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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1892)
! CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1892 jf jv MUSIC iul ' Academic School for Girls, LtaeelB, Nebraska. All llranehea or fade, Art, Elocution, Literature, and Language, TafM by a Faculty of Hlxlreit Instructor. . Kch Teacher nn ARTIST And specialist. f only Conservatory west of llorion own teg (M own building mill rnrnlslilng. Art id home for lady itnlrn in. Tuition from 9 to f 00 per If nil ol i0 w, ok. rita for Catalogue nnd go no nil Inrormatloa O, It. IIOWKM Dlrrotor. PHOTOGRAPHER Una ill Krt'iil ex ih'Iho replaced lila 01. ll Itudrumi'Uta with 11 now Palle- myer, direct from London, and la now belter prepared Hum ever to ilo lino wiiik, fiiini n locant up to life site, Opi'll rroin ton, til. to I t. in. Hiutilnj. Studio, iai4 treet. CIPIM $200,000.00. American 1 Exchange National 1 Bank. I M. Raymond, . frctldanw Uiwli Oresory, Vice President D. O. Wliia, Amu Cashle .. rnham, Cashier. Lincoln, : Nebraska Capital $250,000 Dhr tors; Wl Olfittr tint John II. Wrliihl. 1'rcs. T. K. Sunders, V.-P. j. 11, .Mi'Uiiiy, I'uauitT. IT E Johnson, III lull, Thoiirocliniii. HHlier, TWl.owery, W I. Dayton Gcncrnl Hanking lluslncss Transacted Collection n Specialty. -- --.-. . i ; ... .. DR. T. O'CONNOR, (Bucccssor to Dr. Charles Bunrlso) Cures Cancers Tumors Went nnd FUtuhia without' ho me of Knl'e Chloroform or Kllior. Office )S O Street LINCOLN NEB. Ladies' and Children's lair Cutting and Shampooing a Specialty SAM.WESTERFIELD'S BURR s- BLOCK. Santa Fe Route. 1 j AtcUson, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R Tk Ptdlar Routt to the Pacilc Coast. Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Between Kantu City and SAN DIEGO, LOS ANGELES, and SAN FRAN CISCO. Short Line Rate to PORTLANP, Oregon. Desble Dallr Train Service Between' mum City and PUEBLO. COLOR ADO SPRINGS, and DENVER. Short Line to SALT LAKE CITY. The Direct Texas Route Tralna Between Kansaa Cttv ami GalTtetofl: The, Short Line Between Kaam.City and Gainesville, Ft. Worth, Dallas, Austin, Temple, San Antonio, Houtton, and all Principal Point In Texas. Thn Only Line. Running Through the Oklahoma' country. 7h Only Direct Line to the Texas Pan-Handle. For Maps and Time Table and Informa tion Regarding Rate and Route Call on ' . nrAddre S. a PALMER. Passenger Agent, IS tirrnM Street, UMUm CONSERVATORY of py; A VEHtSATILK FjEGCIAR. He wan standing, tannd and broken, In th wnllliut wind mi 1 111I11, White lila linlr, his fare wn withered, fur row rl, ton, 1 1)' ) nil mul pnlti, Willi Ida stricken cia turned upward to the skies till")' coiilu not . "Ilo," I muttered, "I n symbol nr! all human miner). Thero la iiiiuuht for him luit ilnrkncaat nil hU world'a 11 world behind." On his bosom whs the leiteiid ,, 11 1 ,, 11 m I'lrnanto ltclp?..ul ! : 1 Am liiinii. : .... a 1 .I...II I ...I..! Lntcrln thu week I anwhlin luminlhrr dlatnt.l town, He wna looking with tillltn pnthoa from hla KOlillo.')iof brown! Ho roilld sen na "I'll na I could, hut ntlllctlon' Iron hiind Hail tliil up hla michI orumia with n worse. thnti Iron Imiiili And I placed n silver quarter In Ids pallid hiiuil mul niiiiih. Having read thu nlun ho carried i' I11 nf 1 I Am Deaf mid Dtiiuh. When nuuln I mw the U'ttunr weary iIiijr nil. I weeks hud llnirnt Ho wna sitting, crtndicd nnd lonely, on n pleen of ciirhltut atone) Ue could aeo mid hear and gabble, nml I said, "I lmn Usui sold," And I Krnhlied thnt hntd ltnKatr with n Wil liam Moldoon holdi And when I mauled him over till tho natives wernaurprlaed, Truthful words composed tho pliiuard : llelpl . I : I Hnvo Keen I'nraly.odl : . Wait Mason In Fremont (Nob.) Tribune. Speeding n llore. Patent inedlcliio la for tho most part worthlcaa atuff. Now mill then, however, M liottlo of It may ho of real acrvleo In tho lunula of aomo mun who known how to tiso It. In 1WH I'rcaldeiit Lincoln waa Krvatlr bothort'd by tho well