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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1892)
TA-PoPdll3R RPCRoPAopERii -TIMES ac M Von. 7 No 43 Lincoln, Nbhuaska, Satuhday, Ootoiiick I, lrfOLJ. F'wicic Ft vie OoutH Town mm About tho cheapest publicity nort of pub licity olitalnntilo by Imiuiiii Ingenuity und check Id tlint being obtained of Into by n few ovrr-zcnlous howler for tho Hock Islnud railroad who are vnlnly endeavoring to at tract nttciitlon to themselves by mouthing their opposition to tho Lincoln street rail way. In spite of the fact that the Hock Is lnud ofllclnls mid tho street railway olllclnls iiro not ut nil hostile toward each other, theso cheap puglors endenvor to umko It npHtar thnt thcro is n big fight between the com panics, thnt they nro on the side of tho Hock Island and thnt tho street railway olllclnls ale endeavoring to keep the Hock Island out. This Is nil nonsense and tho very cheapest clap trap, ntul Is designed to deceive tho pub lic. The differences between the companies nre merely an to oiosslng relations and nro tuoro than likely to bo Rett let). These cheat) John warriors for n cause that Is safer nnd better off without them have endeavored in every way to crento n prejudice against tho street railway coiup'iuy, going even ho far as to pass condemnatory resolutions at n packed and unauthorl.ed meeting of a half dozen liieinhei'H of the real estate exchange. They nre entirely unmindful of the fact that the present innnngmeutnf tho Lincoln street railway relieved them of the slow iiiulo means of transportation and put into operation sixty miles of better electric street railway than can bo found in any town of Lincoln's size In the country; thnt it will probably lot jenrs bcfoio tho lino will pay nppiccinhlo dividends, and thnt It has paid for everything that street car or railway companies nro ever asked to pny for. No one will Ikj hood winked by theso cheap howlers, and tho Rock Island will go through tho city in spite of this diawbnek. Tho people want tho Hock Island, and have It already, but they can do without tho cheap scheming and howl ing of its self-appointed fullers. The Hock Island nnd the street railway both descrvo liberal treatment, nnd they will receive it. Hut is there nny sense in decrying tho Lincoln Stieet Hallway company I Is it not distinctively a Lincoln Institution, and should wo not encourage it rather than at tempt to injure it. When the Hock Islnud gets all Itnsks and needs in Lincoln it will not have purcbaea the city. Of course the stieet railway has been given right of way upon the publio streets, but that is no more than every other street railway gets In every other city. And that is just what the Hock Island get in this city. One-third of its right of woy through Lincoln, or more, Is upon nnd across public streets which do not cost it a cent, nnd it has leen given JM, 000 by the city to occupy It. The city has never given tho stieet railway company any bonds. The Hock Island is making im provements thnt cdii template an expenditure of $500,000. Tho street railway represent nn outlay of $1,200,000. The latter has upon its pay rolls over 170 men who make their homes In this city. The Hock Islnud will not plant the families of n third that many, for years to come at least, as far ns present plnng nro known. The Hock Islnud Invest ment will bo a good one from tho start, whllo those who know anything about the matter know that the street railway invest ineiit Is not ns yet paying dividends, or even interest. It is also well known that seveial of tho colleges tun rounding tho city would never have been secured had it not been for the street railway. Everyone wants to see the Hock Island come mid stay, tint there is no necessity of decrying the street rnllwny to get It hero. The courts can be relied upon to settle existing differences without assistance fioifl the Kclf-rppoiutid fuglers. If It bo true, as Hon. A. W. Field's friends insist, thnt thnt geutlemnn Is bosting his op ponent in the joint debates, u brilliant fu ture awaits Mr. Field, and in case he (select ed to congress he will certainly become a flxtiiie and one of the very foremoat leaders of his party. In tho two yeais that Iirynn has been in Washington he has won more than national fame as an orator ami states man became n leader of his party and a power In the laud. Had he