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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1891)
AYKS -HTN fV - hirUVKVOK CIVIL KXr.lNKKK Alloi.l.-rl.-ft wlili Hie .M -l-rk will l-e lroiiiiiy tl-iidl to. IIKKH K IN COIMM- IIOI-SK. IM.iltsmoiilh. - - NVbraska P HIL1P THEIROLF H Opend up Th Fuetst. "letn.'st, 0mBt- SALOON" IX Til K CITY WW Wlu rt- may be found choice wines lijuors iitid cigars. AN II Kt'SKK Bl'SCH BKKR. ani BASS' AI.IS WIIITK I.AHKL, always on hand. COKXKK OK MAIN ANI KOUKTH ST. K:S:S:ljK:W TKHKlll STKKKT MKIM'II ANT TAimii. a rui.i. link DMONDS A: WO FT. Fn&i.'.r.u - MH'i-n. (jnamlt Your loir"' t ,,1m '' SHERWOOD BLOCK fF L 1 1 - r 1 1 1 ' 1 J Till- I'tONkKK lKU'HANr K Carry a full stock of general mer chandise whibh the sell very close. Highest price paid for all kinds of farm pro duce. lenerous treatment & fair dealing is the sncret of success KNOTTS BROS, Publishers Published evry Thursday, .and dally every oveuInK except 8unday. KeKlstered lit the r"lattsiiioutli. Neb. poat alllcefor traiisinllon through the U.jS. nialU 4t secoud class rate . Om;e corner Vine and Fifth streets. Telephone 3. 7"vaOiiajot. ftnenrarrvveaiui : producers Home kiml 'they will not feel miiM attracted by the sort of cheapness that would require a considerable paring off of their i wages. Irish World. IT is reported that Major Jac quette of IMattsmouth. late of Weeping Water, was the smoothest man on the Hoor at tlie alliance convention Saturday, as he voted i .FAiRBANK&'CO. CHICAGO. TRKHH KOK WKKKLY. One copy, one year. In advance Idential.- One cony, one year, not in auvancn w the whole town of IMaltsinoulh without resorting to proxies or cre- One copy, six inonthl. in advance .. . One cpy. three month. n advauee. TERMH FOK IAIL One cop one yvar in advance One copy per reek. by currier One copy, per month - 75 40 IK, as was the 5C J L'LH'S rKIM'KKHKKfr. -o- M ANUKAl I IKK OK ANI i:'iia:.r:rnLX niru rft'.u HKAI.K1! I Tfl K C1IAS. K. ROOT, ML'KKAV XOTAKY NKBUA8KA CHOICEST BRANDS OF CIGARS KUI.I. LINK. OI- TOBACCO AND SMOKR.x's ARTICLES1 always in stock fl'CKWKILKK & IATTZ. . ...... (Successors to) SOKNNICIISKN & SCI1IRK. The Washington Avenue GROCERS -AN D- IMattsmouth. Ncbrassa Provision Merchants. Headquarters tor FLOUR AND FEKD IRST : NATIONAL : BAN K OK PLATTSMOUTH. NEBKASKA f did up capital Huipluf S.50.01 0.00 10.000.09 We nay no rent and sell for CASD You don'tjpay any bills for dead beat? when you buy of tins firm. .iffers tue very bet Imties for I he promp Banking Business juritte bought m.jI (ll "'ffiflcare. nd interest allowed on the ceruiicai Vlraw.i availaDle in any part of th. BLueV Stated u" all the principal tewn O Karope OOLLKCTIONS MAIf AND PROMPTS KBM.l- r k i . ........... vi i.ti.-t. for County Wai- rants. State aW County bonds. DI RECTO KS John Fit7,7rald JVhrT Ham Wauh. ,Ki ' wliue Ueorne E. Dovey President caniec- The Hand. beet SOFT COAL always on IDOISTT FORGET AT THE coiRIstieies THE LEADING MONDAY, AUGUST 10. 1891. REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION. The republican electors of the state of Nebraska are requested to semi delegates from their several counties, to meet in convention in the city of Lincoln, Thursday, Sep tember 24, 1K91, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of placing in nomi nation candidates for one associate justice of the supreme court, and two members of the boaru oi re- rents of the state university, and to transact such other ousmess as maybe presented to the convention. THE APWlKTIOXMt.NT The several counties are entitled to representation as follows. oem based upon the vote cast for Hon Geo. H. Hastings, for attorney gen eral in lS'.N), jrivinff one delegale-at-lar"-e to each county, and one for each l.")0 votes and the major frac tion thereof: the democrats insisted, it t:iriiT tlisit brouirht about I the low price f wheat, corn and must be the McKinley bill that has caused an increase in the price of these commodities this year.-Beatrice Republican. URL.. (Xll'-N ' 1KB. Adams Arrlmr Antelope Banner Boyd Blaine Boone it,.v ituMe . . Brown .11 1 o 3 ... 1 kOUNTIKS. 10 t . . & ..14 . 4 ..10 .. 4 . . 7 ..12 Buffalo Butler Hurt Cass (Vdsir.. -(Ji.ase Cheyenne. t'heiry ("lav Colfax Cutiilui;.-- i 'lifter . Uakota 4 Iawe I) - woon . . . Deuel ;ixon Iotl:e Douglas IMindy Fillmore.. Kranklin. . Frontier. . Kurnas.. . Uafie' tiarneld. .. liosper iirant .... I-Jreelv .. Hall." ... Hamilton. Marian Havei... . Hitchcock Holt... UKt. ... 