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About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1893)
i Sfl(jJi(V -pi rf " ' s jJfr' V' Wt:Ws-T "" vr7F' T14UB SATURDAY MORNING COURIER , t " A Mim'$ a i ?. L . .,w iirra Vf ' li,e, fffiir o , ,r Ih r 't " , ft t 1 j,r ipiip: SOc. K. i'' VA , . hTi i E - it- ' ' !T h- 16 f at 'S I' " fV iu U K 17 . i K l v . u ti- 3 wriFJ j Uv W V-S New York, Not. 22. 8peclsl Courier Oomspondence. Authors h ft rule do aot furnish much material for the M ogrtpher, and when by good luck there U Material It b pounced on by the harplea ottkepreaa with devouring fury. Ono bm with a remarkable atoryaeema, how ter, to have eacaped for the moat part. William O, Stoddard haa Ave aoparato booka on the market thia aeaiwu, brought out by aa many difTerent publisher, and all of tvem valuatle. Jkey are "Men of Buaineaa" (Borlbner,) ' K3uert Ten Eyck," the atory of Nathan rliale (Lothrop.) "The White Cave," an 'Australian atory (Century,) "Tom and the Money King," who la Jay Qould (:(Prlnce-Mcllll, 8t. Paul,) and "Old Fretatier," a western New York atory ifAppUton.) All except the first are laMorieal Ictlon and every detail has -en verified by going over innumerable dwumtata and examining the ground ''In .person when possible. But we set v;wpt to tell his own story, which is very picturesque, even romantic. ( He was born in westetn New York, lived in Syracuse, was graduated .at lUchestsr unlv'frsity, and then went to (Jhicago to.edlt a dally paper, uut lm isidlately came the great panto of '67, ;wksnJM says every bank in Chicago waa suspended, so that it became Im possible to get even the money to pay for the white paper his journal was printed,on. Everything waa stone dead bi Chicago, just as It la now. So he said to a frlsnd, "I have 400 acres of land down in Champagne county. Let us go down and farm it." So they went, built hem a shanty, and set to work, But the next year Mr. Stoddard waa asked to sdlt the Central Illinois OmmtH, and the following year he was the trat editor to suggest the name of LUeota for the presidency. His stirring editorial set the tide flowing toward that great man. Aa a result hs waa rewarded by being avade .President Lincoln's pri vate secretary, a post he held for three years and a halt. Then he waa appointed United States marshal in Arkansas, what he remained a year and a half, to the dene of the war. But ha did'noteaeape a touch of army life, pr he wished to serve for a time in the field before he took up the dutiea of the secretaryship which had been offered him. He enlisted in the first company of volunteers ever formed. The call for troops reached Illinois at 0 o'clock In the morning by telegraph and before night Company A. was formed. It waa also the first company to enter Virginia MSI HI BNGRAVLNG COURIER BUB GO. 1 I HHiiilsiiiiiii iVmlihinsw j ' f-jit ' -vj'.y ' , It t;w, mi mm' an part ot thp Army of tho I'otomuc, and first thut captured n Btcumlxmt. As Lincoln's private sccrotury ho wuh ono of tho foundom of tho Union League of America, from which sprung tho Union League club of Now York, and which in thoso early davit was tho backbone of tho republican party. Mr. Stoddard was corresponding secretary, After the war ho wont into buninem, and was connected with u groot ninny ontorprises, such as Marshall O. Roberts' Florida ship canul; ho was secretary ot tho company which financed tho laying of tho two Atlantic cables utter FIoUVh; he was a director of railroads, a partner in sevorul manufac turing concerns, and interested in other enterprises, when tho panic ot '73 struck the country liko lightning. At 0 o'clock In tho morning men wero worth their hundred thousands; by noon they wore bankrupt. Of courso Mr. Stoddard's business connections wero wiped out with tho rest, and in 1870 ho turned to literature. Binco then he has published forty volumes. He