;!).! Iim compass In atnazeia"iiL "It can't b'-l It aiu't iu l!i Lorib-r of uatnro that it should 1s t Iu.poti'.M Hnb'.u I'll: .!" "'.Vliy. Lie'.ey, wut's ti-fl iuhU tc.-" "Wot'a tiio ta-itter? Vy, tliis !.iprd tiip-r ia nimty miles Ions!" rirl cy Lad liif 'iiirsl 1 1 . - t; 4r by tli4 scale of t'au uuii'. New York Advertiser. Iiliitmi' Vvmrly Fnil BJtj'ly, Iii ot. year tiio qnan'dty of fruit; tin losipsl at London bridge waa 110 1. '.ban 17,716,1j3 bunliela, Ijo valao of whieli whs at ' This cbkfly cotihiiiUd of apples, orniiirs, lemons, onion and potatoes, the two latu-r, tLotJli not strictly coming ntider tlo e;vtllutioo of "frnit, bciiq; ruck oueil iu with tl'O lest. Excbange. Wiles Nsrvo and Llvor Pills. Act on a ii-w principle rei;i. bit ing the liver, Homrcii nod bowel through the nervs. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Dill speed;! y cure biliou sness bad taste, torpid liver, piles, jotinipntion. (."iicqunlcd for men women, children, sma'icst. midest si. "St! rl di.-es, ii.'. Sampled free ;d I'. O. Fi ickc A Co's. Are you mode miserable by Ji gelinii, constipation, ..'i loss o( appetite, yellow j-kiii.' j l.ili' VilalitT is II HOhitive r i or sale by F. G. FricU .V Co. " For many year Mr. II. F. Thr son, of len Moines, verely aillictcd with chronic rf boen. lie says: "At times iV very Keveie; so much hi, tltt fenerd it would ei'd my life. A3 seven venrs ntn l cnanceiiv cure a bottle of Chainl.e, Colic. Cbiilera nnd Iv'eiiiedy. It gaveiiu promr and I b. licvi' cured me ly. lis I now eat or drum with harm thing I please. 1 ' also it- 'il it iu my family witlil li.- t resiil:. For sale by f-.j l;liekif)4CO. ' -4 lainl.e'i DiarrV' rompt rl peruuiiil A DIRCH-TArlK STAND. How to Miiliff a Tlipriuimrtfir Stnil V. lili h l Vrrjr I'rrtry linlro I. Taney tirli. les mad ' of tan bireli b?.rk brouj-ht l.oim; from wtmiwr wander ln;fs or nl'.vsya neeeptable gifts, and the fol' ovin? t!ien:iometer stand Is not only pretty but cu-.ily made. 'J'u!;e a strip of bark seven Inches long nnd (.Ivmt siy Ine'aes wide, cut it in a slopin r lino thi t ip, b"':in niig tit the left. Slops tljwtt tlie ri.riit side f -ir about four Inehes, n".d roll over l!:e r.'inainin'j two iae!i"s or tiie small end of the ri;;ht-lmnd corner in such a manner ns to make both top and bot tom of the htaiid of equal width; tho roll Is kept in p'.aeo by a narrow ribbon bow. Now the bark to a pice of cardboard of tho same shape, only a l V:, it IC.-x. . ..Il.l 9- J V?Ve.3TiW V .fi i ''i vv-i.i ri ,- , TUB TIIEftKOUETEB. trifle smaller. Tliis Is to hold the bark flat. 8cw another pieco of car' oard, say about Sx'i, on the back, at the top only, so ss to snnrwirt the whole snd al low 1l to stand like nn easeb Little slits are cut ia the bark on the left side, wliieh hare narrow ribbon run through, finished both top and bot tom In tiny bows; the center is orna mented with pressed Cowers and mouses held ia place by Ann s'ltches or white, and tho little ten-cent ther mometer is tied on with tiny bows of ribbon; yellow ribbon Is tiM-d in this coae, as tho flowers arc buttercups. An Imp- itsiI I nil. Tills Is for an It.U .. Meh Is pmsnent and unaT- ! l by tho spplleation of a :'.ds, a'u... ,, etc., nud which re:i1?r forperii s nnd e.