Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1890)
CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, APRIL 10, tiSon Roberts & Co, 212 North 1 1 th Street, Undertakers and Embalmers. Tolcplmii. OrtUc is'iie I U Open Pat and Nig''1 E. T. ROBERTS, Manager. Santa Fc Route Atchison, Topeka ft Santa Fe R. R The Popular Route to the Pacific Coast. Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Hclttccn Kansas Clt ami SAN l)IK(i(), LOS ANHELKS", mill SAN KUAN CISCO. Sliint Line Kates tt PORTLAND. Oicgon Double Dully Tmln Sri t Ice lletwcen KnnsasCltviiniiPl'f.lll.O.COLOUADO SPRINGS, mill DENVER. Slmit Hue to SALT LAKE CI IY. The Direct Texas Route Solid TniliiK lletttcon Kansas City and Galveston. Thi? Slioit Lino Hot w con Kaunas City niut Gainesville, Kt Worth, Dnlloi, Austin, Temple, Snu Antonio, Houston, it ml all Principal Point hi Toxin The Onlv Line Running Through the OKLAHOMA COUNTRY. The Only Direct Lino to the Texas Pan-Handle. Kor Map ami Time Table ami Informa tion Regarding Rate ami Routes Call on or Address S. M. OSGOOD, Gen'l Ag't E. L. PALMER. Traveling Agent, 1308 Farnnm St., OMAHA, NEB. 'tvfife Milwaukee 'SZHUl Owns and operates ft,rno miles of thorniiKhly equipped mud In Illinois. Wisconsin, Iiiwii, Missouri, Minnesota ntul Dakota. It It tlio Host Direct llouto Ih.'Iwh.'ii nil tha Prluclpnl Points In tliu Northwest, Southwest and Far West. Kor mnps, tlmo IuIiIch, niton of passage, ami freluht. etc.. imiily to nearest station intent ot GllIUAUO, Mll.WAllKKK A HT. PAUL ItAII. way, or toitny Kallroad Agent anywhere lu tlioworltl. It. MlLLKlt. A. V. II. OAltl'KNTKH. QMinrul M'g'r. (lon'l Pass. AT'kt Ant. K.TUOKElf. OKO. II. UKAKKOHl), sst. Uon Mgr. Aut. O. P. A T. Agf. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Ml For Infornintlou In reference to 4mli nul Town owned by the. Chicago, Milwau kee k Ht. l'nul ltullwuy Coinpany.wrta to II. G, IlAuaAMiItuilCommlwilouer.Mlllwniikeo Wisconsin, Grand Drawing or thk Loteria de la Beneflcencia Publlca ! OK TIIK State of Zacatecas, Mexico. A syndicate of capitalists liavo secured tho concession lor opernthiit thU LOTTEEY nml will extend tu luminous throughout tliu Unltol Htntos anil llrltltli Colutulilii. Jlelow will la? found n lint of the prizes which will Ik) drawn on May 27, 1890, AT ZACATECAS, MEXICO, nud continue monthly thereafter. CAPITAL $150,000.00 rKiz,n, Mvvr 100,0(10 Tickets i,l MIO.OO. Unites, ft.OO. Tenths, SI.IIO. American Currency. LIBT OK lMUZKHs 1 IMIIK OK II.'iO.OOO Is.. ..I.V),UX) 1 IMII7.K OK. r),o) is . . MMNU .. Aiwo ,.. so.oeo .. 10.WXI ... lo.rx) 10.MX) 1 PHI .K OK... ai'HIZKSOK . 'JPHI.hXOK , 6PHI.KHOK 10 IMUZKHOK Jul'llIZKHOK , 'JD0PHI.KHOK. WJOPHI.KSOK 00 PHI. K8 OK. i,uoo Is . ia,ixw re f,00i)itre . -.ftX) tiro l.iWOnro.. NWaro.., X) are 10,010 4rt,(IW rvoiw I.V) are. . . 100 nre M.uu AIM'ltOXIMATICN I'll UK. 1A0 PIUKH OK IIRO nru 150 PKI.HH OK Itkl nre ISO PHI.K8 OK .... ft) aro WJ Terminal Prlifsof (SO are fJ2,.vi 15.