started with a volume of poems, wrote tho first llfo of Lincoln after Holland's, and indeed tho lives ot all tho presidents down to Cleveland. Yet he is still a youn man with hardly a grey hair. MrU Coralll and Her New nook. In an article in tho Idler last month (which ahe wroto herself) Mario Corolli says she owes no thanks for her success to any one, not oven tho newspapers, but that it is due to her 'saying just what she thinks regardless. When a young woman says "just what sho thinks regardless" one simply cannot help making ono or two strictures on her remarks. "Barabbas,'' distinctly tho most during thing Miss Corelll has yet attempted, must bo looked at ask ance, for to make Jesus Christ the hero of a colloquial novel produces a Blight shock on the sensibilities oven ot a hardened ainner like you or mo. The author describes the trial of Jesus be fore Pilate in full, the scone of tho crucifixion, and the resurrection; and the account of Barabbas is simply woven into this great theme, along with a few other original characters. Per hapa the most interesting personage is Judith Iscarlot. sister ot Judas, and a very remarkable young woman. She haa an improper connection with Caiaphus, the high priest, and is the one who really tempts Judus to his treachery. ' Miss Corelll very decidedly defends Judas, and even Judith to somo extent, and throws all the blame on Caiaphus. And as tor Barabbas, who is the lover of Judith and much tempted by her, sho makes him a good man at heart, though to be sure he is a robber and even a murderer. Yet after all ono must admit thut the writer's ANDa t i i l.V m m m m nan-t una jf i v- -J '. .,... IIWIlM;T.rTf UW iiii.ii iw.iM'niwiiijajaiiMswstsw By special arrangement with the Mulr-Cowln Company of this city, THB COURIER Is able to make the following extraordinary premium offer: To every New Subscriber who pays 50 Gents In advance for three month's subscription, we will kIvc as a premium a beautiful after dinner china cup and saucer, hand decorated. These cups and saucers cannot be purchased for less than 75 cents or $1.00. Gall at the office and see them. Courier ! Co., iaoi O treet. spirit in rovorent enough. After reading such a book as thin, ono finds something incongruous In learn ing that tho uuthor "is u potito creature with a iuubs of fluiTy fair hair, u bright, chubby, almost infantile face, mid the sweotcst expression in tho world." Also ono must recall tho story of tho hand somo bible sont by Hyron to Coleridge, in which Byron hud made tho toxt "Now Barabbas wos u robbor" read, "Now Barabbas was a publisher." Tho Vlnvitt Art Hook Kver 1'iiltlUlir.l In America. Competent critics aro expressing tho opinion thut LouIh Morin'H "French Illustrators" (Suribnor) 1b tho hand somest art book over brought out ox cluslvoly by an American house. Ab only a thousand copies have been put on tho market and tho not price is 81f u copy, a word utxnit it may not bo utilise. Perhaps tho most charming feature is tho titlo-n'agn by Albert Lynch, which represents ono ot tho most swcot and Innocent young woman ono ever sot eyes on. Sho is dressed in tho simplest style with but a single straight-hanging garment, und only Albert Lynch could have druwn her. Tho original was a most exquisite water color which is said to huvo cost 1,200 francs, though tho reproduction is a simplo photo gravure. Tho next most striking feuturo is tho six color plates, of which ono by Flameng called "The Bluck Hussar" (a soldior stunding by his horso,) ono by Kmmmeror culled "Tho Rlvoreido Inn," tnd ono byQiucommolli, "Tho Bi-d Porch" (u row ot birds fifteen inches long of tho most varied and exquisite hues) aro simply unique in color reproduction. Tints so soft, so harmonious, bo nutural, especially in tho reproduction of naturo (loaves, trees, animals) I, ut least, huvo never scon bo fore in color printing. Tho work