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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1891)
FOURTH YEAR. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY AUGUST 10 1891 NUMBER 288 I- I i Ci n ft Hi; (V. i 1 I i mm 5 POWDER Absolutely Pure. A crcmi of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strenth. Latest I. S. Government Re- port. TTOKSKY A I.AW. WINDHAM & DAVIES. K. B. WINDHAM. .I"HN A. DAVIKS. Notary I'litilio Nl i I'uMn Office nvtr Ifai.k ot ('a County ftattamoutli - N-itr.-hi. jTTORNEV A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at-1 .aw. Will (rivv prompt attrntlob to lhII hiiHiiiPK! -!it ru-lfil to htm. Ottic 10 Us feu block. Kant Sicln. I'latf rmiith. Nb. TUCKER SISTERS. CAkkY A FULL I.I.N E OK VllLLENERY AND jKENCH j-'l-OWEKS. also have a ilri-ss making drpartmeut. Sat isfaction Kiiarniiti'eil . SlIEKWOOIlSlOKE. ri.ATlIOt'TH ID R. A. SALSBURY : D-F.-N-T-I-ST : C;)LI AND I'CkCKUlX I KDW.NS. lr. Steinways aii:i-tln'tir fi-r 111 painleH x tract ii"' of teeth. Fine Gold Work a Specialty. Koi kwooil Block l'lattsiiioutli. Neb. -jCAWSON & PEARCE Carry Full Line of FINE HILL EN iR Y AND CHlh DHENS CLOTHING. AI.SO FKES1I CUT F1.0WKKS KOOM . K IKY HUK'K. PHTTSIOl'TH foTEW HARDWARE STORE S. K. HALL A SON Keep all kiUiN of builders hardware on hand and will fiipply contract re ou most fav orable ten s : TI3ST ROOFING : Spout inn and all kind of tin work promptly one Order from the country Solicited 616 Peasl St. TLATrsMOlTTH, NHH. IS THE L K-A -D-I -N G H-O-U-S-K IN THE CITY FOR NOTIONS FI'KNT"H1NJ GOODS LACES EMBKOIDEKIKS K11CHKN NOVELTIES ) TI N W A KK. ; LASSW A KH ETC- ETC- The Roods we offer on our 5. 10 and 'J3 cent counters caumtt be duplicated elsewhere W"e hare but one price, and that the . cheapest in town. "THE FAIR" 415 HVEAIiEsT STEET : tfOn'ASD PORCBLAIN'CKOWNS Bridge work and fine gold work a SPECIALTY. DR. STEINACS LOCAL as well as other fait entheticsgiven for the painless extraction of teeth. CL A. MARSHALL, - Fitzgerald v License Notice. Notice is hereby given that I will apply to the county commissioners at their next regular meeting tor a license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors in the village of Union, Cass county. Nebraska, tt, d&wtf. John Mohlek. I'ICRSONAL Mrs. McCoy is a visitor in Omaha to day. I. M. 1 1 m r 1 is iti Omaha on business to-day. Mr. Frank Irish, of Lincoln. Stin dayed in this city. Judge C'hainau was a passenger this morning ou No. 5 for Omaha. Dr. and Mrs. Livingston, of Cedar Creek, Sundaycd with friends in the city. Mrs. John Seibert and Miss Nettie Watt are visitors at the metropolis to-day. Mr. I. A. Campbell, of Lincoln, spent Sunday in the city visiting old friends. Mesdauies Collard and Smith were passengers on No. 5 for the metropolis to-day. Mr. Richardson, of Omaha, spent the Sundav here, the guest of Miss Nettie liallancc. Mr. and Mrs. I). S. Guild left Sat urday evening for Omaha where they spent the Sunday. Yariltnaster J. J. Cassidy was a passenger this morning for Lin coln, to be gone a few days. Miss Thomas and Miss 1). B. Sabacool were passengers on No. 5 for the metropolis this morning. Mr. I red (border, one of the im plement dealers at Weeping Water, Sundaycd with his parents in this city. Mr. Cuttel. traveling agent for the McCormic harvesting machines. Sundayed with his family in the city. Mrs. Willover. sister of Mrs. David Young, having concluded her visit with friends here, departed for her home to-day-. Mr. M. I). I'olk and family leave this morning for Minneapolis, St, I'aul and other points in the east on a pleasure trip. W. H. Kaston and wife. of Stewart, Iowa, who have been visit ing the family of Mr. Cuttel re turned home this morning. Misses Rose McCauley and Nettie Balkmoe, who have been visiting th' principal places of interest in the east, returned Saturday evening. Adjutant General Bowen passed tho' the city' on No. ." this morning, enroute for his home. He is just returning for the national G. A. R. encampment at-Detroit. Mrs. Delniaiui