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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1893)
OAPITALa CITY OOUKl&W. V Only the Scars Remain, "Annum till' III 111) tc'tlltioiil.iM which I u Ill Ifitiilil In roilillll lm illcllio perform Inn i mm, rlonuMiii; tin' tilnuil, t to , Willi i Hi su llrnso.s, ot llio ,l,imc Smith WlUllOII MllClllllOl) I'll, l'lill.nlolpllll, l'.l, "linlio lllllf1 Hie lame til ill lll. nun lime. I went) )e,m Dpi, at llic line o( Ih ve.ils, 1 lunl ivw-lhliit-i ooinu on In Uk! wlilili l'iht mill , lioi.ilno riiiiniiii; oiiri'o. Our (.mill) plivili i.iti n lil tin llio no punt, inn! It was feared tint tli lumen At I. lit, my room nlil tiiutin'r ureil mi t li V)it' Hir ii'irllli I took tuiio bottle, 1 1 10 SOIOI lio.ilnl, mill I liiw not 1mm it tll'lll'loil xilH'O 0ll tllf mmi it iiiiiiii, unit tin mi iimr of tli nl, to ri initial mi' nf tlin uiiimI jjorV Hiirupiirlllit lm ilnno mo. 1 m vvcIhIi two IiiuiiIiiiI iiinl ti 1 1 I'i'IiihIh, iiihI urn In tlio best uf lio.ilili. I lino I., i ii mi tl ronl fm tin- nit tolo vein, h it. nntii it Ajit'h s ii- mi in, i jnivi rtlioil In nit puts n( tlio I'iiiIi il .st.itei, ami t.iUo urn In tolling vh it kooiI It illil fur mo " 1'or tlio onroof nil iIIiomoi origin, itlnn In liiiniri I'lnoil, tlio licit k tin ily It AYER'S Sarsaparilla l'n pnrnl ly Dr.J.C.Aji r.xCn , Louolt, Mum, Curosothors, will curcvou Soda Water. PURE, DELICIOUS, AND REFRESHING. PI CEDll ATTIIE Mill A Paradise for the Little Men and Women. wimiKi.M.u.s may ur. ciir.cKm An Intorniitlntmt In) unit Dull Mum 'Unit I'iim lniite" llltf I'nlk i Wilt in I.lttln llio Children' Itnllillni: unit What It C'niitiilni- Sunlit lint" mill III Cluirlnt A Wonderful Continue i:lillilt. AVoitl.D's Kaih, May 1. - (Hporlnl. Wlll'll 0110. Hll)H tllll l'HIMUIoll It II Mirt of liiiradlfo for oWn Ititf iiooilo II Ii not lUfi'iHiiry tootntt tlm children. Intintli, It In In Homo ii"iiit8 hotter for liillrtn than for tliolr elder. Kvery hoj ami Kill Kciitmtuil) Mali) iiitiitiiltiiuni'ni from fotelgn loiiiittlcH komi a part of tlio ox hlhitivvlih lithe) lout expected to install c1.mowIio.ic. Othois dililul Iioiiio for colli o tlonmf (oiiiitiilknlik kiiiu knvin t Irtilnrly n'-oirIntt for tlio (lillilion'.i ialai'o, ami all t liosu w oro fciv i nut t lnht and t him vv 111 not only ho an ilifliltloii lint In aitnal two In tlio liamli of tnion of llltlnonii, Statu eotuiiilsslniiem iiiiiI Individual c liltiltorialioM'iil In lontillmtloiiM, anil tlm result lift innrvelniti iiKHroKiitloti of tlm tliliiKi niiiilo for tlm mo of children. Thin wni otni of those hitman tonclioi -nlileli niakunll tlio world kin It Is Inilooil a i hllilion's imiudlxc. It In a truly Intornational lialiloi fair. There (irn tons mill toni of toj, niany of tliotn now In tlili i oiint ty lint imtii tlio Ion fan dilation to tlio llttln o.vos ami IiiiiiiIh anil liilmli for width tlioy woroltiteiidtil The tint loim of tlio i at III lioio lo In providing aiiiiisona'tit for tlio Juvenile part of lui nianlty. (.'oiisldoiltitf tlm well known ItiKi unity of tlm ankoo, his nit 111 ion trlMitui'i ami his liolil niluiimllty, mm in Aniorlwi (should mo tlm WorlilV fair. It will tenth tliotn liiorotliati tnnn jenn woiilil tlilnk Ami'iloainlnlit ho in tlm load lit school, will kImi thoin lik'imaml Itnpros- Yc linve tlie finest mid host equipped Soda Fountain in the city. TRY OUR ICE CREAM SODA. bIoiih, an exact knowledge ami u liroadtli of vlovv, wliii.Ii no HohoolliiK can