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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1922)
'0ltC. (Kite Jfl o rth titiccljlij (Tribune TUESDAY and FltlDAY THIRTY-EIGHTH .YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, JUNE G, 1922. NO. 43. Sfctnt SHORT STORIES OF PEOPLE JND THINGS ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUT RE CENT HAPPENINGS IN THIS COMMUNITY Tho Hound-Up of tho University Alumni Inst Week waa attended by Senator and Mrs. W. V. Iloagland, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Buckley and Miss Florence Wilcox. Several innov ations wore instituted and It was re ported to havo been tho best reunion yet held nt Lincoln. The difference between tho cost of good and cheap printing Is so slight that he who goes shopping from printer to printer to Bocuro his printing at a few cents less than what it is really worth, hardly over makes day laborer's wages at this unpleas ant task One who knows. Joe Larson, a former. Union Pacific employee hero and well known to most railroad men along tho line pas sed through North Platte yesterday enrouto from Omaha to Cheynno. At Omaha he left Mrs. Larson and a 12 day old baby of which both he and Mrs. Larson are very proud. " Friends of Frank Reynolds, former ly a teacher in tho Junior High School here, 'will be Interested In learning of his aaproaching marriage at Paonla Colo, to Miss Nolle Frances Miller of that city Tho ceremony will be on Juno 7 at 10 a. m. After September j 1. they will bo at homo at Glenwoodi Springs, Colo. The Tribune oxtends congratulations. L. B. Gary, safety director of tho Wyoming division of tho Union Pac ific called at Scout headquarters yes terday and complimented the Boy ScoutB on the support given his work. The Immediate cause of Ills enthus iasm was the help given by Scouts Sholver and Dean in placing some attractive Safety First Posters In the city. One of the social events of the graduation season which was crowd ed out of tho Tribune was tho ban-' quet tendered tho class of 1922 of St. Patrick's school by tho local mem- bers of the International Catholic umnl Association of America. This , banquet took placo at tho Union Pac- fic dining room Inst Wednesday even ing and was highly enjoyed by all. The non-resident tuition of the lo cal high school amounted to almost $5,000 this year. Tho actual cost of giving tho instruction was conslder- At the Keith Theatre Wednesday Only ADOLrilO Singing, Whistling, Accordeon and Talking. Tho Ac cordeonist that is different. IIUJtST AND DEVAKS A comedy Singing, Talking, and Dancing act. Above the ordinary offering. Miss Devars makes a stunning ap pearance and is an excellent match for her partner. They aro young people and after seeing them you will feel well repaid. DEVOItE AND WOIITJI In a unique little skit staged on deck of a ship the act is entitled "All Hands On Deck", and there is plenty of laugh in it Besides being good comedians these artists havo singing voices far above the average. VERNA MERSEREAU & CO. Miss Mersereau needs no Introduction to tho theatre going public inasmuch as hor capabilities as a vaudeville artist and moving picture star are well known thru her terpsichorean activities on the stage and her triumphs as a screen star in "The Dance of Death." presented by tho Fox Co. and tho universal hit "Tho Dancer". Sho played opposite Tom Mix in "Tho Round Up" and Tom Moore in "Cupids Round Up" and also tho featured star in "Forbid den". Hor act the "Danco Classiquo consists of 1. The Crystal Gazer; 2. The Huntress; 3. Tho Indian; 4. Dance of Day; 5. An Egyptian Greecian Drama Featuring The $3,000 Bird of Paradise Headpiece. Do not miss this one. In addition to this very attractive bill will bo a good five reel feature picture. ONE SECTION OF THE GRAND STAND TO RE RESERVED FOR RACES The management of tho Fourth of July races has decided to reserve ono section of tho grand stand nt the! track for out of town visitors. This will accommodate bctweon GOO and 700 people. Tho American Legion boys of North Platte aro