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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1893)
OA PITA La CITY GOURIHR. $$l POPULATION OP LINCOLN PROTECT YOUR FURS FURS a, iid FUR GOODS STORED FOR THE SUMMER 1 mured niul gunruutcod iiKiiliiNt tiro, thott niul mothi. For tonus mid fur ther nnrtloulnrH, onll on J. E. VOELKER, PRACTICAL FURRIER, Y. M. O. A. milTjlUNG. m WSmttfrrfi - WXwES ffll&31 offJfKsasfg FbundTirtt -2.namacsK r x3tvxs rzmKrvrs-: wH-pp tfsMg d. tfO Corner I Oth and P 8troets. Am now ftlmnlug n lnr Unit of NEW SUMMER GOODS In t'Torjr ilrpitrtinitnt. DItKSS GOODS, LTNKNS, UNDKUWKAU, HOSIERY. KID GLOVES nml KIMJ0N8 n Rpoolnlty. Agents for Iliittoriak'n Fnttornn. H. R. Nissley & Co. 'I ho (!iiiirlt-r Cun lli Pouiiil At 1 lotol Lincoln Sown Htnml. Wlmlnor Hotel Nt'K Htnml. Cnpllnl llotol Niinn Htnml. llnl llnilo ClKnr Htorn, lO.'O O 8U IM. Ynwifr, 1'.'07 I) Ht. Clnunn, rilchir A Co., MM () Ht, Monro'. New. Htnml, UN Houltl Uth flt, CoUMiil Olllro. 1134 O Ht. CiiMiio Clmir Htori, l&tli nml l) Hi SPRING STYLE Iff NOW IN. W.R. DENNIS & CO., 'i i i-n-n-i,i-Wtf"Whirw.j 1137 0 Street. On the Bid. Cowlo, undertaker, Fuuko, 110 S. 12th. Lincoln Fratno and Art Co., 225 S. 11th. Tlio host trudo iiso White Lonf Flour. Cuuou City ooixl ut tho Whltobroust Coul and Lluio Co. Dnvid P. Sims, dentist, rooms 42 mid 43, Burr Block. Try (OOll. Mrs. MoFurlnnd, professional nurso, 131 South Elovonth stroot. Two i'(lillns to occur In tin llrnt inn I of . I line lire looked forward I o with InleieMl. One. to I like ilnco In the i inetropollM, Mill unlle tun iroiiiinent fiililllles III lilneidll uiul Onnillii, the ' Int (ki- cllvuhlinroiieof Its must eliiinii liiK ilmiKhlcis tn iiuo of Uiii'oIu'h best known mid most ioiiilur youiiK men. Tho other wimMIiilt which will occur n little Inter will Imiul together two Noiiiik people who for hoiiio yciiiH past liuvo heeti actively lilentllleil with the social life or the city. Tho latter will lie u clnircli weddliiK, and It In under stood that a lnrn niimher of itiiita (Ions will ho Issued. There are rumors of other matrimo nial ovciiIh to occur lu .lime, mid It In possible that there may ho moiiio mir pi Ises, The outliik' Hciisdii In now at hiinil, anil after one or two Indoor enteitiiln nionlH hooii to occur, Hoclely wlllillvert Itself with the usual summer pastimes. Of coiii-ho every body Is KoliiK to tho world' fair; but those peoplewho have not already decided to defer their I 'hlcak'o trip until Heptember will, for tho most pint, visit the exhibition sometime durliiK the coining month. Very few persons, comparatively, luivo thus far iiiiide any preparations for Niimmer expeditions toeasteru resorts, and It iHiiiobable that the majority of people will boat home duriiiK .Inly and UKUst. So that unusual spirit In summer eutertalumimtH is looked for. It has often been remarked that while many of Lincoln's residences have Kiotinds admirably adapted for lawn fetes, there mo very few of these popu lar eiiteitalumeiits. Perhaps there will be an Improvement lu this respect this summer. Concilium was much en- Joyed nisi season, nun u is sun suiuiii entlyuew to bo a novelty. Conse quimtly coaohliiK parties are sure to bo popular. The two parks, Lincoln with lis natural beauty mid many at tractions; t'lisliiiuin, Hccliided mid on that account exclusive, and Iturliimlon beach, more attractive this year than ever, are pleasant objective points for drives and picnic parties, ami those people whoaro fond of out door life will, no doubt, nlvo these resorts liberal pat roiuiKO. lu tho city the now Sanitarium will attract many people, and tho social swims are destined to bo popular throughout the summer. Every year nutliu,' parties have gone to Crete, Mllford, and other near by places, and there W'tulkof similar par ties this season. There Is somo Ukll hood that Hot SpriiiKsnnil Spirit Lake may bo Invaded by select companies of Lincoln pleasure seekers. lu home manner Lincoln people will enjoy themselves. They always