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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1891)
1 FOURTH YEAR. PLATTSMOUfH, NEBRASKA. TUESDAY AUGUST 11 1891 NUMBER 289 mm POWDER Absolutely Pure. 4- A cn-iim of tartar bilking powder. Highest of all in leavening strenth. Latest lT. S. Government Food Re port. JTTOKNKY A LAW. WINDHAM & DAV1ES. tt. B. WINDHAM, J'MIN A. DAV1KS. Notary 1'ntili? Not:-, v ruin. Office ovr Hank of Vhih Coitui; flattimoutb - N-iirRlih jTTORNKV A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at-1 .aw. Will givv prompt attrufloL to all liuxtnec-t etitruxtfil to him. Office id Union block. Kaef Sil. Plattninouth. Neb. ipUCKER SISTERS. C" A KKV A FULL LINE OK AlLLENEKY AND JKENCH jLOWERS. -O- We also Dave a dres making department. Sat isfaction guaranteed. SlIEKWOOIlSTOKK. I'LATTSMOUTH f) R. A. SALSBURY : D-E-N-T-I-S-T : ;li AND pokcelaix crowns. lr. Sieiuway an:estlietic fertile painleHs ex traction of teeth. Fine Gold Work a Specialty. Kokwool Block PlattsJiiouth, Neb. jAWSON & PEARCE Carry a Full Line of FINE MILLENARY AND UHll D II EN 8 CLOTHING. ALSO KIliSH CUT FLOWEKS HOOM 2. R.I.KV HUH-K. PLATTMOl'TH EW HARDWARE STORE S. K. HALL & SON Keep all kinds of builders hardware on band and will supply coin-act r ou most fav orable ter.' s : TI3ST ROOFING : Spoutiu and all kinds of tin work promptly one. Orders trim tna country Solicited 616 Peasl St. PLATTSMOUTH. NKB. IS THE IK-A-D-I -N-G HOUSE IN THE CITY FOK NOTIONS F I' KM Mil Mi GOODS LACKS EMBROIDERIES KITCHEN NOVELTIES TINWAKK. OLASSWAKE ETC. ETC- Ttae Ktoas we oiler on our 5. 10 and 25 cit counters cannot be duplicated eioewhere We hare but one price, and that the cheapest in town. "THE FAIR" 416 MAIIsT STEET GOLD AND PORCELAlNCROWN3 Bridge work and fine gold work a SPECIALTY. UK. STEINAUS LOCAL as well as other Jan estbeticseiTen for the painless extraction of teeth. a A. MARSHALL, - Fitzgerald PW License Notice. Notice is hereby given that I will apply to the county commissioners at their next regular meeting- tor a license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors in the village of Union, Cass county, Nebraska. d&wtf. John Mohler. Mrs. K. B. Hurtiess moved from thecorner of Firt and Marble street to the corner of Seventh and Marble streets. Mr. Chas Hirikle moved from the corner of Sixth and Gold street, to the corner of Eight and Gold streets, yesterday. The new boiler to be used in furn ishing1 heat for the court house has been side tracked ready to be placed in position for service. If you want a good carriage dus ter, whip, or fly-nets, go to G. W. Keefers He is welling them below cost 'in order to reduce his main outh stock of summer goods. A son of John Bauer arrived Sun day morning on the flyer from Germany. The little fellow is only 13 years of age, yet he made the trip alone. Chas. Fleck and wife, who were called to Pennsylvania last week, because of the illness of Mrs. Fleck's father, reports that they arrived too late to see her father alive. Hal Johnson, who has been work ing in the B. A: M. store house in this city, has been transferred to Lincoln where he will engage in t he same kind of work. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Twiss, and daughter Laura.accompanied by Mr. J. N. Twiss and wife, were passen gers for Omaha to-day. They will visit at the Brainard House with relatives a few days. Mr. F.'A. Mathews of Omaha came in on the train yesterday from the east and reports a heavy rain and wind storm all along the line in Illinois this side of Galesburg and in Iowa nearly as far as Ottumwa. The corn, most of which was as good as ever raised in that section, was swept to the ground. Small grain, unharvested "was treated like wise. A wrestling match has been ar ranged to take place at Nebraska City the fifteenth of this month be tween George Harshman, of Avoca, and Frank Desmond, of Chicago. Harshman has also made arrange ments to wrestle with J. G. Neff, of Sterling, Neb., on the twentieth of this month. T4ii match is for $200 a side and is to take place at Ster ling Wedding Bells. " Mr, Lon Marhall and Miss Rose Hubble