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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1893)
OAPITAIa OITY OOUKIER. Ill 1 25 . W? v fA I w I hIiowImk llm Joining nml nuTerS o7 flie roof. In tint center of tlio rough floor Mood u lontf wooden tulilo already net lining in the linnet In 'itcotHo' thct tlmr plzen eritter'H bi to, nml thot Injun ehol lyirnK hez J'nt tin) oppoHito ellVet anil - -.-.-. . fur tlm nvimliiif iiikiiI. AfowiMMirtiriiitH. ' woulil I to weurin on uio nam, iso, " " . ' ' . . . ii.. coloring anil villain- ryiiiny, i in leeiiu Si-fruv CopvRiiHTE-iaDr-o.p""'"""-- PiiM mHEhRV. fPP CIA L ARRANGEMENT "WITH 'THEM' So naylng nlio put I ho pnddlo liehlml lior, anil with a dextcroim icveep of It ' turned tho iHiatV heml to tho nlnn. A I largo lint roelt In a tdieltored nook, nonr which several Htakes hud boon driven Into tlio river'H bod, wivh vIhIIiIo h hort , ilUtaiu'O nhoail, Tho expectant Aulua n noleinn nontlnol in tho hluulow of tho ' great Iwwldern that roso bohlnil ami nlxmt him -awaltod thoin with norvoiiH j iiiimtlonoe. It wan tho landing place. A fow ntrokcM of oar ami paihllo drought thorn thoro. Hruco Mopped forward with i tho ropo in hln hand ami fiiHtcnod tho ' Inrnt firmly, lint hardly had tho 1kv touched tho rtK'k when thooluintiy hound apriing into tho wow, and nftor gmitlng I IiIh inlHtroiii with uncouth euron.HOH ho gnn u joaloim iiiHpootlonof thoHtrutigor'H dog. Tho result wan apparently iiniuit isfnetory, forhouttorod a lowKrowl.and tho hair upon htn back and nock began to brintlo. "Down, AuIiihI" cried tho girl, tapping him wnartly with tho paddlo. "Aron't yon iiHhamod of yourBolf, ulr?" Tho hound milwidod and became ahjoct at onco. llruco had already taken a strap from bin pocket and after nocuring tho turkoyH legs toguthor thrown tho heavy birds ncroiw bin shoulder. Ho wan walling to assist her. Cynthia Htoppod, and quito unnffoctwdly handed him hi gun, which lio had for tho lnomeut ror gottou. Thoro wiih Hoinothing annuo titan in tho gesture. Tho gentleman re ceived it with grave- courtoHys then ho took tho plump llttlo hand which sho ox toudotl to him frankly, and sho leaped lightly upon tho rock, followed by her attendant dogs. It wiih as if Diana, tho huntress, wero returning from an uquat ia excursion. A steep, winding path, skirting rock ml bowldor, led to tho heights above. Tho uirl at onco took tho lead. calling to CHAl'THlt III. An old man with long gray hair and unkempt beard was seated on tho door stouoof tho ranch playing a violin. A tall, muscular young follow lounged against a neighboring live oak, listening and placidly smoking. I. out in tho ion doringof his dismal music, tho faco of tho performer was vacant ami rapt. Ills eyes had an uncertain wandering gleam, and ho bout his chin upon thoiustruiueut and hugged it closo to him with long nvvcop of his bow, iih though intent upon tho pursuit of sumo elusive melody that ho feared might escape him. His kuccv wero pressed close together, ami one foot rested on the other, the toes turned in ward, with a humorous suggestion tlmt his musical efforts wore demoralizing hU lower limbs. Near these erratic foot it monstrous river cattish, recently caught and thrown carelessly down, stretched its unwieldy length. Ho did not ceaso playing as Qyntldu and llruco approached, but quito uncon scious of their presence continued wak ing tho echoes of the gathering twilight with Ids fiendish muslo. His companion greeted tho girl with a friendly nod, ami ipiickly detaching himself from tho trve (stepped toward her. Tho movement brought tho fiddler to himself, who, still playing, turned his body half round. and as soon as his eyes rested upon the stranger stopped abruptly, the iustru mout giving an impatient quaver as tho bow fell away from the strings. Ho stared blankly at Cynthia, but said uoth lug. "Mr. Henry llruco, father, of tho Mos quito valley ranch," said his daughter, with a sudden blush. "He's lost his pony, fell in tho river and wants to know if you can take care of him over night." M liit olil tmili ul ti tinil itirtkltt litlil ilitiitti iiiu win itttiii nitiiru iiiiiii nun