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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1891)
n ; .'i' H r tt-ol -"Vl " .7" J -SV v !Vft.i Tyi-vx:,.: SX- I i I i FoFdJUXR RPER'orM9PCRN 'TIMES " Vol. O No. 28 Lincoln, Nk'hkahka, SatuwdAy, Junic 20, 1801. 1:'KICI Fivh: Cwnts idff tmMm - " - --,- - r -,. BriMM .-VAiwtsWii r .n ci w r mi .w..Ln iwst i ' "v. .a.i. .. .eiirjKjaia Uli fclkV4mL fr ssu: ui.mniuiu 'i . . i0WN UAfcK They wero talking nlout luck mid tlio part it plays In men's fortunes wlien one I elated tlio experience of n former Llncoltilto. ilu came from Falls City, or soiuowhero down in that country mid got a clerkship under Captain It. O. Phillips In tlio laud depart nicntof the JJ..& M. tils salary was llfty dollars a month and ho hnd to hunt out tlio chenct chophouses in town In order to ninko both -ends nuot. Tho .fellow evident ly had something lu him, for when tlio lUir lingtou located now towns ho got onto tlio choice lots and Rave a tip to n moneyed friend whom ho hnd jierHUmled to go Into tlio scheme. They bought up cholco lots and re sold them. It was not such a very long time beforo this youtig follow had cleaned up $6000. He pulled out of the railroad ollloo and put his jnonoy Into a bank lu Colorado. Then he went to Omaha, and having studied law beforo coining to Lincoln, ho went Into an abstract business. In the course of his labors in that lino he discovered koiiio defec tive titles and lila scheme to get hold of claims against the property. Then ho en gaged a lawyer to jiroseeuto his claims. While this litigation was In prog re 1 ho took a notion to go to South .America. He told out bis bank stock in Colorado, salted down his cash and left Omaha for Brazil or Argen tine Ilepubllc. A short time ago his wilt came to trial and his attorney Jly that victory he is said to have conic Into property worth (25,000, but strange to say, bis whereabouts are unknown. Now the question is, how much luck and how much shrewdness, energy, and executive ability was there in tills young fellow's case! Shaking of Now Mexico wo were the other day, you know recalls an Instance of the curious meetings and vleUsltudes of life. If you wero to take four youne men, all friends and living in Lincoln, send them to d IITe rent states to engage In business and then ask, "Where ore these young follows likely to meet again!" you would hardly expect It to be eight or ten years later in a little, outrof-the way New Mexico town, ono tlilrd American and tw o-Uiirds Indian. And yet, such are the straugo Interweavlngs of life threads, that this actually occunvd sev eral years agoat Socorro. V The four young men lived In a .New York town. A chain of circumstances took, ono of them Into the newspaper business iuJowa. He sold out and took advantage of his freedom to do the southwest, dropping off at Socorro to see an old friend. Another had inherited a small fortune, moved to u city and engaged in manufacturing. He went out to Socorro at the suggestion of a relative to look at the Magdalene mines with a view to investing some money in the industry. The thiid had gone to the United Btates of Columbia as an employee of one of our consuls. After threo yearn In South Ameri ca ho returned to the United Btates, studied law and, concluding to woke use ot his Spanish, located at Slcorro. I he fourth .was the sou of tlio rich man of the town. Ho ran away from home aivdciitheveial years herding sheep in Colorado and otherwise roughing it. In some unexplained manner ho discovered an illegitimate son nf Ids fath er and, singularly enough, they became part ners In their western life. They started down into New Mexico looking up and locat ing water privileges. Water is scaroo in that territory, and the owner of a good spring may control miles of adjacent land for grazing, because there may bo no other stream or spring anywhere near to water tlio cattle ot a rival ranchman. Men made a business of locating springs, then taki'.ig up a government claim and helling it as a water privilege. One day these straugely muted boys ran out of provisions, and the illegiti mate son started for Socorio for a new sup ply. When within a mile of town, in climb ing into the carriage his gun trigger got caught, the piece was discharged and ho wds killed. Several days