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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1922)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE THE Hi mm 31 fffrpp7v.CTJ susyTirfrjtrsGsssxitmsm ifi Hi ifi Mi WISE WILL WAIT!: AL. G. BARNES BIG FOUR RING Hi Hi Hi 'I! Hi Hi Mi Hi Mi Hi Mi WILD ANIMAL CIRCUS The Only Real Wild Animal Circus on Earth, COMING TO NORTH PLATTE, MONDAY, JUNE 19 JUL 0. 31. CltESSLER GRADUATE DENTIST Olflco ovor tho McDonald State Bank. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Poppors, ugg plants nnd ustors, 35c a dozen. N. P. Floral Co. Miss Margaret Fredrlckson return-' od from Fromont Saturday ovonlng whoro Hho has boon attending Mid land collogo. Plnno tuning, Holloy MubIc IIouso. Albert Shonk hoa accepted a posl Uon with tho HlrBchfold Clothing Co. and hogan work Monday. Fay Ycaraloy boa nccoptcd a por tion wltli tho AuBtln .Towolry store and liojan work Wednesday morning. D. M. Doulhott of Lincoln, formoi Stato Sonator for thlB diHtrlct tran sacted IniBinoaH in tho city Saturday. Offlco rooms for ront ovor Nowtons Book Storo. Apply at C. M. Nowtons storo. Miss Belinda Butts loft Friday by auto for her homo in Cumbtfldgo. Miss Butts was a touchor in one of tho ward schools horo. Mrs. Frank Elliott and son LuVorno loft yostorday for Long Beach, Cull, whoro thoy will spend sovornl months at tho homo of Mrs. 'Elliott's par onts. , Mrs. Geo. Lannin left Thursday for Billings, Mont,, Sho was accompanied by her granddaughter Vivian who has been spending tho past year visit ing ljor. Money to loan on improved farms. J. F. Clnbaugh, G18 Dowoy. Miss Louisa CoIIIhb daughter of lfr. and Mrs. Frank J. Collins entertained at a 0 o'clock dinner Saturday nt tho Union Pnciflo Dining room in honor of ten of hor classmates. Tho color schomo was carried out In old rose and white. , Dr. L. J. KItAUSE, Dentist, X-Jlny DlnKnosI. McDonald Bnnk Building IMiono 07. Special ratoB on tho Union Pacific wont into offccl. on tho 2Gth of last month. Duo to tho overflow in travel thoro woro four special trains on Sat urday nftornoon. Two of theso spec ials woro from Los Ancolos and two from San Francisco. Almost three qunrtorrs of a million Dodgo cars liavo now boon sold tho earn aro bottor today than ever be foro tho prlco vory low. Lot your noxt car bo a Dodgo nnd got Dodge satisfaction. St V. Itomlgh Donlor. Tho NewIothod Tiro Itopalr Co. is moving from tho old building on Loc ust stroot to tho LlpshiU buildlm: at tho cornrir of Front and Locust. Tho Llncolns havo mado qulto a success of their tiro businoss nnd look for an incjeaBO at i'o new locatlo i. 1127-219 FOKDS SOLD IX APKIL Ford Kclail Sales Hit New High Mark According to a report just reqolvlkl from tho Ford Motor Company, Do trolt, n daily averago of 5,210 retail sales of Ford cars and trucks had been reached by tho close of April In the United States alono. Ford sales of cars and trucks for the month, Including both domestic and foreign, totalod 127,249. This estab lishes a now record, exceeding tho largest previous month, Juno 1921, by 15, 467. Tho sajo of Fordson trnctors has also been steadily climbing. A total of 11,181 Fordsons woro sold during April In the United States, a dally average of 1G9 having boon reached by tho end of tho month. This gives the tractor a now high sales record, and shows 100 increaso over the best month In 1921. Tho Ford Motor Company 1b enjoying a bannor year In all dopartmonts. Out put of Ford cars and trucks for tho yonr, according to prosont estimate, will excood 1,000,000 which represents a ten por cout Increaso ovdr 1921. Tho Ford factory at Detroit Is' now operating at full capacity, having a forco of more than 40,000 men on tho payroll Tho scheduled output for May will probably reach 135,000 cars and trucks, which will bo applied against orders approximating 1G5.000. Despite tho attompt of tho factory nnd tho twenty-three nssombllng plants In tho United States to produce a suffloiont number of cars to meet tho unusually heavy demand, It has boon imposslblo for Ford doalors in most cases to mako lifyicdlnto delivorloB. NOTICE Are You Moving? day, Juno 12th, 1922 at 2 p. m the proposition will bo submitted to tho voters of raising tho budget of one thousand ($1000.00) to conduct tho school for tho coming year. This will requlro a levy of not less than 3cven mills nor moro than twenty mills or. tho tota: assessed valuation of said district. Signed: C. R. Smith Director. :o: " NOTICE At tho annual mooting of tho legal voters of school district No. 97 of Lincoln County, Nebraska, which will bo held at tho school houso on Mon day, Juno 12th, 1922 at 2 p. m. tho proposition will bo submitted to tho voters of raising tho budget of One Thousand ($1,000) dollars to conduct tho school for tho coming