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About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1893)
prW H Saturday Morning Courier MW I i(. M--r-' I VOLUME 8, NO. 52. SIR FIELD In Lincoln iih elsewhere, oho bourn daily llio query, How long will the hard tiiuuH hurt; how loii); will it take tho country to got over the iIToi:t of tho punic? A general commercial and lliuineinl punlu wuh experienced in thin county in 18.'17, from the offootH of which the country did not revive until nine yenrH later, when the change wiih brcmlit about hy the Mexican war. The govern tiiont confiscated tho IIiich of Mexico and Toxiih, IsHllCll itn notes, and IioiuIh, and a period of iullation followed, that wiih trtopped in ) 857 I y tlio banking Iiiwh, and then caiuo another panic. From thin tiiuu on until tlio war broke out there wiih groat uncertainty in the com mercial and tluaiicial Held. The war brought groat activity in business, and the good tiiucH lasted till lHT.'l, when there wiih another Herioim panic, which drugged itH weary length along till 1877. During one week in March 1877 HtockH tumbled down from 10 to .'Hi poiutH; but that wiih tho end of it. A recovery, jdow it 1h true, followed; hut Huh culminated in a grand hurrah, that wiih only Btoppcd by tho assassin Uiiitoau's bullet on Saturday, July 'J, 1831. The foundation had been laid for another panic, which took plneo in May 1881. Tho CyniB W. Field panics of 1877, and the Hating panicHof 181)0 uro too frenh in memory to need Hpccial comment. The present acute depression Iiiih already lanted mx montliH. How much longer will it continue? ThiH iw not an easy question to aiiBvver. Perhaps tho opinion of Isidoro Worm. Her, a leading New York authority on financial mutters, in an good hh any. He suy-H that last Hiimmor'H decline in BtocltH and the general prostration in buBincFB were duo to the fears of moiiied men that the dollars which they owned would bo cut in two by tho descent ol tho Unitei1""StatoH to a silver basiH. That evil htm been averted, and we are faco to face with other conditions. Confidence in tho dollar has loturned. and hourded money has been released, until 'the evidences ol indebtedness in tho form of clearing house coi-tillcutcs have been retired and wu have the present. glut of unemployed funds. The American people do not bury- their money; they want iuteiest. Now that confidence in tho stability of tho dollar is restored, they are beginning to seek channels for investment. Prosperity is not a matter of forty-eight hours, but ol weeks and months; but already it is im possible to get hloctts of undoubted bonds or stocks. The invoHtmont move ment will grow and reach each other's issues of bonds and stocks. I Setter than all, manufacturers will resume, and business in geneial will become good. With fair legislation, our im proved machinery and our American push, we shall, as a nation, within a year, lie in a more prosperous condition than ever. Our recuperative powers are tho greatest of any nation's. Looking at tho general situation in this way, he does not caio what fluctuations there may bo in the stock exchange, which often represents, for weekn at a time, simply tho operations of professional traders. Ultimate prosperity, and that within a year, is seen as clearly (many one could wish. It is a fact generally iicngni.od by tho hankers and business men of the state that the Omaha banks invariably take all they can get and ask for more. Last Sunday's Omaha lite contained tho following: Omaha bankeis have been commen ting considerably of Into upon the iccent withdrawal from the national banks ol tho city of state funds. It is claimed by them that Omaha has not had a fan proportion of tho state's money, and now the amount of state funds on deposit hero is less than at any lime previous. One hanker says it does probal ly not exceed S.'iO.OM). This sudden taking of tho funds in iiuestioii from Omaha and South Omaha has, it is said, worked iiiinous inconven ience to one or two hanks, and was done at a time, too, when there was no good causo for it, because tho state treasury had just been replenished by tho re mittance or taxes from the several counties. Tho action