after he wan bur ied a courier found the other brother and brought him to town. Like most of those old towns in the south west, Socorro has an open square or plaza, and there, on a bright April morning, these four young men, after years of separation, were brought together by the rates. For an hour they reveled in the joys of boyish rem iniscence, and then some of them started for the mines. Tho four havo never come to gether bIiico, The lawyer achieved fume and fortune, but died a short tluio ago. Among bis surviving relatives is a sister now living in Lincoln and prominent in the work of tho Church of tho Holy Trinity. Tlio prodl gul son's father died mid left him $150,000. Tho prodigal son returned homo and squan dered his fortune lu less than three years. Ho also died u shoit time- ago. Circum stances, some no less odd tliun thofo related above, have brought tho other two young men to be residents of Lincoln. Whut a curious thing life Is after all I "What makes Lincoln grow J" lj a poien nial question. Tho mail of whom it Is asked generally gives It up as an iusolvable riddle, and tho other fellow usually continues in a tone of conclusive discouragement. "You don't seem to havo much manufacturing here". Then the citl.en admits with an air of conciliation' "No, we haven't," and niajlsj he admits, in a tono of mingled apology mid helplessness, "but she gums just tho samu." Throughout tho dhcusslon of tho giowth of Lincoln runs tho core of a very common Idea: that u town cannot grow viithout fan toiles, and because tho Capital City lias fow largo miinufiict urlng Institutions people pio fesB to lw mystified tit it glow th niul doubt ful of Its stability. Tim tact of tho matter Is, this factory Idea has been very much ovei rated. People w ho have como from tho far east can recall manufacturing tow us and vciy fow of tliein are large. Tho cities of over 50,000 that havo been built up almost exclusively on manufacturing enterprises can bo counted on the lingers of two hands or very near it. It Is a big factory that employs a bundled hands, mid It takes ten such to make a thou sand employees. I havo in mind a town with u big Industrial shop that employed about a thousand . There wero no women or girls and very fow young bays, nnd yet tlio population of that town was loss than I, INN), If Lincoln had ten factories each with u hundred employees, or live shops with two hundred each, wo probably would brag about our great manufacturing Industry and Imagine wo had discovered tho secret of Lincoln's progress. Of course factories help, but their Importance as population-producing factors has lieen greatly overrated. This Is proved by tli9 grow th of Nebraska cities. Shohas some healthy children, but, with tho exception of Omaha, none of them owe very much to manufacturing. Now this article is not Intended to discourage tho planting of now factories in Lincoln; It is only to calm tho fears efisomo good jusiplo who imagine that our municipal salvation dopends on tho capturing of a few factories employing jiorhaps threo or four hundred Hrsons. Homo very wlso people assure us that bac carat should be pronounced as though spoiled h-a-k-a r-a-w. The easiest way for a man to appear learned Is to get n littlo smattering of mythology, tho most utterly useless knowl edge over crammed Into human crinlunn, and air It on occasion. About tho next easiest method is to load up with a few for clgu phrases or got the original pronunciation of a fow foreign wonts and thou shoot them off at tho common herd whenever opportun ity offers. One of tho (tottlest displays of egot ism is this H)tty one of pedants to Impose Uion the world with their potty knowledge to hldo their colossal ignorance. If one nttempts to give tlio native pronunciation of the thou sands of foreign words adopted Into the Eng lish he will have n job on hand that would batllo tho traditional Philadelphia lawyer. .Richard Grant White and Max Mailer as sure us that the tendency of tho English lan guage is to simplify itsnif, mid in the matter of foreign words it is usuusibloaiid consistent rule to anglicise them whenever it can well be done. Instead of getting tho French or Chinese twist ou words wo adopt from their languages, let our teachers, as far as practl cable, commend the practice of pronouncing