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About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1893)
m i" V T '"ljiJ mlfi vmn'ft THE a'txjiiay MORNING oojrusr w?f5ip5?w5v7f,tW l?irM," 1 1 Miners in nil countries have been noted for their superstitious beliefs iih to va rious matters nffi cling their good or ill luck. Soothsayers, sorcerers, or ut least lodo finders, wimi in past ages trusted to eecnro tho satisfactory leniiits which iiro now nowadays inoto reasonably hoped for on tht' t-i ,inrt oT the mining expert nntl t'ii(,iu r. Tiic latest survival of belief In I' ovnlt (lowers of tho "ined lciuo iii'in "i" w '"eerer is iriilnil)ly to bo foiitnl in t" lay penin ulii, which contain 1 1 .i mill important tin work ings.jtt Iwi' wn to ixist. l'ho individ ual who tl . guides his employers to fortune or t rnvciM. is known iih a pawn ii. Uiini tiie I'u'tlcal termination of in dopouuriit .11 i ,. rule liiinughout tho major poitlno of the n iiliixiila, nlxnit 10 yeura ago, l... p i.i.' , .is u recognized inctnber of every mining staff, and rocog- nized not only by tin' mine owners but by tho petty chiefs, who nlti'inntely en couraged or olMrueted mining enter prise So potent was ho that he could foretell tho prospects of n mine, levy ilnoi (which went into his own pocket), direct tho offering up of aniiniil suctificc.s and en force rules respecting the workings of a inino which but for him would hnvo been simply ridiculed by tho minors. Al though in many di.diiuts Ills pretensions aro now discredited, he still buyers on, superstition witli the existing (generation of miners having yi t u tlrin hold in t'.ie tnoro remote districts. Tho pawang may or may not bo tho hereditary successor of a predecessor. In Bonio cases ho is self made, and at tains Ids posit Km by a few lucky fore casts as to the vntuoof it projected initio. In a territory where, us is sometimes said, "If you ilig up tho highway, you aro pure to Hud tin," the supei naturally gifted prospector bus u tolerably easy task. Not that tin is always found when a hole is Mink. Unt u moderate ac quaintance with tho U'ual indications is auito sufilcieut. of limited means do not often troublo it pawang iu tho Initiatory stages. Unt-when the mino "btream tin," or tin suid, with an overburden of 10 or SO feet earth and gravel is fairly started, tho pawang uggests that ho alone knows how to kcop good luck in sight. 'Sometimes ho is politely informed that bis services are not wanted, and ho leaves in wrath, pre dicting all sort.) of disaster to the unbe lieving towkuy or manager. Upon the wholo, however, ho manages to get his way. A fino physical uppearanco is indis pensable. When engaged in any duty, such as invoking spirits or offering sacri fices, ho is allowed to assumo only one of two positions with his hands resting on his hips or with them clasped behind his back. Ho iilouo is allowed to wear a black coat iu tho mine. Asiu the casuof camphor hunters iu Formosa and gutta percha hunters iu Malaya, bo uses a peculiar vocabulary. Thus cats, ele phants, tigers, buffaloes, etc., must not bo mentioned by their muuil designation, nor aro such animals (tigers unfortu nately sometimes prove unpleasant ex ceptions) over allowed upon a mine. Perhaps the oddest article in tho pa wang s "ltmox expurg.uorius is uio limo fruit or lemon, which under no cir- li cuuistauccs may bo brought to a mine, and should thu juice bo thrown into tho mine water diro results aro dreaded. Raw cotton, glass and earthonwaro or an unsheathed spear or kris aro equally anathema, all tho articles mentioned be ing oiTeusivo to tlio bantu or spirits which haunt thu mine. Assuming that tho pawang is engaged by a mino owner at a fee varying from 15 to 1)0, his first business is to erect n platrorm or altar, constructed of a spe cial kind of wood. Tho four branches, which serve as supports, have tho bark peeled off for about 4 feet from the ground to where thu twigs begin. Tho leaves on the latter are not temoved. A