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About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1893)
i&Hffirr, srfx iyQK -w- --'AcvvPW(JsAWJpn,.'P',, vpjcr wp -n Saturday Morning Courier. i VOLUME 8, NO. 5l. UNGOLN, NliBRASKA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, I893. PRIGB FIVIi GENTS ww55i?p(fpiwppt ;S t B n LLL Tho nutlunnl llnnnces lutvo now boon permanently put on it pod ml basis, nmt considering our unequalled resources, wo ought to enter upon it prosperous orn. There appear to bo no breakers ahead to ciuibo another setback of lut portnnco for many years to come. Business men can safely commence to vonturo operations on an extended Bcnlo, bnsod on good judgement, with out npprohonnion of being overtaken by iltBiiBter. Tlio only way, therefore, If for ovorybody to put hit hands to tho rope and give a long pull, a Htrong pH. "d pull altogether, and good times will re milt. While tho general situation doeH not Bhow any pronounced change as yot, thcro is, nevertheless, a relaxation of tho sovoro tcnBlon under which buni ncBH men have been laboring, and iib wiJ got farthor from tho ciiubo of our recent depression, tho wheels of business will finally settlo into their normal rutfi, and confidence will usurp tho place of timidity and gather force legitimately. Tho commercial iilTuirH of tho country are sound. It ifl dilllcult to shako off tho Bpell of depression, but wo shall soon reason with clearer judgement, and this will bo followed by mora sensible action. Tho security markets continue to bo easily influenced, but a stronger class of buyors should now appear on ovory decline. Prices aro now likely to bo governed by the financial condition of tho individual properties rather than by those broader factors which, at times, act as lovers upon tho whole world's commercial and linnuciul machinery. m Tho cold weather of tho past week or ton dayB, whilo not materially affecting somo lines, has been nn appreciable stimulus to a numbor of branches, and ua a result of this and other causes, there la an improvement in tho voltuno of business transacted; in boiuo instances tho improvement is very markctl? Tho' Bales of coal in Lincoln to Decombor 1, will bo larger than last year's sales up tot tho saino timo. Dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, hats and allied lines, aro livelier than they have boon since early fall. Salos aro not what thoy Bhould bo; but thoro is a gradual im provement that is generally encouraging. Peoplo aro probably harder tip today than at any time sinco tho commence, incut of tho business troubles. There has been n constant strain for months in tho direction of liquidation. Strouu ous efforts huvo been made to discharge obligations, and wipo out small debts, and cltizons of Lincoln aro freer from debt now than they havo boon for years. Practically no money has been made during this time, and the result Is that while peoplo aro generally quite freo from debt, thoy aro hnrd-up. This is not by any moans a discouraging sign. When business ouco opens up again, as it is suro to do in tho near future, those who havo woathorod tho storm will bo in good condition. Thoy will havo learned to economize and sail close to shore. marked a prominent dealer to a CouttiKit representative tho other day. "A dollar In our linn will go a good deal further now than It would a year ago. Every store In this city is selling goods at a low figure." Tho various educational institutions aro feeling tho effect of tho general depression, though not in such a marked degree as might bo Biipposed. At the state university tho attendance does not vary materially from that of last year. There is a slight decrease at tho normal colleges and denominational schools, but at the latter, particularly there aro constant additions, and it is expected that with tho beginning of tho January terms there will quite as many students enrolled as last your. There are altogether about .'1,(KX) students in this city from abroad, each one of whom must necessarily spend from $.'1.50 to !?5 jicr week. 1 Will there tie any holiday trade? is a question frequently asked. Thoro will most unquestionably bo a considerable amount of extra buying on account of tho holidays, but of course tho volume of business will not bo nearly so largo as iiH.ual. Somo dealers look forward to December business with a good deal of confidence, and fully expect rushing business before December Is far ad vanced. .Merchants havo been careful