0 ... 2 . .. 2 ... 5 ...30 e .IllllUHOU l t:irnv kev.l Pahi... Keith Kimball Knox. Lancaster I .i eikln ...... . Logan 2 Limn 1;iilinn 6 Mel' eison 1 irriiU- . Mine - 1 Nuekol Is Otoe !' rMu-iifff I'erkins a I'li.n-.. 3 Pli-lt.u 4 I'latte Polk . 71 Ked Willow. . 3 Kichardson . iiKock .lllSaline .oalsarpy.. -. 3!SaunderH ... OiSi.ittV I'.lllff R Seward 10 . 5 Uheridan J' fl: Sherman 3 .lolsioux 2 . L'iStauton 3 . 2i'l"hayer . . 2IThohias -' . 2Thuretou . 8 Vallev . a Washington . 4 Wayne 3 a etter . 4 Wheeler 81 York e, ..u .. 3 . 14 .. 4 .. 8 "The world do move." A promi nent Texas paper, the Austin Statesman, in a leading editorial, declares that "the pistol must i;o." That is the voice ot civilization. Not one time in twenty does the pistol hit or kill the riht party The practice of carrying one in the pocket is cowardly and the results usually disastrous. SIXTY new boys may be admitted to West Toint this year. 1 ins is the finest military academy in the world, ami now is the tutu' for Un contests to be had to see who may enter. Another year it is more than likely that all these boys will heap pointed by the different senators without an examination, which will make it easier to jjain an ad mittance to this great school. &n to mate cbihe as white as Ite sun bfidh your vorlC as soohl as begun. - claus soap is tfielhing Ifiat Will ao it. ?ce mm it yon never wm rue it. THE alliance convention at Weep ing Water was composed of a rep resentative body f men, that in appearance would have compared favorably with any other party in the county. Their deliberations were marked with an earnestness and zeal that could not be misun derstood. There were a few polit ical hucksters and Hoppers present, but they composed a very small minority. ... 4 Total "45 JIIK CITIZKNS HANK. PLATTSMOUTH - NEBKASKA Otyttal stock paid in W i Authorized Capital, $100,000. OFFICBBS 4 HANK OAKUUT11. JOS. A. CONMJK, President. Vice-President yf. H. (TUSHUUa. Cabier. DIRKCTOKS irwa CurruTh J. A. Connor. K. K. GutdmDt W. Johnson, Henry Boeck. John O'Keefe W. D. Merriam, Wm. Wetencamp, W. H. Cashing. GROCER HAS THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY. EVERYTHING - FRESH - AND - IN - SEASON ATTENTION FAKMEKS TR4NSACTS:A GENERAL BANKING BDSlNES I want your Poultry, Kffg8,But; , . i.r nnri vour tarm nroauce oi an kinds. I will pay you the highest cash price as I am buying for a hm in i,incoin. Howard 4 Hooker etferson ! No vote returned. It is recomended that no proxies be addmitted to the convention, and that the delegates present be authorized to cast the full vote of the delegation. It is further recomended that the state central committee select the temporary organization of the con vention. John C. Watson. WALT.M. SEELY, Chairman. Secretar3. FREE WORLD'S Colonel Hkice. the chairman of the democratic national committee, Imvs n convict's labor in Tennessee - - a whole year for from $S0 to $.K) lie doesn't work them any "eitfht hours," either, but from sun uj to sunset. He makes millions and ives Iarely to the campaign, and mwli i;itK' side sneculations have to be winked at for the ood of the oartv. The fact remains, however, 4i-it f..lm 1i;im disnlaced an honest worker, and his family must io Ip ft to linstle or starve so that a few millionaires can double up on their millions. NEW LUMBER YAAR J. II. tJRAVES A: DEALKKt IN PINK LUMHEK, WlilWULK. LA I II, MA1S11. IX KS, HLINDS.aixl all btiiMiin.' inateiKil Call and see us at the corner of Ilth and Elm street, one block north of Heisel's mill. Flattsmoutli, Nebraska Everything to Furnish Vour Houso. AT I. PEARLMAN'S -CHEAT MOOKKN- HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. Having DiirehatMl the A. V. Wt c-kbacli store room on south Alain street where Tain now located I can sell goods cheap er than the cheapest having just put in the largest stock oi' new goods ever brought to the city. (Jasoline stoves and furniture of all kindssoldon the installment plan. I. I'E.WtLJLliN. Ruvs aua sens exciiauRr-. vwu.n j city oniiii 8 AK OK CASS COUNTY Cor Main and Fifth street. TAi. cpcwital urphw , $50 000 . 25 000 R. PETERSEN, THK LEADING GROCKR Plattsmouth - - Nebraska OFFICERS President Vice President ITred Tnier cslieir J. M- Patterson rhfer 2 M. Patterson. AfiSl ca nier DIRECTORS .