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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1922)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE Hi Hi MR Hi Hi Hi HRi Hi Hi Hi Hi Bi Hi Hi Hi -Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Is r Til hSU. EL 64 Knock Out 9 SATURDAY JUNE 3 First ol interest to every man because of the exceptional value at the price; of interest to everv man because o the wide assortment of patterns, plenty of black and white, and all sizes, 14 to 17 1-2. Come down town tonight and see our A window display ol these remarkable val ues. An opportunity sale, co'ming just at the beginning of the summer when men need so many more shirts. Every shirt is well tailored and jjwill fit. Every shirt is last colorjjljandj will launder well. Dozens and Dozens of Shirts at J llfl Ml AND VALUES UP TO $8.50 $2.65 Second MENS S TRAW HAT; $3.00 Value, Saturday, only $1.95 fcl MM1 Third- ciose Out Entire Stock Boys' HI-GRADE Wash Suits VALUES UP TO $5.00, $165 !fi Hi Hi Hi w EH Hi SPECIALLY 1V1HTTBN FOR ItUKAL hi: A onus Using tho harrow freely In tlio corn flolriB at this Unit) Is one of tho hoBt, cheapest ami most offlclont wayB of cultivating corn. Froquont' harrowing at planting tlmo and -until tho corn Is sovoral Inches high will save later work with tho cultivator. An eastern Nebraska farnior who Is a great bo llovor In tho uso of- tho harrow, re cently stated that is was his plan i harrow corn until It was so tall that ho didn't daro to look hack when ho was harrowing or ho would want to stop. Experiments hnvo shown that keeping tho corn fields froo from wood3 is tho big roason for cultiva tion. At tho University of Nebraska Agricultural Collogo this was shown in a two year test on threo adjoining fields, tfio first of which rocolvcd clean cultivation, tho Bocond bolng scraped with a boo to keep down all wcods hut tho soli was not .stirred and the third was loft uncultivated. Tho avorago yields for tho two year's test woro: Clean cultivation, CO bu shols; scraped, 01 bushels, and un cultivated and woody, 11 bushols per acre. If threo cultivations cloan out tho weeds In good slmpo, later culti vations or pulling a mower wheel or somo other implcmont thru tho corn row Is not apt to increaso tho yield. Cultivation asido from killing woods Is of valuo In aoraUng tho soil, In put ting tho surfneo In Bhapo to catch pro clpltatlon and probably for other rea sons. Early cultivation with tho har row when tho ground can bo rapidly covered is recommended by tho Agri cultural Collogo. Tho tlmo for early hatching has passed. Tho pullets that aro to ma,ko' tho early winter layers aro olthor running about now or aro In an ad vanced Btago of Incubation. Pullots of largo stock must bo out by this tlmo If they nro to lay early. Pullets of Bmall, quick-maturing breeds may bo hatched a llttlo later but not much nftor May 1, for rcllablo early winter layers. To grow theso early chickens properly, and bring them along so that they will maturo and begin lay ing when thoy should Is tho Job of those who have been so fortutmto oa to got out all tho early chicks that they can handle. ' It Is llkoly that many peoplo havo not boon able to get out as many early chicks nfc thoy want Tlioro foro tho Agricultural Collogo urges that they continue to produco chicks as long as they havo room for them nnd can produco good ones. Theso lato spring hatched chicks aro not as dcsirablo as tho oarly ones. Theso lato hatched pullots lay qulto early, thoy aro not as a rule dopondablo c rly layers. But. whenovor thoro is a shortago of early pullots good lat ter pullota aro tho best substitute. Tho chances of getting good pullots from lato hatches nro not nearly as good as early hatches. So whorovor it is desirable to continue hatching into tho lato Bprlng ovory ofTort should bo mndo to hatch only good vigorous chicks. Tho effoct of summer condi tion on tho growth of chicks must also bo considered and hatching ad justed to avoid having chicles exposed to advorso conditions at tho tlmo of hatching or In tho earllor stages of growth. -:o:- Tho National Biscuit company gavo a demonstration at tho W. J. O'Con nor storo Saturday. Assorted cookies and crackers woro on display. The National Biscuit company Is tho only make of tho famous Nabisco. P. II. Hock, saloaman had chargo of tho display. EXTRA . , en's Pure Linen Collars 10c Eciclv v M E .......,.... J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t j.t :.t J.t J.t J.t J.t j.t j.: J.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t Jt THE JOY or 11 t HAYING A MODERN 8 t HAT11K00M j;l Moro Important than having j a motor car or a piano Is to havo Jit Jt a complotoly modern bathroom. j;t j.t You will enjoy your homo still 'j moro when It contains that 8 boautlful snowy whlto bathroom 8 3? oqulpmont such as you will boo j In our show room. 8 'ox can now arrango to havo 8 . una piumoing put in on mo j: jt r"r"'- j: ix divided payment plan. Ask ua about it. The Clothing House of Better Values. P. It. ZENTS, Plumbing and Heating. Phono 30Sj 8 J.t 8 Jt 8 ?t 007 Locust St. t Areola Hot Wator Heating Plants h Muollor Plpoloss Purnaco'fl. $ 8