is legarded as only a part of tho discrimination which, some of tho bankers say, has been habitually practiced by tho authorities against the banking institutions of Douglas county and in favor of those of Lincoln, Lancaster county. It is claimed that tho Omaha banks, being more heavily capitalized and having more ciedit than any other like concerns in tho state, are entitled to greater con sideration ut tho hands of the state treasurer and other olllcials having some authority in tho management of the state's lluances. A leading banker in this city to whom tho statement was shown laughed at tho idea of tho Omaha banks being discriminated against in favor of the Lincoln Imukn. "Why," ho said, "every body knows that tho Omaha banks have been specially favored by succes sive state treasureis for several jours past. The bulk of the .state money is ulwayH placed in Omaha. 1 will ven ture to say that not one sixth of the money loaned out hy State Treasurer Hartley is deposited in Lincoln. Omaha not only has moie of this money than Lincoln; bit it has much more than its proportionate share. There has bi-en no slate money taken out of the Omaha bunks and placed in this cily. The only money that has been withdrawn Iiiih been used to pay warrants, and Lincoln lias had to pay these warrants as well as Omaha. It's a cold day when Omaha banks ate discriminated against, or when they lose any advantage." Probably few people have stopped to consider the proportions of LincnlnY llnaucial operations with tho east, and not very many, outside of the few whose business is such as to make them ac quainted with the facts, will at I Irs I credit the statement that considerably more than 81,000 goes out of Lincoln every day to pay iiitoivst on mortgages and other securities held in the east. Tin: Couitiut has gone to some trou hie to obtain accurate information on this point, and the estimate of 81,(HH)a day is conservative. Ah near as can la learned theie is fully It") .000.000 of east cm money in this city in the form ol loans on ical estate. This means an annual outlay for interest of S.'!iH).(H)0. Interest on bonds, etc. will easily bring up this ligiiio to over $ :iil),(XX). Tlio bulk of this money comes fiom Philadelphia and Hartford, There u considerably more than 81,000,000 ol Quaker City nionoy in Lincoln real es tate loans. The Penu Mutual Life Insurance company sends a goon leal of money to Lincoln and theio it rlfiO.OOO lJicxcl money hunt. It ih es timated that tho Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance company has consider .ibly over WOO.000 in this city. Tin Xatioual Life of Vermont, and the In durance company of North America an large loaneis. There is very little New York money hereon this class of securi lies, insurance companies and saving oailks being prohibited by state law from loaning money on real estate out side of the state. In ordinary times much more money comes into Lincoln in the shape of pi in cipal than goes out in tlio shape of in terest; consequently when there is ai. almost total cessation in loans, with V demand for the prompt pay mentor in teiest, it can readily lie seen that there has lieen an immense strain in the lasi six mouths. Since June there have boon practically no now loans; but most loam exphing have been renewed. As to the payment of interest Mr. McDonald oi the Clark it Leonard Investment coin pany, a concern that handles a very large percentage of the loan business in this city, said: "In view or the appar out scarcity or money and tho general complaint of hard times, it is really sur prising how promptly the iuteiest on loans is paid. It is of course not in easy to make collections as when timo in o good; but borrowers on the whole aie meeting their obligations hcttci than one would expect." Mr. McDon ald thinks that notwithstanding (In flict that money is now a glut on tin eastern market, the etrect of the pre vailing depiesHion will be to make a slight increase in the rate of interest. Several companies hate already made a demand for higher rates. There is another flow of Lincoln money to the east. The most conserva live estimate places the amount ol money that goes east annually to pay