-. tt p,rmi.i.M Patterson. Fred Oorder. X. H. Smith. K. B. WiDdbam. B. S. Kamsey anC V." M . Patterson & GENERAL .HANX1NC BUSIHESS "H.ANSATED jLosauuts solicited interest allowed on tirne dpTrt and prompt attentiongiven to all bus rVi.e ecCrusted to its care. J. H:A:N:S:K:N DEAI.EK IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCEPwlES, GLASS AN D QUEENSWARE IVfEAT MARKET lrft SIXTH STREET F. H KI.LKNKAl'M. Prop. Tl;e heft of fresh nu ;it always found jn this market, -vtso iresii KiTir and Hutter. Floor and Feefl a Specially l Hronfige 1 tho Fuble Solicited. Wild "-ame of all kind kept in their season. Meat market! m JOHNSON BDILDINGN Sixth St TRADE AT THE FAIR. i :u .,.,.,.,..,, o.I fliMt the Knirlish X I IP .11111.'.. ..v . - ' exhibitors at the World's Fair in tend putting up a list of prices in two columns. The first column will ffive the cost to the purchaser in Great Britain; the second will give the cost plus the duties to the American consumer. The English exhibitors hope they will in this way render valuable assistance to the free traders in their fight against the protective policy. The theory is that the thousanus wno will visit the World s Fair will be so struck by the difference in the prices that they will return to their homes determined to join me ranks of the free traders. There is no doubt that this scheme of helping on free trade in America would work to perfection if there were not two sides to this ouestion of . cheapness. If the thousands who will visit the World's Fair were simply consu mers who had a settled income, the price-list of the English exhibitors would undoubtedly make such an impression that there would not be the ghost of a chance for the pro tective policy at the polls. But, un fortunately for the success of this plan of booming free trade, a very small percentage of those who will read the English price list will be long to the unfortunate few who are consumers without at the same time being producers. Parallel columns giving the average wages in Great Britain and the average wages in inencci would make the vast majority of the visitors to the World's Fair lose all interest in these English price i;t Americans are too sensible not to know that cheapness of the English sort cannot be obtained As v:ist :iiul imnortant as is the - - ' - - i War Records series now publish ing bj- the government, there is to follow a war atlas that will tran scend anything of the kind ever undertaken by the government. There is just completed the plate for the first battle of Bull Run, one of the most perfect in details ever made. In fact, it is all but a photo graph of the field. It is prepared from a carefullj' finished map by General Beauregard and one by General McDowell. The big atlas will contain about KM) maps. The War Record is published at-a phe nominal rate. A 1,000-page volume appears every three weeks. Sixty five volumes are now out' all relat ing to battles and campaigns. A second series will follow contain ing all correspondence between the states and the federal government; a third will treat of prisoners of war. WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A Full and Complete line of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Oils. DSUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at sill Hours Sixce the Alliance ticket was put in the field last Saturday at Weeping Water. Republican stock has ween steadily raising in the market. Clearance Sale on alt summer goods at Wm. old&Son's. Her tf Wood For Sale. Over a thousand cords of dry wood for sale by Charley Hemple. Leave orders at Henrj- eckback &Co's. Ul1 New Barn New fa took. le has unshed his wav to the front as a livery man by i .Tr.ttiittrr lint tne tinest car riages and buggies and best horses ... in the state. Those a:it Ufacton' liverv cant .i. i.t.T- tlmn to call on ?lr. lar- mele. dtf Take your prescriptions to Brown & Barrett s.tbey dispense pine m icines. c""i,..- -Tliat a r iral of Dekin Poo-ram, she don't know why she . ..i L-,m-n nnttv' so she don t. There's that air gal. she burned her hand awful, so she clicuaiiu uimmu x r. Teller's Australian, OI it . .. , .. Salve which ud tuck all the fire rite out and jist marie it gu wen rue on, so it would, why. she jest put on a rvf stntf and and you . . ci.'n know better next ICS uci , . . time. For sale by all druggist. HAVELOCK ARE YOU - GOING - TO - BUILD THERE? IF SO Remember that R. O. Castle & Co have an immense stock of LUMBER AND ALL BUILDIDG MATERIAL i AT HAVELOCK i And Guarantee Satisfaction in all Thiuirs R. O. CASTLE & CO HAVELOCK, NEBRASKA -rur POSITIVE CURE. I pt v rbi rrHKRS. &A Warren SU Wew Tort Price 50 eU.