year. This will 1 a levy of not loan -linn it nor moro than twenty f ho total assessed valuation of dam district. Rork. salesman, had churgo of -the Director NOTICE At tho nnual meeting of tho legal votors of "school district No. 107 of Lincoln county, Nebraska, which will bo hold at tho school house on Mon day, Juno 12, 1922 at 2 p. m. tho pro position will bo submitted to tho vot ors of raising tho budget of ono thou sand ($1,000.00) dollars to conduct tho school for tho coming year. This will requlro a lovy of not lpss than unveil mills nor moro than twenty mills on tho total nssosed valuation of said district. Mrs. LIUlo M. Brigga Director Just iiB important as your order to tho moving van people Is your notification to tho Electric Company. Wo want to havo tho current turned on in tho now house, all ready for instant sorvice, the minuto you arrive with thp first load of furniture. Help us to givo you "Uninterrupted Service" as booh as you know you're going to movo- Just is just as important to let us know when you aro tlirough with tho service so that wo will not continue to charge you. rionso phoHo 15, Ttrlto or t como Into tho storo. North Platte Light & Power Co. At tho nnnunl mooting of tho legal votors - of school district No. 77 of Lincoln County, Nobraskn, which will bo hold at tho school Nhouso on Mon day, Juno 12th, 1922, at 2 p. in., the proposition will bo submitted to tho voters of raising tho budget of $1,000 to conduct tho Bchool for tho coming year. This will roqulro a lovy of not loss than sovon mills nor moro thnn twenty mills on the total assessed valuation of said district. Signed: A. P. McClollon Dlroclor :o: NOTICE At tho ntmunl mooting of tho legal votors of school district No. 21 of Lincoln County, Nebraska, which wlU bo hold at til) school houso on Mon day, Juno 12th, 1922, at 2 p. in. tho proposition will bo submitted to tho votors of raising tho budget of $1,000 dollars to dbnduct tho school for tho comtag year. This will roqulro a lovy of not loss than Boven mills nor moro than twenty mills on tho total asses sed valuation of said diotrlot. Signed: John-W. Kllnos Director -Sos- NOTICE At tho nnnunl mooting of tiro lga votors of school district No. 87 of Lincoln County, Nobraakn, whifch wl be hold nt tho school houso on Man- NOTICE At tho annual meeting of tho logal votors of school district No. 47 of Lincoln County, Nobraaka, which will bo hold at tho school houso on Mon day, Juno 12th, 1922 at 2 p. m. tho proposition will bo submitted to tho votors of raising tho budget of eleven hundred ($1,100.00) to conduct tho school for tho coming year. This will requlro a lovy of not less than seven mills nor moro than twenty mills on tho total assoged valuation of said district. Slgnod: C. C. Bowman Director -:o:- NOTICB bo hold at tho school houso on Mon day, Juno 12th, 1922, at 2 p. m., tho proposition will bo submitted to the voters of raising tho budget of Thir teen Hundred ($1800) Dollars to con duct tho school for tho coming year. ' 1 Thls will requlro a levy o not less than seven mills nor moro than twen ty mills on tho total assessed valu ation of said district. Signed: John Simms Director At tho annual mooring of Uie legal votors of school district No. 131 of Lincoln County, Nobraaka, which will La hold at tho school houso on Mon day, Juno 12th, 1922, at' 2 p. m., tho proposition wll bo submitted to tho votors of raising tho btrffffet of ono thousand ($1,000) cjollnrs to conduct Uio school for tlio coming year. This will roqulro a lovy of not loss than sovon mMIs nor moro than twonty on tho total assessed vnuntlon of Bald district. Slgnod: E. J. Damoodo Director so: NOTICB I " Vacation Reminders LS Private' papers, jewelry, etc., not y needed should be placed In a safe do- - 'b I PS"' kX" 3 Bulky . articles lfko , silverware, R J Ijj y should bo doposlted In a storage vault. i L llj - Travellers Cheques only not cur- ft I ' roncy should bo carried to insure a- F I i gainst loss. " IK " Steamship tickets and reservations ae K should be procured in advance. &j Wo aro prepared and shall bo pleas- I U: ed to servo you In any way montloned. ' V I k Information cheerfully given. ' . J jl The Platte Valley State Bank j At tho Annual mooting of tho legal Votors of school district Nb. 71 of Lincoln county, NobrnsKa, which will if it it i.t it i.t i.t i.t 3 I I . i.t if t.t it i.t i.t I H i.t i.t t.t it t.t i J.t i.t i.t i:i !i i.t it Buy Cadillac Value! 1. No better built car at whatever the price. v 2. No car of equal quality at the Cadillacs present low priee. 3. Standard in quality. Standard in price. 4. In the final analysis Cadillac has always qualified as the Standard otAhe World Write u now (or dcliveryldate and our New Mathod Payment Plan. J. Ii. Hansen Cadillac Go ,OM AHA - LINCOLN- SIOUX CITY