discounts or interest on commeicial paper, at from Slltt.OOO to 8150,000 Thh added to the other amount makes a total annual outgo Ha- interest or SloO.Otll) to WOO.WX). More Lincoln commeicial paper hat been floated in New York in the I, si two weeks, by the way, than in the en tire six months previous, and Lincoln linns have been able to secure accom modations at a low rate of interest. One huge concern has had no dilllculty in obtaining money in large amounts for .', and (! per cent. It isn't an easy matter to see just where this 81,000 and more comes from A little figuring, however, will trace n good deal of it back to Neluaska hogf and corn, Mr. McDonald gives it as his opinion that theio will bo a very material inflow of eastern people into Nebraska com mencing early next spring, and this opinion is also expressed by railroad of tlcialsandotheis who make a study of such things. It him been lemarked that there Iiiih generally been a boom in the weHt following a business depression, and tho indications point to a rapid ad van co in Lincoln and Nebraska next year. UINGOLN, NBDUASKA, SATURDAY, Dl:Cl:MHI:U 2, I8W. fill! D It was standing under the shadow of n thorn tree hy the edge of tin Indian riv er that gray stone which Is tho subject or my story. The country is very full of such marks and memorials. Somo times they are conical manses painted red, with another flat Mono plnced ho 'oro them, upon which trivial offerings of flowers, fruit or lice may ho laid. Sometimes they areearefiilly sculptured stones, hearing the sign which ihnwi that u "suti," or Hindoo widow, has In days past immolated In rsolf on the sa cred Hjiot. Sometimes it Is merely an odd shaped bowlder which has struck tho pious imagination of homo peasant or village priest, ami ho has daubed a patch of yellow or vermilion paint upon It, uftcr which the local deity U sup posed to reside theie, ami everybody flings a little pehhlo in front of it or ties a strip of cloth upon the branches of tho trco overhead. Dut this little monument was very special, established in tho patch of aca cias and long reeds hy tho river's hank, and having curved upon its faco tho nidi picture of a "chatty," or common wa ter pot, with, underneath that, n wom an's name. Above it, among tho littlo golden balls of blossom which grow upon tho babul houghs, were fluttering numberless strips of cotton and gout's hair stuff of all colors, and tho faded flowers and stones lying in front proved that it was a popular Hiirlno, which no native of tho district passed without some small token of respect or pity. Tho Indian rivers often appear very beuutiful especially where they run, as this grcut stream did, through wild country, embroidering their path across tho Minburned plains witli a double rib bon of verdure. From far off the trav eler or sportsmuii discerns these two strips of green trees und bushes, and coming closer the shining channel will ho full of refreshment and interest to his eyes. Littlo or no tralllc disturbs that placid waterway, which, indeed, very frequently is hut n chain of isolated pools. Ahovo them may be seen every where hovering thu muchi-hagli or "fish tiger," n black and white kingfisher that hangs motionlcssly poised over tho rip ples, and then suddenly plunges like a stono into them to bcizo somo gliding fish. In tho deep parts the big mali-sccr sucks and grunts. On tho shallows will bo standing knee deep tho great gray cranes with bcarlet heads, and near to them flocks of pretty wliilo egrets or paddy birds, wliilo flights of duck ami teal whistlo up ami down tho channel, and painted grouse kettle suddenly ua the handy margin in largo" coveys to drink. If it bo near n village tho dhobee, wusherniun of tho community, will be heating "sariB" und "cliolis" upon a lint rock by thu nearest pool, and in some quiet nook a fisherman will be flinging his circular net into the water in catch tho littlo fry called 'havildur and ten," which are dried afterward in the miii ftnd make u good relish. There is no regular ferry ut such points. Should you want to go across singly, you must swim over with yoni horse or do us tho natives do. They stuff up tho month of a chatty an earth nwaro water