(113 7,r) l,,10 si'ti vaifvo V1.U1I It.VTKSl O Tickets for 4.MMI0. SPECIAL RATES ARRAN0ED WITH AQENI8. AGENTS WANTED !Swlr,?,r,?i city In Unlteil Htittesiuid llrlllsb America. The payment of PrUes Is KUarmitcetl hy 11 Roeclal UeiMstt of five liumlreil thousand dol- lur (Iftxi.tsu), with tlio State Oovernmeiit, mid appnived by Jesus ArechlKit, (loveruor DrnwiiiKs under the ieronul supervision of Lie. Horiiilnlo Arteagu, who Is appointed hy tlio Oovernmeiit as Iiiturveutnr "I CKUT1KV tlutt with the Htnto Treasurer all ueccussitry Kiiiiriinteesureileposltetl assur ing full payment of all pilrcsofiliUdratvttiir. llKltttlNIo Autkaoa, Iiiterventor. IMI'OUTANT. lleinlttances must Ihi either by Now York Drufl Kx press or Iteglstored letter. American money. Oolloollnnscnn bo inado by Kxprcss Companies or Hanks. Ticket sent direct to iiuimiKciiieut will bo paid by drafts on New York, Montreal, Ht. Paul, Chicago, Han Fran cisco or City of Mexico. Kor further Infor mation address, JUAN PIi:i).I, MnmiKor, Zucaterut, .Mexico. A pari u Jo O. SOCIAL AND PHIISOXAI, The York chili linsisl Uh dinning season lu 11 liliin of glory " Uh "lie of llie nicest parties of the .tear Special hit intinns had liu Issued tn n number of the member of oilier hili' who look mlt milage of thi'li ptlvHego. Then 1 hero ttoio sotenil vMIois fioiu out of town, making altogether one of the gutcst of companies The oniiostia, with .Mini lllollghht III llieplimo, won-lusplli'il toilo llielr best, t lit Indies Mole their ficshcst gowns with 11 l.olnlile plolusloll of llowcis, Mr l' i'il Ihillelt liliiile 1111 nilmliiihlo liinstci of leieinoiiles, the I'lcgmit golil-i'inlsM'il pio ginins I'liil 11 pi ell v snutenlr i"inl udiltil to llielii, elmi't lolliciliido wtissirtisl flout 11 big punch howl h 11 onions! atleniliinl hi while, lit the mlilille of the piogimil Ires mid 1 likes wolcsoi ted nil tiiblos hv Mi'llM', tjiillliil col oieil hiiIIi'Im, i'M'ImI whs (ti 11 hnppy iikhhI for Hie occasion, mill the losiilt wasu 10 ill good lime Among the paltlcipuut weie Mlfs (Hotel of Waterloo, Iowa, MUs 1,11a Week of Huntings. Mbs Inn Iluirhof (I111111I Island, Miss Ellin Mclnl)to or lln-t-Ings. Mi 1'. II. Ilnittu of I'oloiailo, Mr. ('Imksnti of IV 01 In, Mi, McYan of Oiiiaha, Ml. TImiiiiiih W .('ox of Omaha, Misses Atciy, Hlnfiiiil, Ciiru oily, He I'ue, (la) lord. Guild, llallett, Motgau, Mii'ou, Tii'einau, White, Wenti'i', I'oiunl, Scott, lecso, 1'ace, Klikcr, hla ami llajilee llierttlilh, l.onu, Kllle anil i:iln lliluillev, lovelt, (IllthllilKe, Hteeii, Hot tie mill Alaiiil lluir, llatliaitny, Olive Ijltta, llenton, WI'miii, (ItKtill. .Mi'HilN Hale, llenton. Kint. Croiicer, linker, limp, Com', TiiinIiiIc, IoIiiihiii, Will ('hull, duo.. Clark, Klmhall, Hliaimon, Will I'hill hm, .lolin Phillip.. Iliailley, diulil, llluforil, Covert, llnlch, Wei'khacn, .1. HlKKei, W. C Higher, MeCioikey, ,Io)ce, Lote, Appleton, Slorrf, line Mian, Chan. Clalke, Mclloualil, l'illilKllv, Mejer, Mel'iill, Mcott, I.oiikwi'11, llallett, DorKiiu nml Amhun. I' W. Ilmnptru, for 11 long time pimt one of the I'ouiiikii'h fort'n, NitetliiKiiN city iill lor of the Cd, Mr Dickey havltiK Koue hack to Ohio, In net maitleil. Mr. Hampton lias hail loin of