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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1890)
fv wmRmbmmxm mmMimrf' ifc&gsg H- -C3 ;i N.1 ,nj V T- Wij . L V . ,.-- M?A- IoPil 11R 1"!1CK 1 : API:KM -TAA! IS " Vox. G. No lO Lincoln, Nichkasica, Satukhay, Ai-uii. in, lisno. 1'KICIC IIVIC CltNT F k uyk:tiik hyk. Hyo-tho-Hyo heard ii wclliufotmcd mnii ex pioss tlm Ix-llof tlio other tiny tlint thoto were moru horses nml carriages, kept by tin fioopli of Lincoln tlnui In nnv other city of its size In tlio Tnloii, It you tin not Ixdlovo It pause a lnoini'iiton O sticst one of these line after noons, preferably on Kiitiirtluy, nml look up find down tlmt thoroughfare, nml then ns you puss tho erovi streets lot your glance sweep Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth. You will tux tlce those street crowded with vehicles, nml n teiiiK)rnry blockade Is notincoinuion occur rence. You niny notice crowded thorough fares in other cities, hut generally the stiects nre tuirrow. You will oliHervu this of coln: the streetH arc bread and both Hides will be lined for blocks with teams hitched to the curbing. Uotween those two linos will lien moving throng as thick as in the full width of the htreet In other cities. Who enn tell the reason for this stntoof things One man snys it Is liecnuso horses nre cheaper hcrothiin enst anil enn bo kept for less money. Is It true! Who caii tell? Did you notlco it! Tlmt new overcoat worn by Senunons. Most of it is one place mid it hangs from the collar. It Is the latest atony in the east anil came back with Soni moiiH from his Now Yotk trip. It requires courngo to dress in the topx'ty-tlp of metro politan style, hut Hemmons has to do it in his business. It Is the Inalienable right of a free Ameri can fitiren to loaf if he cnu nttord It but the privilege of choosing an idling place is rather more circumscribed. Lincoln has its full ipiotn of lonfcrs, and they seem to have selected the north side of O street between Tenth uml Kleventh os their trystlng place. The corner at Zieiner'x ticket olllce might well have been called the Loafer's Haen, and Indies passing to and from the po-tolllee have been compelled to run a gauntlet ol to bacco Juice and profanity, not to mention worse things. The authorities have at last wakened to the fact that that sort of thing was a nuisance, and the policeman on that bent hns been quite faithful this week in making the loafers "move on." At least that was true of the II, & 31. corner, but the Union l'acitlc corner hits lxs?n worse than ever. Why, It Is so bud along that Mntcli ol stieet that the louugeis hide the show windows ol the Htm esfroinj mssci s-by f or whose glance the w n res are displayed, and the merchants have to come out mid beg'the loafers to nioveaway nml give their windows a chance. 'lhoinys tery of it is; what do these idleis do for a liv ings If they do nothing mid ninny of their faces show up as leguliirly as the sun how do they llvef Manager 31cllc) noUN Is very much dis. gusted. Judging fiom leccnt expeiicnccs, he says theie seems to 1st mi opinion that a man should allow himself to be HO per cent, killed before using a shooting Iron in self defence. i ,Inck Anderson, he of the I'oiueroy coal company who Is cutting such a wide smith in I feminine admiration, has Ix'gun active woik on the tenuis court mid is swiping the earth with our best players. Ordinarily thlswould be very gulling to our sorrel-shoed young friends, but theie is a balm for our wounded pride. Jack Ik getting in trim for the June tournament, and we hang our hopes for the championship on his playing, He was one of the crack players of Ynle ami has defeated Lothrop, one of the (lower of Omaha, so that there is good reason for the faith that is In u. Jack, the eyes of Lincoln are on you. There niny be more heinous crimes thnn keeping n dinner party waiting until the din ner is sK)lleil but