pot with grass, and plac ing it under tlio chin embrace the vessel, wliich supports them well out of th water, wliilo with their legs and fettthoy propel themselves to the farther shore. Or you may hold the chatty under one nrm und swim with tho other, putting ynurclotlies jn a bundle upon your head. Uy this means also th Indian fishermen spread nets right aeio.v. the stream and traverse it at all times with ease and se curity. It was one of then, indeed, who ex plained the meaning of tho old gray itono by the bank of tho river, sprinkled with those golden halls from tlio bubu) tree, and standing, so lonely, with Solini" cut upor it and the picture ol Mat wiitenml V "'it u tint Uutish luboior rests tor Iocs: m i n of tho day, or offer a spell r.f haul work, his first 'idea Is to drink, 1 y tn Indian peasant has n different hahii. At the hour of repose his custom is to disengage from his tur ban ami loin cloth a small bag hko n "housewife," with partitions, tied by a string. This ho unrolls deliberately, and theio aro been u layer of green leaves from tho pepper vine, a lump of lime, two or three nuts of tho avocupalui, a lew cloves and an iron implement some thing liko a nut crucKer. With this ho breaks off somo frag ments tf tho aromatic nut, mingles them with n little of tho lime, luys both in the hollow of a icpjicr haf, which ho folds over and pits with u clove, putting tho wholo medley into his mouth and iov ously chewing it. That is tho pan soo pari, or "e.cellent leaf" tlio hotel which soothih half Abia with its hot, astringent taste, and is no doubt an ad mirable stomachic and febrifuge, though it blackens tlio teeth and turns tho sa livu blood red. Unrolling his hotel case and making huntelf a quid, tho villugo fisherman explained tho gray stono und its inscription: "Sohnl Protectors of tho Poorl was girl of this gaum; oh, only n common low custo girl, but beautiful to seoustho bluo lotus is when tho blossom first opens. It ia now very long ago sinco tho tiling happened about which tho Presences ask, but anybody will tell them still, .1 lining tho wliilo hniieil men Of those who saw her face, that it uit.s fair us Kutlim's or as any of tin- Milk maids of Krishna. Her father was a lierdsnuin, owning many sheepiind goats, which ho grazed along this haul., and Bohnl's business, after slut became big enough, was to drive tlieinout to pastuio in this jungle, which business she did for in.iny dry and rainy seasons until she was well grown. 'riome. aes It would bu hy day and tolncllims by night that she wandered in): 4 rluiig the river, and once, iilouo with her ilck, she heard tho bausiili vuryaweutly .illiyed upon and saw a young shepherd infmcd LuMiifnti, who was playing it, tlit win a very good looking lad, they all tell, and skilled beyond measure upon his pipe, so tlio thing fell out easily that tlloy became violently enaiiiored of each other, but kept the matter hlddon.froin nil for other reasons and because Luxi man's people, who lived on tlio farther side of the liver, were no friends of tin herdsman, Solon's father, hut Hut con trary. Moreover, Solini hnd been iccieth promised by her futher to Govindii, th souciir of tho district, who was a mm growing old, and u wicked mid cruel mail, always taking advantage of the poverty of our j.eoplo to lend them money at hard interest, and then, when they could not pay and tho time came round, to get their fields and cattle ami implements and silver ornaments away from them so that they becumo his slaves. Tho Suhehs, of their wisdom, will know very well what sort of folk these bloodsuckers of marwarries he. It is better to put your hand into the hole where u cobra is sleeping than to dip it Into tho money bilg of tho soucar. The seasons had been bad, und Sohni's father notwithstanding bin ewes and she gnats, had fallen into debt with Govindii yearr back nntl could not cloar it off. So had he been led unwillingly to promise hi? child to the money lender. Dut this was not known to Solini nor to Luxiin. u "If you had seen them together, fJhur Ihpurwar, you would have cried. 