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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1891)
moutn FOURTH YEAR. PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. FRIDAY AUGUST 7 1891 NUMBER 28G i ;1 r 7 MM Absolutely Pure. A cream of t;ir1;ir baking powder. Highest of in leavening strcnth. Latest I'. S. '.overiiuiciit lood Re port. JTTOKNKY A LAW. WINDHAM A OA VIES. K. H. WINDHAM. JU1N A. DA V IKS. Notary I'ul.lic N.t::y l'ul" Office over Hank ol t'acs Cmn ty Plattsmouth ... - Ni-hrH-dm TTORNKV A. N. SULLIVAN. tfnnii' Will iriv lroillt attellttOL to all biiii!"H entrusted to him. otlice w Union block. Kaut Side. l'Utt.moiith. Neb. jpUCKER SISTERS. CAKKV A FULL I.I X K OF yVLlLLEN ERY AND J-RENCH f LOWERS. We also have a dress inakiii department. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Sherwood Stoki:. Plattsmoi i ii 3DB- A. SALSBURY : D-K-N-T-I-S-T : COLD AND IT.Kt KI.AIX CK'OW.NS. !)r. Steinwavs iinastlietic fertile painlecs' e traetloi- of teetli. hue CJold Work a Specialty. Kockwood Block l'laMsniouth. Neb. QAWSON A PEARCE Carry u Full Line of FINE M1LLENSRY AND Villi DHKNS CLOTHING. AI.SO FKKSH CL'T FL WEKS KOOM 2. K LF.Y Hlflt'K. IM.VrTMOUTH HARDWARE STORE S. K. II A I.I. V SON Keep all kinds of builders hardware on band and will mpply contract r ou mot fav iirable tern s : TIN HOOFING : spouting anl all kinds ol tin work proiui'tly one. Order- from the country solicited 61H Peasl St. PLATTSMOUTH. N KB. IS THK I. K-A-IM- N G H O T S K IX THE CITY KOH NOTIONS FtHMsHINQ (jooDS LACKS KMMKOIDKKIES KITCHEN NOVELTIES tinwakkI ; LASS WAKE ETC- ETO- The itoods we ofter on our 5. 10 aud '23 cent counters cannot be duplicated elsewhere We have but one price, and that the cheapest in town. ''THE FAIR" 415 3SL-A.I3ST STEET DEIST t, GOLD AND PORCELAIX'CKOWNS Bridge work and tine gold work a SPECIALTY. DR. 8TEIN AUS LOCAL as well as other Jaii. Mtheticsftiven for the painless extraction of tectn. a A. MARSHALL, - Fitzgerald P-W r XTEW XI J ' License Notice. Notice is hereby given thrft I will apply to the county commissioners at their next regular meeting lor a license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors in the village of Union, Cass county. Nebraska. d&wtf. John Mohler. I'KKSONAI, Miss Kdith White departs to -day for Ashland to visit friends over. Sunday. Thos. Kemstcr an employe at the Ii. iVc M. shop, is reported on the siek list t o-day- Mrs. Kester c hanged her place of residence yesterday to the room over llerlod's dry goods store. Miss McCord was a passenger for Nchrask City this morning. She will visit friends there a few days. Mis Waiidiue. who has been visiting friends in our city, re turned to her home in Orleans to day. Mr. John Smith, having con cluded his stay in our city, de parted this morning for his home ill Ihirliiiglon. Mrs. I.ydia Foster departed on No..") this morning for Hot Springs, South Dakota, with a view of im proving her health. Miss Sopfi Johnson who has been visiting in our city a few days re turned to her home in Sioux City on No. a this morning. Mr. S. K. I'helps, a contractor for the M. I. li. li., wlio has been re siding in our city the past year, is moving his family and household goods to Omaha to-day. Fred I'este and family removed to-day for Kdgemont South, Dakota, where they will likely locate. Mr. I'este has been in the employ of the B. & M. for several years. Frank Raucn's little child vas buried to-day. Drown A: Darrett dispense a greater variety of Summer drinks than any house in the city. tf Mr. (J. W, Dell, of Liberty precinct is doing business in the city to day. Charley Johnson and W. D. Cook have purchased the barber shop of of Dillv Herold. under Mayer it Morgan clothing store and will con duct a first class tonsoriel shops. Give them a call. Rev. J. 1. Mills. General Secretary of the Central Interstate Sabbath Alliance will lecture at the Presby lerian