were united in bonds of holy wedlock last evening- at the Tabernacle, Rev. Wood of the Baptist church officiating. The youngpeople are well and favorably known in the city: and their friends everywhere, will join with The HEKALD in extending congratula tions and wishing them a life of the richest blessings and abundant prosperity. Base Ball. Do not forget the series of ball games commencing to-day, con cluding Wednsday. The "Giants" of Lincoln can play ball as they have conclusively proven in the past and with the reputation of our own team, all are familiar. We feel con fident that all lovers of a good game will have an opportunity to witness the three best games of the season. To-morrow's game will be called at 4 o'clock, Thursday's at 3.30. Players will be stationed as follows: PLATTSMOUTH UXCOLS Creighton c Matipin Stepnensou .. p ...Catone Dunn lb . -Taylor SPattersou ...2b Hubanks Miller 3b Cair Yapp U Broadtis T Patterson ss Lincoln Schulhoff ct Dobbs Holmes rf.... . Miller A Rich Case! A civil action promising amuse ment and liable to excite the curi osity of the Plattsmouth bar is now pending in Judge Archer's court, in which Mr. E. G. Vanatta seeks to collect the sum of $10 from Mr. Mathew Gering. It appears that upon the recovery of a judgment by Mr. Gering against Robt. Metteer in the dis trict court in the late celebrated libel case of Gering vs. Metteer, Mr K. G. Vanatta, one of Metteer's at torneys, agreed, in consideration of the payment to him by Mathew Gering of $20, he, Vanatta, would induce Metteer to settle and pay up the judgment recovered by Gering. That thereupon the judgment was settled and paid, and Vanatta al leges that Gering has paid $10 of the twenty agreed to be paid and now refuses to pay and settle the balance hence the suit. We are not informed just what Mr. Gering' s defense will be. Go to W. G.Keefers for single and light double harness He is selling them at cost in order to re duce his stock Counci I Chamber. Plattsmouth, Aug. 10, '1)1. Council met in regular session. All members responded to roil call except Dove. Minutes of last regular and sub sequent special sessions read and approved. Petition was read praying for the grading of Fifth strict, between Main and Granite. On motion of Gutsche petition was granted. Petition presented praying that poll tax might be worked on Fourth and Walnut streets. Granted. Petition presented praying for a sidewal't on Kleventh street, be tween Locust and Vine. Granted. Petition praying that blacksmith shop of Louis Grossenbacher be exempt from taxation. Granted. Motion made to place claims of Fassbender and Dodge for $400 and $350, respectively, for damages in opening South Sixth street, on file, inasmuch as damage was estimated having in view a 70-foot street when a 00-foot street was ordered. Carried. Moved that a committee be ap pointed to continue the opening of a (K)-foot Sixth street and procure waiver of damages. Carried. The following were appointed: Larson, Murphy and Petersen. Finance report ordered referred to finance committee. Committee advised that bills as follows be allowed: Oh & Klec't Litfht Co, for July ?S17 00 .lakrj Swindler. holding nozle 2 so Clias Wheeler " " 2 .10 Ceo Brook " J 60 Lou Keii'hackel " " 2 DO Mike McCall " " 2 60 John Doyler " " 2 60 Frank O'Neill, ralary for July 46 no lattsmouth Oas Co 13 10 J tin Fitzpatrick. salary 45 00 Cha Wheeler, labor... 8 25 Robert John on. labor lfl 50 .lone fc Fitzgerald, team labor 33 (K) Plattsmouth Journal, printing 2a 00 G V Yapp, special police 22 50 S S Archer, salary for July 50 oo C W Green, labor 15 oo Geo Poisall, team labor 72 00 Tuos Ellis, labor 7 50 Edwin BateB, team labor 18 0' Jha Jaone. labor 18 00 John Monroe, labor 18 00 John Yanda, team labr '. 