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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1891)
CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1891 :'i, Chicago and Erie R. R. (Lain Chicago A Atlnntlo U'y.) In Connection with tlic Erie Railway FOH.MH TIIK ONLY LINK IIKTWKKS Chicago and New York Under One Manairoment. SOLID TRAINS. The Through Train ot this I'notctweciiChl. cago ami New York aro run rwlld, twin avoiding nmioynnco and cc-MUMon of clmnglng cant or inltilng connections. Vestibule Limited Service Vontlljuled Limited lYalnisconsUtliiftor Hag- gngo, Hinoklng and Uny Concho, with Pullman Dining and HlcoiilngOnrn (heated by Meant, lighted by gn), over Milt Lines Every Day In the Year. Pullman Service to Boston. A Pullman Huii'et Hleoplng Car to and from Hoilon itolly vlii thU route. Thin Ii tho ONLY MNK llunnlng l'ullman Car between Chicago nnd Huston. BUCKEYE ROUTE To Columbus, Ohio, and Anhland, Ky. Pullman Sleeping Car between Chloago and above Points dally. Trains Arrlvo and I.oave Dearborn Station, CHICAGO. For further Inrormittlou, call on the nearest llnllroad Ticket Agent, or address W O'RlnMnoa, A H Taokir, D I Robtrti, Qoii.Pas4.Agt. Oen.Mgr. A.O.P.Agt. New York. Clevelnnd Chicago e Santa Fe Route ! Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R TheTopdlar Route to the Pacific Coast. Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers' Between Kansas City and SAN DIEGO, LOS ANGELES, and SAN FRAN- CISCO. Short Line Rates to PORTLAND, Oregon. Double Dally Train Service Between Kansas Cit and PUEBLO, COLORADO SPRINGS, and DENVER. Short - Line to SALT LAKE CITY. The Direct Texas Route Solid Trains Between Kanbas City nnd Galveston. The Short Line Between Kansas City and Gainesville, Ft. Worth, Dallas, Austin, Temple, San Antonio, Houston, and all Principal Points In lexas. The Only Line Running Through the OKLAHOMA COUNTRY. The Only Direct Line to the Texas Pan Handle. For Maps and Time Tables and Informa tion Regarding Rates and Routes Call on or Address E. L. PALMER. Passenger Agent, 411 NY. Life Building, OMAHA, ISTjEB. Ladies' and Children's Hair Gutting and Shampooing a Specialty, -AT- SAM.WESTERFIELD'S BURR BLOCK. Ladles L'm Or. I.i) line' l'rlodlviil Pills from Purls, France. That positively 10 llovo suppressions, monthly derangements and Irregularities caused by cold, ucakuess, shock, anomlu, or general nervous debility. The large proportion of Ills to which ladles and mls-es aro liable Is tho direct result ofa disordered or Irregular menstruation. Sup pressions continued result In blood poisoning und iiulck consumption. 'J puclcugo ortt lor IV Sent direct on receipt of price. Sold In Lincoln by II. W. Brown, druggiu. BE A MAN APOLLO WAS A PERFECT MAN. mrier m iorm i-mauhiiii ii win St tBiloiu wen mt ...Lou for iiiIiui ram thtt put? Mjiti Dirio wtrtpoitodmb. Emit MAN eta fet ItEONa tad VIOOBOCB It til rtiBtclt. YQUNQ MEN OR OLD, mB.rlof from MlftVOVI 01. ihliti, lou or rtiiitf u kood, rhriletl KtMliti, ll.&Ll Worrr. Blunt. 4 Dx.los .at. or lr FlkBOMAL WEAKMItl. cm bt r.lLr.4 to riRFZOT HEALTH tal tkt MOBLI V1TALITT of STROMO MIR, tkt rrllt tl rowtr of Nttloti. We claim by yrsrs of practice by our exclualv mtth'xls a uniform MUKuroLY or bdcozii" in treat- i, ., . h ABIetlooitf Mn. Tt-ttltnonlaU ' from bo states and Territories. OUR NEW IOOK KliWof tfiaAf oii ralllipltattloatftrHOMI TBIAT MINT. Tot eta In FOLLT RIITOKID at Tkoaiawll biti ikf s BtaA Mr ttttlmoaltlt. Adtrmtt tat RIB MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N.Y In ,J7ljf mm in- 'V71 I I Lincoln, : Nbiiu aska. Capital, $250,000 Officers and Directors: John II. Wright, Pre. T. K. Sanders, V.