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About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1893)
!" X mtim'-wy y "i , Saturday Morning Courier VOLUME 8, NO. 50. WNGOLN, NUUUASKA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1893. I'RIGIi FIVB GENTS yws4 - X M m nut From tlui great manufacturing con. tore already, come indications of revival. Tho Illinois stool wnika at .Toilet, HI., which have liooii idle for inontliB, are abuut tu stint up, anil when tho 2,000 or more inon whom they employ am all again at work iiumcrouH related branches of Industry and trade will also bu But in motion. Fiom tho Iron city, 1'ittBburgh, in sent tho woleonio noWBof oiio mill after another renewing opera tions, and it in Bald that 10,000 men who it few uoeIB ago were idlo aru again earning wngcfl in their old positions. Tho cotton, woolen and paper mills and other inunufiietorion of Now England hao Btnrtod again by tho Buoro, boiiio on part tlmu and hoiho with their full capacity, with good prospect of con tinned demand. Tho country in not only vaflt, but growing, and pioduction cannot atop long at a time, becaiiBo the people tmiBt have tho productH. In railway coiisttuction not very much Ib now doing and jet the new mileage of tho ptoBont j ear will call for no in conHidcrublo quantity of railB and ap pliances, while the neceBBiiry renewals of wane 'J2T),000 miles of track of all kinds and tho work of imptovemont in roadway and equipment which tmiBt go on will domund continued activity in all partHof tho countiy. Tho fact that in this ago of Btoel there Htill remain Home 40,000 miles of railway hack laid with iron rails which hau long been in service suggests one diiectiou in which the steel mills may look for futuro busi ness. The November elections have proved discouraging to populists, anarchists and other distill hers of poli tical peace and have given leason to believo that investments im railways will hereafter bo considered entitled to protection. Altogether the business outlook has wonderfully improved with in a few weeks and there is promise that 1804 will bo u jeur of general pios perity. Railway Ago. Tho recovery from panics, like their creation, is a matter of emotion and sentiment. Tho sudden and enormous drafts inudo upon the reserves of tho Now York banks by their country cor rcBpondontB, last spring, followed directly upon tho announcement by Secretary Foster that unless his stock of gold was speedily replenished tho government would huve tu suspend gold payments, but it vviu not u logical and necessary consequence of that an nouncement, oven if it had lieen justilled by facts. The example of tho country banks was imitated, by those of other cities. Thoy, too, began fortifying thciiiRelu-s against the imaginary danger which fear had conjured up, and to do so they had to contract their accommodations to individual borrow eis. These, in turn, were compelled to defer paying those to whom they owed money and thcbo again had to put otf thoir cieditors. Some of the newspapers, with u misguided zeal for tho stoppage of silver purchases under tho Sherman act, intensified, by their predictions of calamity, the alarm of tho public, and it grew and spicad until individuals, seeing before them in their excitement only gcnoial bank ruptcy, began to draw fiom tho banks and to hoaid not only gold, for which theiu was soiiio excuse, but all the other kinds of cunency. Instances uf this mo told which in the calm state of mind now pi ov ailing seem incredible. Vaults and boxes of safe deposit companies were hiiod all over tho country and stuffed full of every available foimof mono). Men of largo means, who ought to have set a bottei example, locked up in this way thousands and oven hundreds of thousands ofdollais. Savings bank depositois, hearing of what was going on, began to call fur their deposits, and tho banks, to ho pieparod for them, diuw heavily upon tho diminished stock of cunency in cliculation. Tho Until result was that tho otllcers of many banks of deposits lost their heads and viitually stopped payment, forcing their depositois who needed cm reney to meet their pay tolls and for other business piu poses to sell thoir checks to speculators at a dis count. This spasmodic torior, from its very intensity, could not last long, and re covery from it was assisted by tho im poitatiousof gold which it uiiulo pio