in tho matter of purchases, and there will bo no big stocks left over. Hho ciiinu from tlio homo nf Hut blnl llowora 1 IN unci From tholtelil unci tlio wootlml dell ; Came tuUjlowu with its hearts of stunn, To tho Slash town nml fell. Slio wept an shu thotmht of tlio luckless iliiy Tlmt slio left her homo nfar; As slio thoiiKht of thn nlrl ttho was Iwforo Slio stuppoil Imckwnnls oil n cur. Tho hiicrctl Convert. Mr. Lamprecht, who was down for two violin solos at last Sunday's sacred concert was unable, owing to sickness, to bo present, but will bo heard tomor row evening, mid his work will certainly meet with a full share of approval. IIo Is an artist in every bciibo of tho word, a graduate of ono of, thytoiioUd c()ii-peryutorleiiiii'Eu'Mpe;'itjPiWul(l expression, "fairly makes tlio old Julillo talk." Tho band will present a program embracing a bevy of popular airs, which is done in reply to frequent requests for lighter music, and the entertainment will bo even more enjoyable than those heretofore rendered, lomorrows con cert will bo a night for tho masses, and tho management is in hopes of having tho houso packed. For that occasion (Sunday i!(Hk) ladies accompanied by a gentleman holding a .'15 cent paid ticket will bo admitted freo or two ladies will bo admitted to reserve seats on one .15 cent ticket. The sale of seats is now open at tho Lansing. 1 Tho recent exit from this city of .llm Hood, tho whilom proprietor of Hood's saloon, well, if not favorably known to most citizens of Liucom', recalls the fact that C. W. Moshor, ultimo business in torests extended in many peoulhrdlrec tions, was not above owning a saloon. Moshor had an interest In Hood's for somo time, and unllko the banker in Frank Stockton's novel who owned a restaurant, ho was not particularly anxious to conceal tho fact. Tho new morning newspaper in Omaha Is still in embryo. Members of tho re publican state central committee and others who tiro interested in the project havo hold numerous Informal confer ences, but nothing definite has been done as yot. About twenty members of tho central committeo were in tho city this week in attendance upon the jublleo meeting Monday night, and tlio subject was discussed nt some length prior to their departure. Some quiet canvassing is now being done in different parts of tho state with a view to ascortaing what sort ot encouragement there Is for a now republican paper. Thoro will bo no further attempt to get matters Into shape until after Thanksgiving. If thoro is anything in the scheme it will develop shortly after tho first of tho month. Leading republicans whoaro agitating the establishment of a now paper in Omaha, havo como to tho conclusion that tho most feasible plan is to secure a guarantee ot a certain number ot sub scriptions in advance, and then consider propositions that may bo made by iiowb paper men. Ono enthusiastic member of tho committee thinks that it will bo an easy matter to secure 5,000 or 0,000 subscribers to tho newspaper, and got tho money in advance. Tho modern tendency toward concen tratiou nnucontraIizatIon( and the rapid. dovolopine"nT"in tho"" BystomB'df trans portation and communication, aro bound to affect tho newspaper business in tho near future. wnoso imagination is in a neaiuiy suite of development. It Id stated liM)ii reliable authority that both of tho Omaha nowspapeis havo ordered typesetting machines for delivery .lantiary 1. As one of these machines does tho work of three or four men, there will bo a number of printers thrown out of employment If tho chlhgo Is made. Tho Journal in this city, has been considering tho subject of type-setting machines for a year or so; but it will probably not make lip Kh mind short of a decade. Monday afternoon the Ctll appeared in a new dress of typo and with notice ablo improvements in tho different de partments. It seems that tho painting or thojfront or tho Call building did not mark J tho completion of the reform movement which the now management ot thai paper recently inaugurated with a flourish of trumpets. Tho spirit or rejuvenation is getting in its work all aiounjl, and the Cull people aro at last up anil doing, Thoy havo made a most crcdlt&hlo start, and there is poiiio as surance that tho good work will go on. Is going to bo a very pretty eon- kitween the Call and News tor There test city I iiulto supremacy in tho evening field hi this the next twelve months, and It Is lossiblo that the readers of these papori will, for some time at