-P- J. II. McClny, Cashier. A 8 Itaymond, II l, Then Cochran K H Sltor, ChM West, F I. Sheldon. General Banking Business Transacted. Accounts Solicited. REMOVAL Lincoln Shirt Factory To 1402 O Street. In Its new location this establishment will huvo better facilities than over for turning out first-class work, nnd an Increased Hue of Gent' Furnishing Mood will always be on Halo. To our business has been added n LADIES' TAILORING DEPARTMENT In which garments of nil kinds will bo made to order nnd anything from tho smallest un dergarment to tho finest Dress or Cloak will bo skillfully executed nnd made on short notice. In this department wo employ one of tho best cutters and litters In tho country nnd satisfaction Is guaranteed In every par ticular. Our factory will hereafter be known at tho .1 Lincoln Shirt Mfg. Co. A. KaUoustclu, Sr., Manager. Call nnd see us. Cor. I Hb and O Sts SMALL & WALLACE Steam Laundry SUPERIOR Custom Work. We are especially welljprepared to laun dry, Lace Curtains, Ladles Garments, Fine Falnlcs Etc, having special methods for doing this work not only satisfactory in appearance, but without Injury to garments as well. Giatlem.ii's Shirts, Collars and Gaffs, and all kinds of Fine Staich work beautiful done up. Give us a trial. PHOTOGRAPHER! Flno Ilust Cabinets 3 per dozen. Special rates to students. Call and see our work. Studio, 1214 O Street. Open from 10 a. in. to 4 . in. Sundays. J. S. EATON, Physician and Surgeon Office: 239 South Eleventh St. McMurtry Hlock. Office Phone 561. Residence Phone 562 LINCOLN, NEB. CNACQUAINTKD WITH TH OCOGAAPHV OF Tt't COUNTRY WILL OUTAlK M JCM NOMMATlON MOM A tTUOY Of THIS MAP Of TMI The DIRECT B0UTE to and from CinCACC, BOCK ISLAND, DAVENPORT, DES M0INE3 COUNCIL BLVTF8. WATEUTOWN, BIOU. FALLS. MINNEAPOLIS. BT. PAUL, ST. JCS EPII. ATCHISON. LEAVENWORTH. 1CANBAI CITY. TOPEKA, DENVER, COLORADO PP'NOt and PUEBLO. SOLID VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS cf Through Concho., Slt-eper., Free Reclining Chair Cart nnd Dlnlntf Cirt dally between CHI CAGO. DES MOINES, COUNCIL BLUFFS nnd OMAHA, nncl between CHICAGO nnd DEFVKH. COLORADO SPRINGS nnd PUEBLO via St. Joseph, or Kansas City and Topeka. Via The Albert Lea Router Fnt Express Trains dally between Ohlonito und Mlnnenpolli nnd St. Pnul, with THROUGH Recllnlntr Chnlr Cars (FREE) to nnd from those points nnd Kansas City. Through Chair Cnr and Sleeper between Peorln, Spirit Lako nud Bloux Falls via Rock Island. For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or desired Informa tion, apply nt any Coupon Ticket Office, or addrett E. 8T. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, Ocn'l Manager, Qon'l Tkt, & Pas. Agt., CHICAGO ILL LINCOLN A.M ISSTITCTK of l't.NSUMI Kliortliuml, nml Tyis-wrltliig, U slio hot nud luiyi't i.'iilrtfn In tlui West, hii htudpiits 111 littciiiliiiui. Inn e-r. Students iirepart-d ior IiiiIiiim Id from .tto'J monlht. KtIi-iicsI fnvillty 1'iTsoual Initrui-tlou. Ut-uutirul Illu1lr11t.1l cntalok-iie. eolleKft jniirnaU, nnd tneclmeut of peuinnulilp, wnt free by inlilrelii UU.IIlRIDOi; & ROOSE, Lincoln, Neb SIIHI.KI ),., t trim m.l 1 Jchn It. OoodwIn.lroj.N ..IMOlk fyr Ul Itr.dr you tn.r t ink. t, murh, tut M. r.n tr.rh youquUkly dow lor. 111 tromtf&t. $10 t Jiy .1 lb. .t.rl, tJ moir a.)ou go "i. iivii, ,.,, (11 ..r. ,nnyiioi Amrrtct. you 1.11 coiuiurnr. .1 linn... vitr. luff ftll your l!lii,bi .r. liioliirnll otil) lis Hi. woik Alll.iiro (lir.t .r St III fir tt.ryvtorkrr .tin ou. rurnl.tilnc jmylhlnr I VlUl.i Ir.rnnl, 1'Alfl ICUl.AUrt 1 ttK ;. ftt onct, bllMrUS 10,, ItKIL Ml, BAIU? pKOOEEUIVB B1ICHBE. Tli 1 Wn,0i?UAfloU to ,0J"' BinitlUH, O.T.A. fL , J.V 1. tt. IU. eitlojtiro. anil reoelre. iita. puld, ttat'llolieatilrckofeanltjrouertrrlitnilleU. Tea Vest ser oack. one or man JbzL, m GbiGago.Rock Island & Pacific Ry (idtkfflrfgptteptc Ob mr