Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1893)
up.. -5l Rlr ' x?'B lOTiSlv' p 'v"lH,PS1 v'"' t.-sr'fTT- ".' I THB SATURDAY MOHU&iaQ COURIER mi hi a mmmmmmimmm r (L P, r H K' l Iff. M M e V y . i , ITT' I4 ! l I 'l K i ' ) f V r V . w '3v II fill NorU llniiiiiit'l. Mr. nnd Mr. A. J. Huwjor, with tho charming hospitality thut husllllod their hnndsomo residence no tunny t linen with dollixlitutl guests, welcomed llio inomborH of Soroslsund frlpiulwlunt Hutiinliiyovt'ii. Ing, tho occasion being llio iiniiuiil bun qtiot of tho society. Ovor forty guests woro seated lit tho bnnquotltur tiblos, pi called over by Mrs. J. II. Cniillohl, who HoUo In hor usual litippy manner imtl wuh fol lowod by Mr. Sawyer In un uddross of welcome. The history of tho origin of women's clubs wuh entertainingly given by Mm. Adams In her resonKo to tho tunnt "Tho Orluluul Illuo Stocking." Professor T. M. Ilodgiuim handled the Biibject "Modorn Illuo StoclliiK" with tnuuh success. "Tho OI-iMomborB" wiih tho BVibjeot assigned to Mrs. Mungor, who roBjwndod In n intMt Interesting manner. Mttt. V. Q. Hell also added to tho evening's enjoyment by u charm Ingly ingenious uddresn on tho desir ability of seeing oursolvch us otherH Heo US. KollowllIK tho toilstH flit) gliosis read appropriate HentlinontB from Shakespeare. Tho banqiiot colobiated tho fourth annlverflary of HoroBlH. TIioho prosont wero Mr. and MrH. T. 0. Munger, Dr. and Mrfl. B. L. Holyolto, Chancellor and MrB. Canlleld, Prof. and,MrB. T. M. Hodgmun, Professor and Mrs. Harbour, Professor and Mrs. Uowon, Professor and Mrs. AduniB, Profcssornnd MrB. Hartley, Profcflflor and Mm. 0. K. llossoy, Mr. and MrB. A. 0. ItlekottH, Mr. and Mi p. W. J. Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Wilson, Mr. and Mr. W. Q. Hell, Mr. and MrB. J. P. Maulo, Mr. and MrB, D. L. Hruco, Mr. and Mrs. A. I). RIokottB, Mr. and MrB. E. R. Guthrie, MrB. J. II. Hcebo and boii, Mts. Manning and MIbb Law, of Con ncctlcut. tin) don Art Club. Ovor 200 pcoplo attended tho opening rocoptlon ot tho Hujdon Art club iu'tho chapel and studio of IhoBtnto university Tuesday evening. Followlngu beautiful election from Raff, by Mrs. Will Owen Jones, Mr. N. S. llarwood, tho president, ot thq club, welcomed tho inomborB and suoBts. and outlined tho work ot tho organisation. Mra. Oeorgo Wlngspoko entertainingly ot tho "Founder and In spiration" ot tho club, meaning MIbh BarahWool Moore. Miiw Currio Pen nock aang delightfully "O Happy Duy" and Haydn's Pastorelle. Chancellor Canrleld told ot the benefits to be de rived from the club by students and others. Upon, the completion ot tho progra'm there was a pleasant reception In the studio. Light rofrcshmonts woro served by pretty girls in fancy costumes. The next mooting ot tho club will bo held December IS, at which time Mrs. H. II. Wilfton will road u pupor on archi tecture, and Professor Ward will speak ot the homes ot pro-historic pcoplo. A Delightful Concert. Within tho past tow months tho choir of tho First Presbyterian church has been developed to BUch un extent that the Sunday services in this church are marked by tho excel lenco ot tho music, and tho choir is attracting much favor able attention. Tuesday ovenlng the members ot the choir, suitably assisted, gave a concert in tho church, and a verj largo audience gathored to enjoy the Mne program. Miss Mary Cunning. ham gave a pleasing rendition on the organ, and the choir consisting ot Dr. E. H. Eddy, Miss Mlnuio Gaylord, Miss Nanoa Llllibridge, and Mr. U. W. Ket tering, sang "Moonlight and Music." Other selections were given as follows: '.'Afterwards," Mr. Kottering; "Hun garian Dance," Mr. Lamprecht, accom panied by Miss Richards; "Swiss Echo," Miss Gaylord; "A Summer Night," and "Nightingale," Miss Lilllbrldgo; "Im promptu," Miss Richards; "For All Eternity," and "Sleep Llttlo Baby ot Mine,'' Dr. Eddy; "Etudca Trio," Miss Lilllbrldgo and Miss Gaylord; "II Ritorno," Miss Arnold; "When I am Gone From Thee," Dr. Eddy, Miss Gaylord and Miss Llllibridge. "Tho Frogs,' Singing School" wub tho closing pieco. Ot those who participated in tho program Miss Arnold mudo her tlrst public appearance. Sho possesses u clear and sweet contralto voice, und sho sings with much effect. Sho added not a llttlo to tho sum total ot tho evening's eutortalnmont. A Very IntereMIng- Discussion. Sorosis met Monduy at tho home ot Mrs. J. W. Adams. Tho subject, "Liter ature of tho New South," was lud by Mrs. Brace and proved to bo full ot interest aud pleasure. No llttlo surprise was felt thut tho south should b., found so rich in authors and literary personages. Tourgee waa quoted as believing that purely American fiction would tind its most fruitful field in tho south,' and that the elements combining to make a distinctive literature, uro already there In its history, post and present. Slavery is largely responsible tor the existing conditions which have mads a new South and also its literature, rich in romance, facts and fiction. Mrs. Hodgman told the pathetlo story ot Sidney Lanier's life and death. Mre. Bewsn in well chosen words, sketched the works and life ot Charles Egbert Craddock, (Miss Murfree). Mrs Maule poke ot Joel Chandler Horn's and his qwtist dialect stories, dwelling parr tlcularly on tho ancient origin of tho varloiiB themes. MrH. Fling's subject, "Southern Journalists" brought Henry Wuttcrson und 11. W, Orady Into piomlnenee, while Mrs. iMunger told of tho brief but sueoHsful hlHtory of Amelia IUvob Chandler. MrB. Adams rovlowod tho phenomenal sucosa of Thomas Nelson Pago and his work with tho Hurper publlHhlng house. Oeorgo W. Cable, Mrfl. Evans, Jiiiiich Allen, and others' received notice from tho loader In passing ovor tho broad gulay of lights In tho literary world. Richard Harding Davis wulsochiimcd among tho number of southern wrttprn aud IiIh life wan added to tlio brilliant collection by Mrs. Heobe. MrH. Guthrie, horHolt a southern woman, guvo u charming sketch of southern women and their life. Much more might havo been added to tho Hut hud time permitted. Tho idoa that Amorican litoraturo would bo southern litoraturo wub an idea hardly In accord with tho already strong and brilliant northern contributlonn. Tho meeting of November 27 will bo hold with Mrs. Canlleld und Caricatures" will bo tho subject which will bo ills ciiHRod und illustrated by tho IiohIcrh. Tlio Unlvrrnlly will 'lttliriil. Chancellor Canlleld and tho regents aud faculty of tho University of No brasliH uro arranging for tho approprlatn celebration ot tlio twenty-lltth anniver sary of tho university February 15. At tho request ot tho chancellor Governor OrouuHo Iiiih appointed tho following cnmmltteo to ussist in the work of pre paration for tho Celebration: Hon. A. K, Goudy, Lincoln; Rov. J. T. Duryea, Mrs. E. W. Pcattlo, Omaha; Hun. Leavltt Hurnhan, Hon. 0. H. Gore, Mr. N. S. llarwood, Mr. II. W. Hardy, Lincoln; Mr. J. 11. Weston, Hentrlco; Mr. W. A. Jones, Huntings; Mr. C. V. Hcntloy, Grand Island; MrH. Mary A. Hitchcock, Fremont; Hon. M.L. Hay ward, Nebruska City; Mr. John Dry don, Kesrney; Mrs. J. A. Hornborgor, Norfolk, Mr. Alfred llnrtram, Chadron; Hon. W. Novllle, North Platto; Mr. L. J. Minor, Rod Cloud; Hon. G. M. Humphrey, Puwneo City; Mr. A. J. Newman, York; Mrs. E. C. Langworthy, Soward; Mr. E. L. King, Oscoola. Governor Crounso will act us chairman of tho committee. Wlltiemictl the Drill. Thodrill.of tho Lincoln Light Infantry Monday evening at Gormunin hall was wituisHcd by