but the age, he would be a formidable candidate four yeurs hence for president. Tho Chicago Herald, a few days since, printed a list or tile foremost oral oi s of tho country fifteen democrats and llfteeu lepiibllcaus. Hryan's name was ninth in the democratic list, mid not a single one of thoso mentioned In either list was less tlmn six jears older thaii is he. When Mr. Field has "done him up'1 in the joint debite he will have proven himself one of the best statesmen and oiatoisof his puty, nnd theio will be found to have been no necessity of importing McKlnley and Fornkcr to help him out. When Judge Field comes home from the lotllid of oratoiicul Joints with 1 1 r jail's scalp In his belt, he will be right ill 1 ine for tho pi eshlency . The people of Lincoln in e to be cougintu lated upon the fact that the choleia seme has had its effect in starting a needed cleans ing of theclt)'s leposltones uf filth. Snnl tmy isolations long neglected .nil almost forgotten have been polished up and an effoit inndo nt their enforcement. Dm lug the past week seveial olfeudeis against sanitary irgulntions have actually been ar ar rested ami punished, mid for olivines too thnt have long Iteen pcipetmtcd with impu nity. Now that the olllrials have once mm e rend upon the military rtipiiiemeiits, they should pel sist In enloiciug them until people gel used to habits of cleanliness and insist upon it In m their neighbors. No good citieu will tolerate laxity In this mat ter on the part of Ills neighbors, as pride for ills home city mid the pcisnml s.ifet) of his family nnd ncighhois depends. Home people ale po.eesod of the power of circulating senatoilal minors that dwarf the press to cliculate Hie news, An amusing In stance of their dellgeiico mid piisisteuoc wen 1 1 id ten e (In) time, wlun the modern parable of the tlneo black crows was mire than outdone. Someone started the rumor that PiWissor Tnylor of the Htnto University, who recently returned from Klfope nnd was a passenger on the Noimnli liln, had been stiickeii with tho cholera. For time da)s this minor went whisking in omul coi litis mid Into obscure romcis, tver dodging the most, Meet mid ready do iilnls, carrying alarm nnd consternntloti In to huudicds of homes. No one know where tho minor oilgluatod, but everybody heard it and hundreds believed it. As a result Chancellor Canlleld had his mouth gluts I to tho telephone dining tho gl eater part of two das den) lug tho rumor in response to anxious Inquiries. Newspaper reporteis weie subjected to bioadslitu of anxious In quiry everywheie, nnd -i llveryinati who runs n bm ii near I'rof. Tavlor's lesldenco was driven almost wild by the jangling of his telephone. Several times tho rumor was nearly shut out, 'but it would soon bienk out nfiesh, witli new mid bonifying vuiin lions, until Professor had died no less than a score of times, tlm exact hour and the sick ening details being often minutely given Meantime Professor Taylor was as well as ever and was going nUiilt tho peiforuninco of his duties rt guiltless of his cat-like mortal ity. The oiigiimtur, letailer and peislsteiit ruvlver of that fako may assure himself that he thoroughly frightened thousands of eo pie. both in mid out of Lincoln, mid pro ceed to sutler tho lemoisohe deserves there for. N. Z. Snell, county attorney, hns ut last struck n successful gait In the prosecution of offenders against tho law, but it riimo too late to bo of service to him. Had it come to hlui a year ago ho would have had a siucli again on the county attorneyship. Hut Mr. Snell was a victim of decided ill luck. In splto of his able and earnest eiToitr, nnd such assistance ns ho could get from the nblet meinliersof the local bar, nearly every person accused o' n major ciiino esenped punishment by some small defect In the proof. Mr. Snell wus of course held respon sible for the acquittal of Mrs. Shccdy and Monday McFmlnud, although O. M. Ijiiii bertsou mi i Frank M. Hall were associated wlih him. Ho was held iesousihlo for tho acquittal of Hutchinson, although ably as slsted and although the proofs offered of in sanity weie overwhelming. He was held responsible for the uequttai of young Itar rett, who killed mi nged hook-ngene, although there was absolutely no pi oof that it wns not doiib so in self-defense. All of theso accused people weie Mi'ltected of guilt by the public, but loituno was