iioHiMH'r exeilence otcr In MlnMiiirl, Nit iiiitliUK, aggrenNlvo fello anil with acipialulauce iiiiioiik iicwn hoiiiccn, which he will pick upipilckly,oiiKht to make 11 taluahle man for the Cull. Kti'Kmit eiiKrnveil Invllulloim have Ik'cii IihiiisI liy Mr. ami MrM.CharleH D. Pitcher for it company next Tueiwlay evening In honor or Mr. nml Mrs, O. ('oilman of Omaha. The gentlemen were coIIcku friends, anil many Lincoln ieoplt will rtvallMrx. Col I man as Mlits Ilmtio I'aililiM'k, daughter of Senator I'adilock. The car NiiUiioumtiiliiiicltiK. Miss Kllle Mclutyteof ilaatlugM, who came to at tend the Yoik jmrty, wiim tliu gueitt of Mrs. Alleuof 1101th Seventeenth Htreet. Mlns (Hover of Wateiloo, Iowa, ImsUs'ii the guest of Miss lltKiveriit the Lluilell. M. Mclvliiiiiin went to Omaha Sunday ami aettsl its xtll homer at the funeral of 1'hllllp Warrnck, Into iisslntmit Kouoral frelljt iigvnt or the Union I'aclllc Kred Sinyscr, who was called to Mlnneotn hy the IIIiiors of his mother, ivturmsl Monday nml Is making his home with Frank llnrr. dipt. 11. O. l'hllllps tvita hi Witshlngton over Sunday ami went thence to Philadelphia to attend a meeting of the liyal Legion. Arthur C. StalTiinl of Cleveland, 11 nephew or A. V. ilemer, has arrlvisl in Lincoln mid will take it place with James O'Neill. W. O, Hell has lieen appolutisl corresM)iuN cut or tliu Omaha ViYjniMiVmi to hiiccoihI W, Mm ton Smith. MIsms Clara Cnrmody and Klllo Stwn re tiuneil TiiuMluy from 11 visit with friends nt Hastings. John Murphy, hrother of Mrs. James Led with, left Monday for his homo at Peoria. K. It. Sf dler of Cohlinhus, Ohio, the guest of (leo. lowiy, lert Sunday for home. Mrs. K. II. Drown of Colorado has heen visiting her mother, Mm. lllerwlth John Kitwovlll returuiil Monday from 11 hunting trip to Kearney. Mark II. Tlltou lelt Sunday for 11 trip to O.mkiwli. Mr. Oeorgo llrowit is visiting at Reil Clouii. Mr. K. K. IlooiH ha heen vlsltiui; hi Iowa. Dr. Garten Stuulayed hi Itiownville. I Other Social Now s on Page S. PEN, PAPER AND INK. J. W. Kosillck, artist ami author, contrib utes to Out fii( for April it line article on Tho Wheel niut Camera hi Normandy. Ah ho spun over the white ronda of northwestern Franco, reveling in the smooth, rapid motion with all tho enthusiasm of 11 wheelman, bis keen eyes caught ninny pIcturoNpio view which hU fulthtul camurn as well as his skill ful hand utndu Hrinuuent for tho future hen ellt ami pleasure, of tho many readers ot Out nil. Tlio Faster number of the New York ,(( is rendered eNiMX'Ially at 1 1 active by an un commuuly beautiful covci printed in colore. Tho central design is a pictiue of Kanter morning 111 tho country, tho road to cluinli, with a Uirilor of Faster lillles. This number contains the llmt chapters of it now story by Amelia K. llnrr, entitlvtl "Tho Household c.r McNeil, which opi'iis well, and bids tnlr to llvnl "Jim Vedder'11 Wife." to far the best. known of Mrs. Uari'u roinaiices. 