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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1891)
!Wjmiwueae3?jweKr5SK;-r : -8 -as-sg.-g-ejr :" w ' '" ' . -fi- ts . rrfc , SJ?n-&-X2SiZ.!.Zt. "fc 8 POPULATION OF LINC0L9 65,000. SEE Yacht - Sailors Latest, Novelty. Only 7Tc Each. Famous Millinery 1 1 1 5 O Street. Store, TAKE NOTICE! ( The Couniitii will not lw rotonslble for any debt inndo liy any onn In It" nnmu, nil tm a written order accompanies the same, Ocmt I Oth and P Street. ry Goods, AND - CARPETS The Courier Can b Found At Hotel Iitncotn Now Htnml. Wlnilior Hotel Now Htnml. Capital Hotel News Hland. Odell's Dining Hull Nowa Htand, IRW O Ht. The Clot hum News Stand, IIBHouth Uth Ht. The A rx, 111 North Uth Htrcet. Kd. Young, lOtt U Htrcet. anion. r'lelohor A Co., USD O Htrrot. Little Hport Olunr Htoro, 113 North 12th Ht. Westornold's Harbor Hhop, llurr llloctc. lnternntlonnl Now Kmporlmn, 12U O Ht. ; Mr-Art extrn supply of paper I always left at tho Uothniu, In m other Newsdealers supplies run short. Cool Shirts AND UNDERWEAR Wf R.' DENNIS & CO. 1 137 O Street. Church Advertisements. Commencing April find, Tub Couhikh will insert notice portalulng to sociables, festivals, lecture, meeting ami sermons for all churches free of chance. Advertisements for entertainment where an admission is cbarged will be inserted at one-half tho reg Wrrate, luteal and Perianal. Wkltebreast Coal and Lime Company. L. Barr, Jeweler, 1M O street. Call up the L. D. T. Co., Phone 190. Ruth M. wood, M. D WMP street Lincoln Ice Co., 1040 O St. Telephone 118. Kugene Hallett, diamond merchant, 113 N Heventh (treet. Ueo. A, Raymer, coal and wood. 'Phone Utt). 1134 O (treet. Canon City Coal at the Whltebreast Coal and Lime Co. Miss B. M. Caffyn, drsaamaklog parlor, 1311 M street. Telephone 019. tt 100 finest engraved ceiling ewrda and plate for" at Tkk Coumkm oflce. Try "The Finest" for Ioe Creams, low, Cake and Candles, 1330 U street LadiMkliilVM' leaned orcoloreuat Lin' coin RUnji) DyviwbirM, 1100 O strott. Mlsax), J. GuUm61tr modUte, socoal' floor KxpaHlioii buiimtit!'. roue eievarw. Dr. C. MiuinWl'Vemoved to Vnwotrlees, !, I roonw!erVA.ifpnd floor Bun,' Mdjk. J. B. Baruabh the taller, may be found at room 13 and 13, Newman bWJcWS O tt. One hundred fluent engmvf) calling card and plate only 2.60 at Wowl Printing Co., I UWN street Cabinet Uth for India, given by Mr. U. I). Catlln, profe8lonal maueur, SM aouth Twelth street, Kennard block. 5-23-4t Ladle cau have their party dresses cleaned by the French dry prooea at the Lincoln team dye works 110 O street "Not how cheap, but how good" U the motto of the new Studio Le Grande. Call and see their work, 1S4 south Twelfth street. Never order a photograph or picture of any kind until you have seen the work done at the new Studio Le Grande, 134 south Twelfth treet. Gentlemen should now get out their lat summer's suit, take it to the Lincoln Steam lye works 1 WO street and have it cleaned, dyad, repaired or pressed out. Brown's restaurant are the only ones In the city for ladies. The menu U extensive uad embraces all the seasons latest delicacies while prices are extremely low, Coal of every else from the best mines In Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Colorado and Wyoming for sale by Geo. -A. Raymer. Telephone 380. Office 11.14 O street ConuauUtiou tickets at Brown's restau rants (good at either place), Ave dollars for four dollars. TbU makes prices lower than any other place in the city when the prices charged on bill of fare Is considered. kO JHaHiik The auditorium of the First Presbyterian Church was filled with 11 forge and fashion ntilo gathering Wednesday nftcrnoon, the ocoiMmi being tho marriage of Mr. James A. Drain, formcily of Lincoln, nut now or MK kiiiio, Wash., mill Minn Kthel Marslaud, of tlilnclty. Tim pulpit platform wax almost rntlrely hidden beneath 11 mas of smllax nnd pink toes, tastefully mrniiKeil, presenting n handsome nppenrnnee. Professor llagunll presided nt