could only have been dono in Purls by Goupil ot Cie. Literary Note. How shall young pooplo select tho best books to read out of tho thousands that are published each year? A common-senso English writer says, "Let them browse." Olive Schreiner's new volumo "Dreum Life and Real Llfo" is a tiny book con taining but three short stories in her usual vein, but the English edition was sold out before it was published. Tho most interesting ot tho three tulos is tho second "A Woman's Rose," which is an up-to-date lovo Btory, quite difToront from "The African Farm." Tho lust ono, "The Policy In Favor ot Protection" Is u reprint. It must bo regarded us u na tional misfortune that Amorlcan literature Is represented oven in tho slightest degreo by such a spoilt iaoi o sXREjB'r , ... boy as Richard Hurdlng Duvlt), who has dono a great many things only less bud than tho writing ot hln duelling letter. Still, the English hud Kipling. Hut an Amorlcan must draw hiu breath hard when ho contemplates tho fuct that now wo huvo both Richard und Rud yard. I would suggest that a nutlonul prayer bo offered to tho gods for their reformation. One may hope that in tho case ot Kipling it will bo hoard. Hull Culno Bays ho linn been turning his mind in tho sumo direction that Mario Corelll linn in her Harabbas. Ho means to writo a life of Christ. lint he is going to bo very careful about It und tuko plenty ot timo. In the sumo In terview ho very justly, denounces his brother authors who undertake to critlclso each other. It is not, sajB ho, that tho imiiginutlvo writer may not bo also a good critic, but he has no right to bo u critic ut all. An actor, ho ro mlndfl us, does not go about tulkingof his fellow actors, nor an artist ot his follow artists. Why should wo tolerate it when ono novelist talks about another novelist? Ho is sure simply to pruise his personal friends und donounco his enemies. A tlrstruto story is told by Hall Culno about Wilklo Collins. Tho most sue ccssful character in "The Woman in White" wus not u woman but a man Fosco, tho tut villain. When tho book was produced everybody was talking ubout tho tut villain. Whilo the uuthor was staying with his mother u ludy visitor cumo. This lndy Bald to Collins, "You Boom to huvo mudo a grcut success with your villain In 'Tho Woman in White' I huvo read the book, I have studied this villain, but ho is not hulf u villain; jou don't know a real villain, ou huvo imagiucd this villain. I know a real villain, und the next time you want to do u villain, como to mo. I urn very close to ono; I huvo got ono constantly in my oyo in fuct, it is my own husbund:" Tho l:dy, Mr. Culno Buys, wus tho wife of Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton. Tho flcrco plcturo of Murk Twain in tho advertising pages of tho Century does tho good old gentleman u serious injustice. Tho pust fortnight ho bus spent in Now Yorlc, uppeuring ut vurious clubs und making himself ugree ublo to bis friends. I have hud tho good fortune to observe him moro than once. It Is truo thut his hair stands out ull over his head in u most dishevelled fashion, but it is now u soft iron grey thut the ladies think charming. His tiguro is a trillo bont und not very (Inn in its curriago, which shows thut he is past his prime, unit his voice is u little uncertain, especially us it is pitched ut ubout tho lowest nuto any voice Is capubloof. Still it Is soft, und Mr. WEDDING INVITATIONS and ANNOUNCEMENTS. INVITATIONS TO Reoeptions. Parties. Eto. KOW IS THB TIME TO ORDER YOUR mtm mm VJHWWA!'lWM'lmlM"f1 9'U if '., 1 1 Clomcrs' whole manner is so kindly that I heard ono fashionable lady re murk, us ladies will, that sho thought him "just lovely." Tho forthcoming number ot tho Idler contains an interview with Gcorgo Meredith in which ho sajs ho "loves American Institutions," "adores tho peoplo," and "deplores titles." "Ills somewhat