squaro platform, measuring 15 inched each way, of j eeled sticks is fixed to theso supports at about three feet from tho ground. A foot above this comes a railing round three sides of thu plat form, while a railed ladder witli four rungs reaches from tho open side of tho platform to thu ground. Fringes of co coauut ornament thu railing, and thu wholo construction is bound together with creepers, rattau, however, being forbidden. Upou it offerings aro luid, and tho pawang invokes tho bantu or tutelary spirit of tint mino to bless it with good fortune. A bag of tin sand from thu first washing is tho fee paid for this service. Sometimes a cheaper kind of altar is mado by placing iu tho ground a single peeled stick with its upper end split in four, upon wuicli ts placed tnu uttiu ; platform abovo described. Tho noxt process is to hang an anclia, or square frame, about 18 inches each way iu the smelting houso just under tho eaves of tho roof. This serves as an interior altar, upou which thu miners place theb offerings to thu hantu. Tho accurate (hanging up of tho nucha is a matter of ipecial care. Theso preluuiuaiies accomplished, tnu lino is considered sure of luck. -Pall lull Gazette. Under the Moiirn Doctrine. Mi? filirmlil Purniutmi vw.fiHnla limil ttinfr f u.,uu. " . ""- ...- ...w.. forces and interfere in tlio affairs of Ura il, thero is no cbcapo from tho couclti ion that such act would constitute a taubo of otleiihe to tlio United Stutes ornuient. Under the light of tho ouroo doctrine tlio administration can oimtruo such acts us nothing le.s than I oueilHit. li r.urupu uuu yiiuuiii. itv hiiulranco laud troops iu and enace tho beeurity of that republic, uropo can do lihewiso iu every Anier in repulilii' Mtnneapolu Tribune. JJeckell llios. new tailoring establish. lent, 110 north Thirteenth Btreet nea bo Lansing is tho popular resort for kyllsh gurments. AMONG THE RAILROADS, Tmirl.l Ciii' In ('ittlfiimlii- Clii'iii Unto, yiilek Trip. The trn el from thu north anil north west lei rilory, tupped The Clreat Rook Island route, has demanded service of this character, and beginning October fi, tourist earn will leuvo MIiiucukIIs every Thursday morning and join the tegular tourist train out of Chicago every Thursday afternoon at Columbus. Mine tiou, Iowa, at 11 p. m. Central Iowa and the great west slope district of that slate, doiniinds and will receive a similar service, and beginning October 10, a Phllllps-Rock Island ex cursion car will leave Albeit Lea every Tuesday morning, and via Llvorinoro, Ft. Dodge and Angus, will arrive at Dos Moines that evening, and Wednesday u. in. go west on tho "Uig Five," via Oiiiaha, Lincoln and llellevllle, at which point it will join the regular Tuesday train from Chicago. Full particulars iih to cheap rate tickets for this trip, and also as to cost of berth ill thu tourist car cheei fully given on application to any Oreat Rock Island route ticket agent, or agent at coupon stations of connecting lines. .Ino. Skiiahtian, G. 1. A. ClIIOAdO. PROCLAMATION. Cheup Itnlfn Nninctlilnir tltcry Oim Should Know. That tho rates to all points west via the "world pictorial lino" Union Pacillc syrtein arc very low. For instanco Donver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, i?0; Salt Lake Ogden, Helena, Spokane and Portland, Ore., first class $25 second class 818. Round trip for California mid-winter fair, 8(Vi.50- Sun Francisco, Los Angeles and Portland. Ah Iiiih been their custom for years the Union Pacillc still run tho famous Pullman sleepeis to California and Oregon points. Multitudes have tried them and pro nounced them just the thing. They aro run daily. These cars aro built on the same gen eral plan as the regular tlrst-cluss pull- man sleeper, the only diu"oreneo being is that they are not upholstered. They are furnished complete with good comfortable hair mattresses, warm blankets, snow white linen curtains, plenty or towels, combs, brushes, etc,, which secure to thu occupant of a berth as much privacy