1110 jenni'hS'Jiiiier jiiigiiiino 101- apru is tho largest and most complete number of this well-known publication yet given to the pub He. Tho system of dresi advocated by this magazine is now in such constant demand, that tho present issue of the magazine do votes eleven pages to ilUcussion nud preeu tatlon of most artlstlo stylesln gowns, tvras, etc. Tho articles 011 physical cultuie, pub lished monthly, glow constantly inoro In strtictlte. TherenioaH.'iHoiitKHiuletliuctio lu every number, invaluable for their practi cal suggestions, Tho April Muamiw 0 liiirri'ciu History Is notable for the timeliness of its topics. "Our South American Neighbors" has for its text tho blight now book ot travels by Frank Vincent, but tho nrticlo is in iioheiisocoutluctl to the modern outlook; tho picturesque past is brought Into view- with descriptions and Illus trations, and glimpses nro given of tho ancient Poiuviaiis anil other early peoplen with also n ixissiiig view of tho latest enterprise, of Har vard College in photographing tho southern heavens, which has been initilu Kislb!u by Mis. Henry Dnuwrof Now York. Tho sec ond nrticlo ot tho number, "Tho Romance of tho Mup ot tho Unlteil Sttttes," by H. 0 . Cut ler of Chicago, loveals in a pleasant fashion much that U now mid curiously entertaining. J. II. Dotlds, tslitor of tho dally and weekly Arlior Stute, of Wyniore, Noli, suy: have seen the miiglo elTect of Cliumbeiialu's Cough llemeily lu case of croup mid colds among my griiuiLchildreii, Wo would not think of going to Uil at night without n bot tle ot this icmedy in tho house. Cliiimber ln Ill's metllcino aro growing mote xpular hero every day." Kor sale by A. L, Shruder druggist. 7n Diil jou ever we n lilcmry nstlckf A Kirly-Klrl, I menu Tliet hate tlleil It within the last year at the tin Ions wiildlliK. 11 huije 'i'ow'a cane helnn Hill 11 the piefelenie It is ilccoiiitisl with rlhliiXis and Ihnters, nud Mioiiuly niinesls theciiHik that Mmycairles ill 11 ill eH hall when nhe Is acroiupaulisl hy 11 tuiriil laiiili. A wiiinan 1'iililes 11 stick with ahout the Mime kiiico that mi elepliaut would She iIih'Hi'i know whether he ouuht toswiiiK It, whelhel kIik oiikIiI to lilt It fioin the UMimiil, or whethi'l she i'IikIiI to luliig the w hole woIkIiI of her hmh to Ih'iii upon It. If fhe 'Ifts It oir the Kionrd, she feels the 10 spouslliilltv so nient that xlie looks like a ill iim-uiiijor, mid ir sue iitteiupts )i iiwIiik It eterylstdy within lite tnnls wants to not out of her way, tin It Is likelt to llv out of hei hands anil sltike some linloi tliliiitn poison Just across Die fnee IV Poller, thepost niarteratKhil Creek, New , s-iys he has ihtmiiiiiI know lislu of set -el ill casus of 1 lieiimalisin, In that Vlclultt, that hate heen pci inuiioiiil) 1 imsl hy ( 'I111111 hei Iain's I'liln Mm lit 1. nflei other leiueilies weie iim'iI without IhmioIII. He has sold It nt his drug stole heie for llvcyoirs anil sajs lie newt knew it to fail, that "any customer whoouee iimsI Chauiherlaiu's I'aln IL1I111 will hate tiothliiK else liii-teml " I'or rale l A I, Sluailer, iIiiik'kI-I Nollei'lo i:,i,ii' l.iiiinili.t I'litrims, toe Wallace, who has hisai ill IvIiik ono of our wiiKiitis and sertiiiK our patrons In dis trict miiiHi of() stns I, lias lelt oiirscrvicoainl accepted 11 Ksiiion with another laundry. We. hi pe our nations will take notice mid hear with ns while wenie Ineakliig In a new mull ami send us a can I or telephone us at lf. If the new man lulls to call at the proor time mid their wants shall he piomptly ami cmefully attend, il to. Kvnns Laundry Co , :i'JT, !M, :kii. Nmtirittelftlist t. 