least, got their lu A jo 11 money's worth. "Twenty four jeam ago, when I was in tho United SIiiIoh sonnW," remarked ox-Governor Thayer to a Cmntiiiii representative yesterday. "I was up pioached by Oliver 1. Morton, who asked mo to go with him to tho presi dent and recommend tho appointment of a certain young man to tho ollleo ot United States district judge In Indiana. I complied with tho tequest; tho ap pointment was made, and i subse quently assisted Mr. Morton In securing this man's coutlrmatlon by tho senate. Tho appointee was Walter Q. Groshum, and If (hid over forgives mo for helping to send this man upon a political career, which is now crowned with Infamy, I will never bo ablo to forgive myself." THE STATE UNIVERSITY. 1th Itt'Hotm't'H mill I'mHUIr Open In tlio Public Tlio CliiilH-t'llni-'H Ilivltiitlon, Tho university extends a cordial in vitation to all citizens of Nebraska who desire to pursue a general course of reading or to conduct special investiga tions, to connect, themselves with th university or to correspond with tho members of tho faculty who aro in charge of such studies. Suggestions as to authorities, arrangements of topics, prices of books, etc., will bo gladly given. Those who may bo ablo to pursue such special work at tho univer sity will have tho advantage of lectures, libraries and laboratories. All who aro seeking spocial informa tion or self-culturo, and tho highest lines of citi.on life and influence, ought to reel that by tho generosity or tho state, advice and information are freely placed at their command. Supervision by correspondence will bo cheerfully given to the work of reading 1 circles and similarasBoclationsforstudy; and an occasional visit from somo mem ber of tho faculty, when desired by such associations, can bo secured on ap plication. Tho university is especially desirous of ontering into correspondence with those who aro willing to do something in tho way of collecting tho facts of local history. Thoro is hardly an event so minute or an individual so un important tiR not to bo worthy of recog- nition In this connection. Wo desire to havo at tho state university a complete record of doings of Nebraska men and women in connection with tho founding tho disposition of last season's crop is hind upbuilding of this commonwealth. That there should bo ono or more fail ures in Lincoln at this time is not at all surprising. Indeed it has often been re marked that it is strange that thoro Bhould havo been so fow suspensions. Tho coucorns that havo failed havo boon houses that havo not been in good con dition for boiuo timo past, and their collapBO is not nltogother duo to tho prcsont hard times. With business on tho up grade, as it now is, it is not thought that their will bo much more serious trouble of this kind. Tho fact that tho banks in Now York and Chicago aro piling up thoir resorvos to ulmost appalling llgures is taken by many as an indication that business will continue to bo dull; of course, it tho money of tho country is permanently hoarded in ono or two cities, tho effect will 1)0 most depressing; but it is not thought that tho policy will bo long per sisted in. Up to this timo only a.small portion of tho crop ot tho country has boon moved; but it is beginning to move now, and this is scattering tho money. In Nebraska particularly, tho effect or A trio ot newspaper men in this city were discussing tho subject of tho future of Nebraska newspapers tho other day, and ono of them, a man of experi ence and observation, said: "I think that tho morning papers of Omaha and Lincoln, considered as general news papers, havo reached thoir piimo. You know and every newspaper, man knows to what extent the Chicago papers aro cutting into the lice and World-Herald in Omaha and thu State Journal in this' city. Tho fact that tho Chicago' papers which in my opinion aro the best In tho country, can bo delivered in Omaha and Lincoln at suppor timo or a lit t lu later, bus given them an immense sale that has boon appreciably felt by the big dailies in this state. Tho Nebraskan nowadays who wants to keep ubreasl ot tho times, and who has sulllcient loisuro to keep himself well posted on tho news ot tho world, is not content to depend upon tho Journal or eithor of tho Omaha papers; ho takes ono of these papers for his local news, and buys one or more Chicago papers for his general information. Hearing thobo things In mind I am positive that tho time will come whon tho big daily papers in Omaha and