tm is to bo had in flrst clasfl sleepers. There are also separate toilet rooms for ladies and gentlemen, and smoking is absolutely prohibited. Full particulars cheerfully given re garding rates, sleeping car reservations etc,, ut city ticket olllce, 1014 O street, corner Eleventh und O or address 13. U. Slohhon, Jno, T. Mastin, Qen. Agent. City Ticket Agt. Luxury f Trust!. "Hello, Jack! Justcoino down town?" "No; why?" "Rccuhbo you look so fresh and trim as though just out of a bandbox." "Well, that is natural enough, when you consider that, instead of just coin ing down town.l have just got into town after a trip east." "Hut that generally uses a man up, and gives him that tired feeling, what with cramped quarters and juning und worrying him almost to death.'" "1 know that is sometimes tho case. Hut frequently it depends iixin what load you ride over. There aro roads and loads. I made my journey by the Michigan Central, and they have such pel feet Ion in appliances for comfort, such discipline among thu employes, that the annoyances are small indeed, and thu comfort equal to that in one's own home, unless it is an exceptionally luxurious and well-appointed one. Try the Michigan Central, 'the Niagara Falls limit e,' next limo jou wish to go east. You'll find it so."- Arkansaw Ti livelier. Motllltf .South. Convenient markets, good soil, pure water and excellent climate mo advan tages to be considered when looking up a home, business location, farm, etc. Maryland und tho Virginian ulTord these, with many more advantages. Improved farm lands, adapted to stock raising, dairying, grain, grass and fruit growing, can be obtained at low prices and upon easy terms. Thriving towns invito tho merchant, mechanic and business ni'tii. Abundauco of coal timber, ore, water power, etc. Free siteH for maim factuiers. For furtherinformation, address M. V. Richards, Laud and Immigratioi Agent H. & 0. 11. II., HalHinore, Mil. TohiUI Car I'roin Mliiiienulu I'iiIhIk, Commencing October 5, a tourist car leaves Minneapolis every Thuisday inoriiiug and runs to Pueblo and via Albert Lea to Columbus .1 unction, nriivingat 11:07 p. in. and theio con nects with our C. II. I. it P. Train No. Ill which will hold at that point for arrival of thu U. C. It. & N. train carry ing that car, and via Kansas City arrive at Pueblo second morning. lleginning October 10, touiist car will leave Albert Lea eveiy Tuesday morning nnd run via Minneapolis St. Louis Ry. tbiough Angus to Des Moines, arriving at night, and theio lay oor and bo taken west on "Rig Five" Friday morning, and run via Omaha, Lincoln and llellevllle to Pueblo. Tlio I'lilon 1'iiollle ('lii'iip lliltex, Only ?.!0.(K) llrst class to Ogden, Salt Lake, Helena, Spokane and Portland Oio For full partlculais call at city ticket olBco 1W1 O street. 1 1 m The following new music is reported by tleorge A. Craneer: "Tho Girl of My Heart," by Kelly; "Nodding Oil to Sleep," by Hurt; "Under tho Sailor's Star," (Jucntiiij "Sweetheart Mine, Awake," "Love Mo Little, Lovo Me Long," a Hoiifgamhtnn pastoral, sung In "A Trip to Chinatown;" "Rose Mo Shane," by Kelly. "Under the Siillnr'n Ninr. Out mi Hie foiun tho kixxI hIiIp plmmlm her way A ppeek tt pun, upon II m mlithty iniiln - nml cheery bud with atidwnrt honrtH un t n who mill nrroM tint liltui Atlantic plnhi. Tin1) 're rend), n)i, wlmtotcr wind inn) blow, Whntoter wind mil) blow, iitnl whole in utir IkihIiIi m.'ty run in, To ilii it jam of deed liolow.or lltflit nml I ion I a craft) foe Tltclr licartM wltlf tlionc. they Into nt homo, Willi llioxo llicy lnvn nt homo. iit.nt.UNi HollliiK, Ixiwlllitf liter tlio ncii afar, riminliiK Kitlly Under tlie Hitllor'ti r-tnr dorm nml miidlulit - iallln tint world around. 