tliem according to the English siielling. lu stead of piling up dilllcultlos, tho people who imagine the fate of the English language Is entrusted to their keeping should use all reasonable efforts to simplify it. After all, the best way to know tho real merit of Hood's Sarsaparllla, Is to try it yourself, lie sure to get Hood's. See our beautiful individual ice cream moulds before ordeilng elsewhere. "The Finest" 110 O street. Flannel shirts cleaned without shrinking by tho French dry cleaning process, only 15 cts. at Lincoln Steam Dye works, 110.', O street. The best domestic coal in the market for $4.40 delivered. He sure to try Eastern Wy oming nut for sale exclusively by (Joo A. ltaymer, U'M O. CQU.KCTioNH In and out of the city at tended to, Rents collected, Houses leased and Estates managed. II. N. Wessel, Notary Public with Harwood, Ames & Kelly. Ladies who are fond of horseback riding should, call and see Henry Harpham, H'J north .Eleventh street beforo purchasing side saddles, vlips, etc. Bicycles of all kinds atid nil makes skill fully rehired on short notice. Wrenches, oil cans, tires and other supplies always for sole at George & Fishette, 1442 O street. Cliautuiiiia Assemblies, Ueatrlce, June Jitd to July Gth; Crete, Juno aoth to July 10th, and Fremont, Juno 2M to July tith. The Union Pacific will sell ticket at an open rate of one faro for tho round trip. See your nearest Union Pacific Agent. Youtlilleae iimuetm Fare rrepiirtlon, Ladies, if you want most elegant faco prep aration, try tliis one. Jt is pure as spring water; no lead, sediment or other injurious substances. It make your skin soft, fresh, and clear; removes ton, -blotches, dlscolora tions, and imparts a pearly complexion, if your faco Is not what you deslro It, try "Youthllono''. I guarautcu it to give perfect satisfaction. I have sought for a prearu tion that will make oomplejclons fresh and young looking and nowl luiro found It, re tailed ot two dollars or threo for five. I have secured the agency for this trusty article. J. H. Haiilkv. Druggist, Lincoln, Neb. Ilulty U Kick. The woeful oxprcstilou of a Dos Moines teamster's countenance showed his deep anx iety was not entirely without cause, when ho enquired of a druggist of tho same city what was best to give a baby for a cold. It was not. necowary for him to say more, his coun tenance showed that the H)t of tho family, if not tho Idol of his life was in distress. "Wo glyo our baby Chamberlain's Cough Remedy" wns tho druggists answer. "I don't like to give tho baby such strong medicine," said tho teamster. "You know John Olesoti. of the Wnttors-Talbot I'rliitlmr Co.. don't vouf" en- quired the druggist. "His baby when eigh teen months old, got hold of u bottle of Cham berlalirs Cough Remedy and drank tho whole of it. Of courso It made tho babv vomit very freely but did not Injure It lu tho least. and what Is nmro, It cured tho baby's cold. It is not necessary to give poisons to cine a cold or for croup either." Tho teamster already knew tho value of tho Remedy, hav ing used It himself, and was now satlslled thnt there was no danger In giving it oven to a baby, DUENA VISTA HOT SPRINGS. A nonwillful lletieut for the Imalld, TuurNt mid Pleasure Nimltnr. Among tho various summer ivsoi ts claim ing lecugnltlon as woi thy of relluod patron age, none can compare with those of Iluena Vista lu nil that goes to in iko up a season of continued delights, and a sojourn of quiet rest, ami pleasant recreation, Nowhere In the country can bo found such a combination of attractions and advan tages ns Is Kissessed by this charming re treat in the heai t of tho Rooky's. It can l)OMt bo reached by the "Hurllngton" to Den ver, and thonce by either tho 1). & 11. (., tho South Park, or tho Colorado Midland Ru Ihvaj s, and tho trip can bo liiudo lu from Ditto !J7 hours, according to tho route se lected. Thes.1 springs are llvo miles from tho sta tion, and guests aro convoyed to mid from the hotel In easy tiding carriages, either morning or ovetilng. Tho hotel has broad verandas, and It con tains fifty rooms, newly furnished and hand- 'l2i somely decorated, everything is neat and clean, and an elevation of 7000 feet renders the climate delightfully cool, refreshing and healthy. Roth tho hotel and bath house aro located on the banks