out nive tliotn. A tliiuiKlit which often occurs to mo iih I Koaliollt tlm Mioots ami palaii'i of tlio 'Wliltu C'it) It olio of ii'Kti't that mi many nillltons of lirlnht Ikijh and uli In aro not to mhantiiKo hy thlH opportunity to I hoc tlm world mid lit wotkn. Hlnht hero lam goliiK to appeal to all fathers and mothers who do mo tlio honor to read tlili letter not to lono tlio little folks at homo when cotuliiK to ChleiiKo. They will not ho ery nuicli expeiiM) or trouble; and If they aro tlio reeompoiiMi will lio found oery da) of jour unjoin it hole. llojHiind k' Is who aro old oiiiiukIi to look with niKor-i'jed lntete.t upon the inanels of atehltecttire, niaeliinery, ait, iiiauufaitute, ami HKlicliltlllo will lind ewryHpot lu this Mist exposition like a horles of object lessons, hIiowIiik them all that is in tlio w otld, ltH tisen, how iiiailu nml by what manner of people. Hut own tlio manlier children haui not been foiKot- ten by tlm buildern of tlm exposition. in this field. She nilirht bo. but eettaiiilv Is not. Tlio Columns, tlm Swiss and tlm I'li'iuli nrn tlioihlof of to) makers. Kti-j-laud Is ropro-onliil, and Sweden and Nor waj, eon KiiKMla, ( hlua and Tapiiit Spain hoiids sotim ipiaint tojs, ami Italj us well. In fiut, there mo fov nations that aro not topu"onteil in tlm play tooiiim or on tho walls On their rouf kmkIoii plaj hoitso tlm clillilion mo to luiMi nuisle. They am to hiiMi MitnithltiK tileii to tat ami drink an the) hltutiihr the hIuuIo of the IiIk awn Iiiks lli'sldes, tin te mo to bo Morooptiion It i tares for tin if amusement ami instruc tion. It ii not alone in tho liullilliiK sot apart as tin lr hpii ial woihl that tin little men and women ate to be plcai il. In tin) (lor mau heitloii nf the Kiint Miiaafaetaios biilhlltiK wlioie ah oos ami pavilions mo duNutcil to to)-, and lioiu tuny bo net a RECTOR'S PHARMACY, N. W. Cor. 12th ntulNSts. bADIliS' AND GMILDREN'S Qaircutting - A SPECIALTY, .AT Sam : Westerfield's BURR BLOCK. J. G McNETT, UPHOLSTERER 't " .1- r They ha.u proideilu spoelal builditiK for f ' -''4 vvj thoMiiallpeoiile, tho llrst tlmo in tho his- A Akr7 A X toryof inteinatlonal expositions that t his tt Yxi' ',V 7iA yl has been done. Tho Chlldren'H butl.Iit.K ("W'iF'' Is u liandsotau utructuro of two Mot lei jfl'KV lljr'. )Z ,1 htandlliK near tho pilndpal entratiio to .jtVllri'1 sfmUtH StiyL V tlm uroiinili, between tho Woiiiiiii'h and f.'J fl -TttK Vi l) WitfwM wn vd?:w m c mid thu Horticultural biiildiiiKs. Wltliin are not only pla j rooms and concnloncoi for niotheis and their lialilos, but thern aro exhibits of tlm countless varietj of thliiK's in which clillilion are Interested. Tlm roof, where n superb lew of tho lakis and palaces may bo had, has been con verted Into n play wound, nnil huroovery day is iv scene w hii ii to my mind in onu of tlio most fascinating features of tho whole exposition. It isntliroiiK of sowral hun Vi4' i LT wm&i Till. HOII. IllSfl.AV. dnd little ones nnnnliiK tliemsolxes with , Sunta Cliius liuill his Khiry, jldliiKntop allmannerof plaj tliitiKs KiUheied hem U.utlfal ihailot win 10 ho holdsii Chlist- byloiiiKhamlifioin all tlio workshops of , ms treoalolt and wheto ho is Hitnoumlid AND CABINET MAKER, Duch nil klnili of Iti'imlrlin; iroinitly. work wurriintiil Alt aOSSo. 11th St. Lincoln, Xcb. 