'TU nterrll) lio, mid clirerlly lin.for llinonlwaril IhiiiihI. In from llin went tint wind in MimhiK free, w Inn Mlnrn nt nlwlit, At nlitlit tlielr vIkII keep, lint ImiiiiiIii wltemuid IHHnlCH IIiIkIU I Hl'll, Who wnlcli for tlioNd wlm roam t lin inluldy deep lohcan tlio main, Tliu) ciimu ntclosoof day, anil wliere no titer tlio tdilp may lie, Their utrnlnlnK c)ch look o'er tint tin), tliey hear tlio nlormy wind mid cpraj. Tlielr lienrtH with tlmso (he) lovo nt Hen, Their hearts with tliiinn they lotn nt en, With iIioko the) lovo at Ren. NEWS NOTES. Iti'iim or liileri'i.1 (intlicri'il ltitilii(r Hie I'llot Week. Whltebreast Coal and Limo Co. All kinds of coal, irester's 1211 O street. Lincoln Coal company caters to tho best trade. Althea toilet preparatories at Rector's Pharmacy. Jcckell Hros. Tailors, lit) north Thir teentb street. David P. Sims, dentist, rooms lli und i:t Purr block. Fruited ice cream soda water mado from the natural fruit, ut Hector's Phar macy. For all social doings tho Nebraska state baud or orchestra is what is ulwajs most desired. For dunces and outings there is no sue) music in Nebraska as that supplied by tho Nebraska state orchestra. For rates and open dates of the Ne braska state baud or orchestra apply at the CouitiKit olllce, ll.'M O street, tele phono '-!".' I. What have you to trade for a Yost typewriter with eight drawer cabinet, iu good condition, also a new two-seated canopy top surrey? Call or address Lou Wossel, Lindell hotel. When you want prompt service and fair treatment and the selection from thu largest stock of groceries in Lincoln call on W. A. Collin & Co., successors to .1. Miller, 11!) South Kleveuth street. Professor Johnson's dancing .ilideiny in the Lansing theatre h now open. Classes for ladies and gentleman. Tues day and Friday afternoon and evening. Juvenile classes Saturday morning and afternoon. Professor Swnint ladies tailoring and dress cutting school. Thorough instruc tions. Lessons not limited. Dress mak ing done with dispatch on short notice. Patterns cut to uieasuie and all work guaranteed. Ask jour grocuryman for tho "Wilber Rolling Mills" Flour, Chas. Harvey, pro priutor. Inquire for "Little Hatchet," "Nicklo Plato," and "HakorB' Constance." I'.very sack warranted. No such li'ie of canned fruits in tho city as shown by W. A. Collin & Co., 11IJ South Kleveuth stieet. The Lincoln Coal company, 1015 O street, handles all of tho very best guides of aiithiacite und bituminous coal. Never order an invitation until you have seen the samples of the work lone by tho new Courier Publishing Co. Ti ester sells over 'JO kinds of coal. Mlil-Wlnler I'ulr, un I'liiuc Urn Cut,, l'.- I'tiroliin 'I'll kel nw mi Mile YVIIIiltniiiid Tilp, I. hull Apiil ao'ui. The Tiunk line between Lincoln, Atchison, St. .loo, Wichita, Hot Sittings, St. Louis, Houston, Galveston, ',os Angles and all points east west ninth and south. Come and go via the Missouri Pacific the popular chair car route. II. O. Townsend O. P. A. St.' Louis, Mo. Phil Daniels C. P. ,t T. A. Telephone No. tW. City olllce 1201 O ' street, Lincoln Neb. The sacred conceit at the Lansing Sunday evening was a great Hiicce.- ' judging from oery point oNview. Net ' Sunday's will be even better. Rest seats , for f0 cents, and a good one for 'Jo cents should be sulllcleut imlueemeiit to till I the house over Sunday, Notlt i of Iteionxil. The business otllco of tho Satuium iMo,'NIN" t-'ouumt bus been moved to ' 1201 O Btreet. YOUR E r o We are offering our immense stock of TOM GOODS AT A. i Including thu full line of CLOAKS FALL UNKKRWEAIl. '. HOSIERY, IJLANKETS, "'h. ' Hi. . DOMESTICS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, DRESS COODS, NOVELTY DRESS PATTERNS. Especial attention is called to the lino of DRESS ClOODS and CLOAKS bought for this season. A special Cloak Sale I Deluding the Robot tsou stock ut And our own iiniueuse line of high grade and stylish cloaks at 0 I And eery garment plain tlguies. marked in Ml LINCOLN, NEB. 1109 0 SI. W CHEAP . r flPfll I Hn ririlfll iiillon. (MintolKioiieneilliiriellleineiilliy tin I III III I nil I llllll I ' " vermnent MIDIiiiih of ncrea In tlm tin L Ubll I II U IJUII Y I "' rlriiltiirMlromitry under tliuiun, wultlni I i-ii ill inn I fill II ' "i iickieu ny too nnnn(iiiiHii pinwiuitrci I 111 III I llll I llllll IM l iilinont the IhiI clmnre to obtain nun of IU lJAJtJlll lllwaw L iielu Ham' fre farun. ', M . VitfluUG & CO . MoolcM, ftHi it luuciy, Weill lipoi, Wlicloxv tSliocloM, lto. UNIVERSITY TKXT HOOKS AND DUAWINO INSTRUMENTS. 