iltablo. In a few weeks tho reserves of New York banks, which had been de pleted below tho required legal limit, rose above it, and since thou they have been mote than doubled. Loanable funds huvo gono from a condition of extreme scarcity to one of ex treme lenty, so that boi towers who, three months ago, could not get ac commodation on any terms, have it now otfered to them almost for nothing. Hanks which were forced to close their doors temKrarlly have reopened them, factories which huvo stopped work have started up again, the minings of the railroads show signs of Improvement, and trade generally has begun to levlve. The change is one, not of material fact and circumstance, but purely of human feeling. Noveitheloss, although the panic has piiFhcd away and monetary stringency htm been succeeded in tho east by monetary ease, and while ontill Hldeshopehiistalten tho place of despondency, it is still too early to expect that tho business of the country shall completely resume the activity which characterized it before the shock came from which It is now recovering. "A burnt child dreatls the the," and men who only a short time ago had hard work to keep themselves out of banktuptcy are, very natu ral!), not jot disposed to spend much money. Families dependent upon in comes of investments tiud those incomes for tho present more Jr leBB leduced, wages and salaries in many instances liavo boon stopped or materially cut down, and, generally, a spirit of economy prevails where before was liberality and even extravagance. This diminishes tho consumption of necessaries as well as that of luxuries, and with a diinin iflhed consumption tlieio must be a cor respondingly diminished ioduct ion, and, consequently, diminished prollts all around. The Lancaster County bank was sold to tho Gorman National bank on the loth inst., bv Mr. Waiter J. Lamb, tho owner. It was one of the oldest banks in this city, was ostabliri id in 1872. anil incor porated in 1m77. The ullulisof the bank woio in excellent condition at the time of tho Bale, but it was believed by Mr Lamb that tho capital stock could bo more piofltnbly invested and in lines whoiuless time audcaio would be re quired. Mr. Lamb in future will dovoto his whole time to the pnietieo of law. Mr. V. A- Green, tho cashier, will re tain an otllco in tho building formerly occupied by the bank, and will do a gcu cral brokerage and loan business, for which line ho is well Utted by his range of business experience Tho Uliihou iV Hctchci Co. wire closed on the 17th inst. b) tho Columbia Na tional bank, after a haul struggle of several months with decreased sales and poor collections, all being tho effect of thogcncinl business depression. It is i moored in business ciicles that Messrs. Hout. & Johnson will in tho near futuio open a wholesale cigar homo in the city. These gentlemen have each had experience in thifl line. Mr. F. V. Hout, was formoily of the firm of Drown & Houtz, and Mr. Johnson lopro sented this lino as a traveling salesman, thus making them familiar with the ter ritory which they will cover as well as tho dealers with whom they will do business. A concensus of opinion finui the diffeient retail lines of trade in this city would indicate that there is a slight im pioveiuent in nearly all lines, and the geiieiai feeling appears to lie that this improved condition has coino to stay, and that tho impiovemoiit will continue to improve. Tho change in tho weather had the ellect of brightening up tiaile considerably in tho diy goods line. In conversation with a prominent real estate dealer in this city who makes a specialty of handling "inside" property it was learned that while value of im pioved propoity in good locations is holding its own to a soinow hat surpris ing extent, unimproved pioporty isou the market in many instances at prices ranging consideiably below tho llguies asked two and tluco yetus ago. "Heal estate titinsactions," said he, "have been slow, in fact nearly at a stand still for some months past, largely owing to the saucily of funds among tho class of inon who give stability and life to this lino of business; but as lliiauuinl matters become easier, and eastern capital again seeks investment in tho west, it is my belief, and it is also the belief of others who aie in a ixisitlon to feel tho pulse a little in advance, that thui u will bo a certain miction for the