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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1892)
CAPITA, CITY COURIER, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 24 1892 nrniETHiMB 4tBB7 I Hpcclnl Couhikk Correspondence. 1 NkwYouk, Bept. 17, 1M. Mr. Mr.ns. field's first nppenrnnco at Dnly's thcAtro on Momlny came very nenrly lielng ft "first nlghter" of tho regular winter kind. Mont of tho old-timers wero on Intuit, but tho nu dlonee looked very much Ilka tho weather tlint In, Ix-tulxt mid between nml n llttlo of Ixith. Indies In full ovening costume, biiiim Imtii, nn sleeves well, not oxnetly situs everything, but quite, enough sat noxtto tho summer girl In refutation bohsMo cos tunic, white elnw hniuiner ronted gentlemen rubbed iigiiinst otheis In the lightest kind of wiirm vtenther suits. Men In evening dress woro stinw lints, unci girls In summer nttlro sealskin xflUi-H. It wiis indeed u queer grtth eiing and an nmiMml one for the beginning or in u si'iisuu mi tiiugins uenner rumen m hnppy recognition nor did thu men seem Imp py. I'osMbly n recollection of Hawthorne1 "Tho Seal let letter," lead yenrs before, had leacl Into their memory, with nil Its mourn ful llguref, and Kssibly they walked Into Dr. Daly's playhouse thinking of tho sombre pictuieof tho sordid, nairow l'uritnn lifo over which the gifted nuthor, with ruieskill mid splendid liteiary stylo has thrown mi ex fuse. "ThoBcnilet Letter" hns four acts, joined together by Joseph llottou, who kept chcly to the book, but Ilawthorr.eV words were not written to busokeii and henco tho wonderful elTects of weirdnei'S stamped on tho reader's imagination, and done by tho author with the simplest diction and without effort, Is awry on tho stuge. The book has been vulgarized. Hester nnd Dimmesdnlu't ordeal Is a comic opein chorus theme and th) whole play slngnlaily false to tho great orig inal. The audience lookedasif thankful that but few plaj s exist of tho desperately tlcomy and innnoionntiR Puritan pattern, and filed out of Dr. Daly's newly gilded theatre, very much like the Plymouth pilgrims out or n meeting house. Of tho production nothing but praise can he wiitteu. Mlrs ISuatrico Cameiouis plaintively dlgiiffleil as Hester Prynne ami makes a splendid stngo picture on the pllhry. Mr. Feiguwm is grimly re vengeful us Chilliiigworth and tho llttleellln like Pearl of Hawthorne's Is coirectly mlr roied by Mls DeOiignan. Although Mr. Alans Held totally fulled to reveal tho depth of romoiK'lul lieling ntul convoyed ruther the idea, to the audience, of a pretty mean sort of a fellow to leave his guilty purtner in the lurch, I. e played the dii-agieeahle pint with vigor and Intense feeling. Tho play lacks dramatic sticngth mid variety. It Is purely psychological. A worthy effort, no loubt but it hasn't the glio-t of a chance of anything like pipular siicccm. Tho only iicwne-s of tho week was given tho public on the tip upper end of Muuhattau Island, nnd .1 new ploy, n new star and 11 miir author jumped ndvnutngeouly Into fame. Tim piny is called "Oy P'-oxy," the star A. 8. Llpinnn, and the author Charlet Klein. Tho pegtion which thecomedy hangs is that of n young man Kcretly miuried in uupoi tlon to his 1 fell father's wish. Ills parent had nrranged to wed him to the daughter of nn old f 1 lend. When tho plan is about to be cnrrl ed out the young man prevails upon u friend to exchange identities, and thus tho old story of fast and furious complications Is told over again, with numerous amusing variations. Mr. Klein has written 11 clean, w hoIcMJino story that is sureof succefs. Mr. Llpmun, who reminds 0110 nt times of Chos. yVy milium, is n finished artist, and altogether M imager Churlcs Mathews may congratulate himself as tho possessor of n money winner. Tho Hippoitlng company Is unusually strong unit give tho utar a close chuso for his liturcM nnd whin I my that Harry Hi own, Lionel Bland and I.eouom Bindley iiieln thucastit Is no wonder. Tho good folk of Gotham seem not In thu least to fear tho