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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1892)
; IT- CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SA'JURDAY, SEPTKMBER 24, 1802. m ILAlmena Parker, Jgramatic Reader Teacher of Klocutinn. 505 llRACK lUULIItNO. The Mist National Bank 0 and Tenth Sts. Capital, $400,000 Surplus, $100,000 Oh'FlCKHSi JV.S.IMniriHI,IVrtMirii!. ,.,,, CtlAS.A, IMJVAVt, VlM-IVMlilrnt F, M. COOK", Oi'Mrr. . . , It. Ih Mll.l.KIl, Att'l Ctuhttr. German National Bank, Cnpitnl .... $100,000.00 Surplus .... 20,000.00 loscph Hoclimcr, President, llcrninn II. Scluibcrg, Vice Prcil. Clm, K. Wnltc, Cashier, O.J. Wilcox, At. Cashier sii Nebraska's blitk family newspaper PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. L WESSEL, Jr., Editor. I'UIIMOATION OKrMCKi WKHHBL-vrBVKNH IMUNTIN I CO., lll N HltvoU Toh'plionest-Ofllco. m Itosl I 1 1 , lit Siihtrrlprlnn Hate. In Advance. IVr 11111111111 IThreo month .. fine, Hlx month I ( HIiirIo copies o.-; Bnlercd lit the ir.mutllLM of Lincoln, Nf '., h second olu mutter. POPULATION OP LINCOLN, 63,03). chip'.3: t ches'huts. Qftw$ifrM& T7DC1? Tuition 1 " HfcU il Knl I term, In rovcii differ ent cnuracs. Only It lull irrmln In. dependent Normal In Iho Mute. The Hnot Buildings, Kqulpiiictil, and Ulct Norma Faculty, No experiment, hut mi established roaiiRsenient., 33 tcneltrr and lec turer A live school fur Ihn mnos. Wrlln ror catnlonue in F. F. KOIWB. Mniinucr. , l.lnroln, Noli. MORPtND'S Dancing Academy Laming Theatre Untitling, Will ruoHn fur tho Season nn Wednesday, Sept'r 21st. Children, li'e l'. in. Adult p. in. rirculur t Al tho l.niioliiK Hnx nitleo.or nl I'ouilcr Olllcc, 1131 N St root. UNGAINLY GARMENT?! THE WATTEAU PLAITED BOX COAT; ARE SUPREMELY UGLY. T At lat Olive Harper Can Het Nn Ilcnntjr In Thrin, nml Ollre ! n 1'ii.h. Inn Kpert Nome Novel llrldal Cn tutors The Full Opening. (HK'clnl Corresiudoiice.J Nkw York, Sept. 22. If short night gowns woro colored anil trimmod ilicy would look llko tliu now wraps itinl In j iii.I nn ugly. I think wo luivo never Imd ro tin graceful nml ungainly n garment us tho Wnttcnu plaited Imjx coats. Lot us give tlutnkH tlintwlillu tliuy nro to lio the lending Htylo wo slinll mill lo porniittrd to wear tight jackets and long mils, if wo want to, cut tutioli iim of yoro. Any r J CHILDltEN'S COLUMN. Flrrililn MagnnlUm. Tnka t gold ring, the more massive the bettor, Iml your mother's wedding ring will do. Attach tho rltiK to a silk thread alsmt twelve Inches long. Fasten the Other rnd of the thread around the null Joint of your right forefinger and let the riliK hang about hulf an Inch nUive lue rfftcb of the tahle, ou 'which you rest hJ-THE- Bon Marche EXPLANATION. Sme time since Messrs Parrlsh mid Sltulrc decided to locate In Lincoln mid con luct a i;enurnl Dry Goods nd Na tion, tulnm. IntcmlliiK to linndlc flrit cIuhi good only. They adopted the mime of 1km. Marche (good market) Indicating wltnt the nubile will And their NEW STORE a he, for one day and every day In the year. Ladle are cordl.dlv Invited to call and examine their good", (every piece nc") aild low price, Such examination Incurs no obligation to buy, The l: Bon Marche, rarrish & Shulze", 36 O St. Lincoln, Neb. Notice of I'llbtlcMloii, l.loyu Stnlone. Cotton Malouo. Flora Hollo Malone, Katy MhIoho, Albert Mntone. Harah A.Hhoanlifll ana Frtnlorlek O. Kill will Inka notice thntnn thosstli lny of Januxry, 1MM, tbe Ncbraakit Htoek YartI Co , or Lincoln, Neb.. plulntlir heroin, nted III otlilon In the dletrlot court or Imncaiter eomity, Nebraika, BKalnrt nlJ Uofeuiliuit. tlioohjectaml vrnyer ot which are to foreclono .a cortnln mortiiiiBo ex'culo.1 liy Kamilel McClnjr to till pUlntltr, uion toe following uYjcrlbril real ertato. lxUllirro(3)iiml four II In blook nine (0) ami lot fifteen (15) ami ehditeeu (IS) In block twenty-two i'W) In Wt Lincoln l.ancnler county. Nebriikn to secure thu ti nu'iu 01 twoeerlaln iromlory uotr,tlte(lontlieSlrt OiiyofJuly, is,s. inrilie um of lO-.Aeach, Riidduoaiut