lato-ln-lifo fume," we are re minded, "cumo largely at first in tho land iicross tho Atlantic." "Nations," Mr. Meredith remarks, "have an in dividuality, and their pooplo salient characteristics. If I am going to meet un Irishman or a Frenchman I know I shall tlnd certain traits, products of tho finer nervous organization that comes from tho Celtic blood. Tho Americans, too, have u liner set of nerves nnd u more refined apprehension than wo huvo. There lies their hope. Their organization is moro keen than ours. I discern it in somo of their writings. And In somo ot their methods I forsco a grout literary nnd artistic product there." This unusual pruiso bus ull tho moro significance in thut it wus spoken by ouo Englishman to another for an English magazine, und that tho most thoughtful of English novelists said it. Wo cannot help believing that ho spoko tho simplo truth. A. S. Couv. HIkIi i'lvn or Kuclire Tni-tlc Should send ut once to John Seuabtian, G. T. A., C. R. I. & P. R. R., Chicago. Ten Cents, in stumps, per pack for tho slickest cards you over Bhuillcd. For 81.00 jou will rcceivo freo by express ton packs. Whito china to decorate ut Crancor's, 212 South'llth. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphrey.' Specllln aroclcntIflcally and carefully prvuared Memctllef, uwd tor yean In prlrate practice and for over thirty years by the people wltli entire aucceu. Erery alnglo Speclflo ipeclal euro for the dUeaie named. They cure without drucKlntr, purring or reducing the iyitm and are In fact and deed thu Hoerelf n Remcdiea of the World. . cvn. turn 1 Ferere, Congeitloiu, InflammaUona,. ,J3 a Werma, Worm Fever. Worm CoUc US a-Teet kn Colic, Crying, Wakefulneai ,2S 4-Dlarrhea, of Children or Adult 83 7 Ooacha, Cold. Bronchitis 83 S-NearalgU, Toothache, Faceache. 83 E-Ileaaackra. Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .38 la-Dyspepsia, Elllouinett, Constipation. ,30 U-Bappressed or Painful Periods... .83 18-Waltea. loo rrofuto l'crlod 33 13-Cronp, Laryngitis, Uoancncu 35 14-Salt liken m, Erydpelaa, Eruptions.. .33 13-Baeaaaatlsni, Hheumatlo Fains .33 ltV-Malarla, Chills, Fever and Ague .38 IB-Catarrh, Influents, Cold In the Head. .38 aa-Whooping Cough 'J8 37-Kldney Diseases .38 38-Nerrotis Debility l.0 3e-Urlnary Weakness, Wetting Pcd.. .38 IIUMPUREYH' WITCH 1IA7.KI, OIL, " The Pile Olnlinenl."-TrUI Blie, 3S Cu. Said by rtrnccUli, or Mill r"l-il4 en nctlpt at prtea, Da. HvaraKit' MtauAL til (.,) a.ui rasa. oiraBsir sid. co.,iniitrmiu il, mw f obx. Spec. fics. THIS V1SRY- NOVELTIIJS IN ($ Ball Programs, Etc. xmu , wi4 JlWraMggJCTW3Pt3f ;,; FOR CHOICE GUT pXiQVRS, FLORAL DECORATIONS, d run oesii A SlPEJOIAlVrY. Special attention given to tho grow ing of now und choice roses. Curnat Ions und ull kinds of greenhouso plants. CONHEHVATORY, PHONE M COR. 6 AND I7TH ST8. : : Are Just as Curable as Other Diseases. Treated oxclualvoly by Dlt. LKONIIAItllT, Lincoln, Ni-b. orrict i4r o at. Houna a to a daiiy. : OMAHA'S LEADINQ HOTEL The Murray., I It A IIIOIIY, Proprietor. Eloctrlc cats direct from Union depot pat tho door. i:tli nnd llnruo) its., Oinnlia, Nob. Under now mnnaRomont MERCHANTS' HOTEL, 15th nnd Harney sts., Omnha, Nob. 1IULKTT & DAVKNPOKT. Proi. Special attention to stnto trndo, nueft and commercial travelers. Fnrnnm street electric cars jinsa tho door to nnd from nil ports H tho city. LARGEST, CHEAPEST, BRIGHTEST AND BEST. Send for Freo Sample Copy of Tho lending Uto Block newspaper and mar kot reporter of tho went. A paper for STOGK RAISERS, FARMERS, flno stock brooders, Brain denier. Very lntost nnd correct market reports by teleurnph from all tho principal stock markets. Address OAILY, S4.00 PER YEAR. SEMI-WEEKLY, S3 WEEKLY, SI.SO TMl DROVERS JOURNAL, UNION HTOCK YABDS, South Omaha, Nob. COUKIKIt I'lIIILIHHlNO CO. Phone 2XJ. lltulnesa Olllco 1201 O St The Drovers Jii. PRINTING E R i v M fl