not many. There is an other social dereliction of the sumuoi der that hns occurred so often of late as to warrant a rebuke. One ense, for example, is enough The cards rend 7:.'t0 p: in., the expectation of the host being that that would get the com pany together by eight o'clock. The invita tion boro the word "curds" mid the request for mi nnswer, "H. 8. V. 1'." Every guest must have know n tlmt the hostess wns plan ning to hnvo enough jxjrsons present to fill the enrd tables. Yet three guests camu mi hour late, and two straggled in nearly an hour nml n half lieyond the npiolutctl time. The result wns that thirty or moro persons were, kept waiting the arrival of the. tardy guests, and the mood of the hostess may be Imagined. This kind of thoughtlesuess or ig norance or whatever it is is unpardonable. The CoriUKIl's attention has liecu called to it several times with rixpiests to "write mi urti cle on it." Tlio mutter Is hurdly lmKrtunt enough for n phllllplc, unil u brief statement of the cuso is sufllclent. Among the newspaper eorresjxnidents nt DesMoines two years ago, reporting the Iown legislature, wa3Ir. W. F. Foster of the Hurl ington hicAtji'. Hu hud been known for some time us the Iowa weather prophet, but the correspondents had no time that session to mike weather Investigations. Ilye-ti.e-llyo met Foster again the other ilny ut Omaha, where ho bus been writing editorials for the It.jiiiblicdn, and in an interesting tnlk guth ered an Inkling of souiu of his ideas. Foster ridicules thu idea that the sun is a molten muss nf matter sending us light and heat He I miiintuit s that space is colder thnn un icebox mid the heut of tlio sun, if theie were such a thlng.couldliot be transmitted tliP ugh it .Tlie higher one goes upon u mountain the colder he llmU It, uml valleys an ulw nj s the w iirniest plucui. Foster's theory- ami many other scieulists hold to It is that the heut and light which vve suppose come direct from the sun nre electricity, which is transformed into heat and light by tho resistance nt our at mosphere. He lieHove that all the planets throw olT electricity, which Mils space. He thinks storms are caused by elect i leal dis turbances. The orbits of tlio planets are not on tho sumo plamj, so that they cross each other's tracks Whenever one planet crosses tho equator of another there is mi electrical disturbance, according to tho Foster theory, resulting in the distill banco Of the earth's ut- Unisphere, nunc or less sov ere. depending on the sire of the planets, their positions and their distance from tl'ecai th. lly forecasting these usugos mid estimating their cttoet Foster makes his weather picillctmns. Foster talks with much posltiveness of his theories, but it Is with the calmness of mi earnest ninu rather thnn the liMpiaclous as surnnce of a crank Ho claims to have mi tlclpntisl the recent terrible tornadoes In a prediction made last December. "Hut the trouble Is," he says, "tlm pupcrs nml the pco. pie will talk mine nhimt one failure than a doen successes." Foster Is full of curious theories curious liecmise wholly at odds with accepted theories and he hns a leadj answer for objections when urged, lie has lectin ed ,0(10 times on his weather theories, hut Is tired of it and prefoisnewspaiier wink. Ills oillee room is full of chaits, drawings and astronomical apparatus. I'nllko the crank we am familiar with he is not eternally iHiring people with his hobby. His talk of the other ilny was the llrst explanation of his work that ho had made since coming to Omn lia. That surely Is n crcdltnblu distinction over the average hobby ride. You hnvo doubtless heard farmers mid others tnlk about the cll'ect of the changes of tlio moon on crops Foster has discovered that between certain lines of lnttitudo there is an aerial disturbance moving from west to enst that brinks out every live uml eighth tenth days. This corresiondn so nearly