of a beautiful mountain stream, and immediately at tho mouth of Cotton wood Canon, a picturesque gorgo of remark able beauty mid surrounded by the colle giate mountains, iwrhaps tho most majestic and sublimely beautiful group of mountain peaks in Colorado, Mt. Princeton, 14100 feet, Mt. Harvard, I43i3 feet, and Mt. Yale, 14, 101. The summits of all threo may be reach ed with saddle horses. Six miles up tho canon is Cotton-wood lake, a beautiful sheet of water covering about sixty acres, surrounded by lofty cralgs and towering mountains, mid filled with trout. Moating Is a delightful feature of this romantic sot, and alfords endless pleasure and health giving exercise. Three miles up tho canon Is the remarka ble cold spring, discharging tho waters that form tho siirkllng stream that runs below. Ono of tho largest ami most recent of ex tinct, volcanic craters can bo soen from the hotel and Is easily reached by the curious and interested lu natures handiwork. Good fishing may be had within fifty yards of the hotel, all of the five streams in the vicinity bolug filled with trout. Gamo Is abundant, both large and small, (a flue buck was recently shot from the hotel ver anda), and sportsmen can rest assured of much enjoyment. Wild berries and wild flowers nro abun dant, and grow lu great luxuriance. The hotel is built upon a greit glacial moralii e and is surrounded by beautiful shaded walks while the canon and the bunks of the streams aro bordered by ferns and flowers. The Indians know the virtue of these wateis gen erations ago ami they weio u favorite haunt of tho Hodmen who eageily sought the heal ing waters for their health giving proper ties. Arrow heads of exquisite workmanship aro still found in tho vicinity while speci men minerals and various kinds of agates will richly repay tho patient seeker. The view from tho hotel Is entrancing, overlooking as it does, the boitulful cotton wood valley. To the southward the view Is limited by the snowy summits of tho Baugre do Christo range, outward across tho valley, the town of Rueim Vhti, with the Park range for a back ground, northward the Rutfalo (leaks and westward tho grand colle giate group of mountains. "Tho lovely ever changing views Of mountain, sky and landscape Aro so gorgeous. Such ii constant delight, And so restful." Tho baths at present consist of largo plunges and tubs, tho fcrnur contain over 10,000 gallons of mlneial water each, and at tho spiings of l'.'O to 1 10 degrees fahreuheit, and are kept as hot lu the bath houses as fs suitable for bathing. The cooling and dro-Mug rooms nio con veuletly connected with tho baths and eter) thing isiiriiinged lu u most substantial and Intelligent iniiuuei. Tho spilugs uio nioie than llfty lu number, and Include both hot and cold, (tint the celehintcd iron spilng whoso waters urn excellent lor ill lukhn;. Dr. C. N. Kay of lloulder, Colo., lu speak ing of the diseases which might vpoct gieat I 5&t'A17 Ta)fljLMlllllllllllllwSHiHBHE.v7v. r ii lrfr V rNEJDfttBBBllBBSSK ssvWMinwAib mmmmSm-t beuvlt, mentions consumption, spinal troub les, till ailments that havo their origin lu criugjtttiou, a largo penvnt of female troub les, shell ns congestion of tho liver, spleen or stomach, rheumatism, excessive drinking, main in, indigestion, slccplossncs.s, kidney mid 'bladder troubles, In fact, any disorder of tho iystein which has tint reached tissue dls organization. Among tho amusement In connection with the hotel aro tlio lawn tenuis mid croquet grounds, and there me Iniiuuieriiblo rides, drives and walks. No liquor will Imj sold nt tho hotel, or near it, but tho various spring waters will ho bot tled and carbonated for drinking. The charges (Including baths,) aro f.'