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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1890)
CM'IIWL CITV COI-RIKR, SAirUDAY, APRIL ,9, ,80o. j TIIK TABKILNAOLK N'LI'IT. A PRACTICAL SERMON DY DR. TAL MAGE ON BUSINESS. .iiinn lesson, nf Ufa Which Majors mid Sellers Are loo Apt to lie Slow ti lnru. Work Without (ln.l U Work Wasted. IlliOOKi.vx. A pi II 1M - At tho service In the Academy of Music tliN iimrniiu Ip Till tungo, after icuil!u appropriate iiwiki of Heilpturo, Kuvonut the Iimiiii So li'l our llw nil I Hies express lilt' hill) (losM'l WO plllfosH II fiimoiiiiivil us hi toxt I'm.cili xx,lt " Is niiulit, Miith the liujof lnt when In i j;oiio his uu), then n ioiit eth " Follow iiir l his; mi iiioii In full I'uhioos in ! not inch pilvim ii tlu world tmiiRtncM If joii tlilnl. Hint the mil) timn kliiK4 and queens oomo foi tli fiom the mini Kates' is In priM't'ssion mid kop:isuIi attend ed, .miii in , mistaken. Incognito, In iliij or liy night, mid clnthisl in citirous' upputol or tlio dress of a working woman, the) como out mid see tint wot Id iih ills In no other way could King Solomon, thnuuthoi of uu toxt, have Known over) thlnp tlmt wisj;ninj; on. from in) toit ( mn sure ho must, In disguise, miiiii' dm hnio wnlki-il Into n store of icadi made rlotliuiK. In Jerusalem, mnl KtiHsl in'iir tho counter mid owilieitd n con versation between a liuyer nnd u sollep The lueii'hmit put a price on tho emit, nnd the customer Iwtfiin to dicker mid Mild "Ah stud' tlmt coat li not worth wlml inn ask- foi it. Why, Jtut look ut tho iimiu'iira of the fiihrlcl Hco tlmt Rx)t on the ei.llur! He sides tlmt, It does not lit. Tuenti dollars for Hint Why, It Imi't worth more thmi ten Tlmy havu n Iwttor article timn tlmt, mid foi dii'iiticr price, down at Clouthoin, Kileui & Hrotheri Ilosldos tlmt, I ilon't want il lit au prlee (lood inornliiK " "Hold," says the merchant; "don't no oil' liithutwui. I want to sell j on tlmt cont l halo some pay ments to innko nnd I mint tho money Come now, how much will jou Klvo for tlmt eontf" "Well,"suj8 tho customer, "I will split tho dliroronco. You inked twenty dul'nis, and I said ton. Now, I will give jou llfteen " "Well," nays tho merchant, "it's n grout sac rifice; hut take it at that price " Then Solo mon riiw tho customer with n toll under lili firm start mid k out utid outer Ids own placoof InKlnesx; nnd Solnmon, In disguise, followed him. Io heard the customer as ho unrolled the coat Ray: "Hoys, I hnvo tit ule n great bargain. How mucli do you guess 1 gavn for tlmt contl" "Well," says one, w Wi lug to comiillinviit his enterprise, "you guvu flirty dojlgra Jor H." Another wiys, "I ihoilld think you got Itcltenp If yoH gnvft twontj'-llvo dollar." "No," wiyn tho huyor In triumph; "I got it for llftwn dollars I heat him down nnd oiutcd out the luimrfoc tlons until I really made him liolieve it was not worth hardly anything It takes mn to make n iMirgniu. Hal Ha!" Oh, man, you got tho goods for less than they woro worth by positive falsehood; and no wonder, when Solomon went back to Ids pulnco and had put off Ida dlsgulho, that ho wit down at his writing desk and tundo for all ngos a crayon sketch of jou: "It is naught, it Is naught, fuilth tho buyer: but when ho is gouo his way, then ho boastoth." Thoro aro no higher Btyloa of mcu in all tho' world than tlioso now nt tho head of ntcr clmudiso in Ilrooklyn and Now Yoik and in tho other great cities of this continent. Their casual promise is as gixsl as a loud with piled of collaterals. Their reputation for integrity is as well established a that of Petrarch re siding In tho family of Cardinal Colonim, and when thoro was grout disturbauco in tho family the cnrdinal callisl all his people to gether and put them under oath to toll tho truth, oxcept I'etrurch, for when ho oamo to rw ear the cardinal put away his book and Raid: "As to you, I'otrarch, your word is sulllclont," Never rIuco tho world stood havo thoro Ixsjii k many merchants whoo