'I'oelli Tieiili'il nml I'llleil, Dr. It. C. Tiogilon, Dentltt. 'J-JS South lllh sheet, oer Kllto Studio Telephone CEI. A Milutliieiits made hy telephone. L-tilieN, If you would enjoy life call on Miss JolmMoii (MTiisloiially for 11 siuhikhi. They meilellKlitful. .Slioit-lliinil. Canyon write It f If not you are Milml the times. Ilinulieds of our ouii readers ! oiiKlit to learn. The LomilKU oilers you the opiNirtunlly or 11 lire-time. Tlie lessons mo rui nislicd hy one or the most skillful teacher in America, mid the course which tt ogive for M.00 (as explained 011 another pane) would onllnnrlly lint .' at least, wliether glt-wi hy mall or s'ixmally. While down town sliopping la lies can step 11 at Miss Johnston's mid have their bungs trimmed anil euilisl lu iho 1111111111"!, Nouo hut oxK'rlenceil hnuiN emnloyeil. Pi Ice 1J.V lie Vuiir Own l.undliiril. Ouit paying rent and buy n house. J. H. McMurtry will put up a homo for you Just ns you want it mid take pay foritaiuo by month ly Installments. This way you will soon have n house or your own and although you pay but little mom thaiiorillnaryront.youilo not uilsdlt. Call and see McMurtiy. Ho has lit toil up hundreds of people who today aro pnierty holders ami who otherwise would yet bo paying high lents. lliirKiilns lu Nlioes. Ilrlsooo, tliu shoo mm., ovcrylnxly knows him, Is pivpnrlng to move to tho Kxposltlon Ktoiu and until the removal ho will give ex traordinary bargains Innll klndsof footwear. Ills line Is not broken or small, but largo and well selected. You should hoo his spring goods. Tho ilainty and serviceable omit for tlio fair ones, tvhllo for tho sterner sox ho has everything btyllsh mid durable. Hrlseoo Is alwayH a Uttlu clieitHr tlinn tho rest of them, and imrtlcularly now his goods aro clieiiier than ever. Call and see nt IJWll O street. Don't buy a refrigerator until you have rooii tho Alaska Refrigerators at S. C. Klllott's. They aro the bo tmade, consumo less Ice than any other and reasonable in price. You esn't alionl to keei liousu without an Alasku. Tho reputation sustained In put vwirx for tho excellenco of the Alnska ltefrlgemtor nro siilllclont guarantis) to Intending purehasers. Cull and nee tho now lino for INK) at S. C. Klllott's. Tho now lino of card eases Just received at the CouniKll olllce are w 01 thy tho Inspection of tho most fashionable callers. Tho lino em braces genuine, oozo en If, Russia leather and numerous others, including a uuiiis lier of beautiful linpoited noveltkit. Wo have lliem for lMtli ladles mid gentlemen 4 II. P KiiKhie for ShIii. Ill gooil condition. Only used it short time. Kor sale cheap. Apply at Couuikh office. Instructions given and orders received hi china mid oil painting, pastel mid witter col. ors. Mhmlo Kramer, S.'