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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1922)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE CLINTON, THE JEWELER CLINTON & SON, The Eye Class Men Sign of The Big Ring Satisfaction Sure Try Us. Graduato Opticians DR. 0. II. CKESSLEIt (MtADUATK DENTIST Offlco over tho McDonald State Bank! LOCAL AND PERSONAL J. Connor of Omnhu visited frlondB in North Platto yesterday. Frank Lowe of Oslikosh transacted business In the city yesterday. Mrs. O. Carlson of Gothenburg shoppod In tlio city Wednesday. A good Watch for the. Boy's Grad uation, .Clinton & Son, Jowolora. Tho Travel and Study club will meet Monday with Mrs. E. It Goodman. II, Brooks of Lexington transacted business in North Platto. Wodncaday. Wondorful skirt values at $4.98 and $0.98 at Block's May Stock ltcduclng Sale. ' ' Mrs. D. Galo and Mrs Walter Gale of Gothenburg wore city visitors Wed nesday. Dixon Optical Co., glasses fitted. Mrs. A. D. MIddloton and sou of Gothenburg woro visitors in tho city yosterday. Misses Emily and Klslo Howes at tended tho Shrlnors convention In Hastings this week. ; .. Francis NorrJn returned Wednesday to Choyenno after .visiting' friends hero for three days-, W. V. Hoagland 16ft 'Xant evening for SIdnoy where ho wJlLtjransact. bus iness for several daya,x. Mrs. W. J. Stuart' loft last wool: for Denver whoro flhcyjs visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harris Stuart.. Dr. L. J. KKAUHEt'.Dcntlst, X-l(ay Dlat'iioslf.. McDonald Dank Building. Phono 07. Mrs. W. V. HoaGjund "ftttendod tho district convention of tho Ilobokah lodgo in Brady yestefjtayji , ( . ( . Miss Iyrtlo . Konprthy roturncd Wodnosday from Omaha whoro she spent a week visiting friends. Mrs. J. h. Dick wont fo Brady yes terday whoro sho attended tho Ilo bokah lodgo district convention. Mrs. Mario Mottln loft yesterday morning for Oberlin, Kans., whore she will visit friends for a wcok. Mr. Jind Mrs. Chester Bell left this week for Cedar Ranius,, la., whoro thoy will ma'ico tholr futuro homo. William Whttlock loft Wcdnosday or his homo at Fort Collins, Colo., after spending a wcok hero visiting frlond3. Byron Stogall returnod to Chicago Tuosdny after visiting his parents, Mr. ahd Mrs. Win. II. Stegall for threo wooks. W G. Richards, formerly of tho Malonoy otoro, has accoptcd a posi tion with a hardwaro company at Lar amie, Wyo, Thcodoro Totonhoffnnd son, Mol vin roturncd Wednesday to Choyenno, after visiting friends in Uio city for eovoral days. BOYS HELD DAY WAS HELD WEDNESDAY AT THE FAIR GROUNDS All tho schools of tho city wore dismissed at 1:45 Wednesday whon tho boys, headed by tho Cadet band, marched to tho Fair Grounds and held a track and field meet. Tho afternoon was directly managed by the boys' committees of tho Klwanls and Rotary clubs. Tho boys woro divided into three "classes nnd tho events with winners In each class were as fol lows: Glass A. 100 Yards Wilson, first; McGinloy, second. 220 Yards Rector, first; Bunnell, Bocond. 440 Yards Hastings, first; Simon, rooond. 880 Yarrds Stroup, first; Roberts, second. Mllo Houso, first; Roborts, second 220 Hurdles 'W. Snyder, first; A. Snyder, second. Shot Put Tost, first; Simon, bcc- ond. Polo Vault Bunnell, first; Loftus, oscond. High JumpWobcr, first; Loftus, second. Broad Jump Rector, first; Yost, second. Class It. 50 Itanls Lopack, first; R, Miller, second. 100 Yards Lcpaok, first.; R MUlor, Bocond. 220 Yards B. Snydor, first; Be Drost, second. 440 Yards Dean, first; Fltzpatrlck, second. s Illfth Jump Dean, first; Fltzpat rlck, second. . , i. Broad Jump Johnson, first; Wins low, fiocond. GO Yards Mricombor, Irilrst; ".Navl aux, second. ! 100 Yards Navlnux, first; Over man, second. 150 Ynrds Macommbor, first; Ovorman, Bocond. . High Jump Yost, first; Krlng, sec ond. j Broad Jump L. Wilson,, first; Sportfinum, second. j At a mooting nt tho Franklin audi torium tho Bamo evening Keith Novillo presonted medalB to tho Avlnnors In Class A and knives to tho winners in Class B nnd C. All second prizes Avero haversacks. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Little boy's wash Hats from GO contB to $1.00 nt Wilcox Dopartmont Store. Andy Wessberg spent several days in Omnha arriving homo last-ovcn- ing. Mrs. Louise Loan of Denver is In tho city visiting hor dnughtcr, Mrs. II Brooks. Howard Brown spont several dnys hero last week visiting his mother Mrs. Cora M. Brown. All spring suits, coats and silkj dresses at one-third to ono-flfth off nt Blocks, Stock Reducing sale. Tho Junior class of the Senior High Hchool will hold a party at Lamp laugh's tonight. All spring suits, coats and .silkH drosses at one-third to ono-flfth off at Blocks, Stock Reducing sale. Mrs. B. Blnnd will arrive Saturday from Lexington to Uiko chnrgo of tho MoVlckor Millinery Shop. Dixon Optical Co., testa oyes. Mrs. A. B. Goodwin arrived Tuos day from California to tlslt her sister, Mrs. Dorsoy Loypoldt Chris Sawyer and Ed Dixon re turned today from a two day fishing trip to tho Threo Mllo Lake. Miss Margaret Sullivan will arrive tomorrow from Grand Island to visit her sister, Mrs. Hernion Schleuter. Mrs. Fred O'Mara nnd daughter left yostorduy for Brady where they will visit Mrs. O'Mara's parents for sev eral wooks. Springs newest coats, wraps, capos suits and silk dresses at one-fifth to ono-thlrd off at Blocks May Reduc ing salo. m James Babbitt loft yesterday for (Lincoln whoro ho will, roUuporato frou a nervous breakdown nt tho Green Gables Sanltorium. jm - . 