do. The stay-atdiomes uro looking forward with some coulldenco to mi intoroKtiui; summer. A Ni:V MR'I.VI. DIVKItSlON. Within the past few weeks a brand new social diversion has sprung into popularity lu Lincoln. To bo in the swim has always been u highly desideratum. Through the ell'orts of .Mr. A. l Zlomor and Dr. M. 11. Everett and other Kent lemon interested, this phrase has been given n new inclining. and society people are now in tho swim literally speaking When the elegant sanitarium of the Sulpho-aallue Itutli tho patron of American celebrities, ami of having Issued pusses to (juoeii Vic toria and William IC. (Hailstone, .lust now tlio noted Nebiaskan's wild west show, which, by tho way, ho never ex hlbits to the people of his own state, is a noisy annex to the world's fair, and thus far the enterprisiiiK proprietor has made a gloat deal more money mid had fewer lows than tho iieopln who iu running the liig fair. Incidentally tho colonel delights lu hrlngliig into play that polish, which, with several iiuuilred tiioiisand dollars, ho very cleverly secured in London in company with the Prince. Although u Xebras kan Col. Cody Is an aristocrat, and while he Is never happier than when onteitalniiig, tho people who are per mitted to bask In the sunlight of his smiles and become benellclarles of his free pass bestowing liberality, must needs possess one of two qualifications pedigree or prominence (both pre ferred I. Last Saturday afternoon a very nay coaching party left the Grout Northern hotel, Chicago, bound for the wild west show, lu the coach were seated .Mr. and .Mrs. John W. Mackay, Mr. iM. II. Do Young, of the Han Fran cisco Chronicle, anil Mrs. Do Young, Mr. and Mrs dohu M. Thurston, "and other friends." The party was driven by Col. Cody, who managed tho six lively horses in n manner that excited general admiration. A few days pre vlotis ho entertained u very distin guished party in his tout at the wild west camp, liicludliiK Ills Highness, l'rlnco Isenburi: llersteln, l'rlnco Ito laud llouaparte, Itaronde Hesse War tegg, Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Clint Hold-Taylor, Miss Pullman, Mrs. and Miss Harncs, Miss Peek and others. A IT.MVKIlStrV OATIimtlNU. Mrs. Fi 11 Lounhrlilk'o was tho host ess at one of the most enjoyable social KiitliorliiKH 1 university circles this season, at her home, 1 1 IK S street, Wednesday oveiilm,'. Thopnrtywas in honor of Mr. X. II. llarr, a member of tho Ki'iiduntiiiK class of tho university, lie was presented with a beautifully bound volume of Webster's dictionary as a token of esteem by his classmates, A delightful musical programme was rendered, and very tempting refresh mouts were served by Mrs. LouKhrldk'o, mid all those pieseut had a most en joyable time. The Kiiests were: Misses llessle Merrlt, iMinnie Laud, Alice Cleaver, Klla MoCrasky, Ella Aura, Klvii Dempster, Mabel Dempster, .1. Hello l''orliu, May Hopper, Kmiiin House, Myrtle Wheeler, Nettle Wheel er, Mattie l',l.vnii,.Iciiuie llarber, Hattie Harbor, Fettle llarr, Lou llarr, Flor ence Hulk, Stella LouKhrlil'o, Julia LoiikIii'IiIkc, Libblo llamuiond, Nettie llammouil, Miss Flynu, Kose Itouton, Miss Wert and Miss Hruner; Messrs. D. A. Lamer. 11. A. Genter, .lohn Mars hall, jr., G. N. Whaley, II. A. Lvinan, II. Larson, Walter Morrow, I). A. Thomas, W. II. lthodes, A. II. Quaint mice, A. Moody. E. N. Corilln. W. A. Uichards, S. F. Robertson, R. Wilder, E. M. Pollard and Prof. Fullmer. i:xti:utaini:i) ins hcndav school class. Rev. C. E. Hradt, assisted by Mrs. Ilnidt, entertained the meiubers of his Sunday school class, composed of about tlfty .voiiiik men and women, at his homo in East Lincoln, on Friday Monday and Tuesday MR. LEON MEYERS Will personally superintend the Introductory Sale of his Celebrated Perfumes company, at the corner of Fourteenth MjKi,t. The evening was passed with Club House cotroe, none so Miller Jt Gltford. Mrs, II. IL Domnrost, Hair Droaslnpr and Manicuring, rooms 101-102, 1018 0 street. K. 0. Baking Powdor, 