the nrgiui, nml ns thu melodious strains from tlio In-niitlful wedilliiK nmrtli by Inhengrln pcnUd forth, thu bridal party np Vrnncliiil the front of the church, hnviug Imh'Ii prcceeiled by tho family, lho nriue, prettily nltlreil In 11 becoming cotumi of wlilto brocaded eatln, wn nttetideil by her father, Mr. T, II. MnrMnnd, nnd met tho groom nt the alter. The ceremony was jwrformwl by Ilnv. Ilr. B. II. Curtln, nlbil by Hov. C. K. Ilrnilt.of thoHecond libterlnii Church. Mr, nnd Mm. Drnlu punned out tho left nWo, following Klmn Marnlatid, tho brldu'x little ulster, who wan ft re wing Moweixln tliclrpntli. way. A welding niipxr was given nt tho homo of Mr. nnd Mn. Mnmlaud, In lCnut Lincoln, immediately after tho ceremony, attvudeil by relative and liitlmnte friends. letter In the evening thu Tuesday evening club, of which the bride was a valued member, went out in a body to offer coiigratulAtlonii, and wlnh tho linppy couple Uod-niced 011 their joumoy nnd joy and prosperity in their new homo, Tho club was represented by the following mem bers: Mime Clara Walsh, Mlnnlo Lnttn, Gertrude Laws, Nellie White, Maude Smith, Anna itarr, Dena Loomis, uraoe urifnth; Messrs. H. T, St John, W. Morton Smith, G. P. Faucon, Oscar Funke, G. W. Gerwtg and Dr. C. F. Ladd. The party of friend after wards witnessed the departure of the bride and groom at the Burlington depot They go directly to Hitoknne and will be "at homo" after July in. The groom I well-known hero, having been connected with one of tho prom inent liankt of tho city. Tho bride I a lovely nnd talented young lady, and highly es teemed In tho circles In which sho moved. Her popularity was attested by tho largo number of beautiful nnd costly gifts bestowed by loving friends, embracing silver nnd china ware, etc., In great variety. A largo and fashionable asmmibly uathtred at thu Church of tho Holy Trinity at high noon, Wednesday, to witness tho wedding of Mr. John II, Morton mm MIsh uolcti McUnii- dlesit Wado. Tho chancel was beautifully decorated with n profusion of (lowers, nnd two little pages hold possession of tho main aisle. Tho church was well filled, and promptly at 3 the brldo upjieared leaning on 1110 arm ot the groom, ana proceeded by the ushers, Mr. Dan Wing and Mr. G. W, Loomis. Sho was very beautiful in her whltn bridal costume and veil. Tho strains of the wed ding inarch, from Lohrengrin, were contin ued lu soft melody during thu Impressive servloe. The orlde was given away by her mother, Mrs. T. M. Wade. Mr. and Mrs. Horton paused at the main entrance to greet their friends aa they passed out The bride and groom are both widely known in Liucoln, and congratulation wore showered upon them in abundance. The bride k one of Lin coln's most charming and accomplished young ladles, and has won a large circle of friends during the short time that she has re sided in this city. Mr. Horton Is of the well known Ann of Dean & Norton, and has lived in Lincoln about twelve years, and holds a warm place lu the hearts of a largo portion of the best people of the community. Mr. and Mrs. Horton took the Burlington train In the evening for Colorado, where they will remain about tvo months. They will be at home at 1014 SOth Street after Aug ust first Few people are aware of the endeavors of the management ot the "Lincolu Park" In presenting to tho public a place for outdoor recreations, with many attractions aim easily nccesslble. After a season of indoor amusements, consisting of balls, parties, teas and afternoon receptions, we find advancing upon us the hot summer days, and with tt the desire to And some shndy re treat from the scorching rnys of tho sun. Having In view the wishes of the LincolniteN, the management has undertaken no slight task In promising the public a park, which, while not In sice, will, in advantages, equal the famous parka of the East. They have already in their tract of ground many beau tiful attractions, and when the park is com pleted, tt will certainly be of great benefit, not