cholera in our lift bor, for all the play houses have been well filled. Dlxey biought out ,,Iolaiitho"at Paliuei'son Monday, Introducing his sou, Henry II, and the lad did well. "A Trip to Chinatown" continues to turn eop!o nwny from Hoy t's Mt'llsou Hipinie theatio and everything looks lovely enough, the only thing wished for being a sharp nipping frost, nipping enough to nip tho cholera biielll which nro n little worse tlinn other imartu t Ions, which unfortunately cannot bo (juiir nutinud. Du.NLor. Members of thu two companies that strand ed hero last week have nearly nil luft town. Simps on, the leading man of the Wldner Duncan conqinny Joined the remaining mem bers of "The Jack nnd tho lieu natal k" alle gation and have been playing at Ilickninu this week during tho county fair. They go f r in there next week to piny other fair dates at Falls City, Mliisouii Valley and oth er places where fairs are being held. Bnmu of both companies have joined the Leslie Davis company, while others are at thu Mu tt e and have been doing woik at both places this week. The following are tho important attractions now being pi esented In New Yoiks Vaude ville and bullet nt the Casino; Vaudeville nt Tony Past m's : tho Henry K, Dlxey Opera company In lolanthe at Palmer's theatre; A Tilp to Chlnntown at tho Madison Square; Pauline Hall Opein company nt tho Fifth Avenue tlieatiej Klubnd at tho Ourdru the ntiu; ThoBliuggle of Life nt tho Windsor; Thu Full- Hebel at thu Fouiteenth Stieet the utro; DeWolf Hopiier In Wnng nttho Broad way hnitle;"June"atthe8tandurd thentie; Thu Llllputlans lit tho Union Square thtiilie; Holimd Kent at the Star thentiu; Oliver By. ion in Thu Plunger at the (li and Opera House; Hubert Muntell in The Face In thu Moonlight ntPioctor's; Kvi.nsaud Hoey in A Parlor Match nt the IliJ.iu; K. II. SMhern In Lettnihlair at tho Lyceum; Thu Back Crook at tho Academy of Music. Tho wrltw saw Silvlnl at St. Joseph Thurfday evening In Don Cii'nr do llezan, nnd can rtccoinend both pluy nnd players in thoblghtst terms possll I. Tie scenery Is inngtilflcent, the company superb nnd the piece 0110 of uncenslng Intel et. Theio are a number of exciting cllmixes In which t'io work of Balvlul Is brought out vividly nnd most pleasing. Na better attraction has ever traveled over Undo Hum's domain. Ho received numnrutiti curtnln calls after euch of the live nets, nnd frequent npplnuses throughout tho play attested the Intereittlint the audience felt In Its every action. Tho house was crowded and everyone delllitod. Lincoln will likewise honor tho great Bnlvlul Monday evening at tho Musing. "Tho Hustler" proved an excellent draw ing cnttl at tho Innitig Wednesday evening, a full house being present to greet the clover company of comedians, vocalists, etc. The piece Is materially tho snmo as Inst season, although much new business ami a much bet ter onst is seen. John Kernel! as "Con" Mo Kadden still does tho leading work, his gilt) manner being particularly fetching. Next to him cornea a now face, that of George Marlon now in The Hustler, but well nnd favorably known to tho lovers of farce com edy. As Count Bpaghcltlc, n music coin IKiser, etc., he Introduced a new role, his Italian dialect being a decided feature of the show. The female portion was 11N0 up to it high stnndnrd, Hadlo Klrliy, Jmri Hello and 11 lievy of other beauties appealing to excel lent ndvntitnge, Tne Hustler has boon here lieforo but Is yet good for several nioro visits, It has lots of dash nnd go about it, many beautiful music numbers, witty dialogues, etc., and it will do for several seasons yet to come, esjieelnlly with tho present cast. Hoyt and his "A Texas Bteer" are as pop ulnr Mover in Lincoln, and although his ranie brilliant comedy lias been soon hern several times before, fully as Inrire nn au dience witnessed Wednesday evening's pro duction ns iiK)ii tho initial performance in this city. Of "A Toxas Bteer" nothing fur ther can lie added to what has hcictoforc been said, save perhaps that it Is ui'ipiestlou ably 