pavablclu twoniul three year from the ilnt a thereof: it Don tho pithl unto u now iliii nml pnynblo the turn ot five liuinlroil ami nity-tw.i ilollura nnd eveiityltveceiit (.Wi.7J), for which um, with Interest from hU dale, pln'.ntlffiinivx foraile-reti,'ind that itefen ant bo rciiulred to pay the ini-. of that UI nremlne may be old tointlrtythe amount found dun. You are p-qulred to nuwr mid petition 011 or lw fore the 311 d v of nnnber, 1M11 KIH.KA HTOCk YAIIIMCOm Of Lincoln, Nebraska. Br It itlnrnry. Dawn, (1 rfroth A Cunningham. D iteil tho lOdi day of r)ep temper, Wl. 0-2M A corrrniMimleiit voucheafortlioaccurac ot tho foliowliiKl "My brethren," Raid preacher, "Mich a mini I llku tho captain of a erewlen vcwel on a idiorelen ma. Happy would biicIi a man Iki could he lirhiK bin men Riifo to land," TIMIItR. "Why on earth do you havn a nielodeon ItiRtnul of a jilano, .MawMonr" "liecaune my daiiKhlcr wan ao fond of mulo I couldn't get her totnkuany cxerclso. Now alio gut tho walk and tho iiuikIo at once." -llrandon Manner. After lio fallnoff 0110 a man never com parer anything to ladng an "easy a falling oft a log." Atchlnou Globe, A Ilinedau physician line Roothlng tnu alcnl tone aa a remedy In ucrvoua dlHeaneR. It U aiifo to nay that Wnguer l novur cik teriil In hi prescription book. 8t. Paul Glotw. A valtrc may not know how to deal a pack of card, but alio can caMly ralo the deuce by dropping a tray. (lien FallR ltepubllcaii. What a woman culls n perfect dream of A ilreM Ih generally a Rtcrn reality to the LuRbnnd rr ho lnw to pay for It, PlttHhurg Dttpatch. In the race of life it Isn't tho fast men who come out ahead. Texan Sitting. GlrU were formerly 10 modest that they would blush if n small star winked at them, but when the man in tho moon cast a sheep's eye at one of them now rIio nsks him what ho I glvlnit her. Galveston News. "Tom, waa that a variety allow you took mo to last nlghtr" "Yes, denr; why?" "I thought I detected nplcc on your breath, waa All." Kxcliftime, Thu flounder I a fish that require plenty of reasoning, and oven then Is flat, Phila delphia Itccord. A fifty cent piece, my Kin, with n hole In it will not piiHH current, which show that tho half Is better than the hole Bos ton Transcript. Karuct"Yhy Is the Suicide club going to move ita qtiiirteror Percy Tho mem ber nro haunted by a horrid fear that their present meeting place I unhealthy -Club. It I when n y nun it fellow In lovo has hwt his head that the girl In tho ciimc, Is likely to mercifully lay her own on lilRRhoiilderH, -IMiilndelphla Time. "There werosovernl flreAlea In my r.iom lasttilght." "Wliatdldyoudof" "Why, nut them out of conn." Pliiladelphla Heconl. They have. Iicguu to put pneumatic tire.i on hitlkles iikciI In trotting race. The men wliobctonthuliorheMriritwIiiglhcsoxulklcH continued to hu tired In the Kline old way. llulTalo Kxpresi. If your friend ineetawlth adversity do notoffend him by iiiciitiin;t Into the put tlculars. Ills neighbor will bo glut titell you all. Thua you not only avoid o.T t.'t. lint your friend, but you glvu iileiutim1 t.. I bis nclghlwr. Boston Transcript. Stuart Why did you resign from t' e clubf Snobman Well, I don't do cnou::'.; business with the nieinlx'n to p.'.y my club ducn. Club. A good many bathing costumes rc.cmhU ununer vacations In that they l'.';5lii too lato and end too Roon. Pittsburg Dispatch. It waa probably tho plug hat that itu.'t gested tho Raying, "Tliere Ih nlways room at tho top." Host on Courier. "This," aald the man who eamo down with tho parachute, "Is one of tho moM advantageous forms of artificial llgbt,"i Exchange. Tho hello girl at the telephone exchr.ii;r Iim much to answer for. Picayuue. r L 'vV I irk I a JUL. " - -XU'? m -- & I your cIIkiw to steady your hand. Hold your finger horizontally, with the thumb thrown buck ni far as possible from the f rest of tho hand. 1 If there he nothing 011 tho table tho ring Will Roon Iki no stationary. Then plae- Rome wllver say three half dollars Immediately below the rlnu. when noon It will Im-kIii