meant but 111 oilvlacd efforta of certain ool northern mun to brliiK about, n termination of tho war. old fC'-tlcnmn, very blnuil anil vutlrvly bald, wiiMCHpecliilly jierHlatent nnd trouble' aome. AkuIii mul iiKaln bo apiienrnl beforu the prt'Klilent, and wan not rid of by one and nnother liiKonloua cxpeillent. One day when thla ntiKi'l of mercy bail been borltij; Mr. Lincoln far half nn hour, to tho Inter ruption of Important l)UNlnean, tho preal dent Huddeiily nroae, went to it cloaut and took out of It 11 laru tmttlo. "Did yon over try thin remedy for buhl nesal" ho asked, holding up tho liottlo be foro IiIm iiHtonldht'd visitor. Ko; tho man was oIiIIkisI to coufexn thnt ho never bud tried It. Mr. Lincoln culled 11 servant, had the bottlo wrapped up, nnd bnudcdltto the bald philanthropist. "There," wild he, "ko nnd rub home of that on your bend. IVrauvere. They my it will iniiko tho hair grow. Como buck In about three mouths nnd report." And almost before ho knew It, tho ! man waa outside, of tho door with the package under his arm, Youth's Com panion. The Vutnl Ktopeiiicnt. I. Luatlgo Hlatter. An Kiiiiitlonnl Nature. Mrs. Harlem River waa busy cuttliifc her liiiabund'a hulr. Their little son. lohnny picked up Minio of tho hair that wiu scat tered over thu floor. "Please, tun, mayn't I have a lock of papa'a hair? I want It no bad." "Yea, my child. Juat nee there, George, what an affeclioiiato little fellow ho lal That child baa more heart than any child of hla age I over naw. Ilo want to keep a lock of your hair aa a keepsake. He U the best boy lu Harlem." "What do you want tho hair for, John ny?" naked Mrs. Harlem River. "I want it for the tall of my hobby horsu. Ilia tall it too thin," replied the affectionate little creature. Tcxua Sift ing. The Truthful Landlord. Enraged Guest How'a this, nlrl how'j this? You advertised running water in every room lu tho house, and all thu water you've got on thu premises la what you catch in n dirty tub under thu eaves. Serene Host Say, lopka here, young, man, when I advertise thing I have It. Guest Then where'a your running wa ter in every room? Host Well, you jeat wnlt till the next time it rains and you'll see. Uoston Courier. , Wnntril Small One, Ltttlo Hoy (enviously) I wish I hnd n Bible like that. Good Minister (with pocket edition) Do you, my sou, mid why? "I like that because It'a such a tiny ltttlo one." "And why do you want a little one?" " 'Cause It won't take no long to read, of course." Good News, ScMlda Joys. He Many engagements hero this turn inerf She Not so many uew ones, but there axe lota of renewal of last year. Life. The Confession. They swuoif upon the garden gate; Thus near the close of day; Ue blushed nnd whltpered lew to tier "There's soinethluK I would say." "There's sometblug I would say, iny dear," He kTiilly took her baud; "I feel Hint I must peak. I hope That you w 111 understand." She looked Into his manly face. Her care was stroug nud clear "You need not bo afraid." she suld, "I'll understand you, deur." "Then I'll speak out," he irenily said; "1 bopo ou will not mind. Bat 1-ahvuit The favl Is. dar. Your lu-tklle'a up Uhlud." -Clothier and rural?. II. SHE WCAniED HIM. And Tliete Wiia AiiipIIut l.lllln liny Oul of II illlll, Tho KriKcr't. new boy threw hla delivery basket down hi the corner with nn lujun-il nlr and rwliuirkrd that tluvwonmu who had Juat inovtil lnto!l7, around tho corner, waa n regular crank. "How ilo you ineiinf" nakril tho k roc or. "Klrst thlliK alio naked m" mild the boy, "wna whether we hud any nlco freah ckk. They niuat bo very, very freah, ahe nnlil, becnuao ahe wanted 'cm to put In cake, "I told hercKKs waa doubtful this hot weather, but wu had Homo very, very fresh eKKplants, nnd how would they ilof "Hheanlil they wouldn't do lit nil, nnd then nho naked mo If wo had any corn thnt waa 11a Kreen na I wna and tho enra aa well developed na initio, "1 mild 'YiVm. " 'Well,' ulie anya, 'I want aoinu fordlu tier, so brliiK half a dozen dm noon nn you can.' "'d wain na wu rail?' any I. 