a largo number cf invited guestn. Many compliments woro passed on tho proficiency shown by tho com pany in tactics. Lieutenant Uumford, Fifth Infantry, U. S. A., 'was inspecting nfilcor. Tho present officers ot tho com- puny arot Captuin, A. E. Campbell; first lioutonunt, L. Wilson; second lieutenant, T. J. Hickoy; first sorgcuut, George Gascolgnej third sergeant, Georgo W. Covert; fourth sergeant, W. 11. Clark; quartermaster, 0. W. Outhwaito; corjxrulB II, A. Meyer, P. J.CoBgroo, 11. W. Hcllley. Tho civil olUcerH ot tho company uro: C. D. Mul len, president; J. F. Ferguson, secre tary; F. 0. Patton, treasurer; 0. W. Outhwulto, clerk. Preparations are now under way for a fair to bo givon by tho company some timo noxt mouth on on elaborate scale. Among tho guests present wero: 'Mes dames Illckoy, O'Ncil, C. M. Keefor, lid Koofor, O'Sheu, Haydon Meyer, J. F. Harphum.F. W.Tuckor, Alt Guile, 11. 0. Townloy, F. Hullott, Hormanse, Rlsdon und II. C. Victor; MIbscb Laura Dethlets, Klines, Funny Wright Huttlo Hecker, Hernlce Hecker, Currio Lclund, Her manse, May Moore, Jessio Lelund, Loulso Fowlor, Lucy Griffith, Lotta Chirk, Cora Tulbot, Maggio English, Stella Kirkor, Funny Wilcox, Gruco Ashton, Funny Rector, Josophino Lotterldgo, Daisy Uurks, Helen Hoover, Liliun Potors, Lorota Kelly, O'Sheu, Jennie Stowart, Lizzie Duford, Muud Hammond, Winger, Dora Hurley, Anna .Dunn, Stevenson und Bertie Poston; Messrs. O. M. Keeter, Will Moor, Frank Kitchen, John Lottridgo, Arthur Wulsh, Dudley Cook, Henry Hurley, J, F. Hurphum, McKce, CI) do Shudcr.Phil Wing, Purk Gurroutto, Wilson Winger, Roy Chupman, Georgo Johnson, Georgo Risdon, II. 0. Young, Fred Hullott, Dr. Tucker, R. Urqhart, Hollowbush and Folsom. Am EutrirWliif Oiuiiiiiiulliin, Mrs. W. Q. Hell wub elected president ot tho Young Women's Christian asso ciation ut tho lust meeting of that organ ization. Tho ussociutlou is doing un ex cellent work in this city, und it is meet ing with much oncouragemout. Arrangements uro now boing mudo for u reception to young womou ut tho resi dence of Mr. und Mrs. A. J. Suwyor rtiunksglving duy, November .10. Sov orul cluEscs uro now organized und regu lur instruction is being given in HILIe study,' physical culture und English litoraturo. Miss Shirley 11. Smith, the generul socrotury, bus charge ot tho Ulbla truining clues. Thero is ulso a generul class lor lilulo study every Weduesduy afternoon. Miss Nuoml Knight Eusterduy taught the clues this week. Miss Muud Atkinson und Miss Lulu Green conducted the classes in pbjslcul culture and English literature this week. Whl.t Club. The "Hard Times" Whist club met last evening at tho residence ot Miss Mao Burr. Those present wore Misses Nellio Baum, ot Omubu, Jouunette Wd son. Rachel Brock, Mumo Carsoti, Anne Funks, Nellie White, Hallie Hooper, Fay Marshall; Messrs. John T. Dorgun, R. M. Joyce, I). 0. Duwoh, l-'rank H. Hurr, W. II. Robinson, W. F. Kelley, W. F. Mojer, Frod W. Iloutz aud Charles L. Hurr, MrH. I). K. Thompson, Mr. and MrB. Oscar Funko. Ilrrrpl loll to llif CliHIirollor. A reception wuh given to tho new chancellor of Cotncr university, Mr. A. 11. Jennings, at tho university Tuesday ovenlng. An nddrcsH of welcome wuh delivered by Mr. A. Z. Hriscoo, president of tho board ot trustees, ltriof addresses wero ulso delivered by Dr. Luttu, Pro fessor Aylcsworth, Rov. A. D. Harmon and 'Mr. Win. Oeschger. Tho now chan cellor made un appropriate rcBouH0. Tho reception wuh largely attended. Tim Ontiiry Club. Tho Century club mot Tuewlay after noon at tho residence of Mrs. Milton Scott. Tho "Hundred Year's War'' wuh discussed by Mrs. F. Campbell. Mrs. B. II. Curtis' subject wub "LouIb XI, 1401.1 1KI." Mrs. 1). A. Campbell ills, cussed "Francis I, l(l&-HVi7, Joan of