16 5n Geo Poisall, sa'ary and stamps 20 CO M Archer, uncollected fees 75 10 Moved that judiciary committee and city solicitor draft an ordi nance providing for the converting of alley in block 30 into a district for the purpose of providing suit able sewerage conveniences. Car ried. Moved that a committee wait up on property owners to ascertain whether they will consent to have certain intersections of Sixth with Vine and Pearl streets macada mized. Carried. On motion meeting adjourned to meet next Thursday evening. August 13. Boy's if yottiwant a fine dress shoe at a low- price let Wm. Herold & Son's show you how cheap they can be sold, before jrou buy. tf PKRSONAL Mrs. Bron was a passenger for Omaha this morning. Miss Maggie White is visiting the Mesdames Huffers of this city. Miss Nellie Cooper departed this morning for Omaha to be gone several days. Mr. J. N. Glen, formerly a resident of the city, is visiting friends and renewing old acquaintances. Mr. A. B. Todd and niece, Miss Lena Thomas, leave on the flyer this evening for Jamestown, N. Y. Mr. C. S. Twiss and family are re ceiving a visit from Mr. Twiss' brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Twiss. Mrs. Dovey returned from St. Paul and other points in the east last evening, she having been gone about a month. Miss Carrie Shepard left yesterday for Crete, for the purpose of seeing that Mr. Geo. Dovey's little girl made the trip home safely. Mrs. S. C. Harkins and children were passengers on No. 4 for Des Moines to-day. They will visit rel atives in that section of Iowa a few days. Horatio Dovey made a trip to Lincoln yesterday and returned with his family, which has been visiting friends there for some time. Mr. T. K, Williams, who is re ported as a prospective candidate for county sheriff on the republican ticket, is in the city to-day. Mr. H. C. Grimes, father of county judge's genial and efficient clerk, took No 5 for Council Buffs this morning. Commitnloiiers Proceedings, Plattsmouth, Aug 4, lsui. Hoard met pursuant to adjourn ment. Present A. H. Todd, A. C. Loder and Jacob Tritsch, commis sioners, Bird Critchfield, county clerk, when the following was done to writ: KILL AIDITKL) Lenhoff Bros $ K 50 E K Pamiele, lively hire 5 00 Jacif-TriiNcll.ial romis 31 70 A C LoJer, " " 2 0 A B T-. dd, " " 73 K B''ritciifleid tal tax list & exp 310 8 E V Coort, sai county 1'hys 45 oo LGFrei.iay. C-J'll'larlersj 20 M Stauder Bros ni.ise to pi r l: oo Geo. Hal simian, kre ping " 15 00 Jos. Graham, " 15 00 J K heithly, printiui: 25 35 Win Tigue bV "i: & KUiird I inii'rs !W 75 AC Mayes. Mirveyiutf 17 00 II Koeck, burial of pauper 18 24 Win Weti-ukan.p. lent of ollice left oo Mrs I) M Black rent of judges ollice 30 DO J F Johns, n.mdse to Co J 35 W .1 White, rert of ollice - 100 do F M tticliry. lumber to poorhoiice 36 85 Win Weber, rent ot gun tu trd court house refused Plattsmouth GasCo, rental 2 bills) Is 55 E G Dovey & Son, m!s.i to pocr house.. 32 40 J M Woodnn, b.ianliug paupeis 2 25 'iiiinlia Republican, Htatioiiery 32 05 J C KUenbary, keeping poor house 131 10 P D B.ites.supt oui Whouse 81 00 H D Travis, teh-graphinu 115 M It Murphy, iiuNe to poor 41 00 G W Noble, sal ami expeiioes Ml 00 G W Noble, inslituie fee 25 00 II C McMaken. ice t unices 7 50 John VcGu re. costs. Insane Engleking. 10 30 RK1DGK FUND, lto;t Si Faught. lumber 3 50 A anai 1 & Swanon. repair scraper 3 75 Chicago Lumber Co 20 32 John Ilolshuh. repairing bli l?e 5 00 A F Sturm, lumber 55 50 KOAD FUND. McBride : INlin r. epikes J M Schuellbacher, repairing scraper DISTRICT Kt'ND. Western Wheel Scraper Co. plow and scrapers, dist No. 6 Western Wneel Scraper Co. p ow. dist 29 Frank O'Neill, semper, diet 37 J F Johnson, fiikes,"dist 3 a 50 1 75 29 60 17 00 5 00 2 50 Aug. 5. 1891. Board met, full board present when the following was done to writ: Petition for road through section 5-10-13. and section 29-11-13. laid over until such time that commissioners could examine the proposed road. before final action. 