sister, of Frank Hrosia, who has been visiting the family of the latter several days re turned to her home in Monona, county, this morning. Rev. Triber, of South Omaha, in the absenceof Rev. Lawre. preached at the German M. K. church last night. He returned home this morning. Clayton Barber, formerly an em ployee at the B. A- M. storehouse in this city, now in the employ of the B. A M. at Lincoln, is visiting friends here. Riley arrivals: J It Backenght. G S Wood. Chicago; K A Snell. F I Strump. Aug" Meyer, Fred Kngle, II H Tomson. Omaha; H W Jovce, G I Smith. G H McCreath. F.iucoln; K L Olds. Racine. Wis; J L Fleck. St Louis; C Ashley. Weeping Water; Chas Riegelman. Des Moines; W H Hamilton, Topeka, Kas. We feel under obligation to II. C. McMacken for papers 'published at Detroit, Michigan, giving a full ac count of the national G. A. R. en campment being held there. The ball game announced to take place yesterday at the ball park failed to materialize. The "Platts niouth'' were on deck as usual; but the"other fellows" failed to put in an appearance. The blackberry crop is said to be exceedingly fine throughout the state. Near Hlair one man had enough pickers at work on his place at one time to earn $o4, and he made a shipment of 100 bushels the next day. The citizens of Platttmouth may be pardoned for whatever pride they have for their ball club. The Hurlingtons not only know how to play ball, but the club is made up if men who are every inch gentle men. Murray Hanner. Rev. F'ifer. a young minister of Lincoln, in the absence of Rev. Kuckner, preached at the M. K. church yesterdaj' morning and evening. The sermons were schol arly, full of vim, and were listened to attentively. W. S. Purdy is building an addi tion to his house on South Third street. Mr. Purdy has one of the nicest flower gardens in the city and when his house is complete it will be one of the nicest residence places in our city. The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Huckner, of University Place, was celebrated yesterday in an appropriate 'manner, relatives and friends participating. There were present three generationof the Huckner family and religious ser vices were conducted by the sons, all of whom are ministers. The AlliHnne Covenlion. FHrmcru in Conference Nominate County Ticket. At a little past 1 o'clock last Sat urday the alliance convention was called together by Mr. Rouse of Greenwood, and as soon as order was established Gov. Todd w;ts called upon for a speech, which the "Gov." responded to in his charac teristic way. His remarks were well received and elicited several rounds of applause. The committee ou credentials then made their report, which was a very peculiar one indeed. Le Masters was chairman and found that there were 1 liT delegates ac credited to the several wards and precincts in the county. No report was made as to who the delegates were, so that anyone could repre (ent any place he desired. Nominations being in order for county clerk, J. R. Marshall, of Salt Creek precinct, was nominated by acclamation to pilot the boat up that stream on the third of Novem ber. Mr. Marshall has lived in this county, south of Ashland, for nine years. He is thirty-eight years old and hails from Illinois, which is all that is known of him. Sam'l. Richardson went in for treasurer by acclamation, also. For sheriff, I'M Dorr, of Wabash, and Gardiner, of Greenwood, had quite a tussle, which resulted in favor of Dorr. M. O. Weed was nominated for county superintendent without op position. II. D. Harr, of Weeping Water, carried off the honor of a nomina tion for county judge, and our democratic friend, John D. Tutt of this city, carried olf the plum for cleik of the district court; Sam Galley, of Greenwood, was nomi nated for coroner. People Who Hold Back a Town First, those who oppose improve ments; second, those who go out of town to do their trading; third, those who prefer a quiet town to one all push and business; fourth, those who run down the town; fifth, those who think business