25 ounces for 25 cents. Absolutely pure. Havo you tried UT B. P, Rongan has exolufilvo salo of "Exoolslor Patont" Dakota Hour. Tlio best In tho city. Wantod Every lady In tho city to try Reagan's "Exoolslor Patont" flour. Evory saok warranted. Everything new at 235 South Elev enth stroot Wo try our bost to ploaso iu quality and In prico. Full lino of artist's materials at Lin coln Framo and Art company's, 220 South Elovonth stroot All ordors via tolophons 898 will reach W. A. Collin A Co. and rocolvo prompt and careful attontlon. If you want tho bost flour in tho city buy tho Exoolslor patont of B. F. Roa gan, 235 South Elovonth stroot Mrs. H. H. Domarost, lato of Chicago, hair drossorand manloutlst 1518 0 street. Tako olovator, room 101-102. Framos, framos, framos, of ovory description at Lincoln Framo and Art company's, 220 South Elovonth btroet In Mrs. Gospor's hair goods depart ment you will find all the latost head adornments. Hair dressing by compe tent artists. It will pay you to call at tho now grocory, 235 South Elovonth stroot for all flrst-olass goods. Fruit and vogo tables, In season. Miss Bortha Snydor, stonographor and typowrlter. Corrospondonco, law work, and all kluds of shorthand work promptly and noatly oxocutod. 1131 0 street Tolephone 253. mid M. streets, was llrst opened it was announced that tho great plunge which at all other times is open to the public would be reserved on .Monday ami Thursday evenings for ladles and gen tlemen holding special tickets, the intention being to make these semi weekly events private liiehnractor.only those persons known to tho maiiiige inent being admitted. Oueof tlierules governing these "social swims" is that gentlemen are not admitted unless ac companied by a lady. Tho result of these precautious has been to make tho Monday and Thursday evening swims exceedingly popular. The plunge, 11250 feet, is one of the llnest in the country and the luxurious fur nishings mid equipment of the sanitar ium make bathing a most pleasant diversion, ami the social swims have now become the tiling. Monday eve ning, notwithstanding the disagreeable weather, a largo number of people were present and availed themselves of the advantages of tho plunge. Among those noticed were: Messrs. mid Mes danies C. O. Whedon, W. J. Marshall, C. S. Llppincott, .1. A. Huckstali, C. T. Brown, P. O. Hedluiul, C. C. Burr, A. G. Scott,.!. Henry Smith, Misses Mamie Carson, Rose Carson, Buckstatl', Leila Shears, Bertie Burr mid Messrs. Aiulri ano, Keating and Selt.or. There was also a large attendance Thursday eve ning. COL. CODY DOKS TIIK IIONOHS. The Honorablo William F. Cody, of North Platte, once a member of the Nebraska legislature, now a member of Governor Crounso's stati, with tho rank of colonel, noted as a crack shot and famed for other things not neces sary to name at tills time, known all over the world as Dutiiilo Bill, mid envied as the owner of that portable mint, the "wild west show," has ever manifested a predilection for royalty and persons of distinction, and the col onel enjoys the proud honor of having on more than one occasion wept tears of joy on tho expansive breast of Ills Royal Highness, tlio Prince of Wales, entertainments of various kinds mid delicious refreshments wore served at 10:!U). At tho close of the evening n Hash picture was taken of the group of happy young people. Tlioclass includes Missis Lillian Trester, Dena Loomls, Merle Hollowell, Alice Wallace, Clara Winch, BessloTuttle, HessloMlllmiino, Llda Mann, Gertrude Marslanil, Miss Slade, Mattie Devln, Delia Carpenter, Grace Wont horby, Edith Riser, Stella Pike, Eva Phelps, Miss Roberts, Lottie Dovln, Miss Hailoway, Kittle Cameron, Marion Housoworth, Frances Dun combe, Bertha Law, MabloTuttlo.Miss Howinan, Halo Hradt, Lena Gregg, Miss Seyboldt, Daisy Chillier, Georgio Devln, Maggie RobeVtson, Alice Camp bell and Ania Sharp; Messrs. Ralph .lohiisou, George Nightengale, Edward Mlllinane, Will Clark. Charles Clark, .lames Montgomery, E. W. Smith, 