.OO to f'-'..V) H-r day, or $10.00 to 115.00 per week, mid compared with those of similar resorts will bo found vastly cheaHr, and equally as good, If not iK'tter. The proprietor, Mr. J. A. Chain, Iluena Vista, Colorado will cheerfully give any fur ther,tnformatlon desired. W herewith copy two letters and scores of others can bo submitted If desired, They rf- aro very convincing and show the high and i vJr enviable reputation theao springs enjoy. Iluena Vista, April 23, 1SU1, J. A. Chain, Esq., Denver, Colorado. Dear Sir You wish to know tho virtue thero is in tho Iluena Vista hot springs. Tho following it my experience. Alxmt eight years ago I Had tho rheumatism and erysip elas so bad that I could not walk, and tho catarrh so bad that I could not cat, I had to lie lifted in and out of the carriage that car rled me to tho above named place. After staying there ten days (bathing twice a dav) 1 could walk and eat at least five times a day, and in three weeks was entirely cured, lor i could jump, rule horse back, and at tend to my business. Ily drlnkliiit mid suulf lug the hot spring water I got cured of the catarrh. I advise every ono who is aflllctod as I have been to go to Iluena Vista hot Bpi lugs and they will surely thank me fur my ad' vice. R. Jackson. Iluena Vista, Colo., June 8th, lbtll. J. A, Chain, Esq., Denver, Colorado. Dear Sir: Replying to yours of tho (ith instant, I beg to say I havo not had occasion to call at tho springs since I last saw you with reference to this valley ns a natural baiiltarsum, I can truly say I know of no sot on the American continent which would be a fair comparison with it and I doubt If thero is a place in this country or Europe where asthmatic cases get such speedy nnd certain relief. While tho hot android min eral springs have stored In them u panacea for many of the so called Incurable ailments that allllct tho human foully luallpaits of the world. Tho waters of tho Hiiena Vista hot springs. If properly applied will not fall to give speedy relief lu nearly all kinds of skill diseases', catarrh, acute bronchitis, joint and muscular rheumatism, and dysiepsia. An anal) sis of the water I could not give at present. There ure several springs of var ious kinds mid teniiernturu in the glen iiIkjvo the house. To pioperly develop these spiiugsaud thou let population of the United .States know what 1 know about them, there would nut Imj room lu flveyema lu this paitof the valley for the people who would 'rant to como mid lis e or sojourn here. Yours hurriedly, with respect, Ii. Julian Allen, M. 1). The R, & M. havo a line of low late excur sion tickets to this celebrated lesort, as well as to all other luqiortuiit points in the coun try, and all inquires concerning the same will leceUo piompt and courteous attention. A. C. Zieiiku, City Pass. Agt. fill), U, lttui, Is the date fixed for tlio Giand Yellowstone Park Exclusion via tho Union Puclllo "The Ovei hind Roufo." Final dooslt for tickets must bu made Uforo Juue.'toth. Wiltoto llany P. Deuel, City Pass, nger Agent, liiiri , Km nam Ktieet, Oiiiaha. I See the flue display of Gold and Hrns Cages, Water Coolois and Filters and Ia-oii-mil RofiigKiatoik. The laigtst and most complete stool; of House Furnishing goods lu the city at Rudge. Monday night LlneolnlteH wero given an Idea of the enjoyment New Yorkers must had during tho threo years engagement of tho "County Fair." Wo enjoyed tho per formance, How much more must tho deni zens of favored Gotham delighted lu the play when presented by tho Inimitable Nell llurgess and an efllclont support, tho"County Fair" was one nf I he Kti-nnm.( ,f ,.i..(.-.,.uli. tan ntti actions. Without making any odi ous comparisons the Couuinil Is free to say iiintiiiuiieopio wnn nearly uiiisi tho Kunku Monday night, lu spile of the disagreeable weather. wltiii.HNivl it MittUffw.tfirv mi.tlil.... of ono of the most maiked theatrical suc cesses of recent year. While no nun player rose to an unusual height all gave their parts no inieiugeiii., noncsi interpretation and the tout cnsemhlo was smooth and pleasing. Margaret May as Taggs, a Switching little black-eyed beauty, elicited hen rty applause by hor able and conscientious work. Ella Salisbury's Sally Oroeuaway, was also a meritorious creation enhanced by the fresh beauty of tho former. Thomas McGrath had n difficult part In Otis Tucker and suc ceeded lu his cirort to represent an original, provincial farmer without becoming tire some. Perhaps the most artistic work was accomplished by Marin Rates who essayed tho iart ofAbigal Pi lie. Tho susceptible old maid, yearning for an expression of Otis' love which she thought Justified by fourteen Venrs courtlnir wns vnrv fmmv. f Vil.l t, lasses tho winner, nlso won favor with the gnoa naiureii audience. And right hero It should be said that In tho "County Fair" tho so-called sensational element of the play Is