with them in the pioofs available and the law, mid Shell's political enemies were enabled to (Mjint to his failure to convict us an evidence of his lack of qualification, And they did It. Even when Myron Pratt gnvo lilm a a case that was utmost sure to result In con viction the prisoner died before the trial came around. Hnell was a victim of most adverse rircumstauceti mid it is more than likely that tho ablest lawyer In Lincoln would have fared no bettor than he in the same cases. Ho was not even renominated, but he and Ids fi lends rest serene in the con fidence that ho did his duty as faithfully and well as could any attorney havo'donelt. Chancellor Crelghtou of tho Wosleynn University has returned from the Nebraska City conference of the Methodist church with a record wljied mid scrubbed clean of the charges In ought against hlin, nnd xnce with Immaculate wings might be presumed to have established u roost nt University I'lnce. Bo complete was his vindication that he magnanimously announced to the confer ence that he would withdraw the suit brought In the courts against F.ldors Hinlth und lliirch, who preferred the charges, for $'.'0,000 damages. And when ho leached home a formal and fulsome demonstration was made In lecoguitiou of his triumph, at which anvils boomed, the college buildings were illuminated and eechos of pralso and congratulation wero made by his friends. Hut even this demonstration cannot hide the fact that the bitterness against him and the dissatisfactinn over Ills continuance us the head of the university has survived even tho kindly otllcesof the coufeieiice toward him. Some of his old antagonists still think lilm an unfit man for the plico mid will only await another opK)i Utility to nssnll him. The de monstration made over his acquittal has only strengthened their hailed and opposi tion It had been thought that the chancel lor would follow up Ills magnanimous witli drawil of his suit for damages by mogunni namely resigning disposition as chancellor, which would ceitalnly ,Ih the best thing lie could do for the chinch, the university and himself, but he didn't and will not. He says ho has declined oilers of two good pastoral chin ties since Ills acquittal by sa) lug in each Instance that he could accept no proffered position for the i ensoii thnt ho nlieady lias one. It Is to Ut regietted that the Wesleyau must continue to tuller the full weight or this tumble. Under favorable auspices It would have had a pioinUtug future, but, weak from tho Hist, it Is growing weaker, Jam! it will never be stioug under Chancellor Crelghtou. Ileal li of Mis, Thajer. The sad news bearing the intelligence of tho death of Mrs. John M. 'lhayer, wifu ot Kx-Covcruor Thajer was uceived in tills city Thursday and caused geucial soirovv among n v.ry large poitiou of our citizen, most of whom either knew the pleasant old lady either HiMiually or tiy tint leputatiou that attaches Itself to the wife of any piouii- I iieut nllhlul Mis. Ihajcr has iiecn an In valid for seveial jeaismid all maimer of l tieatmeiilH wero lesoited to as a means of I reeup' ration, and various localities were 1 visited, latteil.v the place whole she died. Mis. 'lhii)er passed ana) Tuesday night nt Ilelhugl. am, Mats , siiirniuidul b) her luu band and other leliitives and friends. The f nut in 1 took place vcsteidny morning at eleven o'clock, when the last sad lite weie pel fount d and tliti body laid to lest wheie life lieenmu extinct. nitr Toro Lincoln nnd Its people hnvo long since IhissisI the cm when the arts mut i cumin In the back ground. Already have we arrived with the ndvnncemeut of the age nt the time when the vuiloin alts ns will as tho sciences are being limiht a part of our individual education. And now, that wo have no less than tell well equipped uulvelsltles and col legfs, Is-sldcs lint public, high, and waul schools and seveial well founded private places of Instruction, we mo pleased to note the fact that In each or iirnil) eveiy ouea professional artist Is added to the liiculty. P.vcn the public schools have seen tint litre slty of adding drawing to the piepimtory course of study, and under the elllclent Misses Hlley mid Wilson wo hope to see our boys and girls executing some worthy work, it not only teaches them light mid shadow and the sketching of objects In view, but It earlv forces upon their minds th necessity of