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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1922)
J - n s If W:- ; i rtr it-? If-.- I 'A km THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE Want A CIS WANTED- Second hand typewriter, in good condition. Tribune office FOIl SALE Homo grown, late cnb . bago plants. Phono 920W. FOR SALE Ono ton Republic truck or will trade for light roadster or light truck. C. H. Overmoycr. LOCAL AND PERSOJVL Airs. 0. W. Stevens of Crook, Colo. Is visiting with friend's. Mrs. Frank Luwronco of Donver is visiting frlonds In tho city. Mrs. Clinton Patterson of Donvor isvlsltlng at tho C. S. Clinton homo. Mrs. Clydo Cook roturnod yoatorday her hone at Cedar Rapids, Iowa Mrs William Jerfers of Omaha Is -spending a few days at tho E. F. See bergcr homo. Miss "Winnie Gassucr of Chappol visited for a fow days at tho II. A. Brooks homo. J. .T. Stuart left Wednesday for Omaha to attend the Pensioners Con ventional! that city. Miss, Eyclyn Boldt returned Wed nesday morning from Gothenburg whero sho visited for several days. Mrs. Harry Trimble of Omaha is visiting at tho homo of Miss Anna O'Haro. Sho is enrouto to California. A trainload of California cherries passed through the city Wednesday enrouto to Sioux City and Sioux Falls. FOR RENT Clean nirv. nulot sloon Mr. and Mrs. John Cox will leave j Ing rooms; furnished or unfurnlsh tomorrow for Portland and Seattle od, undor now management ono block Where ihoy will visit for several east of the depot, 400 East Front St iweoks. Mrs. L. o. .Tnlmsnn .inuelitnr STRAYED From tho Wyman farm, CHOICE OF THE HOUSE SALE SATURDAY AwD MONDAY ONLY 3 o FOR SALE Well bred trail hound puppies. Mako fine rabbltt or coon dogs ?G.OO each. Phono 941W. FOR SALE Cabbago plants IGo, to mato plants 10c. L. I. Tucker 221 So. Chestnut Phono C98J. LOST Leather purse containing sil ver and keepsake jewelry. Roward. Phono 173 W. Mrs. E. R. York. Netah left Wednesday morning for west of town, one mouse-colored Oothnburg whero Nctah played dur- Jcnn' mul- branded "7Y" on right shoulder. Phono 11G2W. lng tho evening. iuiss uuiuys oiegai will jeavo uj- FOn oaLFJ RolinlnrnliJn Jn thn Ornnil morrow for Ogalalla to visit at the. , , , DuslnoBB collece. For nart- homc of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Olson lcuIars wrlto to Fremont j. wilson Box 31, Alliance, Nebraska. for several days. , Mr. and Mrs. William Booth accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Den; FOR RENT Desirable furnished left for Auduborn the first of tho room, for ono or two business gen week on a fishing trip. jtlomon, light, attractive, central, reas Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stoffregcn onable. 405 W. Fourth St. left Tuesday for Blue Hill, Nebraska to spend a few days visiting at the homo of Mrs. Stoffregen's parents. Roy and Albert Mason of Arispa, Iowa arrived In tho city to visit at thn homo" of their father J. S. Mason I,,. im vnW nt en.1 FOR SALE Two Shorthorn bulls. weeks I "0no two ycars old; ono threo years I old. Just right for- turning into a FOR RENT Improved irrigated ten acre track, adjoining Sutherland. F. C. Leach, care American Stato Bank, Sutherland. An entirely now model will soon be out in tho Dodge Brothers lino of cars it is called tho Business Coupe, and tho price Is a pleasant surprise. ABk us. J. V. Romigh Dealer. Miss Bessie Boyles left Tuesday for her homo at Cedar Rapids, iowa. Miss Boyles was the Domestic Science teacher in Junior High during the past year. Mrs. A. P. Kelly arrived homo yes terday morning from Boston, Mass. whoro sho has been spending soveral months wltfi her daughter, Esther who attonds school there. J. V. Romigh roports tho sale of Dodge Brothers touring cars to Paul Sawyer of Arthur, Geo. Stiff of Goth enburg, W. P. Brosman and Al. Mc- herd. Experiment Station, W. P. Suy dcr, Superintendent. FOR SALE OR TRADE High grade touring car, fine condition, new tires; sell cheap, tako small car or socured paper In exchango; bargain. O. H Thoolecko. HEMSTICHING AND PICTOING at tachment; fits all sewing machines. Price $2. Checks 10c extra. Lights Mail Order House, Box 127, Birming ham, Ala. WAjNTBD Position as housekeeper cither in clty or country, fabod cook. Ono girl can milk cows. Mrs. Fisher, Rodden rooming house. Room Vlcker of Cozad and Dodgo roadsters 27 to George Hansen and Roy Vogt. Tho Sioux Camp Fire hold its reg-1 FOR RENT Horso barn for 10 horses ular meeting last Friday. Plans were also one for 10 horses at old stock mado for tho big mass meeting to bo yards. Hay barn 40xS8 suitable for hold in tho basement of the Lutheran storago purposes. Bratt, Goodman & church this evening Buckley. r