only mi Incident, not tho leading feature as in so many horse and tank dramas. It has a wholesome flavor throughout and Is one of thoso plujs which It does one good to see. Tho Steen-Zanzlg combination, which ap peal etl at Funko's oK3ia houw ou Thursday and Friday evenings, gave a very clover en tertainment, mystifying mid surprising tho largo audiences present by their Incompre hensible performances. The program oeued with Xanrig in his clever slelght-of-liand work, nil or which ho performed with tho greatest ease. Mr. Htoon, assisted by her husband, puzzled the audience by hor won derful "faklsm" commonly known oh spirit ualism -aud although sho seemed to possess some supernatural powers, it Is claimed to be but a trick aud an exjiosuro of tho to-called spiritualistic mediums. It can" be safely said sho has no peer. The latter part of tho per formance consisted of a series of cabinet tricks by the king of conjurors, Mr. Zanzlg. Altogether, tho entertain ment was a most delightful one. TIIKATItlCAL, TALK. "Aunt Hrldget's Ruby" Is an exceedingly healthy Infant. John W. Hamilton is to manage Uns" Will lams' tour next season. London has 4'J licensed theatres, Now York Hi, and Chicago 111. It Is whlsHTed that J. K. Emmet nnd Helen Sedgwick will soon wed. Two dramatic authors aro already Innv writing a piny around tho London biccarat scanuai. "Tho Power of tho Press" will bo ono of the most inqwrtant attractions on the road next season. Harry Edwards, for many years a mem ber of the famous Wallack Co. . died In Now York ou Tuesday. Clam Morris has written an article ou the drama for tho July number of the North American Review. Hallen and Hart have taken Jay J. Ilrady Into partnership In that worst of ull farce comedies "Iter On." George W. Floyd is In Now York making extensive preparations for the production of "The Cadi," Hill Nyo's newConiady. Miss Oenovlevo Reynolds has Uen re-engaged by Manager A. J. Seucer for Nellie Mciienry's now play "A Night at the Circus." Henry E. Dixe)' entertainment nuxt sea son will consist of three short plays. A melo-drama burlesque by Clay Greene, u p.ihtomliio and the lust act of "Seven Ages" bolltd down. Miss Phoebe II. Russell, who will bo pleas antly remembered as a prominent member of Augustln Daly's company two years ago returns to tho stage next Benson, joining Stuart Robson's comMiiiy. The executors of the late Lawrence Rar rett havo Inventoried his etato at -",'l,0O0. In a letter to his wife the traeedlan be queathed his Cassitis armor and s word to tho l'lay,.r's Club It, New York. The 1'iirrat uliil lltt Articles known to roedlcal science aro used In prepaiiiiKHoM'stvirsapnrllla. Everv In gredient is carefully sectcd, jK-rsonally ex amined, and only tlio best retained. Tho medicine h prepared under tho supervision of thoroughly wtnpttoiij pharmacists, and every step in the proce4 of nianutacture fs i uirefiill) wiih'bftl wili a view to securing in uoo.i6ssa(wip,i)illrt t,o lost povslblo lesiilt. Ouilooihts Jh. r. Dkcipkp tho earth's earth's crust to Ik o er 100 miles thick. This is about tho thickness of the man's head who bujs his ralhoad tickets by some Inferior and poorly iqulpjed line, when he could get a tick it by the "lllirliligtou" at the samu rate Our woi k speak lor Itself It needs no bingor bluster, simply your own opinion will testify to Its nteilts. Tho Studio 1 Gi nude fs ou the ground floor, centrally lo entid and a beautiful place. Cull and see us at l'Ji south Twelfth street. HASH BALL Tho score of KatiiidnvV miimi ..i .'... ...... City utmost Justllles the question, "DM the niNciiuciiiiigivoiuo gamo to Manning t was tho woist defeat Lincoln has mi far sus tained. 