'Do you want Itcniimil?' , "Hho Miild ah did not want It canned Then she beuiiu to ask about watermelon.. Did wu have aomu that waa rlpu? I told her 'Yea'm.' "Wiim they on leu? "No'in, they wua on tho aldewalk. "Would we put half of ouo on Ico and brliiK It around at 0 o'clock? "Wo would. "Would wo hiivo tho aeeda taken ont? "With pleaauro. "All rlKht. Did wo keep vlchy water In Iphons? "Yea'm. "Waa that on leu? "No. Hut I told her wo'd put half a siphon on leu and brliiK It around at (' o'clock with tho bubblea taken out If ahe'i! nay tho word. "Then alio said alio KUessed uveiytlilii;: wo bad around hero was nlco and frcjiK but there waa such a thing us beliiK too fresh, and alio believed ahu'il try thu other ntorc, an I needn't bother. Yea, air, thu woman's n crank." "Kddlc," said thu grocery man aa he slowly rolled thu whlto paper around u pound of cheese, "my nephew will lio here next week from riermauy and I am koIiij to give hlm your job. Meanwhile I'll tiy to Met along without any little boy." "You'll hate to," said Kddle, '"cause I'm goln to k.'tive." Detroit Prco Press. A Dlnerenrn lu 1'rlce. One morning an unusually lino dlap'ay of furs lu ouo of the windows of a promt neut furrier down town attracted many mi admiring glance from passers by. Two stout colored women paused toiulmiro the display. "There," anld tho larger of tho two, "am du very coat for me. I tell you dat'i u beauty," nnd she pointed to a bnndaome wrap marked, "Just reduced to fiV)." "Iot'Hgo in nn look at 'em." Her friend followed her Into thu store Tho proprietor, Mr. L win In tho front part of tho atoro nnd went forward with Ills best smile. "Ladles, what can I do for you this morning?" "Wo wants to aco item coats Hko whntV lu do winder," waa thu response. "If you will walk back in tho atoro I will ahow you our entire line. Whr. price coat did you want?" " 'Hunt du same ua dat onu la," polutlir to thu onu lu tho window. They walked back to thu coat depart ment and Mr. L. took down coat after co.u with untiring zeal. At length one wu found that just nutted tho would be pur chaser. "I gucs'i I'll take din ef you'n Hiiro it nn do stylo nnd lll wear, 'cause du prlcu cei talnly am reasonable," shodeilared. "Shall I hcuil It for you." naked Mr. L. "No, I'll Jc.V pay you and tnku It along,' alio tuild aa she drew from her pocket nnd deposited on the counter two onu dollar bills, onu quarter, two tens and u five. "Why," wild Mr. L. lu consternation, n ho looked nt tho money; "th!alsoulyfJ.50!'' "Well, ain't dW coat du wimo price ua da. one in do winder?" "Yes, but that in thu window la worth 1250." "What! Two hundred and fifty dolln-s for one coat I I never heard of such a tliingl" ahe Indignantly exclaimed, tossing tho prccloua bundle on thu counter. "He must 'a' thought I was a Vunder hilt," wero her last words na she nlnmiped tho door lichintl her. Mr. L. reining theSKOcontn. Now York Reconler. An Kxtrit T. Major Johnston la very particular about the spelling of lila name. Ho In n very proud man on general principles. Nothing exaaperatea him more than to bu mixed up typographically or otherwise with tht common herd of Johnsons without a "t.' He was about leaving a hotel lu Dallas. Ho had naked for hla bill, ami when It waa handed him by tho clerk he scowled fiercely. "Is there any mistake in thu blll?"nakel the clerk. "Thero la, air. You have spelled mj name without tho 't.' " "Ah, I see," replied tho clerk. "Y'...i ah on Id bo charged with an extra tea. Fifty cents more, If you plenao." Texas Slftlii;i A Mlmir Omlsaloii. "Clara, I'm engaged to bo married already, and I've only been hero two days.1' "You nweet thliiKl Who la the bapp man?" "Deur me, how unfortunate! Ho forgot to give me his card." Chicago New a Record. The AVIngt of Love. Cass Avenuu Lady What la thu mutter nrhlget? Why aru you going to leave? DrldueU-Sure, ma'am, our policemai has lice 1 1 appointed to another district. -Detroit