making pre parations for tho entertainment of tho largest number of people that havo ever attended a one-day amusement foaturo In this city. Tart of their plans Include tho reservation of scats for thdso visitors. The advertising men aro visiting each community with tickets and as they distrbuto tho ad vertising they will bo glad to see that tho fans got roscrvatons. All tickets that remain unsold will bo released for salo on tho Fourth. ably more than that and tho differ ence was a contribution by tho people of this city to the boys and girls who havo tho tho energy and determin ation to leave home and friends and como hero during the school year in order to get an education. Tho oganlzatlon of a board of di rectors for Camp Firo is being urged upon tho local campflro council by National Headquarters. This board of directors would bo composed of rep resentatives of major civic and re ligious organizations In North Platto and It would havo ontlro oversight of campflro activities In which the dif ferent groups -would unite. The Wnlrath & Sherwood Lumber Co. has offered a beautiful sliver cup to thb Local Council of tho Boy Scouts, tho cup to bo .given to tho scout troop which earns the efficiency banner and to become tho property of ,-tho troop which cams tho Dannor lor throe consecutive times during the year. If no troop qualifies itio that way It is to go to tho troop which wins it tho most times. Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Dixon leftJFYI day morning for Los Angeles, Cali fornia where Mr. Dixon will be the dolegate of the North Platte Rotary l11nlw y tlisv Tn( rtn ntlmtnl nrn trnntlnn They joined a large body of Rotarians who were on a special train which stopped a few minutes Here, Tho High School Cadet band was at tho depot and most of tho members of tho North pifttto Rotary Club were there. Alvin Ranch went west yesterday Al-.morning in a nicely lettered aovertis- ing car to spend tho next two weeks in tho Interests of the Fourth of July races. Ho carried a good supply ot bill hoard posters, window hangers, leaflets and printed announcements and had the ticket reservations for distribution to non-resident purchas ers. Ho expected to spend fourteen days on tho trip. FLOUR ILL STARTS GRINDING TO-DAY NEW MILL OPENS WITH PKOS PECTS OF DOING GOOD .. BUSINESS The Nohraska Mill & Elevator Co succossors to tho Leypoldt-Pennlngtoh Co. opened Its now flour mill business today whon It began actual milling work. Tho equipment Is all now and during the Inst throe weoks there has been much nctlvity nt tho company's 'plant on east front street. Tho mill hna been Installed in connection with tho elevntor but is in its own build ing. It Is an American Super-MIget mill and has a dally capacity or fifty barrels of high grado flour a day. Tho company expects to buy as much of its wheat for grinding as It can got from Lincoln county wheat growers and according to one of tho officials it will pny a bonus of five cents a bu shel nbovo market price for good mill ing wheat. That will malAa Nnrih Platto markets a Uttlo bettor than If tho regular market prlco were paid. Tho Tribune man intorvlowod L P Jopson president of tho compnny, yes terday and was told that George Wil- klns hns been secured as head mlllor or whatever they call tho mnn who Is In actual cljargo of operation of tho mill. Mr. Wllklns has had a good many years experience in flour mill operation and promises to make as good flour as is made anywhere. Con tinuing Mr. Jopson said, "Our host grado of flour will be called Golden West with North Platto Flavo as an other brand which wo will guarantee. Wo aro hero to put our products in every storo in Lincoln county which handles flour and thromrh fiioan stores we want to put our flour In every homo In Lincoln county. All wo ask Is that tho housewives give our flour a trial. Wo know It will pleaso " This added Industry to tho Mat nt North Platte manufacturing plants Is heartily welcomed by tho farmers of Lincoln county nnd tho citizens of North Platte. Tho future of our home