'pp'C'TC" Tiiltlnnl Knll torm, In nevi-ii (llffcii'iit FnEiEi umrHi's Only liluti urrul l:il p'iit Norms! In tlm xtiito 'llio l'lniht llullilliitfH, l,iUlpiiitntH, ami Atilit Nornuil l'ncull.v. .No rxn rlinout, Imt mi i-HtnbllHliHil mnimnvmniit 40 cournri, itMciiiliiTH mnl lecliircm. A live ciliool for tb intiMH W rlif for latnloKUc K. H. aii-l'lt, Mr , Lincoln. Ntb. tlm onrtli. Oao depart nietit of the Chlldren'H build itiK Is of Hi cut piaetlcal ailantiiK0 to I mothers mid their babes. It is tho publlo I nurseiy. Hy pajmeiit of it hiiihII feo mot bet s may leao their baliles huro in charKoof competent nurses women who not only know how to tako cam of babies who mo well but who hao medical skill and practical knowledKo of infant all meats. Of coiii-o tlieru lmo licen iiiiiny jokes about this department. "Choi k jotirlmbj hem" was t(M)Koodii topic for tho wits ami w iiks to let k unimprovoil. Tliey liao ruiiK tho chaiiKes on what mlKht happen in case tlio ducks should Kot tiilxed mid tho babies llkew ise. They hao doM-Mited upon tlm ojipoi tunlty that iniKht bo olTolul bo J less patents to con trixo somo aitfal dodio by which they mlKht deposit a Kill in tho foieiioou and in the aftei noon walk away w itli it cherub of thu other sex. Hat of cotirso theno me mem jokes, and tlio ilepaitiauut is n Koauiuo coiiNeulomu to mothers who can't allord to tako nurses to thu exposition and who don't wish to Iiik their chaiKcs about nil day. A baby may bo left hero tlueo or four liouis without any misKlviiiKM. It will bo well cared for, and in fact will lm miiii i: In tin-illMtrli.t iiiiirt ot l.miuiHti r loniitv, .So liriiHkn, I In tlie niattur of tlioMtiito of John ()loiin, ilo- II UmimI N nt Ii Ih hiT.'liy KlM'ii Hint In iiirsiiiinio ot mi nnlor nf tli llnnoriililn ('tins I. Hull. on nt I In jmliioH of tliilltrli t iniirt of l.miiiisti r imuili, I innili) on tlm lutli ilav of Mm, li'il, for tli snli-1 of tilt) ri-iil I'Mliiln In rein ile rilieil' lll lie uld nt tlienHHt ilnnr of tlio court limine In l.iiimwlt-r rnunt, NitiniHkii, nn tlie Tilli ilii) nf .In no, 1111. lit '.' o clink i in .ill M'lnlne to the lilKhi'Ht hlililer fur mill tlmfolliiHliiKiloHrrllnil iroiert. tnv.ll l.ol il la litoik 7 In the llrxt mlilltlun to the tnun nf I'lrth, l.niiuiMlir (uiinti, .Selirimkii, nulil mile Mill remain opun one liimr Si I MIS (' It IKK K, AiliiilnlHtratur uf theiNtntu ul Julin (Hi noii.ile Ot HNeil lit I'uiinil unit llnrr, atturne)H fur iicIiiiIiiIh. j t rut or llntetl Ma) 111, Is'H. noiici:. j Tlio nmni' nt tli Ih tnrpiirntlon nhnll bo th j Courier I'iiIiIIhIiIiik iihiimhu. '.' The irlnil nt plme of trmmni Unit Itn IiiihI dim ulinll lie In the rlt of l.lninln, Jiniimttr loiiutr, Htnte nf .St liriotkn. I '1 lie irt nernl initiirii of the luminous to lm triiiiKiictt il mIiiiII lie Hint uf iiulillnhliiK. clniilnt IiiK anil iniilntiiliiliiK a neninier 4. The mnuiuit of cniltiil ntock nutliurltfil ulinll lie $5,000, nil mitiHirltit'il unit fully pnlil up biture tliu tiinilni'liu'lili'lil uf liil'IneKH r '1 he riillllnt'llii ini'llt uf this cnrimrntloii vlnill lie on the tlrHt ilnv nf Mm, A I) , 1MH, nml runtlmie for n perloil nf one hmiilioil Mvirn iiiiKhh iilmiilriil l imitiinl luiifeiit of nil uf the Muik hulilers or li tine prui fits uf Inw I! 