15 toll. Think of III Roach was tumble todn anything with tho ball, and It Is surprising that Dnvu didn't chango moil. Our boys mnde two hose hits, the other ful lows made seventeen. They made two er rors. Wo Hindu nine. It wasn't a gaum to bo proud of, Sunday our boys made a big oiroit to re trieve themselves from tho In ncn of defeats; but lu an eleven Inning game Kansas City won by n score of 11 to 5. People lu Kansas City say It was tho hottest light ever wit nessed In tho base halt in-eiin nMlmt i. In.... and tho natives were so pleased with the nn sun iinu iney are smiling yet. lJuriihrougn pitched seven Imdiiim ivlmu lm ivn. ...,M..u...t --- - ----.. .....n ....ul. ,,,, ..a.n .ll.llIV.n! by Rurkett. Tho former wasfalrly effective! nut leiiKeinvas munis his old time skill, which was not surprising when tho fact Hint ho hail not pitched fir several weeks is taken Into consideration. Bwnrtzel twirled tho ball for the Kaw River shieirers In, l.n.l suH-rb control of tho sphere. Over sven iiiousanti jMXjpio saw mo sori. AMOMI THKNI-Olts. The Lincoln club will remain In Lincoln. Davo Rowu Is playing center field ami Pat ton third base. Tho Denver Lincoln gamo Tuesday was postouisl ou account of rain. After Minneapolis como Duluth, Hloux City, and then Milwaukee, each for three games. On Thursday Founder pitched for tho Den ver team and Roach for Lincoln. Wo got (I runs, Denver tt. Will Davo put Pnttoii lu Raymond's placo, or will hem-cure n now maul Perhaps ho may take tho Job himself. Tho bicycle race this week has been unusu ally successful, tho attendnnco Indicating in creasing Interest lu cycling. Flanagan has got his hand in nt first and what Is almost equally important ho has promptly taken a place among our sluggers. Fred W. Largo who played third base with tho Lincoln club in 1HS7 was married the other day lu Oakland, Cal to Miss Annie K. Sou, Tlio stato tennis tournament will Imj bold at Hastings next week, commencing Tues day. A number or Lincoln players will bo lu attendance. Kansas City is pulling up hi a way bccom lug tho champions. When that club takes three from Lincoln It is evident that tho Mis sotirlans can play ball. Lincoln's fnvorlto wheelman, Ed Mockett, broko tho stato record for one mile nt Rohan- an hall Tuesday night, making tho run In ex actly ',':5I, one second less that Flecher's best time. Lincoln won Wednesday's game at Denver by n closo scratch, yanking out a victory lu the ninth Inning. Tho score was 'J to 8. O'Day and Rogers, nnd Kennedy nnd Rey nolds occupied tho H)lnts. In tho six-day bicycle nice at Rohaiian's hall tlio latest Information seemed to Justify tho prediction that Wilson will come out first, although Alloway Is presslughlm close ly. The race ends to-night. Lack of space prevents an extensive men tion of tho races, which wero Inaugurated Thursday, and which will end to-day. The weather has lieen oxtremely unfavorable, but on tho whole tho performance! were kat Isfactory. Minneapolis and St Paul played nil excel lent gamo Tuesday, In which the former was victorious by a score of 1 to 0. Only one error was made lu tho game and that by tho victors. Each club got 'J7 1'. O.'s nnd 14 as sists and I) base hits. In tho big league the New York club has had much tho same experience that the Lin coln team has enjoyed lu tho sister organiza tion, starting out at tho liottom ami steadily moving up to tlio top. Tuesday Now York won tho fourth straight from Anson's men. Havo you noticed that Lincoln has got to tho front as a sporting center! Last week wo had a state shooting tournament, this Week Wo haven hIt iIhv lili-w.l.. ........ ...,.i serloi of exciting horse races, to siy nothing in uio ciiampioii imui leain and minor attrac tions. William Castouo has U-en actively engag ed in trvlnz to organize ii atnt. i... v.. i,n league und he has strong luqies of success. n oni comes iroin ueatrlce that a club has alrendy been formed thero mid Kearney, Ne hiasku City, Grand Island, Hustings, Fre mont, Ulalr and Plattsiuouth are agitating tho question. Our Harry Raymond who ns thin! base man has gheiinich general satisfaction, is tho tint playe- in tho Western leacuo to Jump his contract to enter the American As sociation. Ho goes lack to the Louisville club of which he w us ciiptalu last m"Ymhi, to phi) short stop. Harry was a good iniiii; bu, III desertion will not cnpple tlw Lincoln club. Fortify )ourclf forth disease. eculiar to win in weather, by taking Ayei's Sui-sap. ai ilia. Dr. O.K. L-idd, dentist, 11(V O treet Telephone l.Mi. Ollloo hours Uii. in. to 5 p. m. For Inn ness call on Henry Haiphiim, 14J north Eleventh street, opposite Capital Hotel, Kaechollu Rautngai tiiur ,V Co. celebrated wool challicsuudjFicuch salines at low pi ices this w eek at J. W Wl.MIKH A: Co. 1100 O street. He sure ami try eastern Wyoming Nut coal. Rest in the market, prim f ,40 deliv eied by Goo. A. Raynier. Telephone .'ML 1I3IO street. "