traiiNictioiw can Rtand tho tost of thoTouCommandmouts. Such bargain makers aro all tho 111010 to Imj honored bocjiuso thoy hnvo withstood jour after year temptations which havo llung many to flat mid flung them so hard they can never recover themselves. While all positions in lifo havo xiwerful bosotments to o il thero aro soci(lc forms of allurement which urn peculiar to each occupation mid profession, and it will lie UM'ful tohjK'iik of tho cculiar temptations of business men. First, us in tho M'tmo of tho toxt, business men are often tempted to sictitlco plain truth, tho seller by exaggerating tho value of goods, and tho buj or by depreciating thorn. Wo cannot hut admire uu oxiei t Nile-man. See how ho flisl induces tint customer into u mood favoriihlo to tho projicr consideration of tho value of the goisls llo shows hliusolf tots) an honest anil frank hulesinuu How carefully the lights are urranged till they fall just right upon tho fain ic! Hegiuuiug with goods of medium ipmhtx, ho gradually advance's toward thoso of moro thorough uiako mid of mole nttractho pat tern. How ho watches the inoous mid whims of his customer1 With what erfect calm noss he takes tho order and bows tho pur chaser Irom his pnwnco, who goes away having made up his mind that ho has bought the goisls at a price which will allow him a living margin when ho again sells them Tho goods wero worth what tho hulesiuuii Rhid thoy woro, mid wero sold at a price which will not make it necessary for tho house to fail ovory ton years in order to fix up things. Hut wtth what burning indignation wo think of tho iniipiitous stratagems by which goods mo sometimes disK)noil of A glance at tho morning pnHiis shows the arrival at one of our hotels of a young merchant from one of tho inland cIMoa. Ho is u coinuirativo stranger in tho great city, oud, of course, ho mutt Ihj shown around, mid it will bo tho duty of some of our outei prising houses to escort him. Ho is a largo put chaser and has plenty of time and money, and it will jmy to Ih very attentive. Tho evening is spent at a placo of doubtful amusement Then thoy go back to tho hotel, Having just come to town, thoy must, of course, drink A fiieud from tho same mercantile establishment drops in, and usage and goneiosity suggest tLut they must drink Husincss piosKcts are talked over, and tlio xtruugci in warned against certain dilapidated uieicantile establishments that are about to fall, and for such kindness and maghummit) of caution agaiiitt the dishon est) ol other business houses, of courv, It is exKs'tsl thev will and so thoy do the) tnkn a di ink. Utlier met chant lodging in adjoining i isims Hud it haul to sleep for tho clattei of decant ois, and the coarse caioiisal of these "had follows well met" waxes louder Hut the) sit not all night at the wine eii) The) must soo the sights, Tlmy stagger trnth with cheeks flushed mid o) os bloodshot The ou'.i I gates of hell oim'u in lot in tho victims Tim wings of lost souls flit aumn' the lights and tho I sfeptof the cm ousei s sound with the i ambling I tliundeis ut thoilumut-d Faiewoll to all tho sanctities of home: Could mother, sister, I fathui, sluiubeilug in the inland homo, in some vision of that night catch a glimpse of tho rum wioughl the) would rrfid out their huir liv the iisits and hlto tho louguo till tho bliKsl spurted, slu lukiug out: "Uislsave hlinl" What, fiipHiso y mi, will come ukmi such buslnets estublUhuieutsf mid lliulo are hun dreds of them in the cities. They u ly Isjiut of Inliulons mIi . en fine) mnv have nil uu procislontisl miii of liiivor. nnd the name of the I11111-.C mnv Iki a toiror to afl nvals, nnd fiom tins thi'iflv tisit there mn) spiiug up In audi hous lu othoi rules, and all thepirt ueisof the fhni uiav move Into their man Ions mid di ive theli full Idcsslnl span, and llio families iiiiij swisp the stiis with the most elegant nppard that human art ever wove 01 in I lil maguillcence ever aohlov oil. Hut a i'iiimi Is gnthoilng