0110 of Hoy t's best efforts. '1 ho com pany Is almost Identically tho snmo as that of last year, for Hoyt realizes its well as thu pub lie that It would bo difficult Indued to better the present cast, which is so ably led by Mr. Tine Murphy and Flora Walsh (Mrs. Huyl). The ringing by the colored quintette was tho best heard allien thoy brought down the homo last season Verily, "A Texas Hteer" does not show signs of ago or wear and tear, so we patiently await its future coming. It was n big house and the Ftiiiku was lilted from pit to domy. This has been another big week at the Lnn sing, nnd the Minions, so to speak, have again been "strictly in It." l'h-y have played to good business every night except Wednes day, 011 which occasion the company gave way to "Tho Hustler," which had previously been booked for that date. Tho opening bill of tho week, Ingomar and the Daultes, was staged Tuesday ovdiilug. Hazel Kirko was put 011 Thursday and last night it now 0110 In tliocoiupitiy'rt nqurtoir, "Mow for Mow,"' received its llrst Lincoln presentation before a largo house. It was well receive I and lib erally applauded. Tonight will finish the en gagement when "Hearts of Ouk," the piece In which tho Lindoii's have scored n success here, wilt lie given as 11 fitting close to a long and brilliant engagement. The pleasing curtain raiser, "Tho Oreon-eyod Monster," will precede "Hearts of OjU" and an even ing of uiiivei-stl pleasure Is promised all' The Leslie I)vls company can well feel pi oild of their successes heie during the pieMMit engagement, for not withstanding tho fact that a host of strong attractions preceded them, such ns the st.tto fair, "l'oin H'II," Bin mini's circus, "A Texas Bteer," "Tho Hustler,'' etc., their business has een uniformly good and entirely satisfactory. AI.KXANDKH HAI.VIXI MOXIIAY IIVK.MNO Manager Church has dune well In securing onu of the greatest stars of tho American stage so early in t' e season. It will serve thu patrons as an itpetirur for tho varied dra matic nio'il thoy will h'tvti to digot before It is over. Alexander Balvlul, although but thhty yenis of age, has 11 wakened more in teiestaud enthusiasm than any one of his calling i-ince I'M fin lionth was In his prime. It seems that the succeeding generations aro prolltiug by thorn that have preceded them. HeiM Is a genius who Iims nil tho advantages of youth, phyi-iquo and personal charm, the cynosure of all thoc who take an interest in dramatic affairs. His success Is duo to two cullies, his xenlus as an actor and his hi -spicacity in offering tho public that for which thoy have long yearned in vain. He has re vived thu lomantic drama, Others have tried It and it bus been tint a fitful dicker. Salvhil has trimiied tho lamp nnd m do it burn us bi ightly its In the days of the great Fechter. It is fortunate in one sense that theiomanceof D'Ennery and Dumas hnvo slumbered for want of it fitting dellneutor of their heioes, for Snlvlni in reviving them hns given to the younger generntlon n dramatic treat that in the majority of cases hns tho element of novelty. "Don (Vsnr DeBazin," lu which he will appear hero, Is tlieiefoio an ticipated with rather more than usual inter est. Bnlvlul finds in tho half conic, half he roic pnrt of Don Ciunr, a character exactly adapted to Ills powers. Beyond tils own ability Balvlul has the udvitulago of enter I prising management. Hu is surrounded by 11 (pIciKlkl company and his plays are mounted with til" mitjmlflccuce of s'enlc and enstumu effect that capital alone can provld". The organization will not have to ctll upon tint local management for anything whatever, in the way of soeiierv or properties, nil Is can list complete, Tlij sale of seats opens this morning nt thu Lansing box olllce. A OltUAT lltlHII I'LAY. Thu Chicago Dramatic .cniriin says of "Leaves of ShauinMiv" which appears at tho Funke Thin winy evening; "Another new Iiish play on the market Is 'Leaves of Sham nick,' which with its elal orate ptiutlmr drew 11 large nudlerco to thu Acudemv