close observation If taught ti see tin lure's work with a view to repioduc, wo soon llud ourselves stud) lug miatouiy, eulo luology, botany mid nil the other sciences, In fact, aio hi ought Into soclal use If the artist isdesiious of being tine to iiatino, mid whom even would attempt to Impiovohor wot k has n dllllcult prohlt III to solve. Drawing und sketching fioiu life should be encouraged In both the)outh and adult, mid copying dls?ourngtil Again, II weaietobe cultivated, Intelligent and adepts in conver sation, we must bo posted on the current m t topics of the day as will as those in tho scleu Mile, social and political woild. Also know something of the old masleis, bucoiiVeisalit with the history of mt down thioiigh the Chiistiuu era, iiHslluvnl and renn -jance to tho work of tint pteseiil century In F.uivpo and our own country. It is our object In taking up this department in the Cot'lilKlt to give notes or interest In this line, both lo cal und national. We, as a nation, have lea sou to Iki proud of our own men mid women, who by dint of hind labor and fi severance in their studies, have succeeded in making a name dm lug the past century in nit elides, mid their line blush which we ate cnatded lo view in tint vai lous galleries of America speaks for itself. Then wo have but to glance over the various works of art Issued in nook form to ms) what our American artists are now mid have been doing If we ale uu.ible to leacli the gallflies of the cities. Vo find many of the paintings repro lii"o I In etch lugs, steel engravings, lithographs and wood cuts. "Hecent Ideals of Ameiicmi Alt" speaks for Itself mid the uiimeious artists vvhoo woiks me Included in this "Tho Wo men's Gallery" and "Medal Pictures" hnvo nlrendy established their names In the line. Many now are the students in the vai ious leagues ami schools who mo devoting time, energy and talent In this large field of woik, striving with the palette and biush mid their own Inspirations of tho beautiful mid sub lime to idealize and w in fame ami laurels of lenown. Hut how fickle Is fame today un known, tomoirow famous. L1TTI.K HTIIAV .NOTES). Miss Barton is to III! the place uf water color aitlst in the new Western Normil. Miss Ilartou has again taken up her life skoicii class in ner studio at the Ntate Uni versity. Mrs. Lou Keunard-Hlggs Is receiving her friends mid those Interested In art at Htildlo Hovern every Saturday afternoon. Miss Claire Link has given up teaching a class ill nit. nnd Is nntv ffimul In tlm t,ulil(. -- -t ............. ......... ...U.HU.,W schools teaching the young ideas how to shoot. Mr. Ueo. Craiicer has Just received a fine line of Wooster and LnCioix materials pre paratory to the new craze, china and torco lain decoration. Miss Chick Hrowu Is again decorating chi na. There is nothing suspicious when a young lady begins to accumulate mid inter est herself in china now-a-days. Miss Henrietta M. Hiock will successfully fill Miss Kdlth Husset's place at the Conser vatory of Music and Piof. Hagg continues bis tutorage In oil, his specialty, at the siiue place. Mis. Chas. Keefer has just finished a piet ty lettlo dretxleu cup and saucer, her first piece of biush work. Tho work Is nicely ex ecuted mid the coloring shows a collect eye for the beautiful. Miss Kdlth Hussol, who foimeily taught the ceramic ait in tint Conservatory of Music, has oened a studio in Noith i'lutte, from whence still comes pleasant reports of her career as mi artist. This department will bd a I egular feature of the CoUltlKK heticefoith mid all items of Intel est to the lovois of mt will btiioi'elved anil welcoiii"d lieieln. Send notes to "Miss Nancy," cmeof the CouitlKlt. And now, since wotliinkof it, what is piet tiei as a souvenii, a gift, u leiiiembrauce, or as all oiiiameutal piece ot In lc-a-brac, or a useful article for home use than a daintily dtcorated bit of poieeliiln wine) Mis. Lou Keiiumd-Hlggs has received f i om Richmond, Ind , her china kiln, which is tint till gest gas kll'i west of Chlo go ami her new "Studio Hevi in" ia well equipped lot tint active woik liotv Iteguii. Miss May llok, a )ouug lady at tho Ww leyail, has complettsl mi excvlleiil crayon which deseives special mention. It Is a copy of The Water duller by F. 1). Millet and is now on exhibition at dancer's nrl em poiiiiin, China painting is to be a fad this winter with the ladles. They