only to the inhabitant, but also to the city of Liucoln. Aa we pass through the uruao. gates onto we beautiful urive, we notice with pleasure the beautiful landscape and surroundings. To the left are the ball grounds, on of the toast in tho country; further on we come to the Ashing and boating-grounds, with a careful selection of row boats, and the beautiful steamer "Hope." Special places have been provided for pic nickers, with every convenience possible. Access can easily tie had to this favorite re sort by the electrio railway. A very pretty entertainment was given by Mrs. Herpolsheimer at the residence 111th and K streets, to the many young friends of ueruauguterMUNlda, In whose honor the party was given, the occasion tveing the six- icenin anniversary birthday of tho young lady. Cards and dancing constituted tho evenings amusement, while a tempting colla tion helped round out the pleasant affair. Thosn present were; Missus Hosy Wendelln, Burks, Smith, Schlegal, Blake, May Wend elln, Hattle Herpolshelnier, Gertrude Ernst; Messrs. Robinson, Dave Small, Frank Small, Fred Herpolsheimer, Alfred HerpoUhtlmer, games uaicueu, Albert Herpolsheimer. Washington dispatches confirm the state ment' made In last week's Couhikh to the effect that Lieut Pershing Is an applicant for the prospective vacancy in the military in structorship at the State University, Should Lieut. Griffith, who by the way has been sin gularly successful during bis term here, winning general approbation for his military skill and affective teaching, withal making himself exeedlngly popular with all those with whom he has come In contact, be unnble to secure an extension of his time, residents of Lincoln would view with great favor thb location of Lieut. Pershing at this point Henry N. Weasel, brother of Lou Weasel, editor of the Coukieh, was, on the 35th of this mouth, admitted as practitioner to the bar of the state ot Nebraska. The young man recently graduated with honors from the law department of the University of Pennsylvania, but having left Philadelphia before the diploma were distributed, in order to attend the Ehrllch-Wessel marriage at St. Joseph, could not take the oath, and therefore CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, JUNE - -urn u.iai wBmmmmemmmm ttmld not li admitted to tho bar of that state. Ho patscd an excellent examination before t he committee appointed by eur courts, and Is now one of tho practitioners. Mr. Jooeph Hherwooit. editor of tho Dodgo county Iittlgur, and Mrs. Addle Mother of this city were married nt tho Episcopal iwir- Honago Monday afternoon by tho Hov. John Hewitt. Tnti In die Ini well known and es teemed lady of this city, '' newly married couple left 011 the 1:10 tl,.lll for UljMcs, where thoy will visit Mr, Sherwood parents. They will afteiwardi goto Kro limit, their future home. Tho Kensington Sewing Circle, consisting of about sixteen ladles, gave a delightful plo nlu at Lincoln wirk, Tuesday afternoon, Tho ladies were Joined later In tho evening by their husbands, who went out for lunch. Thosti prerent weiu Messrs. and Mcsdaines Wise, Wells, .Nenmnik, Tumor, Wheeler, Hnnu, 1'iestou, Mauritius, Denton, 1'erklns, Itlaggs, Motile, lloisulmore, I'lauk, Andeisou, of Kansas City, nnd Miss Stout. The F stieet card club enjoyed a delightful outing mid dauco nt Cuslmmn Park last Sat urday nftcrnoon and evening. Tho party consisted of tho following ladles and gentle men: Mossrs, and Mewlames Atkuu, ltlggs, Wise, F. A. Ill own, Dr. Cnsebenr, J M Tip ling, M. J, Aiken, T. II. Heuton, M. A. War reli; Misses English, Ellison, Aiken, Helluig; Messrs. Wing, C. 1). Mullen, Feelers, anil V. O. Howe. Mr. John T, Dorgnu, resident manngei ot tho Whltebrenst Coal coiuany, whoso atlll ty and push have uo'.i him deserted distinc tion In uusIucm circles was accorded addi tional recognition while In Chicago last week, having been elected secretary and member ot thu lioard of directors nt tho an nual meeting of tlio Whltelircast company.; Tho