with the changes of the moon that he thinks it may have given rise to thv ixipulur notion that the moon liasan cM'cct on the spioutingof seed. Among the regular and most interesting features of the Ciil'ltlKH If the weeklv letter ' of Walter Wellman from Washington. When Hye-the Uye llrst met .Mr. Wellmaii, several years ago, he was on the stair of the Chicago I llrntlil. Besides his editorial woik he made many of the drawings for the outline por traits appearing In the inK-r at that time. He was an industrious woikcrnn, I found time to 1111 orders from other pintles. He made a 1 mark In Chicago journalism and came to ls considered one of the Iti'ittlil's most valuable men. If memory is not at fault, lie went to the national capital within a v ear mist to act as the regular coricsoiiilclit of the llrrttltl. This givis him abundant npMrtttnity to make iuteiesting observations 'r. ucklv I letteis which aps'ar in the (.'nritlKU me in I addition to 31 r Welhnan's tegular duties, , and their excellence speaks for itself. 1 hey are seemed tluough the Aineiici.n 1'iess Association, and the CorniKIt has the exclus ive right to their use in tills tenltory. lly belonging to tills syndicate of papers the Ci'iriilKlt is enabled to give Its readeis a valu able featuiethat otherwise would be too high piiicd for most wieklies. I If you have u friend who has visited in I Lincoln and made friends here what more fit j ting climax ol your hospitality than to have 1 n copy of the CufUimi sent legulniiv to that friend; If sent dilect fiom the olllce they win oe mai lei I every isntuiilny without fail. Two ladles weie discussing the subject of houiiliug. One was a boarder ami the other a landlady. Tholxmrderiiskcd: "What is the matter that women who have no homes Iiml it so dilllciilt to obtain what passes for one even by paying for Itf What advantage hits n man over a woman as roomer or hoarder! I am lieglnnlng to iiml the burden of my woman's estate too heavy to bear. I have hitherto considered It enjoyable uml honor able, but the exierieucu of the last three days has made me willing to change places with the veriest wretch tlmt ever wore trous ers. Now, will you, out of jour own exjier lencu and observation, solve this mystery, for you do not seem like one to hold an unauthor lisl opinion t" The landlady answeied: "Of course, there are boarders and boarders, just as there nre landladies uml landladies. For my putt 1 like the Indies in tho house. Every house is plcusnntcr mid should be lietter for their apiK'iirance. Hut tho fact remains that they ure more troublo thnn men. When they nre in their rooms nil day, where they hnvea right to lie, they nre generally wanting some thing not in the Iximl. They I urn talking now of the careless, selfish or simple incon siderate ones insist upon extniK'rvice;they will ring for the girl to come up tlneo (lights of stairs to put u lump of coal on the grate, to open a window or shut it, or to Iiml their nightdress. They'll go to the bathroom, even those who have no need to economize, ami wash out all sorts of things, laces ami hand kerchiefs uml stockings: this In time tills up the waste pix with shreds and rnvclings nml the end thereof is u pluuiWs bill. They will either ring for n Hat-Iron or else they will como down Into the kitchen with their trail ing skirts uml attend to the pressing out of their gowns there They will bother the girl, want n little more lire mid un ironing Ixmrd, a little starch, uml a holder, and it will fre qileutly end by tho girl offering to do the work for them just to get them out of tho way. They want a little thread, or a darning needle, or a tenspixm, or some mustard, or table salt, or camphor. It stems to mo there's nothing from u pin to a porous plaster that I have not been asked for by my lady hxlgers. They want fmpieut changes made in the ar rangements of their room. Tlie IhsI doesn't stand the right