!l J street. Lowest Hates on Kitrtli. Iy tho "Hiirllngtoii." Ticket may lie oh tallied at Union ileKt or city olllco, cor. O mid tilth st loots, I'oitune's Kn-Mks M'ntteri'd Kverywhrro. Dihs lilstcry reiient Itself In vnhif Jjjtno I,l,m iloulit that The Lnilslnua State Lottery I did, on TiioMlay. March Uth, diflde by tho ' ttMth Giaud Monthly Driitting, who shall got fl,(ir,tK)0 in huiuh from f!tOO,(X)0 down. All Information can bo had from M. A. Dauphin, Now Orleans, Lu. Ticket No.S.lftJ drow tho Kirst Cnpital-Prlza of U0,()()(li it tvu sold in twentieths ut 1 each; two to C. C. Conroy, 2S Ashland street, Mnldeu, Mats., ono to Al lien vt etss, uaiveston, lexas, one to Geo. M. Green, Doston, Mass,; ono to Clint. II. John son, 103 Sudbury street, llostou, Jlnss.; one to Kniiiilo Pojqw, caro Clms. Poppe, Stockton, Cal. , one to Joseph Goodman, care or N. Snollenberg & Co., KUth and South streets, Phllndelphla, Pa. , ono t J I. 8. Aiimn, .1,1113 llioiiisoii street Philadelphia, Pa, ; ono to W. Condingloy, 3,0,11 Kalrhlllbtreet.liilladeliiiila, Pit. i ono to If. Hudson & II. Knott", caret'. I), Kenny, MX) south Guy street, Ilaltlmoie, Mil,; one to Kinnkliii Hank, llaltiinore, Mil.; onoto MlssChaiiotto Hedge, 113 Secoml street, Ban Francisco, Cal ,ono to Miss Carrie Hell, Willis, Texas, one to a deiositor Now Orleans National Hank, Now Orleans, Li,, etc., etc. Ticket No. 14,7111 drew tho Second Capital Prize of f 100,000, sold in titeiitlethsiitfl each. Oinu to llranch Hnk of Commerce, Omaha, Neb,; ono to Savory's it Co's. Express, !I3 Court Square, llostou, Mass., one to Mei ch ants and Planters Hank. Greenville. Miss.: one to First NatloimCllaiik, Limn, Ohio; one to Memphis City Hank, Memphis, Tenii.,0110 to G. Phllllpp, Kalamazoo, Mich. ; one to J. C. Pritchnnl, Huliulo, N. Y ; ono to A. Noth elc, lull Adams street, Jelfo son City, Mo.; ono to Robert Gregg mnlJ.O. O. Edmonds, llostou, Mass, ; etc. Ticket No. 111,133 drew thoThliil Cnpltiil Prize f roO.UHI. Ticket No, 3tI,:iVl drow the Kouith C.tpltal Prio of $3.1,000. The next draw lug w HI take ilnco Tuesday, May tilth, or which all inroriuiitlou will lie furnished on npphontlonvto M. A Dauphin, New Orleuin., Li. SLIGHTLY GOSSIPY, THiOE WAS A CHANGE. Mow tho MiiJfst) of h lllr'rtnr AflVrtril 11 ItallriiHil Purler. Ttionr thtisi geiitlemeu, Including among then (I iltlector, well) tiaveling together oil tho L1111I011 mid Northwestern line, when tho train ilimv up at Wlgau station. One of the piowi'tigcrs, Ignorant of the par ticular locality, put his head out of tho win dow, mid, seeing a porter wnwlng, silltclt said: "What station Is this, my gissj iiinnf" "Wlgan, to li sure," repliisl the srter 111 a vert siirl.t toiin. The illiii'tor, homing what pM-is. wn 111 11 fl 1 mmoyiHl, mid, tiiruliig to In- "inpmi Ions, lomnrl.eil " l'hls noi t of thing will iiovis do we must hate iiioio cli llily on this Hue. Will ou," aildioHslug the gentleman who had not yet ssiken, "klndlj put the wiuie question to the uter when ho nimm