members of tho Ellto Cnstlo No. 5, Knights of the Ooldou Eaglo, gnvo n dancing party nt Cushman park Wednesday after noon nnd evening which proved n grand suo cess. Notwithstanding tho heavy storm which come, up during tho evening ovoryonu had a good tlmo nnd pronounced It a very enjoynble affair. Tho Delta Lcternry circle enjoyed a plana nt Lincolu Park last Saturday afternoon. Thoso present were Messrs. and Mesdames Alva Kuuuard, Charles Kuifer, A. P. Lair, C. A Keith, A, II. Talbot, J. P. Manic, J. E. ltlggs, Bert Betts, Walter Davl; Miss Anna Baldwin, Mrs. Charles Hudy, of Mat toou, III. A very enjoyable lawn social was given by Mr. and Mrs. Springer to n number of friends at their residence 1030 Q street. Tho lawn was brilliantly illuminated and tho mer ry laughter and pretty music together with dancing and very tempting refreshments made tho evening puss swiftly and pleas nntly. Mr. and Mrs. S, H, lluruhnm gave a charming cnnl party Tuesday evening In honor of Mr. Harry 11. Evans, Mr. Burn ham's nephew, A largo number of young people uccepted of tho kind hokpltnllty of Mr. and Mrs. Burnhnni and enjoyed a de lightful evening nt dancing and cards. One by one tho young men who have been east and with whoso names have been associated various matrimonial rumors, are returning still single, thus discountenancing the alle gations of their friends and testifying anew to tho as yot unimpaired power and suprem acy ot the Lincoln girl. The young people of the Vine street Con gregational church held a very pleasant social Monday at tho homo of Miss Ella Jackson. Rebecca served lemonade nt the well, and Ice cream and other refreshments tended to Increase the enjoyment of the oc casion, Auditor Thomas H. Benton and a conge nial party of sportsmen will leave Monday for a two weeks jaunt among the lakes of Minnesota and vicinity, flsh being the spec ial variety of game sought alter. Mr. Fred C. Howe will accompany the party. The Free Baptist church gnvo an Ice cream social Monday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Kearney. Tho yard was beautifully decorated with Chinese lanterns nnd a largo number imrticipated in the pleas uresot the evening. Tho ladles of Electa Chapter No. a were entertained at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Green, 181.1 Frosect avenue, Wcduesday evening. Hlghflve and other social amuse ments were enjoyod by all until a late hour. Hon. T. M. Mnrnuett. I. 8. P. Weeks chief engineer of the B. dfc M., and T. C. Tucker, resident engineer of tho Deadwood line, started on a special car Tuesday for a tour of inspection of tho Deadwood line. Miss Sadio Rector returned homo Tnesday from Cincinnati, Ohio, where she has been attending a course nt the college of music. She was accompanied by Miss Minnie Cultou, who will spend several weeks in the city. Mrs. I. M. Raymond entertained a large gathering of young people Wednesday even ing in honor of tho nineteenth birthday of her son Will. The evening passed very pleasantly with dancing and cards. The Pleasant Hour picnic, postponed from last week and which was to have been held Thursday, was again deferred on account of rain. It Is the intention now to have the outing either today or Monday. Mr. C. Morath who has been visiting friends in Lincoln on a return trip from the east, started Friday afternoon for Snoho mish, Wash., where he will continue as foreman of tho Daily Sun ottlce. The Nebraska Division of the L. A. W. will hold their first annual meeting on July fourth at York. There have been some good entries made and an enjoyable time is assur ed all who attend. Mrs. M. E. Roberts and daughter, Mis Laura have departed for the east. They will visit New York and Washington and thou sail for a tour of the continent tiefore returning. Mr. Lederman and Miss Emma Mohreu httcker were united In marriage at Nebraska U.'