1 : Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Pay Day at the Sun. Don't wait till it goes to see Pay Day. Go, he is paying out overtime rates in Silvei Dollers in his latest Comedy. LEGION BASE BALL .. Following is tho schedule of games announced so far nnd tho results of games played to date by tho North Platto American Legion Base Ball club: April 23 Legion 2; Gothenburg 0. April 30, Legion 8, Maywood 1 May 7 Brady, there. May 10 Scot'tsbuff, .here. May 11, Scottibluff hero. May 14, Gothenburg hero May 21, Maywood, hero . May,28, Omaha, Seml.proresslonat team hero. .... -.'o: Rov. and Mrs. F. C. Koch returned this morning from a week's visit. In Missouri. Judgo Woodhurst Is reported to bo recovering nicely from tho opera, tlon which ho underwent somo time ago. FARM LOANS Come In and see me when In need of Farm Loans. At the prosont time I can mawko a few Farm Loans. T. O. SWENSON UNION STATE BANK NOTICE Anyono desiring to bo transforrefl from ,ono. school district to another for school purposes, should mako application to this offlco before tho annual meeting. Persons who havo been transferred but dosnot need tho transfer privilege any moro should notify this office to that effect. AILEEN G. COCHRAN. County Superintendent -:o:- For quick Bervice and fresh goods, cal 49G. Koontz Grocery. C. E. Empson of Ogalalla Is in North Platto attending court. Saturday Special! BARGAINS USED FORDS AND FORDSONS 1 Chassis $ 50.00 1 Touring'' G5.00 1 Touring with startor 28500 1 Fordson 190.00 1 FordBou 240.00 1 Fordson 2G0.00 HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO.. Phono 34 North Platto, Neb 2i Safeguarding Idle Money! You nro taking a chnuco of loss when you keep cash on hand with which to pny bills. Dopostt this mon ey in a chocking account hero and pay bills by chock. Evory chock you wrlto is a legal rocolpt for tho monoy paid out as Uio person receiving it must ondorso bo foro cashing. Wo wolcdmo shocking accounts both from firms and IndlvldnulB and pledgo friendly, willing Borvice always! The Platte Valley State Bank CV . L. Sr S. Crocetcria. AH with flower supplied. (Miles, (owns and conn- . (ry-sldo "T The flowers that bloom & In tho country nnd In Ufa tho bothouso can be r made to fcol at homo In your own homo and we'll teach you free of expense how to care for them. THE NORTH PLATTE m r LORAL CO. Jr ROWERS AND PLANTS K WE AREAS NEAR TO YOU AS YOUR PHONP PHONE 1023 I FOR Choice lot of young Rod Poll bullB at farmors prices at PAYNE'S DAIRY FARM South Dewey Stroot Is your wlfo lonesome whllo you are away? Send hor Tho Trlbuno. Mens Packer Grain SCOUT SHOES Genuine-grain leather inner sole genuine oak soles or kromelk soles. Special price per pair Sixes 6 to 12 Mens guaranteed fast color seam- less HOSE 15c A PAIR 6 Pairs for 75c Colors black, blue, cordovan, grey. n The Littlo Store With Bis Values. Corner Front and Dewey SPECIAL FEATURES WMTTEN IN COMBINATION WITH STAND A1U) LIFE POLICIES Non-Cancollablo Accident nnd Health Insurance. Doublo Indemnity Provisions. Disability Incomo Clause. Specific Dismemberment Provisions. Monthly Llfo Incomo Provisions. Puro nnd Installment Incomo' Endowment Provisions. Premium Waiver Clause. -Post Mortom Dividends. Full Participation In all Surplus. Automatlo Non-forfolturo Clause Insurance that Insuros Protection that Protects Fidelity Reserve Company Homo Office Fourth nnd Locust Streets, North Platto, Nob. Saturday Specials Picnic Hams, per pound .17 (3 packages Comet Rice .25 3 packages dried Sweet Corn - ' .25 Bushel Apples, (none rotten) 1 1.75 2 heads Lettuce .15 1 can Corn ' t jq 2 cans Peas : 05 1 pound split White Beans .15 3 No. 2 cans Blackberries .59 2 packages Dates , :r ' .25 33 bars Laundry Soap j.oo Fresh Vegetables and Strawberries A few Early Ohio Seed Potatoes left Try a bushel of our Table Potatoes at $1.25, they nro dandies. McMICHAEL GROCERY PHONE 441 Xovl Insured with. ;fvv s a . n lv The Nebraska farmers suffered losses from rJul ' storms last year of more than $1,507,000.00. 1 Have you overlooked the fact that the season is at hand when your young crop should be pro tected by hail storm insurance? When you take out your hail storm insurance, insist that it be written in a Nebraska Insurance Company. Keep your money in Nebraska, by patronizing only Nebraska Institutions. Our facilities for settling clnitrs nnd making adjustments, mnlre it advisable for you to do business through our com pany, owing to the fact that we are right here on the ground. Omaha Liberty Fire Insurance Co. Fire Wind Hail Lightning Keep your money at home. Insure with a Nebraska Com pany through your local agent: Roy Rice, Maxwell, Nebr., Phone 4 Mi ' - i. t i v w9R