-ohiires, additions or nl terationi ea,y of deti'ction and tlitcult to aecimplii'a. To carbon black (pref erably prepared by the a tioa of con centrated aulphnrio or other aeld on sugar) aro 'MeJ a solution of gum arable or other muflla.71;, caustic, soda, ozalio acid aud Indiun ink. Vanadium In auy form, Aleppo galls, cut palls and a small quantity of an aniline dyo are then added alonff with sufficient water tn make tho ink flow readily. Tlsa following propwllona yield pood results: Nut calls, 30 per cent.; Aleppo rjslls, 6 per ciit.: csrixin blo k. 10 por uiiLl V-4jiuui, 2 jJl iicut. luMMli tsk 10 per ccst.; csalia zcii, i fit ceot anillno dyo, 1 per cetitl rain water, M per cent. "Tho whole la boiled. Altered and atralned."-Sclcsy tiio AmfHegn, Fo? fonrtvo years a "Son of the Maislios" In Scotland hss be'n tryia to get a B'ti'ut of a wild animal in tli iu t of guarding its yutiiij in time of Oao'cr. lio Las tr.imjx'd day after day for tin purpcu), but without llliXX:j. Boms peopls sra contioually acquis log "dear friends." Ladles of an Im pressible nature have been known to add two or three to their list every week during tbo vlhilin? season. Men are not, generally speaking, as apt to rush into friendship at the more ami able yet many a man cct.trucla friendships la lia-de that ha repent at leisure. True f.-'ends are scaico aemil (illona, Tliry c.jiiot be picked up at the rate of ualf dozen season at linnrr parties or bills. J. Y. Ledger. To S'.uk lluttr-tiritirrt. Tabe t'i roe pounds of uar, a fpiarter poerul .f bi.l'er, h.iif a t -e-pnciifii of ciam of t.i: tnr, nnd add reiiiii nt wtiU-r only to d'hSolve Cue sti.T-.r. willi out htirrir. nt.lil it will easily break when dropped In cold wi.ter. Then piur lati a nell-btit'iTfd drirjnng pan, and yihe n n'tncr.t rold cut Intount lls'ptarea, If desired, a dash of Irrar.n tuny be added Into the mixture before putting on to boil, b.cht drops wdl be sul.l- eleab t Sympathy. Wiha Prlin (to Mr. I'.iehfellow) Oh, It's nothing cothiu. Uy teelb subs a tillle; that's all. fMtia'.l brnt'r (ympaUiet.irsIly) Why don't you take 'em out? Oood iews. I am. laden vitb frfbv Froni Hie c olden gat3.f 10 lanai across r 5ea. With CakIta haug 0 s6ak a I at a -v i IteAi only by JOCKhrbank & Ga Chigv6' acl' vni ID nun luuj. renren rnDJT UilUOLll 1 Ui 1 !. I nriii; i AT- jior Ilou mm w s w I. PEARLMArjJ; 1 -BBKAT MWKKS- 1. HOUSE FUftHISHlNG EftlPORru.r (laving purthactl the J. V. "Woc iiliacli Ktorc room on Main Ptrect where I urn now located I can ficllgooi!! er than the flieajiest having just put in the largest of new goo;la cvor bronht to tho city, Gasoline nL 1 1 urrillnra r C nil T.-im1ij crvil fT f1w !n-ti1lmnf nlon T uuu 1UI UUUI L VI uu ninun nuit V L tut Indian 1XJ V itb ' I i l A J. rPKAIlTjMAN 3 F Q FIIM (f WILL KKKP C()NSTANT1. ON' HAND A Full and Conipltte line of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oj ' UKUGGlSTbbUNDKIEii AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Cnn-fully Compoundod nt nil ir ; Mexican M i 1 LI v. ustans Linimeirf i. A Cure for the Ailments cf Man and Bca'; A lonjj-testeJ pain reliever. i Its use is almost universal rjr thu Housewife, tlie Fanner Etytilt luiscr, ar.d ly every one requiring an ellcc linjment. 0 1 j Ko other applic.v.inn compnrct with it in efficacy. 1 ( This well-known remedy 6tooJ the tcct of yearta! ; generations. t'i XiUiiititic client is compkte without a bottle of Musta LlVIVEKT. Occi kins criie for 3ts use almost every day. Ail drubu and dci'.crs have it. . y v 1 v i t I . iTitr rt 4 lilt. I W I I I V IH. OUli to! J K'Vr B'M L'Hi'.3, T. aim 'w 1 or t ll.vo M cl in!-r;i 1