can be done slyly without advertising; sixth, those who mistrust public spirited men; seventh, those who oppose every- movement which does not originate with themselves; eighth, those who put on a long face when a stranger talks of locat ing in town; ninth, those who op pose every public enterprise which does not appear of personal benefit to themsel ves;tenth, those who seek to injure the credit of banks and individuals, Kxhange. Notice. At St. John's Catholic church to morrow there will be mass at 8 and 10:30 o'clock. Last .evening two of our young ladies, presumably to have some innocent sport, departed from the indulgences usually allotted to their sex and attempted to outdo their brothers for once at least. One of them donned a man's attire, and assuming the attitude of a male escort, affectionately and witli apparent ease and grace, conducted lady No. 2 down the street, when some of the boys, having an eye to business and wishing to ascertain facts in the case, proceeded to in vestigate, and as a result their curi osity was gratified. While the young ladies may have had in view only some innocent sport, yet such conduct is wholly unbecoming ami does not keep pace with th modesty that should characterize their sex. Wanted A girl for general house work in a small family. Kn quire at this office. tf Postponed. The entertainment announced for Thursday evening by the ladies of the W. C. T. U. for various reasons has been postponed until one week from Thursday. It will be the bet ter for the delay as it will give ample time for preparation. Re member the date Aug. 'JO. Sec. Boy's if you want a fine dress shoe at a low price let Wm. Herold & Son's show you how cheap they can. be sold, before you buy. ' tf Slightly Injured. Yesterday as Chas. Bell and Kd Donald were riding on the side of a box car, which was being pushed along the side track they were quite severely bruised, owing to the narrow space intervening be tween their car and one they were passing. They sustained no ser ious injury and will probably be at work again in a few days. A little child of Mr. and Mfs. S. C. Wheeler is quite sick. Dr. Livingston has an attack having the symptoms of typhoid fever. It is hoped the attack will not prove serious. We are sorry to learn of the ill ness of father and mother Ruby, anil yet we are pleased to note that they are reported much better and hopes extertained of their recovery. Kaglct. Supt. McCIellan of our city schools drove over to Weeping Wider this morning for the pur pose of attending to matters per taining to the teachers' institute to be held there. Clerk Grimes to-day issued licenses to wed to the fol lowing persons: Alviu S. Graves age '.Ki, Melissa Ann Stoneking. age Is, both of this city; Lou Marshall, age lis, Plattsmouth, Miss Rose Hub bell, age 1. Miss Nettie Johns, one of the pro gressive teacheirs JJof Page county Iowa, and an old class mate of the II KKAM scribe stopped in the city a short time this morning, as she was returning to her home, having been visiting friends at Waaoo Nebraska. Mrs. Pauline Lushitisky and family- desire to extend to friends their heartfelt thanks for deeds of kindness rendered during the sick ness of their beloved husband and father, anil for many words of con solation tendered in the hour of sad breavement. During the heavy rain last Fri da', lightning struck the barn of David Scheesly, one mile this side of Alvo. and after cavorting around through his granary, spliting posts into kindliiigwood. left without doing any serious ilama'ge. Sev eral valuable horses were in the barn at the time and it is a wonder they were not struck. Kaglct, Announcements are out for a series of ball games between the Plattsmouths and the Lincoln Giants. First game Tues dsiy, game called at 4 p.Tft.; second game Wednesday, at 4 p. m.; third game Thursday, at 3:30 p. m. This will be the last opportunity to wit ness a good game until after the Plattsmouths return from their tour of the state. The base ball nine at Xehawka made a proposition to a picked