fclM ikl Br KNEW A THING OR TWO. tint Old Doctor Was Posttd nn tlif fiiul lir Knd of lilt I'rotVitliiii, The young doctor had n fair practice nnd tho old 0110 had n good one, hut as neither needed a down town olllco all the tlino tho father Miggcatcd that thuy should pool Issues and rent one between them, Tho young man agreed It was it good thing for him ho thought and hurried olT to have a suitable sign painted. When de livered It read like thlst t 1 : 1)11. T. S. WHITK, : : orrtcK uouits: lo a. u to I v. m, : i mi. x. D. whiti:. : ; orncr. nouns: 1 i. m. to 4 i. m, : The old man looked It over and shook his head. "It won't do, my boy," ho unld. "Yom haven't that business Instinct that hail mado your old father so successful. Yon may le a good doctor, hut when it couiea to signs you keep your eyo on the old man." Then ho put tho sign tinder his arm and walked out. , An hour later ho came hack with this: ; nit. WHITK. " : : 01-ricK nouns: : ! to A. M. TO 4 1'. 11. : "There you are," ho said, proudly, "Now we catch your patients or mine, no matter what hour they come. We catch them morning or afternoon. No use putting a sign up that'll steer tho patients of either one of us nway when tho other's sitting In side waiting to tinker them up. Medicine Is one tiling, my hoy, nnd business Is another. This Is business." Then tho old man tacked tho sign up on tho door, and caught otiu of tho young man's patients the llrst thing. "That's tho way to keep 'em In tho fam ily," ho chuckled. "If I had a few more boys Dr. White's olllco hours would bo from 1. a. in. to 12 p. in. Chicago Tribune. Futse l'reteuses, A man on a bench in City Hall park had bought it newspaper of a newsboy and was turning It about In his hands when his "pard" awoko from n brief slumber and exclaimed: "Now, there yo go agalnl I low ninny times havo I got to tell yo that httylu' papers don't payf" "lint I want to rend," protested tho other. "But yo can't read. Nohodyovcr showed ye how to read." "I can inako out easy words." "But what's easy words goln' to do for ye? Ye go over In JerKey nnd tramp and come to u school house. Nobody ain't homo und yo pries up 11 winder and climbs In. Yo want to smnkonboHt then nud yo hunts around then nml tears a leaf out ofa 'rlthnietleorspellln' hook ami lights yer old plpo nml goes to sleep. In about half an hour yo wakes tip nud the school Iioiimo is nil allro and yo have to dig out nnd make tracks for ten miles." "Weill'" (lueried tho other. "Well, ye dually arrive In New York nnd take n sent here nnd yer so anxious to show of! that yer eddecnted that yo'vo got to go nnd buy a paper nud spend 'null money to keep us in tobacco fur a whole week. I sny, quit it. Don't yo do it agin or yer no pard of mine!" New York Hvcn lng World. Two Strings In lilt How. A musical man, accompanied by a hand organ and n child, has been giving per formances for tho past week on the streets of New York. After he had twisted ono of tho Beethoven, soul stirring symphonies out of the instrument of torture, the artist sent the child among the crowd. A gen tleman disgorged a nickel. "I vauts nnoder nickel," lisped tho child. "What forf" "Dot nickel you put tlot cup in vns for tie mooslc, but mine filthier Mi n professional peggar besides," Texas Sittings. Almill'i'cd. Teachers in tho public schools have very frequent illustrations of pecu'lur associa tion cf ideas in the minds of their pupils. At a recent examination In geography lit onu of the public schools the te.tcher asked "What valuable things aro taken out of the earth?" Much to her amazement ouu young hopeful Immediately replied: "Clams nnd mummies." Boston Times, Art mid Nature. Husband What was that you wero play ing, my dearf Wife-Dltl you like It? "It was lovely! tho melody