Lincoln will bo Issued as supplements to the Chicago papers, and that it will not bu a great many years before this will como to pass, either." "Tho Ike and World-Herald and Jour mi or their succesBorsin tho newspaper field will contain nn general telegraphic news at all; they will limit themselves to news happenings in their own town and tho state or In.modinto vicinity. Elec tricity will in a few yea's have made such heudvny that tho time between Chicago and Omaha will bo reduced to at least five hours, ami possibly to con siderably less. Tho Chicago paporsor rather tho outside edition, will leave tho Windy City at two or threo o'clock in tlio morning, and got to Nebraska to be folded with our own dally pipers and delivered in ample time for the break fast table." ood story is going tlio rounds against tho members of tho legal pro fession. A man rambling among tho tombs in a certain city was struck with tho lnM:rlption,"A lawyer and an honest man." IIo was lost in thought, and whon run upon by a follow hayseed who, noticing his abstraction, asked If ho had found' the grave of a dear friend or rela tive, wild: "No, but I am wondering why thoy camo to bury these two fob lows iii tho same gravo." Omaha Ex celsior. There aro people in Lincoln today who aro uncertain as to where thoy will rest their weary bones tonight; whether In a hospitable shelter, with warmth "ami 3nm fort, or in a cold and cheerless hovii, where misery is tho only furni tureJthoy know not. And many will doubtless go to bed hungry. Lack of work-in bo many Instances, Is speedily followed by a lack of food, and actual suffering. This winter is going to bo tho hardest winter over experienced by poor peoplo, and there will necessarily lie much suffering. Somebody suggests In the Call that soup Iioubch bo estab lished. This is an excellent idea, and it is to bo hoped that some one will act on tho suggestion. beuinuini! to bo manifest. Money is being realizod by the farmers, who aro paying thoir debts at tho country stores and discharging their obligations at the country banks, and these latter are in turn meeting their obligations in this city und olBowhoro, putting monoy into circulation. havo "Dry goods sold in Lincoln as ure now belug never cheap as offered" boon they ro- Jamth II. Canfiki.I), Chancellor. Fine now lino of business suitings from 625 to&lOin Scotch and homespuns Jcckoll HroH., lit) north Thirteenth street, near Lansing theatre. When a quarter will buy a good io sorved seat at tho Lansing theatre Sun day evening to hear the Nebraska stato band in grand concert, there's no excuse for loafing tho streets or going to ques tionable places. "This system will obtain in all parts of tho country. Thoro will bo a few cities liku Hoston, Now York, Chicago and San Francisco, from wldeh big gen oral newspapers will bo issued. Tho papers elsowhore will bo moroly local in character and thoy will probably bo quite as influential as now. Ceutraliza tion i business things Thoro were 507 students registered at the university from Lancaster county, The' recent fire at the penitentiary recalls. the fact that tho state carries no insurance, and, by tho way, tho state saved a great deal of money whon it stopped paying premiums on insurance. About50,000 or tho people's money was paid out annually for this purpose, and in five years there has been a saving ot $'.250,000. Tho loss on tho building at tho cn was only about 85.000, and there havo been no other serious losses at any of the state institutions. Thn University of Nebraska Iiiib is sued its annual catalogue of students. Tho catalogue shows that students weio In attendance last year from Nebraska, South (Dakota, Illinois, Wyoming, In diana, jN'ow York, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Michigan, England, Kansas, Out ario.Mis sour!, Ohio, Connecticut, Oregon, Utah, Montana, Arkansas, Idaho, Colorado, Wisconsin, North Dakota and Germany. Lincoln juries have made peoplo dis- gustcdjwith tho jury system. They aro gomvnlly composed, for tho major part of tho riff-raff and bob-tall ot tho city's population, men who aro anxious to servo for tho paltry remuneration thoro is in itand who are as purchasable as sugar or potatoes. Tho average Lin coln juror has about as clear an idea ot justice as ho has ot Sanskrit, und is as innocent or conscience as a marble hitching post is of whiskers. Ho is for sale, and ho is so cheap that anybody can buy him. And all this is largely tho fault of tho better class of