Suiidav. The play presented a cipltnl star lu J P Sullivan, who Is still known as the best Irish comedian and singer tho Ivy Liif over had. Mr Sullivan found it friendly audience which Hindu him slug his songs until he showed evl denco of fiitluue. "Leave of Nliaiiirocl;' is onu of the tow Irish plays fiee fioni the usual I tenant and landlord business, It Ua stralglit ' comedy with plen'y of good speivhes which atus'iil to thu patriotism of thu Irish, full of llfe, lias plenty of opportunities for every MmmM iuemtirof the company, and was einbellWie-l with somo new sets which were pIctutTsquo, Mr Buillvnii and his comptiiy dtwerve the success they made, iiiitl 'leaves of BhamriK'k' cnu comeback to us any time mid do n good business, TIIKATIttUAI. CHAT, There's nothliigns sad as nil actor's laugh In the true theatrical style, Kxcept tho spasm by courtesy called A professional Joker's smile. It Is now Minna dale llaynes, Tho lllces' "U(C!" has caught on in Boston, Thero nre twenty-six theatrsi open in New York. Alexander Balviul Is an expert ,sw 01 ds. man. Dr. Augustiu Daly nnd Ada Hehnii will nr rlvo In New Yoik Saturday. Col, Mllllkeu, Pasha, wishes to sell his ni'l odinina, "Cm Is. C iliimhils." There nro thiee thousand niiors nnd net resse.4 out of work In Now York. The Ban Frnnclsco courts decide Hint Mc Kee Hniikiu hns no legal grounds for di vorce. Tho Lindens will initko their farewell ap pear nt the Irftnslng tonight In "Hearts of 0.1k." Now York will tills season be surfeited with ballet iitid vaiidovlllo entertainments. Is comic opein to tnkon back s'-att 'The Paper Cham'," by Charles Thomas, will hnvo nn iiuH)rtnul place in itoslun Vukes' repertory this season. Otis Bkinuer is buck from Kuropo nnd pre paring for Ills tour with Mndjt-skn, whom Frank Pcrlcy will manage this season. The Winston Opein comptiiy nnd the sp ulnr favorites, tho BK)oner coinptny, are iimorg tho October bookings nt thu Funko. Kvaus and Hoey began it live weeks 011 Bngemeut In New Yolk nt the Bijou thentie Monday, presenting tho ninth version of "A I'm lor Match." Joseph Jefferson lieglus his eleven weeks' tour Octolier nd in Lowell, Mnss. , reaching New Yoik nt thoBtnr theatre October 10th, and the Lansing In tho near future. Iloli.-rt B. Mautell is thu defendant In a suit for absolute divorce, which Ids wife, Margaret A. Mautell, has brought. Didn't I tell you so) "Tho DuclH'sr" Is the name of a piny which Paul M. Potter lias written for Helen Barry, and which she will produce in the west lifter tho elections. Tho binsiug's October bookings will open with Frohtnnu's great sueceis, "Jnne," which Is now lun'ilug In New' York to enormous business. It will ls here October third. Thomas Huhcrty, tho husband of Mrs. Kimball, who is Corliine's reputed mother, died in Boston last week. People, however, say that there have been three Coriuues. A wurfuie between tho Philadelphia news papers mid the theatrical luaiiaeis is red hot, and the combinations playing in the city of brotherly love ure getting it in the neck right luei 1 lly. Tho Henry Mapleson Opera company be gins lt Amelia 111 tour nt tho Boston T10 inont. October 17th, with "Fadotte,"and Kn glish version of "Les iliugous do Villars," by illlam Grist, mudc by Tito Matel, Ameri-caniz-d by B, B. Viilcentlnu. Tho cliiiiacter songs and imitations of Mr. Hoy wood who appears at tho Funko In "Now Kdgwood Folks" Uctoliir "til and 8th aro In n different vein fiom taosontteinnto I by any other actor. Ho never oversteps t'io liound ar es of gooil titstuiiud xtu llei with suuh goisl care every p iusu of churiteter represonted that no detail seems lit -kin ;. StlllO Unwind. HUH). The rendurs of this piqier will be pleiiNeil to learn that there Is at leastoiudroudtsldlseaso that science has been able to cure in all Its stages 'nut that Is Catitirh. Hall's Calarih ("mo is the only jiosltlve cine now known to the medical fraternity, C itarrli being ucou btuutioniil dioeaso, lequlres constitutional treatment. Hall's Catiirih Curu Is Uken In tel unity, acting directly upon thu blood and mucous suifucusof the system, thereby tie stroyiug tlm foundation of the disease, and giving thu patient strength liy building up thu constitution and assisting nature in doing ...