this wot f" Sisin the mail np'anil, ami the gentleman Mild. "Porter, will JOU Is) giMsl eiiollgll to tell me tin) iiamoof this station f" 'Wlgau, to Isi Miie," came the answer with a frown and a siiiller tone than U'foio "Now," said the dlriK'tor, "I will seak to him and otl will mii the change lu his do moanor " Coum'Ioiis of his lniHiitaiice, mid or the paralyzing elTis't his piosi'iico would have on the lallway olllcial, he lisikisl out or the cm rlago window and MiuisiHly nsked, "I'oi tt'i', what place may this m!" "Kind out, you old idiot!' came the an swer that almost tisik his breath nwat Yan kco lllade. CliaiiKt'iililK tVi'Hlliei. Maine Man (IhiNliIng a storji -Yes, sir I killed that Is-ar with nothin'hut this lltth Jaekktiife Guess jou never heil a tusslii ttltli 11 Is'iir, did nf New Y01 1. Liar Oh, yes. I was out IMi lug one day on Stateii Island, when a big Is'iir iiiade a rush for me mid l.iiookisl the hIo out of my hand, leaving me without even that moans of ilofeiise Well, sir, I giabbed that Is'iir, threw hliu down mid holi him there until he frou to death Maine Man (gasping) I might 'a ilom that iiimiy a time myself, but the weather il our wa don't change so quick as It iIih-sIioio New Y01I. Wis'kly. it 111 IMItur's iloke. Physician My dear sir, you need slit'p Tell me, do ton sleep well at night I Patient Doctor, I llavo not had a nlglu'i sleep for clot on years! Physician Why, It's 11 wonder you are not dead or insane' Dik-s It interfere with youi husliicrsf Patient No, doctor, not a bit. "liiditslf What Is your s'ciip.itiou, may 1 ask V "1 am 1111 editor of a morning piqier." DiK'tor leaves lu disgust. Liwrence Ainei lean Orilliuir) Piissencers Hhwi To. A ttotduy 011 Washington street: Tho Conductor Stop tho enr nt tho rnsiu' next time, Jack) Tho Driver What do you want to stop it) thocrossiii' fori "'Cmiso my wife's go A' to get olT, an' sin don't know how to swim.' Dos ton Times. A Ilud Sign. "Do I look unit fill" "No, 1 can't say that you look ant worst than usualf" "Well, I didn't know, but our family mi del taker met me tw leo today and shook hauih with me each time. I was licgiiiniug to get nlanmsi."--Philadelphia Times. Why ll WHlteil. Night Kdltor (roaring furiously through ss.aklng t-ilie) It's !1 o'clock! Why don't you go to press! What nro you waiting fori Koreiuan (with equal fury) The dash blank regular daily dispatch about tlio sale of the Adam Korepaugli circus hasn't como yet I -Chicago Times, A Mistaken KoiiihIo. At a recent crfnriuaiico hi u Now York ojieru house, after the great football game, at it number of students left their seats IxHwici tho nets, a good lady was heard to observe "Ain't it too had that those txxir fellows have to go homo and go to studying!" Texas Sift lugs. As Ml(lit lln Kipt-cteU. Dude DocUth, where do neuralgic palm aw gei. orally attack ono! Doctor They usually seek out some, wen's spot In the system. Whero nro yours! Dudo Mlno aw miiio are in my bwaiu doctah. Chicago Times. Causo for Thanks. "I aw qulto fohgot myself fob n mo ment this morning," began Willie Washing ton, who was