citizens, those who complain so bitterly of tho evils of tho system. A largo number of reputable business men anil good citizens wore recently drawn on tho district court panel, and to their discredit bo it said, they adopted every subterfuge to secure a discharge. Tlio tramps and scallywags wore glad to horvo, und the result has been that in most of tho cases tried in tho last two or three weeks, tho bum element has dominated tho jury. It decent men won't servo on tho jury, it is of course i impossible to effect any improvement insist eor avoid serving. us iniitioutiai as now. Ceutraliza- impossible to eiieci any improveme s going to strike tho newspaper ,Tll f!llllt 1h witltho ,1'eojile who in ,uu .,.ntia',,i t,,..,. i .i i on be ng excused, and who will clie jbb, and it is going to revolutionize fuy , ucvvlry ,n on,pr to v, Which goes to show that thoro Is at leaBt one newspupor mun in this city (Confiniicii oh Third Paac) General Thayer Is an intensely patrlo tic man, and ho Is tilled with republi can sentiment. Americanism has In him a most fervent disciple. Tho Hawaii incident naturally arouses his indignation to a high pitch. Tho ex governor Is at all times plain spoken and tho objects of his wrath and Indignation hero In Nebraska have often iccoiled under his scathing rebukes. In speaking of the course of Cleveland and his cabinet, in reference to the do throned queen of Hawaii ho found it no easy matter to find words strong enough to express his disgust and in dignation. "Of course," ho said, "President Cleveland is tho rcsiiouBlhln party in tho miserable attempt to overthrow a republican form of government in Hawaii and re-instate tho dethroned queen, Lllluokalanl, and I am scarcely ablo to find terms that will adequately voice my feelings In tho matter. Tho courso of tho administration is un American, tin-patriotic, uu-republlcau; it Is subversive of the constitution of tho United States, and contrary to tho ten dency of American sentiment. Tho ministers and navies of this country are bound by ovory tradition and prece dent to foster, sustain, strengthen and develop American influences wherever they may bo found, and especially to encourage the growth of republican sentiment in tho countries of tho new world. Tho power of this country must instinctively bo arrayed on tho side of those who aro peeking to obtain freedom by overthiowing a hateful monarchy, when this government takes any action at all. Wo aro bound to tho policy of a republican form of govern. incut, and every president ot this country, ovory minister, every ofllcor charged with authority, is held by history and the American idea to a policy directly contrary to that now advocated by Mr. Cleveland and his cabinet, and which may result in blood shed, in which event it would not bo surprising if there wore a popular out break in this country." "There can bo no doubt but that tho courso pursued by Mr. Cleveland was actuated, to a very considerable extent, by a desire to disciedit the policy of tho Harrison administration, and I am in clined to place a very largo sharo of tho blame on this traitor, Gresham, whom 1 regard with unspeakable contempt and avoislon." "Gresham, after his appointment to the federal judgeship in Indiana, con tinued to hold ollleo under republican government until ho went into Clove laud's cabinet. Ho turned his back on tho republican party and became a democrat because ho was uiiabln to secure tho Indiana delegation to the national convention, and ho has never forgiven Harrison for defeating him. The Hawaii affair was to him an oppor tunity to stab Harrison, and to this end lie has violated tho constitution, trampled American sentiment under toot, and stamped hlmseir an infamous traitor. His letter is a weak, exparto statement or trumped up evidence, un dignllled and unstatesmaulike, and Blount's report Is of the samo tenor. There is no scintilla of right or justice in tho position which Greshitin and the president have taken. Tho only animus is to detract from tho credit won by President Harrison. It has proven to be n tremendous Itoomerang. I regard Cleveland's course in tho Hawaii matter not only as an offense that ought to securo his impeachment, but as a monumental political blunder. Between tho growing protection sentiment and tho indigna tion of tho peoplo over the administra tion's slap at tho principle of ropubli canlsm and espousal of tho cause of a wretched monarchical system, Mr. Cleveland ami tho democratic party aro