divine, the harmony exquisite!" "It is the very thing I plnyed last even ing, and you said it was horrid." "Well, tho steak was burned last even ing. "-New York Weekly. Itoom at the Top. Ambitious Youth Do you know of nny way by which young writora like myself cau mnku money In literature)' Magazine Editor Uni there is one. "I nm delighted to hear that. Whnt would you ndvlsef" "Keep n newsstnnd." Good News. Overworked. Tramp Please lent! me your fan, lady; Pin faint. Latly Whut makes you fnlntr Tramp I Just saw a schooner working Its way up tho river. Truth1 llnvlnc the Advantage of Him. Mr. Hoy Polloy (extending his hand) Howdy do; don't you remember .1110 Hoy Polloy? Mr. Haulton Oh er, yes Polloy un usual iiamo that stuck; hut your face is such a common one it really escaped me, you know. Life. Something Wrung, "Havo you got your house fixed, Uncle Ned?" "My house fixed, Frank? What house?" "Your house. I heard pop sny there was something the mutter with your upper itory." Philadelphia Times Hum It Kelt. Brown I'tl have this infernal tooth out If I weit) Miru It wouldn't hurt too much. Mis, Brown Make up your mind, my dear, that you will feel just about as much pain as you do when you give me n little money to ;ro shopping. Kpoch. Thn I.I in It rteneliril. WIllUr-.Matuum, don't they kcopcrcatu nt n creniuory? Mninma-Yes, Willie. "And they sell hens nt n hennery, don't they?" "Yes. Hun out and play, dearie." "Anil they make cans at a cannery, don't they?" "Yes. Don't bother mniumii nny mora Just now, Wllllo. 1 am busy." "You can buy puts nt n pottery, can't you?" "Willie, If you don't hush I shall havo to punish you," (Silence for about sixteen seconds, "Maiuiua, If I wanted to buy 11 dog would I have to go to a doggery?" "William. I shnll certnlnly" "If 1 should go to a tannery and get some tnn would they throw In tho freckles, mamma?" Wliackl Wlmckl WhncklJ-ChlcnjtJ Tribune. llutluest It lliiilneii, "Aro you tho man who removes blemishes'" "I nm, sir.' "Well, then, remove about a third noso." Life. faclnl of thl A Liberal Cleric. An Austin colored pastor named Dlrdso has made himself very unpopular with Jim Webster. Ho was passing the house of .niu Webster, on Austin avenue, when tho proprietor called him In. "Come, parson, and hah n piece oh cake nml 11 glass ob wine. DIs henh nm my hull tiny. The reverend gentleman accepted the Invitation. There was n largo uncut cakt on tho tabic, nml the clergyman was urged to cut it. "Wliar shall 1 cut It?" ho asked, takiiiu. up tho knlfu and looking at tho cake In a Ijowlltlored sort of a way. "You kin Jess cut hit wharober you pleases, parson." "Which? Say dat olmr onco monli." "Jess cut hit wlmrober yer sees (It, pur son." A smile, lit up the dusky features of the humble toiler ot tho Lord's vineyard, nml ho remarked fervently: "I'so much ohleeged to yer, .Teems. 1 b'k'uve do lies' place to carve dls henh nm In tie seclusion oh my own house," nud wrapping up the caku In a newspaper, lie carried it olT under his arm. Texas Sitt ings. Almost Hunting with Talent. Great Architect Good morning Mr. Suburb. Think of building another house Mr. Suburb No. I called to Inquire it you wouldn't tnko my sou as 11 student In your olllco. With tho right tralnlug, he'll be a flue architect some day. "Has he shown nny marked tnlont foi architecture?" "Talent? He's overflowing with archl tectum! talent. I wish you could sea tin hencoop bn put up for mo last week." "Humph! What Is there rcmarkablt nbottt It?" "Ho designed it for n $10 hencoop and I ft cost &I50." Good News. Sliiiikeeilng In the Suburbs. Suburban Customer Klghtcentsa yard. Is thnt tho best you can do? Suburban Merchant It is, ma'am. Cost mo seven and a half. Suburban Customer 1 won't pay it. 1 can get exactly tho Biuno thing