nine of this city., to play a game upon the grouncflk of the former. Accordingly our boys departed overland Saturday morning with a view of showing the Nehawkas how to play ball; but untrue to the agreement, the Nehawkas excused themselves, much to the dissatis faction of the Plattsmouth bojs. It always pays to deal honorably even through indications points to a roasting. Do not forget the address to be delivered by the Rev. James P. Mills A. M. General Field Secretary of the Central Interstate Sabbath Allia'tice at the Presbyterian church to-night, The subject of the ad dress is "The American Sabbath and its foes" and The Nations duty touching the Sabbath." Mr. Mills comes to our city highly recom mended by eminent men and women all over the country and the cause in behalf of which he is laboring, is one in which all should be interested. Let there be a good turnout. Obituary.' Died Kdward George, the infant on of George K. and Margaret A Dovey, died this morning at 2:3o of summer complaint. The funeral will take place from the resienceon North Fourth street, to-morrow af ternoon at 2 o'clock. Brown & Barrett have a complete line of paints, wall paper and drusrs. wtf. Hair chains, rings, crosses an hair work of all kinds to order. Mrs. A. Kxee. tf 1726 Locust St. Wanted A desirable tenant for the Dovey homestead, corner o Seventh and Oak streets, tf K. G. Dovey & Sox. Big Opportunity Now to buy sample pair's of shoes at rediculously low figures, come now; delay lessens your chance. Wm. Herold & Son's tf Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cute Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. II 1 1 S U M )l E R 1 I l i IT 17 1 1 mi In order to reduce stock to rnnke, room for our fall nm;li.iH( we must close out the balance of uiir Summer htoek as quickly as pos sible. Commencing to lay we will offer our rutin- line ut jvJiite goods, embroideries lloiniciiios and all oven. At 20 Vvv (ViiM)iH'omit. From I'ricp, I adies summer vests at be regular. 10c quality. J ' adies summer vests at 10c J adies black and fanny ribbed vests 25c worth 35c. T adies black lisle and fancy Egyptian cotton vests at Jj 35 worth 45c Ladies silk mixed vests at 6oc was a bar ai75c, ' Jadias silk vests at 20 per cent, on all Jerseys. C) Per cent discount Challies reduced to .1 cents per yard, regulars M c quallity Mousseline de India reduced to r- per y ard. We make thisofTer in order to reduce stock - Now is the time to purchase if in want of any of the above goods. RLM KMIIKK all of our goods marked in plain figures and we do as we advertise. Don't miss thissa.e as they are the lowest prices quoted this season. F. HERRMANN nNE DOOR EAST FIRST NATIONAL. iiWAi for Cash only Having purchased the U. V. IVTathew's in terest in the firm of J W, Hendee & Co, now propose to stay in Plattsmouth and sell hard ware FOR - CASH - ONLY At prices' that are within the reach of all. Ivverything in our stock a bar gain. Look over our list and see if you cannot find some thing you need. o iO( )o- 4."00 lbs cut nails, 3c per lb to close 200 doz carpet tacks, 1c per paper 75c t grass scythe for55cts Best clothes wringer made,$2.10 Step ladders from i0 cts up Tinware at reduced prices Brooms. 15 to 25c ts Chopping bowls, 19 to 34cts Bushel corn baskets. li)cts Leather back all bristle horse brushes, 75c. Leather back all bristle horse brushes, 40c. Cook stoves at cost to close. ooOoo Other articles too numerous to mention at correspondingly low prices Come and see us. Remember we sell to everybody alike NOT - ONE - CENT - ON - TIME. J W HENDEE SPECIAL SAILE lJi OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF. Ladies, Misses, Boys, Children and Infants Summer Goods. THEY ARB AtH FIRST GtASS AND OF THE VFAIY LATEST STYLE. BAlRAOIr!SI FOPS ALL gALL AND BE CONVINCE!! L K A UANC K S A h E r M WS regular. 15c quality. $1, reduced from $1.23. ladies shirt waists and on all our silk umbrellas Wj cent spades for i5 cts. 80 ct handsaws for (tacts Churns. Wets to ifl'00 Wash boards, 19cts AA IN ,1 if i h lii