Freo 1'reh.s. A Klrst Claas Ileason. He Won't you let me have a kiso, now that I am going away for a day? She -If you can give any good reason why 1 should I might think about It pos slbly. He I should like to establish a precedent. -Life. 5.: .m . i m ; .VTTVT. U The IiUIiiim'k TrnveraeA, Theru'aiijoiiuu man lu Detroit who.w lib of aiiperlor Intellliteiiei1, laiianwkw-jril lis. cow, and though lie loves to dancu lie uevii yet baa learned bow to do ao griicufull) and not walk over thu glrl'a feel. At a ball onu evening during thu ball season bo waa talking to a young woman nftor u wait.. "Do you know," be anld, "that a pcrwn traverses about thrce-quaitera of a mile In the course of au average wall.?" The girl wasn't In a very good humor. "Well," alio responded with some signifi cance, not to any asMrity, "I should have put It ut a llttlo more than that; any three quarters of n mile unit two feet." Detroit rreo 1'rcaa. A Veiy Well I'oaled Harpcr'a The Orcheatm Stopped. Tho poetic looking man with long hrdr nnd the woman with pale blue eyea wero especially Interested in the lovo passages of tho play. They sighed deeply and ex changed soulful glances every time the heroine nnd her beat fellow hnd any trouble. Worldly people lu the immediate vicin ity wero convinced that thu iii'in with long hair and thu woman with pale bluu eyes wero recently married. The curtain descended upon a thrilling nceno wherein aevernl palrM of devoted hearts, rudely held apart by dlro and dis tressing necessity, were aevcrally reunited. "R-r-r-rum-tr-tat-tat." Tho lender of the orchestra had waved hia baton mul tho drum wna responding with vigor. Thu man with thu long hair and thu woman with thu palo bluo eyea weru conversing earnestly. With Ineffable tunderncaa they gazed into each other'a faces. Worldly people In tho vicinity felt aur tbuiuan and thu woman wero spea'.clng in violent terms of endearment. "Root-tl-tl-toot-too-root." Thu trombone had auddenly discovered clenr Hailing ahead and wna snorting bois terously. "Tnnt-ii-ra-ra-riim." The cornet bad started lute, but was making u notnblu apurt. Thu long haired man leaned closer to tho bluu eyed woman. Worldly people in tho vicinity wero fully assured that ho was talking very loud, and hoped in their hearts, tho orchestra would stop without warning. "Tat" "Root" "Taut" The leader bail thrown both anna finn tically into tho air. Thu drum, tho trom bone nnd tho cornet knew what it meant. Clamor waa Instantly succeeded by Bllcncc. The worldly people held their brentbs. "I tell you cockroaches can't" The nan with long hair paused, lowered hia voice and proceeded with bis conversa tion. Only the worldly people wero disap pointed. Detroit Tribune. lie Consoled the Widow. An aged colored womnn named Amanda Sykea, who owned a house and norno cash, lost her husband, nnd tho Rev. Whang doodlo Ilaxter went to tho window In order to console her. Ho said: "Hit's mighty tuff dnt you loses ycr husband, Mandy, but you must try and b'nr up under hit. ou haa sustained u lienby loss, but you must brace up wld du cousolaahiins of lldgeon. You knows dar nm one who sticks closer dan a brudder. Ho am a berry present help in time ob .trubble. Ho will novor lenb yer nor for aaku yer." "Dat'a a fac', parson," replied Amanda, drying her eyes. "Ho called tcraeomo las' night ami staid eber no long, nn he nm gwlntor tnku mo out ridln lu a buggy ter morror." "Whut'a yer talkln about, you fool nig gab?" "I'se talkln 'bout Parson Amlnldab Died so, de ctillud pasture ob du new Temple ob Slon; bo has been payiu mo 'teushtins, uber sen co du obsquloua." Tuxaa Sittings. Iluw lio Saved llliiiietr. "Talking about thu battlu of Gettys burg," he said dreamily, "I had a narrow escape from being killed nt that point." "Tell us about it," suggested half a dozen voices. "Oh, there'a nothing to tell," anld thb stranger modestly. "It was through no bravery of mine that I escaped. I have always been in the thick of tho light it any light