to movo to you and from you. Now, bring your thumb In contact with your forelluger, or else suspend tho ring from jour thumb, and the movements will become transverse to the former awing. Or this may be eifected by making a lady tnko hold of your disengaged liai '. When the transverse motion is fairly estao llshcd let u gentleman take hold of the hidy'H disengaged hand, mid tho ring will chatigo back to Ita former course. These effects nro produced by magnetic currents given forth by tho hands of tho expert mentera. Instead of using silver you can suspend the ring over your left forefinger and obtain the same result. New YorR Evening World. .lurk anil the (llrl. A girl of fourteen was sent to the purchase meat NF.W WAI.KtNO COSTUME, fliliifr tiinrn iiffli tliiui n linr rout, with Hu ai,nitni.a f...f ..,..1 i..,uiv 1.......I,,.. I butclior'A tho other day to lrb ..... ,.r,.li. I i,,,i...l. O.m 1 ' w dinner. The butcher was out, but bo- ;, , i . i . , ii i i .i i i i bind the meat block was a great tawny St. not crnl nuiilo of drub cloth had n thick ,u.rmml ,,w ,,,,, nnt, BHnnpplDB nt' tlu. that dlscurlad .lis dreams. plait bunging from u siiuaru yoko, and with triminiiig reaching Htraight across tho Hhoulder blades mid extending to a point under tho arms. Tlio sleevr-swore puiTed up oven with tho earn, and a flower pot collar hold tho head liko tho Jnpnuoso (IiiIIh wo hoo. Heavy plush inuilo of mohair ia to be Aed on many outdoor toilets, mid oven ono or two princess gowns lnivo lwen H'cn of it. It is very heavy nnd requires little trimming. It is very expensive, but is ho wide that live yards will cut a complete dress, It will also bo largely used us combinations witii other mil terials. In tho illustration will bo hccu ii drc.s of mode cloth, buttoning down tho right side of tho okirt with largo diamond film pod buttons. Tho bottom of tho skirt lins two bands of plush, and tho waist nnd upper jmrt of tho slroves aro iirndo of tho Fame. It makes a very Rtriking costume. Tho pretty gown besido it is of "page" cropon, with trimming of narrow real Astrakhan. Thu corsngo, V neck mid collar ns woll a. forearm nro liuulo of brocaded novelty (ilk in vluto and bhclc. Tho lint is of hluto felt, witii n pulu blue vch'ut bow and J.Iephistopheles feather. Tlicsu sutiuiio feather ornaments nro quito tho rngo nnd given delicioitMy, delightfully wicked noto to an otlier wlw bomber toilet. Tlicro is n great Bumcnecs in wedding finery hIiico it must bo white, must have a veil nnd ornugo blossoms, but fashion just now says Unit n long point veil is better than a tullo one, nnd that it should hang from tho back of tho head instead of over tho face. Tho dress in tho picture herewith is of mat white satin, tho baby waist held in with t'neo towb of ribbon nnd trimmed with n bertho of laco. Tho sleeves roach the wrist nnd have bracelets of blos soms, nnd n necklace of the eiuiio is on tho collar. Tho skirt hns u ruffle of satin beaded by "bead puffs" of laco at tached with tiny sprays of buds and blossoms. Tiiey extend up tho front breadth in delicate vines. Tho truiu Ih long, nnd no bouquet is carried. litto faille, bengalino mid satin nro thotlireo occasional fly "Oh, you beautiful old doggio! What a darling you nro!" exclaimed the girl, and in another moment she was kneeling by him with her hand on Ids Hon head and her yellow braids half burled In his brown coat. Tho dog opened his sleepy eyes, licked Iter other hand nnd wagged his tail, thereby signifying that though lio hud not previously had thu pleasure of her ao qualiitnticc he considered her a very nice girl Indeed. Looking up the little maiden saw the butcher standing in the door. Ills face was whlto as death. "Kor God'a sake, keep still," lie cried. "Come here, Jack!" he added sternly to I ho dog, and in a moment he hud him by tho chain. "I wouldn't have taken that risk for all that I possess," he said afterword to tho child' father. "He was left to mind tho till, nnd he would have torn any one t'No limb from limb. I cannot understand