.,, last Wednesday afternoon. The bride is a sister ot Mr. Otto Mohrenstecker. of this city. The directors of the Midland college at Atchison, Kas., have elected Mr. C. J. Ernst of this city, one of the trustees to look after the Interests ot that Institution. Miss Maggie and Lottie Whedon, daugh ters ot Hon. and Mrs. C. O, Whedon have gono to Elyrla, O., where they will spend their summer vacation. Mr, and Mrs. L. O. M. Baldwin loft Tuns- day for Colcrado resorts where they expect t spend the summer, with hoies of improving Mrs. Baldwins health. Miss Martha Funko expects to leave for Manitou today where she will spend tho sum mer Joining her mother who preceeded her by several weeks. Mrs. Dr. Girfen and her three children have gone to Polk a muty to spend a few weeks with her brother, Mr. Temjlle Held, on his ranch. Attorney W, C, Howie, formerly a resi dent of this city, but now from Idaho, has beon'reMewliiffYild aiUatntaflce-) Iu'LIncoln this week, Mrs. P, S. Whlt Is In Mluueniiolls, Min nesota, where sho will spend the sum mer with her parents Mr. and Mm, T. W. Kruse, Mr. M Dowllng and wifo of Not th Bend accompanied by Mr, nnd .Mrs. W. II, l'nr cell of Chicago wero vMtlng In the city this week. MIm Hlodilinil who Is enjoying an extend ed eastern trip, visiting the principal cities, cxccts to return sometime In August Mr. Thomas K. Dounely of Philadelphia, Iiicohoueu Improved Order of Red Men, ar rival! In this city Tuesday morning. Mr. M K, Springer left on hlsseml-nnnunl visit to thu faetoiy of tho Richardson Silk company nt Chicago, Monday. Hon and Mrs, O, M, Lamlertsoti departed Monday for.M'neinl Point, Wis., the former homo of Mis. Iimtjertsou, Mis. John McWhlnulo and daughter de parted Sunday for Chicago, where they were to take paxsagu to Montreal. Mr. Frank Handy, Tiensiircr of Funke' opera house, has lutiirued from a vlMt nt Cincinnati, Ohio. Mis. Kate II. Cliuuey is in tho city Sho Intends sieudlug thosumiuur witli her sister Mrs. Thos. B-mcll, Mis. James C, Hotburglu of l'ittstlcld, Mls,, Is the guest of her brother, Dr. M. E. Jones of this city. Miss Maty E. Eddlo dcpialcd Monday for Manitou, Col,, whuiosho will spend thu sum mer vacation. Mis Anna Funke went to No'mrskn City, Wednesday, to attend tlio Idermnii-.Mnhien-Meckel' wedding. Mr, Boyd of Oumlui, president of thu Y. P. S. C. E. was the gueot of A. W. Lanu over Sunday last. Congress linn Brynu wnsbllleil for a speech In Iowa this week at thu state democratic convention. Mr. John I,. Cooper and tho Misses Matil da and Grace Cooper are visiting nt Doyles town, Wis. Mr. B. P. Wagguer of Atchison, Kas., general solicitor for thu Missouri Paclllo is In Lincoln. MIm Jennie Chapman has gono to Chicago where shu will make an extended visit with relatives. This city was represented at tho stale ten nts tournament nt Hastings by Miss Louise Pound. Mr. George M. Spurloch of Greeucastlu I ud., Is visiting his university friends In this city. Mrs. C. T. McGreu has gone to Salt Lako City where sho will remain during thu sum mer. Ex-Lieutenant Governor Agen, of Aurora, called 011 his friends ot tho state house Mon day. Additional Local nnd Personal Page 4. Tho worst blood diseases aro cured with AyerV Sarwiparilla. Its effects are felt at once. Well, have you bought your lady friend a souvenir spoon yutl Of course you know Its the. raging fad nnd to bo without a souvenir spoon, your fair 0110 is, 10 to speak, "not In it" They aru a pretty toVen and one that will always be useful as well as ornamental. There is practical merit In them and it is not like many presents that are given today and forgotten tomorrow. By the way: Hal let has a most elegant lino ot them in an end less variety ot pretty designs and ho Hells them at a price that is within the reach of ovou the most lowly. They range in prlco from a dollar up. Go around and see him, make a selection, send it to your sweethcait or some, other fellows sweetheart and mnko her happy. Coal of every size from the best mine in Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Colora do and Wyoming for sale by Geo. A.Ray user. Telephone :0. Oil Ice 1134 O street. Henry