in the cltj for seven cents. Goe away Indignantly, spends twenty cents for car fare, sacrifices half 11 day, and saves fourteen cents In tho purchase of a roll of calico. Chicago Tribune. A Itetlsetl Opinion, "I was plenseil to cnll thnt enko of yours n perfect symphony, as you may remem ber," said young Mr. Pitts, about two hours after dinner. "Well, denr?" "I want to revise that expression. I feel now as though I had swallowed a whole Wagnerian opera." Indianapolis Journal. The M stilled Walter. Gent I can't drink this soup. Walter takes away the howl and fetches another. Gent I can't tnko this soup, either. Walter Beg your pardon, sir; why not, lr? Gent Because you haven't brought men spooul Humoristische Blatter. Coming Trouble, "Tills seems like one of tho old fashioned one ring performances, dearest, doesn't It?" he whlsered ns ho slipped the goldeu cir clet on her linger. "I don't know, Harry," sho answered dubiously, "but I am afraid there will lie something of n circus when you speak to papa." Chicago Tribune. Tin, .Social Whirl. Trotler Whnt has hecouui of Struckilo? When I left ho was making desperate ef forts to get into tho first society. Homer By the time ho k'ot in, tho people who then composed the best society had , hur&tctl up, so he Is now its badly olT as he , was before. .uv ork Weekly. I I A Crisis. Chappie Mnwn, Cholly. How's Polhnm today? 1 Cholly Vewy low, deah boy. He was at 1 tacked by n second nud more suvcsih itleah last night, ami he's dweadful weak today. 1 -Life. I A Measure of Intensity. I Widow of lauded proprietor (showing n new suitor over her estates) Well, wknt 1 do you think of this property? I Suitor My admiration for you grows I with every klloinettu! Chroulqiio. , Not it Itapld Counter. Parmer Pat, illtl you count all tho pigs t when von diove them into tho ynnl. ! Pat Yls, sor 01 did, all but wan, nn ho run so fast that 01 couldn't count him, sor. Texas Sift tugs. No Help Fur It. Artist How do you like tho portrait? Sitter Well, I don't exactly like the nose. Artist Neither do I but It's yours. I Harper's Bazar. Q0 YOU WANT to reach steady u and liberal purchasers in this part of the Country? WE HAVE advertising space for onto 'it rnfionnohln nn "r sale at reasonable, H. W. BROWN DRUGGSITWBOOKSELLER The Choicest line of PcrfunK'S. D. M, Ferry V Finest Flower ;inc' Garden Seeds. 127 South Eleventh street. SIDEWALK AND BUILDING I m m M m m m W J. A. Most Popular Resort in the City. Odell's New S. J. ODELL, Pkoi'iukiok. -o 1528 O STREET. o- Meals 25 cts. B8jK ArHLiUMH J -.IHIlllHHlBiflv!' S HlfHiiHlin!I i n - w ill iiHiimim 11 a JsHKIIi9E9bHi TIIK UIHKCT Chicago, Peoria, St. Louis, Ami all (lolntH Denver and. the Pacific Coast, AIiOTO DeadwooJ, Lead Gity, the Celebrated Hot Springs of Dakota And all ).olnu In tin- lllark 1 1 III-. THROUGH VESTIBULE TRAINS daily iii:tvi:kn DENVER, OMAHA CHICAGO Pullman Palace Sleeping Car?. Reclining Chair Cars, Seats Free. Famous Burlington Dining Cars. Bremen, Hamburg, Berlin, Ylenna, Paris, London, Havre, Liverpool, Glasgow, Dublin, Londonderry and all European Points. CANjllKM'l.E UKACIIKD IIY Till- BXJeniiinsra-Tonr eoute. An It romief tkvlUi all the'voiiular lliu-oi" oeenn Mviiiiikhli". A. 0. ZIKMKIt, City Pan. Ant.. Lincoln. - FltANCI.-, Oen, Pan. Aiit.. Onmlia, Nf It 12. -BilllllB--lilI- m....a not "cheap," rates. -AND- VITRIFIED PAYERS BUGKSTAFF Dining Hall, $4.50 per Week. Nebraska's leading Hotel., THE MURRAY Cor. 11th anil Harney Ht., STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS All Modern liiiprovcinelitN nud Conveniences. B, SILIOWAY, Pto-rletor. IRA IIIQBY, Principal Clerk I.INU TO St. Joseph, Kansas City, Kust mill Houth, " U'U .nlllll ink. SSaPAceJ TT.1l ' IHM . 1 (WfMiiJ.-jr,-, PORi I iiiHiii'4N iilii BRICK