It." "Uut 1 do," replied the girl. "I lovo nnlmuls and am not nfrnld of them," Maybo that Is tho reason why .lack and tho young hero iuo lira the best ,.f friends oven unto this day. New York News. BIy Ilaby (llrl nnd Mill.) Hoy Mine. My table. Is spread for luncheon Whom think ou slll lunch with mo? Why, my llttlu Hoy lilue, whosu work Is o'er Whosu sheep lio asleep on tho nursery floor Whoso herd thioiiuh llie nowly tnssulcdcora lio homeward led by hU ftiitcllko horn. Then ho full asleep In my easy chair And dreamed 'twas a haystack tall and fair. Ilut now Iiu'h uiMiku and wants his tea; My llttlo Hoy llluu shall lunch with mo. And another, his sister. Did you not know That hu hud a sister somu time ui;u? With rosy cheeks nml llossllko curls. To us tho denrcht, best of wills. A dainty lass to lovo and k'oti To fill our hearts and homo with bliss, Mnny caresses to her befall, Hut llttlo Hoy Dluo ulvca most of all. Ever bonny and w Insame, fresh nn ' sweet, From her eblnlni; head to her dimpled feet, Hho sits by my sltlo In her tall hlnhcUulr, Llko a graceful lily, puro and fair Yes. Iluby Krnm, of summers three. And llttlo Hoy llluoshull lunch with me. Aid tho ycirs may puss as tho years before. And many a uuest pass through my door, And pauso nt my hoard for lunch find tea. Hut nono will ho over to dear to mo, Or 1111 my life with such Joy us you, My Hftby (llrl and llttlo Hoy lilue. Mm. Mary Fellou In Good Housekeeping. xotio:. In the District Court of Lancaster County Nebraska, John Crater v. Mernervy A.Crf.ter. Mernervv A, Critcr. non-resldeut deftnd ant, you urn hereby not I lied that onUioGth day of Heptember, l$aj, John Crater tiled a KUtlnn Hgatiut 'you lir thu dUirlct 'court of mcHitrr county. Nebraska, the object and prayer of which wasloobtulll A divorce ,frnin j ou on the ground Unit you have been itnlliy of extreme eruvltv toward the plulntlirwlth out any cue or provocation on lit part. Ynu are required to answer said petition ou or be fore MomUyvltio 101 h iluy of October, IHti.'. John IjHATKH. I'hilntlir, .10-14 Uy l'ouiid i llurr. Id Alt'). To Hoffman L. Hiuh, iioiireldeut defend ait l Yu aro hereby uollfled that on Pepiem hrBrl8S2.Mrilnetie ,. Hush nit-d a netlllon against you In the dUirlct court of Uiucusier county. Neb., tho object and prayer nf which Is to obtain a divorce from you nn tin ground that you. bilng: of sufficient ability to provide suitable maintenance for plaintiff, gmsaly anil wantonly hii.I cruelly refuied and ilea- looted to do, and that you have treated the IdAtntirfwIth extreme cruelly, ami without tut caused serted philnllir In Vebronr.v.HM, Von are required in answer said pellilon on or ! "lieu beforj Monday, October. 17, 182. Imrdlv b-10-14 HyT.C.Mungor.Au'y. ?'' llouvh on Ilia Uoclnr. Mrs. A. Debtor, what Is the amount ot your bill r Doctor My dear madam, aa yotu flounces aro not in very flourishing ili cumstances, I have coocluditd not to make any charges nt all. Mrs, A. Tina's e.V v'-jlit as far as, goes, but I want to know'who, l-i to pay tho apothecary. Texas Slftings. One of l!i l.aslesl. The laziest man exlstlrg within the har den ot thu Einplte State lives along thu ahoro of Third lake, Pulton chain, and spends his tlmu Ashing. He reclines en tho bank In the shade, tics the pole to the dog's tail, and when he sees tin bobber disappear bo kicks tbu dog uud the aniiuul lands tho llsh. llerl:lmer I.N Y.) Ueiuo- crat. Towiujr' Derlptlon. Papa Well, Tommy, nnd how did you Uko Itf Tommy (who bus been taken to church for the. first time) Very uiuch 'indeed. Every one had to keen very quiet, but one man stood up nnd talked the whole time, and at last we all had to get up and slug to keep him qulot. Plek-Me-Up. Not Worth While. "Shall we ho engaged?" he aald to the seaside girl. v "How long do you remain hen?" she asked. "A week." ' Heully, Harry, for no abort a time it seems worth while." Washington Cftft, materials to Hr cliooso from this 'ftA Reason, though fjft1Tmi'w tullo, crnpo or f2Sa other fabrics can UV ifrU k worn when on- JSP pedient. Tlierois Zsfl$yc now a round fj ( .liri wronth iointed UV'VVa "iwn tho front. VwaIwV.V nnd full Idnivn tvv .":;.,""" ilAvK v-W ruuo uioasoma i iv , tt!i : -w;VLEsSParwVi-,'.:!