'I he tiluhu-t iiinnuiit uf linlelitiilnexH ur lln lillltv to Mhlili the liiiurpuriitlun in mil uiie time to Hiilije"! Imell hIiiiII nut ems it uiu lilt ti uf tlietiipltnl Ntui k pnlil 111 7 'I he iilllttTH nt this inrporntlun xhiill lie Iniiiril ot illnttors iuiihUIIiik ot nut Iiih thim thne int lulierH (Iiuhi'Ii Iruin nml In Hie dink l.oliliiH, ii prfaliltut, n hi t rt t nr.v nml trtmnirir nml n in nil inmimtir, to lio iluiin fruin th IneinliuiH ul the linnril uf illreilurx : lf m !i.k.U A i!7 : World's Fair Excursion Kates. tiii'v hi i,t, pmtMir M,i, i 'Ihemuat illtn't rnille U vln MAMMOTH TRUNK LI KNOWN AH I II U BEST LINE TO ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. Lincoln I runk Pactory. It IhIIumuiI.v llisl class lino in the oily, and all should buy your tlekoln o?er tlilH route TitinkM. Tiiivi'liiiK IIiikm, IMoiisiiiu ('iimoh, I'oeket MiioKh, DiohIiik Cimm, Hlmps, nml I'Neij thliiK IIihI-oIuhh lor IiiimIitm, U0RL)JfMH.C llMITCO J. I ., .t Sixsi: iT -itv-ii't" '? JJT"- Cwi. . 't r "V Host I)liiln: ('iirSci'vlci'ln llio World. TO THE WORLD'S FAIR , GREAT ROCK' ISLAND ROUTE ki-jom rn ii: wi:s'r. Retimnilier, thin Lino linn n Depot for nil trallin nt Enirlewooil (Niiluirbot ChlcnKui, oloso to tho worlil'a rnlr Unto. TAKE THE ROCK ISLAND T AND P A CH'CAR1 'tl Ol'l ll'l tit It I' Mdllltr, 1'rei.lileiit r. i: iiiiiiw n. itf 1'iex (' II IMIhil I .('iixhler lillll'ritlllS- It i:. Mnure. .1 II Mniffirlmnl, I! 11. tliunti, J W Iowmi, .1. .1 Imliotr. c i:. vnii k. A H Itllllliunil. .lutili I Itiuerulil, T. i; t'ntrtrt Llbofitl InloroHt. Al)olutu Soourlty. Inleri nt pnlil on Hnrlnus ipnlli nt thu ruin of I Ive per it nt n r Minimi. J UNION SAVINGS BANK 1 1 1 Hmil Ii Tout It SI tool , Lliioolii, Noli. ENTIRE CAPITAL INVESTED IN U. S. B0HD8. YOUR SAVINGS SOLICITED. m- Mtiit'i:. The inline uf thU luipnnitlun ulinll be tho W trnnkn Mute llimil '.'. 'I lie prlnclpnl pliioeiif trmiKnt tine Itn tiunl nexH Htmll he In thu tll.v uf Imiuilii, Liiiiimiter coiuitN, Nelirimkii : 'I ho Kent nil nature nt the ImlnimH to lit trmmniti'tl ulinll tie thai uf oipilpplni; nml uirilii tnlnliiK ii limnl mnl fiiriilnhuiK inuvlc nt public nml private iIiiIiikh I 1 he inn mill tot mill tnl hi ink mithorlziilnhitll tie llu thuliHiiml iluliiirH, ulikh hIiiiII lie nul rrllitil fur nt the tuimuemeuii lit of liintlnii'H mi J tm per rent ot h hit h xliiill In pnlil In before Hi toimnenii meat ot unlit liuliuni pnlil lu nl miili tliueH nml miller him ti t In uiimtiiiu oh id tin llouril of Uiu ctorit nun dirt it Ti 'I lin (iiiiiiiioihi iiirnt utllilB i in HHHllunliiil lie mi the tlret ilny of Mm, Il 1st I, mnl xlmll rniillniie fur ii pirluil ul tHenti.tlve i iith iiiiIoms iIInniiIiiiI It mill mil rotinint uf a iiuijurltj of the luik hulili t or by the pruci hm of Inw ft At mi lime nml ilinlrr no loinlltlnini ulinll thin rurpurntluu xulijut Itnilt nr littumu lluhl fur miy debt ur liability uf iinj nntiiro Mlmlna. nr. 7 The ultlii r of tlili inrpumtlon ulinll be n Uuinl uf lilrtemrs iiiiiIIIiik of nut leim tliun nieiulitiH fruui nml In the ituik kultlerii, u proKlileiit, ii vlitspreHlileut, n secretary mnl tmiMirtr n irinerul inmimrerall to lioclinm n from the mi uibi ri uf tho llumtl of Dlreitur nml n tmuU uiintfr. CAItIM) lOlt Till' (IHUlltKN. better oil than wero it beitiK litKKod from builditiK to liiilldiiiK, tliioiiKh thu sun shine, ami tho crowds. Tlio ladles whoso K'mil heat U prompted them to arratuo thu Children' builditiK do not want too much publicity Kiven to thin lmbj-chickiiiK (lopaitiaeat. In tho first place, tlio lapacity of tliolr nurhotios isnecessatiU limited. Tlioj do not expoi t to bo able to take in all thu babies who aro otlettd. Ilesidcs, they aro aftald of having too many Infants left oa tin lr hands. Homo of tho little folks who read thhi letter will bo mil piised to ieaia that tiiero nro fathots and niotheis -eea mothers in tho wotld