sotnowhero for tliiwii liien, ami If It ilis's not seize hold of the pll Inisand lu one wild ruin bringdown the loin pie of 1 oiumcicinl gloi) It will break up their peace and Ihev will tioinble with sickness and bloat with dUslpat Ions, and. pn-hisl to the I tei'lpinxif this life, thev will 1 1 to hold back and ci ) for help, Vmt no help w ill como; ami thev will 1 lulcli tlioil gold to take It nloiig with them, but it will Is- Miati lesl from tlmir gi np. mid a voice will soiiii I Ihioiigh their soul, "Not a faithiug i'mii lMggaioil f pit II ' And tic judgment will come mid thev will stand aghast liefoie it, and all the husincss iulipiltiiN of 11 liiftlmo will giithei around them, suing "l)o vou lemeiiilH'i this" and. "Do )ou lememher that '" nd clei ks thai thev coms'llis to illshouest v , mid nun cts mid duivmen and bisikkis's is who saw Is'lilnd the scenes, will heal testiuioiiy to llicll iiefai ioiis deeds, mid some V II tlloiis soul that once stood aghast at thesplendoi and M)Wer of these business men will sa) , " Mas' this Is all thai is left of 'Wit grivit Him that iMviiplisl a blis'k with their merchandise mid Kveishadowisl tho city with their inlluetice. mil made 1 ightcousticsH mid truth mid put It v fall under the galling 111 u of avarice mid rrlmo." While we admire and approve of all acute in ss mnl tact in tho sale of good, wo must oiiileinn niiv priH'ess by which a labile 01 produi I is U'piiwnfisl us sssesslng n value whli h it tonlly ihs'N not have. Nothing but slus'i falsehoisl can lepiesi'iit as perflation bisits that up, silks that spisslily lose t licit luster, calicoes that immcdintolv wash out, stoves that crack uuilei the first hot lire Issiks iiiMilllclciitly bound, cai H'ls that 1111 ravel, old fin iiltuie lejuveimtod with putt) and glue and sold as hav lug lss-u 1 nth mauufactuiisl, gold watches made out of hiass, bmrels of fruit the biggest apples on the top, wine adulterated with strvcliiiiiic, hosier) pisiily woven, cloths of domestic manufacture shining with foreign labels, lin Hiitol gixsls ropreseutisl as rule and hard to get, Iss'iiuso fuielgn exchange is so high, tolled out on the counter with matchless ills plav IiiiMirtil, ImliHil! but fiom the fac tory lu the next stns't A pattern ah cud) uiifashlonahle mid unsalable palmed on" us 11 new print Uhiii Nime countrv meichautwho has come to town to make his Hist purchase of dry gissls mid going homo with a large stock of gissls warranted to keep. Again, busTuosM men aro often tempted to make the habits and customs of other traders their law of rcctiludc. There are commercial usagos which will not stand the tost of the last ihiv Yet men in business me apt lo do as their neighUus do If the uiiijorit) of the traders in an) locality mo lax in pilnciple, the commeicial code lu tlmt community will bo spurious mid dishonest. It is a haul thing to stand close by the law of right when jour next door neighbor by his looseness of dealing Is enabled to sell gissls at 11 ctioasr into and decoy your customers. Of couiso vou who promptly meet all your business engagements, pnvlng when you promise to iy, will find It hard to couiMito with tlmt merchant who Is IiomWIv in debt to tho iuiKiitor for the gissls puichastsl, and to the landlord whoso store he occupies, mid to thecleiks who servo him Theie aro a huiidnsl practices prevalent In tho world of ti utile which ought never to In come tho rule for honest men Their wrong iIim-s not make jour light. Sin never be comes viitue by Is'iug multiplied and ad mitted at brokers' board, or merchants' ex change. lks'ntiMjothers smuggled fev things in uissengor trunks, liecausd others take usury when men are in tight places, U-cutiso other's deal in fuuey stocks, Us'uuso others palm olT worthloss indorsements, Ucauso others do nothing but blow bubbles, do not. thoreforo, bo overcome of temptation Hollow preten sion and fictitious cicdlt and commeicial gambling inav awhile prosx-r, but the day of ris'konlng eth, mid in addition