industries depends upon tho support glvon by our homo people nnd tho Tribune urges North Platto people to tako tho Nebraska Mill & Elevator Co .at Its word and give its products a trial. THE STATE CONVENTION OF WAK NOTIIEItS TO MEET IN NORTH PLATTE Tho 1923 stato convention of Amer ican War Mothers will meet in North Platto next Juno. That was the de cision of tho third nnnual stato con vention which was hold hi Omaha last week. Tho North Platto' delegates woro Mcsdames J. F. Clabaugh, O. E, Cool and C. J. Perkins. Tho conven tion was hold In the Durgcss-Nash auditorium and was presided over by Mrs. O. D. Slianer of Maxwell, tho stato war mother. Among tho speak ers woro Mayor Dahlman of Omaha, Mrs. II. II. McCluor of Kansas City, first vice-war mothor of tho national body and chairman of tho magazine committee, Mrs. W. A. Wilcox, of Om aha, delegate to the National con vention, Mrs. J. F. Clabaugh of this city and a number of other officers and delegates. Tho election of officors resulted as follows: Mrs. O. D. Shaner Maxwell, stato war mothor; Mrs. F- R. Baker, Maxwoll, correspond! secretary; Mrs. J. F. Clabaugh, North Platto, rocordingjsocrotary; Mrs. Harr. man, Omaha, treasurer. Tho dole gates attending from Lincoln county -hnpters report tho trip about the city as tho guests of tho Commercial Club of Omaha and tho hanquot and thoatro party glvon thorn by tho Om aha chapter to bo ospoclally romom Wod and tho hospitality ot tho peo plo of Omaha to bo appreciated. :o: PKIZE MONEY ATTRACTS LEAD ING AND REST-KNOWN DRIVERS From tho American Automobllo As sociation comos tho Information tlrat tho prlzo money offered for tho Fourth of July races, by tho North Platto Amorlcan Legion, la largor than over offered boforo In a raco of this kind. It runs correspondingly much largor than any of tho speed way purses. Tho avorago of tho tfpocd way Is ono hundred dollars per mllo whllo tho 25 mllo raco hero calls for two hundred dollars n mllo as also does tho flve-mllo raco. COUNTY EIGHTH E DIPLOMAS A WADDED TO OVER j TWO HUNDREH WHO COM- ..i rn- wnnr 1 ill. 11. nUUK Tho Lincoln County Eighth Grado Graduation exercises wore hold at tho Franklin Auditorium In this city last Saturday afternoon beglnnlngnt 2 p. m. County Suporlntendont Alleon G. Cochran presided nnd utter the In vocation by Rev, N. P. Patterson a program by the boys nnd girls was rendered. It consisted of music and recitations and was highly enjoyed by tho good sized audlonco. Tho class ad dress was mndo by Miss Anna Krnmph who spoko Impressively but In her characteristic way to tho grad uates and urged thorn to go on with their education. Tho medal for tho best History of Lincoln County was given to Myra Dlggerstaft ot Maxwell and tho D. A. R. medals In history wcro given to Louis Smith or Maxwell and Helen Ross of District 118. The diplomas wore presented to tho grad uates as they filed past tno Buporln tondont and tho exercises closed with America. Palms and ferns ndded to tho attractiveness ot the platform. Following Is a list ot tho gradu ates with tho post office address of each: Name Address I,awroncp Carper Maxwell Hormnn Kaclber North Platto Dora Bockus North Platto Dean Wood Mooreflold Julia Knminorcr. . . . North Platto Eddie Steel North Platto Kdward Grosshans.. North Platto Vornon Iluckfoldt. . . North Platto Gerald Iluckfoldt... North Platto Mildred Jordon , North Platto Ruby Trembly.., Maxwell Tholnia Manary Maxwoll Wayne Solomon Ttfaxwqll Myra BlRRorstdff . Maxwoll Hazel Johnston Maxwoll I,OUis Smith Maxwoll Uutli JcrKeiiBon Maxwell Elmo U Davis Maxwell Gerald Kennon,, -MaxwqU Eunice Olson North Piatt Anna Davis North Platte Itoslo StrolborR North Platte GcorRo Kerokl North Platte Elizabeth Scharman.. North Platto Hilda Hasklns North Platto Arthur Davis North Platto James Crabb . . . North Platte Evelyn Peterson Gothenburg Harvey Jobtnan Gothenburg Clarence Jensen Curtis William C. Witt Gundy Hose Walz Stopleton Annie Broslus Gandy rtaytnond Downs Horshey Garnott White iiersnoy Prod Frols Hershoy Byron Kins Sutherland' GcorRO Hoaford