1106 O AND 1 ltt NORTH IITH STREETS. WAHEHOUBCa 1021-20 O BT. . , Vi'iir' IiiIiki'I Iptlon In Alt) One nf lln I'liltntt I n I'.tpeii. LADIES' HOME JOURNAL. CHICAGO WEEKLY INTER OCEAK. NEW YORK WEEKLY WORLD. CHICAGO WEEKLY TIMES. To any one sending us &'J.(K) for a year's subscription in advance, wo will glvo froo a year's subscrip tion to any ouo of tho abovo papers, any one of which the regular subscription price is $1.00 to Shot). Remember you got one f i eo with a year's subscription to tho Courier. HIM worth of good reading for $2.00. Ah this offer will only hold good for u short time, Address courier im CO., Olllce 1201 O St., Lincoln, Nob. Steam I3reiaiTj AND CLEANING WORK8. No. 11J IV.l"xolirtl- t. THREE-MINUTE TA LK8 A POUT 1 tlintdliM I mi lllnmrin imI folder di n'rllilnK the forum, NEW MEXICO. inlnrs nml towim of New .Mexlon. Tlio uriitlli rf fruit riiiainir iiriinel forth In ilotnll i illsofart f rnlntivn tobheep, ciittlu nnd Kupernl fiirmltii'. Mi oilier roinilry Ipobkcfwi Niirn n iieairniiia rllmnto nil tlio jour iiround. Write to K. I.. Iii I in r, 1. A. Hindu Ku ItuiiU, Omaha. Nob or t r copy. AGENIS WANIED ON SALARY OR COMMISSION FOfl THE ONLY AUTHORIZED II) (lull lliiiiilllini, liiH lllornry executor, with I tho ro-iiperiitlon of IiIn fninlly, mid for Mr. IIIiiIiio'h riiinplele workH, "'lwenty YontH of ConureitH." mid IiIn Inter Ixiok, "I'olllifiil Din-1 cnxHloim, One primpertiiH for tlii'Ho tliroo iKet ' ft'llltitr IkioUh In tlioniiirkctH. A. K. 1. .lonliin, uf Mtilno. look 112 urderH Irom llmt 110 riillx: imentM rotlt f I Mrn. Ilnlliird, of Ohio, i look l.'i oriliirM, i:i Hcnl lttihnhi,ln 01 u dny ; prollt 'JO.',',-!, i:. N, Klru, of .MiiKViirhtisettH, took- '.'7 I oriloiH In two (In h ; prollt 4il7.UA. .1. I'nrl- rlilfc'o. of Mnliic, took I.I orilcrM from :il oiiIIh ; prollt 7..',,.-. i:. . I'nliiier, or North Dnkiitn, I took Murders in :idii)ns prollt ..".. Kxclu- flte Territory clten. If son wixhto iniiko Inrno . moiie). wrlluiinineilliilel) fur terinn t'i IHt HtNRr Bill PUB. CO.. NORWICH. CONN. P 1 f ee '" 6hertt?in. arms i Write to II Oinnhii. Neb. di.iicrihlnir , L. Pnlinpr, V, A. Santo Fo IlouU , for true copy of IlluitrateU foliUr Clierolcoo Ntrln, nnd the Tonkiiwn, I'uwnee mid KlrknpooIU jep is an arbitrary word used to designate the only how (ring) which cannot be pulled oil the watch. Here's the idea a The bow hai a groove on each end. A collar WlfT" H if. J tun fiend Hi 1 down Iniide the ndant (item) and Into the eroovet. mlv locklnc the bow to the pendant, that It cannot be lied or twitted off. It positively prevents the lo.s of the watch by theft, and avoids injury to it from (hopping. IT CAN ONLY HE HAD with jai, Hon Filled or other watch caici bearinc thlt trade mark W All watch dealers sell them w ithout extra cost, A watch cast opener mIII b sent Ire to ant on bjfthi minutaclurtri. KeystoneWatch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. 1 WMMSm uiNCoirv, zviCM. WIN BROS 'ruj ljruowie-vr. Wo urow nml nlwnyi liitro ROSES CAHNATIONS, CHKYSANTHRMUNS, VIOkHTS And all kinds of Decorating und Flowering Plants. TEN GREENHOUSES ANti FIVE ACRES . . . Wholly devoted to Flowers and PI lints. CITY 8TORE I 134 O 8TREET. OITV anciN MOU81 lOtM and D STB. TILL t4 Mnln ureeii liotmul mlln weitUnliiu college, VOU MUHT IIAVK STYLISH CLOTHING! OUR FALL STOCK OF AND O V JB R.O OATS Aro not Excelled in .. Style, Fit and Quullty AT MOST REASONABLE PRICES. (TUrJHBt call ill und sco thom."tEj FISHER i WrlRFEL 110 O Ntroot I MUST HAVE A PAIR OF P. COX HIGH CUT SHOES, They are warm, good wcarors, And jiiBt the thing, SOMETHING NEW, THE LATEST STVLKS. SHAPES, I CUT AND ETC., ONLY W. TKY T1IK.M, ED. 6. YATES 3 ff I I 1 0 O 8TREET. t.ojt .mil n.VH."1 rmiiiiw