better, and that in tho near future." Cropo and tissue papors at Crancor's, 1112 South 11th. When a quarter will buy a good m served seat at tiie Lansing theatre Sun day evening to hear the Nebraska state baud In grand conceit, there's no excuse for loafing tho sheets or going to ques tionable places. ES 1'iVen those who have the softest feel, lug for "poor Mr. Moshor" need not necessarily piostrato themselves by worrying over the suffering which the distinguished criminal will have to un dergo when ho gets llnally and perma nently located in the federal peniten tiary at Sioux Falls. TIioho persons who are conversant with the manner in which things are run in tho government prisons leadlly forsee that Moshor, who found out in Omaha that iron barn do not a prison make, will Hud at Sioux Falls a kind of "imprisonment" that will be quite to his taste. Moshor, with his lino talents in the direction of tho manipulation of paper and 'ink, will tindoubtedl) be called upon to do clerical work, and while he may not be permitted to take walks in the soft moonlight into too recesses of South Dakota, he will have a very comfortable time of it, with the best kind of stuff to eat and drink, congenial company, and a pleasant oc cupation. Moshor said a few weeks ago, in discussing this matter with a friend: "I know how they treat favored piisouets in a government prison, and jou needn't worry about my comfort at Sioux Falls." Thero in another consideration that may enter into tho mutter of Mnshcr's treatment at Sioux Falls. It comes to Thk from a reliable source that tho warden of this penitentiary has a wealthy hi other with whom Moshor has had extensive business transactions for several years, and who has the kind liest fioling for the gentlemanly rascal who wieckB a bank with the Htiuy froid of a man opening an oyster. This man, as it is further stated, has written to IiIb brother, the warden, and made all airaugementH for a specially courteous lecoption of Moshor, and for the softest treatment possible tlieieafter. Verily, this man Moshor finds only rosen where most men would run into spikes. Mr. Annin's dispatch in Wednesday's Juurmil coutaiiin the pleasing infoi mil lion that "Mr. linker will probably servo out his teim and the threatened sum mitry action will not eventuate." Mr. Annin intiiuutea that the only effect of the "attempt to disgraeo the district attorney" lias been to foievor disgrace its author with Attorney General Olney. This might have been expected. Tho powerful influence at work in the in- teiestor C. W. Mosher in apparently strong enough to shield the devil him self. Mr. linker's connection with the Moshor case has In ought discredit to that gentleman in the opinion of honest men. He lias been in with tho gang fiom tiie tiist, and has favored the guilty bank wrecker at every opportu nity, regardless of the demands of law mid justice, and yet, when the Mosher inlluenco pi esses the button Mr. linker in piouiptiy vindicated by the depart uient of justice(?) Moslioi'n power ex tends in all directions, and those per sons who supposed that tho collapse of the Capital National bank, and tho faicical an est of tho principal meant tho downfall of thu Mosher regime weio mightily mistaken. Mosher is, if any thing, moie powerful today than he was a year ago. Tho convict oveirides law and justice, and when he pulls tho string the puppets dance in the United States court room in Omaha, the court looms in this city and the department of justice in Washington. He winds jailers around his fingers, and laughs defiance at prison liars. Valiantly sup ported by men who aru afraid he .will open his mouth, backed by unlimited money, and sustained by a nerve that knows no bounds, Mosher is a Napoleon that tales with a linn hand, and reigns siipieine. republican Tho desire to start a now newspaper in Omaha, origin in the strong which had its anti-Hosevvater feeling that ovists in various parts of thu state, and particulaily in Omaha, seems to bo quito as keen now an bofore election, and as homo of tho men who mo inteiested in the pioject aru men of means, and vety much in earnest, thoio Issomo likelihood of the project material i.lng into something definite in thu near fut me. Tho reed of un aggressive republican papoi in tho metropolis was appreciated by the Htatu central committee, und Hiad Slaughter is tho iinu who inlargely responsible