11. II. Glass and George Snyder. SOC1KTV M)Ti:S. Mrs. A. S. Raymond entertained at dinner on Wednesday, a few relatives Including Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Davison, of Dos Moines, Iowa; Mr. mid Mrs. Travis, of Weeping Water; -Mr. and Mrs. H. 11. Halrd, of Wymore, and their children; Captain and Mrs.C. X. Halrd mid Miss Margaret Hnird. "Enlisted for the War," was given ha the clinpol of the Lincoln Normal uni versity by the L. X. U. Dramatic com pany. Mr. and Mrs. William Blessing havo arrived in Lincoln from Harrisburg, Pa., and will remain to witness tlio marriage of their niece, Miss Edna Martin, to Mr. J. P. Fishburn, to occur May 31st. Miss Minnie E. McDonald and Mr. Harry C. Marrinor were united lu mar riage Wodnosday evening, at tho Holy Trinity church; Tlov. John Howitt of ficiating. Cliancollor Cantlold entertained tho senior classes of tlio university, in all about 150, at his residence one S street, Saturday ovenlng. 1 Oz. Best Triple Extract, 2 Oz. Best Triple Extract, . 8 Oz. Florida Water, 8 Oz. Bay Rum Satchet Powder, .... Atomizers 25 15 cents a Bottle. 25 cents a Bottle. 25 cents a Bottle. 25 cents a Bottle. 5 cents a Package. 25 cents each. HERPOLSHEIMER & CO. READY FOR ENGAGEMENTS. The Nebraska State Band H. T. IRVINE, Director. FINESTMUSICAL ORGANIZATION IN THE WEST. HANDSOMEST I'XIFOItMKI) HAND IX AMERICA. The Nebraska State Band, organized and incorporated under our state laws and especially en dorsed by the Legislature of Nebraska, is now ready for the transaction of all work where a high class of music is desired. We can furnish any number of men for either orchestra or band work, sup plying programs selected from a REPERTOIRE OF 300 SELECTIONS, embracing all the latest music, both popular and classic. Engagements made for work cither at home or abroad, on short notice and at reasonable prices. Call or address, ' Lx. WESSRL, tJr., Manager, Telephone 253. 1134 O Street, LINCOLN, NEB. FOR $9.85 Wc will give you thi week an array of Men's FURS. IMPORTANT. FURS. On May 29, 30, 31 and June 1- We will exhibit the latest London and Paris styles in Fur Gar ments. A practical furrier will be in attendance. Special or ders will be taken for garments to be cut and made in accord with measurement. Delivery in September or October. Esti mates will be given and orders taken for repair work. A cor dial invitation is extended to all to inspect the line of pattern garments, W. R. DENNIS & CO., Hatters, Furriers and Furnishers, 1137 O Street. SUITS! to select from which would cost at regular prices $12.00, $13.50 and $15.00. These are record beating bargains, and will agree ably surprise you. They come in ROUND SACKS, STRAIGHT-CUT SACKS, DOUBLE-BREASTED SACKS, AND CUTAWAY FLOCKS, are tine all-wool goods, hand somely made, good fitting, and all late styles. No shop-worn chest nuts, but bright, spanking new goods. Take your choice from twenty different styles, all for $9.85, at the Globe Clothing House Cor. O and Tenth Streets BEDFEBM NEVER TURNED OUT A FINER LOT 01? SUMMER DRESS GOODS than the ones we show this season. The stock embraces all the season's very latest novelties, and when com pared to other houses, the prefer ence for our goods is always shown. a-J J- offerinir big in- DO YOU KNOW A BARGAIN WHEN YOU SEE IT? If so come to our store next week. We are ducements in all lines. L. MEYER & COMPANY IOB-110 NORTH TENTH STREET. Rambler Bicycles ARE EASILY RECOGNIZED, There is a certain air of distinction perhaps you have noticed it. about RAMBLER riders- People give them credit for being competent to judge a bicycle for knowing a GOOD THING when they see it. An air of confidence is clearly marked in the graceful bearing of RAMBLER riders. They KNOW the wheel they ride have utmost confidence in it. Knowing that RAMBLERS are high grade, and are sold at list price only, people do not look upon RAMBLER riders as frequent ers of " bargain shops." ' All Ramblers have G. & J, Pneumatics." E. R. GUTHRIE, Sole Agent, 1540 O Street.