-2.'l-j 1 S5gS Haven't You Seen OUR- New Gloves Yet? If nol, call and Inspect them, and you will sec they excel any. thing ever shown In Lincoln. Wc call special attention to our Seamless ff Josephine j Glove made of Hie best French Kid, and liked ever so much for it beau tlful At. The Bazar, 1023 O Street. - T H E cfcf- Mii . ft Bon Marche Store Guarantees what their salespeople tell you about goodi, to be true. Should your expedience show that we are wrong hi our judgment In regard tonny of our goods, return them nnd your cash will dc refunded. Look at an arrival of FINE DRESS GOODS to be put on sale September 28th. Quality, Style nnd Price, Unique. We call your attention to n line of Ladles' Fine, Sheer, nnd beautiful Handker chiefs. Our buyer secured these at a loss to someone in New York. Tnelr loss will be your gain; you the gainer In proportion to the number you buy. Prices langc from 501040c each. We would remind you that wc have a full line of Kin Glovks, an excellent make for 75c and $ 1. con pair, and the Hon Makciih: Kid, unexcelled for wear and fit, at ?! 50 a pair. For the above, and all your first-class Dry Goods and Notions, go to The New Store 1236 O ST. Parrish & Shulze, Ho Know. A boy aliout ten years old occupied one of thu front wats In an oral examination In history tit cue of thu grammar schools a llttlo over 11 month ngo. He wns rather brl lit looking, and evidently had a very good opinion of Ids own learning. "Who can tell mo what slaves and the oervants of thu king were called in Englnud In old times" asked the teacher. The ten-year-old raised his hand Ilka a rocket. "Well, you, Jbhnnle Drown." "Serfs, vassals and vasallnes," was the reply. Now York Times. A GRAND PRIZE. BIBLE COMPETITION. Two Thousand Dollars In Prizes will be Equitably Distributed. y V A Rura Rlra. ''Did Miss Sower by have her photographs taken yesterday?" "Yes.M "Good likeness?" "Yea, 'must have been, for alio refused to tnkethcmof the photographer.1' Boston Commercial Bulletin. '"that, mat'," aald the coaenman, point ing to a gentleman going down the street, "has to work very hard." "For his living?" "No; for mine." New York Press. THE HAPPY nniDE. re worn instead of only unopened budu For a going away dress either of the two represented nbovo would be suit able or 11 gown of plaid toilo du Nord. Ono of plain cloth or cheviot cut in tho samo general stylo would bo as hand some. Bridesmaids' costumes nro by no means the costly nft'drs they have been, nnd whoro thero is but one she usually wears crape or cashmere, with some delicate color in tho trimming of her hat or in her ribbons. Where tlioro nro six they adopt by twos bouv Hut palo plnk,bluo r maize and wear hats of tho samo color, looking very pretty, but remind ing one of a pinaforo chorus. It is con sidered In bad tasto "for them to wear jewels except a lockot or small pin, tho gift of the bridegroom. Next week will take place tho open ings of all the retail houses, and tho tirocesslon of women "will tal:o up i .1 Ine of march in tho morning nml t.U Qay surge aliout tho bonuota and huts re cently iinportedr-from t'.io bacU rooms. 1 shall got my life tnuufea nnd try tj gt.: there just thu same, Olive IUr.rEu. I . . Albert llluineiitlial. Here Is a plcturo of little Albert Dlu mentlml ns he appeared at a recent charity entertainment given at the Hotel Kuat'er skill, New York. A dispatch to the New York Herald says: "He posed with as much expression In tho tableaux, 'The Lone and Short of It,' ns ho played ou his tiny vlo- fa. 'O. JS? - -Sb-bev..