'It i surely Krishna with ono of the Qopis' sho was so comely and erect and slender and ho so handsome, playing his buusull, and so loving. Tlio jungle deer does nut tread lighter than Soli n I pacing before her, goats, nor tho palm treo stand strnigliter than ehe with her milkpot upon her protty-hend. But it was m much us the Iifo of Luxlmnii was worth for him to bo scon upon this side of the river, where so many enemies were. Therefore, in order they might meet. Solini, who was strong and skillful ns n Hruhmuny duck in the water, would many ami iminy a timo at night swim over to her chosen lover. "Tho river, us tlio Presences perceive. Is very broad hereabouts, and when the Hoods descend nay, Indeed, for weeks and weeks ut u timo no swimmer could of Ids own strength breast that current uml safely pass over. Dut Solini was wont to keep in this thicket of thorns and reeds hero a largo bluck chatty of baked clay, and when tho gods fuvored sho would stop tho mouth of it with grasses, and placing it beneath her breasts sho would boldly swim over the water, carrying her earl and choli dry up on her head, und Liiximuu would singand piny to her, and sho muko liiui good love cheer until such timo as tho 'wolf's tall ;umo into tho sky nud tho first crow sail ed across tlio dark fields. Then thogoat girl, happy in her heurt and well con tented, took tho chatty in her arms again and silently swam back to her charge, none knowing of their mutual comfort und joy. "Now, this thing went on for ninny moons, and their happiness made Liixi muu and Solini somewhat too bold 1 deem. Wo villagers ure uccustomed to 6ay thnt 'tho stars keep secrets, but the sun tells all it sees,' and tho goat girl, it seems, was ofttimes urged by her Indian boy to linger longer than wns prudent, wliilo tho sky whitened. Also it has been noted that no good fortune very long endures either in lovo or in fishing, or in any earthly matter nay, perhaps it might have been that they neglected in their pleasure to make dint offerings to the gods. It was afterward told, indeed, by- Luximnn that his beautiful compan ion informed him the nlaka her fore head spangle had fallen off one morn ing, which should surely have warned her of approaching misfortune, ami he himself, it is relattd, ilieniued he saw two elephants fighting without their mahouts, which, us everybody is aware, always signifies death. "Ho all this as it may. one happy night Solini had tarried with her young lover overlong, and the In-lit of dav was shining too broad upon tho lace of tho river us she ssvain homeward. That morning tho ovil hearted Uovinda, who had become already somewhat siispi clous, was abroad vorv early U note the rrops of ragi which h lu.d brought Into his power from the villagers by usury, and walking under cover of this grovu ho spied a woman swimming upon u chatty from tho fnrtlu r lank and pres ently perce.ved it was no other than tho girl ho had secietly bought from the herdsman. If he was jealous his angry heart burned fiercer than ever us ho watched from his hiding place tho lovely goat girl step, bare of all her gar ments, from the water, her beauteous limbs shining, smooth and rounded, in tlio ino.'iiiiig sun, ai I her t-th of poail gleaming white between her little rosy lips, n- she si died to think of Liui man's bygi 1 1- fondness, "Tho wicked old Govlnda observed her hide tho chatty away in tho reeds and press tho water from her sides mid hue'.: - - . ..... . with dry grasi. while all hastily she un fnsteiied lei clothing and wound her purple sari i-oiiud her withstand over her head, having first lied on her choll of orungo and gieeu. Afterward slut tripped up the bunk and away to the fold not thinking when Oovinda ufler ward passed her in tho fields and made her 'lliinil rami' ami fair salutations that ho had already devised u devilish plot to ciiiihu her to die. "What did that gray fox contrlvo, do you ask, asylum of excellence? Ho went forthwith on his pony to tho potter's shop of tho neighboring village, ami there ho bought a black chatty of exactly such ft rIko and make as that with which Sohnl had swain the river, hut unbaked, and tho clay only set by tho sun. This ho took with him at nightfall and came with it into the littlo grove hero, where tho goat girl had concealed her swim ming pot. That pot