to "the horror and condemnation of outraged com munities the curse of Hod will como, blow utter blow. Cod's will foiever mid forever Is theonlv standard of right and wrong, and not commeicial ethics. Young business man, avoid the first bust ness dishonor, and you will avoid all t lie 1 est Tlio captain of a vessel was walking near tlio mouth of a river when tho tide was low, mid there was a long, stout anchor chain, Into one of the gloat links of which his foot slippisl, mid it ls'gnn to swell mid he could not with draw It Tho tide Is-gtm to rise The chain could not be loosened HOP Illcd olf in time, mid usuigism was called to amputate the limb, but iN'fore the win k could bo done the tide rolled ovei the viutlui and Ills life was gone. And I have to tell )ou, jouug man, that Just ono w rung Into w Idcli you slip may Ixi a link of a long chain of circumstances fiom which j 011 cannot Ir oxti icutod bv any in genuity of your own or any help from others, mid tho tides will roll over you as they have over many. When l'omx')-, tho wan lor, wanted to uiko kismskioii of a city, and the) would not oxu the gates, he xrsuiiihsl them to admit a sick soldier. Hut tho sick soldier after a while got well and strong, and ho tlilow iiMii tho gates and let the devastat ing army como in, Ono wrong admitted into the soul may gain lu strength until, after aw Idle, it flings omii all tlio avenues or tlio immoral nature, and tho surrender is complete Again, business men moisuuetiuies tompted to throw olT x:rsonal rt)sx)iisibility iixm the moneyed institution to which they Is'long Directors in banks and railroad and lusui mice companies sometimes shirk pciwmul respou sililllty underneath tho action of the corpora tiou And how often, when some banking house or financial institution explodes tin oiigii fraud, resss'tablo men lu the Ixmrd of dins' tors say "Wlij , I thought all was going on in mi honest way, and I am utterly con founded with this misdemeanor'" The banks, and the flro and lifo and marine insurance companies, nnd tho railroad companies, will not stand up for judgment in the last da), but those who in them acted righteously will receive, each for himself, a toward, and those who acted tho puit of neglect or trick ery will, ench for himself, receive a cou deiuuution I'liiawful dividends are not clean Istfoit (J l Iss-aiise theio are those associatisl with vou wlio grab jut as lug a pile as )oii do Hi w ho coiilitenaui es the dishonest) ot tile linn, a of the cm Nratlou, 01 of tliu association, lakes upon himself all of the moral liabilities. If the lluaiii ml institution steals, he steals If the) g.i Info w ild sks illations, h himself is a gamhlci If tin ) nccdlessl) emlim rass aciisl ilol , lie himself is guilty of CI licit) If the) s'Vllldhl tliu UUIIIItllltlsl, he himself Is 11 ie faultcr No llnaui'ial institution evoi had a uioiie) vault stioug enough, 01 credit stanch iiioilgh.ol div ideilds large enough, 01 hiic acute enough lo hide the ludiv idlial sin ol It. inemls'is Tho old adage, that coi siiatiou have no souls, Is misleading. F.very cm xrn ti in has as m in souls a It has inuinls'is Again, man) business niun havelx'on tempt isl li Mistpotie then enjoyments mid duties to a filtuio season of entire leuura. What a sulatlvo t li- s 'In 1st inn religion would Ixi to all 1 our business men If, luMcnd of sitxiulug I Its lines to ol. I ago or death, thev would take It Into the tote or factory or woi l.lh cugngtv I motifs now ' Il Is foi I v to go nmld Hie uncer ! In'itl-s of business life with no (lisl to help, j merchant lu 11 New Kiigluud village wax ! standing b a horse, mnl the hoise llflnl his f(Kt to Rlauip it in a xxi of water, ami tho merchant, t'iesonxi tln splash, slopxsl lulu the ihxir of mi insurance agent, and the agent said. "I supxise )oit have iiime to re new oiit Hie Insurance" "Oh," wild tho I merchant. "I had foi gotten tlmt " The In surance was loucwisl, mid the next day the house thai had Imvii iusuiisl was