- 1 p7i 1 1 - - lin. He Is nn embryo American Mozart, handling his bow with much skill and be ing ablu to read iiiusls too dlfllcult for him to piny, Thu charming little man does not wish to be praised, and when Asked If he was frlgliteiied by seelug so Uiauy people answered like wte, 'No; I iit saw my music,'" READ OUR PLAN. For several years past competitions of an instructive order have been offered by reputable business bouses and manufacturers In England with the object of In creasing their sales and interesting their customers In their respective goods. These contests, on account of the unmicstloncd fairness displayed In conducting them, have Interested the best people of Great lliltaln. Helicvmg that competi tions offered by n mnnufactuiing concern such ns ours, nnd conducted in the same honorable manner, would excite universal interest among the intelligent people of the United States and Canada, our Company have decided to offer n Prize Com petition in whlchour first effort will be to niake It slrictlrfuir and impartial. The intention Is to satisfy every one entering this competition that they have been duly credited with" the position which their efforts have earned for tliein. Wc are sure that this class of a pilzc contest will receive the approval of parents and nil those having the Instruction of young at heart The prizes to be awarded in this competition will consist entirely of articles of tiiicirii( value to be appreciated by every person receiving one as a fair reward for the efforts put forth by them. (Jur enteutlon is to divide the amount to he given away In prizes, varying in nlue from eight dollars to one hundred dollars each, and we enter Into nn honor al'k agreement with tboe entering this competition to distribute falily Two Thou'sano Dollars In prizes. AWARD OF PRIZKS. Ten of the leading ministers of our city will be invited to attend and assist in the auord of prizes. PRIZE BIBLE COMPETITION. Wc will pay Onk Hundred Dollars In cash to the first person who cor rectly answers the following question: Where in the Hlble do the following three words first appear: 1, Rain; 2, Brkad; 3, Milk. The second person answering correctly will receive Skvknty-i-ivf. Dollars in cash The third person Rending correct answer will receive Fiptv Dollars In cash. The next ten will each receive an elegant Coin Silver (lumllni; case) Watch. The next ten will each receive nn elegant Silk Drkss pattern (sixteen yards in any color). The next ten will each receive a llrt-clas pair of Oi'Kra Glasses. MIDDLE PRIZES. -Every answer when received will be numbered nnd entered on a special hook, with the nam and nddress of Hie competitor. The thirty-three persons sending the thirty-three correct answers which are the mid dle ones received will receive duplicates of prlzis awarded for the first thirty three correct answers. LAST PRIZEi. -The thirty-three persons senilng the thirty-three cor rect answers which are received l'nt will receive duplicates of the prizes that are awarded for the first and mlddl ihlrtv-three correct answers, the last correct answer receiving the One hundred Dollars, th? next to the last Seventy live Dollars, and so on until the thlrty-thrc prizes for the last tliirty-threi correct answers have been nwarded. SPECIAL PRIZES. A prize consisting of an elegant Lady's or Gentle man's Wntch will be given to the person sending the first correct answer which Is the first received from their state or Province. CONDITIONS. Answers must he accompanied with fifteen United States two-cent nostnec stamps for one package of Pearlifonm, which Is the latest scientific discovery for cleansing nnd preserving the teeth. Our object i to Introduce nnd attract at tention to Pearlu'oam, which Is the only preparation whose manufacturers nrc willing to offer n reward of Five Hundred Dollar to any dentist who can show that It contains anything Injurious to the teeth. A mouthful of nearly white teelh is the Mire result of Its constant use. It Is recommended by tlie leaders of the dental profession everywhere; nskyour ihntist what he thinks of It. Pearli foam Is sent by mnll, postpaid, nnd free of customs duty. HE SUKIt AND SEND YOUR ANSWERS TO-DAY, YOU M VV RECEIVE A VAL IUM.!: prize for your trouiile, Address; Exquisite Toilet Mfq. Co., 170 YJN-I STRieT, T0F10MTO. OANADA . i tartr .' I '. I