for thu new papor idem A nieoting wan held bov oral day Biigo, and thero have been conferences this week 1 1 between John L, Weltster, who Is actively Intetested In the scheme, and Mr. Slaughter. It is piobablo that a who In no, and that al le next imI that meeting will bo held sometime next week, at which time it is hoped that some definite action will be taken. It Is reported that If, after careful consideration, the pioject seems feasible, iJoO.OOO or 00,000 will lie subscribed by Oinahn lopubilcans, which will bo the basis of tiie establishment of a new morning dally. Kopiosoiitullvos of the Chicago lntvv Occtin, admittedly one of tho, ablest and most aggressive republl can papoiH in the couutiy, have been discussing thu matter with Slaughter, Webster and othuis, with a view to putting in a daily In Omaha that would, to some extent, be a Nebraska edition of tho Vnfer Ocean. It would, of couiso, be practically independent of tho Chicago paper, but would have the ad vantage of the valuable facilities pos sessed by the Inter Ocean. Theie in a disposition In some quarters to make a deal with some Nebraska newspaper man or men, and Hoss Ham mond, of thu Fremont Tribune, one of the brightest young men in the state, and a republican all over, is mentioned in connection with tho scheme. Somebody stated that if the proposed paper vvero started, John J. (iigalls, tho egotistical Boap bubble from Kansas, would bo the editor and llrinl Slaughter business manager. This is authorita tively denied. Ingnlls has not been con siderod at all. If the morning paper scheme should full through it is quito likely that a smaller sum may bo raised and an even ing puper Btarted. Tho program arranged for the repub lican jollification at tho Lansing theatre Monday evening ought to attract u crowd that will till tho theatre from top to bottom. It in as follows: Mimic , Niilirnnkn Stnto Iliiml Adilrris of Welcome (lowriiiir LorpiiriiCrniiiiMi 1Uriiis,. , . lion, llrinl KIiuikIiUt Mimic. Our Honored Uuost . ' . , ... .Biiromo.JnilKt)-Kluct T. ().('. llnrrlmin Milhiliill JMiuc8.,liiMriiyr-L.lcct 1 . U. Jackson "" Muilc. Whom Am Wo At. .. Hun. J. I.. Wolwlnr Tliu Old VutumiiH 11 ml Their Noun . . . Hon. Church Jlown Mimic Iho Young Itopuhllcans Hon. II. I). Ijiterbrook llw I.ulxirlnK Mi'ii iih a Political 1'aclor .. C'oiiKrcHionaM 1). II. Mrrcer The Juillclarj . . Hon, I. W. Liiiinlnu Music. It is now definitely settled that tho republican statu central committee will maintain permanent headquarters in this city. Mr. Slaughter is looking for a location. Miss C. C. Tennaut Claiy wiio is pro moting tho cause of tiie Western opera association, was called to Omaha last Friday afternoon by the illness of hot mother. She will return to Lincoln in a few days, and will begin tho work of pieparatiun for Lincoln's season of grand opera, of which detailed mention was made in last week's Couitihu. In the meantime interested pai ties are at work in this city, and thu project is mooting witn iiiucii encouragement on all sides. A uiimhei of local musicians have become interested in the scheme, and from present indications thero will bo no difllculty in organizing a large choius to re enforce the company which Miss Clary bring here in the spring. It is Miss Clary's intention to make the opei a season a brilliant occasion, socially as well as artistically, and to that end she is securing the names of well known social leaders wlio willact iispationeBses. These ladies piomise to attend the three pei foi malices of grand opera in evening diess and without hats. Ujion Miss Claiy's return definite niiuouucoiuoutn will bo made; but there seems to bo no doubt but that the enterprise, so deserv ing of suppoit, will bo successfully cat tied thiough. Governor Crounsc, voicing "that sense of gratitude which should move a people who, during the year now drawing to a close, have been favoied with plentiful jiops and an absence of stoim and pestilence," has issued a proclamation designating Thursday, November .'!(), as a day of thanksgiving. The governor says: 'Lotus cease fiom business on ' that day and witli one accord, offei unto (tod thanksgiving and pay our vows unto the Most High.'" The olllcial count gives the following pluralities in this county: Harrison ovoi Holcomb, 2,.'I07; for county clerk, Woods ovei Millai, 7!'