Sutherland Anna Fleece Sutherland Honry Burcham Sutherland Rosa Fleece.: Sutherland Vanco Vanarsdall Sutherland Albert Moycn Sutherland Floyd I.oonhardt Sutherland Aimer Hushes Sutherland Thorest Thomas Sutherland Chauncoy Hall Wollfleot Ernest YounR Wcllfloct Arthur Durbln AV.!! ee! Holma Dunn Wei f oot Mildred Pfell Wollfloet Jewel Norrls Wollfleet Ruth Uosn Wollfleot Dorothu Mayflold Wollfld'et AlKlna BrownlnR Wollfloet Lawrence I.utson Wollfleot Glenn Combs ,. Hersnoy Mamuorlto Wendoborn. No. Platto Fred MoRontfon Hershoy Clarence ApploRatc. . . . Sutherland Frances Howloy Sutherland G. W. AppleKato Sutherland Harvev AppleKnte Sutherland Arnold Wiley Staploton I.llllan Wlloy Stapletoii l.orotto Dillon Wa laoo Hazel Owen North Platto Gordon McConnell Ilershoy Gladys Phlnnoy Horshey Lee Fulk Hershoy Ueanis Price Horshey T.otran White Hershoy Dell McCain IT-rnhey Edna I.. Johnson Horshey Ena Vounp Hershoy Opal Ellsworth Horshey Albert YounR Hershoy William Halst Hershoy Elizabeth Nelson HaJ Evelyn Anderson Brady Des Nelsros Clouatro Farnarn Arseno Clouatro Farnatn Julius Kolly Horshey Elsie Peterjohn Horshey Walter Hackbarth Horshey Bertha HacKbarin iiorniioy Julia Wallace Wallace ' Opal It. 'olRor Wallace Tawrenco Pokraka Gralnton Paul Osier Wal aco Lylo OKlcr Wallace John Pokraka Gralnton Thelma Arndt Sutherland Warren McNoal irn,'n",3' Nolllo Wood Maxwell Ituby Holdemoss Maxwell Vivian HoldernoHS Maxwoll Ollvo Feosol Wallaco Virgil EdlnKton y,ftllaco Floyd Foasel X1!!1100 Oenovlevo Wood . Wallace Viola KuRler Moorof e d Pavld Thomas Moorof eld Vauirhn Hand Moorof old ITnrry Hoblm Moorof eld Martha Stephens Moorof old I, atha Kuglcr Moorof o d Jhn Thomas Moorof lolrt Vtrnon Thomas WaUaC8 Eva I.undvall Wallaco Fhvo Nelson Moorofleltl Erina Llerman Mooreflold Eitrl Amnion Sutherland Mr'lo Wyllo Sutherland Itoirt Selby Somerset Mr -ion Wolvorton Dickens Ev lyn Mlnnlck Dickens Vera Jolllff Dickens Cluster Baker Dickons MlM-od Flotchor Die cons Harold Creek Wa aco Myrtlo Purbaugh Wallace Howard Beos, Wal aco Clcone Eames Xftl!nC0 LouUFear Wal aco Jesse Spnncor Wallace Edward Funk Wa aco Olon Spencer Wallace Effln PurbauRh Wn aco HavllRh Eamos Wallaco Carl Smith ftlV10? Olive Hlblm Wi- f eet Lula Froytag Wollfleot OFFICERS OF HIGH SCHOOL CADET RAND HAVE RE EN APPOINTED During tho annual onenmpmont of tho High School Cadet .Band at Goth enburg Director Chas J,KMlllan np- I 1.hI..Im.I A 1. .. 1 ... I A . ,w,,,luu M,u "K miicura lor uio organization Tor tho coming school year: Elmer Ponse, captain! HnrrlBon Tout nml Fn' Yearsloy, first llou- . . ini.., t- ,i i t a., t second lleutonnnts; Donald Russell, first sergeant nnd Louts Broternltz, quartermaster sorgoant. Tho band now numbers fifty-four mombcrs. :o: ANOTHEK GOTHENIHIRG RUSINESS MAN RUTS RUSINESS HERE P. N. Edwall has purchased the meat shop at 820 X. Locust. Mr. Edwall has boon In tho meat business In Goth enburg for tho past fifteen years and comes to North Platto that he may branch out nnd onlargo his business opportunity. Mr. Simon Is preparing to move to California In tho near future and Is disposing of Ids ilnLcrcsts hero as rapidly as possible. In a con- vorsaton, Mr. Edwall told a Tribune roprosontatlvo that ho Is making ox- tonslvo Improvements nt tho slaughter houso near tho North river and that whon completed it will conform In every particular with tho standards of the state and national Inspection doT partmonts. Continuing he said, "North Platto Ib a good town and that Is tho roason I am putting my money In hero. I think wo will do a good business." The people of North Plntto appreciate such confidence and welcome such men as Mr. Edwall Into tho business llfo of this community. Ituby Gelken Ingham Vornlo Golken InRham Alvln CarBon Wollfloet Harry Sims Wollfloet Hazoi Welch North Platto Harvard Neu Wollfloot Gladys Bliss Brady Owen Van Nattu Mooreflold Bertha Hansen.... Curtis GaUo Cypher North Platte Ooral. rteflor.. ,,.... . North Platte 011114 Wntklns North Platto Sadlo Watklns North Platte Dorothy Orton North Platto Gcotro Wado Dlekens Anna Effenbcok North Platto Hazel Stearns North Platto MarRurct Blacsl.,., North Platto Martha Gasnoll North Platto Maerota Smith...... North Platto Harry .Anderson Gothenburg Howard TlnRloy GothenburR Paul Reynolds GothenburR Paul Andorson ,. GothenburR Mary Carskadon dothonburR Frnnk HuRhbanks Maxwoll Oscar Andorson IiiRham Minnie Callaham Maxwell Maria0 01sso,n?".".. .Maffil 1 Beatrice Smith Maxwell opn w. Miiuung ot Hnyos Center and KS GmhamV.V.'V.V.'