Harpham tho popular harness maker has loft Twelfth street to locate on Eleventh near P street opposite th.i Capital hotel. There with increased facilities and more cen tral location Mr. Harpham's business will undoubtedly increase. For anything In the harness line Harpham is bound to lead and if at anytime you want anything in his linn don't forget to givo him a call. Dr. C. F. Ladd, dentist, 1105 O street. Telephone 153, Office hours, If a. m. to 5 p. in. Wo are showing the most complete stock of hosiery and underwear in the city. Don't buy until you have seen our stock. J. W. Wisher & Co. 1 100 O Street Far Sale Cheap. 50 Inch full nlckle ball bearing Columbia bicycle. Enquire at Couiukh ofllce. A Cheap Present. Aurelle Just fancy, Mathilde, my papa has brought me aa a memento of his jour- ney a lovely littlo pocl name of "Karlsbad" in kot knifo, with the of pearl haftl Mathilde Ob, that is nothing! My mother brought me back from her journey a silver spoon on which Is engraved "Ho tel Kaiserhof, Berlin I" Lotbar Maggen dorfer'a Blatter. Hard Labor. "What are you workiug onf" asked one newspaper man of another at breakfast "This steak," was the reply. Tho true pathos of this dialogue lies In the fact that it is true. Washington Post Dyspepsia Make many lire miserable, and often leads to ssuT destruction. Distress alter eating, sick ba4 achs, bssrtburn, sour itomscb, mental deftf slon, ate., are caused br this very common and Increasing dlseate. Hood's Sansparllla tones tho stomach, creates an appetite, promotes bealtbjr digestion, rsUeves sick bsadscbe, cltsrs the mind, and cores the most obsUaate cues of dys pepsia. Bead the following! " I bavo been troubled with dyspepsia. I had but little appeUte.and what I did eat dhtreued ms, or did me little gosd. In an bour after eating I would experience a falntnets or tired, all-gons feeling, at tboagh I had not esten anything. Hood's Ssrssparllls did 1110 au immense amount of good. It gave ma an appetite, and my food rslidiedandtatliOedthocravlug I had previously experienced. It relieved me ot that faint, tired, all-gone feeling-. I have felt so much bolter slum I took Mood's Sarsaparllla, that I am happy to recommend It." a. A. I'aox, Watertown, Man. N, O. lid sure to get nsly Hood's Sarsaparllla old by all druggist. Hi ill for (J. l'reparedenly by C, I. UOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Hats. 100 Doss On Dollar 27, 1891 Hall Stove and Eange Cq. LINCOLN, NEB. V V jBftf JJasJjffssLy BisssisilaiJssstsssy iHHLEILLLLRHHLLHisfl ' ' MANUFACTURERS- Iron Castings and Nickel Platers. Dealers in Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces. 1126 O STREET. uffmrlRjCHTER- ffi.inWilliilliil 1 mn .m ... n . . .-.jl 1204-liiOe (W (3 "-. ri LWaaa& Wall Paper, Mouldings, Fret-Work and Novelties for Household Decoration. THE INTERIOR DECORATIVE CO. 1134 A. C. ZlKMEB.i'rcsldent. KsegBegesgggeessssassgsgssessgssssgsgg Tennis GET THE BEST. I Boston's GET ED. G. 1120 ft! !l!iisf -.-MlWOMM LVOH.CW-" Subscription, w HEM YOU WANT FINE JOB PRINTING See the WESSEL PRINTING CO. H h3t Iff x tlEB O SXEJKEX When Your Wife's Oflt of Tom. Of all tho Insidious, temptations Invidious Contrived by tho devil for pulling men down, There's one moru delusive scdttctlvo, abusive Than thu sunro to a mau w Ith a wlfo out of town. Ho feels such a dcllElitrullness, Htuy-out-nll-nlRlit-ftillncs, HI111II-I KCt-tlKht-fullncss, I own It with pain. A bachelor raklshncss. What-wlll-you-tako?-ishncs, - Next day's iicadache-lshness, None can explain. With a tnke-ovcry-trlck-lshuess, Full-ns-a.tlck-lshhess, ril-be-n-brlck-lshiiess. Though conscience frown. With n forth-Iet-us-Btcnl-somencss, Klak-np-your-hcels-someness, There's a wllo of tho do'll-somencss, tun wlfo out of town. N STREET. Oahi. Ei.wick, Mnnngor X xShoes Ventilating THEM OF YATES, O 8TREET. SyS3S32i 1 I ALWAYS HAVE THE 1 NEWEST , HOOKS BY THE MOST POPULAR luiMHMtvoH.c-aafftrttSi-i.-. authors News, Manufacturers' and Publisher' Aent. 1 i 1 fill 11 li J