uwn ii her companion to follow her. There ' ms now ami llddlo upon the doorstone, was something in this friendly espionage! extended a heavy hand to lJruco, and that was stimulating to tho sportsman lie folt the inferiority of his sex un der circumstances where It should have been triumphant. At length, out of breath and quite exhausted with his hard climbing, he reached the olnvatcd plateau. Tho girl was awaiting hlin. As ho stepped out from tho dense friugi of pine ami hemlock that bordered tin river tho level rays of tho declining iuii at first dazzled him. It was like einerg ing from some twilight cloister into the open day. A vmall cotton field with shreds of the woolly crop still clinging to tho dry nml withered plants stretched before him in dull monotony. Deyoud it, amid n grovo of great pecan that formed a favorable barrier against uu welcomed northers, stood a small stone house, with its tall adobe chimney. Smoko was curling from tho latter, bringing with it suggestions of comfort tlint npiwaled to tho wayfarer. Tho sun was going down a great globo of tiro behind tho low hills to the west. There wero tho clanging of stock bolls upon tho jPlr, tho bleating of sheep ami other sounds which, albeit unmelodious in thomselves, are not without their com pensations upon tho frontier. The youn inau turned to Cynthia. She was seated on a fallen treo en gaged in loosening an antelope which sho had totherod to one of tho branches be fore descending tho cliff, Tho fawn, rec ognizing an addition to tho party in tint ranohman s dog, was timid and wary. Sho finally succeeded in reassuring it somewhat, and with her pot tripping daintily on before and tugging at tut confining rojH) proceeded. Her compau ion quietly took his placo at her side. "Something of a scramble, wasn't it?" Cynthia inquired, glancing at him slyly from under her drooping lashes, not without a feminine appreciation of his splendid height. Bruce acquiesced, shifting his gun from his burdened shoulder to a more comfort able position. Sho regarded him a mo ment critically. "You're feolln pretty well tuckered now, ain't you'd" she finally said as the result of this inspection. Tho young man met this direct query with tho customary untruth of suffering uftuihood under similar circumstances. "Landl" said Cynthia, waving a dimin utive hand in protest. "Thot climb isn't a circumstance. 1 can tako you to 100 worso places than thot right hero on this river." "Not with these turkeys ou my back if 1 know it," he remonstrated. Tho girl laughed at tho suggestion. They had passed through a thorny chaparral and werocloso upon tho ranch. Tlio sound of a violin, ou which was be ing played a lugubrious air, at times bursting into sudden erratic strains, with fitful minors and jarring discords, plain ly reached them. Tho effect was weird and indescribable "Aro you married?" Cynthia inquired ' abruptly, stopping short in tho way and leveling her blue eyes full upou him with steadfast scrutiny. Tho uuoxjiectednesa of this inquiry was too much for tho sportsman. He throw back his head and shouted his musemout. Tho girl api eared relieved at tho action. "I reckon you ain't," sho Bald nt length. "You couldn't laugh liko thot, I B'poso, if you wero. Father says that tuno bo's n-playin is 'Married" Life.' 1 think it's dreadful. It's ouo of his own, and he says it's tho result of oxporionco. I thought perhaps I'd better give you waruin. Come in now, and I'll make you acquainted." She lifted tho latch of a rudo gate, and together they passed into the ranch in closure. after closing upou the hitter's fingers uml lifting his arm as if it had been a pump hand to restored them tohlmatriili maimed and without uttering a word. The saino formality was thon gone tlirough with tlio younger individual, whom Cynthia addressed as Buck .Tor rold. This gentleman managed to ejac ulate "Howdy?" In n tone as mechanical as tho provious gesture. Meanwhile old Dallas had straightened out his legs, crossed them, and with hit hands elapsed over his knees was gnzinii up into his guest's face with a puzzleJ gravity that begun to be embarrassing. "Who bo ye?" ho finally