. "Hi'" Burton was united liieanor i.oavitt North Platte Russell KlItiRC Maxwell I.ulu Wover Tryon Edrla Greeley North Platto Alice Baldwin Sutherland M. R, Parsons Brady Jessie Carroll Brndy Russell Atkinson Brady Enola Smith.. North riatto Ieta Kostorson Hershoy Howard Sllvls Horshoy Godfrey Pierce Horshoy Viola Fackler , Horshey Allco Melvln InRham Julia Bratten Brady Adrian Porter North TMatto Donald Faoka Dickens Walter Flobbo North Platto Susie CralR TnRham Harloy CralR InRham Orvillo Mull Wallaco Eruiria Saxtou Sutherland HiiRh Saxton Sutherland Arthur. Wilson Sutherland Forn AVIlson Sutherland Helen Ross Maxwoll Alva L. Houser Maxwoll Gus Leth North Platte Blanche CIourIj Wallaco Ethel ClouRh Wallnce Chester Garcoau North Plntto Vondla Carlson North Platto vorna iiarvny North Platto Harold E. Klrscli ... .North Platto Delbert Mallatte.... North fifitto Irrtie NVwtson North Platto narence u. Zimmerman ..North Platto Wilbur Rhodtis North Platte Tester Flotcher Dlokens Gladys Bowors Arnold Fredrick Mosmor. . . . North Platte Susie Ooodort Sutherland Wlllio Barry Suthorland Anna M. Swoenov.... Hnthnrlnnri David BovorldRO Suthorland Galvanized all sizes at 25 per Call and Nebraska Mill LINCOLN COUNTY TUX PROBLEMS EXPLAINED A SEHIES OF 'VIM ELY ARTICLES DEALING WITH CITY AND COUNTY. Tho Department ot Flnanco of tho stato ot Nebraska has Bent out somo figuros rognnling tho cities or Nobr. and tho taxes paid by tho residents of thoso cities. For comparison wo aro taking tho four citios having a largor population than North Platto nnd tho noxt four having n smaller population than North Platto. For each dollar paid by a taxpayer ot tho city ot North Platto, 35o is for tho oxponses ot tho city of North Platto. Part of this Is for runulng oxponses of tho water, sower, police, firo and other departments of the city and part Is for tho payment ot bonds and Inter est. In tho following tnblo tho fig uros show tho amounts paid in oach of tho citios given tho amount out of every dollar paid in taxes In thaV city: Omaha . zi Lincoln. 2C Hastings . . 25 Grand Island 37 ' North Platto . 35 Beatrice 33 Fromont . 31 Norfolk ,..T 3c .These figuros show that North Plntto la about on avorago city when compared with thoso nnmod above. Somo of tho smaller places show quite a variation as Superior 55 Wnyno ...r. 51 Auburn - r. ,.,t 47 . nnd Iluvelock 22 Aurora , .f' 22 1 ' University finfco'-.Lrf.:.8 ' -:o;- SOUTH LINCOLN COUNTY' HOJCE LOSES TWO DAUGHTERS AT ON UK double wedding took plnco on Juno 1 nt tho homo of H. II. Burton near Wollfleo): "Vhen two drtughtora wero married to two prosperous young farmers from other counties. MIs8 Clo B,,rlon yne rlo.a to Jos- to Wilfred L. Gllfry of Snyder, Colo. Rev, Pnul A. Shonk ot this city offi ciated. Following tho ceremony n luncheon was, sorvod to tho thirty or moro'c'oBo frlonds who wero prosent and at tho closo of tho evening tho young peoplo loft for thdlr now homos In Hayes Center and Snyder. :o:- LOWEST TE.HPERAURE WAS THIR TY FIVE WITH LIGHT FROST According to tho monthly woathor summnry for May Just issued by Weatherman Shilling, tho highest temperature during the month was 86 and tho lowest 3C. Tho avorago or mean was (10 which Is a little nbovo tho normal. The total precipitation was 2.53 Inches with more thnn half falling on tho ono day. Tho avorago for May during tho past 48 years Is 3.0G loavlng it deficiency ot .53 for May this year. Thoro woro 12 clonr days, 8 partly, cloudy and 11 cloudy. Thoro was a light frost but It did not do' any damago. Stock Tanks cent Off. see them at & Elevator Co.