-. ..... iu i""i'""ui" " u "" " faith in its curative powers that they offer one hundred dollars for any casu that it falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CIIKNKY Ai CO., Toledo, O. ITSold by druggists, 75 Wit 11 ted, many more Wo wnnt inuiiy more ro'ims for tencliers and students, both furnished and unfurnished looms aim houses; wo will want them September 12, IWrj; rail at once nt the olllcj of tho Western Normal College, rooms 1111 and ll'J building, mid give loca tion of hollies and 100ms, nnd prices nskid for snme. tl-l-tf. Tile Kontou bakery Is thu piuco to get goisl wholesome bread. Try it. Oirnerof Twelfth and P streets. Ginger ulo, finest now before thu pubMc, is belli; served to families by tho Lincoln Boi ling U'oiks, Call up telephouu 111) and order 11 citse, It's clienp and very nutritious, Everything- new and tootlisoine and deli cious at the C loit-li.iiley Grocery Co,, 1218 O street. Pleasant treatment low prices nml everything us represented is the drawing curd that is winning now trailu constantly. You can call up No. 43 unit order by tele phone if you ivisii. lr. faro limit Cures IiIihhI, chronic, fe uile, heuit, liver, lung, nervous, rectal and skin diseases. Rooms Nus. 14 an I l."i, HlclianU block. KC llakbig P11 .tder, 'Si ouuees i"i cent; Absoluudy Pure. Havo you tried It IM1111 Wcltliii I'tiier, 'JS Cents IV r llnx, Firt qiiality linen or creitu laid, either rule I or p tin, with I tto s'yl t o.ivelojies. lt It big hll'gllill. t.' I lli till I ROJ it, tYiMS'U Steveilr IVlMtin,' C 1., I lilt N strrttft. ' H kV 25ozs.for25? Absolutely Pure JustTryIt. r.r.JAauc FOUR WAVft. (IOTIIAM. KrcthoTlirsplan jon stand with meek submission and iH-rasltinalljr mutter, "It U Betting Mrylnte," The Oothani innldrii, smiling, nit tho prcsious time tiegulllng, will nt Inst itesceiut to utter, "lainyhatoustralghtT" I'llll.AllKl.nilA, When tho Phlliidrlphln maiden, with hrrlnftr mind o'erliuleli by n tiedlitreo that's tinted back from old mini lVnn direct, Trips to greet jolt while you're waltltiK, aha will stagver jiui bystntlug In a voluo wtlt modulated, "Is my bonnet qulto correct?" CIIIOAOO. When tho htkeslileulrl Is ready, first she looks at you ipille steady, and wltli senreely any hoedlnv how tho minutes take their flight, With Chlciwooo perslstunce, whluh aduillsiif no resistance, she exehtlms In nccvlits pleitd Ing, "Is my topknot out of sliiM?" IUISTON. , Hut tho Boston iflrl smiles sweetly ns she llisirs tho rest rouiiletely, mid jou're lilted wllh ronsternntlnu when )nu hear her gently sa) As she mnkes a few morn pusses nnd she re adjusts her glasses, "1" my upper deeuratloii horlzontully au full' Nuw York Herald. In tlm Mountains. t. . -i. M'Wk k Blin Must you go linck to work tomor- row, Harry f He It Is iiuperutive, Maud, reat. Har)cr'rt Iliunr. I need the Tim Worst t lln Told. Thu Miowy henda were boweil nnd the wrinkled facca were wet with bitter tears. A great crushing sorrow had comu to them In their old ago and they clung to each other helplessly. "Mother" There was a world of pathos In tho nged husband's tender, solemn inannor of mi dress. "I hnvo seen our boy In In" The load upon tils mind wan too rcnt to permit him to proceed nt once. Ilia voice sank to an Inarticulate whisper. Mull" The word seemed to wring his houI. "And ho confihscd to nil." "Oh, Jiunosl" Tho venerable mother trembled nnd would hnvo fallen but for tho support of her helpmate's strong right urui. "James, James, to think that, it In nil true." "Yes, mother, ho admitted it nil. Oh, tlint I should live to see this duyl" In utter misery I hey rocked to nnd fro In each other'a arms. "And, mother, the worst of It la yet to bo told." Shu looked Into his facu In uuspcnknhlo horror. "James." "Our boy confesses that ho stole the money to oh to buy cigarettes." It