who would lie Kind of Hitch an opportunity an this atlotdsto abandon tin tt babes into oo(l ami kind hands. At tlie l'atis exposition four ears (iko tlieto was hitch ii(lepaitmeat,atid ditr liiK thu humiaer sueral hundred babies w ero left on tho hands of thu nurses as un claimed Ihikkiikc. Of coursu tlm deserted waifs wuu heat to thu foundlings' homos Whilu this was thu experience i.i l'atis 1 do not beliuu it will bo imitated ia Chi ciiko Now ami then some poor mother niaj tako a tin t k for her baby and then ko awaj amltrj lu r ejosout ia soino hotel or oaaiailway tiaia mid necr letuta; bat hitcli cases will bu taru in Amerlia, 1 am sure. Tlio Children's btiililltiK Is sotaethliiK motothaaa aittsory and a play house. Thoro isaa ixliiliit hero of all tho things wlili h man's iiiKeliaity has deisnl to assist mothers in naiitiK their ihildrea, eduiatltiK them, picscnitiK thoii healtli Mnl uiakiuK them happj'. Of coutsuthe liuildiiiK iri aboMi all tlio homu of toys TIioiikIi the builditiK was duiilid oa onlj few moat'is iiko, as soon as tin plan was tiiimiiutul thu n-poiisis lanm in moat by a Kiilaxj' of tojs, dolls ami animals that ecu tho most scdato adult pauses to examine with lniali pleasitte. A pretty maiden in blue drives thu horse attached to Panta'a chariot, mid ti rial horso nt iiast thu HtalUd skin of what was oncti a praiicliiKHtud in old NureiaberK town it is, too. Ily tho sido of tho horsu is Carlo, tho IiIk doK, hukliiK only thu barking from ills rid mouth ami tlm wag of his bushy tali to iniiko htm perfect. This dis play is alwajs sarroutidid by a lnrKu Huong of folk's littlu mid big. Tlieru is heio n marvelous display of dolls. Tho (einiaus, thu ltaariaus. the l'tench und theSwissshowdolls that makii Kiown women wish they weto littlu girls again and caasu even men to pmisu and ailmlM) thu art and ingeuiiity employed in the matiafai tureof such perfect creatures Hut thu doll display which Is suru to tako Hist prize is tlio proilui t of American hands. It is in tlm Woman's building, wheru It was phiied by tlio New York ladies whosu deft hands fashioned it. This is perhaps thu most ptctentioiis and most successful otrort lniuli) in thu doll world. Tlio dolls aru nut so remarkable us tliolr costumes, for tho latter show tho dress nnd personal adornments of all tho people wiio hau holpul to make America what it is and of all epochs in thu country's: his torj'. It was a happy lib a and has been most cleverly eMiuted. First to attract attention, perhaps, is n Spanish seuorltu of thu timu of thu settlement of bt. Augus tine, Fla., the oldest town in Aineilwt. Shu is a beautiful senorlta, with fall skirt about a body which oao may readily iinngino to bu lithe and passionate, and a lino inantlo half concealing n piquant facu and a wealth of raven hair. Niarbyisa maiden attirul as maiden weio in the eatly dajs of New Kuglauil u prim littlu I'tiiitaa with a nioath mads for kissing that never was kissul, wo fiar. Shu is a splendid t j pu of that into of 1'ris cillas who fasciaatid oar early John Alliens ami Milis Stamlishes and who liavu left their mark on thu sturdy man hood and emnist woniniihood that have pioplul, not only New Knglnnil but lingo pints of New York, tho western leservo of Ohio, and all tho piairies mid Millejs of thu west. Tills 1'iiscilla weaiH a brown homespun gown, witli a whltu kerchief crossed oa her breast On her head is a bonnet or cap with sitings of black velvet Thero aro so many other beautiful doll figures hero