Arc, tho Hastlle." New Clioriil Amtorlntlon. Tho Mendelssohn Choral society Is ono of tho now musical organizations in tho city which Ih formed for the study ot standard choruses, both sacred and secular. This organization Ih for tho younger singers in tho city, and much good Ih expected of Uh work. Tho society Iiiir begun Its rehearsals under llio direction ot O. I). Howell, and all singers in tho city aro coullally Invited to join tho organization. Those joining within tho next two weeks will enter us charter members; after that timo their nameu will bo presented aud voted upon before thoy can becomo luoinberH. Tho rehearsals aro every Wednesday ovenlng at 7:.'K) in tho music hall of tho conserva tory ot music. It Ih the iIcbIio ot tho society to build Kb membership up to 100 voices within tho next mouth, and ub tho society will bo run free of expense to its members, there should bo at least 200 enrolled in a very short timo. West orn Musician. Tint I.lniuln Oratorio Smlcly. Tlio Lincoln Oratorio society is an organization which should bo fostered by tho citizens ot Lincoln. Every per son in this bountiful city should take a just pride in maintaining it by making u liberal subscription towards its sup port. Mrs. Raymond, tho society's effi cient director, has worked hard to mako tho society a success, and tho Musician will bo sorry to bco it disbanded ut this timo ns Lincoln can illy afford to looso nny of Kb institutions which is honest in creating un interest in tho higher education of music. Tho concerts ot tho Oratorio aocloty have been tho moans ot bringing to the city artists of note, whom (ho citizens of Lincoln havo hud tho plcnsuro ot hearing ut reason nblo prices which is much bottor than to bo obliged to go to Omaha or eastern cities to hear. From a tlnnnciul us well as a musical point of viow, Lincoln citi zens should rally to tho support of this excellent organization. Weetorn Musi clan. Tim Hrt Mini. Escaping bridegrooms uro entirely too common. No innn should bo allowed to got uwny on tho ovenlng llxed for his wedding. Thoro should bo a pollcomnn or u constable to bco thut ho does not. Unless something is dono to prevent these escapes thoro will eventually bo no best men to appear ut any ceremony. It 1b not thut tho best man so much objects to tho escape ot tho bridegroom, but thut tho moment tho bridegroom is gono tho best man himself may now bo utilized by any determined bride. At Egg Harbor City tho other day, when tho bridegroom fulled to appear ut tho hour appointed tho brido Immedi ately hold u consultation with tho best man. When it wub over tho murrlago ceremony wont on and tho best man was mudo u husband in no timo and the bridegroom wasn't missed ut all. With this precedent how uro best men to bo secured for future weddings? Tho groom will ut least bo required to givo u heavy bond for his uppcaranco ut tho altar. Chicago Society. Princo Wolkonsky was misinformed by tho Chicago lady who told him that tho "society" ot this city was limited to eighty persons. Probably this Btato mont was not intended to bo taken seriously. Tho society ot tho town acknowledges us composing its member ship every man, woman und child within tho city limits excepting those who uro in jail or engaged in unluwful pursuits. Wo havo no "400;' wo huvo no "150;" wo huvo no "80." Any mun or any woman who is honest, clounly und well-disposed is a mombor of Chicugo society. Thoro uro, It is truo, different circles ot society. Tho Bluo Island Avonuo Social club for exumplo, is not lurgoly represented ut tho Bucholors und Benedicts bull; nor do tho Pruirio uvonuo people uttend the merry-making of tho Hulsted Street Frolicsome Five iu any great numbers. But the Bluo Islandors are us good us