huiucil. j W'is t till accidental that tho meiehmit, to 1 oscap' a splash from n hoise's fixil, stepxsl I into the insurance olllcel No, H was piovi ilt'littiil And what a might v solute foi a business mull to fool that things me piovf dentlall V. nut peace mid eipilhbt luni In such a coiisideiiitii.n, mnl what a grand thing If 1 all liil'lni's. men could lealie II' Mauv although now coiuparallvclv strait enisl m woildl) (iieuiiistiinces, have a goodly I establishment in the future plmuusl out They 1 have lu imagination built nlsuil fwenlv vears I aliivid a house in thii coiiuli v not dilllcult of ais'oss from the gi oaf town, foi Ihev will often havo business, or old accounts to settle, ami 1 Investments to l.xik aftei The house Is large 1 enough to aceoilinio.late nil theli ft lends. I The hulls me wide, and hung wltli pictuies j of hunting scones and a blanch of mithrs, I and ale comfortable with chairs thai can be I tollisl out on the voranda when the weather j Is 111 itlng, ot sot out Under some of tho oaks ' that stand sentinel about the house, and tits fling ill the cool Inn. e, and songful with flu) lohlus Tin 'io Is Just laud enough tokispthein In- j toiestisl, ami Its clops of almost fabulous ticliuess spimgiug up under apphciifiou of tho best theoiles lo Ixi found in the agl icul t lira I join mils. The faun is well stockisl with I cattle and hoises, mid sheep that know the voice and bleat whonoiio gix s forth lo look at tlieni. In this bhsstul ulxulo their childieii will be lustiuetisl ill 111 1 and I science and lollgloti Thin shall lie the old homestead to which the Ixiys at college will j ditis't their letteis, nnd til.) hill on which tho house stands will lx culled Oak wood or Ivy Mill or Pleasant lletioat or I'aglo I'.vi le Ma) the future have for ever) business maii hero I all that, and more Iswl. lei Hut are v oil post I lonlng your happiness to that tluief A10 1 J'oil adjoin nlng your Joys t that consumma ! lion I Supxise tlmt you achieve all jon exHvt and the vision I mention Is mil up to tho ioulit),lxcauso the fountains will iHihiightcr, the house grander and tho scenerv more pic turosipio -the mistake is none tho loss fatal. What chin in will there lie in nirul ipilot for 11 man who has thirty or forty )oais Iksmi conforming his entire nature to the excite ments of business! Will II.M'ks mid herds witli their bloat and moan lx able to silouco tho insatiable spli it of acquisitiveness which has for j oars had full swing in the soul f Will tlio hum ol the bris'70 soothe the limn who now can find his only eujojment luthestix-k market I Will leaf ami cloud and fountain charm the o)o that has for tin ts-fourths of u lifetime found its chief lieautvin hogsheads and bills of sale I Will parents bo co'nK'tent to loar their children for high and holy pur xisi, if their ilifaucj' and bovhiHid and girl luxxl vvoio noglis'leil, when the) ill e almost ready to outer upon the woi Id ami have all their habits fixed and their pi Inclples stereo t)Milf No, no; now is tho time to Ixi happy. Now Is the time to servo join Creator. Now is the time to be a Christian. Are you too busy! I have known men as busy as jon me who had a place In the store loft whero they wont to prnj Somu one asked a Chris tian sailor whore ho found any place to pray in. Ho said: "I can always Hud 11 quiet place at masthead." And in tho busi est da) of tho season, if jour heart is light, jou can Hud 11 placo to play. I (road way and Fllltou street are gixxl places to pra.v in us jou go to moot jour various en gagements Go homo 11 little em lier mid got Introduced to joup children lie not 11 gulliiy slave by day mid night, laslusl fast to the oar of business. I l ever) iluv have its hour for worship mid intellectual cultiiie and hitch tiou. Show vouisolf gi eater than jour busi ness. Act not us though after death jou would outer 11 h n an otormt) of luilioud stix'ks mid colbs's anil ilbbous. Itoust not jourumnhixxl befoie the x'is'tual flies of anxiety