that tho avetagu visitor flniU himself lingi ling by tlio hour to look tit tin in. Thu ptcttiist of all, many think, Is ii Now York In He of the jiar 17.10, when New York was n lnero v lliago at tin lower end of Manhattan island Hit u-turne, oddly enough, is notso far dilletent from thufashioiiablo apparel of mil own ilaj. Shu has a govv a of green silk, a long, far triuimed cloak, n blink Mlvit hat with nodding pliiuio and a great mull wluili hides her littlu doll hands, .Muih simpler but unite us culm ly is a iloinuio (Juaki less in a gray satin gntb with just a of coquetry in tlie bow under her chin. l'.very one stojis to adialio a n present a tiouofaladj of tlio court of ashlugton who is mi perfut and so statelj that she might bo l.adj Washiagtoa or Nilliu Curtis hersi If A pi tticoat of wliito satin, with long court train of white, brocaded in gold and bright colors, piarls nroiuul n slender throat and powdertd hair in (ails that ato loopul with piarls, make a plcturu of raio lovelluess, '1 his is a (omiuil looking little lndv in crinoline, a Dutch fraulein of tho inrlv da) s of New Amsterihim, an i xaot i op) el tho portiait of Mrs. William Hiikann who was the 1m. lio of New (tiarters of a nr.turj ago, and sivuil (ostutntsof tin present dnj Thowholi display Is uaiiiio ami beautiful i"l these things that I liavu tm ntlnind ft iiu bat a small putt of tlm exhibits whiih me of spidnl lilt i n st to our f rii ads and Iiimis the litllt. mia and woim a of ni"ilui. ltoiu 1,1 (iliVMb CI7C Sun, During IHH'I Til IS SUN will be of tuir i;issiiig cxiclliiuc, nml will print more news ami inoie pine litcraltnc than ever bclotc in its liistni y. dljo Sunbaij Sun is thcgicntcst newspaper in the world. I'riie, fie. n copy, hy mail, - .fliavcar. Daily, liy mail, ... C. avcar. Daily and Sunday, by mail, - f H a year. Address Tut' Sun, New York. Concise. Modern. Practical. Inexpensive. TH YOUTH'S CYCLOPAEDIA NOW IVIUI.V ill (WO llUgO OClllVO Mllllllll'S. I'li'pati'il I IV 11 CotpH of trni Iicih and I'lliieatioiial wi item expiess!) for use of pupils ami stiulonlH in pub lie ami pi ivnto soIiihiIh, Hoininiii Ioh nnd iioiuIoiiiIoh, CoHtlng but a Htiiall ftai tion of the pi lie of tlm lingo cjclnpiulliiH, it la leu tiliieH moio valuable for tlm parpone, lioi-itilso it ills. TeaeheiH 1110 ealhiisiastii in Hh ptatse, nuying it 1 tsatiotsl vvliioh Iiiih boon long and deeply felt, I 'or ngoiifs it is ti Imiiiiiiiii. No competition; no other book like It; n positive and uigotit ileiuaml for it. We have a system of oiinvnssitig the hcIiiniIh which uiHiiieH ijulok vvotkaml bigiestiltH Khsl agent took KM) oideiH in IO dajs, another baa taken oiileia for l!0!i setii ia 7 weeka, and hiijh " I have Hold hooka for tea yeatH and thin Ih tlm best seller I ever sti in k " IAC UAMT APCIITQ who will giveallthoit linn' and want tomnkeblmniiey. VlC II All I HUlIIIO U e give extta teiniH ami t-olusii ti'rrliory. TtMicli-rs and S(ihIoiiIn wlio want profltulilo ncittioii xvork hIioiiIiI write iih. For full infui niiiliun n'd tetina, inldieHH LAUREATE FUBLISHINO CO.. LnkcHlilo BuiliUno;, ChicnKo, 111. Free Excursion to THE WORLD'S FAR FREjgF OR A.LI. The COURIER'S Special Offer: FOR 25 NEW SUBSCRIBERS To the GAPITAIo CITY COURIER, we will issur FRISK of any cost whatever, a Round-trip Rail road Ticket, from Lincoln to Chicago and return, on any railroad, good for six months. This offer applies on new yearly subscriptions only. 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