tho Bachelors' and Benedicts, and tho Prairio avonue folks do not turn up their noses at tho Hulsted street people. It is all u question ot natural selection, und to a limited extent ot residence and finances. No "set" or "clique" can arro gate to itself tho title ot "Chicago So cioty." All "sets" aro equul. Chicago Horuld. Minor Mention. The noxt Pleusunt Hour purty will bo hsld at tho Lincoln hotel Thanksgiving night, November 20. It will be a fancy dress bull, and it promises to bo a particularly brilliant event. For many yearn It ban been tho custom of this organization to give a dance Thanks giving night, und tho holiday party ban always been one of tho leading events of tho season. Tho party this year will not bo as largo as tho ono Inst season; but it is sure to bo a very cnjoyublo gathering. Marshall division No. 10, Knights of Pythias, gavo a ball In Tomplo hull Wednesday night, under tho following manngomont: Reception Colonel E. R. Hlzer, Lieutenant J, Q.Turhot, Mr. J. C. Davis, Mr. W. A. Hamilton and Mr. Ray C. Morrill. Floor Lieutenant T. J. Hen sley, Captain C. W. Vndcrvcor, Mr. B. F. Crow, Mr. M. D. Clnry nnd Mr. II. II. Gaffoy. Executive Lieutenant Honsloy, Colonel II. E. Chuppell and Mr. U. F. Croan. Colonel and Mrs. It. E. Olffon will glvo a toceptlon to Governor Crounso and stall ut tho Lincoln hotel Wednesday ovenlng ut t o'clock. Later in tho oven lng thoy will oniortnln their guests in private boxes ut tho Lansing thentro ut tho presentation of "Cnmlllo" by Clara Morris. Tho Ancient Order of United Work men held u social session Monduy night uftor tho regular mooting. Selections wero given by mouthers of tho Tuxedo mandolin club, una nn udilrcss wuh delivered by Mr. J. E. Butler, Htuto Icctuior. Mr.O. W. GuttB, of Pittsburg, Pu., nnd Mrs. Eunice Do Stolgnor, of Cam oron, Mo., futhor and nlstor of MrB. Georgo Risdon, visited in Lincoln this week en route to San Diego, Cal. Misa Anno Crocker, of Sheboygan, Wis., who Bpont several weokfl in this city tho guest of Miss Mao Hurr, left for hor homo lust Saturday. Thero was a plonnuut guthoring at the FlrHt Congregational church Wednesday evening, tho occasion being tlio monthly social and supper. MisH Maud Rlssor entertained a num ber of friends very delightfully nt whist Inst Saturday evening, at hor residence, 1502 Q streot. Mr. W. N. Rehlandcr roturncd the early part of tho week from Kirkwood, Mo., where ho attended tho wedding of his brother. Mr. W. R. DonniB returned Tuesday from Newark, O., whoro ho attended tho funeral of his futhor, Major A. W. Dennis. Mr. C. C. Uphnm will attend tho mooting of tho pro)osed Western huso bull league in Indianapolis Monday. M(B. Andrew Slmonson, ot Racine Wis., is tho guest ot hor sister, Mrs. W, C. Davis, for a two week's visit. Rov. John Hewitt, of Holy Trinity, and Rov. Mr. Sanford of Nebraska City, oxchanged pulpits last Sunday. Mr. W. Q. Bell has boon appointed a member of tho city library loard, vice Mrs. W. B. Howard, resigned. Misses Olivo Luttu und Uortio Hurr huvo roturncd from u pleasant visit in Alliance und tho Black Hills. MIbb Mabel Hussler, ot Puwneo City, is tho guest of hor aunt, MrB. J. M. Butler, ut 317,1 R streot. Mr. D. G. Wing nnd Mr. B. G. Duwes returned Monduy from Missouri, whoro thoy wont hunting. Tho Empiro club will givo n party tonight in the hall in tho Lansing thcutro building. Mrs. II. P. FoBtor roturncd Tuesday evening from a visit with hor sister at Puwneo City. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Webster will en tertain tho Au Fult card club Monday ovenlng. Mr. James Heaton celebrated tho fifty-second anniversary of his birth Monduy Mr. Mattson Baldwin has returned from a soveral weok's absence in tho cast. Mr. W. L. Summers was in Omaha this wook on legal business for tho state. Miss Elizabeth Millor,' ot Ohio, is tho guest ot hor cousin, Mrs. Billingsloy. Mr. Elinor E. Sponcor hasbooi in tho western part of tho state this week. Miss Nellio Baum, of Omaha, is tho guest ot Mrs. D. E. Thompson. Hon. S. B. Pound returned tho early part ot tho weok from St. Paul. Hon. J. C. Allen, secretary of stato, left for Chicago Thursday. Mr. John L. Webster, ot Omaha, has beon in tho city this week. Mr. Sum D. Cox has roturncd from n business trip to Chicago. The Ravolu club will givo its noxt party December 1. Mr. E. II. AndruB, ot Holdrego, wub in tho city this week. Mr. W. A. Williams is touring tho state on business. Mr. Ed Brown, ot Grant, was in tho city this week. Mrs. J. W. McDonald has returned from Chicago. Miss Mame Carson was in Brownvillo this weok. Mr. J. M. Knox has gono to Boyd, Texas. Dr. 0. E. Spubr loft Thursday for Chi cago, Mr. D. E. Thompson Is in Torre Iluuto, Intl. Hon. G. M. Lambertson is in Chicago. Hon. T. H. Benton ia in Chicago. THINGS PRE H10VIHG Our large stock of Furniture, Stoves and Household Goods, marked down to pi ices that attract purchasers, is moving rapidly. We are making a JSIPlSOIATv DRIVE OIV- AND A large stock of Chairs at 'way Furniture. Household (Sold or Easy t Eaar w tar tar fUEIHZER 1 27-1 2D NORTH FOURTEENTH STREET. fiSeulNlclri GtinnentN. GAPS, MUFFS, CAPES, MATS, AND CARRIAGE ROBES. IF YOU WANT ANYTHINO IN THI8 LINE, PAY YOU TO OALL AND SEE . E. VOEIKER, "V. M. C A. 3vtllclls-ig. - - OTRopuiring dono in tho neutest manner. ma?o niKrosseu resolutions nnd memorial nloutns ,.,,, , , foriipcrptfiocii'tii's. Cuts from which 75,000 etroin; Impressions can bu taken nt from $1 tip. Cliciip. nron't tlicy? flood one, too. liver) business mini should seo us. Iluslness olllce with .lohii Mcintosh, the Prlntor, under city llbrnrj j Art Department, Wostorn Normal collct'o, Lincoln, Neb, WWW I4TH AND M STREETS, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Thin la a vory lino cstablcBhinont probably bottor thnn anything of tho kind in tho world. Capueity, 1.500 batlm dully. Arteeiun mineral water ta used. Soparuto necommndutioiiB urojirovided for both foxch. Holds about n quarter ot a million gulloiiH of Sea Green Suit Water. And i& neurly 150 feet long, 20 feet wide und !2 to i) foot deep. Kb cleur as u crjBtnl, too. Thero aro boiiio spring boards, trapozo and automatic needlo bath in this de. purtmont. Tlie Beet Rooms Aro for transients who do not euro to leave tho building utter u bath. Patients tuking troutmont uso thorn ulso, Rlaevimti.tlesixx And many other disousos can bo CURED in tho Hot Suit Department. Tlie T uric is la 13 tit la I Now wo'ro coming down to business. Mnrblo wulls, Mosuio doors, rich Hugs, Carpets und Drapories. Grout flro plueeB, easy chairs und divans. All sorts of buths uro given. Thoro is ulso a IURI1EU SHOP. LudieB Hair Dressing Dopurtmcnt, nnd even u Muniuuro, Chiropodist und Hoot Uluok. Lunches A.x-g Served And Turkish colTco und lots ot other things good to out and drink. And the hull hasn't boon told. WILLOW CHAIRS STOVES. down prices. "05 STOMAS ..vr a T8 " Roods pud Carpets Pc&rmervt&s. J IT WILL Cos, latti na-kcl IV t3tw. SATISFACTION OUAUANTKED."' NEW & FIRM.I Now Arm Artistic cli'Bittnti nnd drnvlnH nuulo specially to boom iiir hiiBlni'ss. Kit Rrmlni;, llnmt work, nt one llftli tlio rost of Htono lit ho urn till j. Wo (Icnl in striking iiuil rntcliv 1I)1'.S. If not vS) iiultosuro wlmt cuts you wnnt, lcuo It to us. Wourlto mid ilhistrntu lulvertlxcmi'ntu In ad dition to imiklnif portrait rut. imwnpiir illiistrutloiiR. letter Iiencls, biialnesH curds, cumin sketches, cmer ilealNH, IkuhIIiikh mill "S3 J SWEHN . .?. lit .'.. .... Z .S. . y