With ov ci) ymd of cloth vou soil tlilow not in your soul to dixit L'seflikiu and counting kkiiu desk and liiitdwmo 1 into I as the step to glorious usefulness mid highest Oiiiitiau ihuiuctcr Decide once nnd foi- I over who shall lie master in jour stole, you 1 or voiir business. . Again, business men mo niton tempted to I let their calling Intel tele with the Intel estsof I the soul (io. I sends men into tic business I win Id to get educated, Jut asbo)s ule sent to school and college I'm 1 huso mid sale, loss mid gain, disappointment and rasping, pios- x't it), the dishonest) of others, panic and hank sisk'UHo! mi but lllllelellt lessons in j the school. The mole business, the uiolu means of grace Man) have gone tluoiigh I wildest panic iitilmi t. "Ale )ou not afraid I vou will hi en I. f" wild Mime one to a mil chant ' in time of gnat commeicial oxeitemenl Ho lephed. "A)e, I shall break when I he fiftieth 1 I'sulm bleaks, in the llfteenth vero, 'Call upon me in tile day of tioiilil.i nnd Iwillde bvei this- ' " The store and tho counting house have do veloxsl some of the most stalwiil I characleix Pel hai origlnall) the) had but little spi ight linoss mid forn, but two or thieo haul luis ness thiimpn woke tliem up from their loth argj, mid there came a thorough developuieut in their heal Is of all that was good mid holy and energetic and tremendous, mid they have bis'onie the front men in Chi 1st s gieut miuv, as well as lighthouses in the great world of tialllc Hut business has Usm xrK-timl do pletiou to many a man II first pulled out of him all Ix'iievoleuce, next all amiability, next all lehgioiis aspiration, next all coiisoiimico, and though heouteiis) his vocation withhiigu heart mid noble character he goes out of it a skeleton, enough to scale a ghost Men appreciate the luixirtauee isf having a gixxl business stand, a stole on thought lido of the stiis-t or tho right block Now, very placo of business is a ijood stand for ipirituul culture Oixl's ungeU hovel over the world of trafllc to sustain nnd build up those who ure tr)ing to do their dut) To morrow, if in join place of woildl) engaMe iiieut jou will listen for it, vou miiv hear a sound louder timn the rattle of diavs mid the shulllo of fis't mid theihmkof dnilni s steal-1 lllg into Join soul, snjlilg, "Seek Jellist the kuigilom of (iisl and his 1 ikIiIihuimihs, and ! ull other things shall Im added unto )oii " Yet some of those slllll s st lit II bill galll lire el.oattsl out of their liniunital hlcsMilnus by 4tlatiuenis mole palpalile timn anv '.hop game ' of the st loot 'I he) make mvestini ntH fu things everhisiingl) Ixdow p,u The) put '.hem valuables in a sjife not file pi.sif. 'I'lie) jive full 1 nsbt to iiitlueiiees that will not Ui ible to ki once cent ..liadollai Thev plunge into a lain 1 null fiom which no bankrupt lavr 3r "two-tluids 1 naetiiient' willivei extiicatu tlielll flu take into then pal tlioi ship tile woi Id, the llesh mi.l the devil, mid the mom) if all 1 i.'liteousiiess will biat thiougli eleinal iiges that the man who in all hi'. Kisiuos lifo could not Ihi outwitted or oven luichod at last tumbled into hpiiitual defalcation mid was wluillisl out of heaven. I 'nihil I soiiio of jou saw tho Hio lu New Y11U in Is'Vi, Aged men tell us that It Ixig Rnrod in ilcRcrlptlon. Some st.xsi on the heiisoieps of Ilrooklyn, and hxikisl at the nil mill tint swept down the streets mid threat rmsl t,. obliterate tho metropolis Put (lie common ml world will ot lx slmtled by a greatH n.iithigiatlou, even the last Hills ef exchange, xilicios of ItiMirmiio, inoitgnges and Isuids mid government si, unties will Im i'oiiuiiiis In one lick of the flame. The lionise and the Unltnl Hlalos mint will tut 11 (o iislic. (lold will inn luolleu into Ihe dust of the street I'.xchauges mnl granite bhs-ks of liien Immllse will fall with n clash tlmt will make tho em th tr 'iiilile. The dishing up of Hie gloat light will show the nglilodiis the wii) lo their thtoiies Theli l-s licasiiieslu heaven, thin villi go Up mid lake possession of them I ho lolls of buslnisslife, which lackisl theli bialliliud rass Iheh neives for so main torn, will have fm ei ei cea'isl "I'hele the wlckisl cease f 1 mn Doubling, mid the wean iiuinl lost " ODDS AND ENDS. . At u shooting pat tv of live guns iissaith given bv Count Welsseinbuig the ling con lstisl of J.'