Fcemed as If their grief must kill them. Detroit Tribune. lie Hud Learned HiiinetliliiK. Old 1 low-now So you'ro through col legof Young Sinllitx Yes. Uownow Well, whnt nre you going to dor Sinllnx Well, I hardly know. Pvo bad two offers onu tu o Into n lawyer's ofllce for two years at three dollars n week, nnd thu other to play half back for n football team at f 1,500 for the heasou. Hoatou Globe, Wiiltlni; Tor n Hkjrjrle. "Why don't you rldo 11 bicyclnf" I asked a young lady who wits talking about need ing exercise. "If I had started in somo years ngo It Um,lll lltlV.. It.i.itl till l-tl.llt lillf f mlti't .In I ,t uow tlmt v,.rv)0(iy ,.,' llflwl ltf , n, waiting for waiting for something now to turn up nnd thei) I will get in eurly." Pittshuru I)l- patch. I'lunty of Odd. Shu I feel so suruof tlm finale that I bcllevo I would be willing to bet you a kiss. He I don't think I would like to accept that bet except upon onu condition. She Pray, what is tlmtf He That you give inu wills. New York Herald. Tho Almighty Dollar. Feathorstonc ilitvu you hcen the latest thing in a sliver dollar? Sen here. You touch 11 spring, It opens nnd here la a pho tograph of your best girl. Travers Fine, Isn't itf By the way, old man, is that tho only dollar you hap pen to have about you? Brooklyn Life, A Wild Protest. Young Wife What do you think of my pie crust, Jack? Jack (who doesn't wish to bo ns soveru as) tho caso warrants) Very nice, my dar ling; but didn't you get the shortening lu lengthwise? Boston Post. Time for Ural, Tailor Your account, sir, hni been run ning n long time, Mr. Jinks, Jinks Exactly; it must be fatigued. Let it stand still for it few months. Judy. Wry Deep. "Has Mnntnlliis n very deep voice?" "Very. Why, when that man sings hurts his corns." Tit-Hits. It Alas! A face that's sweet, it figure neat, A fancy parasol; A gauzy dress- lace moro or less Alas! but that's not all. Besides her smile used to bcKUfto The joutli that's smart, Hid 'ninth her dress. I must confess, Is 1111 India rubber heart BAKING POWDER o. kamjaj iy ".i. rt-.w a v twm r - flifrn iWLv.P NOW NEW; Clothing - HouseC All Fresh, New Goods - Not an Old Garment In the Store. IPISIEHIIEJIEe cSc "WAEPBI 1136 O STREET. 1. MKvHk' "'i 71 f OX1 ; c-.v 1 "Ji mm.i :VHW ?S5,7 ' 1 NVs l THE- 'Howe' Ventilator Is better llinu stcnni or hot wnter, nml less expensive than n hot nlr furnace. Our system of Introducing Pure Air to your home Is the best in the world. .Nothing like It In Muciien. we gunrnntec sniisinctton unit nnu sec tne New Heaters. Also send for your Kitchen Uteiulls. Wc nre nddlng fresh goods every tiny. H.J. HMLL-&- 1305 JUST Lincoln A FIIST-CLASS FUR lastly in In the ImiUilnL', paring F. E. Practical Furrier 5 EHEB OE3ST7 J:. 1'AII) LINCOLN SAVINGS BANK AND SAFE DEPOSIT CO. S. E.Cor- 1 1th and P Streets Boxes to Rent in IlKNItV K. I.KWIS, i'rcsldiuit A. I'. - TOLL SET OE TEETH $6. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. NO CHLOROFORM I All Fillings at Dr. H. K. KBRMAN, Surgeon Dentist, Rooms 94, 95 and 96, Burr Bile. OPEN ! '" i v' I Ninth Annual Fur .:TWM uSisiJ 'Tf Opening i V I October 3d, 4th, 5th": The largest nnd best line ever shown In the west, ' Furs nml Fur Garments retnllcd nt whole snli; prices on nbovc dates. A practical Furrier will he In nltendnncc. . ) A cordial Invitation is extended to nit to Inspect the line of goods. W.H.Dennis&Co. Hatters and Furriers, 1 1 37 O STREET. O STRE6T. WHAT : Needs STORE After twenty years of nctlve experience In tins innntifncture of nil kinds of Fur Goods, ellit years of which uns In I'nrls, latter In New York, nnd Omaha. I Iicl' to nnnouncc to the cltl.ens of Lincoln that I opened n complete ntul perm nent stock of Furs and Fur Goods Tuesday, Sept. 2othf west store room of the new Y. M. C. A. corner 13th nml N St. All kinds of re neatly done, and satisfaction guaranteed VOELKER, Y. M. C. A. Bldff. 03ST IJY Tin: DEPOSITS Safe Deposit Vaults. .STK - V hllT, Vlec-l'rcs. K.WKUMI, Taller. NO ETHER! NO GAS I Lowest Rates. t !liTat ' it !, n m w k