1 he commis sion given to county physician of second nhvsician district was re- j voked for the reason that the terms of the physician register law had not been complied with by the physician holdingthe commission- for said district. Petition for county road on coun ty line between sec.6 in Greenwood precinct, and Lancaster county was taken up and prayer of petition granted and damage compromised with Dennis Dored at $30 per acre for amount of land taken. Petition for incorporation of the village of Kagle was considered, and prayer of petition granted, and the following persons were ap pointed trustees of said village: J. Q.Adams, Stephen, Benton, S. S. English, Wm. Sharp and R. Wilker son. Said village shall be known as Road District No. 67, and shall include all the south east quarter of section 20-10-9. Resignation of Wm. Kirk, justice of peace, South Bend accepted. Official bond of J. H. Davis, Sol diers Relief Committee, approved. Official bond of A. Haller, over seer dist- 27, approved. Aug 10. 1891. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment; full board present, when the following was done, to wit: The board considered the matter of division of Liberty and Rock Bluffs precincts, and after due con sideration it was ordered to divide Liberty precinct as follows: Be- p-inning at halt-section corner on north side of section 3-10-13, running thence south through middle of sections 3, 10, 15, 22, 27 and 34, and terminating at half-section corner on south side of section 24-10-13, thus creating a new precinct on west side of said line to be known as Nehawka precinct; and the resi due of said Liberty precinct shall be known as Liberty precinct. The following persons shall be ap pointed officers of election for Ne hawka precinct: J. K. Banning and A. F. Stunn, clerks; David West, Lee Polhird and O. Tucker, judges. The officers elected at last general elec tion in and for Liberty precinct who reside in new Liberty precinct shall constitute the officers of election in said precinct. Rock Bluffs precinct shall be di vided 60 as to constitute a new pre cinct to be known as Murray pre cinct and shall be bounded as fol lows: The boun dary lines of town ship 11, range 13, shall be the boundary lines of eaid Murray pre Continuedon Fourth Page. 1 fl 1 1) S U 3UI E It C V HI I V In onler to reduce stock to make room tor our fall purchase we must close out the halance ol our Summer htock as quickly as port sible. Commencing to lay we will otler our entire line ot white goods, embroideries flouncing and all overs At 20 Per Out Di count FYoin ttculur Price, adies summer vests at J" adies summer vests at 10c regular. 15c quality. J adies black and fanny ribbed vests 25c worth 35c. Ladies black lisle and fancy Egyptian cotton vests at 35 worth 45c Ladies silk mixed vests at 6oc was a bar-a'.75e, Jadios silk vests at 20 per cent, on all Jerseys. per cent dicsount on all our silk umbrellas Challies reduced to 5 cents per yard, regulars Me iiuallity Moussehne de India reduced to c per yard. We make this oiler in rder to reduce stock Now is the time to purchase if in want of any of the above goods. RKM KM BKR all of our goods marked in plain figures and we do as we advertise. Don't miss this sa,e as the- are the lowest prices quoted this season, F. HERRMANN ONE DOOR EAST FIRST NATIONAL. 0 HARDWARE FOR Having purchased the U. V. Mathew's in terest in the firm of J W, Hendee & Co, I now propose to stay in Plattsmouth and sell hard ware FOR - CASH - ONLY At prices that are within the reach of all. Everything in our stock a bar gain. Look over our list and see if you cannot find some thing you need. ooOoo 4300 lbs ctit nails, 3c per lb to close 200 doz carpet tacks, lc per paper 7oct grass scythe foroocts Best clothes wringer made,'$2.10 Step ladders from GO cts up 80 cent spades for o5 cts. Tinware at reduced prices 80 ct handsaws for filets Brooms. 15 to 25cts' Churns, 80cts to $1'00 Chopping bowls, 19 to 34cts Wash boards, 19cts Bushel corn baskets, 19cts Leather back all bristle horse brushes, 7oc. Leather back all bristle horse brushes, 40c. Cook stoves at cost to close. ooOf o Other articles too numerous to mention at correspondingly low.'pricei Come and see us. Remember we sell to everybody alike NOT - ONE - CENT - ON - TIME. J W HENDEE SPECIAL SAILE IX OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF Ladies, Misses, Boys, Children and Infants Summer Goods. THEY ARE AtE ElfcST GLASS AND OF THE VFAIY LATJiST STYLE. BARCAOKISI FE3 ALL SALL AND BE CONVINCE!! L K A RAN C E S A L A T 8c. regular. 10c quality. $1, reduced from $1.2B. ladies shirt waists and ONLY Cash