ho broke into inaiiy pleccs ami Hung them nil fur into tint stream, putting in its place tho unbaked chatty, which looked liko tho other, es pecially in tho gloom, for always of course It was after nightfall that the goat girl crossed over to Luxlmaii." "That night ami thu next night there was n feast in this village, and Solini must take her part with tho household, so sho could not go over tho water. Ami tho noxt day a flood cuuio down, strong and sudden, from tlio hills, so that the river became greatly swollen and peril ous, nor did, any of tho fishermen venture forth with their spreaduots in such yel low twisting eddies as were running DutSohni's heart was too full of love M huvo in it any room for proper fear, and when sho heard that evening, coming across tho current, tho faint souid of hei Indian boy's Mute she know it was the signal of lilsl'ond impatieucofortho com fort of her hands and thu blessings of her mouth, and the waited until the moon was down and then set forth for hei grove. "In its old hiding place she found as abo thought her black chatty. She drew it forth ami filled tho narrow muz do with grass, and placing it under her nuked bosom committed herself, witli a littlo terror at tint durk flowing waters. to tho quick current. Aguiu ut this mo ment she heard the soft notes of Luxi man's bnnsuli. Ho was awaiting her in tho safe und warm jungle und would ho doubly loving to her for her courngo in coming." "Dut, O Shivu! what is this which is befalling? Tho water flows into tho vessel. It fills. It sinks under her! Tlio false sides of tho chatty unbaked and softening quickly in tlio strong stream yield, melt, fall in between her hands Tho accursed client fulls hurt She knows what has been done and lets the deceit ful pot go before its growing weight pulls her under the chill waves of tlio river tho half of which sho bus not yet swum over. Then unseen by her lover, tin helped by any pitying star, sho struggles steadfastly and bravely not to die. "Many times sho rises bravely from tho whirlpools wliich drag her feet down and cries to Liixiuiau, who, to save his junglo dove, would huvo breasted the liver of Ahipatrii, which flows through hell, if he only knew uml could have seen. Ho does not know and cannot set1 and bo, deprived of thosustuiniiigchiitty. her young strength yields, tho yellow currant bolls again and again between her gasping lips, her long brown arms beut the stream with feebler strokes and at last, naming her lover's mime her beautiful head went tinder, and only a dark hand was seen ahovo tho river as it whirled uwiiv tho dead body of beau tiful Sohui. "Next duy, when tho light wns strong upon the stream and its swollen tide had somewhat fallen, they found the corpe of the goat girl upon the tuil of yonder Biindflnt, when- the cranes uro fishing Her funereal pile was reared near to where this stone stands, and tho village people raised l Ho stone and had the black chatty carved upon it as a memori al for times to come, and because they compassionated Solini and hated the cruel uml avaricious Soucar Ooviudu.'' Sir Edwin Arnold. VtVutmlnttrr Alibey. Rev. Dr. Charles Cox read a paper at tho sixteenth annual meeting of tho So ciety For tho Protection of Ancient Duildings, In winch, ufter reciting a number of historic incidents associated with tho edifice, he said it was estimated that room could be found for tho burial of 05 morn persons at tho outsido within tho abbey. Tie reforo, ut tlio moro cure fully ordered rate of recent interments, it looked as if no pressing care for ad ditional space might arise for another century. Tho walls, however, were so crowded that no part of them wus avail ablo for a single statue. If u placo for really national monumental inscriptions wus required, it would huvo to bo sub ject to some such regulations as govern tlio national portrait gallery, where it was a standing rule that persons repre sented uml reciived should bo dead not less than 10 years, sons to guard against newspaper fame, and undue influence. Loudon Times. Ilebubad. Mii. Wickwiro I'd just like to know what kept you out so lute lust night; in deed I would. Mr. Wickwiro My dearthis is an era of returning