aie evtn calculating on Individual plates, cups and siucers, ami tsld pltcet, to give nt their cant putties In place of the "spoony" pilzs so much In vogue lust season. Time is much talk of organizing an mt league in Lincoln this winter for active woik If it could be talked up among thu-e inter i ti-i in this line mid a standi!',! fixed for eligibility to lie uilieiship, applicants sub mitting rumples of work to be passed Us)ll b) n cninmlltie on iippllcntloii, llieie woultl bo much benellt derlvetl Indlvl lunlly fiooi such uti association. For doen not coinpan lous In all woik urge one onwmd and up waull Ami association of woik und Idem would pi ove a spur to each nnd evei y melii tvr. Miss llixsle Tutlle, one ot our own girls, has a beautiful little study II. oil of "Vail Hoses" in exhibition In the wltiilo.v of (.ran eel's art stole, Though Mls llesslo is )et a young gill, we pi edict for her n pleasant fil turn in (heart woild. Mln (leitiude Marquette sis'tit a mirtlon of Inst w niter ami spring In a studio us pi I vato pupil, In New oik City. When tlm young lady icturiicd she biought with hei several beautiful sketches in water color, us a lesultof tier adaptation to the art. Mls-i M lluttei Meld, nn aitlst of Omaha, has boon In the city the past week trying to oigaiiin a class for china decoration. She wishes to devote ohm day In tint capital city each week, tho balance of her time she will be found at her stu Ho in the metropolis. Pio . Hagg, who skotcht s from natino.hns Just done a pi etly little scene fioiu Lincoln iwn k. In II mm leroeiilri, tin finnlllar vlitw lu what was foimerly known us Crab's Mill. 1 no professor bus moved Ills studio to the Richards block wheie lie hopes to sio Ids old pitrons. Miss Alice Hfgliter lett this week for Chi cngo to become a student of the Art league the ensuing ) ear. Miss Hlghter alieady has done some excellent woi k In the in t depart nient of tint Slate University und we shall expect tome pioiiouuced talent when she re turns to us again. Miss Hlley and Miss 'Donna Wilson divide honors ami work lu teaching drawing in the public sihools tills vear, Miss Hlley was iho Readier lu this Hue last season, but the woik Itccnmo too millions for one alone. Miss Wilson lias been studying black and white In the StaU; Unlvei slty for a couple or years past. Miss Carrie Ilniboiir, u stu lent of Oxfoid college, Ohio, mid n recent teacher lu the (lrluui.ll, Iowa, college, has arrived lu Liu coin and will have a studio at the State Uni versity. Her wxsl carving Is esK.clnily worthy of mention. She has several panels on exhibition that are very skillfully exe cuUsl. Mihm Nam'V. The liny mnl 111 is llrook. -- wv ft. !Hf Tho boy ft t bnhhl I ng brook Took A look. And crlcdi "Uoro's Just tho thing! String! I'n niogi" Jl Ikfa. Wbercat this youth to young Swung Ami flung. And then the air that blew Throuuli Ho (lew. &-. k 2iAfi - -. Vf.'.'flJrKS --- Bo thus liu reaelied the shore. Sure, With ronrl -Truth. hen von have n pr's( ription to till nnd want gieatist cine and ncciiracy exerclnsl in j compounding, take ii to Hectors now pliur I luncy, corner Twelfth and N stietts. cp r Jrrt .ufjij til, o zm1 WvU :;r ' Ts 2v V . V Vv TIAE T0 KICK Of all the alioinlnable things that are per milted In Lincoln tint continuous mid sbtit ling whistling of raihoad locomotives lu the still bonis or the night Is tho most exaser atlug mid dlscoiiifoi ting. To those who live a mile or upwards fi om the tracks it iniiy lu Itlctuogieat Inconvenience, but to the .Tt, (KH) petpln who ive within a few bl it'ks of the tracks It Is a nuisance that Is almost In suirerable. A whnln ciiiiituiililty of anxious and exhausted inotheis might be watching beside tho bo Wide of sick mid retless child dieu, tin hush of death might ho settling down iiniii doens of homes, thousands might ho eiideiivoilng to humor the demands of tlrtil lintuie, but tun shrieking mid tooting of tho mid night locomotive would go mer rlly on. To the tiled man who Milufy tiles to get n little sleep out of the night designed for It, Hie clamor of the whistle and Hut bell are Intcuslllcd until anaichy takes possession of Ids Impulses, It sometimes seems as If the eliglueois weie ti)lng to wake tint slumber eis in Wyiika. They lilt the iiiglit with long sin leks mid sum ts and calliope vai lotions tin Known to the steam vocubulaiy, or Icp.'i' tolio