said, with n doubtful look, putting his hand to hit ear. as if ho wero listening from a re mote locality "Vhar did yo say y kern from?" I llruco wns about to reply when Cyn-1 thin interposed and repeated her pre vious remark more emphatically, "lle't ' boon playin, yo seo; ho gets so far ovei yonder thot it takes him a long time tc get back," sho explained. "lleen In tho river and lost hit horsol" tho elder Dallas finally ejacu lated slowly, as if a light was breakinp in upon him. Then ho rubbed his hamh togother ami chuckled softly to himself, turning his head to one side and closing his eyes ns if there was something very amusing in tho recollection. "Waal, waall Ef thisyer statoain't get tin swnmped with tendorfoots my nam ain't Alcidesl Lost his boss let it walk off and leavo hinil" ho repeated, chuck ling ngain. "Yo might build up a bust in tiro in that thar grate, Duck, and thaw i him out, I reckon," pointing to tho open hearth within. "Ye kin do that much." j llruco, who had listened to tho coin- J montary of the older Dallas upon his' mishap with outward imperturbability, but inward impatience, hereupon at tempted to say something in his own de fense, when Cynthia broke in: "Prott " near as bad n caso, father, ns when oid Julo wont off nml left you down nt tho 'llvo oak water holo,' the time you got down to doctor thot old i ewe that was snako bit, aren't it?" shu commented. "It's gottln dark," nald tho old man, i rising nbruptly and with a sudden crack-' ing of his rheumatic joints "it's gottin dark, and I reckon wo hotter go in," Ho stooped and made n feeble clutch for his relinquished fiddle, but his halting kmxM wero uuequnl to tlio effort, and .Terrold handed it to him. no turned ou the doorstop nml picked a noto or two with absent eyes and a wandering hand. "Thoro nin't but two bedrooms in the house outsidothosottin room, and them's occupied," ho said vaguely, as if to the remoto landscapo, punctuating his dis course with nervous strumming of the Instrument. "Yo'll hov to 'innko down' with Duck and mo on tho floor aforo the flro Ez for dry clothes, tho only oxtrys on hand at this ranch ia n buffalo robe and n ynllor 'slicker' yo kin tako yer ch'ico. P'raps, ez it is, and thar Isung a corner in dry goods outsido o' woman's duds nml flxin's, yo bettor let thorn clothes o' yourn dry on yo nnd hot up from the insido. Yo look stout, and I'll allow yo kin stand it. Cynthy, whar's thot ryo whisky tho shoriff gin mo over nt tho 'barliecuo' last week? Yo might bring it out and start your fr'end onto it. Iluck, go to tho woodpilo nnd fetch nn nruifiu of wood." So saying nnd without pausing for n roply ho at onco led tho way within, followed by Bruco nnd Cynthln. A wood flro mimed upon the nmplo hearth, tho leaping flames roaring and crackling up tho great chimnoy and lighting up tho dim interior with fantastic piny of light and shadow. Tho room was bare and rocklos-dy lavish in coloring ously out of drawing, hung upon tho walls. A door at tho opposite end of tho room gave upon tho neighboring kitchen. Thoneo proceeded tho rattle of cooking utensils and a savory steam that ap pealed to the fatigued and hungry sportsman. A fow minutes later Cyn thia appeared, accompanied by an old i negress, tiirbaned and of middle ago, i who carried a largo brown jug ami a couple of glasses. This was tho ebony i Amelia, tho presiding genius of tho mys terious and appetizing realm sho had just quitted. , Sho handed a tumbler to llruco as ho ' stood with his back to tho blazing hearth exhaling a cloud of steam in his efforts to net upon the old man's advice, and throwing the jug over tho hollow of her elbow by u dexterous movement of a black forefinger slipped through the han dle stood ready to administer tho liquid refreshment. "Say 'whon.'sahr she directed, tilting the liquor at a rapid gate into tho prof fered glass. "Whom" said llruco hastily, glancing at Cynthia over his half filled tumbler. "Sho!" laughed the obony Amelia, chuckling nnd favoring the young man with a dazzling dental display in her amusement. "I)at ain't a 'marker' fo' a young chap wot's jes' bo'n baptized I Heah, boss!" turning to