way , tlie curtains me tixi thin or too thick, tlie buck of tlie rocking chair Is tixi high or too low . They loe theirpnss key and burn the gas to heat curling irons and pipe stems wheiewitli to curl their hair. They receive calls, piopeily enough, but they for get that it lequiies the time of the servant to answer the bells for these callers. And as women spend iiioimy less freely than men they do not c insider that extra service should lecelvc extra pay If the tllltli must Ixi told, I tllid it moie pleasauter to transact business -from sinull nuitteis to Inrge ones- wltlin limn thun with u woman. Woimwi me not business-like, uml they will pay f.'IXor a bon net willingly ami haggle over u wusli bill. Again, In a house full of lady lislgers or boanleis there are occasional strifes uml clivj lug, Jciiluosles uml goeslplngs not pleas . nut. These are n few ol the leasons why women me consldensl undesirable as lodger iiml iNiiiiders." i .Mine Ihau ii quarter of a ceiituiv ago eight biave gills, students of I lie Woman's Medical college of Philadelphia, illlinfoimilisl the pm fessioiial world g nil) b formally grail- ual lug from that institution l'p In that htIisI a woman physician was iiuheiinl of, though the necessity for them had often IhsMI fell. One ol those identical (Quaker gli Is Is Mrs. Anna Lougshoie-I'otts, now past the age that is ordinarily n woman's prime but still in the elijoviuenl of leliiai kable phvsicnl and mental vigor. Ilei's has been a llleol iinusiiai aciiviiv ai.ii one wiiicii lias inought I iveuogn s anions coinings narc iH'cii a i Ich harvest in the good she has done, par- ' sipiaudeiisl and Mr Stiukoscli cannot emu a tlculaiilv to the women of tluee liemispjieics llivlng In mi.v other wn The mole's the Her biothcr Joseph, the icuou msl gynii- pit). eulogist, lecogni7illg the illelllcielicvol men In Ml Kellogg Is approaching the age of dealing with the delicate iilhueiils of womeii, ,lf, Hei voice has gone to p sasthnie foillldisl the college above lefcrieil to. Mis suit of advancing veals. That Is one of Hie Dr. I'otts practiced lier piofessiou In the expected tilings, for which she Is not to blame, (Junker city for yeais, gaining a competency. "'"I she should be allowed to live in peace on Her wide cxpciieneo estubllshisl the belief , l"'r '"' lauicls Some of her tones uie still that teaching practical physology woulil pre- sweet, but the upper leglster of her voice is vent tlbcuse uml give to the win Id u race or bos'les.) tinned, uml throughout her sing people with whom sickness would be little b'g theie is a wi'akliess that is toiichlngly ills known, One of her axioms Is that good ' tresslng Tlie notes elude her grasp, anil she health ami morality are so closelv alliisl as to ,s "ke a blind ikiiii grasping uTtcr tlie limits be almost synonymous Whenever oppor- tainiilile tiinlty all'ordisl she lectin ed on medical mat The predominant emotion mouse I by tlie tern ami temperance. Her eloquence nml , conceit or Wednesday evening was one ol common seiisecoupled with allthelM'tterattri- deepest pity bates of a woman, were so sti iking that the Clara Louise Kellogg is a memory. It was demand for such talks ihtsiiiiiIisI her lode pleasing. It is painful, vote all her time to them. During the last i .Miss Kellogg, grown stouter than ever, has tcnyeuisshe hns traveled mound the globe, ( retnli.isl much of her good lisiksaml has the taking nine jx'ople with her, pav ing nil ex i penses ami netting uiiuntlsniuesum in aililltlon. I his is u task few men nre cnpuble of. She I Like a loyul husband ami a careful miin whs the recipient of many Muttering utten- nger. 31 r. Strnkosch has surroiimhsl Miss tlons from the press uml public in nil the i Kellogg with singers who will not overshadow countries visited. Few, if any. x-i sons have his wife nor make un exwiislve company won the praise of every Kiigllshmetioxhtaii Tl ly rememU'ruble