of broad daylight, us If their one and only aliii theieby wus lolet p-ople know that they m eon eat th. Now that the Hock Island has cut Its way through the hem t of the city's residence portions It Is time lo Invent a rem edy for that part of these noises which Is uselesi and mi aggravating annoyance. In metiiipolltan cities penalties are lniKnod up on engineers who lob ssiple of their sleep, und Lincoln could well nlToul to don u few uietiopolitnu characteristics, One would think that railway oltlclnls would see to It that this mmo)iiuce to the people is abated. - -o While tho right of fnst speech should be denied no one who bus leusoiiahle dlscreii Hon, It don't look Just right to see a mob of contending Kihticul strlkeis blocking the pavement, such us can bo seen almost any day on the southwest mid uoithwest cor nels of Klovonth nu Ost loots. It should not bo x'i milled by tint (sollce, It Is no iiucom iiiihi thing to see tint walks packtsl so full of political disputants at those coiners that ladlet are forctsl to leave the walks, i.uil even thou they me tieattsl to lllghts of ihetoilu much mora forcible than elrxpieut fiom the men wlio aie huddled together on the walk nlmost wrestling with each other III passionate debate. If these men, and It Is nently altvajs the siiinu old crowd, must en gage in these dliciiHsioiia they .should follow the example or K. C, Hewlett' and hlro a hull. It Is evident thnt Ike Lansing In not a dis ciple of the doctrine of a non-partisan Judi ciary, for he is now stcudiug n great deal I or lime away from the county Judge's, bench exM)iiudliig his political opinions in stead of staying at home to i etail legal oplu ions lu Job lots. He Is not happy unless he i Is shouting us loudly as anyone within a' radius of a half-doen counties when n camp meeting is in progriss Hut If Ike gets what t'u has sot his heait upon getting, the nomination for attorney general two years i hence, he will dofT his ermine lu favor of the I first aspirant. It is well for both him am! , his constituent now, however, that he has so capable and reliable a clerk as Col. C. Y, I to net ns his substitute ill cases of eineigelicy, o Gentlemen who have legitimately enrne.l the acknowledged right to prolix the cist while nwc-luspliliig teim "Hon," to their names have just cuuso for complaint against Tom M, Cooke. Men who have enjoyed certain distinction in the way of public ti lists Imvo by custom Ihhmi eiidowul with the title, but Tom Cis ke has so long been the victim of that peculiar southern custom which prefixes tho word "Col." to every name that call stand the strain, reguidless of service either civic or military, that be has undertaken to retaliate by rimllar litter ties wiib the title "Hon." Kvery man who has thus far consented to get out mid make a l epubllcau speech, with tile snsble excep tion of John Curiie, has been pinclulmol an "Honorable" by Col, Cooke. Such veritable honorables us Jerome Shamp.drorgu St-i ns- , doiirmid J. C. F. McKesson ought to oignii ii kick against tills flagrant misuse of a re sounding mid dignified title. Theiunnwho Imagines that dlstersen of drinks in Lincoln piously eujo)s his Sahlwvth lert is to bepltiisl for Ids iguorauce. None of the saloon keoers of this city make an) outwaid show of business activity on Sun day. Liu Lily the hinges of their back dooi s me well oiled und d i not squeak. An air of inciting solitude hangs around all of the flr factories. Oulwmdly they are as Invul nerable as the bank vault. Hut so many of thoui meoii ueighlstil) terms with restaur ants, cigur shops nnd hotel con Mors that no man who is Inclined need fmiil-h fol the i voted lefieshnieiit and exhillratloii The: onio mote than a half dozed saloons tlint welcome the solt ct and tiustwoithy Oj the draught) Sabbath day. It U claimed that Ma) or Won was out on mi lusoctlhg lour Inst Sunday, but n Mayor Weir is not oueof theatoiesiid seltct and tlilstwoith) ami had not it tali. oil a competent guide who Is, lie Inline! none of the places ot'li. No wnideiisol the winectllnis talltsl to him ns lie pa sms I b) and tiiVMcd hi.ii to join Inquaf tlng tlie jo)lll. Hal Ma) or W eir Ikvii in tliehnb't ot Ix-lng tblist) he would have loiiiid plenty of back-door loll. f Hut he wint home as wise as lie was vvIikii lie sal Led (in III, piobnbly believing that the s-ilooiis weiecloMsl that Sunday withuuvai)iiu "hl' mi)leldiug time lK'k. Violin mnl Cornel Instruction. Mi. Hair) T. Irvine for jxist teii)enis dlltctor of the Oinnlia Musical Union oivhes , tin, lias locutid in Lincoln and is now u i olv in pupils roi violin mid comet iiistiuc lion For tonus ami Infoiinatlon apply at Lincoln Colli ge of Anisic, Hi ace block, 1Mb mid O stieet. I tin Hie Way. The day when u boy putsoti bin flratpalr of diminutive trousepi Is Indeed n Mine of Importance. Two children, one lu n boy's sailor suit, tlie other lu a little checked woolen frock, were accosted by an Intelestod passerby one day as they played together on tho nlde wulk "(IimmI inoruliig, children," said the lady, nddrosslng tliom with a smile as she stopped n moiueiit to watch their gaiuo of "hop scotch." "A re you brother nnd sister, play ing o nicely together, or," as she navy a Nomewhnt distressed mul aggrieved expres sion on the fnee of the child lu tho frock, "are )ou both boysf" "Woiiron't relations," replied tho other child, "mid I'm u boy now, mid Tommy's going to be one next week, when he getn his new Mill," Youth's) Companion. Hint Wns Itlglit with lilm. He (ut II p, in,)- Do you ever, MIm Tlr rnh, feel u vague, ludescribnlile longing to be far from the madding crowd's Ignoble strife; to be sequestrated from the toil mid turmoil of the great world's unceasing activity, to lly away Into Nn Mnu'a Land, whole nature communes lu silence, where tlm rocks and the mountains are dumb, where the lofty arch of the Ineffable nr.ure bends In stilly genuflexions abovethcsllent earth; to be alone, Miss Tlrzah; nlonewlth your own thoughts? MIhs Tlr.ali (yeiiriifully) Indeed I do, Mr. Profundls. I'vo felt thnt way for the Inst hour, Detroit Free I'rcsw. Hi, Wasn't Horry. "I am truly wirry, .lohnny," unld tlm friend of the family, meeting the little Itoy on tho utreet, "to learn that your fnthir'H hotiso was burned down yestenlny. Win nothing wived r" "No, Hlree," replied .lohnny, with u whoop, "all of mi'h old clothes was burned up In Mint (Ire and mil can't make nny of cm up for inc this time. Tii-rn-rn bootn-de-rol" Omalia Heo, "What's Worse Than n I'lg Under ltt?" Two young ludlosi vveru talking the other day nhoiit it third who had Just become en gaged to h widower who plays the comet nnd tins four children "What could be worse," exclaimed one "Minn four children mid n eornctr" "Nothing," said the other, "excepting perhaps six children and n trombone." Boston Globe. Nnllilug for Thrill. "I hear burglars broko Into your flnt tht other night. Hicks." "Yen." "Get nnythliiKr" "No. I showed them my rent bill and they saw at once Mint I wns n squeezed IcMiou mid left." Harper's Hnzar. HrromlliMiiil. ' ".Inck told me last night Mint be had tllvon me Ids heart." "Well, It's damaged goods. Ho told DM last week Mint I had broken it." Life. Untiling- Her Oft". CutiiKo Walt n minute, Funglo. I want to step into the dressmaker's nnd pny mj wife's bill. Fangle Why don't you give her tht) money mid let her go mid pay Itr CuiiiHo She'd order nuother dress. New York Suu. Hector's New Diamine). Siimlnv hours; tt .HO to 1'J.IM) a. in., 'J to ' mnl 7::Mto!l:lp. m. Professor Johnson's academy will open Tuesday, October -1th, Lansing theatre build ing, third floor. KC iliiking Powder, i ounce fori', cenH. Vbsohitely Pure. Have vou tritsl it? To llMiielng soliiiol lHtrou. Can you diuicef If not join Morand's be glnneis class next 7;X) p. in. If )ou can daiuv join his udviuced class at b:IA p, m. Seveinliiew dances nil! lie taught d tiling Hie lei m. Kjp ami Kar Surgeoii, Dr. W. L. Dayton, oculist mid aurist, l'JUJ O street, telephone !1,.', Lincoln, Nebr. Hvei)lhiii(. new uml tiK)thoiiiH mid deli clous at the C sik Italley (luvery Co., ISIS O dtieet, Plouuut tivatuiHiit low prices mid over) thing us icpicsciitcd is the drawing curd that is winning new trade constantly. You can rail up No. Ill and order by tele phone if )OII itisll ('has, Slattery. prottiituiil hors'shoornnd fairler. DisaM-s of the fivt tie ihsl by tho latest scleutlllc uiisles. Hoi' for and it'tm nttl. New shop till Soutli Hlevciith stieet, between K and L. Nothiut so niitt for table use as minora water. CiHik-llailey (liiK'ery Co. have a huge Hue of the most nourishing gtHsIs, lu eluding the genuine uuateil l'dllnaiis He gent Spring I ioiii Hxtvisior Spiiugs, Mo., impoittsl (linger Ale, etc. M Pis sk rdoL il'" ",.",7' &M?