was going on where I was, nnd thero Is only or.u way of accounting for my not being hurt upon that occasion." "And that?" Everybody leaned for wnrd to bear hia reply. "I wasn't there." Detroit Free Press. "SI. A." Acconllug to 11 New Zealand paper the Rev. HiikIi Price Hughes, M. A., never fulls to have these initials written after his name: but sometimes, in places where masters of arts aru rare, tho cabalistic let tera fail to make their proper impression. A deacon in an out-of-the-way township read to bis congregation thu written notice of Mr. Hughes Impending visit thus: "The pulpit of tills church will lie occu pled on Sunday next by the Rev. Hugh Price Hughes' ma." He added the gallant reflection, "And wit havu no doubt thu old lady will give ua n Tery telling discourse." Two l'olnts of View. Mr. Longcourt Ah, thnt It might be ever summer! What a Joy U such a night aa this) How calm, how peaceful, how full of mora thnn earthly bliss, how Miss Impaclente Yes, pa likes It better too. Mr. Longcourt Has be then a mind at tuned to the beauties of nature, the bar mony of Miss Impaclente I don't know about that, but bu says the giis bills are lots amaller. Detroit Tribune. Realistic. Wltberby I got ahead of my wife the other day, Bhe had some money saved up to buy me eonie underwear, but (puff) 1 headed her off and (puff) persuaded her to buy theso (puff) cigars Instead. Quite an Von Ulumcr Yes. I can (puff) almost taste the wool lu them. Truth. 3 I Nows the Time to Buy!'- II mtiWK&rihrm '-""V THVvvBBfB?i 1 1 fc " iy-gy jy - mi...! , i ,7y I y I jff . e- cci-lN.e C Jr B"CT"2" Manufacturers Agent t I have just received nt niv repository, direct from the factory, a lar?e line of FUIST CLASS WOfh', and nm offering the n nt prices thnt positively dis tance all competitors. See my line of Phaeto Su i And nil the lnteat Novelties in the Carriage line. Uclng manufacturer's ngent for some of the greatest factories, I am in a position to offer goods nt closer figures than retailers. It will pay on to call and sec my iVZiIK LINE before making purchases. E. R. GUTHRIE, 1540 O STREET - 1540 STREET POLSOM'8 -& HAS NO Our Parlors are the handsomest and cry nnd Ilakery Sunday Orders Telephone 501. ice TA Wff ' HAVING just assumed personal amtrol of my handsome new stnbles, It will be my aim to conduct a first-cla..s establishment, giving bett of care and nttentlon to horses entrusted to our keeping. STYLISH CARRIAGES. Single or double, nnd a fine line of well ulshed, DAVE FITZGERALD, Prop. M. R. STANLEY, Foreman. Stables 1639 .TIW'WK -??' Lincoln, Neb An Old School ina New Location.. Ninth Year. 25 Departments.. 30 Teachers Beautiful, healthy location, magnificent buildings, fine equipments, superior accoin. modatlons, strong faculty, comprehensive curriculum, thorough work, high moral and christian Influences nnd low expense make this The SCHOOL FOR THE MASSES A practical education You can Enter any Time and Choose Tour Studies: This great school is located in Hawthorne, three miles south west of the post oflke an will be connected by electric street car line, YOUR CAR FARK PAID. In ordc that all may sec our many advantages In the way ot buildings, equipments faculty, etc we will pay your car fare from your home to Lincoln provided you nre present on the opening day of the fall term, Sept. 189J. Write for particulars. Hund name and nddrcMips of U5 young people nnd wo will send you choice of lino 15-1 noU. ruler, fieriimmotoror veur's aulM'rliitlon to our llliiHiritted educational monthly. DATA UKHJKd AND (JIHUUL.VlM, HtEK. Address WM. SI. CHOA.N, I'res. or WESTERN KORMAL COLLEGE, Lincoln, Neb. Ji KS i 2503X4: ns, i EQUAL. cosiest In the cily. Goods always fresh. Fine line of Confectlon- Fromptly Delivered. 1307 O Street- rreys CREHM Finest in the City THE NEW LINCOLN STABLES. trained hort-eb for livery use, fur day ar nljjht. Telephone 550 and 1641 O Street. without needlcfs waste of time or money Is furnished by the Western Normal College