thing in Wtslnesdny journal in the world, as she hns. Her 'ion- night's music wns Splguroli's singing of tlio nl friends nre among the notables of the i .Mlsereie from "II Trovntorc" (the fourtli net world. While nn advocate of dress reform, I wns given by the compaiivi, but tlmt is such she docs not think attractiveness of attile an exquisite passage that lie would ben need be sncrlllccil to health. She herself np wretched singer Indeed who would sixill It en K'iirs in u costume made by Woith. She re- tlrely. cently lectured, with great success, in Chi- Tlie s)verof u nnme wns in the cago nnu ni. Louis, pine is now m umalin w here the press is loud in her praise. She will lecture nt the Masonic Temple, as she objects to the number of steps nicosaryto reach the ohtu house Moor, claiming tlmt climbing stairs is particularly injurious to women. Her llrst lecture .Monday night at V w hi no in men nun women nno win give tour iiiicrinxni leciun-sio wumeii, omy comniem- Ing Tuesday ut H o'clock. The llrst two hsi- Hies win inuira 'iiougu uie im'si sems will lie or sliicrinr lllfl'lt, IllfM' "jays" distill Issl be reservei I for those holding invitations and tlie pitiful silence with their applause at all for gentlenieii escorting ladles. Her last sorts of lnopxu tune times Tliey were tixi lecture next Friday will be on love, court- numerous to he a hired cinque, ship ami marriage, u trinity of social scien ces she tiiuts witli great earnestness and yet i'"UA tan.nkii. with much Iiiiiiioi . At Fuuke's 31omhiv cvciiinir Cnu 'I',,,, ,,..,- ..... . - ... ,. , ... . ., All kinds of Iron, Well ami Cistern Puniiis ut wholesale and i etuil prices at Ki leyer it Oil's. i:e, lju', Nose uml 'Mi roul .speclitllnt. Dr. Chillies K. Spnhr. No. lJlMlst. Con sultutious in English mid (ierman. '1 he Kliux llerli). These huts ure the recoguiisl staiulanl of excellence throughout the world. Agency with James C. Kier, O ami 11th start. .MI'SIC AND 'NIK DltA.M A. ... . Vi , ,m I i'ii i .. ", ;"' i-ii"hk kimmii ag H"'d up and down the count r to hoiulw ink thepublie by the glamour or a name mice famous We would like to think of Miss Kellogg as an Auieiican wmunu with a gloiioiis car -, who, having aehievisl brilliant liiuiuphs, liad I el lied to enjoy u well ciiiucd foilnne. Hut lieie Is her liiisbaiid, Call Hlrakoseh, t lotting her fiithnun bain slopnlng loin and suhjectlug her to dials that must In agoulliiglv liiiinlllatiug '' is isuiteiuplible-uiiless, pcthaps, MhN resence ol a ijnimiviln Illir She wasgowmsl elegantly large audience attracted to this enteilalii- incut. It was not a fashionable commiiiv. but there was an unusually rK,. proxption of ladies, particularly in the gallery The name also nttrnctisl more than the or illnary number of Ignoramuses, who under- took to impress the xsiple uliout them nith an i.ien of their musical appreciation. Think lug that anything done bv Clam Isolds. Kellogg nml slngeis nsMxiated with her must will appear in Fusclimtion." The Plttsbmg n.,,.,,.!, ,.,,. T1 , ....': a pliiv nroneilv set and in th.. lmu.N ..f ei..r. lloiu star to tho hast suboi'iliuati. entirely M"h " "'"""I ''ilk and as g,s a. an hour conux'teiit und trained int.. that niceness of "ith Murk Twain " Tins lectuie will U. ,,- execution that sx'iiks ills, ipliue enfoi cisl by l, ' '" M'imuiic Temple hall next I'i iday a clever milliagei' was pieseutisl nt theOralld , "w'"lnK 0'iu Hoiimi. )ls Com 1 aimer played tlie Poor Will l.vkeii. is the last victim ot hei olne 1 july .Madge Slashtou. aim us a man Howell (islxiiie and Fay Tcmpleton. How Chai Uv .Marlowe. In giving (nil sweenies, ell was m New Yoiku couple ol euks ugo to her womanly side of the character, uml u ( mid "touched" Ly kens, promising that Fay x'it Ixiyisli imix'tuosity to tl e uiusqueriiile in should come over next season. I.ykcns will ",1""',"", I'-MlssTnnner was successful She was very captivullng in a