old Dallas, who had boon silently regarding Bruce and ills protestations against her generosity, "show this goinnmn wot you 'lows to bo do ubcrngo Texas 'rojubenator.' Doy am no honVity oil do artlclol" Alcldes Dallas stole n quick glance at Cynthia as sho sat between the two dogs dozing in tho corner of the hearthstone, with ono arm around the prostrate Au las uml her eyes gazing into tho blazing grate. Thon ho stumped eagerly for ward. "My shoulder belli a lectio bad today whar 1 was throwed last spring at tho 'roundups,'" ho remarked apologetic ally, his eyes still iiikiu tho silent Cyn thia, "and thot old centyjH'do bito of five . year ago still a-goln fur mo nt times nnd contributln to make life a weariness of the llesh, I reckon a small snifter taken under sich dopros-dn sarounistances might operate as a blossiu in disguise." Ho paused after tills lengthy explana tion, put his tonguo in his cheek and looked warily around. Thoro was a I dead silence. Mr. Buck Jerrold, who had just entered stooping under n heavy load of wood, cast down his burden upou tho blazing health amid a shower of sparks, nml leaning against tho chimnoy 1 pieco grinned incredulously us ho listened to the old man's catalogue of his infirm ities. Cynthia sat still between tho dogi i and said nothing. I "It's powerful slng'lar, Al," remarked I Mr. Jerrold slowly, rubbing ids bearded chin ami pursing his lips, "how long it do tako, natch'aily, to git thot thar cent y pedo plzen out'u a man's unfortunet sys tem when wunst he's bo'n bit. You don't seem to hov no kind o' success, al though you've bo'n pickliu yo'se'f off ami on for it nigh onto five years. Thar's Jed Smalloy, who allows thethogotout sido o a clean gallon o' Jim Wlly's rat plzen thot time besot down on oiioduriu shoarin, an although Unit's 10 years ago, an he's signed tho pledge seuco then, ho nllows there's days now when the old symptoms gets ahead o him, an he's obliged to hobblo his roiwicnco an tako a drink or go clean crazy." I'oun-li iibiti-! j better a'readv, sis, and I don't know ez I owe my Inside any parlieklor grudge to bo dopresMn it to thot extent." Ho turned his back abruptly upon hU daughter nml her solicitations, ami swinging louml in tho wooden chair ou which ho sat crossed his legs ami gazed fixedly Into tho blazing coals with an expression upon his withered face from which there was no npioal. Thus tcpulscil in her ellorts to c . . .....! . t. .. 1...1I I ... 1... ,1... lerill'l Wlllll Sim i'iierii in iiu 11111111111-. gerons tendencies of liquor, Cynthiaj mado ono more appeal. "But you know, father, Dr. Stethy scope prescribed this for you whenever you wero feolin blue ami out of spirits," sho pleaded, a pretty trouble gathering in her anxious brows. "Dr. Htothyscopo is a crank and a cussed fool!" letiirned tho elder Dallas shaiply, still with averted back. "I kin run my own insido without any advice from him, I reckon. Wot's more," ho added, with a grin that disclosed a fow lonely and discolored teeth In Ids upior jaw, "jest at present I'm not out of sper rlts." Ho glanced nt Mr. Buck Jerrold loan ing against tho chiinnoypieco anil winked iioldly, as if to clinch the suggestion. Cynthia, heaving another little sigh, poured tho contents of the tablespoon back into the bottle ami replaced it in tho cupboard with an air of resignation. She then returned to her seat in tho cor ner of the hearth between tho sleeping dogs. Meanwhile Amelia had crossed tht room to a point near tho lounging Mr. Jerrold and stood listening seriously to tho dialogue between father and daugh ter before proffering hor services to him. Sho now iierformcd the same gymnastic feat with tho jug and extended tho old man's empty tumbler. "I hain't no use for It," replied Mr. Jerrold listlessly, not changing his at titude, but permitting his largo gray eyes to wander in the direction of Cyn thia. "Never havln bo'n bit yet and belli favored with a right smart appetite uml good works gin'rally, 1 kin jest natch'aily run myself satisfactory with out reg'larly flrin up tho machinery. Now and then in a matter of business, of a man don't como to Hum over a mt trade or swappin cattle when the facts don't, so to speak, keep tally with tlu nrgymcuts, liquor is well enough to bring conviction. It's n powerful ex horter and convincer of tho jedginent, but for ordinary daily livin and dyin 1 poNTINHHI NKVT HH.k , XDcstem Hormal COLLEGE Tho School for tho Mnssos. :: LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. AN OLD SCHOOL IN A NEW LOCATION (FORMERLY OF SHENANDOAH, IOWA). 