.0j for icgister of deeds, Han op over Habcock, 1,027; for tieasurer, Cobb over Schmidt, 2i).'l; for judge, Lansing over Cromwell, 802; for sheriff, Miller over Smith, Ol.'lj for smvoy or, Scott over Rawlins, :i,203; for "iioner, Crlm ovor F.dwaids, 2.S01; for superintendent, Haor over Wightinan, -,--S for foiniuissionei, Miller over t-'happell, 1,180, Continued on Third J'uyc,) n A I I ) I I V Ill Thoio was an Intoiosting little group of politicians in the mourn of the lepnb llciin slate central committee In tho Lincoln hotel the other day.and Church Howe, tho leduulitabli) warrior from Nemaha county, was doing some talk lug "Harrison's plurality might Just an well have boon UTt.OOOas 7,000," ho said." "1 think If there had been a campaign like that of u year ago, the republican candidate could easily have secured 2.",000 pluiallty; liul lam free to admit that I did not think so befoio election, You nee no labia od under this dllllculty t We didn't want logo after the ileum cuds too hard, for wo wanted their voIch for IIiiiiIsoii, and we couldn't say very much against the independents because they are not in power. Hut results proved that we gained voteH every time vo pounded tho democrats, and If thero had been moio pounding thero would have boon mom Harrison votes." When Church wan down in Nemaha county tho other day, ho heard a venoi able constituent hatangulngaciowdat a uillvvay station about "1(1 to 1." Howe had an idea that tho speaker didn't have a very clear understanding of what in meant by 10 to ho got somebody to eiill out, "What is 10 tol, anyway?" Tho old man was ready. "Everybody knows what 10 to 1 means. It nieiuiM that whom wo have ono dollar now, we will all have 10 dollars when wu get free silver." Hecent monts huvo an iuiioitnnt bearing on thu future of tho so-called democratic congressman from this dis trict.and there is already considerable speculation iih to what in to become of Mr. liryan. One thing is ortain ho will not bo a candidatn for congresH again. Mr. ilryan iscoutent to let well enough alone In that direction. It is no secret that his ambition is to warm thu seat in the United States sonato now occupied by Manderson; hut thero is a wide difference of opinion iih to the means he will employ in attempt ing to got thero, Ho would doubtless prefer to lueak into the senate thiough an election to the olllcoof governor on the democratic ticket; but Mr. Ilrynn's chances jimt now of securing u democratic nomina tion foi any filing am so remarkably attenuated that they am almost non observable. Drmocrals ""member Mr. Hiyan's defiant leave taking at tlm last state convention, and tho breach between the congressman and what am known as the straight democrats, lias widened considerably since Mr. Uryan wan turned How a. o When the demociatlc nominee for supremo judge wioto to Mr. liryan and suggested that, in view of the feeling manifested at the democratic statu con vention, it would be a good thing if ho, Mr. Hryan, would publicly endorse his, Irvine's, candidacy, tlm congressman mplied in a note quite as defiant us his utterances at the convention. Ho told Judge Irvine that he considered Hoi comb the best candidate for the place, and would work for that gentleman's election. And Hryan wan true to his word. No bolter over put in more good lickH against his own party candidate than did Hryan against Irvine. Ho pulled every string at his command, and left nostono unturned in his auti Irvine campaign. It is possible that he may have gained nuw friends among tho pops by this com bo, but ho forfeited the good will of many democrats that up to this time had stayed with the congress man. Tlio auti liryan reeling in the democratic ranks is very general, and it is very bitter. It in hardly possible that tho congressman will bo able to secure a nomination fiom the democratic party for homo time to come. Some people who have watched Hry an's course for the last yearortwo am positive that he intends at the proper time to gather up his play things and go over to tliu populists for good, or wu might say, for better or for worse. May bo when Hryan gets ready to go to tho pops, there won't beany pops to go to everybody knows they are going fast. An a matter1 of fact Mr, Hi van is a JHipulist and has been for some time II.. im. I...,,.. !,. .,..).. i..inr ,n stay-in tho democratic party as long as there was any tiling to be gained by it. Thu newest idea in connection