thoioughly lobtist Kugllsli way asihe woman in love, mid I " "Hist U' confessed that in our Judgment she w oen hiindsomer as n young blade of the ;i'iirii- riinv It h not mi ensy role Hint .Miss lautier tills so well, but II Is one which could ls easily made olleiislvn mid vulunr Happily for overbMly Miss Tanner nvoiils the pltlalls mid the coiiHeqilellce Is that Willi nil Its riskiness, notwithstanding tliedeprnv Itv of niiiiiy r the chnrneteis, "I'liseltiatlou" Is not Immoral, not even suggestive, In fact I II k vii mi A I. KV MM sri w n:K Tlie long tnlkisl of eiitei liiliuneiit under I he dlleetloil of Mis Weber mid Miss I'aiker I takes place next Wednesday evening at the v in isiiiui ciiurcn, ami as so uilicii mieiesl lias been ccliteiisl on this occasion It Is doubtful If u sent will Ixi available after s o'clock on Hint evening The Indies or the chinch lire selling ii huge tiumbel of tickets and Hie time Isyctfom davsilistaut. With such excellent attractions as the program provides Lincoln should show its appreciation by clouding that beaut iful house ol win ship. The Cm III KK has been 'l milled lo look over the program for the evening ami Muds an aria) of talent seldom sicn in this city. Mrs Weber will sing twoof her most uitlstie uumbeis.oueor which will he (liuioud's"Ave Millie," uml among the readings Miss I'urker will mile the "('hailot Itnce" from lieu llur. .Mis. Clara Murray, the cultmcd harpist, will lender two sehsilons "The Last Itose of Hiiiiii " and Olx'iihur's "Capiicclo." The (lei mania Maeimerchor will apH'nr with Its entile inemls'ishlp and render tiiiee selections with full chorus, one of tlie sehsilons Ixiug the "linage or the Hose Ml Welx'r will lender among otheis De llertol's Mfth air, a most, Ix-autlful violin solo. The Maenneichor churns will Ni cohih,is of the following singers. First, tenor Julius Oltens, Kail Weidemau, John llauer S olid tenor 1'itsl Oltens, A. Wurbiiig, A. lliNleusteiner, Fr. Wagner, II. ITcHlcr. First bass I'lier Kiihhnnii, John llislenslelner, I'M. TnneM'h, A. Kiiach. Second bass (lus tav Waller. A. Itles. II Muller, P. Khiilch, Fr. f'.ni i'i iiiiiii, K. KIiiiiiiiiii. From tlie above It will be seen tlmt Hut aN tiactl lotrered me liy no means ordinary, and that the eiiteitaiui it iswoithyu full hull e Is a mutter of tin t. Tli ketsiueiiow on saleal llilscoe's ami lllowu's di ug stole. IIIK KliKN VII ski The Japanese have proven so gieat mi islu- I call, nml refitment the Mu-ci that they will coniiuue iiielr exlilliltioii toiuoirow. Next week will lx another icnuil bleaker. The uiiiliageini'iit long ago made it contract to ex hibit tlie two-headed bub thai I'leatisl such a liiroie in Hie east Tlie little oiiedhslat llull'alo lust mouth, ami Hie management, not to wholly dlsapisilnt their patrons, ar ranged at great eXX'iise to sts'tlle u wax cust or the wonderful child The t wo-heaihsl baby will be on exhibition next week. All other big feature will be an outd'xir slide (loin thetop of the Mu-ec to the strict corner below. This will occur at I! and T :ui p. m Among tlie stage attractions will lie Olcasoii's dogiiicus. the (lleiison liillillen, the gieat child in lists: llartiiiir's musical in tists; Moie liiinl, sketch in tlst. I'hlllins I'letcher, char acter ai list ; Kmcry tV Kussell, the musical duo and the Nebraska (at woman. Friday w ill lie ladles' souv enlr day as usual. I iai.k iik llli: HTAIIK. "Itliiclieiiiil, Jr., Is Ixsikisl iii I'linkc's for May 'J ami M. Kiiglmid is just waiting to si this Shen andoah thing." Kin Kendall mid a "I'alr of Kids" at Fuukn's next Saturday. "The Old Horn. shad" will after all not go to England this season. Sydney Diew and his wife, dluilys Huiikin Diew, will star next season in a new play called "'I he (Vrcsxiidelit." i,.... i ,.. . .... i inn is lepoiieu in nave H'iKloliisl Cum piiiiini, whose illustrious high C, now silent. hiissoaiisl so many a time with her