church, pi this city next Mondav eveninir. at 8 t. m. Do not forgot the date. In subscribing for a home paper one should always note the paper that gives the most news and show their aypreciation of the extra effort on the part of its editor by second ing his etlorts in a substantial way Being overstocked wtth light double and single buggy harness, carriage dusters, robes, fly nets stable sheets and a very large as sortment of ladies' and gentlemen's saddles. I will sell the above stock for the next thirty davs at and be low cost. tf W. G. KEEFEK. The will of Klisha Stradley of Greenwood was found yesterday by Clerk Grimes. lhe contents or subiect matter of the will was J proven bj- oral testimony, which for all practical purposes, would answer. Parties interested, how ever, doubtless will be glad the will has been found. Riley arrivals: F. C. Wood, H. C Cody. W. A. Coleman. Omaha; J. H. Waterman. X. N. Hall, G. P. Smith. Lincoln; Judge M. L. Hajnard. C. W. Seymour, Nebraska CH3-; A. L. Kekstein. Louisville, Neb.; T. K. Allyn, Chicago; Keed Armstrong, Philadelphia; C. C. Hrevine, M. 11. Heck. St. Joe; K. J. McDride, Council Bluffs. The committee appointed to in vestigate the Hastings asylum has completed its work and yesterday submitted its report no the gov ernor. The report is a very damag ing one to all who are connected with the asylum. The governor should proceed at once to oust the whole lot without a moment's delay as he should have done in the start as the committee requested. The second meeting of the Young People's Societies of the different churchePfto perfect the organizatir n of a union was held at the Presby terian church last evening. A con stitution was adopted and officers as follows elected: President. Mr. C. S. Polk; Secretary, Miss Laura Twiss; Treasury, Miss McClelland. This organization does not super cede the regular organizations of young people but i simply a plan in insure a greater degress of socia bility, and mutual helpfulness among the members. The first meeting will be held next Sunday evening at the M. K. church, led by Prof. Halsev. All are invited and urged to attend. An extra amount of freight work was done at the freight house to day. The County Commissioners have adjourned until Saturday, when they will again be in session. On account of the illness of Mrs. Dovey's baby the P. K. O will meet at the residence of Mrs. J. P. Young Saturday afternoon August S. The annual meeting of the Sov eign Grand Lodge !.(.(). F. will be held in St. Louis. Sept. 21. It is probable that one fare for the round trip will be granted. The prohibitionists put up the followingstate ticket yesterday: K. W. Richardson, of Omaha. for supreme judge, and Rev. Gorst. of Neligh. and Mrs. Woodward, of Seward, for regents. Damage caused the platform, side track and switch by the derailing of cars Wednesday evening is being rapidly repaired. The company are leveling up the track and making other needed repairs. The Omaha Bee advises Council Bluffs not to advance the price of lots 011 the bottom as the smelting works will remain in Omaha, re ports to the contrary notwithstand ing. II. K. Brown, of Harby, Idaho, ar rived in the city last evening to visit his brother, O. A. Brown. Mr. Brown is a prominent pharmacist of Harby, and it is reported that he is looking up a location. Dr. L. B. Baw, came in last even ing on a business trip from Pacfic Junction and returned this morn ing. The Doctor has but recently located there but will doubtless build up a lucrative practice ere' long. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Keed. of Pacific Junction, came down last evening to trade with our merchants; and returned this morning. They think that the inducements offered by our merchants amply pay them for the trip. It wauld be a grc'at help to the farming community, our merchants and people generally, if arrange ments might be made to start the canning factory this season. These enterprises should not be allowed to remain dormant. Owing to a war in sugar rates, between the sugar trust and Clans Spreckles, inaugurated by the lat ter, granulated sugar is selling at 'AAtt cents per pound in Philadel phia. If this continues it will beat McKinley prices even. It is reported that the Cranes, of Omaha, refuse to play the Burling ton. of this city, inconsequence of which the game announced for Sun dav will fail to materialize.Kvid ently the Burlington's made a "rep" while at Omaha last Sunday. A man whose brain was crazed with liquor lay on the track near the station this morning and would have been horribly mangled by the train had not the yards men de livered him from danger. The oolice took him off to iail to sober up. Gov. Boies of Iowa does not talk much these days, unfortunately for the republicans, but the boom that party received by his speeches during the year will insure theirf a good plurality, even tho' he remain silent during the remainder of the canvass. In purusing the daily papers we frequently notice the announcment that persons have been injured by mad dog bites. The season of the year in which the greatest danger exists is now upon us, extra pre caution in regard to the matter should be taken by our people Since the announcement that the smelting works would close, iiidefi nitely, there is strong talk on the part of the company, of consolida ting the Omaha works with those at Denver, Col. In view of this Omaha is threatened with the loss of one of her important business enterprises: and in the event she does we predict that hurling words of disapproval at the "inquitous eight hour law will be indulged in by Omaha. In the mean time Denver is offering inducements that are very tempting to the company and to be sure she will loose no opportunity to secure the prize. Come In To-day and examine the shoes offered in our sample sale. Wm. Herold & Son. tf Attention Shoe Wearers! Shoe's at factory prices at Wm Herold ASon's. tt Additional local on last pag W i:i: PING WATKR FK'oM THK k'KITHLICAX We have heard farmers say that the corn crop was about two weeks behind that of former years, but that six weeks more of go'd corn weather would be sufficient to bring it out nice ami sound. P. T. Barnes, armed with the pro per papers, entered the Sewing Machine factory and attached the machinery, etc., for taxes. Some thing over t7'" being delinquent. This, we understand comes ahead of mortgages. .Miss Nellie Beardsley and her friend Mi Cassell had the mis fortune to get badly poisoned, Sat urday. Their faces are badly swollen at present, but we hope they will be out in a day or two. Between thirty-five and forty suits have been filed with Justice Barr by different persons against the Noble Sewing Machine A: M'f'g. Co. All hare been transcribed to the district court. These are by mployes for back pay and by parties 111 Jowa who tioltl tlie .Nome Heights notes. The smallest of these claims is $..G2 and the largest $ir0.50 and the total is $1 .(SOa.aT. S. F. Jauweson, brother of Tom ind Will, was very badly bruised last Friday. A neighbor's team at his plac e attached to a wagon, con tain in ir two children, ran away, md Mr. Jameson in attempt to stop them caught the halters instead of the bridal and was then thrown under the horses and the wagon ran over him brusing ' him and in juring his back and his hips badly. It was a brave act, as he took his life in his own hands to save the children. Dr, Thomas was called to attend Mr. Jameson. List ot Letters, Remaining unclaimed in thrTl'ost Oftice at Plattsmouth, Aug. h. 1891 . for the week ending July 30: Aliugton Hilda Blatxer Frank Clements. Mrs, J Carlsou. Ah her Davis, Mis M, A, Harley, Elmer Houghton, Kobert Kreigh, Mr- K Moore, F. N. Larker. J O Slanea, Fred Ilolfilier, Tom Martin Lew Miller. N M Koder, Juta Schla ll,Mrs. Maty Young, J S