confidence, und you ought not to delay it hy getting such ideas in rour iiuii'l -Indianapolis Journal. Host grades of Scranton and Lacka wanna haul coal at the Whitchrcast 10.80. PKIGIJ FIVH 6KNT8 W 1 in: CotMiii.ii Iiiih tiled to rollow the Imihii hull Hllualloii for tho last two or Ihiee monlliH, and II him lecorded thu rise and fall or Lincoln'H Inloiest In the PN'lHwiil r gaiiiullun of tho western league. Heveial tiuicH it seemed certain jhiil Lincoln would ho in tho league; hul at ludlamipollH, iih Hlaled in lust weeks Ciiuiiii.ii, Lincoln received tin H'l''l mm. Then It appeared to hn dell I'lh'ly Hollled that then, would bo no "' IhiII in IIiIh city next season; hut now, when tho Hiibjecl Iiiih been pruc- I fully dismissed, ,ch tho Information Ihut il h very pmhahln that w wj huvo a ball dull uftcr all, ni.,1 that yn, league!'11 '"' '" " f",'"",lly ,,r''l!""l Col. Illckey grabbed a Cou.uwi repro Kcnlullvo 'ti'r.liiy and held him like "", "":'!"". ""I"t Willi , glittering 'O.'.wl.ile In, talked of tho fufuro of h2 I"1 " !-! flljn "Lincoln will hale Iih cIhsh base ball," ho said, "and will "," '" " wt,H,,r Iw'KUu that will ho Hl.ongei- orgiinlutlon than tho ono two '"ih "go. Omaha, St. Joo, Topeka, ,'m,,1l''li.dH.ichtownHHthom.hVo ''.'"i...ho,nu..erof,hofon,,u..onS "w league, uml (hero aro eight good eill' now walling loco , iLK Ih'He cKIch Ih piepared to hire flrHt-clusH I'I"th, mid tho cluliH ought fo play Just l'i ih, I not better. There l K?Z ;;;irii,ior,.Htii,l,Hoi,,,ii in u tt ti. Lilies,,,,,, hit Heason Ih, I think, sure to ;;'';'-'''';. Wo will hv a meeting ' "' H'r future, nnil prohrhly H defh ;'.;.K....IZ..tionwll. bnoffecfed w,l Ihnn IIiIh month." Tho announcement recently received 0 tho chancellor of tho state university ;7;''r;'ctthut,h,,dot,,i.ofL,:loy en- win ,,K UlH, ht,C" "X,C",,"1 J i ill he particularly gratifying to !. i.M'...l,..rH r , hatlnlionwhoLve ll. IilKlu-Hl rega.,1 for tho Hentenunt "'' -I'li" WendH generally. Lieutona I Crslllllir lu im,, it 1 . . " 'V ""l'-miouillliy ,, r J "'Ht popular olllcerH over nlallone,! at he UnlterHily, ,, ,, ,,, ,,l KK'ul zeal, nd ,, ,,, "''I.Mlirec.loi, h battalion him reached Hi.l..,fpr,c,,.11Cy,,I IllimilrytHL.tuH w,r ,'",r"r" lll. HiH timo ,uh ;''..give,,,,,,)slwl,,)ly,ot,10,nt,r,Ht8 "i the mihlnry department ut tho state "''.verHity, an.l although strict disci ;;1,,""''' ' Ih very popular with the '0H.Wll,,.,HllllU,,H,,fc.l. Tho Ilfiilfiiiint'H origin,,! detail for '''. Y'ldH. and his I,,,-,,, H(MlI(, llllVp '"'' I" September, f). u w, , "iiiiiih until September !).-,. Under,, "7 "'"' ;f the depart,,,,,,,. ,lt.ri,,nor details Hindi,,,- to PerHhing's will l. fr f"iir jean instead (,f ti,r,,() dramatic criticism in t,j Khy ttQ 'i.H.nnnlly ,e!ieved by tttthh ,lf , MhKoneo. has for the mmt mrl ,)(c) dreary wHte of diluted mediocrity. The men win have presumed to enticise, in ' mn instances, 1(,v b, ,, grotcM,,,,. conception ,,f (1() lllrIOHtt ..d ,e,de,,lH of the drama. They have .rien placed Modjeska and Curium, ,, he same level of conHideration. and """Kl'l to h,r upon the art of that would have been appropriated sTuged in 1, consideration of tlio beau t.''Hofbovofsoap, orin u discussion as to lh best way to .,. w ar,H T, drama to these ,,. ttm ,.,, 1WV1,(, tin' mil. of Aristaichushasbeen n plat r.n ' lt of men and women f'u.ning o it. Tlll., mvo mUHl 'thii l-'iint on the wo,c'h &.,. ,! ,,, ,., "f the men's clothes; but they have not "'' t'"7''ldlelicH or the plays, and the ','" ,,r ,h" II'Jth. In Hlmrt most of '" dramatic critics haw- been to a considerable ,.M,.t wood,.,, ,,.. Some monlliH ago,, new cil. cone Toby H,.x, Kt.Mhmm who is known and respected as a pm f.-siomd man. Toby Hex's methods a.e so far iih Lincoln is concerned, unique. Theie ,s a strong personal flavor in his citicsms. ami they a,,, wyH interest ing. Pei Imps the leader' does not always agree wuh the reviewer, but ho cannot ehuigo the latter with dense igiioiunce.', Toby has seen something of the stage, and he has more than a passing ac.uainl.ince with his subject, The c,, hasn't critic, ,,,j tm, Jiirmil'n theatiicitl export may. if ho lues long enough, improve. 'ContiHuvtf on Third l'ayv.) RAN! 1 IIW.WMIiJI