cclctfal ' own. I K K. Ilice will revive Ids old "Rice's Sur- i prise Party," for which lie will use a musical ciuicutme by Puul Potter cnlhsl "The Win Id's rulr. Frank M aider bus sent mi order to Kt. Petersburg for two Siberian wolf hounds to be usisl in Nellie .Mclleliry's new play,"Ijidy ' Peggy." j .Miss Helen Kussell, for several seasons at! Wiillnck's uml recently leading lady for "A; Possible Case," has been engaged by .Mr. V.. ' I) Price for Mrs. U-hlie Carter's Co. I Tlie otherwise graceful cape overcoat has iiicurnsl an eternal 'iioodixi" tlirougli its iidoptUu by thisse theatrical ageutsaml i'heiii I actors who huve lieietofoie all'istisl fur over -coals in all weathers, hot or cold liy n curious coincidence Dlxey and Hut huve Ix-en together for just seven age lyeursl. Now they huve irted tor ages and uges bitter enemies, it is said. Dlxey has a new Imcker iinmisl llurcluy Win burton. The prewnt "HlueU'iird Jr."commny play nlxiut six weeks longer uml then close the season to commence reheaiscsof the new ver sion of "Tlie Crystal Sllpxr," which will Is, rev ivisl June Hint the Chicago Opera House by Manager David Henderson Pnttl slis'ps with a silk hiiudkeichlet round her neck She uses a very sultv u'aixle of i tNxil w uter every morning Mine. AIIniiu- (iye says that ill ligs ale useless. Sheguigles her throat with ice water every lew bonis, and gets lllilllidiuteiellcl. Fin liuskllies.s slie is-s gelatine drops. The sxir VasMir gnl cati lies it on even hand. The lloston f 'oiu i, i i huiees one Willi i ''''"'""g Mis, Potts' hstuieou iove.eouit- hhii. and mai ilaue. as "fuinnei tluiiu, i..,.L..t "f monkeys The l..t..ii . .iM say. "It umloilhtislly keep on "putting up." hut Fay Is sine lo leiualu in Pail, with M,ornc, humhiigglng any manager f lollsh enough to Ix'llnvn her Diiulop. A New (iutlihiK llini.e. For several weeks past om ellleus hiivo nollecd iiiiiingeu Is going on ill th iw Kellev block, HUT anil llllll () stieet, piepara lory toos'iiing a clothing sloie. The new Mini Is HUnl lleimau lliotheis, compilslng Ii genth lespistlvely Adolpli, Clli'lles mid I'lislei Ick, all well ixhi ieucisl In the clothing Hue mid thomugh, eiiterpils lllg business men. 'I'lie Col limit, with Its accustomed cuiloslty, stepH'd in Mteiilay to see what was going on within, uml hImhi), the Hist pel sou we eucoilliteied was thai of Ml I'i eil lleiiuiiii He dialled pleasantly with the lepoitcr mid showisl him about the pieiulM's, theslix'k, Hie in raiigeuieuts, elc. The storeroom extends lo the alley , Is well lighted, has high ceilings and was especially arranged for the Mini The husci t, a huge, light and airy room, will l. usisl for the wholesale depfil tliinut , which the llini wllluiirv on In connection The slock com pi Ises (lie Muest In clothing ami liabeidashery and deserves your iusM-ctinti befon. buying any tiling in that Hue. The new house opens today, and all Lincoln should (urn outlo welco the lleiman III others. spiint I" Willi Is. Again the season is at hand when ncild and hoiiNiwIfeaie In the tolls of lioiisecleauiug, and the seaton is at hand when the old I'll s of furniture must give way to tint newer uml more artistic misleiii styles. Such nnu kid changes In this Hue have of late taken place in the manner or both Mulsh ami construction that the foiuicr patterns' apM-fir rather dull ami antique beside of the present favorites A CinuiKU man saunter lug uhniil yeste i day million bilef but pleas ant visit with Mr. Hlieltoiiatthe papular furniture house of Sheltou K. Kmltli, on South Eleventh stieet "You say you want to see whnt Is the new est In spiiug riiiuitmefiiskiil that genial host "Why, bless you, look at Hint mw of chamber sets along theie uml those parlor gissls I in "k of yon." I'ollowlng these dllicllons we i otisl a most elegant display or what the gentleman dcslg nated as the "Sixteenth Centill v" Mulsh and also an array or