.Mls hiiies and 'Jill pheasants, Mini on one dav The Hulgarimi govoimiiout t.. adopt the (liegot lail calcudai Instead of the old stvle llieek calendar still iimiI lu Hussia mid some weeks out of agns'iucit with the lost of the win Id The lule of giowth Is that 11 child shoill I Itu'icaso two Miitiils In weight foi ovei) Inch in height Ix't wivii thus) and foul fis't mid two and one half huiii1s for evetv inch hi tvvmui four ami live fis't Dm uig a pet fm malice of "1,'Afi lealue" n couth hi I'm is at the ( Imi-ji the 1 hoi us Ix came so lint that the illlfs'lor sigimlisl foi the 1.1 chest rn to cense plavilig mnl th pun op. "O, (Iran. I Saint Domiiiiipio" was given without accoiupanlui"iit Theexplaiia lion'.l was that the chorisleiH wne over fatigued 1 1) lehoaisals Cntfon mix'P is usisl in the eheaH-st grades of cigan lies, and wpiipix'PM lor l,(KX)clgui ottos cost onl) two cents. Itlce pax'r Is the choicest ami most costly used in clgulotto milking l'obaccouled paxT is made bv saturating tinner with an Infusion of tobacco mid piessing it lu such a wa) 11s to produce an uniiuiion ot me veins or tlio tobacco leaf Some hois plaviug on the canal bank at Ib'tfnlil found a hole full of sllvil coins. Nino of the lads tilled their caps with the mono) , which the) took to the (ml ice station. Tlio troiisiite place was aflorwanl thoroughlv searchisl, mid altogethei lV worth of coins were taken out. The coins had evldeiitl) Ik-cii under ground for many jenrs The dagger with which Havalllac aswtssl imted Hour) IVof Franco has Ixs-u found bv n Heiliti mitlipiai) Ho Ixuight 11 curious thick cane from 11 miiuuiuI, and on cxumlim tiou the stick provisl to Ixi hollow mid to contain an ancient xuilnrd mid tiny siiuir Ikix In the latter wss a pas'r stating that the owner of the stick had carried oir the historical daggei from Ihe Paris Palais de Justice in I Sir. A 1 l-)onr-old 1st) confliiisl in a Paris prison for attempted muriloi , ls-mg put into a strait jacket as n punishment for v iolatiou of the lilies, managed tofns' himself by rubbing oil' Ihe fastenings against a corner of his cell door frame, and thou made out of his clothes iiiohi with which he stiaughsl himself from tlio bars of his cell The l.itgost and heaviest building stone ever ipmn lisl In I'nglmul was taken from the I'lnukinglon ipiarrv , near Norwich, in February, IHh'.i It was lu one piece, with out crack or Haw, ami weighed over thlrty llve tons It was 15 fis-t long, fl fool high mid ft feet wide. The Flench government is taking vigor oils uieusuies to suppress the morphine liuhlt by punishing the diuggists who sell the drug to jxtsoiis whom thev know to Ixi addicted to its use. One di uggist who hud Ix-en con vioted of tills oirense In one district, mid had paid Ihe x'iiall),has been lofuseil a diploma ill miotlmr dlstl let, whole ho has oxuiod a new shop. Tiishkuioir, the Uusslan traveler mid eth nologist, points out 111 11 nil) published statistics that tlieieare In the Hussimi armv KXI.OOO henthons mid .Vi.Oiki Malioiuetnns, the lattoi forming TO x'i- cent of the Husslau Cossack leghneiits He also states that Christiunit) is iiipidlv decre.ismg in the southeastern pints ol the empire Kiighsh thieves me using u contrivance lixiking like mi oiiliuarj walking stick, but which is so umiugisl that b) pn-sslng asprlng at the handle t'e ferrule will s plead apart mid foi m a sot I ol spring clip tlmt will take hold of mi) thing that is within leach Th" thing iscnllisl "the continental lifting stick," and Is iimhI to take gissls fiom lx-hmd couii tots when tlio shopman's back is Minus!. Tlio disJiH'st lake