trying to bo conversational. "Kor which," Interrupted Mis Uelle Pep pertou, "u ought to bo very thankful." Washington Post. All the Coiuenlniies. Tourist (in u coal mine, after pnsslii( around cigars) Everything wonis to bo wot and damp. Whero can I strike a match! Minor Hoight hero, sor. Dinnls, lift th rubber cloth olfen th' xwder keg 1 New York WtH.'kly. Wliut lie IImiI Killed. A French gentleman, after a grouse drive in Scotland, being nsked by his host what h( had killed, replied: "Of zo grouso none zey are too dllllcult; but of zo vlld sheep I hav hovon over zo hill I" Exchange. Is Ilium, Wlirre tb Heart Is? "You ilua't luvo mo any more, John. Th idea or getting homo at this time of night." "Why, my dear, It's a great ileal earllet than I iMcd to got homo while I was courting you." Now York Sun Tluiiiuhtriil fur Ilia Yours. I Old Mr Nelghlmrly Why don't you hitch him to tho post, sonny! Sammy Father did, but I was afraid he might break it and got away. Life. A I.oiic Ilouil to Trini'l, First Citlen Strawlierrles in tho mnrkot, I notiui. Second Ditto Yes, mid it's a long wny from my mouth to market. Washington Post. Very Decided. Callowby Mis Pert U a decided blonde, isn't she I Kink Yes, too decided. You ought to have hoard her reject me. Lawrence American. "v." --" - -"s JL At the Front For the Spring of 1890, I I mM t,'ZJa:iiLISii&mmAMiMiiMlMt HIBbAl.Jsslvfli BSfESSSflHflMNnMMMMH ibM av - - . W 1 JMMfciiiMi'ijr?r'- y-. - -WPjMafaiff iiP B - Oxer 10,000 now in use. Perfect Satisfaction Guaranteed. No wearing out of Carpets by turning around, by the use of the Old Reliable IF5 iez O IE ZLST x ik: bed. REMARKABLY LOW PRICES On Our Entire Line of Spring i FURNITURE i Call and Get Prices Before Buying. SHRLTON & SMITH, -3-1 -23s South Eleventh St. Lincoln, Neb. Lincoln Savings Bank and Safe Deposit Go. CAPITAL, $250,000. LIABILITY OF STOCKHOLDERS, $600,000. Interest paid on deposits nt any rate on T, per cent per annum for all full cnlmidiir months Hafes to rent In burglar proof and tiro proof vaults, at annual rental of to and upward. Money to loan on real estate ami collateral. YOUH 8A VINOH ACCOUNT SOLICITED. IIKNUY K. I.KWIH, President BETTS & MENDOTA COL'RADO OHIO BL'K CAN'N CITY WOOD AND BEST ANTH'CITE J 1045 O Street. K A 1 66tn$jY Dr. H. K. Kerman, SURGEON DENTIST, A Ml ?m of Teeth on Rubber for $5.00. Teeth Extracted without Pain by a NEW PHOCESS and without the use of Chloroform, Ether or Gas. All Fillings at the Lowest Rates. Rooms 94, 95, 96 Ensign's Bus, Carriage and Baggage Lines i C. Xltli Ot. Hacks, Coupes, Landaus and Carriages INSTANTLY KUIINIHIIKD Telephones: CITY OFFICE, 303. DEPOT OFFICE. 572. i T i!1"1 " ",1"'11 '" Wllllln!! "' "",r "lllco "' " hours, day or ulitlit. and calls eltho by Telephone or In person aio liuine.llatoly answered Special itrr.i ueii e s for"uhurhan trips, also for shopping, tlslts 10 htato I non, Insane Asjluiu et """x1"""1" ",r Ml""r,m A.l'.S STCAHT. V. H.McCUKKKY. II. WELSH. Vice President. Treasurer. Teller WEHVER, Teleohone 440 Free M I N E D Burr Block. t f 9 - " r .-' r ',v -m if- il T'-w t j.