beaiititill sets in the Antique siyies. Tin ii- is something lemaikahly mtistlc and attractive about the goods shown at Khellou V Smith's It is not that their fur liitille Isls'tter than iiIIoIIhi' fill nlliiie, for the best fllinltme anywhere Is the hist, but there ns-iiis to have be oie Jiidginent ills- ilnyel in making tin. selectioii, for never lx- fore in tl apital city litis theie Imcii such 11 nobby Ii if parlor nml chnmber suits shown us this live, piigiesnive house shows this season. It would be useless for tlie leelile icn of the Oil It 1 1; It to desciilxi all Hint was hs'ii In thai brief visit, but a rail I mm you, kind leader, nt any time will In tel est you. As lor Mr Sheltou and his assistants, they always iccelve their cullers pleasantly ami courteously. This house is also sole agents for the very elegant "I'lnenix" lolding bed, an attractive illustia lion of which appeals on mge 'J ol this issue. HerHilsheliuer .V Co's spring stock this season excels all their pluvious elloits to bring to Lincoln Hue high c'ass goods, hut nt piii'es tlmt ure xipiilar. In wnqis- clonks dusters they huve u Is uutifiil line. In para sols end umbrellas they otter u siiM'ib assort ment (llllll tipHl go in silk as low us ; in chiiMsl, coin ami stei bug. ii- rainy woisl and antique woods, a lino not siirpasMsl in the we.t Cull on Hfipolshciiiifr und ex iiliillie their stock. Th nnageiiieut of Ciishmau park dixires to iiiinoumt! that in older to give a high older of entertainments during the season n limited iiiimlx'i' of season tickets fur families will be sold, to lead us follows: For uml in consideration of f.l admit and family ami conveyances. Family not to excisrsl four grown s'iHiiis and four children, to ('ashman park on any uml nil is fusions ihiriug the scusoii of Is'.mi. Signed, - If we enn sell 1IHI family tickets we will use the money lecclvcd In giving novel ami pleasing attractions in addition to the regular entertainments, which will he the ht tho country attords, ami we shall try with your patronage to make Cushman par'c the pride of the west, ami families holding season ticket will have jx-rfect right to camp in tlie park, to keep their own Ixuits, to have free dom and use of Ixith music halls and pianos, and your children will be just as sate as at home oral any eastern result Apply for season tickets to lx delivered .May III to K. II Andiiis it Son, city olllce cmiiei p and Eighth streets. On Saturday, May .(.will take place the largest sale of ci'j projicit) in the history of Lincoln Isisting of I) stieet lots, N stieet lots, pioH-ity on () ami N strisis, lots and proMTty on AuteloM lull und east Lincoln, all Inside pro,rty on or near pavements, cur line, w nter mains, mwv.t, etc , all under man agement of E. II Andriis. The terms will lx on un average of oiictourth down, balance in live years Spread tho newsmid lx preareil to take advantage of buying inside proix-rty in the very heart of tlie city Full list of prolxnty in a few days. All to lie sold with out reserve to highest bidder at auction .Mrs. Dr. Potts' trip around the woildwus the means of aecuuiulatiiig a linger allay of iiiisbial citileiitials than is H.cvscd by any other physician in tlie world xihas She holds certiliuites as a legal piuctitioneer in New .calami, all the colonies ,q Australia, mid South Afllui, New England. 1 1 eland and Scotland, and in twenty -two state. Ill this count IV . lier ficdcntluls weie lllisl with the county cleik hole about thicc m-iii. ago, tuiv lug Ixs'ii (oiwuidisl fimii I'.ngiaud. I S Doteii, justice ot the H'ace audlnel. chant ol Hi ist,, , 111 , viys he can iit'oiunieiid St. Piitllck'. Pill.. "I have umsI them," hu say., "and know wheieot I speak' Any onu lioiilihsl with count iput ion or billoiisiicvs will Mud them a friend. They me prompt uml ceitalu III then action and piodlliea pleasant cuthaiticillcct. For sale tiy A. U Slu filler, diugglst.