doomed to certain disaster at the noxt presidential election," Tho democrat lu congressman from Nebraska, Mr, llryau, and thn populist United States senator, Mr. Allen, seem to bo HtilTorlng a like misfortune. Tho democratic party lias not only gone back on Mr. Ilryan, but It appears to be very sour on A lion, whoso election to the somite wan, as every ono knows, made possible by its "Influence." Ex. Congressman John A. Mc3hano In quoted by the Washington correnpou. dent of the Journal iih saylngi "William Paxtou and myself made Senator Allen, and we havo boon on our knooH over since praying for forglvo. ness." Tho World-Herald with a delightful appearance of Innocence re marks: "It would Interest a grout many people In thlsHtato If Mr. Me. Hhauo would explain tho modus operandi of tho inaiiufactiiro of United States lumiitora whereby 'William Pax- ton and myself aro enabled to turn out a senator upon a moment's notice Neither Mr. Psxton nor Mr. McShane were members of the legislature which elected Senator Allen. Tho people of this state would be Interested in having Mr. McShane explain this deep, durk secret which has been burning a holo in the lining of his coat for ho long a period of time." Tho peoplo of Ne braska would not be particularly in terested in Doing lnrormed or some thing thoy already know all about. Tho democrats were masters of the situation in the last senatorial election, and It is a notorious fact tlmt tho democratic members wero but checkers that wero moved at will by wealthy and influential democrats on tho outnido. Mr. Paxton and Mr. McShane huvo in their timo purchased a good many things Including hogs, public ofiicea, politicians and newspapers, und thoro in nothing surprising in Mr. McSliuno'n ingenuous declaration that ho and Mr. Paxton "made" Senator Allen. If tho two gentlemen havo, iih tho ex-congrenn-man assorts, boon on thoir kneen ever since Aliens election thoir trouBorn must be horribly baggy by thin timo, and to a great many peoplo it would seem to bo far more Important for Mr. McShane and Mr. Paxton to ariso and got a now outfit of trousers, than to ox plain something that doesn't need ex plaining. Thoro 1b no need for tho gentlemen to remain longer on thoir knees. In making Allen senator thoy committed an offense that would not bo expiated by a century spent on their knees. It is dilllcult to seo how any body who had anything to do with tho election of Allen could over bono for forgiveness. In the meantlmo we road in tho newspapers that Messrs. Ilryan and Allen aro fast friends, Tho props huvirg boon knocked from undor these distinguished gentlemen they are sus taining themselves by holding on to each other. It looks now as though Tom Majors will havo tho biggest kind of a job on his hands in his candidacy for tho re publican 'nomination for governor next year. Tho machinery of tho party, bo far as tho make up ot tho republican stato central committee in concerned, in not favorablo to Majors' candidacy, und of course tho Hosowator element is most heartily opinmcd to tho lieutenant-governor. It is said, by tho way, that Hroneli will attempt to secure the Omaha delegation. Tho republican stato central commit tee will, for tho present at least, retain the rooms at tho Lincoln hotel. Times must indeed bo hard whon a congressman Is compelled to jump his board bill. Hrad Slaughter, who has not fully recovered from tho effect of tho cam paign's hard work, has gone to his homo in Fullertou and will not return to Lincoln until after Thanksgiving day. In the meantime Tom Cooko is holding out the latch string at republican head quarters. It is understood that A. H. Weir has with visible reluctance, retired his am bition to secure tho independent nomi nation for governor. Tho mayor has not wholly give up tho Idea; but he is waiting until the signs of the times aro more propitious. Somebody has started a foolish report to tho effect that Chairman Sluughtor Is an aspirant for tho position of state librarian and clerk of thoBupromecourt, tho placo bo ably and satisfactorily Hilled by D. A. Campbell, and tho talk huseveu gone bo far in ono iustunceuB to insinuate that Mr. Campbell may be forced to rotiro in Mr. Slaughter's favor. Thin is all nonsense. Mr. olaughtor has no such idea. Ho is not a candidate for Camp bell's position, und tho latter is secure in his place. Mr. Campbell is ono of tho most competent and generally satis factory olllclttlBiu the service ot the state. 1 II " II I JdHltM I.?'. L'l