25 DEPARTMENTS. 35 TEACHERS. Ilniitllnl, tii'iiltliy locution, :o ncro rnmpix, electric utreet our linn runs dlrectlr to rnnipua with, lint rlimiKH. $.'V),U0 In liulldliiK", nplenilM eiiilimentn, nuperlnr necom imxliit ltm. ntronK faculty, iperlanrtM tiinniiKiMiieiit, rniiipri'hetialvii i iirrlciilnin, thoruimli work, lilgli murnl nml Christina In fluence! mill low vipttimen fur ntuilentn. I IIIIPAItTMIINTH AND COUIIHKH. Wb hnTii i 28 cntiren. Our Mnnle. I'lnn Art. Pen Art, Detinrt.-, r.liicntlonary Cohnmm nml KlnJ.r Knrton nni! Model 1 mining HcIiohIh (for Imih children nml Htmlent U-ncheril are nut euunled In the V est. i stiu:i:t cah tuannpiiiis to nny pnrt of the clt.T for fill who uttend tlm Western Normal. Just such clnsses us you ili-slm. Write, or mil nml see us. Hprlmtterm opens April II, IM1, nml rontlnti s lo weeks. Hummer term nnens Juns SO. 18'J1. ml continues M weeks. oil enn enter nt nny time, however. CntntiiKUes nml Circulars Free. ' Address, WESTERN NORMAL COLLEGE, LINCOLN, NEB. Ton enn nter nt nnj time nnd find WB. M. OBOAH, Frtsldtnt, or W, J. KINSLEY, Bo'y and Treat. SPECIAL SALE. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY, OF IT MADE HIM GLAD. Win Blue and White Granite Ware 1SB5$ 'raSlffl KiMai im rABLAir"1 MMaHaMfri I n7" LVbk Tftn fLLi I LLVLtiAJ Ti rk 1 jjufcinWi t "And fictoM roifijinic ltltc of jlrc ycir (iijiiotill (i-iolajur meat time " Tho old man turned, with his glins in his hand, and pasted doubtfully at Buck Jerrold, as if to fathom tlio (sincerity of hit remarUri. "Tliot'n bo," ho said gravely. "Thar's them ez believes yo never kin pit over itt Tliar's them ez thinks it's jest llyin in tho faco of Providenco to over sign tho riledgo nrter yo'vo onco bo'n bit. The train of infirmities nnd worryment thet an ablebodied centypedu kin lot loose furevermoro on an unfortunet critter's distracted insido is too harrowin fur ar gymint." But hero tho humor of his reflections infected oven his own bemilchrnl grav ity, ami tho corners of his mouth twitched; ho turned his back on Cyn thln, normittcd Amelia to till his glass to tho brim, nnd covering it with his wholo hand bo that tho amount of his indulgeuco was concealed from his audi ence tossed tho draft off with surprising facility. Ho returned to his seat ajumr ently rofreshed. Cynthia roso at onco with a sigh, nnd repairing to tho closet returned with a largo tablespoon and an ominous looking bottle. "Now, father," bIio said, standing bo foro him nnd looking anxiously into ids faco, "it's time to tako tho 'counter irri tant Ef your Blioulder is plaguin you again tonight, you want your doso. I B'poso it tastes aliout as bad as it smolls, but it's only a minute, you know, nnd it's all over, and thon wo won't hear any more about 'huilerin Immunity' tho rest of tho evening." Sho iourcd out a tablespoonful of the mi.xturo nnd held it toward him coax Ingly. "Go 'long, now, Cynthy!" ojaculnted tho old man, waving his medieinal favor aside. "Yo don't reckon I wnnter mix two kinds o' medicine to onct, do yer? Thar ain't no seuso in sech work ez thet I scantily furnished; tho coiling jienkod, I Wot 1 jes' tool; is kalkerlnted to fortify flir (In-ikt HuriirUu ? it Itriimmur si i iij iiu iiiimi. Down on tlu east coast at a co.y little. liiMclry uhote halls are tilled up with INli ItiK poles and corners with guns, and which has every other charactcrlstiu of hclug n iportumii'H club, they play poker very pe cullatly. The other night an exceedingly exciting game was going ou. Tho plajer.s were uiot'.tly old gentlemen who opened it luck pot ou a pair of jacks and stood a limit raise with all the reckless abandon of younn bloods with millions. The limit, by tho way. wasa red chip, and the auto was a