Persons calling for any of the above letters will please say "ad vertised." II. J. STKKIGHT, P. M Clearance Sale on all summer goods at Win. Iter olcKVSon's. tf Old So!diers.Atteltior! A grand district re-union of all old soldiers and sailors for eastern Nebraska will be held at Nebraska CH3-. Neb, from Sept. to 11, in clusive. Tents, fuel and beddinjr will be furnished free. Come, boys. and have a grand old time, as Com rade Iozier will be here. At the same time and place the Nebraska City Imposition will be held. Kvery da- there will be races, base ball and all kinds of amusement, and theatres and camp fires every even ing. Come right along, boys, as all railroads made reduced rates. E2 nr nnnnrtltnitu Nnw to buy sample pair's of shoes at rediculouslj' low ngures. come now; delay lessens your chance. U 111. Herold & Son s tt The latest plan for regulating the liquor traffic is one devised by Alderman Bowes of Kansas City. While proably not the most-pratic-able, it must be conceded to be the most novel liquor ordinance 3-et devised. He proposes to do away with the trouble caused by licens ing saloons by issuing licenses to the drinker instead. The drinker of beer will be taxed $20 annually, and if he wishes to purchase wine in addition to beer the tax will be $2o; the privilege of buying beer, wines and whisky will cost The ordinance has not yet received a majority of the votes of the coun cil, but it is probable that it will. It is argued that, in view of the present depressed condition of business in Kansas City, some plan must be devised that will create more revenue. This plan would surely enable the council to pay all municipal expenses, but we seri 'ousl' question the general benefits that would accrue therefrom. Boy's if you want a fine dress shoect a low price let Wm. Herold & Son's show you how cheap they can be sold, before you buy. tf Attention Comrades. All members of McConihe Post No. 45. are requested to be at Post next Saturday evening as business of importance will come before the Post. By order of F. A. Bates, P. C. Take advantage of the light har- 1 . fvf.V, it IlrbB EdIC ell ntxin READ AND LOOK SPECIAL! AT THIS IN 0RD3R EMBROIDERED VK 1 1 A X K Deep Gut Out; lot of Flouncings at :)'.h; worth louMe. One lot of white Flotiiicino at 82.00; pattern worth $;3.n0. One lot of white cream and Flouneings reduced to A pattern of this lot comprises goods So ALL OF OUR FANCY PLUSH ORNAMENT REDUCED TO 5 CENTS EACH. F. HERRMANN HARDWARE FOR CASH ONLY Having purchased the U. V. Mathew's in terest in the firm of J W, Hendee & Co, now propose to stay in Plattsmouth and sell hard ware FOR - CASH -ONLY At prices that are within the reach of all. Kverythitig in our stock a bar gain. Look over our list and see if you cannot find some thing you need. 00OO0 4."00 lbs cut nails. He per lb to close- 200 doz carpet tacks, 1c per paper 7act grass scythe for 55c ts Best clothes wringer made, $2.10 Step ladders from 00 cts up 80 cent spades for 5 cts. Tinware at reduced prices N ct handsaws foroncts Brooms. 15 to 25cts Churns, 80cts to $100 Chopping bowls. 19 to H4ds Wash boards, I'.tcts Bushel corn baskets, 19cts Leather back all bristle horse brushes, 75c. Leather back all bristle horse brushes, 40c. Cook stoves at cost to close. 00O00 Other articles too numerous to mention at correspondingly low pricort Come and see us. Remember we sell to everybody alike NOT - ONE - CENT - ON - TIME. J W HENDEE SPECIAL SALE IS OUll COMPLETE STOCK OF Ladies, Misses, Boys, Children and Infants Summer Goods. THEY ARB Atn FIRST Gt ASS AND OF THE VFAiY LATEST STYLE. BARGAINS F( ALL CALL AND BE CONVINCED SHE . REDUCE OUR STOCK OF FLOUNCIITGS, M A I ) Iv A in Prices worth up to ;.n() a pattern. One lot of white and black Flouneings reduced to $ij.b0. A pattern souk; foods in thin lot for merly sold at 10.11(1 a pattern. All our patterns contain 4 yds of material. So ; i i i I J U