witli t),u KUy young congresBinuii is that he will form'u now purty next spring and tl0 mu0 jt Kxo ,,j, gubernatorial nomination. It Is a fuct that pioiiiinont freo silver doniocrutB who huvo ot the Hryan mania, and leading Independent whoreall7o that their parly Is ulroudy twodliliilH over tho brink of despair, iiro considering a ptojeut to form a brand new parly, to bo composed of free sliver, ites of all parlies. Of course tho real object Is to get together all Hto Ilrviui. ilea. It Is said that tho now party will Im formed early next year, and that Mr. liryan will be Its candidate for governor with u view to obtaining Miiiidomon'H peal in the senate. Hen llukor vvhh a rising republican until ho compromised himself In tho Mosher deal. It would take liliti about 200 yearH to explain tho suspicious tlilngH in connection with his conduct In the M6Hher case, and an thore In no pmbiiblllly of the republican party thrusting any further high honora on Mr. linker until those things aru cleared up, It would appear that n deep and determined cloud has settled iikii Mr. linker's political future. Tlio political editors or the Newt in their excitement over their anti-Hush-noil campaign, speak of tho Hon. John C. Watson an from Nomalia City. Pins are being set for tho noxt con gressional campaign in thin district. Watson and Howe will bo candidates, and there will bo a strong effort to take thu iioiiliuatioii away from Lancaster county. MINOR NEW8. F.lder clothing Howo can uso donations of and provision!! for distribu tions among thu poor. SchlosHit Co. woro glvon judgment against M. A. Nowmark fsr $1,0&'1.50 in tho district court on Monday. The city union of tlio Christian En ileavor held its annual mooting at St. Mark's Luthern church Tuesday ovon tig. Tho jury in tho ease of tho ntato vs Frank O. Hubbard, charged with ob tabling money under fatso protonses, re turned a vurdict of not guilty, und the defendant wuh dLxhaigod Monday afternoon. At Kansas City on Saturday the university of Missouri eleven defeated tho university of Nebraska foot ball team by a score of ,'i0 to 18. Tho mime day the Lincoln high school was de feated by the Omaha team: Score, 10 toO Tho ease of the injunction to rentruin tho school board from issuing tho bonds voted for last spring will bo heard bo fore the three district judges toduy. Tlio three judges of tho district court heard arguments Saturday on the petition of tho directors of tho defunct Capital National bank to remove the casen brought by doM)sitors for recovery of deposits, to the federal court. Hriofs were submitted by each side. Will Nrve Hot HntU. Hot soda will bo so r veil at Hector's pharmacy all winter. A new appuratus has been put in, and to meet thu growing demand for hot drinks n largo list of broths and flavors will bo kept on hand, including chocolate, clam juices, chicken broth, cocoa, beef bouillion, lemouade.etc. You can always find u delightful drink at any.titno day or night, at Hector's, and this cold weather you will find that a hot soda such as is here served, will go straight to the right BKit. When you aru down town drop into Hector's pharmacy- a full line of drugs and toilet articles. Muslim Fill lit. Noxt to tlio world's fair, all our foreign friends want to see Niaguru Falls, and hi tho miuds of many, Niagara Falls is placed first. Ono of tho tirst questions they ask an Ameri can either at home or alMiard is about Niagara, but to many of us Niagara Falls is too near. Were it on tho other sidoof the world, thousands of American globo trotters would hasten there, who pass it by now becauso they can go there any time. The Michigan Central has made it, pei hups, tin) easy of access, for its thiough trains from Chicago to Now York and Huston run directly by and in full view of thu great cataract, und those p.iBsing by daylight stop live minutes for passengers to view the Fulls. Thu wise traveller however will stop over there as long us his time will tier mittoview the beauties mid tho gran ' l,uur '" w,u ,,,,m l,Illu "uieruui iiBpeem aim irom iiiiierent points or view. The ! longer ho HtojNi tho more he will Hnd to Tm' h'm for ' expenditure of ti," ,,ml T!!5J incllr8' hy pay exorbitant prices for up bolstering when Ho'hschild does first class work at low rates; 120 North 12th trout. Hurr block . luipoited and domestic toilet boups at Hector's Pharmacy. 'Tfl it eaz T2 TJV"