in the woi Id is Ijiki llalkal, lu Sllx'iiii Its ulna of over ll.OOn sipimo miles makes it about equal to Ci in lu superl!. ml extent, Its 1 uoiinous depth of Ix twis'ti ,i,000mid I,.'i00 fis-t makes the volume of Its wateis almost npial to that of l.ak" SiihIIoi, although Its sulfa. o is l.lkVlfiet iilxjve the sea level, its bottom Is nearly H,0 0 fisjt Ixdow It. The largest advertisement 111 the wotld 1. that of Tlie (iiiisgow News, cut ill tho slian of flower Ixsls on the hide of a hill back of Aiilciilco, Scotland The winds "(ilasgow News' run IkmcuuuiI plmiil) leailadistuuce of folll miles, the length of 0111 h let lei is 10 feet, the t tal length of the line ,-WI fistt; the men covens) b) the letteis H.M'i foot. A I'bite KmIIx from llrttveli. A strange story is now Ix-lng circulated in India alxiiit a gold plate, with Insci iptious iixiu it in the Tamil .ml Tel eg u l.iiigunges, which Is said to huve fallen fiom lien von The Hindis) l'ntriot give the following ver slou of il. A plate made of the finest gold, containing tho following inscriptions, fell from heaven nnd was found in the temple gl 'Hinds nt Heimres bv the pel son who saw it full Tho inwi iption is ns follows "From the mouth of June, IS'.m, (ji hlliisi'lf will l ule as euixior of Hiu looatun, lie ainatliig '-Jiitv-! in human form IV.. in Hint Iliu. forward theie will lx justice nil over tin woil. I, mid tho inn ii ik HigoH will lx win slli'.l bv the Jieople All thedlseiisi-K ot lieu will U'cuiisl, dogs will walk an I tab. as do, mid uu li, whose life is now estaolishe I a' ;0).i., will hi tlio fut in have it extondeo to IJ'i jeiilx " Kilslel Minilii). The wold "eastei ' is fiom the (ieiiuai. "ostel li,' old S imiii) ' ostei u ising. Haste Is, therefole, the Chi Islmii I'lssovei ol f.-sti valof the resiiins'tiou of Chi it The Hug llsli name i f the dav Is piobahlv d. i ivisl fiom that ot the Teutonic gisldovs I l.ti-i n ..i Ko til), whose festival ix-cilirisl lib ml UleNlllle time as tho cilebiatlou of Hastei The time of celebrating the fiwtival wasasiibj.s t which gave Use to lleatisl dlscusl.itl in I he prluil live Chllslian ihilichos '1'lie ipus.tiuu was fullv iiiusi leiisl mid finally settled nt the council of Nice lu 1RW A D , for the whole chuicli, by adopting the uile vr'uijh inakiss Kustcr dnj the ilrt Huiidn) after tho tint full imxiti after Mai ch Ul Commonly speak ing, it is the "Hist Sundii) after the fit st full iiiixiu after thu sun crosses tho line." St, Lollii. Helilltdlil. The World's Best RUDGE & MORRIS l i:j;j N Sii-ocL. Know What You ask York MA DIi: SHUSHG9 Lincoln Packing ft Provision Co. Every Pound Warranted Fresh and Pure And nuulc of Choice Meat. If your butcher does not keep these floods, Call up Telephone 487. r.. aiicvuw, Notary Pubic and Rea Estate Dealer in City and Farm Property i.l ST North (Jernian-Llo)d Steamship Co., Hamburg-American Packet Co., and Maltic Lines. Also KulliD.ul A"cnt foi the Different Companies Kast and West. Southampton. Ilare, I liiinlniig, Stet'en, London, I'rls, Norwaj, IM moiitli, Bremen, hui'dcn, and anj point in Kuropc. Post (Jrdcrs .iml rrco,ii KxLlianoe issued to all prominent points lu Kuropc. Ila Inn law facilities oast w till Ihe hiirrfcul IIiiiiUh and Hu Inus lnslltutlnns, I am lire lulled to make all kinds of Loans on IMrsI Id al Cslnle .MorlKaices, City or I'linn Property, from I lo .I) oars, ut tholoucst Interest. also ileal In School lloiuls, Htiite, t'ountv and City Warrants, also In State. Counl) and Clt Certified Claims, and Mill aliiajs pa) the lilulirsl market prior Call and see me or ( orrespoml u llli me. L. MKYER, ioS North Tenth Street. A. H. WEIK & CX). (Successors to S. A. Brown A: Co.) L.U7VTBER Cit OMke ioij () St. Telephone 7?. N'aidjmd Ollite Coinci ioih and Y Sts. Telephone 05. H. W. BROWN DRU(;CS1T ami HOOKSKI.l.ER The Choicest line of l'ei luiucs. D. M l''cii's h'incst Flowci and CJaidcn Seeds. 1127 Soiilli Eleventh Street. I lJ bd lurrcurci for BY THE . I (Ht I III Eat !