ares 1 inn -sr n m -fv -b-w. w f & sh m w m nr mm mv Forget the Auto this Year Round trip tourist fares from North Platte to vacation points in the west this summer via Union Pacific are the lowest in years: Look : Denver, Colo., and return (515.15 (Faro Donver to Estes Park, Rocky Moun tain National Park and return $10.50). Salt Lake City and return U 13.25 West Yellowstone, (Yellowstone Park) and return $11.00 Portland, and return- r$71.25 Seattle and Tacmua and return $72.00 San Francisco and return. $72.0(1 Santa Hnrbnra and return $72.0O Los AngclcH and return.. $72.00 San Dlcgo and return $72.00 Hpoknno and return $07.00 Virtoeiu nnd return $77.5 Vancouver and return $77.50 $90.00 for clrclo trip including Denver, Salt Lake, Los Angeles, San Francisco. Portland, TacomnSoattlo and back heme. iStdo trip to West Yellowstqno $9.45 extra. $44.00 for clrclo trip Including Denver, West Yellow stone, Salt Lake, Scenic Colorado and back homo. (A V2 day tour through Yollowstono Park including meals and lodging $54.00 if you stop at hotels! $45.00 If you stop at permanent camps.) Drop in anfl let's talk your trip ovor well In advance. Wo can glvo you full Information about faros and interest ing diverse routes (o use gblng and, returning. Wo afro have somo fine illustrated booklets descrlptlto of tho west freo. T. D. PYLE, Agent, North Platte, Nebr. UNION PACIFIC. eg C3 o in o in 00 to O O 33 Now For The Final Wind Up Our Choice of the House Sale For Two Days, Tomorrow, Saturday, and Monday Only In accordance with our modern policy not to carry over a single Garment bought for this season's selling, you are offered your unrestricted choice of any Spring Suit, Coat, Wrap, Cape or Silk Dress in the House, regardless of Cost or Former Selling Price, whether it is a $30, $40, $50, $60 or $75 Coat, Suit, Wrap or Dress, your choice Saturday and Monday only, $15.00 and $25.00. AND Choice of the House EVERY SALE FINAL NO EXCHANGES NO CHARGES NO APPROY&LS Ladies" Outfitting Store North Platte's Leading Woman's Store ! SEE WINDOW DIS PLAY AND YOU WILL SEE THE GREATEST VAL UES OF THE SEASON. Be on Hand Early Saturday Morning and Get Your Pick While the Picking is Good, Because Our &tock is Limited. WANTED A Salesman capable of calling on merchants, to head quarter in North Plattei man with car prefered. References required. Central States Secret Service Bureau, Dept. D. Lincoln, Nebraska. FOR SALE Household furnishings, rango heater, oil stove, tables, rc frlgprator, dresser, bods, wardrobe, buffet, davonport, set chairs, rockers, largo mirror, kitchen cabinet, grape juico at 409 Wcst'Urd. Phono GG1W. :o:- Plano tuning, Holley Music House. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS SHERIFF I am a candidate for tho Republican nomination for Sheriff of Lincoln county at tho primaries and will ap preciate your support. My years of botvIco are my best recommendation. A. J. Salisbury SHERIFF. I heroby announco myself a candi date for tho Democratic nomination for Sheriff of Lincoln county, sub. Ject to tho decision of the voters at the primaries on July 18th. L. L. Dortho. -:o:- CLEIIK I hereby announco myself a candi date for tho Democratic nomination for Clork of Lincoln county, subject to tho decision of tho votorti at tho Primaries on July 18th. H. S. Haskins -:o:'- SHERIFF I hereby announco mysolt a candl dato for tiro Republican nomination for Sheriff of Lincoln oounty, subject to tho decision of the voters at tho primaries on July 18. GEORGE W. RHODUS : :o: NOTICE OF PETITION Estate o?" Rhoda A. Edmlston do- ceased In tho County Conrt of Llncolv County, Nebraska Tho Stato ef Nebraska. To all per sons Interested In said Estato tako notlco that a petition has been filed for tho administration of wild estato and for tho appointmont of Edwin W. Wright as Administrator of said estate Which has been set for hearing herein on Juno 30, 1922 at 10 o'clook a. in. Dated Mar 29, 1922. WM. II. C. WDODHURST, Scil County Judgo. ''n" '' (Wh aan &dorothij Qish M Who Did She Love? sm TS: One lover was a noble fmM(W " V- aristocrat, young, most RfW)B jJi hat dsomc; her rescuer IMljhijitmm 4mViSPi ti and protector. AnoUxcr MMAnJufW mllm'''' waz a giant leader of wtftfjj the People, pock. IfK A ed, yet fiery, Earless MfflWl $ " 'A vf and eloquent. She vas IBr All' lii3 rescuer and prolec i tor, having saved him WW Si from spies of -the King, vESS rf-WW Each braved all for a QS$ "Ift'J I "t V W khs. The o O m o EC o Go era in m CO 3 C3 P3 w 12 Reels. Bigger than Way Down East. Special Music. At the Keith Theatre, 4-Days, March 3, 4, 5, 6. Commcencing Saturday, June 3. Matinee Sunday 10c and 30c. Evening 25c, 35c, 55c o o o SS3 cn O $3 EG O o