white chip. Tliey didn't pay nny money for them until tho game win over it wits a gentleman's game hut for ever red chip puicli.ised the banker mado memorandum of $11) and likewise a memo landuiu of SI for a whitochlp. A tenderfoot drummer hail Just arrived at the hotel that night, and ho ntrollcil into thu green room and looked on at the game for some time. "What a plcnlol" Kild lie to a neighbor ing spectator. "Pel haps some of jou gentlemen would like to conic in maki' It Interesting. Tha more the merrier," suggested ono of tha plajers, an old gentleman liroued and fringed after tho style of tho lono fisher man. "Why, yes," said tho fat drummer from the east, "if tho other gentlemen do not ob ject." They made way for him, and ho took a scat, drew out his pockethook, and draw ing out a crisp $00 hill nuked for ?."0 In chips. "Oh, that's all right," said tho banker. 'Haven't got any change. Pay up after thu game. Hero's your chips." A few hands passed without nny remark able sensation. Then came a jackpot. It was thu drummer's deal. lie looked at his cards nnd found two ares and a pilr of threes The next man to him passed, and the next inau opened it for a big red chip. "It's opened; 10," said he. Kvcrylmdy staid. Tho drummer raised It a red chip. The opener saw it a red and raised it ditto. Thu drummer staid. 'Goshl" said hu to himself, "but they have got nerve." The opener drew two cards, tho others three and the drummer one. Ho "squeezed," and, lol there was an ace full. "What a plenicl" ho remarked again ai tie assumed a bobtail Hush smile. Tho opening man bet a nil check. Tho drummer had a red cheek and a whit check in front of him. Iiu saw thu red I check and raised it llv. Tho opening man ' the lone fisherman saw tho ti and raised it 10 All thu others dropped out. "But," said thu drummer, "I'll havoto allow down for the outside." . "Oh, no, not Inning anything la front makes no dilTerenee. Huysoinu moro and I , but." I I Thu drummer was delighted. Ills nca ' full wns invincible, lie bought 50 mora. "1 ralsu you 310," said hu. "Ten better." "And ten better than you." 'Ten better." ' "Ten more." "Well. I'll call It," said the old man with tho fisherman's whisker. "I'vu got two pair, sixes up and sixes down." Thu cold perspiration poured out on tha drummer's brow. "Great Scott! and I'vu an acu full," said hu. with a voice almost sulTocated with w oe. Hu had changed his mind about havinu a picnic anil wasroutemplatliig how lie could pay Ills poker debt, his board bill and get to t lie next station ou a $100 bill and 1 be sides Well, that's enough for me," and he handed over his $100 bill to tho banker with a 'That's what 1 owu you." "Oh, no," said thu banker, "wo cash up tot 1 per cent," and a great throb of glad ucss suffused thu entire anatomy of the fat drummer from tho clTctu east, while the other players caught on and laughed r. tremendous roar Of course tho drummer staid in thu game. Florida Timea-Uulou. EVERY PIECE WARRANTED. WE HAVE FIFTY CASES, ALL THE NEW THINGS IN COOKING UTENSILS. JSgrRiMnoinlH'r this special sale will last for Wkkk Only Come early while stock is complete. Budge & Morris Co., (s Leading Hardware and Furniture House in citv. ICE CREAM PARLORS Are Now Open and wo are Serving the Purest and Most Delicious Ice Cream in the City. A bis KINDS OF GAKES TO ORDER We make a Specialty of Family Orders and will promptly deliver all Supplies at Reasonable l'riccs. WILLIAM MACFARLANE, Proprietor, Telephone 457. MoBrlde Block, COR 12TH AND P STS. TELEPHONE 258- Y .Tine JAMES H. O'NEILL, Plumbing, STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING. and F.lertiu' liMutcs. Agent 'or t M'l'IOl III-.VI I.KS M) OMIUNA I K)N ami HOI TON HOT WATKR CAS MAC II INKS. -125 NORTH NINTH STREET. Found it at Last. JUST THE BOOK I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR And pYirnl Oinuitiuil utlmru. I mlvlse nil nlin wuuli! anvv tlinato RO nt once to H. W. BROWN'S.. 126 south nth st. gEWING machine giEMBMQ i We httTiiit employed ikllllul workman Irum the Eaet, bo Ii lulljr computent to make all I repalra In the auovo llnee. T.J.THORPE A. CO., ' South Elerenth Sf